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Column Design

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Design of columns

1) Design of columns

Fck = 20 Mpa
Fy = 500 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 650.478 KN
Mx = 65.083 KN-m
My = 120.32 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.84 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000) 2.8353659
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.846 m
ley = K*L = 1.846 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 300 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 300 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 10.568 < 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 10.568 < 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 13.010 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 13.010 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 6.153 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 6.153 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 65.083 KN-m
Muy = 120.320 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.361
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 25.000 mm
clear cover = 40.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 50.000 mm
d'/D = 0.167
d'/B = 0.167
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.121
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.223
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.160
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.230 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.16*25 = 4.600 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 4140.00 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.330
Muy,l/(Fck*B *D)
= 0.330

Mux,l = 178.200 KN-m

Muy,l = 178.200 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 4140.00 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 85860.0 mm2
Puz = 2325.240 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.280 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So , αn = 1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.133 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.960 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 4140.00 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 25.000 16.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 8.000 4.000
Area of a steel bar = 490.875 201.062 0.000 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 12.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 4731.25 > 4140mm2 Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 6.25 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =300mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar 256 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be adopted = 250 mm
According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4
For column no.206,at joint-5
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 75.43 KN
From beam-4,at right
Mu,limbR = 105 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 23 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 63.099 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 76.76 KN
From beam,at right
Mu,limbR = 23 KN-m
From beam-16,at left
Mu,limbL = 98.34 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 59.815 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 76.760 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 76.760 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete (τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.853 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 1.860 %
Design shear strength of M20 concrete for 1.86% steel (τc) = 0.760 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M20 concrete (τc,max) = 2.8 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(Vus) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 8.360 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 3138.594 mm
Adopt Sv = 150.000mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =150 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
Asv,min ≥

Asv,min = 48.276 mm2 <201.062 mm2 ,Hence ok

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 300 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2720/6 = 453 mm
≥ 450 mm
Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 100 mm C/C should be provide up to the length
of 450 mm from each joint
Since, the column terminates into the footing Special confining reinforcement should be extended at least
300 mm inside the footing. (clause 7.4.3,IS:13920-1993)

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
25 8
Longitudinal 16 4

Transverse 8 4-legged 150

Special confining 8 4-legged 100

i) Column No.– 203 , 202 , 201(Columns at 4th,5th and 6th floor)

Fck = 25 Mpa
Fy = 415 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 3162.502 KN
Mx = 72.274 KN-m
My = 422.34 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.846 m
ley = K*L = 1.846 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 70.274 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 70.274 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 2.840 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 2.840 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 72.274 KN-m
Muy = 422.340 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.299
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 20.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 60.000 mm
d'/D = 0.092
d'/B = 0.092
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.011
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.062
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.020
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.060 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.08*25 = 1.500 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 6337.500 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.100
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.100

Mux,l = 686.563 KN-m

Muy,l = 686.563 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 6337.500 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 416162.500 mm2
Puz = 6654.375 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.475 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.459 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.530 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 6337.500 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 0.000 24.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 7539.840 > 6337.5 mm2 Hence ok.

So, 24–20Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.

C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 5 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be adopted = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.714 mm
Since, S > 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48 Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.714 > 3Ф = 60 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction
According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4
For column no.203,at joint no.-192
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 50.074 KN
From beam-960,at right
Mu,limbR = 432.511 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 0 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 209.116 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 295.173 KN
From beam,at right
Mu,limbR = 0 KN-m
From beam-972,at left
Mu,limbL = 432.245 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 208.987 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 295.173 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 295.173 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete (τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.738 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel joint(Ast) = 0.550 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.55% steel (τc) = 0.506 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(Vus) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 92.900 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 480.574 mm
Adopt Sv = 250.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
A sv,min
≥ 0.87*Fy

Asv,min = 180.030 mm2 < 201.062 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four legged vertical stirrups @ 250 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a 10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm

Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)

≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 150 mm C/C should be provide up to the length
of 650mm from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 0
20 24
Transverse 8 4-legged 250
Special confining 8 150

i) Column No.– 200 , 199 , 198(Columns at 7th,8th and 9th floor)

