Paper192046 2050 PDF
Paper192046 2050 PDF
Paper192046 2050 PDF
Review Article
Department of Mechanical Engineering, SKN Sinhgad College of Engg., Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India
Received 20 Sept 2017, Accepted 23 Nov 2017, Available online 30 Nov 2017, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)
The FEA analysis of Tie rod is carried out to check its fatigue life, & improve the fatigue life. The most percentage
weight of vehicle is taken by suspension system; however tie rod may get fail due to fluctuating forces
during steering and bumping of vehicle .The forces from the steering is also considered during the static condition of
car. Vibration and fatigue of Tie rod has been continuously a concern which may lead to structural failure if the
resulting vibration and stresses are severe and excessive. It is a significant study which requires in-depth
investigation to understand the structural characteristics and it dynamic behavior. This paper presents and focuses
on some Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of a typical tie rod of a car will be carried out and fatigue life will be
Keywords: Tie rod, optimization, fatigue life, buckling load, steering link, improvement of fatigue life, FEA.
1. Introduction
The load coming on tie rod is mostly compressive. The H.R. Kim, et al. (2002) In this paper author carried out
efforts required where car is moving are comparatively experiment which were of effects of additives, Ti +B, Zr,
less with stationary car. The working strength of the tie Sr, and Mg, on the mechanical properties and the
rod is that of the product of the allowable working microstructure of a preform cast were investigated. A
stress and the minimum cross-sectional area (Seung K. finite element analysis was performed to determine an
Koh 2009). Vibration and buckling of Tie rod has been optimal configuration of the cast preform. Lastly, a
continuously a concern which may lead to structural forging experiment was carried out to make the final
failure if the resulting vibration and stresses are product of an aluminium tie-rod end by using the cast
undesirable and excessive (Pradeep Mahadevappa preform. The highest hardness was obtained when
Chavan, et al. 2014). 0.2% Mg was added. Author conclude It is possible to
It is found that tie rod is primarily encounter under propose the preform for the forging of a aluminium tie-
compressive loads and hence fails in buckling. rod end for the steering system of automobiles using
Moreover due to suspension components fluctuating the 3D FE analysis and the results of the analysis are
loads are also coming on tie rod due to random loads similar to the results of the forging experiment.
coming on suspension of vehicle (Shripad Mungi, et al. Suraj Joshi, et al. (2011) in that paper author works
2015). From various theoretical studies and practical on analysis of the strength of the threaded connection
observations, it is observed that tie rod is under and determining the optimal number of turns of thread
compressive loading condition and hence fails in engagement. This paper reports the results of full-scale
buckling. Apart from this because of suspension force tensile rupture experiments on two categories of large-
components fluctuating loads are also coming on the scale steel tie rods provided by China JULI Corporation:
tie rod, due to random loads on a suspension of a (i) LG75-00 steel tie rods with triangle threaded
vehicle (Satish U.Wayal, et al. 2016). connection, and (ii) LG100-00 steel tie rods with
trapezoidal threaded connection. The full-scale tensile
2. Literature review
rupture experiments were carried out to test the
Following is the literature review of some papers maximum allowable axial working load under different
giving more information about their contribution in numbers of turns of engaged threads. The results of
design and analysis of tie rod. these experiments suggest minimum number of turns
Some of the researchers doing their work in Design of thread engagement for preventing the failure of
and analysis of tie rod. thread teeth of steel tie rods in practical shear and
A. H. Falah, et al. (2007) carry out study on a failure bending applications. author conclude that In order to
analysis of a tie rod end of a sports utility vehicle (SUV) minimize the probability of shear and bending failure
steering mechanism. In that paper he conduct Visual occurring in the engaged thread teeth on a steel tie rod
examination, photo documentation, chemical analysis, in service, the number of engaged thread turns should
hardness measurement, and metallographic be kept as low as possible. The trapezoidal threaded
examination. The failure surface was examined with connection is strongly recommended in where the
the help of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) nominal diameter of the connection is greater than 80
equipped with EDAX facility that determines chemical mm. When the number of engaged turns is exactly
composition at desired locations within the part. eight, failure occurs at the middle part of unengaged
Author found that the tie rod end had failed by fatigue thread. the resistance to shear and the resistance to
with a crack initiation at the throat (minimum) area of bending of the threaded connection are both greater
the threaded part due to material deficiency and than the tensile strength of the tie rod body with
improper heat treatment. Fractographic features unengaged threads. It is recommended that the
indicated that fatigue was the main cause of failure of minimum number of turns of threaded engagement
the tie rod end. Failure analysis results indicate that should be at least eight in any practical engineering
the primary cause of failure of the tie rod was likely applications of steel tie rods.
