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Real Enterprise-Architecture

Beyond IT to the whole enterprise

By Tom Graves Tetradian Consulting

Real Enterprise-Architecture
Beyond IT to the whole enterprise

Tom Graves
Tetradian Consulting
Published by
Tetradian Consulting
The Coach House
Balkerne Close
Colchester CO1 1NZ

© Tom Graves 2007

The right of Tom Graves to be identified as author of this work has

been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright
Designs and Patents Act 1988.

An overview ................................................................................................. 1
DA :: The aims of architecture.................................................................. 10
DN :: Architecture of the enterprise ........................................................ 13
DR :: The architecture of the everyday.................................................... 17
DE :: Architecture on purpose.................................................................. 21
DL :: Architecture is a feeling ................................................................... 30
PL :: The architecture team ....................................................................... 34
PA :: The politics of purpose .................................................................... 42
PR :: A problem of power ......................................................................... 47
PN :: The role of the generalist ................................................................. 52
PE :: What’s the story? ............................................................................... 57
KE :: Dimensions of architecture.............................................................. 62
KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness ........................................................ 68
KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking.................................................. 72
KL :: A question of responsibility ............................................................ 79
KR :: The centrality of services ................................................................. 83
TE :: Requirements for agility................................................................... 88
TN :: Managing services............................................................................ 92
TR :: The practice of architecture ............................................................. 95
TL :: The art of integration ...................................................................... 101
TA :: What’s the SCORE? ........................................................................ 105
MR :: Real-time scoreboards ................................................................... 111
ME :: Closing the loop ............................................................................. 114
ML :: People and performance ............................................................... 117
MA :: Measuring maturity ...................................................................... 121
MN :: Monitoring integration................................................................. 125
Wrapping it up ......................................................................................... 130

Amongst others, the following people kindly provided comments and
feedback on the early drafts of this book: Daljit Banger (White Knight
Consulting, UK), Bill Branson (Whiteboards That Work, US), Shawn
Callahan (Anecdote, Aus), Adrian Campbell (Ingenia, UK), Jane
Chittenden (Format Design, UK), Roland Ettema (LogicaCMG, NL),
Sandra Fields (NSW DoCS, Aus), John Forrest (Holocentric, Aus), Ken
Harper (Gartner, UK), James McGovern (ArchitectBook, US), Helen
Mills (Australia Post, Aus), Robert Phipps (NSW DoCS, Aus), Roy
Roebuck (One World Information System, US), Gerry Ryan (NSW
DoCS, Aus).
Please note that, to preserve commercial and personal confidentiality,
the stories and examples have been adapted, combined and in part
fictionalised from experiences in a variety of contexts, and do not and
are not intended to represent any specific person or organisation.


About this book

As with many writers, this project arose out of frustration that the
book I needed for my work didn’t exist. There were plenty of books
about the minutiae of the field I work in – it’s called ‘enterprise-
architecture’ – and about some of the frameworks that can be used for
small subsets of the work – mainly in IT – but nothing that really
covered the full scope.
Over the years, that frustration grew and grew. Until finally I
succumbed to what Open Source programmers describe as ‘the need
to scratch an itch’. And sat down to write.
So this book is about the practice of enterprise-architecture,
particularly at the level of the whole enterprise. And it’s for anyone
who works with the enterprise as a whole: chief officers, strategists,
programme management office – roles of that kind.
But what is enterprise-architecture, anyway?

What is this thing called enterprise-architecture?

Most business-folk have probably never heard of enterprise-
architecture. Which is not surprising, because most of the literature in
the field suggests it’s about IT, and only about IT. There might be a
few throwaway references somewhere to some blurry notion of
‘business architecture’, but that’s about it. Hence of no relevance to
everyday business, really.
Which is a problem, because real enterprise-architecture isn’t much
about IT at all. Or rather, although IT is significant, it’s only one small
part. Turns out instead that that blurry ‘business architecture’ isn’t
something that can be skipped in a headlong rush down to the
technical minutiae: it’s actually the core of enterprise-architecture.
Enterprise-architecture is about the architecture – the structure – of
the whole of the enterprise:
Enterprise-architecture is the integration of everything the
enterprise is and does.
Even the term ‘architecture’ is perhaps a little misleading. It’s on a
much larger scale, the scale of the whole rather than of single sub-
systems: more akin to city-planning than to the architecture of a single

building. In something this large, there are no simple states of ‘as-is’
versus ‘to-be’, because its world is dynamic, not static. And it has to
find some way to manage the messy confusion of what is, rather than
the ideal that we might like it to be.
The gym I frequent in this ancient garrison town is housed in a former
NAAFI – a military commissary and entertainment centre, in US terms. It’s
a relic of the Second World War – and looks it, too. Scattered around in
the battered old building there’s a bar, a ballroom, a large café, a
hairdressing school, a tanning salon, and an ever-changing variety of small
clubs and business oddities. Stairs and passageways wander off at random,
with side-rooms that don’t seem to be used at all; wouldn’t be surprised if
the keys had been lost for decades.
In short, a mess. But somehow it does all work as a whole. Sort of.
Much like most large businesses, in fact. Which is why we need enterprise-
Grandiose plans won’t help us much in making sense of all this
complexity. What we need is something simple that will allow us to
start small, yet keep a consistent structure as we expand the scope all
the way up to the whole of the enterprise and its environment. What
we need, in other words, is a system for enterprise-architecture.

A systematic approach
As a discipline, IT-architecture has been around for the past twenty
years or so. So there are a fair few frameworks available, all of them
good: Zachman, FEAF, TOGAF and ARIS, to name some of the better-
known examples. (You’ll find links to these in the Resources section at
the end of the chapter.).
But what they’re good at, unfortunately, is IT-architecture – not
enterprise-architecture, in this broader sense. Paradoxically, to go
wider, we need something simpler.
So the framework I’m using here is about as simple as it gets. We start
with a ‘5Ps’ variant of the old Group Dynamics project life-cycle, with
Purpose, then People, Preparation, Process and Performance:
• Purpose is about the why of business – beginnings, intentions,
strategy, direction.
• People is about the who, the teams and skill-sets and
relationships we need to put the strategy into action.
• Preparation is about what, and where, and when, and how: it
grounds the ideas and arguments into a concrete plan.
• Process, or Practice, puts that plan into action.

• Performance assesses the results – not just of the Process, but of
the integration of the whole – feeding back into the Purpose
for a new cycle.

5Ps project-lifecycle framework

Each of these points in the cycle is also a perspective onto the whole,
and provides shared requirements that impact on the rest of the
enterprise. Mapping these in turn to the kind of issues and artefacts
that would be the concern of enterprise-architecture, we find
ourselves with a straightforward framework that looks like this:


skill-sets /
Purpose relations Preparation
governance / models /
direction plans

metrics / day-to-day
maturity tasks

Performance Process

5Ps framework with enterprise-architecture artefacts

If you’re familiar with the Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF),
you might recognise some similarities with the cycle shown in TOGAF’s
Architectural Design Method (ADM). What’s different here is that there’s

no special emphasis given to IT: it’s just one part of a much larger whole,
almost all of which the ADM bundles into an arbitrary, undifferentiated box
labelled ‘Business Architecture’. In essence, what this framework does is
unpack that box and put everything into its proper perspective.
We now apply a systems-principle called recursion, and get each view
to look at each of the others, and at the integration of the whole. In
other words, each view also contains within itself a sense of all the
others. This gives us a means to assess effectiveness – the overall impact
of every part of the enterprise on everything else.
Although they’re similar to those ‘5Ps’, we give these sideways views
a slight twist – for reasons that will become clear later – to end up
with the keywords Efficient, Reliable, Elegant, Appropriate and
Integrated. This gives us a set of views-within-views, which we’ll label
with two-letter codes as follows:

Efficient Reliable Elegant Appropriate Integrated

Purpose DE DR DL DA DN


Preparation KE KR KL KA KN

Process TE TR TL TA TN

Performance ME MR ML MA MN

which gives us the following overall framework:

5Ps architecture framework
It may look abstract at first, but it takes very little effort to translate it
into practice. And its consistency and symmetry make it easy to apply
across the full scope of the enterprise – which can’t be done easily, or
at all, with many of the existing frameworks. We’ll also see later why
and how this kind of iterative, recursive structure supports enterprise
agility, usually at a much lower cost than with conventional IT-centric
forms of enterprise-architecture.
But for now, this provides us with the skeleton for the book: one
section for each of the five focus-types, each with five short chapters
emphasising specific aspects of effectiveness in relation to enterprise-
And each chapter, in turn, has a section on the principles underlying
the issue, followed by suggestions on how to apply those principles in
practice, using the same sequence as the main pattern: purpose,
people, preparation, process, performance.
Each chapter ends with a brief section on broader usage of the same
perspective beyond enterprise-architecture, and a list of some
suggested resources.

