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Seed Technology - Trad2 (1-5)

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What is Seed?


Seed is a mature integumented megasporangium or mature ovule consisting of

embryonic plants together whit store food material covered by a protective coat
(mega sporangium i.e. female gametophyte –the pistils are the female reproductive
organs called megasporophylly in the flowering plants) the ovary of the carpel
contains ovules (megasprorangia)

Definition of Seed technology:

Cowan (1973):

Defined as “That discipline of study having to do with seed production,

maintenance, quantity and preservation

Feistritzer (1975):

Defined seed technology as the method through which the genetic and physical
characteristic of seeds could be improved.

It involves such activities as variety development, evaluation and release seed

production, seed processing, seed storage, seed testing, seed certification, seed
quality control, seed marketing etc.

Difference between Seed and Grain

The difference between seed and grain is given as below:

Sr.No Seed Grain

Any plant part used for
propagation is seed. It includes
seeds category , rhizome , grafts It is final produce of grain crops
1 etc. used for consumption.
Can be treated with fungicide, Not treated with fungicide and
pesticide. Pesticide.
3 Embryo is important. Endosperm is important.
4 Viability is important. Viability never considers.
5 Genetic purity must. Genetic purity not necessary
5 Genetic purity must. Genetic purity not necessary
Comes under preview of seed
6 Comes under preview of food acts.

Meaning of Seed and Its Importance


Any plant part used for raising the crop is seed. Seed include true seed seedling
cutting, rhizome, grafts, roots etc used for Propagation.
Botanically seed is matured integument mega sporangium. Seed is also defined as
matured ovule consisting or embryonic together with store of food surrounded by
protective coat.

Importance of Seed in Crop Production:

Seed is crucial and basic input to increase crop yields per unit area. The importance
of seed in crop production is known to human being since Vedic period. There is
clear mention in ancient literature yajarveda “May the seed viable,may the rains
plentiful and may the grains ripe days and nights”

History of agriculture progress from early days is also the history of seed of new
crops and varieties. The progress was very fast from last three decades. The green
revolution was only possible with production of generally pure seeds possessing
other qualities namely high generation, high vigours high physical purity and sound
health. Hence green revolution is in fact seed revolution.

Only seeds of assured quality can be expected to respond to fertilizer and other
inputs in expected manner, otherwise see of hope may turn into seed of frustration.

Among the inputs used by farmers seed in the cheapest input. It is basic inputs and
forms small part of the total cost of cultivation. The good seed also increase the
efficiency of the factor of crop production.

Concept of Seed Technology

Seed is biological industry. Being seminal importance to agriculture seed is strictly

speaking an “Embryo“ a living organism embedded in supporting food storage
tissue. The business of seed technology is to protect this biological entity and look
after its welfare.

Good agricultural depend upon good quality seed. The progress in agriculture
depends upon production and marketing of good quality seed of high yielding
varieties. The science, seed technology takes care of all these aspects.

Seed Technology:

Seed technology is the science dealing with the methods of improving physical and
genetical characteristics of seed. It involves such activities as variety development,
evolution and release of varieties, seed production, seed processing, seed
certification and storage. Thus seed technology is interdisciplinary science which
includes broad range of subjects. It also includes seed quality control, seed
marketing, seed distribution and research on above aspects of seed.

Seed Technology includes following Branches.

1) Seed Production
2) Seed Processing
3) Seed Certification
4) Seed Testing
5) Seed Biology
6) Seed Storage
7) Seed Entomology
8) Seed Pathology
9) Seed Marketing.

Role and Goal of Seed Technology in Crop Production

Role of Seed Technology:

Feistritzer (1975) outlined the few roles of improved seed.

1. Seed – a carrier of new technologies.

2. Seed – a basic tool for secured food supply.
3. Seed – The principle means to secure crop yields in less favorable production
4. Seed – a medium for rapid rehabilitation of agriculture in case of natural

1. A carrier of new technologies:

The introduced of quality seed of new verities and combined with other inputs
significantly increased yield level e.g. in cereals, yield increased up to 112%, in
potato – 24% & sugar beet - 142% in U. S. A. & central Europe.

