Order Statistics PDF
Order Statistics PDF
Order Statistics PDF
STAT512/432 – 2011
y1 = 7, y2 = 9, y3 = 6, y4 = 9, y5 = 6,
then ymax = 9. In this case two of the observations tied at the maximum value.
Since the maximum of n quantities is less than or equal to any number y if and
only if all of these quantities are less than or equal to y, we have
Prob (Ymax ≤ y) = F (y) , (4)
Prob (Ymax ≥ y) = 1 − F (y − 1) , (5)
so that n n
Prob (Ymax = y) = F (y) − F (y − 1) . (6)
One can also find the value of the variance of Ymax , but we do not do this here.
so that n n
Prob (Ymin = y) = 1 − F (y − 1) − 1 − F (y) . (14)
From (14) one can find the mean and the variance of Ymin . We do not give
the details here, and note only that in the case of the uniform distribution
considered above, the mean of Ymin is
1 n 2 9
( ) + ( )n + · · · + ( )n . (15)
10 10 10
Note that as n → ∞, this mean approaches 0. This makes sense.