‘D’ group: Purpose - Direction

This is about the far-future focus of business-direction and strategy –
typically the preserve of management.
For enterprise-architecture, we need to address the purpose of
architecture itself in relation to the enterprise:

• DA :: The aims of architecture explores the business drivers – the
need to reduce cost and complexity, and to support enterprise
integration and agility, that underpin the need for an
• DN :: Architecture of the enterprise reviews the development of
enterprise-architecture from its roots in IT, and the issues that
drive the need to break away from those roots.
• DR :: The architecture of the everyday illustrates the need for
enterprise-architecture to be relevant to everyday practice,
assisting in the day-to-day decisions at the ‘coal-face’.
• DE :: Architecture on purpose explores the ‘audit-trail’ of vision,
role, missions and goals which provide the anchor for
business motivation – and for the enterprise-architecture.
• DL :: Architecture is a feeling reminds us that an enterprise is
made up of people – so we need to support values, and
community, as an explicit part of the enterprise-architecture.

‘P’ group: People

In the enterprise itself, this is the complicated, almost outside-of-time
concerns that people bring to an enterprise.
These are the everyday affairs of HR and the ‘people people’, of
course; but we also need to take account of them in our enterprise-
• PL :: The architecture team addresses the nature of the enterprise-
architecture team itself: skill-sets, mindsets and overall
attitudes to the work and to each other.
• PA :: The politics of purpose reminds us that everything in an
enterprise is underpinned by the complex politics of change.
• PR :: A problem of power tackles the subtle balance of power and
responsibility upon which the successful implementation of
the enterprise-architecture will depend.
• PN :: The role of the generalist identifies the difficulties faced by
those whose often unnoticed work provides the bridges
between organisational ‘silos’.
• PE :: What’s the story? focuses on the narrative knowledge
shared by and between people, through which most business
meaning is derived.

‘K’ group: Preparation - Knowledge
This is the near-future emphasis of bringing things and information
together to support an upcoming activity – the realm of planners,
schedulers, logistics and similar roles.
For enterprise-architecture, it’s also about the ideas and images which
provide the theoretical foundations for its practice:
• KE :: Dimensions of architecture takes a more in-depth look at the
business dimensions that underpin the framework.
• KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness expands on those ‘views’ for
assessing effectiveness: efficient, reliable, elegant, appropriate,
• KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking introduces the strange
realms of system-theory and their immediate practical
applications for the agile enterprise.
• KL :: A question of responsibility addresses the importance of
responsibility-based ‘ownership’ for the non-tangible assets
such as projects, business data and business rules.
• KR :: The centrality of services expands the core concept of
‘service’ in a service-oriented architecture.

‘T’ group: Process – Tasks

At the point of production, there’s a necessary focus on the urgency of
the “now!”.
The same applies to enterprise-architecture: its practices must support
the immediacy of everyday business concerns:
• TE :: Requirements for agility surveys some of the Agile
methodologies such as XP and DSDM, and how to support
these through requirements linked to the enterprise-
• TN :: Managing services describes the role of complementary
frameworks such as ITIL, TQM and COBIT, and how to
integrate these into a broader enterprise-architecture.
• TR :: The practice of architecture goes into more detail on the
iterative, recursive process of creating and managing
compliance to an enterprise-architecture.
• TL :: The art of integration looks at how to use a unifying theme,
such as privacy, quality, trust or waste-reduction, in parallel
with enterprise-architecture, to increase integration across the

• TA :: What’s the SCORE? introduces a strategic tool to assess
potential impacts on overall effectiveness across the

‘M’ group: Performance – Metrics, artefacts and outcomes

In business, this provides the ‘rearward view’ looking backward at
completions, deliverables, the outcomes of activities – concerns such
as sales-fulfilment, after-market monitoring, accounts-receivable,
statistics and the like.
For here, it’s about how the enterprise architecture assists in
monitoring enterprise performance – and also the performance of the
architecture itself:
• MR :: Real-time scoreboards investigates sources for key
information in a ‘balanced scorecard’ to track enterprise
• ME :: Closing the loop explores the mechanisms needed for
feedback from other areas into the enterprise-architecture,
using tools such as After Action Reviews.
• ML :: People and performance describes a method to identify ‘the
ability to do work’ across the enterprise, and how to use that
information to develop interventions as appropriate.
• MA :: Measuring maturity is about the capability of the
enterprise-architecture itself, and what needs to be done at
each stage to expand its potential.
• MN :: Monitoring integration summarises the frameworks and
metrics needed to monitor impact of enterprise-architecture
on whole-of-organisation integration.

The last part of the book reviews the results of the Agile approach
used for the book itself, and provides some additional resources such
as a brief glossary of terms.

Using the framework

The aim of this book is that you can apply the framework immediately
to your own area of work, and begin to see useful results within a
matter of days. Filling in the detail of the skeleton will take weeks,
months, years, of course: but the skeleton alone is enough to get
started on a new view of the enterprise as a whole. Once the skeleton
is in place, the detail can be developed by working iteratively,
recursively, through the framework in whatever area and to whatever

level may be needed at the time. In other words, a “just enough, just
in time” approach to enterprise-architecture.
Applying the same principle of recursion, this book itself illustrates
the framework in action. I’ve used the same approach as the Agile
methodology DSDM – features are limited by time-budget – which in
this case has meant allowing myself just two months to get down on
paper as much as I can from a couple of decades of work. So I make
no pretence that this is some “complete, ultimate guide” to enterprise
architecture: it’s simply one iteration for a much larger, shared body
of knowledge – to which someday I hope you will contribute.
But first, read once, quickly, through the whole book; then dip into the
framework’s toolbox at random, as needed. I’d recommend that you
clarify your purpose (Chapters DA to DL) and set up some kind of
requirements methodology (chapter TE) before you start; but from
then on, almost any order will do. Enjoy!

 Zachman framework:
 DyA (Dynamic Architecture):
 TOGAF framework: see
 FEAF framework:
 ARIS methodology:
 ArchiMate enterprise-architecture notation:


What are the aims of the architecture?
This one’s straightforward, and usually short and sweet, but it does
need to be done first – otherwise there’s a high risk that time and
effort would be wasted. You’ll also need to come back and review the
results from time to time, for the same reason.
What we establish here are people’s expectations of the enterprise-
architecture. If the aim is to cut costs, for example, or support agility,
or reduce complexity, each expectation needs to be documented. This
then gives you a list of ‘key success criteria’ from which to work. How
you’ll achieve such success is something we’ll address later, in
practice: for now, all we need is that list.


Identify the overall purpose of the organisation’s enterprise-

Senior managers, strategists, enterprise-architects.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.

Use standard business-analysis interviews and group facilitation with
key stakeholders such as senior managers, to elicit a list of key success
These are likely to arise first as simple expectations or desires:
• rein in the cost and complexity of IT systems

• support collaboration across the enterprise
• change to a more customer-centric enterprise
• increase adaptability and agility in the marketplace
• improve management of risk and opportunity
• simplify and speed up integration of mergers and acquisitions
For a first iteration, the list above is probably enough: it gives
something to start with.
In later iterations, though, you’ll need more explicit answers. For each
of the ‘desires’ in the list, ask clarifying questions such as “How will
we know when we’ve achieved this?” and “What would you regard
as inadequate / adequate / good / excellent success in relation to
this?”. Often one desire will be dependent on another: for example,
agility is unlikely to happen without reduced complexity. And at the
enterprise level, success may well depend on interactions across the
whole enterprise, making standard silo-based performance measures
almost meaningless. What we’re after here is ‘key performance
indicators’ and success-criteria that arise from the whole, not
necessarily from any one part.
These success-criteria become a core part of the enterprise-architecture
charter: the measure of its mission, its “capability that will be
achieved and maintained indefinitely thereafter”.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of core requirements and key success criteria (KSCs) for
enterprise-architecture and whole-of-organisation integration.

