Hard Copy Research
Hard Copy Research
Hard Copy Research
Laceda,Carla Mhay D.
Cruz,Jv Francine
March 2019
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
Social media is a digital platform or computer-based. Social media is found in the via-
computer, smart phone, via web-based software, or web application that many users are using for
everyday living. The report said there are now 4.021 billion internet users worldwide as of
January 2018 or more than half of the global population(53%).More than half of the internet
users(42%)where around 3.2 billion are active on social media with 9 and 10 of those accessing
their chosen platform. Nearly a million people began using social media for the first everyday
last year equivalent to more than 11 new users per seconds since January 2017,the number of
internet users has grow by 248 million or 7%,the highest of which was in Africa at 20% mobile
phones, particularly smart phones have become the go-to device for accessing the internet with a
52% share of the population followed by laptops and desktops at 43%.facebook continues to
dominate the internet as the top social media platform with over 2.17 billion users followed by
YouTube with 1.5 billion users, and messaging services what app and FB messenger with 1.3
billion users each. So the Philippines is one of the worlds of social media user (ABS-CBN,
To be specific, people in Cabuyao is most into social websites like Google, Facebook,
Youtube, Instagram, etc. the websites that they mostly use or commonly use is Google, they use
it for searching updates but mostly they use it to gather information or they use it to learn new
things by searching it and they will see what they’re looking for. Another websites that they
commonly use is Facebook, the use of this websites is to communicate more easily in your
family, friends, relatives, costumer, and meet new people. Facebook nowadays is use for selling
items by simply posting the pictures and placing prices on each item you have posted. The last
websites they commonly use is YouTube, they use it to watch music videos, comedy shows, how
to guides, recipes, hacks and more. Teenagers use it to share video, to follow their favorite
vlogger or they can use it to be a vlogger, and they can use it to be updated to their favorite
celebrities or singers and dancers. In short they use it for entertainment and providing easier
things that can be done anywhere.
To be really specific, in GNHS (Gulod National High School) they use social media for
online games, commonly mobile legends, basically they used to connect with friends but by
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
playing and working together to guard what they call towers and they use it to enjoy. In short
social media is used to find new things and to know new people through it. Despite those
benefits, playing these games also bring negative effects. It requires much of the player's time,
The goal of this research is to determine the impact of social media on the study habits
among selected Grade 10 of Gulod NHS.
Chapter 2
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
In this chapter the related studies and literature is presented
Foreign Studies
A new study from the university at Albany reveals a complex answer regarding mobile phone school
policies in China: Chinese teachers and parents are rooted in their belief that phones are learning disruption, while
students see them as support for their school-related work. Adults and children do agree, however that mobile
devices should be banned during classes and exams (ALBANY, N.Y. 2016); some of the studies done on
social media addiction demonstrate that rates of anxiety and depression in adolescents are higher
than ever, and that social media could be contributing to this phenomenon. “Large-scale
empirical work… suggests associations between times spent on social media and increased
symptoms of depression and anxiety and decline in subjective well-being” (Primack et al., 2016).
In addition to this, another study focuses on the negative impact of social media usage across
multiple platforms, contributing the term media multitasking and explaining that “the frequency
of [social media usage] exposes users to multi-tasking, either when switching between different
social media platforms, or between social media and other daily activities, thus leading to
depressive symptoms. Media multitasking has been associated with negative health outcomes”
(Shensa et al., 2017). Andreassen, C.S., Pallesen, S., Griffiths, M.D. (2017). The relationship
between excessive online social networking, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large
national survey. Addictive Behaviors, 64, 287-293. Social media has become an increasingly
popular leisure activity over the last decade. Although most people's social media use is non-
problematic, a small number of users appear to engage in social media excessively and/or
compulsively. The main objective of this study was to examine the associations between
addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem. Chotpitayasunondh, V., & Douglas,
K. M. (2016). How “phubbing” becomes the norm: The antecedents and consequences of
snubbing via smartphone. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 9-18. Smartphones allow people to
connect with others from almost anywhere at any time. However, there is growing concern that
smartphones may actually sometimes detract, rather than complement, social interactions. The
term “phubbing” represents the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by concentrating on
one’s phone instead of talking to the person directly. The current study was designed to examine
some of the psychological antecedents and consequences of phubbing behavior. Kuss, D.J. &
Griffiths, M.D. (2017). Social networking sites and addiction: Ten lessons learned. International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 311; doi:10.3390/ijerph14030311.