Fck = 25 Mpa
Fy = 415 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 1781.684 KN
Mx = 412.24 KN-m
My = 85.194 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.846 m
ley = K*L = 1.846 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 39.591 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 39.591 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 2.840 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 2.840 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 412.240 KN-m
Muy = 85.194 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.169
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 20.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 60.000 mm
d'/D = 0.092
d'/B = 0.092
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.060
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.012
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.015
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.040 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.06*25 = 1.000 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 4225.000 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.090
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.090

Mux,l = 617.906 KN-m

Muy,l = 617.906 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 4225.000 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 418275.000 mm2
Puz = 6020.625 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.296 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.160 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.726 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 4225.000 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 0.000 24.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 7539.840 > 4225.0 mm2 Hence ok.

So 24–20Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.

C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 5 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Adopt Pitch (Str) = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.714 mm
Since, S > 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48 Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.714 > 3Ф = 60 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction
According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4
For column no.200,at joint no.-189
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 60.368 KN
From beam-1140,at right
Mu,limbR = 370.767 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 0 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 179.263 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 262.668 KN
From beam,at right
Mu,limbR = 0 KN-m
From beam-1152,at left
Mu,limbL = 370.564 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 179.165 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 262.668 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 262.668 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete (τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.657 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel joint(Ast) = 0.550 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.55% steel (τc) = 0.506 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(Vus) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 60.395 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 739.224 mm
Adopt Sv = 250.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
A sv,min
≥ 0.87*Fy

Asv,min = 180.030 mm2 < 201.062 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four legged vertical stirrups @ 250 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a 10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm

Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)

≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 150 mm C/C should be provide up to the length of
650 mm from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 0
20 24
Transverse 8 4-legged 210
Special confining 8 150

i) Column No.– 197 , 196(Columns at 10th and 11th floor)

Fck = 25 Mpa
Fy = 415 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 559.864 KN
Mx = 303.893 KN-m
My = 86.879 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.846 m
ley = K*L = 1.846 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 12.441 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 12.441 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 2.840 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 2.840 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 303.893 KN-m
Muy = 86.879 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.053
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 20.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 60.000 mm
d'/D = 0.092
d'/B = 0.092
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.044
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.013
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.015
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.040 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.06*25 = 1.000 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 4225.000 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.080
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.080

Mux,l = 549.250 KN-m

Muy,l = 549.250 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 4225.000 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 418275.000 mm2
Puz = 6020.625 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.093 which is less than 0.2
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.000

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.711 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 4225.000 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 0.000 24.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) 7539.840 > 4225.0 mm2 Hence ok.

So 24–20Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.

C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 5 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Adopt Pitch (Str) = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.714 mm
Since, S > 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48 Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.714 > 3Ф = 60 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction
According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4
For column no.197,at joint no.-186
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 65.895 KN
From beam-1320,at right
Mu,limbR = 219.501 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 0 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 106.127 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 166.233 KN
From beam,at right
Mu,limbR = 0 KN-m
From beam-1332,at left
Mu,limbL = 219.377 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 106.067 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 166.233 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 166.233 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete (τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.416 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel joint(Ast) = 0.550 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.55% steel (τc) = 0.506 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv < τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is not designed
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
A sv,min
≥ 0.87*Fy
Therefore maximum spacing
(Sv) = 279.206 mm

Hence,provide 10 mm Ф two legged vertical stirrups @ 210 mm C/C .

≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four-legged vertical stirrups @ 250 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a 10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm

Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)

≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 150mm C/C should be provide up to the length of
650 mm from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 0
20 24
Transverse 8 250
Special confining 8 150
1) Design of columns
Fck = 20 Mpa
Fy = 500 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 862.0468 KN
Mx = 43.37 KN-m
My = 183.336 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.950 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.750 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 2.213 m
ley = K*L = 2.213 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 400 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 400 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 19.233 < 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 19.233 < 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 17.241 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 17.241 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 5.531 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 5.531 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 43.370 KN-m
Muy = 183.336 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.269
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 25.000 mm
clear cover = 30.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 40.000 mm
d'/D = 0.100
d'/B = 0.100
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.034
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.143
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.090
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.130 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P) = 2.600 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 4160.000 mm2
Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve
Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.180
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.180

