Students' Motivation Towards Science Learning and Students' Science Achievement

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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

2017, Vol. 6, No. 4

ISSN: 2226-6348

Students’ Motivation towards Science Learning and

Students’ Science Achievement
Chan Y. L.1
Norlizah C. H2
1Department of Foundation of Education, Faculty of Educational Studies, University Putra
Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
Email: [email protected]

DOI: 10.6007/IJARPED/v6-i4/3716 URL:

The aim of this study is to identify the level of students’ motivation towards science learning
and students’ science achievement. This study also identifies gender differences and examine
how the students’ motivation towards science learning relates with parental education level
and students’ science achievement. There are 165 respondents involved who have been
selected randomly from ten secondary schools in Pahang, Malaysia. A survey questionnaire was
utilized in this study and the instrument employed was Students’ Motivation towards Science
Learning (SMTSL). The result revealed that the students were moderately motivated towards
science learning and achieved mid-low achievement in their science subjects. There was a
significant difference in the mean of student’s motivation towards science learning scores for
male students (M= 3.5418, SD= .44206) and female students [M= 3.7133, SD= .44106; t (163) =
2.361, p= .019]. The female students were significantly more motivated than male students in
learning science. The result of the study indicated that students’ motivation towards science
learning has a significant correlation with students’ science achievement (r =.354*, r²=.125,
p=.000). Finally, recommendations are given to parents, teachers, policymakers and
educational administrators, and serve as a means to improve students’ science achievement.
Keywords: Students’ Motivation, Science Learning, Students’ Science Achievement, Gender
Differences and Parental Education Level.

As a nation which is progressing towards a developed nation status, Malaysia needs to create a
society that is scientifically oriented, progressive, knowledgeable, having a high capacity for
change, forward-looking, innovative and a contributor to scientific and technological
developments in the future. In line with this, there is a need to produce citizens who are
creative, critical, inquisitive, open minded and competent in science and technology.

On top of that, science education plays an important role to ensure Malaysians are
ready to face challenges of globalization. Through science education, students have the
capability to understand scientific knowledge, identify important scientific questions, draw
evidence-based conclusions and make decisions about how human activity affects the natural
world (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], 2007). In addition,

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

students who are scientifically literate can easily grasp essential science concept, understand
the nature of science, realize the relevance of science and technology in their lives and willing
to continue their science study in school, or beyond school (National Research Council [NRC],
2000). It is important for all students to become scientifically literate (Feinstein, 2011; Roberts,
2007). Hence, learning science by the students is an inevitable need in today’s world.

The Malaysian science curriculum is formulated based on the needs of the nation as well
as global scientific requirements. The Malaysian science curriculum comprises of three core
science subjects and four elective science subjects (MOE, 2003). The core subjects are science
at primary school level, science at lower secondary level and science at upper secondary level.
Elective science subjects are offered at the upper secondary level and consist of biology,
chemistry, physics, and additional science. The elective science subject at the upper level is
offered to science stream students. The purpose of offering elective science subjects is to
prepare students who are more scientifically inclined to pursue the study of science at the post-
secondary level. This group of students would take up careers in the field of science and
technology and play a leading role in the field of national development.

Science learning includes many factors that are the determinants of science learning
quality and process. These can be classified as cognitive factors and affective factors. The
cognitive factors include information processing, reasoning ability and academic achievement
(Lawson, 2004; Lawson, Banks, & Logvin, 2006; Schunk, 2000; Yumasak, Sungur, & Cakiroglu,
2007). While for the affective factors that are emphasized in the science education literature
are attitude, self-efficacy, anxiety and motivation (Baldwin, Ebert-May & Burns, 1999; Ekici,
2005; Glynn, & Koballa, 2006; Mallow, 2006; Osborne, Simon & Collins, 2003; Uzuntiryaki &
Capa Aydin, 2008; Yumasak, Sungur, & Cakiroglu, 2007). In science learning, motivation is the
affective factor that is given more concern than the others (Osborne, Simon & Collins, 2003).

