Relay and High Voltage Laboratory 15eel77 PDF
Relay and High Voltage Laboratory 15eel77 PDF
Relay and High Voltage Laboratory 15eel77 PDF
Development of academically excellent, culturally vibrant, socially responsible
and globally competent human resources.
To keep pace with advancements in knowledge and make the students competitive
and capable at the global level.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design / Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO12: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PEO2: To make students continuously acquire, enhance their technical and socio-
economic skills and also to be globally competent.
PEO3: To impart the experience of research and development to students so that they
develop abilities in offering solutions to relevant diverse career path.
PEO4: To produce quality engineers with a team leading capabilities, also show good
coordination to contribute towards real time application of projects
PSO2: Developing algorithms for logical and automated systems under various
Engineering and Non-Engineering disciplines.
PSO4: Lifelong learning and to take part in team work, communicate effectively while
executing the projects under various schemes.
Relay and High Voltage Laboratory
Course Objective:
To conduct experiments to verify the characteristics of over current, over voltage, under
voltage relays both electromagnetic and static type.
To conduct experiments to study the spark over characteristics for both uniform and non-
uniform configurations using High AC and DC voltages.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
1. Experimentally verify the characteristics of over current, over voltage, under voltage and
negative sequence relays.
4. Analyze the spark over characteristics for both uniform and non-uniform configurations
using High AC and DC voltages.
6. Draw electric field and measure the capacitance of different electrode configuration
Relay and High Voltage Laboratory
Subject Code : 15EEL77 I.A. Marks : 20
Number of Practical Hours/Week : 03 Exam Hours : 03
Total Number of Practical Hours : 42 Exam Marks : 80
Credits - 02
Text Book:
1. Department Relay And High Voltage Laboratory Manual
2. High Voltage Engineering, M.S.Naidu and Kamaraju- 4th Edition, THM, 2008.
3. High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, E.Kuffel and W.S. Zaengl, 2nd Edition,
Elsevier Press, 2005.
4. High-Voltage Test and Measuring Techniques Wolfgang Hauschild, Eberhard
Lemke, Springer, 1st Edition 2014
5. Switchgear & Protection Sunil S.Rao, Khanna Publishers, 13th Edition, 2008.
6. Power System Protection & Switchgear, Badriram & Viswa Kharma, TMH, 1st
edition, 2001.
Reference Books:
1. High Voltage Engineering Theory and Practice, Mazen Abdel-Salam, Hussein Anis,
Ahdab El-Morshedy, Roshdy Radwan, 2nd Edn (Revised & Expanded) Marcel-
Dekker Publishers (Special Indian Edn.).
Experiment on over current relay
(a)Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) Non-Directional Characteristics PO1, PO2,
1 (b) Directional Features
PO9, PO10
(c) IDMT Directional
PO1, PO2,
2 IDMT characteristics of over voltage relay (electromechanical type). CO1
PO9, PO10
3 PO1, PO2,
Operation of Negative sequence relay CO1
PO9, PO10
PO1, PO2,
4 Operating characteristics of microprocessor based (numeric) over –current relay CO2
PO9, PO10
Operating characteristics of microprocessor based (numeric) over/under voltage PO1, PO2,
5 CO2
relay. PO9, PO10
PO1, PO2,
6 Generator protection –Merz-Price- protection scheme CO3
PO9, PO10
PO1, PO2,
7 Motor Protection against Faults CO3
PO9, PO10
Spark Over Characteristics of Air subjected to High Voltage AC with Spark Voltage PO1, PO2,
8 Corrected to Standard Temperature and Pressure for Uniform and Non-uniform CO4 PO8, PO9,
configurations: Sphere – Sphere, Point –Plane, Point – Point and Plane – Plane PO10
PO1, PO2,
9 Spark over characteristics of air subjected to High voltage DC CO4 PO8, PO9,
PO1, PO2,
10 Measurement of HVAC and HVDC using standard spheres. CO5 PO8, PO9,
PO1, PO2,
11 Measurement of Breakdown Strength of Transformer Oil CO5 PO8, PO9,
Field Mapping using Electrolytic Tank for any one of the following Models: Cable/ PO1, PO2,
12 CO6
Capacitor/ Transmission Line/ Sphere Gap PO9, PO10
Relay and High Voltage Laboratory [15EEL77]
This subject requires prerequisite of High voltage Engineering, Power System Protection, Power
System Analysis System
Spark Over Characteristics of Air Insulation Subjected To High Voltage
1 AC with Spark Over Voltage Corrected To STP for uniform and non- 1-7
uniform field configuration
2 Spark Over Characteristics of Air Insulation Subjected To High Voltage 8-18
Measurement of HVAC Using Standard Spheres 19-23
Measurement of HVDC using standard spheres 24-28
Semester: 7th
Experiment No 1
Spark over characteristics of air insulation subjected to High Voltage AC, with spark
over voltage corrected to Standard Temperature and Pressure for uniform and non-
uniform field configuration
AIM: To study the air breakdown characteristics with spark voltage corrected to standard
temperature and pressure for uniform and non-uniform configurations (Sphere – Sphere, Point –
Plane, Point – Point and Plane – Plane) under High AC voltages.