Mux,l = 230.400 KN-m

Muy,l = 230.400 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 4160.000 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 155840.000 mm2
Puz = 2962.560 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.291 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So , αn = 1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.152 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.91 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 4160 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 25 20 16 12 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 4 8 0
Area of a steel bar = 490.875 314.160 201.062 113.04 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 12.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 4476.780 OK

C/C spacing between bars in X-direction(s) = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 80.000 mm
C/C spacing between bars in Y-direction = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 80.000 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 6.25 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension = 400 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 400 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be aopted = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 80.000 mm
Since, S > 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48 Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 107.500 > 3Ф = 75 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 92.23 KN
From beam-7,at right
Mu,limbR = 128.3 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 81.33 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 104.815 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 56.725 KN
From beam-16,at right
Mu,limbR = 109.46 KN-m
From beam-17,at left
Mu,limbL = 5.38 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 57.420 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 104.815 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 104.815 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.655 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 1.399 %
Design shear strength of concrete (τc) = 0.710 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M20 concrete (τc,max) = 2.8 N/mm2
τc > τv and
τv < τc,max
Hence,nominal shear reinforcement is to be provided.

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.
Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 400 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 491.666667 mm
≥ 450 mm
Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 100mm C/C should be provide up to the length of 650mm
from each joint.
Since, the column terminates into the footing Special confining reinforcement should be extended at least 300 mm
inside the footing. (clause 7.4.3,IS:13920-1993)

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
25 4
Longitudinal 20 8
16 0
Transverse 8 4-legged 150
Special confining 8 4-legged 100

i) Column No.– 159 , 158 , 157(Columns at 4th,5th and 6th floor)

Fck = 25 Mpa
Fy = 415 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 4386.66 KN
Mx = 42.73 KN-m
My = 528.783 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 2.213 m
ley = K*L = 2.213 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 97.475 KN-m > Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 97.475 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 3.404 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 3.404 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 97.475 KN-m
Muy = 528.783 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.415
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 25.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 62.500 mm
d'/D = 0.096
d'/B = 0.096
Mux/(Fck*B*D )2
= 0.014
Muy/(Fck*B *D)
= 0.077
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.060
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.080 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.12*25 = 2.000 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 8450.000 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.100
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.100

Mux,l = 686.563 KN-m

Muy,l = 686.563 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 8450.000 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 414050.000 mm2
Puz = 7288.125 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.602 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.670 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.685 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 8450.000 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 8.000 16.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 8953.560 > 8450 mm2 Hence ok.

So 8–25Ф and 16–20Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.
C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 6.25 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be adopted = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.000 mm
Since, S = 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48 Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.000 > 3Ф = 75 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

For column no.159,at joint-148
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 367.747 KN
From beam-963,at right
Mu,limbR = 386.389 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 0 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 186.816 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 29.216 KN
From beam-972,at right
Mu,limbR = 385.148 KN-m
From beam-973,at left
Mu,limbL = 411.257 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 385.056 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 385.056 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 385.056 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.963 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 0.683 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.683% steel (τc) = 0.549 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(V us) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 165.769 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 269.321 mm
Adopt Sv
= 200.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
≥ 0.87*Fy

Asv,min = 144.024 mm2 <201.062 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four legged vertical stirrups @ 200 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm

Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)

≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 100mm C/C should be provide up to the length of 650mm
from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 8
20 16
Transverse 8 4-legged 200
Special confining 8 100

i) Column No.– 156 , 155 , 154(Columns at 7th,8th and 9th floor)

Fck = 25 Mpa
Fy = 415 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 2027.361 KN
Mx = 577.291 KN-m
My = 124.072 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 2.213 m
ley = K*L = 2.213 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 45.050 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 45.050 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 3.404 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 3.404 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 577.291 KN-m
Muy = 124.072 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.192
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 25.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 62.500 mm
d'/D = 0.096
d'/B = 0.096
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.084
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.018
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.030
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.060 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.12*25 = 1.500 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 6337.500 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.111
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.111

Mux,l = 762.084 KN-m

Muy,l = 762.084 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 6337.500 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 416162.500 mm2
Puz = 6654.375 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.305 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.174 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.840 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 6337.500 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 4.000 20.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 8246.700 > 6337.5 mm2 Hence ok.

