Historical Development of Social Case Work Unit - 1

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1.1 Learning Objectives

1.2 Introduction
1.3 Historical Development of Social Case Work
1.3.1 In India
1.3.2 In United States of America
1.3.3 In United Kingdom
1.4 Social Case Work during First World War (1914-1918),
Economic Depression (1930) and Second World War (1939-
1.5 Let us Sum Up
1.6 Further Reading
1.7 Answers to Check Your Progress
1.8 Model Questions


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

l Outline the landmarks of historical development of social case work
in India, United States of America and United Kingdom;
l Understand the role played by various organizations and individuals
in the development of social case work as a method of social work;


Social case work is a primary method of social work concerned with

the development and improvem ent of individual’s ability to lead a better life.
Inability to adjust with the environm ent leads to conflict scenario between
individuals and the surroundings. An individual's quality of life depends on
better family life, improved schools, better housing, better health facility,
economic opportunities and better relations between the social institutions
and other individuals. Deprivations of these internal or external elements
Social Case Work 5

might develop obstacles to healthy life and accumulate frustrations in

individuals leading to various psycho-social problems. The main goal of
social case work is to solve adjustment problems by building individual's
capacities and capabilities and to make individual realize the importance of
improving his/her coping mechanism to lead a healthy life.

Definitions of Social Case Work

'Social case work may be defined as the art of doing different things
for and with different people by cooperating with them to achieve at one and
the same time their own and society's betterment' (Richmond, 1915). Mary
Richmond gave a very appropriate and scientific definition of social case
work. In 1915 she said that case work is an art provided to people for theirs
as well as for society's betterment. In 1922, Richmond gave another

Case Work is an art definition 'Social case work consists of those processes which develop
provided to people for personality through adjustments consciously effected, individual by
their as well as for individual, between men and their social environment'. She asserted that
society's betterment.
social case work is for the change of the personality of the individual for
proper social adjustment.
'Social case work is a process concerned with the understanding of
individuals as whole personalities and with the adjustment of these
individuals as whole personalities to socially healthy lives' (Taylor, 1926).
Taylor lays emphasis on the need for understanding the total personality of
the individual for bringing about healthy adjustment in social life.
Reynolds (1935) defines case work as 'that form of social work which
assists the individual when he struggles to relate himself to his family, his
natural groups and his community'. A counselling function was introduced
into the case work definition by Reynolds. Case work uses counselling as
one of the main tools to assist individuals in his adjustment with the social
environment consisting of family members, groups and the community in
which one lives.


The poor, from the very beginning of the civilized society, have been
6 Social Case Work

the concern of humanists, philanthropists and socio- religious activists. Its

description is found in the Vedic literature and of course much later in the
western countries. Casework as practiced today, a purely western
(predominantly USA) model, also owes its history to the work carried out
by individuals and organizations with the poor.
The evolution of social case work as a method can be attributed to the
charity work to the social welfare services to the pure professionalization of
social work from colonization period to post world war periods. Charity and
alms giving was considered an ideal and humanitarian act to alleviate the
sufferings of poor, destitute, disabled, old aged and sick in those days without
recognizing its worth. In England various welfare acts were also passed
especially the Elizabethan Poor Law (1601), As per this law, assistance
was provided in the form of money, food, clothing or goods, given to alleviate
poverty as an outdoor relief without the requirement that the recipient enter
an institution.Those receiving indoor relief were required to enter a
workhouse or poorhouse. Gradually various societies and groups felt that
charity, alms giving and government interventions have only catered to their
material needs made people dependent on external support. As more
experience and knowledge was gathered by groups and societies related
to human behavior and its environment new insight came through in the
nature of social problems and it made people realize that in all the cases it
is not the individual who is entirely responsible for his/her condition, and
individuals are interlinked with the social, economic and political environment
they live in.