Equipment required:
2. Electrode used:
I.Plane – Plane
II.Point - Point
III.Point - Plane
IV.Sphere -Sphere
Circuit Diagrams
3. One electrode is connected to high tension terminal and the other is grounded.
4. Main switch is closed, Press MAINS ON push button and HT ON push button in the
control panel
5. The voltage is increased by varying auto transformer slowly and steadily until the
breakdown occurs, observe the AC voltmeter reading.
6. When gap breakdown, the circuit breaker is tripped automatically and sample failed
indicator will glow.
7. Press the MEMORY push button and note down the break down voltage.
8. The experiment is repeated for number of trails until constant breakdown voltage is
obtained between each flashover.
9. The experiment is repeated for various gap lengths say 15mm, 20mm, 25mm and
30mm etc.
10. The following precaution is taken while changing the gap distance of the electrodes.
Bring back auto transformer to zero and press MAINS OFF in the control
Switch off the power supply.
Ground the high voltage terminals by means of grounding rod and minimum
time is allowed for the deionization of the gap.
11. Plot the graph for all the cases (Electrodes spacing (Gap distance) v/s spark over
Tabular Column:
Spark over
voltage in kV Average Average
Electrode RMS at RTP Spark over voltage Spark over voltage
spacing Average in kV peak at Room in kV peak at Standard
No Number of trials
in cm Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure
1 2 3
Spark over
voltage in kV Average Average
Electrode RMS at RTP Spark over voltage Spark over voltage
spacing Average in kV peak at Room in kV peak at Standard
No Number of trials
in cm Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure
1 2 3
Spark over
voltage in kV Average Average
Electrode RMS at RTP Spark over voltage Spark over voltage
spacing Average in kV peak at Room in kV peak at Standard
No Number of trials
in cm Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure
1 2 3
Spark over
voltage in kV Average Average
Electrode RMS at RTP Spark over voltage Spark over voltage
spacing Average in kV peak at Room in kV peak at Standard
No Number of trials
in cm Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure
1 2 3
Correction factor for absolute humidity (H) = _________ (Obtained from the standard graph)
Corrected spark over voltage to peak at STP = Net correction factor * Average spark over
voltage in kV peak at RTP = ___________________
Analyze the spark over characteristics for both uniform and non-uniform configurations
under High AC voltages.
Experiment No 2
Spark Over Characteristics of Air subjected to High voltage DC.
AIM: To study the air breakdown characteristics subjected to High Voltage DC for positive
and negative polarity.
Equipment required:
Circuit Diagrams
3. One electrode is connected to high tension terminal and the other is grounded.
4. DC rectifier is adjusted for desired polarity. The polarity which on the control panel
and the rectifier unit is also seek for the same polarity
5. Main switch is closed, Press MAINS ON push button and HT ON push button in the
control panel
6. The voltage is increased by varying autotransformer slowly and steadily until the
breakdown occurs, observe the DC voltmeter reading.
7. When gap breakdown, the circuit breaker is tripped automatically and sample failed
indicator will glow, note down the break down voltage instantly.
8. The experiment is repeated for number of trails until constant breakdown voltage is
obtained between each flashover.
9. The experiment is repeated for various gap lengths say 15mm, 20mm, 25mm and
30mm etc.
10. The following precaution is taken while reversing the Diode position and changing
the gap distance of the electrodes.
Bring back auto transformer to zero and press MAINS OFF in the control
Switch off the power supply.
Ground the high voltage terminals by means of grounding rod and minimum
time is allowed for the deionization of the gap
11. Plot the graph for all the cases (Electrodes spacing (Gap distance) v/s spark over
Tabular Columns:
Analyze the spark over characteristics for both uniform and non-uniform configurations
under High DC voltages.
Experiment No 3(A)
AIM: To Measure High AC voltages using 6.25cm diameter sphere gap assembly.
Equipment required:
Circuit Diagram
Horizontally with both spheres connected to source voltage or one sphere grounded.
A resistance is usually connected between the source and the sphere gap to limit the
breakdown current and to suppress unwanted oscillations in the source voltage.
working is that, the voltage increases with the increase in the gap between the spheres.
Hence, to measure a particular voltage, at a particular gap or distance is set and the moment
the air gap breaks down, it would mean that the magnitude of voltage has reached that value.