So 20–20Ф and 4-25Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.
C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 6.25 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Adopt Pitch (Str) = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.000 mm
Since, S = 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48 Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.000 > 3Ф = 60 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

For column no.156,at joint-145
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 85.814 KN
From beam-1143,at right
Mu,limbR = 327.513 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 0 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 158.350 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 379.866 KN
From beam-1152,at right
Mu,limbR = 308.367 KN-m
From beam-1153,at left
Mu,limbL = 354.035 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 320.266 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 379.866 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 379.866 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.950 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 0.639 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.639% steel (τc) = 0.534 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(V us) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 166.208 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 268.610 mm
Adopt Sv = 200.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
≥ 0.87*F v

Asv,min = 144.024 mm2 <201.062 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 10 mm Ф two legged vertical stirrups @ 200 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm
Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)
≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 10 mm, @ 100mm C/C should be provide up to the length of 650mm
from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 4
20 20
Transverse 8 4-legged 200
Special confining 8 100

i) Column No.– 153 , 152(Columns at 10th and 11th floor)

Fck = 25 Mpa
Fy = 415 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 733.812 KN
Mx = 350.845 KN-m
My = 122.554 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 2.213 m
ley = K*L = 2.213 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 16.306 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 16.306 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 3.404 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 3.404 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 350.845 KN-m
Muy = 122.554 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.069
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 20.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 60.000 mm
d'/D = 0.092
d'/B = 0.092
Mux/(Fck*B*D ) 2
= 0.051
Muy/(Fck*B *D)
= 0.018
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.020
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.060 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.06*25 = 1.500 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 6337.500 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.100
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.100

Mux,l = 686.563 KN-m

Muy,l = 686.563 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 6337.500 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 416162.500 mm2
Puz = 6654.375 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.110 which is less than 0.2
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.000

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.690 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 6337.500 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 0.000 24.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 7539.840 > 6337.5 mm2 Hence ok.

So 24–20Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.

C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 5 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Adopt Pitch (Str) = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.714 mm
Since, S > 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48 Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.714 > 3Ф = 60 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

For column no.153,at joint-142
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 88.817 KN
From beam-1323,at right
Mu,limbR = 190.248 KN-m
From beam,at left
Mu,limbL = 0 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 91.983 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 205.512 KN
From beam-1332,at right
Mu,limbR = 154.964 KN-m
From beam-1333,at left
Mu,limbL = 214.99 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 178.870 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 205.512 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 205.512 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.514 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 0.550 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.55% steel (τc) = 0.506 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(V us) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 3.238 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 13785.719 mm
Adopt Sv = 250.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
A sv,min
≥ 0.87*Fy

Asv,min = 180.030 mm2 < 201.062 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф 4- legged vertical stirrups @ 250 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm
Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)
≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 150mm C/C should be provide up to the length of 650mm
from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 0
20 24
Transverse 8 4-legged 250
Special confining 8 150
1) Design of interior columns
Fck = 20 Mpa
Fy = 500 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 385.96 KN
Mx = 157.2 KN-m
My = 46.982 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.84 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.849 m
ley = K*L = 1.849 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 350 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 350 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 12.236 < 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 12.236 < 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 7.719 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 7.719 KN-m < My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 5.283 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 5.283 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 157.200 KN-m
Muy = 38.350 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.158
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 25.000 mm
clear cover = 40.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 52.500 mm
d'/D = 0.150
d'/B = 0.150
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.183
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.045
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.170
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.190 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P) = 3.800 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 4655.00 mm2
Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve
Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.230
Muy,l/(Fck*B *D)
= 0.230

Mux,l = 197.225 KN-m

Muy,l = 197.225 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 4655.00 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 117845.0 mm2
Puz = 2806.230 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.138 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So , αn = 1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.000 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.992 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 4655.00 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 20.000 25.000 16.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 8.000 4.000
Area of a steel bar = 314.160 490.625 200.960 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 8 nos25 dia + 4 nos 16 dia

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 4728.840 > 4655.00 OK

So 8-20 dia and 4 - 16 dia (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.
C/C spacing between bars in X-direction(s) = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 61.250 mm
C/C spacing between bars in Y-direction = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 61.250 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 6.25 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension = 350
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 256 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be adopted = 256 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 61.250 mm
Since, S < 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 256 mm <48Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 103.750 > 3Ф = 60 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