material deficiency. Soohyun Nam, et al. (2015) conducted study, a light
Seung K.Koh (2009) works on fatigue analysis to weight carbon composite tie bar having threads at the
prevent fatigue failures and estimate the fatigue life of ends with higher failure strain and specific strength
an automotive steering link. Finite element method compared to the conventional steel bolt tie bar was
was employed to determine local stress and strain developed. The tie bar was composed of a thread part
distributions of the link. The experimental strains at and a rod part. a ply of fabric was adopted to increase
the critical locations were measured by using strain- the tensile properties of the carbon composite tie bar
gages in order to verify the accuracy of the finite by impeding the crack propagation.
element analysis results. A carbon tube steel of Sergio Lagomarsino, et al. (2005) studied the
STKM12C for the steering link exhibited cyclic tensile axial force of metallic tie-rods in masonry
softening behavior. As expected by the during finite arches and vaults. The identification procedure uses
element stress analysis, cracking occurred at the the first three modal frequencies of the tie-rod,
curved region of the tubular steering link rod and measured by means of a dynamic test. The
propagated circumferentially to the opposite side of reference structural system consists of a beam with
the link rod, resulting in the final fracture. uniform section, subjected to an axial tensile force
2047| International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)
Abaso J. Godase and Prasad P. Kulkarni Tie Rod Design and Analysis: A Review
and spring-hinged at both ends. Besides the axial maximum tensile load and a maximum compressive
tensile force, the unknown variables are the bending load. In this paper, Reverse Brake and Bump scenario
stiffness of the section and the stiffness of the for compressive load and Cornering and Bump
rotational springs. Since the characteristic equation of scenario for tensile load were found to have the
this structural system does not allow analytical most severe impacts on the tie rod during its service
solutions, the paper proposes an approximate life, coupled with other factors such as Fatigue,
numerical solution, based on a minimization procedure Corrosion, poor manufacturing route, misalignment,
of a suitable error function. The robustness of the service loading, though not too severe as the
method is tested by identifying a number of ideal tie- compressive and tensile forces.
rods, modeled by means of a FEM code. Arif Senol Sener (2016) conducted their work that,
T. P. Smith (1971) completely automatic machine Turkish customer automobile usage was determined
designed for eddy current inspection of critical areas by a questionnaire in order to form the Turkish
on automobile steering tie-rods is described. The Mission profile for a LCV (light commercial vehicle). A
machine allows a uniform standard of inspection and comparison between Turkish customer usage and a of
can test components at four times the rate of an the European County’s mission profile was done.
operator using manual methods. Referencing sale percentage of this vehicle and the
Patrick O. Ebunilo, et al. (2016) investigated the region of the failures come out on other model
theory of durability and reliability on vehicle tie rods vehicles were produced before and also Turkey’s
and it was found out that buckling is the major failure geographic and climate condition, a new test road was
mode that hampers its longevity during braking, formed for this kind of vehicle. İn order to determine
cornering and both compressive and tensile load acting Turkey’s rods fatigue characteristics a road test
on the vehicle while going through speed bumps. Using executed. About 50 road routes and some rough road’s
CATIA software, both ends of the tie rods (inner and fatigue characteristics were acquitted with a LCV (Light
outer) were subjected to different load case scenarios Commercial vehicle) equipped with sensors. Collected
obtained from ADAMS software. The load cases were data were elaborated with a software program such as;
analyzed to find the maximum loads in both directions, spike analysis, frequency analysis, arithmetic
capable of causing the tie rod to buckle. CATIA manipulation etc.. After that the general load spectrum
software was used to model several designs and of Turkey’s roads belong to the steering wheel tie rod
analyze possible areas of stress concentrations on the is formed. Rain-flow statistical counting method was
tie rod. applied steering wheel tie rod’s signals in order to
Nitin S. Duryodhan, et al. (2015) conducted their make fatigue comparisons meaningfully and other
work that modeling of steering shaft is done by application. Then Fatigue analysis of the steering wheel
using Creo software and for the analysis ansys tie rod according to MP (Turkish mission profiles)
software is used. In this paper literature survey is were calculated by using FEA (Finite Element Analysis)
made and it is found that there is lot of scope to and verified by the Palsmgren-Miner rule.
improve the intermediate steering shaft and to Anne-Sophie Beranger, et al. In the automotive
improve its strength and rigidity by optimizing the industry, most of the components are subjected in
design of the intermediate steering shaft by reducing service to fatigue loading which may result in failures.