The gap distance between the spheres for various values of diameter can be obtained from
the standard table. The spacing between the spheres is called the gap distance and the voltage
at which the air gap breaks down is called the spark over voltage. The spheres used should be
of identical shape and size. Their surfaces must he smooth and the curvature must be
1. Connection for HVAC measurement using a sphere of 6.25cms diameter are made as
shown in the circuit diagram
2. Both the spheres are cleaned and polished sufficient care is to be taken to avoid dirt
on the sphere surface.
3. The electrode gap distance that is the distance between spheres is adjusted to a known
4. Main switch is closed and circuit breaker is also closed. The input voltage to the high
voltage transformer is increased with the help of auto transformer.
5. If the spark over takes place between the sphere gap at this voltage, the high voltage
is switched off and the set vale of the gap distance will be tabulated.
6. If the spark over does not takes place at this voltage then HT will be turned off then
the gap between spheres is reduced a bit
7. Again step 4 and 5 are followed. If the spark over takes place earlier than the previous
trails voltage selection, then switch off HT, later gap between the spheres is increased
a bit.
8. For the three application of the same voltage find the gap distance at which spark
over takes place and record them.
10. Determine the critical gap distance causing the spark over.
11. Plot the variation of gap spacing verses sphere gap spark over voltage based on the
values provided in table for 6.25cm dia of sphere.
12. From the plot, obtain the value of voltage for each of critical gap distance is obtained.
Thus HVAC impressed between the test spheres is measured. This voltage is the
applied voltage of STP. This is then converted to voltage at RTP.
13. The following precaution is taken while changing the gap distance of the electrodes.
Tabular Columns:
Correction factor for absolute humidity (H) = _________ (Obtained from the standard graph)
Spark over voltage to peak at RTP = Net correction factor X spark over voltage in KV peak
at STP = ___________________
Outcome: At the end of the experiment Student will Measure HVAC using standard spheres
and study the effects of atmospheric conditions on the sphere gap measurement.
Experiment No 3(B)
Measurement of HVDC using standard spheres
Circuit Diagram
Equipment required:
Horizontally with both spheres connected to source voltage or one sphere grounded.
A resistance is usually connected between the source and the sphere gap to limit the
breakdown current and to suppress unwanted oscillations in the source voltage.
1. Connection for HVDC measurement using a sphere of 6.25cms diameter are made as
shown in the circuit diagram
2. Both the spheres are cleaned and polished sufficient care is to be taken to avoid dirt
on the sphere surface.
3. DC rectifier is adjusted for desired polarity. The polarity switch on the control panel
and the rectifier is also set for the same polarity
4. The electrode gap distance that is the distance between spheres is adjusted to a known
5. Main switch is closed and circuit breaker is also closed. The input voltage to the high
voltage transformer is increased with the help of auto transformer.
6. If the spark over takes place between the sphere gap at this voltage, the high voltage
is switched off and the set vale of the gap distance will be tabulated.
7. If the spark over does not takes place at this voltage then HT will be turned off then
the gap between spheres is reduced a bit
8. Again step 4 and 5 are followed. If the spark over takes place earlier than the previous
trails voltage selection, then switch off HT, later gap between the spheres is increased
a bit.
9. For the three application of the same voltage find the gap distance at which spark
over takes place and record them.
11. Determine the critical gap distance causing the spark over.
12. Plot the variation of gap spacing verses sphere gap spark over voltage based on the
values provided in table for 6.25cm dia of sphere.
13. From the plot, obtain the value of voltage for each of critical gap distance is obtained.
Thus HVDC impressed between the test spheres is measured. This voltage is the
applied voltage of STP. This is then converted to voltage at RTP.
14. The following precaution is taken while changing the gap distance of the electrodes.
15. Plot the graph for all the cases (Electrodes spacing (Gap distance) v/s spark over
Tabular Columns:
Correction factor for absolute humidity (H) = _________ (Obtained from the standard graph)
Spark over voltage to peak at RTP = Net correction factor X spark over voltage in KV peak
at STP = ___________________
Outcome: At the end of the experiment Student will Measure HVDC using standard spheres
and study the effects of atmospheric conditions on the sphere gap measurement
Experiment No 4
Circuit Diagram
Equipment required:
Theory: The basic raw material to get the transformer oil is a low viscosity lube, called as
transformer oil base stock (TOBS). This is obtained by fractional distillation & series
treatment of crude petroleum. In order to produce good insulating oil, TOBS characteristics
are kept within permissible limits.
TOBS is further refined by acid treatment to get good transformer oil. Transformer oil
provides the required dielectric strength and insulation and also cools the transformer by
circulating itself through the core and the coil structure. The transformer oil, therefore should
be in liquid state over the complete operating range of temperature between -40° C and +50°
C. The fresh dielectric oil has pale clear yellow color. The dielectric should never have
suspended particles, water soluble acids and bases, active sulphur or colloidal carbon these
impurities accelerate deterioration of the insulating properties of the transformer oil resulting
in internal flashovers. The oil gets oxidized when exposed to oxygen at high temperatures
and the oxidation results in the formation of peroxides, water, organic acids sulphur, and
sludge. These products cause chemical deterioration of the paper insulation, metal parts and
the sludge reduces the heat transfer capabilities of the oil and also forms as a heat insulating
layer on the coil structure, core and tank walls. The transformer has to be periodically tested
for the desired qualities & corrective measures are taken for evolving smooth functioning of
the transformer / circuit breaker.