For column no.-173,at joint-10
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 100.311 KN
From beam,at right
Mu,limbR = 112.43 KN-m
From beam-7,at left
Mu,limbL = 87.45 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 102.898 KN

Check for shear and design of shear stirrups

(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 102.898 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.988 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 0.905 %
Design shear strength of M20 concrete (τc) = 0.600 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M20 concrete (τc,max) = 2.8 N/mm2
τv> τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence, shear reinforcement is to be provided
Spacing of stirrups (Sv)
0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Provide 2L-8mm dia ba Asv = 100.48 mm2
Vus = 29.398 KN
Sv = 442.324 mm
Adopt Sv = 150.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension = 175 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
Asv,min ≥

Asv,min = 41.379 mm2 <100.48 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф two legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a 10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 350 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 453 mm
≥ 450 mm
Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 100mm C/C should be provide up to the length of
455mm from each joint.
Since, the column terminates into the footing Special confining reinforcement should be extended at least
300 mm inside the footing. (clause 7.4.3,IS:13920-1993)

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
20 0
Longitudinal 25 8
16 4
Transverse 8 2-legged 150
Special confining 8 100

i) Column No.– 170 , 169 , 168(Columns at 4th,5th and 6th floor)

Fck = 25.000 Mpa
Fy = 415.000 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 4360.013 KN
Mx = 684.114 KN-m
My = 2.326 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.849 m
ley = K*L = 1.849 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20
Moments due to minimum eccentricity
Muxe = Pu*exmin = 96.883 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 96.883 KN-m > My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 2.845 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 2.845 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 684.114 KN-m
Muy = 96.883 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.413
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 25.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 62.500 mm
d'/D = 0.096
d'/B = 0.096
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.100
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.014
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.080
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.100 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.14*25 = 2.500 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 10562.500 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.120
Muy,l/(Fck*B *D)
= 0.120

Mux,l = 823.875 KN-m

Muy,l = 823.875 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 10562.500 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 411937.500 mm2
Puz = 7921.875 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.550 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.584 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.779 < 1, Hence ok.
Area of steel required (Asc) = 10562.500 mm2
Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 25.000 0.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 12271.875 > 10562.5 mm2 Hence ok.

So 24–25Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.

C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 6.25 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be adopted = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.000 mm
Since, S = 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48Фtr= 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.000 > 3Ф = 75 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

For column no.170,at joint-158
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 9.392 KN
From beam-964,at right
Mu,limbR = 397.255 KN-m
From beam-963,at left
Mu,limbL = 348.212 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 360.427 KN
At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 465.922 KN
From beam-975,at right
Mu,limbR = 347.706 KN-m
From beam-976,at left
Mu,limbL = 393.262 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 358.252 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 465.922 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 465.922 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 1.166 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 0.860 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.86% steel (τc) = 0.601 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(V us) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 225.752 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 197.761 mm
Adopt Sv = 150.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)
Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
Asv,min ≥

Asv,min = 108.018 mm2 < 201.062 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four legged vertical stirrups @ 150 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm

Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)

≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 100mm C/C should be provide up to the length of
650mm from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 20
20 4
Transverse 8 4-legged 150
Special confining 8 100

i) Column No.– 167 , 166 , 165(Columns at 7th,8th and 9th floor)

Fck = 25.000 Mpa
Fy = 415.000 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 2553.764 KN
Mx = 593.734 KN-m
My = 14.914 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.849 m
ley = K*L = 1.849 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 56.747 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 56.747 KN-m > My

Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)

lex/D = 2.845 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 2.845 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 593.734 KN-m
Muy = 56.747 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.242
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 25.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 62.500 mm
d'/D = 0.096
d'/B = 0.096
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.086
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.008
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.050
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.080 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.12*25 = 2.000 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 8450.000 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.120
Muy,l/(Fck*B *D)
= 0.120

Mux,l = 823.875 KN-m

Muy,l = 823.875 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 8450.000 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 414050.000 mm2
Puz = 7288.125 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.350 which is between 0.2 to 0.8
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.251 which is betweeen 1 to 2 , ok.

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.699 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 8450.000 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 8.000 16.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2

So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000

Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 8953.560 > 8450 mm2 Hence ok.