Motivation has been recognized as an important construct (Koballa & Glynn, 2007) in
the field of science education. Most of the literature also shows us that motivation is a very
important factor in science learning. Student’s motivation towards science learning makes
science learning effective (Sarıbıyık, Altunҫekiҫ & Yaman, 2004). According to Cavas (2011),
student motivation plays a crucial role in science learning, which targeting in promoting
student’s construction of his/her conceptual understanding of science. There are some factors
that will influence students’ motivation towards science learning. According to Tuan, Chin and
Shieh (2005), students’ motivation towards science learning may be influenced by six factors,
namely: self-efficacy, active learning strategies, science learning value, performance goal,
achievement goal, and learning environment stimulation.

Students’ motivation towards science learning has contributed a considerable impact on

students’ science achievement (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002). The academic achievement, success
of the students is important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes we value the
most students. Researches show that academically successful students will have more
employment opportunities than those with less education (Rentner & Kober, 2001). Besides,
academically successful students are more stable in their employment; more likely to have

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

health insurance; less dependent on public assistance; less likely to engage in criminal activity;
more active as citizens and charitable volunteers and healthy (Janelle, 2011). Moreover,
academically successful students may also able to ensure the country’s human capital growth
which is in line with the national vision and mission.

Problem of Statement
Science and technology are often perceived as fundamental forces behind economic
development in industrialized. Malaysia as a developing country should be prepared to join the
ranks of developed nations. So, it is important for students to excel in science.

Motivation in science learning is believed to be the vital parts of developing and

supporting a lifelong interest in science (National Research Council [NRC], 2000) and develop
students’ scientific literacy level. In addition, motivation has been identified to have impacts on
students’ learning (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002) and influence the science students’ performance in
science (Othman, Wong, Shah, Christirani & Nabilah, 2009). Researchers (Kamisah, Zanaton &
Lilia, 2007) found that motivation in science required further attention because motivation is a
predictor to students’ involvement in science.

Unfortunately, many studies revealed that student’s attitudes, interest, and motivation
towards science learning decline throughout their years at school, especially during secondary
school years (Galton, 2009; Osborne, Simon & Collins, 2003). From the reports of performance
in science learning in Malaysia, it is found that students’ lack of interest and declining ability to
do science (Kong, 1993; Lee, 1989; MOE, 1998). Furthermore, some of the studies have shown
that the students had negative attitude towards science learning (Aziz & Hui Ling, 2010) and
students’ scientific attitude between gender, ethnicity and across educational levels is found to
be low (Kamisah, Zanaton & Lilia, 2007).

The students’ motivation towards science learning was found that it has considerable
impact on students’ scientific attitude and achievement (Cavas, 2011). It is found that there are
numerous factors affecting students’ motivation towards science learning. Many researchers
have investigated different factors that will influence students’ motivation towards science
learning such as gender (Akbaş & Kan, 2007; Azizoǧlu & Ҫetin, 2009; Bolat, 2007; Debacker &
Nelson, 2001; Yilmaz & Cavas, 2007), parental education level (Bolat, 2007; Davis-Kean, 2005;
Dubow, Boxer & Huesmann, 2009) and academic success (Akbaş & Kan, 2007; Patrick,
Kpangban & Chibueze, 2007). In Malaysia context, there are some researchers (Ahmad,
Rohandi, Azman, 2010; Aziz & Hui Ling, 2010; Kamisah, Zanaton & Lilia, 2007; Paniandi, 2009;
Zanaton, Lilia & Kamisah, 2006) who carried out research on students’ attitude towards science
learning in Malaysia. However, the situation seems to be less clear regarding what concerns the
students’ motivation towards science learning in Malaysia and the factors - gender, parental
education level and academic success that will influence the students’ motivation towards
science learning.

