BSF Form
BSF Form
BSF Form
b) I also understand that if at any stage I am found by the Selection Board to have
used unfair means in the written examination/ test or to have voilated any of the
Rules/Regulations governing the conduct of selection process, my candidature can
be cancelled or be declared to have failed by the selection board at its sole
c) I also agree with the contributory pension scheme of Government of India vide
central civil service (Extra Ordinary Pension) amendment rules 2003.
d) I also agree that I will not fill up multiple forms for same post , by registering
multiple Email Ids, by using multiple systems or by using multiple IP Addresses or
by any other fraudulent way not otherwise specified here. If at any stage of the
examination I am found voilating this condition, my candidature can be cancelled
by the Selection Board or Document Scrutiny board.
e) I also agree that i will not upload fake Photgraph or Signature in online form
submission.If at any stage of the examination I am found voilating this condition,
my candidature can be cancelled by the Selection Board or Document Scrutiny
f) I also agree that I will not use any online/offline, software / hardware tool, or
any other means not specified here, which may create any kind of junk data or
which can cause congestion in network or which may cause deletion or updation
of existing data or which may induce any virus/worm or trojan in BSF recruitment
servers. If at any stage of the examination I am found voilating this condition, my
candidature can be cancelled by the Selection Board or Document Scrutiny board
and suitable legal action as Per IT Act 2000 and IT Amendment Act 2008 can be
taken against me.
Date : 6/12/2019