Pilipinas Bank vs. CA
Pilipinas Bank vs. CA
Pilipinas Bank vs. CA
141060 September 29, 2000 The Company will subject to the Limits of this Section as hereinafter provided
indemnify the insured against loss by any cause whatsoever occuring (sic)
PILIPINAS BANK, petitioner, outside the premises of Money and Securities in the personal charge of a
vs. Messenger in transit on a Money Route x x x.4
COURT OF APPEALS, HON. ELOY R. BELLO, In his capacity as
Presiding Judge, RTC-Manila, Branch 15, And MERIDIAN and the warranty/rider attached to the Policy which provides that-
WARRANTED that in respect of PILIPINAS BANK Head Office and all its
DECISION branches, pick-up and/or deposits and withdrawals without the use of armored
car, company car, or official's car shall be covered by this policy. x x x 5
Private respondent denied petitioner's claim and averred that the insurance does
not cover the deliveries of the withdrawals to petitioner's clients.
Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, assailing the Decision of the Court of
Petitioner thereafter filed a complaint against private respondent with the
Appeals, Sixth Division, dated July 30, 1999 in CA-G.R. S.P. No.
Regional Trial Court of Manila. Private respondent filed a motion to dismiss
297491 which dismissed petitioner Pilipinas Bank's petition for which was later granted by the RTC. Petitioner then moved to reconsider the
certiorari,2 and the Resolution, dated September 17, 19993 denying trial court's order, but the same was denied.
petitioner's Urgent Motion for Extension of Time to file Motion for
Reconsideration, Manifestation and Motion to Admit Motion for
Aggrieved, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals
Reconsideration. assailing the RTC's order dismissing the complaint.6 The appellate court granted
the petition and remanded the case to the RTC for further proceedings. Private
The facts of the case are as follows: respondent filed with this Court a petition for review of the appellate court's
decision, but the same was dismissed in a Resolution dated July 5, 1989.
On January 8, 1995, petitioner obtained from private respondent Meridian
Assurance Corporation a Money Securities and Payroll Comprehensive Policy After the case was remanded to the RTC and the latter set the case for pre-trial,
which was effective from January 13, 1985 to January 13, 1986. On November petitioner filed its Pre-Trial Brief, stating among others, that it would present as
25, 1985, at about 9:15 a.m., while the policy was in full force and effect, one of its witnesses Mr. Cesar R. Tubianosa to testify on the existence and due
petitioner's armored vehicle bearing Plate No. NBT 379 which was on its way execution of the insurance policy, particularly on the negotiations that were held
to deliver the payroll withdrawal of its client Luzon Development Bank prior to the execution thereof, including negotiations that led to the attachment
ACLEM Paper Mills, was robbed by two armed men wearing police uniforms warranties, to prove that the loss subject of petitionerss claim is covered by the
along Magsaysay Road, San Antonio, San Pedro, Laguna. Petitioner's driver, Policy. Petitioner identified the issues of the case as follows:
authorized teller and two private armed guards were on board the armored
vehicle when the same was robbed. The loss suffered by petitioner as a result of 1. Whether or not the loss due to the hold-up/robbery is covered by the
the heist amounted to P545,301.40. Insurance Policy;
Petitioner filed a formal notice of claim under its insurance policy with private 2. In the affirmative, whether or not, defendant is liable to plaintiff
respondent on December 3, 1985, invoking Section II of the Policy which states:
for said loss, inclusive of other damages prayed for in the
On September 18, 1991, when petitioner was about to present Mr. Tubianosa to
testify, private respondent objected and argued that said witness testimony
Petitioners Complaint merely alleged that under the provisions of the Policy, WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED. The Decision of
it was entitled to recover from private respondent the amount it lost during the Court of Appeals is hereby AFFIRMED.
the heist. It did not allege therein that the Policys terms were ambiguous or
failed to express the true agreement between itself and private respondent. SO ORDERED.
Such being the case, petitioner has no right to insist that it be allowed to
present Tubianosas testimony to shed light on the alleged true agreement of