1.3.1 IN INDIA

India’s culture and religions advocated the need to help the poor and
needy in the form of charity. References can be made from Bhagatwatgeeta,
Rigveda, Upanishads like Brihadaranyaka, Chhandogya and Taittriya which
prescribes that every householder must practice dana or charity. After the
vedic age charity took the form of welfare in various empires. Great kings
such of Magadha empire such as Bimbisara and his son Ashoka; Kanishka,
Gupta dynasty ruler like Chandra Gupta, Samudra Gupta; Harshavardhan

Social Case Work 7


of Pushyabhuti dynasty; Sultanate ruler and Mughal ruler made efforts to

make their empire a caring state through charity as well as welfare activities
directed to improve the conditions of poor, women, prisoners, destitute and
the orphans.
During British rule, various organizations such as Brahmo Samaj,
Prarthana Samaj, Arya Samaj, Theosophical Society, Ram Krishna Mission,
Muhammedan Literacy Society, The Bombay Widow Remarriage
Association, Bengal Hindu Widows Association, Indian National Social
Conference and the Servants of India Society hugely contributed towards
upliftment of the poor, women, labourers, peasants and lower caste people.
But these efforts of Kings and organizations were paternalistic and
welfare oriented and did not aim at assessing individual problem or building
capacity of individual to adjust to their environment independently. Further,
the relationship between the facilitator and the needy was not professional.
There existed an important difference between modern professional
casework and traditional helping of needy individuals.
India during its pre independence era especially from 1840-1910 did
not experience any breakthrough in the development of Social Work or Social
Case Work as it was in UK and USA. During this period various organizations
and associations were established in UK and USA which aimed at systematic
investigation and assessment of the needy people. In 1911, N.M. Joshi had
established Social Service League in Mumbai which conducted training

In 1936 Sir Dorabji Tata programme for volunteers who are at the service of people suffering from

Graduate School of famines, epidemics, floods and such other disasters and also who

Social Work, now conducted welfare programmes among the poor and the destitute. The

known as Tata Institute first professional social workers who did casework in the Indian settings

of Social Science were trained in the American School of Social Work. In 1936 Sir Dorabji

(TISS), was started to Tata Graduate School of Social Work, now known as Tata Institute of Social

conduct training Science (TISS), was started to conduct training programmes to those who

programmes for social had a University degree in the field of social service. Casework as a

workers. theoretical course and as a method of practice in the academic programme

started from the year 1946. Nowadays social casework is practiced in many
agencies, institutions and organizations such as hospitals, clinics, courts,
8 Social Case Work

industry, military family welfare agency, child welfare agency, institution for
the aged, destitute, and the orphans.


The contribution of Association for Improving the Condition for Poor
and Charity Organization Society is very instrumental in the development
of Social Case Work as a scientific as well as a professional method of
social work. The establishment of Association for Improving the Condition
of the Poor (AICP) and Charity Organization Society emphasised self-
respect, self-dependence and relief suitable to their needs in its work with
the poor. The contribution of Mary Richmond is enormous in developing
Social Case Work.
The Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor was a charitable
Organization in New York City which was established in 1843 and was
incorporated in 1848 with the objective of helping the most deserving poor
and providing support for moral enhancement. The directors of the new
charity, made up of some of the city's richest people, believed that the
existence of the city's apparently permanent indigent population was not
due to economic conditions or adversity, but instead could be best explained
by some fault in the poor themselves, which the AICP was determined to
fix. The Organization believed in "moral reformation" transformation of poor
and was opposed to "gratuitous charity". The association emphasized on
capacity building to end poverty. The association also took up efforts to
insure that only the "deserving" poor received charity and people who were
idlers, malingers and vagrants were to be sent to workhouses to do hard
labor, while people of debase and depraved character were locked up in
penitentiary as a warning. The association also made efforts to sensitize
police and other agencies to arrest or detain vagrant children between the
ages of five and fourteen for further evaluation and rehabilitation.
The Charity Organization Society (COS) was one of the main
contributors of the development of social case work both in UK and USA.
During the colonial period (1620-1776) English people migrated from present
UK and settled in America in the thirteen colonies on the eastern sea board.