In the recently released 2011 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS), Malaysia’s ranking in Science fell by an ever greater margin, from 21st in 2007 to 32nd

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

in 2011. In terms of marks scored, Malaysia was the poorest performing nation of the 59
country survey by showing the biggest decline since the study was first conducted in 1999.
Malaysia's average score for science dropped 66 points from 492 in 1999 and then another
decline to 426 in 2011. Besides, it was found that low students’ science achievement in biology,
chemistry and physics in government examination, SPM amongst the pure science stream
students in Pahang. In this sense, the present study is carried out to examine the relationship
between students’ motivation towards science learning and students’ science achievement.

Research Objectives
The main purpose of the present study is to determine the relationship between students’
motivation towards science learning and students’ science achievement.

Literature Review
In the early 1960’s, many learning and instructional theories were being developed. Albert
Bandura and his researchers recognized that many overlooked an important aspect of learning,
the observation of others. From this, began the Social Cognitive Theory. The Social Cognitive
Theory started as the Social Learning Theory in the 1960s. With the publication of Social
Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura (1986) advanced a view
of human functioning that accords a central role to cognitive, vicarious, self-regulatory, and
self-reflective processes in human adaptation and change. Thus, the Social Learning Theory was
developed by Bandura into the Social Cognitive Theory in 1986 and later extended by the other
researchers (Pajares & Shunk, 2001; Pintrich, 2003). The Social Cognitive Theory defines
learning as an internal mental process that may not be reflected in the immediate behavioural
change (Bandura, 1986).

Bandura (1986) view human functioning as the product of a dynamic interplay of

personal, behavioural, and environmental influences. For example, how people interpret the
results of their own behaviour informs and alters their environment and the personal factors
they possess which, in turn and alter subsequently. This is the foundation of Bandura’s (1986)
conception of reciprocal determinism, the view that a) personal factors in the form of
cognition, affect, and biological events, b) behaviours, and c) environment influences creates
interactions that results in a triadic reciprocal.

In classroom, the three factors (behavioural factor, cognitive, affective, and biological
event - personal factor and environment factor) typically interact. For example, a teacher
presents a lesson to the class, students reflect on what the teacher is saying (environment
influences cognition). Students who face problems and do not understand a point of the lesson,
they raise their hands to ask questions to the teacher (cognition influences behaviour). The
teacher reviews the point (behaviour influences). At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives
student exercises to accomplish (environment influences cognition which influences
behaviour). As students work on the task, they believe they are performing it well (behaviour
influences cognition).

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

In science learning, motivation has been recognized as an important construct (Koballa & Glynn,
2007) and as an important key to make learning effective (Sarıbıyık, Altunҫekiҫ & Yaman, 2004).
As Gardner (2000) mentioned that, “If one is motivated to learn, one is likely to work hard, to be
continual, to be stimulated rather than discouraged by obstacles, and to continue to learn even
when not pressed to do so, for the sheer pleasure of quenching curiosity or stretching one’s
faculties in unfamiliar directions” (p. 76).

Motivation is a complex, multidimensional construct that interacts with cognition to

influence learning (Taasoobshirazi & Sinatra, 2011). Since motivation is an important key to a
successful learning (Sarıbıyık, et al., 2004), thus, what is the motivation and how is motivation
related to learning? In particular, motivation to learn refers to the deposition of students to find
academic activities relevant and worthwhile and to try to derive the intended academic
benefits from them (Brophy, 2004; Glynn, Taasoobshirazi & Brickman, 2009). Students who are
motivated to learn will maintain themselves in being interested and paying attention, thus they
are willing to make an effort and taking the necessary time to learn, focusing and devoting on
the subjects, not giving up doing demanded behaviour in difficult circumstances, insisting on
bringing it to the end and resolution are then observed. It is considered that bearing all these
difficulties would influence the students’ achievement.

