Energy Bands in Solids
Energy Bands in Solids
Energy Bands in Solids
1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgement
3. Introduction
4. Energy band in metals
5. Energy band in Semiconductors
6. Energy band in Insulators
7. Bibliography
This is to certify that the project report entitled "To Study
Energy Bands in Solids" submitted bystudent is original and
has been completed by him under my supervision.
As a student of Class XII. I did this project as a part of my
studies entitled "To Study Energy Bands in Solids".
I owe a deep sense of gratitude to my Physics teacher, whose
valuable advice, guidance and lovingly nurturing this project
from conception to completion.
I wish to thanks Principal of our School for extending his
generous patronage and constant encouragement.
Finally, I would like to thanks my respected parents for helping
me economically and my friends for giving me helping hand at
every step of this project.
Signature of Student
Energy Bands in Solids
If large number of atoms brought close to one another they
begin to influence each other which cause modification in
energy levels of electrons in the outer shells. To understand this
let us consider single silicon crystal having n atoms. Process of
splitting of levels in understood by considering the following
(i) If the inter-atomic spacing of atom is large (i.e.r=d>>a_
each atom in crystal behaves as a free atom, then each of n-
atoms has its own identical energy levels.
(ii) When the inter-atomic specify r is less than d but greater
than C, there is no splitting of energy levels.
(iii) When the spacing r=c, the interaction becomes appreciable,
so, splitting of levels commences, but no change is energy levels
of electrons.
(iv) When inter-atomic spacing r lies between b and c, energy
corresponding to 3s and 2p of each atoms gets slightly changed.
This reduce the energy gap. Since n number is large and energy
is of few ev, the levels due to spreading of the energy are closely
spaced. This collection of closely spaced levels is called energy
Energy band consists of three part-
i) Valence band :- In valence band there are valence electrons.
This band may be partially or completely with electrons. In this
band electrons are not capable of gaining energy from external
electric field. Therefore electrons in this band do not contribute
to the electric current.
ii) Conduction band :- In this band the electrons are rarely
present. This band is either empty or partially filled with
electrons. In this band the electrons can gain energy from
external electric field. Thus electrons in this band contribute to
the electric current.
iii) Forbidden band :- Electrons are not found in this band. This
band is completely empty. Valence band and conduction band
are separated by forbidden band.
Energy Band in Metals
There are two possible band diagrams for metals.
a) The conduction band is only partially filled with electrons.
Since the lower energy levels are already filled first, to permit
conduction, the electron must be raised to a position of higher
energy. Since there are vacant levels in the energy band
immediately above the levels, an electron can be raised to empty
region with small addition of enery and thus conduction can
take place. Therefore partially energy band represents a
conduction band.
b) In this case, there is overlapping of valence and conduction
bands, because the lowest levels in the conduction band need
less energy than highest levels in the valence band. This tends
the electrons in one band to overflow, as it were, into another
band; and electrons in the valence bands are free to move about
inside the crystal lattice and with an applied filed, contribute to
electrical conduction.
The highest energy level in the conduction band occupied by
electrons in a crystal, at absolute zero of temp. is called fermi
level; and energy corresponding to this known as fermi energy.
Under an applied field, the electrons get enough to go beyond
fermi-energy and thus permit electrical conduction to take
Energy Band in Semiconductors
Here the two energy bands are distinctly separate with no
overlapping. The forbidden gap is nearly 1ev. At aboslute zero
of temp. no electron has energy to jump the forbidden band to
reach the conduction band. Therefore substance is an insulator.
At room temperature, some valence electrons acquire thermal
energy greater than the energy gap to reach conduction band.
Thus, the crystal becomes a conductor. This is the specify
property of crystal known as semiconductors. Higher the temp.
greater are the chances of electrons to jump to conduction band
and greatest is the conductivity. As on electron leaves the
valence band, it leaves some energy level in band unfilled known
as holes.
Energy Band in Insulators
In this case, there is a large energy gap(eg) approximately ~5ev
depending upon the nature of the crystal. Electrons, however
heated, find it practically impossible to jump this gap and thus
never reach the conduction band. Thus, electrical conduction is
not possible through an insulator.