In India the cultivation of high yielding verities have helped to increase food
production from 52 million tones (1947) to nearly 200 million tones in 2000-2001

2. A basic tool for secured food supply:

The successful implementation of the high yield verities programme in India has led
to a remarkable increase the production.

As a result, food imports from other countries have been substantially brought
down in spite of the rapid population increase.

3. The principle means to secure crop yield in less favorable area of


The supply of good quality seed of improved verities, suitable to these areas is one
of the crops. Immediate contribution that seed technology can make to secure
higher crop yield

Goals of Seed Technology:

The measure role of seed technology is to increase agriculture production through

the spread of good quality seed of high yielding verities.

1. Rapid Multiplication:
Increase in agricultural production through quickest spread of new verities
developed (released) by the plant breeders.

2. Timely supply:

The improve seeds of new verities must be made available well in time, so that
farmer is planned planting schedule (or showing time) without disturbed. They are
able used good seed for planning (sowing) purpose

3. Assured high quality of seeds:

Is necessary to obtain the expected dividends from the use of sees of improved

4. Reasonable price:

The cost of high quality seed should be within reach of the average farmer.

Seed Dormancy


Non – germination of seeds due to absence of suitable conditions is termed as



A physical or physiological condition of viable seed, which prevents germination

even in the presence of favorable conditions

The seed dormancy is divided in to three groups

1. Endogenous
2. Exogenous
3. Combined

Cause of seed dormancy/ factor responsible for seed dormancy

Genetical factor / cause:

1. Physiological
2. Embryo dormancy
3. Undeveloped cotyledon
4. Immature embryo

Coat imposed dormancy:

1. Seed coat factor:

a. Seed coat impermeable to water – i.e. water does not entered into seed coat
b. Seed coat impermeable to oxygen (0 is not entered in seed coat)
c. Mechanically resistant seed coat.
2. Embryo factor:

1. Dormant embryo
2. Immature/ Rudimentary embryo

3. Inhibitory factors:

Presence of germination Inhibitors in seeds i.e. presence of inhibitors or release of


Methods of Breaking Seed Dormancy

Various methods have been used by seed scientist and technologists to break the
dormancy of seed.

Simple and widely used methods are

A. Scarification:

Any treatment i.e. physical or chemical that weakness the seed coat, is known as

Scarification method is applied, when dormancy is imposed by hard seen coat e. g.

in legumes- cajanus cajan, (tur), gram etc.

In this method there are various way to break hard seed coat such as:

1. Seeds are either rubbed on a sand paper manually. At the time of rubbing
care should be taken that not to damage the axis of the seed e.g. Green
gram & subabool.
2. When seed coat is too hard i.e. of woody nature, the seed coat has to be
removing completely by breaking it. E.g. Rubber (Havea app) seed India
teak wood seed.
3. Soaking treatment: Soaking hard seed coat in concentrated or diluted
solution of sulphuric acid for 1 to 60 minutes, it remove seed coat
impermeability. E. g. cotton seeds, India teak wood seeds etc.

B. Temperature Treatments:

1. When the dormancy is due to embryo factor i.e. the seed is incubating at
low temp. (0- 5o C) over a substratum for 3 to 10 days placing it at
optimum temp. Required for germination. E.g. mustard. – (Brassica
2. Some seeds required a brief period of incubation (from a few hours to one to
five days) at 40 to 50 oC before germinating at required temp. ( in this
method care should be taken that moisture content of the seed is not more
than 15% e.g. paddy (Oryza Sativa)
3. Hot water treatment is also an effective method of breaking hard- seed ness
in legumes. In this method the seeds are soaked in water at 80oC temp. For
1 – 5 minutes (depending up on the type of seed) before putting for

C. Light Treatments:

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