BL 3 - Final Exam Answer Sheet
BL 3 - Final Exam Answer Sheet
BL 3 - Final Exam Answer Sheet
I. Definitions
1. Consideration
payment or money; a vital element in the law of contracts, consideration is a benefit which must be
bargained for between the parties, and is the essential reason for a party entering into a contract.
2. Holder for Value
One who gives valuable consideration for an instrument issued or negotiated to him is a holder for
3. Accomodation Party
An accomodation party is one who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or indorser,
without receiving value therefor, and for the purpose of lending his name to some other person.
4. Failure Consideration
A failure of consideration occurs if one of the parties in a contract fails. Specifically, it occurs if they fail
to fulfill their end of the deal. In a contract, a party trades something of value in exchange for
consideration. When there is a failure of consideration, it means that the consideration ceased to be
II. Discussions
1. State the liability of an accommodation party on an instrument.
Under Section 29, an accommodation party is liable on the instrument even in the absence of
consideration between him and the accommodated party even though the holder of the instrument
knew him to be only an accommodation party.
2. Give two presumptions that under the law arise from issue of a negotiable instrument.
(1) prima facie to have been issued for a valuable consideration
(2) that every person whose signature appears thereon has become a party thereto for value.
State the liability of a maker of a promissory note when there is: (a) absence of consideration;
3. (b) failure of consideration for the note.
(a) Absence of consideration – The note would not be recovered between the maker and the payee but
the maker will be liable between him and a holder in due course because absence of consideration is
not a personal defense against the latter.
(b) Failure of consideration for the note – the maker is liable only to the extent of consideration
delivered to him known as partial failure of consideration otherwise the payee could not recover if the
consideration is not complied with.
III. Problems
- He can collect the P12,000 and apply it to X’s debt and deliver the surplus to him under Section 27 as
Y is deemed a holder for value to the extent of his lien.
- If the note is subject to personal defenses, Y can only collect 10,000.
1. - If the note is subject to real defenses, Y cannot collect anything.
Z is deemed a holder for value in respect to all parties who become such prior to that time because
there is value given for the instrument consistent with what is stated in Section 26. If Z is a holder in due
course, he may enforce the payment in full against W, X and Y. If Z is not a holder in due course, W can
2. set up the defense of absence of consideration.
X may enforce payment from W if W has an antecedent or pre-existing debt. The payment of debt is
3. sufficient to be a valuable consideration and the debt may be that of a third party.
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