Broader applications
This perspective is Purpose / Appropriate – a recursive emphasis on the
purpose of business-purpose itself. To structure the organisation’s
knowledge about this, see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21); to
explore the emotional base, see DL :: Architecture is a feeling (p.30); but
here this is more about what the organisation is – its identity and
Does the identity match the purpose? Conversely, does the purpose
match the identity? Conventional marketing-style analysis and
corporate-identity development would be useful here, though if the
organisation’s power-dynamics will permit it – see PR :: A problem of
power (p.47) – more value may be gained through large-group
techniques such as Open Space or Future Search, or participative
depth analysis methodologies such as Causal Layered Analysis, to
access and identify the organisation’s foundational ‘myths’.

Architecture practice: see TR :: The practice of architecture (p.95).
Mission: see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.24).
 Large group interventions: see Martin Leith,
 Depth analysis: see Sohail Inayatullah,


Having defined the aims of the architecture, we next need to be clear
about its scope: just how much of the enterprise will our ‘enterprise-
architecture’ address?
This is not as simple as it sounds, because if we’re not careful, this
innocent-seeming question can lead us into some very murky waters
on the shores of organisational politics.
A bit of background is relevant here. Enterprise-architecture first
arose a couple of decades ago from an almost desperate attempt to
rein in the spiralling cost and complexity of IT-systems – and it’s been
tainted by that association with IT ever since. Over the years, the
scope of the ‘architecture’ has expanded steadily, from low-level
technology, to applications, to data; and from within single business-
units and functions, to across functions, and, now, across the whole
enterprise. But for the most part it’s still IT – and only IT.
“We’re wall-to-wall with architects in here”, he said with a grin as he led
me to my new office. “Data architects; information architects;
infrastructure architects; service architects; Siebel architects; we’ve got the
lot!” From that description, though, seems like anyone who can string two
systems together could call themselves an architect…
In reality, describing an IT specialist as a ‘messaging architect’, or some
such, makes about as much sense as describing an electrician as a ‘wiring
architect’. It’s true they do each provide integration across an important
subset – a ‘view’ – of the architectural design, but it’s by no means the
whole of the architecture. And unless we do understand that whole, we’ll
get nowhere worthwhile.
The problem is that it isn’t only about IT. From the very beginning, the
concern has always been to bring IT into better alignment with
business needs – and to not allow IT to go its own extremely
expensive way, all but forcing the business to follow rather than to
lead. It also doesn’t help that IT capabilities have always been
hopelessly over-hyped by each generation of consultants and vendors.
The reality, reflected in almost all enterprise-architecture models to
date, is that IT tends toward a kind of ‘flatland’ view of the world,
with low-level technology at the centre, and everything else of
decreasing importance the further it is away from that centre.

‘Business architecture’, if mentioned at all, is little more than a label
for ‘anything not-IT’, and thence all but ignored. In the TOGAF-8
specification, for example, the entirety of that ‘everything not-IT’ is
sketchily dismissed in barely a dozen of the document’s 350 pages.
But in most cases business is the reason for IT’s existence: and business
doesn’t like to be ignored.
So from the business side, there’s often a deep resentment at what’s
perceived as the know-it-all arrogance of IT, and its apparent inability
to deliver what the business believes it needs; and from the IT side,
there’s often deep frustration that business “just doesn’t get it”, either
in expectations or awareness of possibilities. It’s not a happy mix.
Enter, stage left, enterprise-architecture. It’s initially sold to the
business as a way for IT to bring its own house in order. And
although business may grumble at the addition to the IT staff of yet
another bunch of over-paid technical types who appear to do nothing,
it does seem to work: costs and complexity do seem to come down. As
long as those ‘architects’ don’t bother us, say business, everything’ll
be fine.
The catch, as we’ll see later, is that everything in a business-system
depends on everything else: we can’t just deal with low-level IT in
isolation. And as Dana Bredemeyer put it in his influential article,
“increasing the scope of Enterprise Architecture to encompass more
disciplines increases the benefits to be gained”. He listed three
maturity-levels of enterprise-architecture:
• Level 1: EA = Technical Architecture: reduce IT complexity and
• Level 2: EA = Enterprise-Wide IT Architecture (EWITA):
support collaboration among different parts of the enterprise
• Level 3: EA = EWITA + Business Architecture (BA): increase
enterprise agility and alignment with business strategy
During these first three phases, although the enterprise-architecture
team will need to work more and more closely with business, their
work will essentially be centred round IT. The team will usually be
regarded as belonging to IT only, and would report to the CTO, the
CIO, or perhaps the CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) if there is one.
So far so good – and so IT, mostly. But there will come a time when
business needs a new level of enterprise-architecture maturity:
• Level 4: EA = integration across entire enterprise: increase
adaptability, resilience, management of opportunity / risk;
increase synergies between processes and partners
To create this, enterprise-architecture will need to make a quantum
jump, to move its scope beyond IT into a much stronger integration

with business, and with everything that business is and does. And
that’s when the sparks will start to fly.
If there’s a perception that enterprise-architecture ‘is’ IT, business
resentment is likely to boil over at IT’s apparent grab for territory.
And IT will understandably complain about what it will see as an
unwarranted increase in its workload.
But this expansion of scope must happen in order to provide the
benefits that business wants. Often the only way that works is for
enterprise-architecture to become an adjunct of the Programme
Management Office, or even report direct to the CEO – in which case,
IT may well be unwilling to relinquish control, or resent intrusion by
‘outsiders’ on what it sees as its turf.
Either way, expect a bumpy ride at that point.


Identify the scope for the enterprise-architecture.

Senior managers, strategists, enterprise-architects.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Assess the maturity-level of the present architecture before you start –
see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).

The present maturity-level will illustrate the next available steps in
the guidelines for developing the enterprise-architecture.
With those guidelines as a base, use standard business-analysis
interviews and group facilitation with key stakeholders such as senior
managers, to elicit views, opinions and agreement on the scope and
authority of enterprise-architecture for the next stage of development.
Be prepared for disagreement and conflict – sometimes fierce –
especially at the key transition from IT-centric architecture to a full
business-oriented architecture.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)
Content for enterprise-architecture governance-charter.

Broader applications
This perspective is Purpose / Integrated – an emphasis on purpose
providing a focus to align the enterprise with itself, and also
identifying the ’togetherness’ of the enterprise. Its direct counterpart,
which focuses on the practicalities and purpose of measuring that
‘togetherness’, is Performance / Appropriate – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121).
In this perspective the focus is on how purpose can bring the
enterprise together into a unified whole. A ‘theme’ can help to do this,
by providing a connecting-point which people can link to in an
emotive way in their everyday work – see TL :: The art of integration
(p.101) – but here it’s about how the business-purpose itself acts as an
overarching, unifying ‘theme’.
What’s needed is a clear articulation of the business Vision – see DE ::
Architecture on purpose (p.21) – and guidelines as to how to use that
Vision as a guide in the kind of ‘bumpy ride’ of change described for
enterprise-architecture above.

Organisational politics: see PA :: The politics of purpose (p.42).
Maturity-levels and the architecture team: see PL :: The architecture
team (p.34).
Architecture maturity: see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).
 Dana Bredemeyer on maturity-levels: Bredemeyer et al.,
“Enterprise Architecture as Business Capabilities Architecture”,, slide 10


What’s the purpose of what you will actually do? How will the
architecture activities help to drive the day-to-day decisions of the
This section isn’t about the details of the enterprise-architecture
activities themselves – that’ll be dealt with more in TR :: The practice of
architecture (p.95) – but about the aims and expectations of the
architecture’s ‘customers’. In a sense we’ll be covering some of the
same ground as in DA :: The aims of architecture (p.10), but from the
opposite direction: ‘bottom-up’, from the perspective of individual
work-teams, rather than ‘top-down’, for the enterprise as a whole.
Expectations and decision-types will vary widely, of course,
dependent on the industry, the focus of business within that industry,
and the enterprise-architecture maturity-level – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121). As maturity improves, for example, the emphasis in
architecture’s relationship with project-teams usually shifts away
from ‘policing’ compliance, and more into an advisory role, of
guidance rather than enforcement. Two key decision-areas which
apply in almost all cases, though, are alignment of projects to the
architecture, and cross-project integration.
At that stage in architecture-development, much of our time was taken up
with ‘alignment reviews’, checking project documents for alignment to the
intended architecture. All too often we found ourselves undertaking
delicate negotiations with projects to try to find some way to bring them
back into line – the worst example being the time when separate projects
wanted to build three different, incompatible RFID infrastructures
throughout the entire nationwide logistics network… We did have to
struggle sometimes to avoid the unpopular image of the ‘governance
police’; far better, whenever we could, to emphasise the benefits of shared
infrastructure and shared systems,
But we were also on the lookout for cross-project synergies, and there was
one oddity that caught my eye. A small, unremarked project, for an early-
warning system for another part of the logistics network, it had twice been
turned down as having a ‘negative’ business-case – in other words no
apparent return on investment. Taken only on its own merits, that was fair
enough; but we were able to show that, with only minor tweaking, it could
act as the ‘glue’ between six major projects across three different divisions,

greatly increasing their mutual returns on investment.. At the next cross-
division review meeting, that little project gained the nod for an immediate
What we’re looking for in each case are the types of decisions that
impact on overall effectiveness – see KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness
(p.68). In the earlier maturity-levels, the decisions will usually be
about a basic quest for improved efficiency and reliability, such as
through the use of the TOGAF Architectural Design Method for IT-
architectures, or the FEAF architecture Reference Models. At higher
maturity-levels, much greater gains for effectiveness come from
decisions that focus on staying ‘on purpose’ – see DE :: Architecture on
purpose (p.21) – or using tools such as SCORE - see TA :: What’s the
SCORE? (p.105) – to align more strongly with business strategy.
Note, though, that the emphasis must always be on the practical and
the immediate: what day-to-day decisions need architectural support?