the cost of the material and by saving the material. In order to reduce design lead times and to assure a
Pradeep Mahadevappa Chavan, et al. (2014) works high reliability level of the parts, general procedures
on buckling strength and compare buckling for durability assessment are developed. In this
performance of Tie rod for different materials. Finite framework, this paper aims to present a fatigue life
element models of the Tie rod also analysed to obtain assessment methodology. Various factors are involved
stiffness and stress distributions in each component. in the analysis: material fatigue data, multiaxial fatigue
Based on the experimental test results, theoretical criteria, finite element method (FEM) calculations. A
calculation results and finite element analysis with validation of this procedure was conducted via data
NASTRAN results, stiffness values are validated. The generated from tests on a real current production
mode shape and natural frequency results for different component, namely a RENAULT Safrane suspension
materials obtained in the normal modal analysis are arm which was die cast from spheroidal graphite (SG)
compared. Author concluded Meshed model of Tie rod cast iron.
satisfied all quality criteria and hence the FEA results Amol Shende, et al. (2016) author work on
are accurate. The 1st Mode natural frequency of carbon vibration, buckling strength of the existing tie. The
steel tie rod component is greater than the cast iron FE models of the tie rod also analysed to get the
and aluminium tie rod component, so carbon steel tie stiffness and stress distributions in each component. In
rod is more suitable material for design of car tie rod. modal analysis author obtained natural frequencies
Owunna Ikechukwu, et al. (2016) investigated the and mode shapes. Displacement stresses and strains
tie rod failure and factors affecting the tie rod obtained by performing static analysis of existing
performance. to determine the severity of tensile and model. For existing model stresses were in safe limit
compressive forces acting on a vehicle suspension further we had to check problem for transient dynamic
system, McPherson suspension model was simulated response. By performing transient analysis we
in ADAMS software and the result showed a obtained 140Mpa stresses at both ends, under
2048| International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)
Abaso J. Godase and Prasad P. Kulkarni Tie Rod Design and Analysis: A Review
repeated loading structure will fail at this stress so dimension of Tie rod with constant length and same
there was a scope for modification. material. Finite element models of the Tie rod also
Manik A. Patil, et al. (2013) conducted their work analyzed to obtain stiffness and stress distributions in
that The FEA analysis of tie rod is carried out to check it. The mode shape and natural frequency results for
its natural frequency, maximum stress analysis and different proposed dimensions of tie rod obtained in
deformation. The most percentage weight of vehicle the normal modal analysis and in buckling analysis,
is taken by suspension system; however tie rod the buckling load factor obtained for that tie rod
may get fail due to fluctuating forces during are compared and critical buckling load is calculated.
steering and bumping of vehicle .The forces from the Results getting from the Finite element analysis are
steering is also considered during the static condition validated by using the theoretical results.
of car. Vibration and fatigue of Tie rod has been Shripad Mungi, et al. (2015) objective of his
continuously a concern which may lead to structural research is a weight optimization. where they are
failure if the resulting vibration and stresses are severe proposed the optimized design of Tie rod that has a
and excessive. minimum weight and maximum critical buckling load
Madhuri B. Thombare, et al. (2017) carry out study carrying capacity. From results of normal mode
on weight reduction will reduce fuel efficiency, efforts analysis, it is seen that the natural frequency of existing
to reduce emission & therefore save environment. In design is 626 Hz and proposed design is 736 Hz. So
order to achieve these targets optimize parameters there is ~ 18% rise in natural frequency of
that affect the structural performance of tie rod. proposed design. The weight of existing tie rod is ~
Results obtaining from the FEA are validated by using 0.498 Kg and proposed design is ~ 0.421Kg. So
the experimental results. In case of buckling analysis, there is approximately around 14% weight reduction is
the buckling load factor obtained for optimized tie rod achieved.
from buckling mode and critical buckling load is Bharath S Gowda, et al. (2016) this paper presents
calculated. Results obtaining from the Finite element and focuses on some Finite Element (FE) analysis of a
analysis are validated by using the theoretical results. typical tie rod of a car will be carried out and natural
Prashant R. Vithalkar, et al. (2015) this paper frequency will be determined. In the structural design
focuses on the study of buckling load on the tie rod of optimization it is seen that pentagonal and hexagonal
steering system that undergoes an axial compression. structure gives better results than the circular cross
They had analyze tie rod for to improve the mass and section. Among them the pentagonal structure has
buckling load of tie rod and to find out maximum better results so that pentagonal structure is proposed
deformation and stress. Present research is divided in for the Tie rods. From the material analysis and
two parts. First, to conduct survey amongst the buses, optimization the Grey cast iron gives lesser
examine the causes of failure and second is to design deformation and high damping capacity than the other
and analysis to recommend best possible alternatives material composition.