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
Online social networking sites (SNSs) have gained increasing popularity in the last decade, with
individuals engaging in SNSs to connect with others who share similar interests. The perceived
need to be online may result in compulsive use of SNSs, which in extreme cases may result in
symptoms and consequences traditionally associated with substance-related addictions. Pontes,
H.M., Kuss, D.J. & Griffiths, M.D. (2015). The clinical psychology of Internet addiction: A
review of its conceptualization, prevalence, neuronal processes, and implications for
treatment. Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics, 4, 11-23. Research into Internet addiction (IA)
has grown rapidly over the last decade. The topic has generated a great deal of debate,
particularly in relation to how IA can be defined conceptually as well as the many
methodological limitations. The present review aims to further elaborate and clarify issues that
are relevant to IA research in a number of areas including: definition and characterization,
incidence and prevalence rates, associated neuronal processes, and implications for treatment,
prevention, and patient-specific considerations. It is concluded that there is no consensual
definition for IA. A study of social media usage on college campuses—specifically with the
anonymous YikYak platform—found that anonymous postings reported a notable amount of
offensive or inflammatory posts (Black, Mezzina & Thompson, 2016). Isolation factor. While
social media can work in some ways to facilitate face-to-face interactions, text-based platforms
and communities can be more isolating to users. A recent study acknowledges that younger
generations “seem to prefer isolation and they seem to be in their own imaginary world rather
than [with] real life friends and… family” (Subramanian, 2017).
Foreign Literature
According to Olutola, et al. (2016) used students study habit as the dependent variable.
He stated that there is significant relationship between students level of use of social media
and study habits. Thus students level of use of social media is positively related to
study habit. This means that the more the use of social media by the students, the
better is students study habits. His independent variable is social media utilization. He
used frequency questionnaire to know which social media is more used frequently by the
students. Kumbar (2016) in his paper entitled Impact of Mobile Communication and Social
Media on Socio-Political Life in Indian context published in Indian Streams Research Journal ,
stated that, communication is one of the integral parts of science that has always been a focus
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
point for exchanging information among parties at locations physically apart. After its discovery,
telephones have replaced the telegrams and letters. Similarly, the term `mobile' has completely
revolutionized the communication by opening up innovative applications that are limited to one's
imagination. Instead of device usage, the criteria would evolve to reflect 18 social media
networking sites and applications, whether accessed on a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Another look at this form of addiction identifies that the symptoms include “neglecting
personal/work life, preoccupation, mood alteration, withdraw, inability to cut down and relapse”
(Tang & Koh, 2016). Kavitha and Prabhu (2016) write on Impact of Social Networking Sites on
Generation Z in International Journal of Scientific Research . Social media plays a vital role in
marketing fields such as advertising, that help business organizations to introduce products and
services, and to interact and communicate with Generation Z in the global market. According to
Dungrechiya (2016) as stated in his paper The Importance of ICT in Education and ITS Growth
and Development in 44 published in , it is clear from various studies that use of ICT in education
is increasing very rapidly in whole India. Within a very short time ICT (information and
communication technology) has become, one of the basic needs of modern society. Today ICT is
playing a major role in formal and non-formal forms of education. Long-term anxiety. There is a
clear theme existent in recent papers and studies about social media, the Internet, and their
influence. Social media and its relationship to anxiety is one of the most interesting phenomena
that occurs. Like discussed with motivational frameworks, social media is commonly used as a
coping skill to deal with stress, yet it ends up creating more anxiety in the future. Psychological
disruption has been observed with the employment of social media as a negative coping skill
(Sriwalai & Charoensukmongkol, 2015). Disruptions. As established before, social media is
often used as a distraction. With many desk jobs requiring workers to sit at a desk behind a
computer all day, social media is an enticing distraction from the tedious workday pattern.
Research done by the Pew Research Center shows that workers most frequently use social media
during work hours to “take a mental break from work” and “connect with friends and family at
work”, while lower rates of workers use social media for professional development (Olmstead,
Lampe & Ellison, 2016).
Local Literature
According to Jhasper Managyo (2017) stated that, Filipinos are using their mobile phones not
only to communicate but also as mobile computers as well, according to a recent market study issued. TNS, a
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
global customized research company, said in its report that Filipino consumers are not must using cell phones to
call and texting messages and photos, but also as a means to have internet on-the-go, allowing
users to be always online.