Identify the purpose of the day-to-day activities of enterprise-
architecture, and the interactions and impacts these will have with
other activities within and beyond the organisation.

Selected managers for ‘customer’ groups, strategists, enterprise-
architects, process-architects, programme management office.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Assess the maturity-level of the present architecture before you start –
see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).

Use standard business-analysis interviews and group facilitation with
key stakeholders such as managers of ‘customer’ groups, to elicit a list
of decision-types – routine and/or project-based – for which
enterprise-architecture involvement would be desirable and/or
advisable. Examples include:

• monitoring compliance to architecture (especially at project-
lifecycle ‘gateways’)
• providing recommendations to assist projects to be
• identifying acceptable alternatives for necessarily non-
compliant projects
• identifying amendments to project specifications to enable
cross-project synergies
• defining and publishing reference-models, design-guidelines,
naming conventions, etcetera, to guide project specifications,
system implementation and system use
Document these expectations and decision-types both in the form of
duty-statements for the architecture team and/or others such as the
programme management office, and as success-criteria for the ‘service
contracts’ – nominal or formally-defined – with each of the team’s
customer-groups. Also document any decision-types where an
escalation may be required – for example, from architecture to the
programme management office, or to a high-level project review-body
– because these may require amendments to governance procedures
that would be outside the scope and authority of the architecture

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Content for enterprise-architect duty-statements; content for
governance procedures and issue-escalation procedures.

Broader applications
This perspective is Purpose / Reliable – an emphasis on the tasks and
the physicalness of business purpose. Its direct counterpart is Process /
Appropriate, the effectiveness and relevance of day-to-day tasks – see
TA :: What’s the SCORE? (p.105).
The broader application of this perspective is to question:
• Does the chosen purpose match what the enterprise does?
• Does what the enterprise does align with the purpose?
• What results and outcomes would we expect at each level of
the enterprise between the tasks and the purpose?
One of the best frameworks for this that I’ve seen is a ‘results logic
diagram’ used by all departments of a state government. At the top
was what they called the ‘government priority’, but was in effect a
well-described Vision – see ‘Vision’ in DE :: Architecture on purpose

(p.21). Below this was a set of ‘client results’ – the outcomes of
‘services for citizens’, in FEAF terms. Then the measurable outcomes
for the department, the ‘department results’ by which each of these
‘client results’ would be obtained; and below this, a tree of cross-
linked ‘intermediate results’ – in effect, Missions, in the vision / role /
mission / goal format – needed to create the ‘department result’. And
finally the ‘premise’ – the assumptions – on which each of the
department’s service groups was based, leading upward to those
desired results. True, if misused, the structure could be twisted to
justify just about anything; but used properly, the diagram makes it
easy to see exactly what each part of the department was aiming to
do, and why.
Try it for yourself – construct a results-logic diagram for your own
• overall priority or Vision for the broader community
• client result – outcomes for your end-clients
• enterprise result – measure by which you achieve your own
outcomes and the client outcomes
• intermediate result – tree of linked outcomes of subsidiary
• premise – the core assumptions defining the Role of a service-
• service-group – the groups delivering specific Missions
Link purpose to practice, practice to purpose, and validate each: that’s
the aim here.

Architecture aims: see DA :: The aims of architecture (p.10).
Architecture practice: see TR :: The practice of architecture (p.95).
Architecture maturity: see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).
Assessing ‘on purpose’: see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21).
Assessing effectiveness: see KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness (p.68).
Strategy for effectiveness: see TA :: What’s the SCORE? (p.105).
 FEAF Reference Models: see


How do we know that what we do is ‘on purpose’?
No matter what we do at work, it can’t be effective unless it in some
way supports the purpose of the enterprise. Which means that to have
any chance of doing anything effective, we need first to know what
that purpose is, and have some idea of how to get there.
Imagine… You’re developing a new process, or a new system, or a new
strategy, of suchlike, and someone asks you:
“Why are we doing this, anyway?”
How would you answer?
How can you be certain that what you’re doing does contribute to the
organisation’s purpose?
For that matter, what is your organisation’s purpose?
The reality is that we can only know we’re ‘on purpose’ when there’s
a clear audit-trail of purpose. In other words, when each activity
contributes towards a goal, which creates or maintains a mission,
which supports an intended role within an overall vision of the
organisation’s world.
That’s the audit-trail for business motivation:
vision ↔ role ↔ mission ↔ goal ↔ activity
Clearly this does need to be a core concern of enterprise-architecture,
because in effect it provides the anchor for everything else. And we do
get some hints of this in the existing architecture-frameworks. We’ll
find it sort of tucked away in the top right-hand corner of Zachman,
for example, and in the business-scenarios and references to ‘business
drivers’ in the TOGAF Architecture Design Model. There’s also the
Business Rules Group’s somewhat-incomplete ‘Business Motivation
Model’. But that’s about it: not much we can actually use.
Instead, I’ve found it more useful to start again from scratch, and
identify clear definitions and functions for each point in that audit-
trail of ends and means, from vision through role, mission and goal.
From there, it’s simple enough to link to the more easily-identifiable
tasks, activities and objectives.

Audit-trail of ends and means: vision, role, mission, goal
There are so many misunderstandings about each of these that’s it’s
worthwhile discussing each layer in some detail.

The Vision is a short, simple statement that describes a desired
‘world’. The enterprise commits itself to playing an active role in the
creation of this ‘world. Some examples:
• “a more sociable world” (Brewers Lion Nathan)
• “boundaryless sharing of information” (The Open Group [IT])
Where most attempts at defining a Vision go wrong – and we’ll look
at this again later – is that they look only at the enterprise itself: the
classic marketing-style ‘vision’ of “to be the best this-that-or-the-
But to work properly as an anchor for everything the enterprise is and
does, the Vision needs to be much broader, and much larger than the
enterprise itself. It needs to describe a ‘world’ with space for all the
other players we need to make the enterprise succeed – the customers,
suppliers, partners, competitors. In effect, all the stakeholders will
share at least some aspect of the Vision – which is why they are
stakeholders in that Vision.
And it’s not something that can be measured, or ‘achieved’: it just is.
The Vision is
• stable – it never changes
• singular and universal – there is only one Vision, applying to
everything the enterprise is and does
• emotive – it describes ‘the passion’; it clarifies desirable and
undesirable characteristics for hiring policies; it provides
direct motivation – “it’s what gets me out of bed in the

• strategic – it provides a focus-point to identify ‘weak signals’
from the complex-domain – see ‘Managing complexity’ in KA
:: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73) – that forewarn of
strategic changes in technology, society and the like
The Vision of the enterprise can’t change, because the enterprise
would change fundamentally with it – in an all too literal sense, the
enterprise would cease to be itself. And the Vision is not abstract, it
needs to appeal in a very personal way: if we can’t connect with it in
that literally emotive sense of “getting us out of bed in the morning”,
we’re possibly in the wrong enterprise.
Identifying the Vision: Rule Number One: it’s not a marketing
exercise! The business-functions are entirely different: a pitch is a
short-term appeal to the market, whilst the Vision is the unchanging
anchor for the organisation itself. Never confuse these two functions:
mistaking a market-pitch for a Vision can kill the company.
Identifying a valid Vision does take time, because it’s not so much a
choice as a feeling – see DL :: Architecture is a feeling (p.30). Look for
hints of it in the enterprise’s history; in the anecdotes and stories
people tell each other – see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57); and in the real
values that people express in their work.
See the examples above for typical phrasing of valid Visions – it’s not
complicated, but it does need to be emotive in some sense. And to be
certain that the phrasing is right, again test the feelings that it elicits. If
it works, it should bring out an almost indignant response of “we do it
because that’s who we are!”