So 8–25Ф and 16–20Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.
C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.000 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 6.25 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be adopted = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.000 mm
Since, S = 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48Фtr= 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.000 > 3Ф = 75 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

For column no.167,at joint-155
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 13.107 KN
From beam-1144,at right
Mu,limbR = 345.016 KN-m
From beam-1143,at left
Mu,limbL = 276.384 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 300.442 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 389.118 KN
From beam-1155,at right
Mu,limbR = 275.947 KN-m
From beam-1156,at left
Mu,limbL = 340.795 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 298.190 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 389.118 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 389.118 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.973 N/mm2
Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 0.683 %
Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 0.683% steel (τc) = 0.549 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv > τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is to be designed
Required capacity of shear reinforcement(V us) = Vu-τc*B*d
= 169.831 KN
Assuming 4-legged 8mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

0.87*Fy*Asv*d (Clause 40.4 (a) IS:456-2000)
Sv =
Sv = 262.879 mm
Adopt Sv = 200.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)

Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)

Asv,min ≥

Asv,min = 144.024 mm2 <157.08 mm2 ,Hence ok

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four legged vertical stirrups @ 200 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm

Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)

≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 100mm C/C should be provide up to the length of
650mm from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 8
20 16
Transverse 8 200
Special confining 8 100

i) Column No.– 164 , 163(Columns at 10th and 11th floor)

Fck = 25.000 Mpa
Fy = 415.000 Mpa
Axial load (Pu) = 526.856 KN
Mx = 335.475 KN-m
My = 16.079 KN-m
Unsupported length (L) = 2.771 m
Effective length coefficient(K) = 0.65 (Table 28.Cls E.3,IS:456-2000)
Effective length (le)
lex = K*L = 1.849 m
ley = K*L = 1.849 m
Size of column
In X-direction (B) = 650 mm
In Y-direction (D) = 650 mm

Minimum eccentricity (Clause 25.4,IS:456-2000)

exmin = L/500+D/30 = 22.221 > 20
eymin = L/500+B/30 = 22.221 > 20

Moments due to minimum eccentricity

Muxe = Pu*exmin = 11.707 KN-m < Mx
Muye = Pu*eymin = 11.707 KN-m < My
Check for slenderness ratio (Clause 25.1.2,IS:456-2000)
lex/D = 2.845 < 12 , SC
ley/B = 2.845 < 12 , SC
Therefore it is a short column about both the axes
Hence,the design moments are
Mux = 335.475 KN-m
Muy = 16.079 KN-m

Column Design
Pu/(Fck*BD) = 0.050
Taking bar diameter (Ф) = 20.000 mm
clear cover = 50.000 mm
Effective cover (d') = 60.000 mm
d'/D = 0.092
d'/B = 0.092
Mux/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.049
Muy/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.002
From Pu-Mu interaction curve
P/Fck = 0.020
Increasing the value of P/Fck to 0.060 for safety against combined biaxial moment.
Percentage of steel(P)=0.08*25 = 1.500 %
Area of steel(Asc)=P of (B*D) = 6337.500 mm2

Again from Pu-Mu interaction curve

Mux,l/(Fck*B*D2) = 0.100
Muy,l/(Fck*B2*D) = 0.100

Mux,l = 686.563 KN-m

Muy,l = 686.563 KN-m

For check
Puz=0.45*Fck*Ac+0.75*Fy*Asc (Clause 39.6,IS:456-2000)
Asc = 6337.500 mm2
Ac = Ag-Asc = 416162.500 mm2
Puz = 6654.375 KN
Pu/Puz = 0.079 which is less than 0.2
So αn =1+(Pu/Puz-0.2)/0.6 = 1.000

Check :
` [Mux/Mux,l]αn+[Muy/Muy,l]αn= 0.512 < 1, Hence ok.

Area of steel required (Asc) = 6337.500 mm2

Provided bar diameter(Ф) = 32.000 25.000 20.000 mm
No. of steel bars provided = 0.000 0.000 24.000
Area of a steel bar = 804.250 490.875 314.160 mm2
So,Provided total no. of steel bars = 24.000
Provided area of steel(Ascp) = 7539.840 > 6337.5 mm2 Hence ok.

So 24–20Ф bars (equally distributed on four sides) are provided.

