RA 9514 Summarized
RA 9514 Summarized
RA 9514 Summarized
The head of the City or the Municipal Fire Station - Fire marshall
A standpipe system in which pipes are normally not filled with water. Water is introduced into
the system through fire service connections when needed. - Dry standpipe
A fire alarm system activated by the the presence of fire where the signal is transmitted to
designated locations instead of sounding a general alarm - Fire alerting system
A wall designed to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance rating of not less than 4
hours with sufficient structural stability to remain standing even if construction on either side
collapses under fire conditions - firewall
Any compound which when applied improves the resistivity or fire resistance quality of a
material - Flame retardant
A continuous and unobstructed route of exit from one point in a building to a public way -
Means of egress
The maximum number of persons that may be allowed to occupy a particular building or space -
Occupant load
The use of electrical appliances which draw or consume electrical current beyond the designed
capacity of the existing electrical system - Overloading
A piping system integrated in a building with outlets arranged in a systematic pattern which
automatically discharges water when activated by heat or fire combustion products - Sprinkler
The portion of a roadway that should be kept unobstructed at all times for the expedient
operations of fire-fighting units - Fire lane
Time in which flame will spread over the surface of a burning material - Flame spread rating
sets of plans are sent from the Building Official to the Fire Marshall for review - 6
Documentation on safety features of the facility prepared by the architect and his fire protection
consultant - FALAR 1
Documentation of periodic maintenance,Written report prepared by the building owner, his fire
safety officer - FALAR 3
A mechanical device which when pushed from the inside will cause the door to open - panic
New stairs: min. clear width for occupant less than 2000 - 1120mm
New stairs: min. clear width for occupant equal to or more than 2000 - 1420
Fire escape stairs Should not constitute more than ____% of required exit capacity - 50
Wet standpipes area required for Hazardous occupancies exceeding _______ - 1,860 sqm per
All portions of the building must be within_____ of a nozzle attached to a 22.00m long hose - 6
Occupant load Concentrated use without fixed seats, such as auditoriums, places of worship,
dance floors: - 0.65 sqm/person
Occupant load Less concentrated use such as conference rooms, dining rooms, gyms: -
Assembly: Minimum width of aisles If more than 60 seats Single-loaded aisle: - 915mm
Assembly: Minimum width of aisles If more than 60 seats Double-loaded isle: - 1220mm
Occupant loads for Classroom - 1.80sqm/person
Travel distance to exits of Detention and correctional center Between any room door intended as
access and an exit - 30.00m
Travel distance to exits of Detention and correctional center Between any point in the room -
Travel distance to exits of Detention and correctional center Any point in a sleeping room to the
door in that room: - 10.00m
Apartment buildings: Minimum corridor width For less than 50 persons - 910mm
Apartment buildings: Minimum corridor width Fore more than 50 persons - 1120mm
Apartment buildings Travel distance to exits Within any unit to nearest exit - 15.50m
Apartment buildings Travel distance to exits From apartment entrance to exit without sprinklers
- 31.00m
Apartment buildings Travel distance to exits From apartment entrance to exit with sprinklers -
Maximum number of persons allowed to occupy a space at any time - Occupant load