A Role describes what the enterprise aims to do and not do within the
Vision’s ‘world’, as its contribution towards the Vision. To put it
another way, it describes where the enterprise fits, as one actor
amongst many contributing towards the world of the Vision. Some
• “brewer and distributor” (Lion Nathan)
• “provider of police services for the county of Essex”
Although it will often include some kind of boundary, such as
processes, overall activities, or geographical constraints, there’s no
qualifier to the Role – no “best of”, or “premier provider of”, or
suchlike. Instead, it’s just a simple statement about what the
enterprise does in this Role..
By placing this boundary around what it does, the Role automatically
implies other Roles that would be needed to make the Vision-world
happen. To take the Lion Nathan example above, if we see our Role

towards “a more sociable world” as “brewer and distributor”, we’ll
need to connect with a wide variety of other Roles – not just the
obvious such as ‘customer’ and ‘supplier’ and ‘competitor’, but others
such as ‘provider of police services’. Our Vision and Role tell us that
these odder intersections with other Roles would be an expected part of
business – which can ‘surface’ hidden opportunities, and reduce the
potential for unpleasant surprises from unexpected stakeholders.
Unlike the Vision, the Role does drift or change shape slowly over
time – hence each Role should be subject to regular review. We may
find that a different set of boundaries to our Role would be a better fit
to our capabilities or Missions; we may choose to change the Role
when a new technology makes possible a new Mission; and so on. But
a Role is neither properly an ‘end’, nor a ‘means’, nor do we ever
really ‘achieve’ it. It’s simply what we do – what we choose to do.
Specifying a Role: A Role expresses a chosen frame or context through
which the enterprise means to contribute towards the ends of the
Vision. Each organisational unit within an enterprise will play a
different Role, or several Roles, but all will contribute towards the
same Vision. By exclusion, this also clarifies probable Roles of other
stakeholders in the Vision-world.
See the examples above for typical phrasing – it’s straightforward.
Overall, the Role will need to feel more ‘considered’ than the Vision,
more ‘thought-through’, but it will still be grounded in feeling. It
should elicit a bright, assertive response of “but that’s what we do!”.

A Mission is a description of a capability or service to be created – via
Goals – and maintained indefinitely thereafter. So it has two distinct
phases: the initial phase when it’s created; and the subsequent phase
of continuous operation. (There’s also a third phase for wind-down if
and when the Mission ends.) In that sense, it’s more like a trade-
mission than a one-off military-style mission – in fact the latter is
really a type of Goal. For each phase, too, we’ll often need different
people with different skill-sets, and certainly need different Goals.
In motivation terms, the Mission description’s function is
straightforward: it tells us the overall means, the how, by which a Role
will be delivered, and often also identifies measures to verify
successful delivery. Some examples:
• “maintain stocks and deliveries to achieve and maintain 20%
market-share for brewed products in ANZ”
• “provide DNA-based forensic evidence facilities for Essex”

Missions must identifiably support a Role and Vision, and must be
measurable, through the whole of the usual collection of key
performance indicators, key success criteria, service-level agreements
and the like. These metrics tell us whether we’re on track in delivering
the Role in the Vision-world. But note that a Mission is never actually
‘achieved’: we measure it instead.
In many cases, Missions are not only about the enterprise itself:
they’re as much about partners, other Roles in the Vision-world,
because those Missions are points of contact with these ‘outside’
Roles. The metrics associated with the Mission must also monitor and
manage that association.
A Mission is also a locus for continuous-improvement processes: its
metrics are key inputs to quality-management. And Missions also
need regular review, not only against their own metrics, but against
the respective Role, because each may change the other.
Specifying a Mission: Both Missions and Goals should be derived via
standard project-management or service-management methodologies
such as PRINCE2, PMBOK or ITIL. Strategy and foresight tools may
also be useful: not only standard techniques such as the ‘business
scenarios’ in TOGAF’s Architectural Design Method, but also
participatory techniques such as Open Space and narrative inquiry,
and advanced methods such as Causal Layered Analysis.
A Mission should usually be phrased to identify the capability or
service and its key success-criteria. These latter must be measurable –
not fluffy ‘market-speak’ as “the best” or “premier” or suchlike. The
phrasing should elicit a response of “that’s how we do what we do!”.

A Goal is a description of a ‘project’ with a specific set of deliverables
and a target date for completion. (Every transit through a value-chain
is a ‘project’ with a finite goal.) In turn, it identifies a single finite set
of activities required in order to support or maintain a Mission. The
description consists of two mandatory parts – the deliverables for the
Goal, and the required start- and completion-dates – and an optional
list of additional metrics to be checked on completion. An example:
• “bring DNA database on-line for all Essex forensic units by
A Goal must always contribute towards a Mission – it never exists in
isolation. And although we say that the Goal completes at the end of
its main activities, there also needs to be a brief additional phase to
capture ‘lessons learned’ and other performance-information. In Total
Quality Management, this is referred to as the ‘Check’ phase. If this

phase is skipped, from pressure of other Goals, overall performance
may suffer, as it is the only point at which criteria for success or
failure may be applied, and the information gleaned in this follow-up
phase provides key information for process reviews.
Goals are immediate, explicit, concrete and practical. They also
provide clear boundaries of time, space and context, making it easier
to concentrate on the task to hand.
Well-constructed Goals provide a useful sense of urgency, of need to
complete. Goals are often arranged in hierarchies, with longer-term
Goals – such as the creation of a new Mission – partitioned into
smaller Goals through some kind of ‘work breakdown structure’. By
this means, the same urgency can be maintained through much longer
periods – which can greatly increase overall productivity.
Specifying a Goal: See ‘Specifying a Mission’ above. The key
differences are:
• at the end of a cycle, a Goal completes, but a Mission continues
• measure or review after a Goal, but during a Mission
A Goal should be phrased to identify the deliverables, the time-
boundaries, and optionally the success-criteria. The phrasing should
be validated against the classic ‘SMART’ checklist: specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based.

Common visioning errors

Strategies and tactics implement the paths to the Vision:
• use strategy to review the continuous subtle changes needed in
the Role, and create and maintain Missions to match
• tactics define the Goals and activities needed to support each
Successful strategies depend on clear Goals and the like; and Goals in
turn depend on clear Missions, Roles and Vision. A misframed Vision
will render strategy unreliable, unstable and error-prone. Common
visioning mistakes include:
• Role as ‘Vision’: “providers of brewed products to ANZ market”
– this confuses ends and means, and invites a “so what?”
• Mission as ‘Vision’: “achieve and maintain 20% of market share”
– this is self-referential, leaving no room for connection with
customers, partners or other stakeholders – invites a “What’s
in it for me?” response

• Goal as ‘Vision’: “beat Benz!” (Lexus cars) – produces good
short-term urgency, but kills motivation stone-dead once the
goal is reached
• desired future-state as ‘Vision’: “our vision for the ‘to-be’ IT-
architecture” – a future-state is effectively Mission-as-Vision
This last is a subtle semantic problem – a different meaning of ‘vision’,
valid in its own way, but not Vision in the sense we’re using here. A
simple test: if it’s temporary, or narrow in scope – such as a ‘future-
state architecture’ – then it’s not a Vision.
• success-criterion as ‘Vision’: “taking a lead in the security of
Essex” – this blurs the activities of a Role with the measures of
a Mission
The success-criterion in this type is often spurious or unmeasurable –
for example, how would you measure “taking a lead”?
• marketing-slogan as ‘Vision’: “to be the best bakers of the
century!” – this ‘to be the…” form combines every error: role-
based, self-referential, goal-driven, spurious measure
It’s unfortunate that this erroneous form is the style recommended in
many texts and ‘standards’, including the Business Motivation Model.
Be warned: it doesn’t work – it simply cannot do the job that a valid
Vision needs to do.
With a valid Vision, we should be able to link every activity to the
Vision, using an audit-trail in the general form:
“This «activity» implements part of the deliverables of «Goal»,
to be completed by «date», which will assist in creating or
maintaining «Mission», as measured by «metric» and «success-
criterion», which supports «Role», with «customer» and
«supplier», which contributes to «Vision».”
A systematic process of visioning provides the means to identify each
step of this link.


Establish foundations for enterprise business-motivation model and
framework for motivation ‘audit-trail’ processes.