Test Cell for Transformer Oil: the test cell and electrode should be as follows.
The cell made of plastic shell be transparent and non-absorb. It shall have an effective
volume between 300 & 500.m1 it should be preferably be closed.
The copper, brass or bronze or stainless steel polished electrodes shall be spherical
surfaced of the electrode and dimensions as shown. The electrode shall be mounted
on a horizontal unit and shall be mounted on a 2.5mm apart. The axis of the
electrodes shall be immersed at a depth of 40mm.
The utmost care should be taken to avoid contamination of the sample with of
external impurities such as dust and moisture the hands should not come into contact
the sample.
Test should not be carried out on the sample until it is at least as warm as the
surrounding air.
Cotton waste or other fibrous material should not be used to wipe containers or test
2. The gap distance between the electrodes is adjusted for 2.5mm using GO &NOGO
gauge & oil is filled above the electrode level.
3. Close the top door, ensure that auto transformer in zero position, switch on the supply
and press HT push button: HT ON indicator will glow.
4. Input voltage to the high voltage transformer is increased with the help of
autotransformer. The rate of rise of voltage is kept uniform at about 1KV/sec starting
from zero up to value producing the breakdown.
5. When the gap between the electrodes break down, the CB is tripped and sample failed
indicator will glow.
6. Pres the MEMORY push button read the break down voltage and note down
7. After each breakdown the oil is generally stirred between the electrodes by means of
clean dry glass rod and as for as possible air bubbles formation is avoided.
Tabular column:
Sl. Gap Break down voltage (kV) in Break down Break down
No. Distance RMS voltage (kV) strength (Peak)
(In mm) in Peak E = ( Break down
voltage (kV) in
Peak / gap distance )
1 2 3 4
in KV
1. d=
2. d=
Sl. Gap Break down voltage (kV) in Break down Break down
No. Distance RMS voltage (kV) strength (Peak)
(In mm) in Peak E = ( Break down
voltage (kV) in
Peak / gap distance )
1 2 3 4
in KV
1. d=
2. d=
Experiment No 5 (A)
Aim: To determine and Plot the Inverse Definite Minimum Time (IDMT) characteristics of a
Non-Directional Electromagnetic over current relay.
Circuit diagram:
Theory: An over current relay is a protective device having the following settings:
1. Plug current settings to choose any current level for its operation.
2. Time settings to choose the desired tripping or operating time.
Relays are devices which detect abnormal conditions in electrical circuits by
constantly measuring the electrical quantities which are different under normal and fault
conditions. The basic electrical quantities which may change during fault conditions are
voltage, current, phase angle and frequency. Having detected the fault the relay operates to
complete the trip circuit which results in the opening of the CB and therefore disconnection
of the faulty circuit.
In electromagnetic relays, there is a coil which energizes an electromagnet. When the
operating current becomes large, the magnetic field produced by an electromagnet will
increase and attract the armature or plunger, making contact with the trip circuit contacts.
An over current relay operates when the current in the circuit exceeds a certain value.
The basic construction of the relay consists of two electromagnets, an upper E-shaped and a
lower U-shaped magnet and an aluminum disc in between these magnets which is free to
rotate. The spindle of the disc carries moving contacts. When a high current flows through
the circuit, the electromagnet gets energized and induces a force which makes the aluminum
disc to rotate, when the disc rotates, the moving contacts come in contact with the terminals
of a trip circuit thus tripping and isolating the circuit from the fault.
1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Set the Plug setting Current level by changing the plug position in plug setting bridge
relay (Range 0.5A to2A).
The plug setting refers to the magnitude of current at which the relay starts to operate.
The plug setting bridge comprises connections tapped from relay coil. By inserting
the plug, in a particular gap in the bridge, a certain number of turns of the relay coil
are brought into circuit
3. Set the TMS (Time multiplier setting) to required value (Range 0.1 to 1).
The Time setting can be obtained by changing the relative position of contacts by
adjusting the length (Angular Length) of travel of moving contacts
Time multiplier setting is generally in the form of an adjustable back-stop which decides
the arc-length through which the disc travels, by reducing the length of travel, the time is
reduced. The time multiplier setting is marked from about 0.1 to 1, with major divisions
marked in between. If relay takes a certain time, say S seconds with time multiplier setting 1,
the same relay will take time equal to T x S seconds for time multiplier setting T, other
conditions remaining the same
5. Move the control knob to position 1(Set mode) in control panel and switch on the
6. Adjust 1Φ Variac such that the Ammeter reads current greater than 'Relay setting
current' for the operation of over current relay.