Motivation to learn science is defined as an internal state that arouses, directs, and
sustains science-learning behaviour, motivation to learn science promotes student construction
of their conceptual understanding of science (Cavas, 2011). In studying the motivation to learn
science, science education researchers attempt to explain why the students strive to learn
science, how intense they strive, how long they strive and what beliefs, feeling, and emotions
characterize them in this process (Robert, Glynn & Kittleson, 2011).

Students’ Motivation towards Science Learning

Motivation towards science learning may be defined as a desire of science learning (Bolat,
2007). According to Patrick, Mantzicopoulos and Samarapungavan (2009), students start
forming their motivation towards science learning during their first year of school. The
student’s motivation towards science learning was found to have a considerable impact on
their science attitude and achievement (Cavas, Factor affecting the motivation of Turkish
primary students for science learning, 2011).

Student’s motivation towards science learning may be affected by various factors. Lee
and Brophy (1996) investigated students’ motivation patterns in science learning by classifying
it, which range from students who were intrinsically motivated students who had disruptive
behaviour through a qualitative method. Similarly to them, Barlia and Beeth (1999) also
investigated motivation patterns, but their research was on college physic science learner.
Researcher, Erb (1996) found out high school students’ lack of motivation in learning science
which are caused by: the students’ lack of responsibility, low self-esteem, and students family
destruction. However, other researchers (Barlia & Beeth, 1999; Hynd, Holschuh, & Nist , 2000)
identified the factors that influence students’ motivation in learning science included students’

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

own interests towards the subjects and the grades they received in class; students’
interpretations of the nature of the task; students’ success or failure to make progress in
scientific understanding; and students’ general goal and affective orientations in science class
and achievement of scientific understanding. The present study examines the relationship
between students’ motivation towards science learning and students’ science achievement

The research design of this study is a quantitative survey study. The descriptive statistics are
used to analyse data of the students’ motivation towards science learning and students’ science
achievement. This study is done in ten secondary schools in Pahang, Malaysia. All of the schools
are government based secondary schools that involved applied KBSM and using the same
syllabus. To determine the population of the present study, the researcher contacted the
respective science (biology, chemistry or physic) teachers of ten secondary schools in one
district in Pahang. The researcher obtained the form four pure science stream students name
list from the respective science teachers of the ten secondary schools. From the name list
received, the population of the present study was determined. It was found that there are 282
form four pure science stream students from ten secondary schools in one district in Pahang. To
determine the sample size, according to Krejcie and Morgan (1970), when the population for
the research is 282, then the sample size is 165. Thus, a total of 165 students from form four
pure science stream in the year of 2013 participated in the present study. The sampling
technique that used in the present study is simple random sampling, in which all the form four
pure science stream students of the population has an equal and independent chance of being
selected as a member of the sample.

The questionnaires consist of students’ background that includes gender, mother’s and
father’s education level and average score for science subjects (biology, chemistry, and physics)
midterm examination of the year 2013. The result of average score for science subjects of the
midterm examination is taken as an indicator of students’ science achievement. Low
achievement means that the students are doing poorly and getting low scores below 39 marks
for their science subjects (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) in midterm examination. Mid-low
achievement means the students are getting the scores within the range of 40 to 49 marks.
Middle achievement means the students are getting the score within the range of 50 to 64
marks. Mid-high achievement means the students’ scores are within the range of 65 to 74
marks and high achievement means the student is doing well in the midterm examination,
especially with a score of 75 marks and above in science subjects in the midterm examination. A
pilot study is carried out on 30 respondents and Alpha Cronbach’s for the adapted
questionnaire on Students’ Motivation towards Science Learning (SMTSL) was α = .84.

