Hapus Config Router Dan Switch Lewat Rommon
Hapus Config Router Dan Switch Lewat Rommon
Hapus Config Router Dan Switch Lewat Rommon
Attempt to break into ROM Monitor (ROMmon) by issuing the break sequence
(usually Ctrl and break from the Hyperterminal) from a console connection.
rommon 1>
2. Change the configure register value to ignore the startup configuration by issuing
the confreg command, as shown in this example:
3. To reload the router, issue the reset command, as shown in this example:
4. After the router boots, issue the enable command at the Router > prompt. The prompt
changes to Router#, indicating that the router is now in privileged mode.
5. To enter config mode, issue the config terminal command. You should now see
a Router(config)# prompt.
6. Ketik Write erase. Enter.. setelah itu langsung matikan routernya.(power off)
Cara menghapus config di Switch:
1. Tekan tombol didepan switch mode button (sebelah kiri) kemudian masukan Kabel power ke
switch.. tunggu sampai keluar di Console screen
Step 1.
Connect up your console cable and power on the switch, whilst holding down the “mode”
This interrupts the boot process before the Flash file system can initialize, and after a short
while (continue holding the “mode” button) you will see the following prompt:
system software:
Step 2.
switch: flash_init
Initializing Flash...
-- MORE --
Step 3.