Enterprise architects, strategists, others as appropriate.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Summaries of existing vision, mission, objectives, goals, etcetera and
any frameworks linking these to business process and performance.
Research on internet and other sources, for methodologies to create
and maintain audit-trails for business-motivation.

In conjunction with strategists and others, review existing materials
and methods for creating and maintaining business-motivation audit-
trails. If necessary, define and/or amend motivation reference-
Using any appropriate tools, such as TOGAF’s business-scenarios, the
Business Motivation Model, or the VRMG framework above, identify
and document any changes required to improve motivation-support
across the enterprise, and monitoring of motivation.
Outline change-requirements to amend metrics and strategy-
procedures accordingly.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Vision / role / mission / goal business-motivation framework;
content for motivation audit-trail procedures.

Broader applications
This perspective is Purpose / Efficient – an emphasis on ensuring that
the purpose can make the best use of all of the enterprise’s resources.
The perspective’s direct counterpart is Preparation / Appropriate, about
appropriate knowledge for purpose, though much of it would also
apply here – see KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.72).
The same principles as above apply to all aspects of the broader
• what is the Vision?
• what are the Roles?
• what are the other Roles that the enterprise – or this part of the
enterprise – does not do?
• who holds those Roles?
• how do our Roles interface with them? – in other words,
through what Missions?

• what are the current Goals for each of those Missions?
For the lower-level detail, use a systematic process such as the
Business Motivation Model, or a more purpose-built structure of
processes such as ITIL (for the IT industry), for example, or SCOR (for
the logistics industry). Ensure that, wherever required, a motivation
audit-trail can be constructed for every activity in the enterprise.

Architecture principles: see KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking
 Business Motivation Model:
(adopted by the Object Management Group as a standard – see )
 Business scenarios in TOGAF ADM: see
 Narrative inquiry: see Cognitive Edge at
or Anecdote at
 Open Space:
 Causal Layered Analysis: see Sohail Inayatullah,


What values are to be expressed in the architecture of the enterprise?
In a conventional IT-centric architecture, this kind of question has
almost no meaning. In the Zachman framework, for example, the only
reference to this is tucked away in the top right-hand corner of the
‘Motivation’ column. And values in the human sense aren’t even
mentioned in the TOGAF Architectural Design Method.
But as the enterprise-architecture maturity increases, and is required
to support more complex concerns such as organisational agility,
adaptability and innovation, values necessarily come more to the fore.
The reason for this is illustrated well by a slightly different view of the
Cynefin model of organisational complexity described in more detail
in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73):

Cynefin model and values

Values and principles might seem a nuisance in the ordered world of
the known and knowable domains, but they’re the core of business
motivation – see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21) – and they’re
essential for providing guidance in the messy unordered complexity
of the real world. Without them, every change and undocumented
exception has to be covered by some kind of new rule, defined from
higher up in the organisation – which really slows things down.
What we’re doing here, though, is not a marketing exercise – it’s
essential to understand this point. What we aim to identify are the real
values of the organisation-as-community, the principles and values

that the enterprise, collectively, does use in its day-to-day decision-
making. And these can sometimes be a long way from those
portrayed by marketing, HR or the public relations department.
One of our more interesting assignments was a values analysis for a large
security organisation. They were aiming to move from a rules-based culture
to a principle-based one, in order to cope with the increasing complexity of
their operating environment.
The public documents and training materials talked about values such as
‘service excellence’, ‘service innovation’ ‘professionalism’, ‘confident’, ‘a
rewarding work-environment’, and the like – all fine in themselves, but they
somehow felt devoid of meaning. And there was no mention at all of the
kind of ideals that the members of the organisation really lived by, as
evidenced in the stories in the internal magazine, and the personal awards
listed in the lobby – values such as courage, responsibility, fairness, a
willingness to risk self for others.
A bizarre divergence, then, between the supposed values and the real ones
– so where did these ‘official’ values come from, we asked? “Our marketing
department made them up”, they said. No wonder the management was a
bit confused about where their organisation was headed…
Once we know what the real values are, we then have a possibility to
adapt the architecture to emphasise certain of these values and de-
emphasise others, according to the declared and desired direction for
the enterprise. This is much the same as the way we might design a
user-interface to encourage certain behaviours and dissuade others,
by placing the preferred workflows on the opening screen and the
exception-workflows deeper down.
But if we’re going to do this, it must be done with care, with subtlety,
and with respect, because the politics of change are never simple – see
PA :: The politics of purpose (p.42). In a very real sense, changing
someone’s values means changing who they are – and few people
respond well to any kind of clumsy attempt at cultural engineering.
He was one of the best systems specialists in the world – a prime catch for
any software corporation. But he certainly wasn’t happy about his previous
job. “On my first day as a new employee”, he said, “they gave me my new
corporate t-shirt, my new corporate mug, and my shiny new card of
corporate values by which I would live my whole life henceforth.”
“What values?”, I asked. He gave me a rueful grin.
“Top of the list was ‘Maximising shareholder value’.” He drained his glass,
raised it in wry salute. “Told ‘em where to stuff their values. I was outta
there in a week: went someplace else where they let me be me.”
One place where top-down principles and values can be safely defined
and promoted is in the operation and structure of the enterprise-
architecture itself. For the 5Ps framework we’re using here, this
section represents the human-factors view on enterprise purpose: in
section KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness (p.68) this is described as the

‘Elegant’ aspect of effectiveness – though here it’s ‘elegant’ more in
the scientific sense, the simplicity and clarity of a well-balanced
equation. These are the kind of values that we need in an architecture,
whether we’re aiming to enhance agility or simply to keep down
complexity and costs: so embed them explicitly in the architectural
frameworks you develop.


Identify values to be expressed and embedded in the enterprise-
architecture, and to be used as a bridge with customers, partners and
other stakeholders.

Senior managers, strategists, enterprise-architects, selected others
from any/all levels throughout the enterprise.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Assess the maturity-level of the present architecture before you start –
see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).

Use standard business-analysis interviews and group facilitation with
key stakeholders such as managers of ‘customer’ groups to identify
existing principles, values and other collective emotional drivers that
can be leveraged to support the roll-out of the enterprise-architecture
and other change-management, and which in turn would underpin
the enterprise-architecture itself.
At higher maturity levels, use narrative inquiry – see PE :: What’s the
story? (p.57) – to elicit actual values promoted and expressed within
the work-communities.
Assess the impact of these values on governance for projects, for
enterprise-architecture and other aspects of the enterprise.
If changes to existing values are deemed desirable – either to reduce
the impact of certain values, or to enhance others which would align
more strongly with the intended architecture – develop a cultural
intervention brief for use by change-managers and organisational

development specialists. (Management of cultural change should not
be within the remit of the enterprise-architecture team.)
Document these drivers and values. If practicable, publish some or all
of these findings as an explicit part of the architecture.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Content for enterprise-architecture governance-charter; content for
motivation model.

Broader applications
This perspective is Purpose / Elegant – an emphasis on the ‘people’-side
of purpose, but also elegance in the sense of simplicity and clarity. Its
direct counterpart is People / Appropriate – see PA :: The politics of
purpose (p.42).
The point here is that purpose is something that is felt, at a direct,
visceral level – something that becomes literally emotive. And it needs
to be felt as personal, not abstract. This is the reason why commercial
organisations that place an excessive emphasis on shareholder-value
are almost guaranteed to fail: it’s abstract, and it’s someone else’s
purpose. What does work is clarity on Vision, as described in DE ::
Architecture on purpose (p.22): get clear on that, and the shareholder-
value will all but look after itself.

Organisational complexity: see ‘Managing complexity’ in KA ::
Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73).
Business motivation: see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21).
Effectiveness and ‘elegance’: see KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness
Architecture maturity: see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).
Narrative inquiry: see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57).