Results and Discussion

The finding of this study found that most of the students were moderately motivated towards
science learning, with 69.1% (n = 114) of them fell into this range. 24.8% (n = 41) of them were
low motivated towards science learning. While only 6.1% (n = 10) have high motivation towards
science learning. This finding may give an inducement to the students to be more motivated in
science learning. Moreover, this finding may help educators to understand that the students

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

were moderately motivated in learning science and educators may be persuaded to think of
solutions to raise students’ motivation. In addition, educators may be more sensitive and
conscious about preparing a conducive environment which provides high motivation level to
The findings of this study found that most students, 37.0% (n= 61) achieved mid-low
achievement in their midterm examination of the year 2013. 24.2% (n = 40) of the students
achieved middle achievement, 18.8% (n = 31) of the students had achieved mid-high
achievement, and 10.9% (n = 18) of the students achieved low achievement. Least of the
students, 9.1% (n = 15) are able to achieve high achievement in science. This finding may help
us to understand better about science achievement among the students.

As mentioned in the literature review, there have been conflicting findings about gender
differences in students’ motivation towards science learning. Some studies show that no
gender differences on students’ motivation towards science learning (Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2007; Akbaş & Kan, 2007; Albert, 2010;
Albert Zeyer & Sarah Wolf, 2010; Karaarslan & Sungur, 2011; Mustafa, 2012; Sarwat, Safia &
Col (R), 2013).

However, some studies show that there were differences in students’ motivation
towards science learning based on gender. For example, Simpson and Oliver (1985) determined
that the female students have higher motivation in learning science than their male
counterparts. Similarly, Zamrud (2008), Ikhwan et al. (2009), Güvercin et al. (2010), and Cavas
(2011) also found that female students have high motivation towards learning science than
male students.

The findings of the present study are consistent with those of Simpson and Oliver’s
(1985), Zamrud (2008), Muhamad Ikhwan et al. (2009), Güvercin et al. (2010), and Cavas (2011)
which found that there was a significant difference between male and female students in
students’ motivation towards science learning. The female students have high motivation
towards science learning compared to male students. Moreover, female students also obtained
higher mean scores on the students’ motivation towards science learning scale. This finding is in
agreement with Cavas (2011) findings, which showed that female students obtain a higher
mean score if compare to male students.
However, there were also some studies which showed that male students are, on
average, more motivated to learn science than female students (Albert Zeyer, Ayla Ҫetin-
Dindar, Ahmad Narulazam, Mojca Juriševič, Iztok Devetak & Freia Odermatt, 2011; Cavallo,
Potter, Rozman, 2004). Therefore, concerning gender differences in students’ motivation
towards science learning, related literature revealed mixed results and needs further

This study set out with the aim of assessing the relationship between students’
motivation towards science learning and students’ science achievement. On the question of: -
“Is there any significant relation between students’ motivation towards science learning and
students’ science achievement?” This study found that the students’ motivation towards

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

science learning has a significant correlation with students’ science achievement. This study
produced results which corroborate the findings of a great deal of the previous work in this
field such as Alexande, Natriello, and Pallas (1985), Athman and Monroe (2004) found that
there is a link between motivation and achievement, Patrick et al. (2007) and Betül Sevinç et al.
(2011) found that students’ motivation influenced the students’ achievement in science. This
finding also consistent with Robert et al., (2011), she found that there was a significant
relationship between level of motivation and science achievement.

In reviewing the literature, students who have high motivation to learn science are
having a higher level of achievement in science than those that are less motivated to learn the
content (Glynn et al., 2009; Patrick et al., 2007). This is because a highly motivated person as
one who is also developing high levels of internal achievement and excellence and more likely
to be “engaged in learning in a deeper, more self-regulating fashion” (Athman & Monroe,
2004). The current study found that the students are moderately motivated in learning science.
Therefore, the students achieved mid-low achievement in science. One of the issues emerging
from this finding is – in order to improve students” science achievement it is crucial to increase
students” motivation towards science learning. Further studies need to focus on how to
motivate science stream students towards science learning.