7. Move the control knob to position off, reset Relay.
8. Move the control knob to position 2, record the Relay tripping time.
9. Repeat steps 6 to 9 for different values of fault current.
10. Repeat the experiment for different TMS.
11. Plot the graph for TMS Vs PSM.
PSM (Plug Setting Multiplier) = Current injected in relay coil (secondary current of (CT)) /
Plug setting
= (I/Is), where I is the fault current (current injected in relay coil) and „Is‟ is the „Plug setting
Actual Operating Time of Relay = Time multiplier setting x Trip Time (Time required to
close the contacts)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Outcome: Ability to set Plug Setting Multiplier and Time Multiplier Setting for non
directional over current relay for a given load current.
Experiment No 5 (B)
Directional over Current Relay
Aim: To determine and plot the IDMT characteristics of a Directional over current
Circuit diagram:
3. Set the desired relay operation characteristic, Using toggle switch S3&S4
S3 S4 Operation characteristic
0 0 3.0s Normal Inverse
0 1 1.3s Normal Inverse
1 0 Very Inverse
1 1 Extremely Inverse
The TMS has a calibration setting range of 0.05 to 1 in steps of 0.01 although the switches can be set
to other values. Two DIP switches are provided to enable this setting.
Even though the switch can be set for a value more than 0.09, the relay takes a value of 1.0 for any
setting higher than 0.9. Hence, the switch setting should be limited to 0.09.
Even through this switch can be set for a value more than 1.0, the relay takes a value of 1.0 for any
setting higher than 1.0
Thus, the TMS for over current element can be set by using the two DIP switches D&E to the
required value.
5. Set the pick up current ‟Is‟ using current setting toggle switch
The setting range is form 50 to200% in steps of 10%. The minimum setting is 50% and maximum
setting is 200%.
The relay has lead characteristics angle of 30 deg, 45deg, and 60deg for over current element
9. Put the switch to “Start” position, this allows the current to pass through the relay & the timer if
activated simultaneously. If the relay in non-operating zone, the relay will not trip even if current
exceeds the set current.
10. If the current if above the set value, the relay trip after the set time & “Trip Led” on the relay
turns ON, the timer indicates the time taken for the operation, Note down the time of operation. Reset
timer on control panel as well as on the relay manually.
11. For different input currents, note down the corresponding relay operating time without changing
the current setting and time setting.
13. Repeat the experiment for different value of “Set current (PSM)”.
GRAPH: A graph of the operating characteristics of the relay is drawn. The plug setting multiplier is
plotted on the x-axis and the time of operation on y-axis. Curves are drawn for different time setting
multipliers. The curves are plotted for Normal inverse, Very inverse and extremely inverse
I: Injected Current
To select TMS=1
Put switch at 8and 2 at 0-1 in ON position it will become 8+2=10 & 10*0.1=1=TMS
TMS=1; Is=5A=PICK-UP SET LEVEL by putting all switches in OFF position (current settings)
Is=50% more of rated value I.e, 5times rated current which is 1; therefore Is=5A
Sample Calculation:
Operating time =
Outcome: Ability to set Plug Setting Multiplier and Time Multiplier Setting for directional
over current relay for a given load current
Experiment No 6
Circuit Diagram
Theory: An over voltage relay is a protective device having the following settings:
1. Plug current settings to choose any voltage level for its operation.
2. Time settings to choose the desired tripping or operating time.
When the voltage in a circuit or part of it is raised above its upper design limit, this is
known as overvoltage. Electronic or electrical devices are designed to operate at a certain
maximum supply voltage and considerable damage can be caused by voltage that is higher
than that for which the devices are rated. In electromagnetic relays, there is a coil which
energizes an electromagnet. When the operating voltage becomes larger, the magnetic field
produced by an electromagnet will increases and attracts the armature or plunger, making
contact with the trip circuit
1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Set the Plug setting voltage level by changing the plug position in relay (Range 121V
3. Set the TMS to required value (Range 0.1 to 1).
4. Switch on the source of the control panel and relay panel.
5. Set toggle switch of control panel for 500V for the operation of over voltage relay.
6. Move the control knob to position 1(Set mode) in control panel and switch on the
7. Adjust 1Φ Variac such that the Voltmeter reads voltage greater than 'Plug setting
Voltage' for the operation of over voltage relay.
8. Move the control knob to position off, reset timer in control panel.
9. Move the control knob to position 2 and reset Relay, record the Relay tripping time.
10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 for different values of fault voltages.