Who do we need for the architecture team?
Unlike some of the other sections, the questions and concerns here are
fairly straightforward, though the answers will change considerably
at differing levels of architecture maturity – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121). For the earliest stages there may not even be a team
as such – more an occasional meeting of disparate specialists – and in
the later stages the full architectural community-of-practice is likely
again to be made up of dispersed ‘virtual teams’; but in the
intermediate stages a true tightly-coupled team is essential.
The make-up of the team is important at every stage, of course, but one of
the most pressing concerns is leadership through the transitions between
each of the maturity-levels. Twice now I’ve seen architectural development
in a very large organisation come to a grinding halt because the then lead of
the architecture team could not accept the need for a change in emphasis.
In both cases the sticking-point was the transition from level-2 to level-3 –
in other words, the shift from an inward-looking focus on technology to an
outward-looking emphasis on business alignment for IT-architecture.
In one of the organisations, the lead was quietly promoted sideways to
head a different IT team, and was replaced by someone with a stronger
business-strategy background – after which the respect and usefulness of
the enterprise-architecture grew by leaps and bounds.
But in the other organisation, unfortunately, the lead had gained the
personal protection of a powerful patron at board level, with all-too-
predictable results. Shielded from change, the architecture team retreated
further and further into their known, ‘safe’ world of technology, even
abandoning any interest in data-architecture as they spiralled down into
angry irrelevance. Two years later, that organisation had lost almost all of
its previous enterprise-architecture capability.
The individual and collective skill-sets will also change with each
maturity-level, which we could summarise as follows.

Level 1: enterprise-architecture within projects
In the initial stages, the main focus will be on reining in the cost and
complexity of specific IT systems. It’s unlikely there would be any
explicit enterprise-architecture team; instead, the technology-
architecture – such as it is – would be the responsibility of individual
projects, usually with a focus on either the application-layer or the
infrastructure layer, though occasionally straddling the boundary
between them.
There’s likely to be little or no focus on the data layer, only a limited
awareness of the business layer, and no awareness at all of anything
outside of an IT-oriented scope.
The skill-sets needed here are those with a straightforward technical
focus: specific applications, specific network configurations, and so
Although in some projects there may be a requirement for specialist
skills such as enterprise application integration, it’s probable that any
‘architecture’ work will be done only by the project-lead, in
coordinating the different technical specialists. There will at least be
an awareness that the ability to construct that kind of integration does
require a special type of skill.

Level 2: bridges data, applications and infrastructure
For the next level, a discrete enterprise-architecture team is created,
usually as the result of issues identified by projects, or from repeated
calls by business for some kind of cross-project coordination. In the
early stages there may be only a handful of people in the team, but in
the later stages there may well be dozens, especially in a larger
The focus is still strictly IT, but does now extend to include data-
architecture. There will be a slightly stronger link with the business
layer, particularly if coordination with process-changes is required for
configuration of customer-relationship management, or business
process reengineering or the like, but beyond that there will still be
little if any awareness of a world beyond IT.
This period is characterised by construction of reference-models in the
FEAF or Zachman mould, so the team will require not only a broad
range of technical skills, but the ability to think in abstracts as well as
the details of low-level implementation.
The classic danger here, often arising from confusions about the role
of frameworks, is for the team to turn inward and wander off into an
academic obsession with the purity of models for their own sake. So a
key skill required of the team-lead here is the ability to keep a focus
on the usefulness of the models for cross-project coordination. Without
this, the team soon becomes irrelevant to business and even to the rest
of IT, and the only useful enterprise-architecture development instead
comes from ‘transformation’-type projects – an embarrassing situation
I’ve seen in practice in several large organisations.
Integration is usually provided by adherence to a standard framework
– usually Zachman, at this stage, or an industry-specific framework
such as eTOM for telecommunications.

entire enterprise


“Human “Other
enterprise application
Capital” Assets”
architecture architecture



Level 3: distinct sub-architectures, stronger links with business

The next stage is characterised by a shift to a much stronger focus on
the application of enterprise-architecture – on methodology rather only
on models – and also a much closer alignment with business. The
architecture team itself will often shrink radically, as distinct sub-
groups for data-architecture, application-architecture and
infrastructure-architecture are spun off to provide specialist support
to projects. There may also be crosslinks to new teams dealing with
architecture-type issues, such as service-oriented architecture,
information-architecture, security-architecture and so on.
Freed from project-level architecture, the focus of the remaining
enterprise-architecture team shifts to cross-project and cross-
enterprise integration – searching for synergies and reducing possible
system redundancies. There’s a stronger awareness of business
drivers, and a whole new area loosely labelled as ‘business
architecture’ – even though the term is often misused to mean
‘anything not-IT’.
The required skill-sets also change radically: team-members now need
to be generalists bridging across all the specialist domains, and able to
hold the big-picture view in their heads whilst assessing project-level
detail – see KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.72) and TR :: The
practice of architecture (p.95). Interpersonal skills also come to the fore,
in promoting a more disciplined approach to governance, and in
cajoling often-recalcitrant project-leads to comply with the selected
architecture principles – although some of this load should be taken
over by the programme management office as governance-maturity is
further developed across the enterprise.
The whole team is responsible for cross-project integration, guided by
the defined methodology of a framework such as FEAF or TOGAF.

Level 4: coordinates architecture across whole of enterprise
At the next level, the enterprise-architecture role moves ‘upward’ to
become responsible for architecture across the enterprise as a whole –
and not merely for the IT subset. (A hint: at this level, if a job-
specification includes a reference to any specific technology, such as
.NET or SAP or whatever, it’s no longer enterprise-architecture – it’s an
aspect of domain-level enterprise-IT-architecture. The difference may
seem subtle, but it’s extremely important here.)
The previous IT-oriented ‘enterprise architecture’ becomes just one of
several vertical domain architectures, each coordinating the specialist
sub-groups working across a cluster of organisational ‘silos’,
partitioned by business function, geographical location or the like.
Where the previous team would report to the CIO or CTO (and
probably continues to do so), this new team will usually be attached
to some other cross-enterprise group such as strategy or the
programme management office, or even report direct to the CEO.
For the first time, the focus is truly enterprise-wide. (In the diagrams
here I’ve used the FEAF labels “Human Capital” and “Other Fixed
Assets” to indicate these previously-‘invisible’ aspects of the
organisation.) The emphasis is now on a much stronger integration
with business strategy, and on cross-domain concerns such as
increased agility and innovation, reduced time-to-market for new
products and services, and improved potential for partnerships to
extend the effective boundaries of the enterprise.
Members of this small team need to be strong generalists – see PN ::
The role of the generalist (p.52) – who are able to listen well, to learn fast,
to synthesise ideas quickly in visual or verbal form, and able to build

easy relationships with anyone at any level in the organisation and
beyond. Although they should usually have a background in some
relevant technical or business discipline, they are more likely to call
on the team’s broad network of specialist advisers, from within the
domain-architecture sub-groups or elsewhere.
Although often associated with the business-strategy group, the roles
of the teams are different: strategy defines the desired direction,
whilst enterprise-architecture identifies the connections that make the
strategy possible in practice.


Identify the make-up of the enterprise-architecture team, the required
collective and individual skill-sets, and recommended collective and
individual performance-criteria.

Selected senior managers, enterprise architects, lead trainers, HR

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
CVs and broader interests of existing members and candidates for the
architecture team.
Assess the maturity-level of the present architecture before you start –
see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).

Use literature search, and standard business-analysis interviews and
group facilitation with key stakeholders such as managers of
‘customer’ groups, to elicit a list of skill-sets and personal attributes
required collectively by members of the architecture team, and by
each individual member of the team.
For the earlier maturity-levels, the emphasis will be more on
technology- or domain-specific skills:
• technology/infrastructure architecture: development of technology
principles, standards and patterns that can be shared across
multiple systems and solutions

• applications architecture: aligning the solutions portfolio with the
business and data architectures, and linking applications
• data/information architecture: modelling, classification,
integration and management of data, metadata and
information, and the business-rules linking them and guiding
their transformations
• business architecture: modelling and management of processes,
workflows, material-flows and the like, and strategy and
change-management to guide functional change
Although relevant at all stages, the core architectural skills come to the
fore at later maturity-levels:
• communicator, change-agent, and creator of social-networks
• modeller and visual thinker
• strategist with foresight disciplines
• fast learner
• principled pragmatist
• consultant and ‘troubleshooter’
• ‘big picture’ thinker
Using the identified maturity-level and individual CVs as a guide,
assess the current architecture-team for gap-analysis to identify:
• changes to team make-up: additional members needed, sub-
teams split-off, and so on
• additional skills: training required, conference-attendance
• changes to reporting and line-of-authority: to project-group, to
CTO/CIO, to programme management office, to
strategy/CEO, etcetera
Develop appropriate strategy and management for any required
changes. Where necessary, document these changes in the architecture
governance charter.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of required skill-sets; content for enterprise-architecture job-
specifications and performance criteria; gap-analysis and change-
management strategy for amendments to enterprise-architecture
team; content for enterprise-architecture governance-charter.

