Preparation of Oxygen
Preparation of Oxygen
Preparation of Oxygen
David A Katz
Chemist, Educator, Science Communicator, and Consultant
133 N. Desert Stream Dr., Tucson, AZ 85745
Voice: 520-624-2207 Email: [email protected]
One of the most exciting demonstrations in chemistry is the production of oxygen
and the glowing splint test. I have performed this as a demonstration and as an
activity as part of a classroom workshop. I never cease to marvel at the
excitement on the faces of the audience as the glowing splint bursts into flame
when placed in an enriched oxygen atmosphere.
This demonstration should immediately follow The Chemical Genie as part of the
explanation for that demonstration.
Flask, 500 mL. Florence flask (flat bottomed round, boiling flask) preferred.
Wood splints
Candle or burner
Tongs, crucible tongs or similar
6% hydrogen peroxide (approximate concentration) – can be made by diluting 1
part 30% hydrogen peroxide with 3 parts water.
manganese dioxide OR potassium iodide OR active dry yeast (catalyst to speed
the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide)
Wear safety goggles or glasses
6% hydrogen peroxide is caustic to the skin and eyes. Handle with care. In case of
skin contact, rinse the affected areas well with water. Store unused hydrogen
peroxide in a freezer reserved for laboratory chemicals only.
Hydrogen peroxide can be disposed of down the drain with running water.
Manganese dioxide should be disposed of as solid waste in an approved landfill.
Place the hydrogen peroxide solution in the flask. Ad a small amount of
manganese dioxide or other suitable catalyst to speed up the decomposition of the
hydrogen peroxide. Note that the solution is bubbling.
Holding a wood splint with tongs, light the end of the wood splint. Allow it to
burn for a few seconds until you notice that the end of the wood splint is glowing
red. Blow out the flame. Insert the glowing end of the wood splint into the flask.
If sufficient oxygen has been generated, the wood splint will burst into flame.
Withdraw the burning splint from the flask.
This demonstration can be repeated several times until the reaction has ceased.
This reaction is the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide:
2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2