KEPCO-Uhde Brochure 2014 PDF
KEPCO-Uhde Brochure 2014 PDF
KEPCO-Uhde Brochure 2014 PDF
Table of contents
2. Scope of Services.................................................... 4
3. Gasification............................................................. 6
7. Syngas application................................................. 12
8. SNG production..................................................... 13
KEPCO-Uhde is a joint venture between KEPCO, the largest utility in South Korea, and
Germany based ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions, one of the largest technology-driven
EPC contractors. The company has been in operation since July 2011.
KEPCO-Uhde Inc. is poised to build together with KEPCO the largest IGCC power plant
and become a global front runner in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, Synthetic
Natural Gas, polygeneration and Carbon Capture & Storage which are strong in
economics, efficiency and environment-friendliness.
KEPCO has 66 % share of the joint venture which are distributed between KEPCO itself
(45 %) and the 5 power generation companies of KEPCO, KEPCO E&C as well as KEPCO
KPS with 3 % respectively. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is holding 34 %.
KEPCO is a top class utility & engineering company in the world which is not only the
largest electricity producer in South Korea but also strenuously expanding its busi-
ness overseas. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions is a globally recognized technology-
oriented EPC contractor for the chemical industry which holds essential know-how in
gasification technology.
Kepco Group
2. Scope of Services
KEPCO-Uhde is dedicated to providing its customers with a wide range of services and to supporting them in their efforts to suc-
ceed in business. We place particular importance on interacting with our customers at an early stage to combine their ambition
and expertise with our experience. Upon potential customers' requests, we are always willing to give them the opportunity to
visit operating plants.
We aim to build our future business on the confidence our customers place in us. We remain in contact with our customers even
after project completion. KEPCO-Uhde is committed to becoming a byword for partnership.
We would like to cultivate our business relationships and learn more about the future goals of our customers. Our aftersales
services include regular consultancy visits which keep the owner informed about the latest developments or revamping
options. KEPCO-Uhde and its partners stand for tailor-made concepts and international competence.
KEPCO-Uhde Inc. is the technology provider for the manufacturing and construction companies, ThyssenKrupp
PRENFLO® PSG gasification process. It offers licenses of the Industrial Solutions and last but not least KEPCO-Uhde itself.
PRENFLO® PSG process and corresponding engineering
services such as Basic Engineering Packages (BEP). Figure 1 on the right illustrates that the fleet delivers com-
plete project solutions to customers. This includes EPC for
Furthermore KEPCO-Uhde delivers services such as: the complete plants as well as solutions for the operation
& maintenance of the plant. Financing assistance and equity
commissioning of the plant investment by the KEPCO group are also possible. Further-
feasibility studies more, the KEPCO Fleet can offer packages including trans-
training of operating personnel mission and natural resource development. KEPCO-Uhde
after-sales services delivers the gasification technology for the projects and is the
marketing and sales representative of the KEPCO Fleet.
The major areas of activities are IGCC plants with and without
Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) technology as well as plants
for the production of SNG. Research & Development
Figure 1:
Customers Needs
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
One Stop Package Polygeneration
EWP Financing & Equity*
KEPCO KPS & Maintenance
3. Gasification
What is gasification?
PRENFLO® gasification with dry dust feed is able to handle gasification of solids produces: slag, fly ash and, after sub-
all types of coal (hard coal, lignite, anthracite) as well as sequent gas treatment, elemental sulphur or sulphuric acid.
petroleum coke, char and biomass (e.g. chicken litter, sew- Slag, a non-leachable product, can be used in road building
age sludge, wood). In addition to the main product (syngas), or to manu- facture bricks while fly ash is a base product of
gasification produces by-products of economic value. The choice for the cement industry.
Koppers-Totzek gasification
Modderfontein, South Africa
Puertollano, Spain
KEPCO-Uhde builds on ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions’ experience of over 65 years in the de-
velopment, design and construction of gasification plants. ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions’ list of
references already includes over 100 gasifiers worldwide based on different gasification technolo-
gies covering a variety of feedstocks, and the expertise continues to grow.
Gasification pressure:
40 bar and higher
Gasification temperature:
> 2,000 °C
Gas temperature at
outlet of gasifier:
1,350 - 1,600 °C
Carbon conversion:
> 99 %
It is a further development of the Koppers-Totzek process developed in the 1940s, which operates at atmos-
pheric pressure. PRENFLO® can look back on more than two decades of operating experience, providing a
wealth of lessons learnt which have formed the basis for subsequent successful applications.
gasifier/boiler (PSG)
Process description
Raw gas
Raw gas
gas analysis
analysis PSG
PDQ Main features of the PSG process:
Dry dust feed for high efficiency
Multiple burners with high availability and
long lifetime
Horizontally arranged burners for high
carbon conversion
Membrane wall with long lifetime
Waste heat boiler for efficient heat recovery
Operates above ash melting point
7. Syngas application
The raw gas produced by gasification needs to be treated before it can be used for the
production of downstream products, such as SNG, electricity, hydrogen and other chemi-
There are various process routes available for obtaining the Rectisol.