C/C spacing between bars = (B-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
C/C spacing between bars = (D-2*effective cover)/(no. of bars on each face)
= 75.714 mm
not greater than 300 mm,
Hence ok.

Design of transverse reinforcement (clause 26.53.2,IS:456-2000)

i) Diameter of tie (Фtr) ≥ ¼ of the largest 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 5 mm
≥ 6 mm
Adopt Diameter of tie (Фtr) = 8 mm

ii) Spacing of lateral tie

Pitch (Str) ≤ The least lateral dimension =650 mm
≤ 16 times of the least 'Ф' of longitudinl bar = 320 mm
≤ 300 mm
Pitch (Str) to be adopted = 300 mm

iii) Arrangements of transverse reinforcements

Spacing of longitudinal bars (S) = 75.714 mm
Since, S > 75 mm in both direction.
And Pitch (Str) = 300 mm < 48Фtr = 384 mm
Distance of long. bars of inner row from nearest compression face = 125.714 > 3Ф = 60 Hence ok.
Additional open ties for inner bars are required in both direction

According to IS:13920-1993,Clause 7.3.4

For column no.164,at joint-152
At X-X direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 9.84 KN
From beam-1324,at right
Mu,limbR = 214.243 KN-m
From beam-1323,at left
Mu,limbL = 136.3 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 169.485 KN

At Y-Y direction
Factored SF (Vf) = 198.845 KN
From beam-1335,at right
Mu,limbR = 136.057 KN-m
From beam-1336,at left
Mu,limbL = 210.008 KN-m
Calculated SF
V = 1.4*
= 167.320 KN
Therefore design SF (Vu) = 198.845 KN
Check for shear and design of shear stirrups
(Clause 40.1,40.2.3,, 40.3.1 and 40.4,Table-19 and 20,IS:456-2000)
design SF (Vu) = 198.845 KN
Equivalent nominal shear stress of concrete ( τv) = Vu/B*d
= 0.497 N/mm2

Percentage of tensile steel at joint(Ast) = 0.550 %

Design shear strength of M25 concrete for 1.163% steel (τc) = 0.686 N/mm2
Maximum shear strength of M25 concrete (τc,max) = 3.1 N/mm2
τv < τc and
τv < τc,max
Hence,shear reinforcement is not designed
Assuming 4-legged 8 mm Ф vertical stirrups
Area of vertical stirrups (Asv) = 201.062 mm2

Spacing of stirrups (Sv)

Minimum area of vertical stirrups(Asv,min)
Asv,min ≥
Therefore maximum spacing
(Sv) = 279.206 mm
Adopt Sv = 200.000 mm
≤ 1/2*The least lateral dimension =325 mm
≤ 300 mm
(Clause 7.3.2 and 7.3.3,IS 13920-1993)

Hence,provide 8 mm Ф four legged vertical stirrups @ 200 mm C/C .

Since the length of hoop of all side exceeds 300 mm across tie shall be provided.
Alternatively,a pair of overlaping hoops may be provided within the column.The hooks
shall engage peripheral longitudinal bars.A rectangular hoop provided should be a
135 deg. Hoop with a10*dia.of tie bar (but not less tha 75 mm at each end tha is
embeded in the confined core.

Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4,7.4.1,IS:13920-1993)

Length over which special confining reinforcement is to be provided from each joint
lo ≥ larger lateral dimension of section = 650 mm
≥ 1/6 of clear span = 2245/6 = 374.167 mm
≥ 450 mm
Spacing of Special confining reinforcement (clause 7.4.6,IS:13920-1993)
≤ 1/4 of minimum member dimension = 650/4 = 162.5 mm
≤ 100 mm
≥ 75 mm
Hence special confining reinforcement of 8 mm, @ 100mm C/C should be provide up to the length of
650mm from each joint.

Hence provide
Ф Pitch
Bars No. of bars
(mm) (mm)
32 0
Longitudinal 25 0
20 24
Transverse 8 200
Special confining 8 100

Since , stairecase landing beam rests in the two line internal columns , the spacial confining
reinforcement should be provided over the full height of the two lines of columns , because the
calculated point of contraflexure may not lie within the middle half of the clear height of the
column. (Clause 7.4.3,IS:13920-1993)

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