11. Repeat the experiment for different TMS.
12. Plot the graph for TMS Vs PSM.
Note: Voltmeter reads the Primary voltage of the PT having ratio 2:1
PSM (Plug Setting Multiplier) = (Vsec / Vs). Where „Vsec‟ is secondary Voltage of
PT (i.e. Voltage applied to Relay Coil and „Vs‟ is the Plug setting voltage level
PSM = Primary fault Voltage/ (Relay Setting Voltage* P.T ratio)
Actual Operating Time of Relay = Time multiplier setting x Trip Time (Time required
to close the contacts)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Outcome: On completion of the experiment the student will understand the characteristics of
electromagnetic over voltage relay for various Plug Setting Multiplier and Time Multiplier
Experiment No 7
Aim: To determine and Plot the characteristics of Microprocessor Based over / under
Voltage Relay Characteristics.
Circuit Diagram
Theory: An over / under voltage relay is a protective device having the following settings:
1. Plug current settings to choose any voltage level for its operation.
2. Time settings to choose the desired tripping or operating time
Figure shows a simple block diagram of µp based relay. In µp based relay the whole
system including opening and closing of CB is controlled by µp
When the voltage in a circuit or part of it is raised above its upper design limit, this is
known as overvoltage. Similarly, if it goes below the lower design limit, it is known as under
Voltage, Electronic and electrical devices are designed to operate at a certain maximum
supply voltage and considerable damage can be caused by voltage that is higher than that for
which the devices are rated.
The output of line CT is given to the input receiver block where signal is processed.
This signal is an analog signal. The A/D converter convertor converts this signal to a digital
signal which is accepted by the µp. The µp is the decision making block. The digital signal
received is compared with the reference to generate proper tripping signal. This is a digital
signal which has to be converted to an analog signal which has to be converted to an analog
signal for the CB to comprehend. The tripping coil then gets activated.
Relay Setting:
Table-1: Position of the toggle switches to get the desired Trip Time characteristic curve for
Over Voltage Mode.
Table-2: Position of the toggle switches to get the desired Trip Time characteristic curve for
Under Voltage Mode.
Table: 3
1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Set the toggle switches to get the desired characteristic for the relay as per table-1 for
over voltage and Table 2 for under voltage.
3. Set the TMS to required value. Take time TMS = K (0.1+Σ t), where„t‟ is the weight
of toggle switch in on position and select K value from table -3.
4. Adjust the relay voltage range “Vn” to 110V in case over voltage relay, while in case
of under voltage relay operation „Vn to 110V or 240V by using voltage range knob.
5. Relay set voltage Vs = [1+(0.05+Σa)]Vn for over voltage characteristic and
Vs = [1- (0.05+Σa)]Vn for under voltage characteristic, where 'a' is the weight of
Toggle switch in on position
6. Switch on the source of the control panel and relay panel.
7. Set toggle switch of control panel for 500V for the operation of over voltage relay or
100V for operation of under voltage relay
8. Move the control knob to position 1.
9. Adjust 1Φ Variac such that the Voltmeter reads voltage greater than 'Vs' for the
operation of over voltage relay , while in case of under voltage relay operation Adjust
1Φ Variac such that the Voltmeter reads voltage less than „Vs‟
10. Move the control knob to position off, reset timer and relay.
11. Move the control knob to position 2 and see the relay tripping and record the time for
12. Repeat steps 9 to 11 for different values of fault voltages.
13. Repeat the experiment for different relay Vs and TMS
Note: Voltmeter reads the Primary voltage of the PT having ratio 2:1
PSM = Vsec / Vs, where Vsec is secondary Voltage of PT
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Outcome: On completion of the experiment the student will understand the configuration
and functioning of Microprocessor based over/under voltage relay for various Plug Setting
Multiplier and Time Multiplier Setting
Experiment No 8
Circuit Diagram
Figure shows a simple block diagram of pp based relay. In µp based relay the whole
system including opening and closing of CB is controlled by µp.
hen the value of current exceeds the limit, it results in over current. This may be caused due
to a short circuit or any such faults. An over current relay protects the device in case of any
such fault.
The output of line CT is given to the input receiver block where signal is processed.
This signal is an analog signal. The A/D converter convertor converts this signal to a digital
signal which is accepted by the pp. The pp is the decision making block. The digital signal
received is compared with the reference to generate proper tripping signal. This is a digital
signal which has to be converted to an analog signal which has to be converted to an analog
signal for the CB to comprehend. The tripping coil then gets activated.
Relay Setting:
Table-1: Position of the toggle switches to get the desired characteristic for the relay.
IDMT Characteristic 1 2 3 4
Setting Range R
10% to 40% 1
20% to 80% 2
50% to200% 5
1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Set the toggle switches to get the desired characteristic for the relay as per table-1.
3. Set the TMS to required value. Take time T =k( 0.1+Σ t), where „t‟ is the weight
of toggle switch in on position and select K value from table -3.
4. Adjust the relay plug current setting to 10% - 40%
5. „In‟ is CT sec rating which is also the relay coil rating = 1A.