In addition, the findings of the current study corroborate the ideas of Tuan, et al., (2005)
and Betül Sevinç, et. al. (2011), who found that all of the scales have a correlation with
students’ science achievement. Among the scales, active learning strategies have the highest
correlation with students’ science achievement. This finding slightly differs from the previous
studies (Tuan et al., 2005; Schunk, 1991) which showed that self – efficacy has the highest
correlation with the students’ achievement. The performance goal has the least correlation
with the students’ science achievement which is consistent with Betül Sevinç et. al. (2011). The
findings of the current study have important implications for educators to promote active
learning strategies during the teaching and learning process such as hands-on activities.

Implications of the Study

The findings of the current study helps to provide a comprehensive understanding of students’
motivation towards science learning. Through this study, the students’ motivation level towards
science learning and students’ science achievement were identified. The findings of this study
may lead students to understand better about their motivation level towards science learning
and how students’ motivation towards science learning relates to their science achievement.
Students’ motivation influences their achievement in science. Oliver and Simpson (1988)
concluded that science motivation predict academic success. Patrick et al. (2007) suggested
that motivation has a strong influence on students’ achievement in science. The findings
showed that there was a significant relation between students’ motivation towards science
learning and students’ science achievement. The students were moderately motivated towards
science learning. Therefore, they achieved mid-low achievement in science. This finding
revealed that there is a link between motivation and achievement in agreement with studies
carried out by Alexande et al. (1985), and Athman and Monroe (2004). This finding has
implication for the students that help them to realize that there is a link between their

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

motivation towards science learning and their achievement in science. Students should be
given an inducement to be more motivated in science learning especially for those who have
low motivation in science learning in order to achieve higher achievement.

Students’ motivation is a tool used by researchers to clarify the degree in which

students show effort and interest in their pursuits, regardless of whether the tasks are desired
by the teacher or not (Brophy, 2004). The findings of this study showed that students were
moderately motivated in learning science. This finding showed that the students show effort
and interest moderately in their pursuits and the tasks that are desired by teachers. Therefore,
a definite need for educators to understand what motivates the students in class. Educators can
make a difference to motivate students in learning science, such as give suitable rewards or
advices to students and make them feel they are being cared and loved in class. Furthermore,
educators should be more sensitive and conscious about preparing a conducive environment
which provides the high motivation level to students.

The finding of the study showed a significant difference in students’ motivation towards
science learning in male and female students. The female students have higher motivation in
learning science compared to the male students. This is another important practical implication
for educators. Educators need to consider the expectations that they have on students of both
sexes and make a distinction in the approach needed to handle different gender. Based on the
report of OECD (Cordula Artelt, Jürgen Baumert, Nele Julius-McElvany & Jules Peschar, 2003)
shown that male students need to be helped towards a more positive approach to reading,
which requires them to see it as a useful, profitable and enjoyable activity. Therefore,
educators may conduct their teaching which would enhance motivation by establishing
relevance. Educators may establish the relevance of what is taught through real-life examples
and relating materials to everyday application, drawing cases from current newsworthy issues,
giving local examples (establish relevance to local cases) and relating theory to practice (how
theory can be applied in practice) (Kember & McNaught, 2007).

The findings showed that no significant relationship between students’ motivation

towards science learning and parental education level. Specifically, the students’ motivation
towards science learning is not influenced by parental education level. However, there is one of
the factors that may influence students’ motivation towards science learning, which is learning
environment (stimulation). Accordingly, programmes can be developed to increase parents’
awareness about the important of creating home environment that stimulates their children’s
thinking. As well as, schools can help parents to create such support home environments,
provide learning materials and fun experience for their children (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002). This
may increase children motivation and interest towards science learning.