The chapter elucidates the research methods and procedures that were used in the
study. All of these were needed for the development of the study. The data gathered were
Research Design
The researchers use the descriptive method of the research study. The researcher made a
questionnaire and has been validated by the teachers. The questionnaire composed of two
parts; the demographic profile and the impact of social media usage.
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
This table shows the demographic profile of the respondents of the students of Gulod
No. of Age Gender
Male Female
8 14-16 7 1
1 17-20 1
Q1. Receives an indicator of strongly agree, therefore the result of this question implies that
social media is helpful in their home works.
Q2. Receives an indicator of strongly agree, therefore the result of this question implies that
social media is providing answer on their home works.
Q3. Receives an indicator of agree, therefore result of this question implies that social media is
help them in gathering information rather than using it on chatting.
Q4. Receives an indicator of agree, therefore result of this question implies that they use social
media rather than books.
Q5. Receives an indicator of agree, therefore result of this question implies that they use social
media for gathering information.
According to Olutola, et al. (2016) used students study habit as the dependent variable. He stated
that there is significant relationship between students level of use of social media and study
habits. Thus students level of use of social media is positively related to study
habit. This means that the more the use of social media by the students, the better is
students study habits. His independent variable is social media utilization. He used
frequency questionnaire to know which social media is more used frequently by the students.
Table 3: The Impact of social media on the study habits among selected Grade 10 students
of Gulod national high school
The Impact of Social Media on students study SA A SD D
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1. My study habit is affected because of 4 4 1 0
social media.
2. I can’t focused on my home works 2 1 3 3
because of social media.
3. I choose to browse social media rather 2 4 1 3
than doing my home works.
4. I am comfortable to use social media on 3 4 2 0
my study habit.
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
5. I can’t do my home works because of 1 2 2 4
social media.
Q1. Receives an indicator of strongly agree. It implies that the study habit is affected because of
social media.
Q2. Receives an indicator of disagree. It implies that their focused on my home works because of
social media.
Q3. Receives an indicator of agree. It implies that they choose to browse social media rather than
Q4. Receives an indicator of agree. It implies that they are comfortable to use social media on
my study habit.
Q5. Receives an indicator of disagree . It implies that they can’t do their home works because of
social media.
According to (Olmstead, Lampe & Ellison, 2016).Disruptions. As established before, social media is
often used as a distraction. With many desk jobs requiring workers to sit at a desk behind a
computer all day, social media is an enticing distraction from the tedious workday pattern.
Research done by the Pew Research Center shows that workers most frequently use social media
during work hours to “take a mental break from work” and “connect with friends and family at
work”, while lower rates of workers use social media for professional development.
1. Males are more addicted on social media. 3 0 3 3
2. Females are more addicted on social 6 2 0 1
3. Males spend too much time on social 3 4 0 2
4. Females spend too much time on social 2 4 3 0
5. Males can’t focus on their study because 2 5 0 2
of social media.
6. Females can’t focus on their study 4 2 2 1
because of social media.
7. Males are more comfortable of using 4 4 1 0
social media on answering their home
8. Females are more comfortable of using 2 5 1 1
social media on answering their home
9. Males are more intelligent of using social 5 3 1 0
media on gathering information.
10. Females are more intelligent of using 0 5 3 1
social media on gathering information.
Q1 and Q2 receives an indicator of strongly agree. It implies that males and females are more
Q3 and Q4 receives an indicator of agree. It implies that males and females spend too much time
on social media.
Gulod National High School
Brgy. Gulod Purok 4 City of Cabuyao Laguna
Q5 and Q6 receives an indicator of agree. It implies that males and females can’t focus on their
Q7 and Q8 receives an indicator of agree. It implies that males and females can’t focus on their
Q9 and Q10 receives an indicator of strongly agree. It implies that males and females are more
In addition to this, another study focuses on the negative impact of social media usage across
multiple platforms, contributing the term media multitasking and explaining that “the frequency
of [social media usage] exposes users to multi-tasking, either when switching between different
social media platforms, or between social media and other daily activities, thus leading to
depressive symptoms. Media multitasking has been associated with negative health outcomes”
(Shensa et al., 2017).