desired syngas composition, which may be a mixture of
carbon monoxide and hydrogen or either pure hydrogen or KEPCO-Uhde’s gasification business is focused on SNG and
carbon monoxide alone. electricity production via IGCCs with and without carbon diox-
ide capture. For the downstream processing KEPCO-Uhde
Hydrogen, for example, can be used in the refinery in-dustry and ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions work closely together
to achieve lighter and cleaner liquid fuels or for new applica- using ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions’ vast experience in
tions such as fuel cells for power generation or cars. syngas-based chemicals plants.
Liquid Fuels
Hard Coal H2
8. SNG production
Background on SNG Potential The production steps for SNG are shown in a block flow dia-
gram. After the gasification process a shift reaction to produ-
In 2013, the International Energy Outlook (EIA) projected that ce additional hydrogen is needed to satisfy the boundary
the world energy consumption will grow by 56 percent bet- conditions for the methanation process. Subsequently the
ween 2010 and 2040. Much of the growth in energy con- sulphur is removed from the process with a gas treatment
sumption occurs in non-OECD countries, where demand is process. Downstream of these units, the main reaction to
driven by strong long-term economic growth. SNG takes place. The product is then purified and is shipped
to battery limits. It is worth noting that the process chain is
Fossil fuels will continue to supply almost 80 percent of world overall exothermic and it is recommended to use the heat
energy use through 2040. Natural gas is the fastest-growing produced to generate electricity as shown in below Figure.
fossil fuel in the outlook. Global natural gas consumption
increases by 1.7 percent per year. The PRENFLO® PSG process is very well suited for this appli-
This increased demand for natural gas will have a significant cation since it is a highly efficient process reducing the feed-
impact on natural gas pricing. stock amount to a minimum. The steam produced in the
gasification section is used for electricity production as well
It is thus expected that the price and demand of gas will go up and makes the SNG plant power independent. Even power
gradually regardless of additional sources such as shale gas export is possible.
and this makes it attractive to produce natural gas based on
alternative fuels such as low rank coal. To give an impression of the size of the production plants,
please note that SNG production from one gasifier of over
Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) has essentially the same 350,000 t/y is possible. One promising plant scheme is the
properties like natural gas and LNG. With a strong demand production of over 1.000.000 t/y of SNG using 3 PRENFLO®
for LNG e.g. in Asia, SNG is a valuable alternative which is PSG gasifiers and two trains of gas treatment processes. This
based on resources such as low rank coal and thus is looking set-up is using the optimal economy of scale of all needed
more and more attractive. This product is especially attractive process units.
in locations where natural resources are scarce.
As described in the Scope of Services, the optimization of this
SNG can be easily produced e.g. mine mouth and then trans- SNG plant concept is one goal of the currently executed R&D
ferred with the existing natural gas pipelines to industrial and task.
private customers. Essentially the same products produced
from natural gas can be also obtained from SNG such as
electricity and chemicals
(e.g. ammonia, methanol etc.).
Production Process
Power Power
Oxygen Steam
Sulphur CO2
Solid feedstocks, such as coal, will continue to play an PRENFLO® (PSG) gasification technology using a mixture of
important role in power generation for the foreseeable future. high-sulphur petroleum coke and high-ash Spanish coal as
Integrated gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) technology the feedstock at the world’s largest solid-feedstock-based
offers an ideal method for cost effectively producing power IGCC plant in Puertollano, Spain.
from these feedstocks while offering substantial environmen-
tal benefits over other power generation technologies, such This IGCC plant is based on a highly integrated system in
as reducing CO2, SOx, NOx and particles emissions. The envi- which the total air for the air separation unit is taken from the
ronmental benefits can be improved even further by adding gas turbine compressor. The plant can be
biomass materials to the feedstocks. divided into three main parts:
The supply and disposal flows of a conventional power plant the gasification island, comprising the feed
are compared with those of an IGCC plant (see above). This preparation unit, the PRENFLO® gasification
comparison clearly shows how efficient and environment- unit, the gas treatment unit and a sulphur
friendly IGCC plants are. recovery unit
the power block, comprising the gas turbine,
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions has designed and built the heat recovery steam generator and the
steam turbine
the air separation unit (ASU).
Block diagram of an
IGCC power plant with PREN-
FLO® gasification
Together with ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions, KEPCO and the KEPCO Fleet members, we form
a strong team to deliver first-class solutions to our customers.
If you have any interest, please contact us at the following numbers and e-mail address.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
KEPCO-Uhde Inc.
4F, Bubang Annex Bldg., 530,
Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul 135-879, South Korea
Phone: +82 70 7862 1801-1805
Fax: +82 70 7862 1810
Email: [email protected]