It is found that students’ motivation towards science learning have a significant relation
to students’ science achievement. The finding of this study showed that students who have
moderate motivation to learn science have mid-low achievement in science. The finding
reported in this study justify the importance of students’ motivation towards science learning
to students’ science achievement. This evidence describes the prediction of students’ science

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

achievement by students’ motivation towards science learning in the consensus of the

literature. This finding revealed that the students’ motivation towards science learning is a
significant predictor of students’ science achievement in agreement with studies carried out by
Oliver and Simpson (1988), and Akbaş and Kan (2007). Therefore, it could be suggested that
students’ motivation towards science learning have an important effect on students’
achievement, and also an important component of educational and instructional processes.
Moreover, it is also found that all of the scales have a correlation with the students’ science
achievement. Among the scales, active learning strategies have the highest correlation with
students’ science achievement. Thus, these findings have implication for the educators that
they should try as much as they could to motivate their students towards science learning,
especially they are encouraged to promote active learning strategies such as hands–on
activities in order to improve students’ science achievement. Besides, the parents as well as the
government should engage in programmes that can motivate the students to improve students’
science achievement.

Contribution of this study will lead students to understand better about their level of
motivation towards science learning. Students will be given an inducement to be more
motivated in science learning especially for those who have low motivation in science learning.
Moreover, the findings of the present study will help educators to understand students’
motivation level towards science learning. Research in students’ motivation level towards
science learning is crucial because it helps explain achievement differences among students and
serve as a means to improve students’ science achievement. The educators may be even more
sensitive and conscious about preparing a conducive environment which provides high
motivation level to their students. Central to understanding students' academic success and
social adjustment in academic settings is motivation. Current views of learning underline that
not only cognition but also students' motivation and volition are crucial factors for successful
learning and achievement (Wolters, 2003). Both skill and will are needed in learning along
with environmental and social support (Zusho et al., 2003). Students' motivation is
manifested in their active engagement in the learning process, eager approach of challenging
learning tasks, intense effort spent through the use of active learning strategies, and
persistence in achieving learning and problem solving in the face of difficulties (Zimmerman &
Schunk, 2008).
Besides, this study may also help educators to have better understanding on how
students’ motivation towards science learning differ accordingly to their gender, and students’
science achievement have a significant correlation with students’ motivation towards science
learning. The educators must make a distinction in the approach needed to handle students
from different gender and different level of academic achievement. This could significantly
contribute to differentiating educational material and practices appropriately as well as
implementing more effective teaching methods on the different types of students. Finally, it is
hoped that these findings may serve as resource materials for science educators, scientist,
school authorities, psychologists, counselors, government, parents and significant others who
are concerned with the academic progress of the students.

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
2017, Vol. 6, No. 4
ISSN: 2226-6348

In order to understand better about students’ motivation towards science learning, the future
research should be conducting future qualitative research.
Qualitative methods should be considered when the research aim to assess the interaction of
different environmental and social factors among the students. If the students with low
motivation, to what extent can instructional methods foster their motivation? What are the
ways to increase students’ motivation towards science learning? In addition, it is recommended
that for future research it may involve more respondents in other areas.

Still another direction for future research is to measure the students’ science
achievement; the future researchers should be incorporating multiple measures of science
achievement. The inclusion of only one measure, science achievement (average score for
science subjects) of the pure science stream students in the midterm examination of was a
limitation of this study, and it would be desirable in future research to include additionally,
more specific measures such as the government examination, namely SPM.

It is essential that students’ motivation towards science learning among the students be
assessed. Students’ motivation towards science learning can lead students to scientific literacy -
understand scientific knowledge, identify important scientific questions, draw evidence- based
conclusions, and make decisions about how human activity affects the natural world. Indirectly,
students’ motivation towards science learning play an important role to prepare the students
who were scientifically literate that would take up careers in the field of science and technology
and play a leading role in the field of national development. Students’ motivation towards
science learning can also lead students to become more successful. It is found that students’
motivation towards science learning have contributed a considerable impact on students’
science achievement (Pintrich & Schunk, 2002) and influence the science students’
performance in science (Othman et. al, 2009). Successful academic achievement amongst the
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