of Tie Rod with the aid of advanced design tools like Satish U.Wayal, et al. (2016) the work was focused
CAD. Tie Rod failure is one of the major problems on functioning of the tie rod, the methods of its
facing for MSRTC workshop supervisor. performance evaluation its optimization. The tie rod
Malge Sangeeta Ganesh, et al. (2014) in this Paper end job is to ensure the wheels are well aligned. It
Various Structural analyses such as Static-Structural, provides the adjustment of wheel alignment that keeps
Modal Analysis of a steering rod are done. Static- the inner and outer edges of the tires from wearing out.
structural analysis is capable to find out deformation in Hence, the tie rod functioning is crucial for steering as
body in which Von-misses stress are calculated and well as suspension performance of vehicle. Hollow Tie
this state that up to what extent the deformation in rod with 11.0mm ID is select after analysis, and further
the rod occurs. While modal analysis is important in material analysis is done using 11.0 mm as ID. It gives
vibration point of view. i.e. Vibrations in body can be 13.80% less weight than solid tie rod, without failure.
calculated up to what frequency the steering rod Aluminum is suggested as applicable material after
can sustain the load or Harmonic frequency of the body analysis.
From above Optimisation of steering rod can be done. 3. Result and Discussion
In This Paper structural analysis of ford fiesta classic
car steering rod is done to optimise the Steering rod From above literature review, it is observed that the tie
with better results than existing one. rod failure occurs due to various loads like tensile,
Raghavendra K, et al. (2014) work done on analyze
compressive, share and fatigue, etc. The above
tie rod for active to improve the mass and buckling
literature review showed that there is a necessity to
load of tie rod. The objectives of this study are to carry
out the theoretical, experimental and modal analysis of analysis of tie rod with various parameters such as
tractor Tie rod to find different modes shapes by geometrical parameters and material parameters.
analysis FE software. Static analysis is performed to know the maximum
Ganesh B. Baraskar, et al. (2016) in this paper is stress developed on the tie rod and also the
work done on assess buckling strength and compare displacement and reaction forces at the contact
buckling performance of Tie rod for different proposed location.
2049| International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)
Abaso J. Godase and Prasad P. Kulkarni Tie Rod Design and Analysis: A Review
From above literature review observed that the critical Ikpe Aniekan Essienubong et al. (2016) Design of a Low Alloy
buckling load calculated from the theoretical method is Steel Vehicle Tie Rod to Determine the Maximum Load
comparatively lower than the liner and non-linear That Can Resist Failure Journal of Robotics, Computer
buckling analysis. The objectives most of the work Vision and Graphics, Vol. 01, No.01, pp.1-11.
carried by various authors was to displacement, stress, Madhuri B. Thombare, Prof P. S. Talmale, (2017)
strain, buckling, eigen value, mode shape and natural Optimization Analysis of Automobile Tie Rod using FEA
and xperimental Approach at IJESC Vol. 07, Issue No.8.
frequency, fatigue load, fatigue life, boundary
Malge Sangeeta (2014) Performance of the Structural
conditions, mass of the model.
Analysis of Ford Car Steering Rod at International Journal
of Research in Advent Technology, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp.
Conclusion 01-05.
Manik A. Patil et al.(2013) FEA of Tie Rod of Steering System
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studies on optimization of tie rod. The researchers Engineering and Management, Vol. 02, Issue. 05, pp. 222-
doing their work in Design and analysis of tie rod. 227.
Review found that especially in the area of Nitin S. Duryodhan , R. R. Gawande (2015) Modelling of
displacement, stress, strain, buckling, eigen value, Intermediate Steering Shaft of Fiesta Car and Its Static
mode shape and natural frequency, fatigue load, fatigue Structural Analysis, International Journal of Computer
life, boundary conditions, mass of the model. It is a Applications, pp. 01-04.
significant study which requires in-depth investigation P. R. Vithalkar et al. (2015) Study of analysis of bus passenger
to understand the structural characteristics and it tie rod International Journal of Research in Engineering &
dynamic behaviour. Technology, Vol. 04, Issue 11, pp. 239-242.
From the above literature review, it is observed Pradeep Mahadevappa Chavan, M M M Patnaik (2014)
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numerical and theoretical approach with different
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2050| International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2017)