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The Elizabeth Poor Law extended support to these people who are in
need. The assistances were provided in terms of indoor and outdoor relief.
The Charity Organization Societies founded in England in 1869 sought to
restrict intervention of outdoor relief distributed by the Poor Law Guardians.
The Elizabeth Poor
Later on Charity Organisation society was also started in USA in 1877 on
Law, 1961 divided the
the pattern of the Charity Organization of London. The first Charity
poor into 3 types. i. The
Organization Society was organized in Buffalo in 1877. CSOS’s were also
able-bodied poor. ii.
established in Boston, Philadelphia and New Haven. These societies found
The impotent or
that the system of outdoor relief was not being availed by the most deserving
unemployable poor
or needy rather the less deserving were availing the benefits of the relief. To
iii. the dependent
tackle this, local societies were formed with the intention of restricting the
distribution of outdoor relief to the elderly, ill or 'non-able bodied' and to
force them to accept the workhouse test. The COS’s activities were
volunteered by group of volunteers called "friendly visitors". Later on these
friendly visitors were also named "Paid Agents". They collected systematic
data about the needy individuals and families and assessments were made
to find out the specific interventions needed and also played an educational
role to improve the character of people. One of the important ideas that
evolved from these visits was that single and alike intervention cannot be
used for all poor or deprived, rather each case needed to be handled
according to its own nature of problem. The efforts of these volunteers'
visits helped in building a knowledge base on human problems relating to
his/her environment. Cleary the understanding of human behavior and the
idea of "helping them to help themselves" paved the way for the development
of Social Case Work.
In 1898, COS of New York started training course for workers involved
in the activities of COS. Later on New York School of Philanthropy was
created which today is known as Columbia University of Social Work. From
1911 onwards Case work had emerged in USA as an accepted formal
technique and as the early social workers handled cases of families in
need, they were called caseworkers in USA.
Mary Richmond played a vital role in recognising social case work a
scientific method. She was trained to be a "friendly visitor," at Charity
10 Social Case Work

Organization Society. During the First World War Red Cross Home Service
was operated under the leadership of Mary Richmond. She along with others
of the home service applied their skills to problems faced by service men
and their families. In 1917 Mary Richmond wrote her first book called ' Social
Diagnosis' which provides a methodology of helping clients through
systematic and scientific approach of assessing an individual's problems
and treating them accordingly. In 1922 she published another book 'What is
Social Case Work?' in which she defined social case work as "Social case
work consists of those processes which develop personality through
adjustments consciously effected, individual by individual, between men
and their social environment"


The development of social case work in United Kingdom is greatly

related to the development of Social Work through charity works. Charity
activities to help poor people were considered pious duty of Church during
medieval periods. The basic objectives behind this charity was the
purification of soul of alms givers and therefore, there was no relationship
between them with the result that churches did not make any effort to provide
any permanent remedy for improving the conditions of the poor .
In 1961, Elizabethan Poor Law was passed also known as "43
Elizabeth" to regulate the basis of handling relief for the next 233 years. It
laid down more logical system of poor relief. In 1867 Edward Edison, first
volunteer was of the view that alms relief had no meaning in the context of
the problems. Cannon Samuel Augustas Barnet followed his idea and later
University Settlement House was founded which was named as Tonybee
The middle of the nineteenth century was a period of scientific and
humanitarianism awakening. Thomas Chalmers a Scottish minister
criticized the methods of poor law. According to him proper investigation of
each case should be made and NGOs must be involved to direct and
supervise such activities. Base on his ideas London Charity Organization
Society was formed in 1869. COS ensured that nobody was getting

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assistance without investigation. It also attempted to find (1) a job (2) medical
treatment (3) education (4) counseling for financial gain (5) encouragement
for creative plans.
In 1895, a concept called 'Almoners' (outside visitors) was introduced.
Sir Charles Loch appointed Almoners in hospitals to serve patients effectively.
Almoners used to interview prospective patients to qualify for the relief to
be given by authorities. Almoners were similar to friendly visitors and paid
agents. This position is now taken up by medical social worker. The
proliferation of the idea of studying case by case with a systematic
assessment lead to the development of Social Case Work method in UK.