6. Relay set current 'Is' = (0.1R+RΣa)In, where 'a' is the weight of switch in on
position and select R value from table-2
7. Switch on the source of the control panel and relay panel.
8. Move the control knob to position 1.
9. Adjust 1Φ Variac such that the ammeter reads current greater than 'Is'
10. Move the control knob to position off, reset timer and relay.
11. Move the control knob to position 2 and see the relay tripping and record the time
for tripping.
12. Repeat steps 8 to 11 for increasing values of currents.
13. Repeat the experiment for different relay Is and TMS
Note: Ammeter reads the primary current ' Ipri „of the CT having ratio 10:1
PSM = Isec / Is, where Isec is secondary current of CT
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
On completion of the experiment the student will understand the configuration and
functioning of numeric over current relay for Various Plug Setting Multiplier and Time
Multiplier Setting
Experiment No 9
Theory: The negative sequence relay provide protection against the unbalanced loading that
may result from phase to phase fault resulting in circulation of negative phase sequence
currents in the alternator stator winding which gives rise to a rotating magnetic field. This
field rotates at double the synchronous speed with respect to the rotor and induces a voltage
of double the frequency in the rotor conductor. If the degree of unbalance is large these
currents will over-heat the rotor stamping and the field winding.
Overloading of the stator will over-heat the stator winding which may damage its
insulation depending upon the degree of overloading
3Phase Unbalance condition
1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Mains switch ON.
3. Push CB ON button. Note down the Ammeter readings. (Rheostat should be in
zero (cut) position.
4. Adjust the Rheostat to create Negative sequence(Unbalance)
5. Adjust the trip time for desired value (3, 6, 9 sec) by using time knob.
6. Move the control knob to OFF position, Reset timer and relay unit.
7. Move the control knob to position 2 to create and negative sequence relay gets
“TRIP”. Note down the ammeter reading and corresponding tripping time.
8. Push “CB OFF/RESET”.
Sl. No. Current in Phase Current in Phase Current in Phase Set Trip time in
R Y B secs
Sl. No. Current in Phase Current in Phase Current in Phase Trip time in secs
Single Phasing fault
1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram.
2. Mains switch ON.
3. Push CB ON button. Note down the Ammeter readings. (Rheostat should be in zero
(cut) position).
4. Adjust the trip time for desired value (3, 6, 9 sec) by using time knob.
5. Move the control knob to OFF position, Reset timer and relay unit.
6. Move the control knob to position 1to create single phasing (Open circuited Phase)
7. Negative sequence relay gets “TRIP”. Note down the Ammeter reading and tripping
8. Move the control knob to OFF position & Push “CB OFF/RESET”.
Sl. No. Current in Phase Current in Phase Current in Phase Set Trip time in
R Y B secs
Sl. No. Current in Phase Current in Phase Current in Phase Trip time in secs
Experiment No 10
Circuit Diagram
1. Connect 3 phase supply motor & alternator RPM sensor & Temperature sensor to
2. Keep all relay auxiliary & meter auxiliary ON/OFF switch at off position.
3. Switch On MCB, power indicator glows
4. Switch ON meter ON/OFF switch
5. Switch On VFD ON switch, VFD display will be ON
6. Vary the speed potentiometer to set the required rpm
7. Switch on field supply switch
8. Vary the field voltage potentiometer to set rated voltage
Experiment No 11
Outcome: On completion of the experiment the student will Show knowledge of Protecting Motor
against faults & abnormal conditions.
15. Conduct an experiment on Motor for following fault for both inverse and
definite characteristics Phase failure, Ground fault, Winding open fault, Phase
18. Conduct an experiment on Generators for external faults and abnormal conditions,
Viva Questions
1. What are the functions of protective relays
To detect the fault and initiate the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective
element from the rest of the system, thereby protecting the system from damages consequent
to the fault.
It is defined as the time taken by the relay from the instant of isolating the fault to the
moment when the fault is removed and the relay can be reset.
15. Mention the short comings of Merz Price scheme of protection applied to a power
In a power transformer, currents in the primary and secondary are to be compared. As these
two currents are usually different, the use of identical transformers will give differential
current, and operate the relay under no-load condition. Also, there is usually a phase
difference between the primary and secondary currents of three phase transformers. Even
CT‟s of proper turn-ratio are used, the differential current may flow through the relay under
normal condition.
16. What are the various faults to which a turbo alternator is likely to be subjected?
Failure of steam supply; failure of speed; over current; over voltage; unbalanced loading;
stator winding fault .
18. Define the term pilot with reference to power line protection.
Pilot wires refer to the wires that connect the CT‟s placed at the ends of a power transmission
line as part of its protection scheme. The resistance of the pilot wires is usually less than 500
19. Mention any two disadvantage of carrier current scheme for transmission line only.
The program time (ie, the time taken by the carrier to reach the other end-upto.1% mile); the
response time of band pass filter; capacitance phase-shift of the transmission line .