Q 1: Describe the role played by Charity

Organization Societies in the development of Social
Case Work as a systematic method of helping needy in UK and



Q 2: How did Mary Richmond define social case work ?





The occurrence of the First World War (1914-1918),the Second World

War (1939-1945) and Economic Depression (1930) made a wide impact
on the development social case work in UK and USA especially in the field
development of Psychiatry during this period as it provided a better
understanding of human behaviour. The emergence of Freud's
12 Social Case Work

Psychoanalysis (a method for treating a mental illness and a theory which

explains human behaviour) in 1920's greatly influenced the approach
employed by the caseworkers in dealing with individuals. As discussed
earlier, the first book on social casework was published in 1917 by an
American, Marry Richmond. Various definitions of casework in the 1920s
under the influence of Freudian theory no more emphasized external factors.
It held the individual responsible for his plight and it was he who was helped
to cope with the social problems confronting him.
During the same time, social reforms and social problems received
little attention compared to its earlier period when the emphasis was on
correcting the social environment of the client. In 1920s, under the Freudian
influence, casework was to "untangle and reconstruct the twisted
personality" and change human attitudes so that the client could adjust to
his environment and its influence.
In contrast to the trend in 1920s, caseworkers shifted their focus in
1930s from individual to modification and manipulation of the client's
environment to enable him to adapt to his situations satisfactorily. This
change was because of acceptance of the idea by Americans that social
and economic variables influenced man's behaviour meaningfully.
After World War II, with the problems of morale, leadership, propaganda,
separation, communication, etc., social workers found social sciences more
useful. Interest in social environment, along-with ego psychology, received
more attention and the definition of Richmond (1922) that casework consists
of "those processes which develop personality through adjustments
consciously effected, individual by individual, between man and their social
environment" was considered to be the best by Hamilton (1951). Perlman
(1957) also emphasized on the problems of social functioning.
The new psychoanalytical approach was accepted by caseworkers
that helped them in assessing clients and their problems. The advent of
economic depression in 1930s also gave social case work new opportunities
to look in to the economic factors which were causing distress to clients,
leading to emotional distress and breakdown. After the Second World War
there was increase in personal problems of clients due to financial crises
Social Case Work 13

emotional problems also increased. Various agencies started to help

individuals and families to adjust to their situations.
Though many may not agree, the present understanding of casework
is more or less fully contained in the definition by Boehm (1958) which
emphasizes both external and internal factors, and uses the concepts of
social functioning, social role, malfunctioning, and, of resources. Many new
trends are coming forth and possibly no definition will ever be able to cover
all the changes and trends emerging from time to time.


l The evolution of social case work as a method can be attributed

to the charity work to social welfare services to pure
professionalization of social work from colonization period to post
world war periods.
l Gradually various societies and groups felt that charity, alms giving
and government interventions have only catered to their material
needs and made them dependent on external support.
l The first professional social workers who did casework in the
Indian settings were trained in the American School of Social Work.
l The Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor was a
charitable organization in New York City which was established in
1843 and was incorporated in 1848 with the objective of helping
the most deserving poor and providing support for moral
l The society found that giving out charity without investigating the
real problems behind various social issues would create a class
of citizens that would always be dependent on alms giving.
l In 1917 Mary Richmond wrote her first book called ' Social
Diagnosis' which provides a methodology of helping clients through

14 Social Case Work

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