21. What are the causes of over speed and how alternators are protected from it?
Sudden loss of all or major part of the load causes over-speeding in alternators. Modern
alternators are provided with mechanical centrifugal devices mounted on their driving shafts
to trip the main valve of the prime mover when a dangerous over-speed occurs.
25. What are the types of graded used in line of radial relay feeder?
Definite time relay and inverse-definite time relay.
26. What are the various faults that would affect an alternator?
Stator faults
1, Phase to phase faults
2, Phase to earth faults
3, Inter turn faults
1, Earth faults
2, Fault between turns
3, Loss of excitation due to fuel failure
1, over speed
2, Loss of drive
3, Vacuum failure resulting in condenser pressure rise, resulting in shattering of the turbine
low pressure casing
1, Fault on lines
2, Fault on busbars
27. Why neutral resistor is added between neutral and earth of an alternator?
In order to limit the flow of current through neutral and earth a resistor is introduced between
30. What are the main safety devices available with transformer?
Oil level gauge, sudden pressure delay, oil temperature indicator, winding temperature
32. What are the problems arising in differential protection in power transformer and how
are they overcome?
1. Difference in lengths of pilot wires on either sides of the relay. This is overcome by
connecting adjustable resistors to pilot wires to get equipotential points on the pilot wires.
2. Difference in CT ratio error difference at high values of short circuit currents that makes
the relay to operate even for external or through faults. This is overcome by introducing bias
3. Tap changing alters the ratio of voltage and currents between HV and LV sides and the
relay will sense this and act. Bias coil will solve this.
4. Magnetizing inrush current appears wherever a transformer is energized on its primary
side producing harmonics. No current will be seen by the secondary .CT‟s as there is no load
in the circuit. This difference in current will actuate the differential relay. A harmonic
restraining unit is added to the relay which will block it when the transformer is energized.
45. What are the advantages of static relay over electromagnetic relay?
1) Low power consumption as low as 1mW
2) No moving contacts; hence associated problems of arcing, contact bounce, erosion,
replacement of contacts
3) No gravity effect on operation of static relays. Hence can be used in vessels ie, ships,
aircrafts etc.
4) A single relay can perform several functions like over current, under voltage, single
phasing protection by incorporating respective functional blocks. This is not possible in
electromagnetic relays
5) Static relay is compact
6) Superior operating characteristics and accuracy
7) Static relay can think , programmable operation is possible with static relay
8) Effect of vibration is nil, hence can be used in earthquake-prone areas
9) Simplified testing and servicing. Can convert even non-electrical quantities to electrical in
conjunction with transducers.
_ High resistance interruption:-the arc resistance is increased by elongating, and splitting the
arc so that the arc is fully extinguished
_ Current zero method:-The arc is interrupted at current zero position that
Occurs100 times a second in case of 50Hz power system frequency in ac.
55. Write the classification of circuit breakers based on the medium used for arc extinction?
_ Air break circuit breaker
_ Oil circuit breaker
_ Minimum oil circuit breaker
_ Air blast circuit breaker
_ SF6 circuit breaker
_ Vacuum circuit breaker
59. What are the hazards imposed by oil when it is used as an arc quenching medium?
There is a risk of fire since it is inflammable. It may form an explosive mixture with arc. So
oil is preferred as an arc quenching medium.
60. What are the advantages of MOCB over a bulk oil circuit breaker?
It requires lesser quantity of oil
It requires smaller space
There is a reduced risk of fire
Maintenance problem are reduced
61. What are the disadvantages of MOCB over a bulk oil circuit breaker?
1) The degree of carbonization is increased due to smaller quantity of oil
2) There is difficulty of removing the gases from the contact space in time
3) The dielectric strength of the oil deteriorates rapidly due to high degree of
63. What are the advantages of air blast circuit breaker over oil circuit breaker?
1) The risk of fire is diminished
2)The arcing time is very small due to rapid build up of dielectric strength between contacts
3) The arcing products are completely removed by the blast whereas oil deteriorates with
successive operations
64. What are the demerits of using oil as an arc quenching medium?
1) The air has relatively inferior arc quenching properties
2) The air blast circuit breakers are very sensitive to variations in the rate of rise of restriking
3) Maintenance is required for the compression plant which supplies the air blast
_ Commissioning test
70. How does the over voltage surge affect the power system?
The over voltage of the power system leads to insulation breakdown of the equipments. It
causes the line insulation to flash over and may also damage the nearby transformer,
generators and the other equipment connected to the line.
78. Mention the various tests carried out in a circuit breaker at HV labs.
Short circuit tests, Synthetic tests& direct tests.
The circuit breaker is tested under actual conditions like those that occur in the network.
Special occasions like breaking of charging currents of long lines ,very short line faults
,interruption of small inductive currents etc… can be tested by direct testing only.