Broader applications
This perspective is People / Elegant – a recursive emphasis on people as
people, in all their complexity and difference; on human-factors, such
as ergonomics and self-adaptation; and also on simplicity, clarity, the
effortlessness of elegant design and operation when these all act ‘on
In this section we’ve focussed on how these issues come out in the
skills and attributes needed for the architecture team. But the same
principles and drivers apply to the skills and attributes needed
• what is the purpose? – see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21)
• what is the scope? – see DN :: Architecture of the enterprise (p.13)
• what is the maturity-level? – see MA :: Measuring maturity
We also need to pay especial attention to the human complexities of
the politics of the enterprise – see PA :: The politics of purpose (p.42) –
and the subtle problems of misperceptions of power – see PR :: A
problem of power (p.47) – because all of these will impact every aspect
of the enterprise. In each case, though, clarity on purpose is likely to
provide the guiding star that’s most needed to navigate through the
dangerous shoals and stormy waters.

Architectural mindsets: see KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking
Generalist: see PN :: The role of the generalist (p.52).
Architecture maturity: see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).
 TOGAF: see
 Sally Bean, “The elusive enterprise architect”, IT Adviser, Issue 43,
May/June 2006;


Whose work will be affected by any architectural strategy? In other
words, who are the stakeholders in the architecture? And what will be
their concerns with the architecture?
This is another one of those sections where in principle the issues
should be simple and straightforward, yet in practice are usually
anything but simple – because here is where we meet head-on with
the tangled politics of change.
Fact is that architectural issues will always be emotive in some ways –
see DL :: Architecture is a feeling (p.30). So it’ll be best to start from an
acceptance that it is fact, and design our activities accordingly – rather
than trying to pretend it doesn’t exist, and being caught out badly
when it blows up in our faces.
The sources of the emotion are many and varied. Sometimes it’s just
that this is part of the ‘bottom-up’ response to our ‘top-down’ plan for
architecture – see DA :: The aims of architecture (p.10). Sometimes it’s
from a general fear of change, which can be masked in many different
ways – though more on this below. And sometimes it’s because
people can be passionately committed to their own local projects, and
are understandably wary of anything that looks like an attempt at
control from the centre. These last are people we need to treat with
especial care and respect – see KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79) –
because once we do get them on our side, they also become passionate
advocates for the architecture itself.
It was a long phone-call, at inter-state rates, but well worth it in the end.
They’d heard through the grapevine that we were interested in creating a
common solution for their own area of expertise, in quality-control and
corrective-action. And they weren’t happy about it. Not happy. At all.
They’d worked on this for years, they said. Proven workflows. Proven
results. Fully tested. No-one had done anything like it in any of the other
states. Headquarters had never bothered to show any interest. So who the
heck did we think we were, to come along and smash down all their work
in favour of some half-baked ideas about architecture? I had to sit through
what felt like an hour of angry ear-bashing in this vein before I finally had a
chance to speak.

All we’d done, I said, was that we’d used the architecture framework to
identify what seemed to be a gap in the organisation’s nationwide
knowledge systems. And I’d been hoping to talk with them, as we’d heard
they were one of the few groups in the whole organisation who were
working in that space. Would they help us, I asked?
Silence on the other end of the line. A long pause. Then: “Oh. Sorry.”
Another pause, and then, in a much brighter, happier tone: “Great! When
can we meet?”
The polite euphemism for this delicate political wrangling is that it’s
part of ‘change management’. And although change-management
itself is often described as a linear process, from ‘as-is’ to the desired
‘to-be’ state, it’s more realistic to think of it as cyclical, iterative,
recursive, in much the same way as the framework we’re using here.
One of the most useful summaries of this human side of the change-
process, and the ways we’ll see the issues expressed in the comments
we hear from stakeholders, is in the book The Dance Of Change, by
Peter Sengé’s ‘Fifth Discipline’ group. The issues change with the
three phases of the change-cycle:
• the challenges of initiating:
o not enough time: “we don’t have time for this stuff!”
o no help in coaching or support: “we have no help!”, “we
don’t know what we’re doing!”
o a sense of a lack of relevance: “this stuff isn’t relevant to
o a perceived difference between theory and practice:
“they’re not walking the talk!”
• the challenges of sustaining:
o fear and anxiety: “this stuff is @#%#@!” (usually a mask
for hidden fears such as “am I safe? am I adequate? can I
trust others? or myself?”)
o assessment and measurement: “this stuff isn’t working!”
o perceptions about ‘in-group’ versus ‘outsiders’: one side
saying “they don’t understand us!”, “we have the right
way!”; the other saying “I have no idea what they’re
doing!” or even “they’re acting like a cult!”
• the challenges of redesigning and rethinking:
o governance issues: “who’s in charge of this stuff?” or
“they won’t give up the power!”
o diffusion and implementation of the architecture: “we
keep reinventing the wheel!”
o full-circle, back to the starting-point with strategy and
purpose: “where are we going?”, “what are we here for?”

At some point, our architecture will need to address every one of
these feelings and fears. It’s never a quick process – nor ever an easy
one. A great deal needs to be focussed on assisting people to find their
own power and responsibility in relation to the architecture – see PR ::
A problem of power (p.47) and KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79). But
the first stage of that process is to identify as many as possible of the
likely stakeholders, and their probable issues and concerns – and
that’s what we do here.


Identify change-management strategy required to address likely
challenges to development and roll-out of whole-of-organisation

Selected senior managers, strategists, enterprise-architects, change-
managers, programme management office, others as appropriate.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Organisational directories, function-maps, etcetera; also social-
network maps, Yellow Pages and similar narrative-knowledge tools, if
available – see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57).
Before you start, assess the architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture
of the enterprise (p.13) – and maturity-level – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121).

Using the current scope and maturity-level as a guide, trawl through
function-maps, organisational directories and, if available,
organisational Yellow Pages or similar intranet contact-sites, to
identify probable stakeholders – individuals or groups who may have
concerns or need to be involved in the implementation of the current
phase of architecture.
If social-network maps are available, identify any relevant ‘super-
nodes’ – people with large numbers of contacts, or focal-points for

contact-trees – for other potential stakeholders in the architectural
Where practicable, contact each of these stakeholders, and invite them
to share their interests and concerns regarding the enterprise-
architecture. Assess any opportunities and risks that may arise from
these discussions.
Record the stakeholder contact-list for use in future iterations, and
document any identified issues. If appropriate, develop or amend a
change-management strategy to address these issues.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Stakeholder contact-list; opportunity/risk assessment; content for
change-management strategy.

Broader applications
This perspective is People / Appropriate – an emphasis on the purpose-
issues in relationships between people. Its direct counterpart is
Purpose / Elegant, the ‘people’-side of purpose – see DL :: Architecture is
a feeling (p.30).
A clear sense of purpose is key here – see DE :: Architecture on purpose
(p.21). Another is an awareness and acceptance that many of the
clashes arise not because other people are being ‘difficult’, but because
their work requires a different sense of time:
• ‘purpose’-people (strategists, futurists, senior executives): ‘far
future’ – anything from five to fifty years or more
• ‘people’-people (HR, marketers): near-random – from far past to
far future
• ‘preparation’-people (planners, schedulers, project-managers):
near future – hours, days, weeks, sometimes months
• ‘process’-people (production, delivery): immediate – an urgency
of “now!”
• ‘performance’-people (accounts, analysts): past – last hour, last
day, last week, month, quarter, financial-year
Respecting these differences in time-perspective, and translating
cleanly between them, will go a long way towards easing many of the
day-to-day political pressures in most aspects of organisations.
Again, Sengé’s books – especially Dance of Change – are likely to be
useful throughout the enterprise, especially at times when there’s a
need to grapple with the full complexities of change. It’s not rocket-
science, but it is emotive: the challenge is prevent the waste of that

energy in unnecessary in-fighting, and instead to harness those
emotions to propel the whole enterprise forward, for everyone’s

Emotive issues: see DL :: Architecture is a feeling (p.30).
Peter M Sengé et al., The Dance of Change: The challenges of sustaining
momentum in learning organizations, Currency (1999), ISBN-13 978-


What is the organisation’s ability to do work?
This is another question that seems simple, and to which the answers
should also be simple. But they’re not. At all. In fact, it’s the core of
many of the issues that an enterprise-wide architecture aims to
Whilst a physics definition of ‘power’ would indeed be ‘the ability to
do work’; most social definitions of power are closer to ‘the ability to
avoid work’. All too often, ‘power’ and authority seem to devolve from
an ability to evade responsibility – see KL :: A question of responsibility
(p.79) – and dump the difficult work onto others. Therein lies a huge
problem for the practice of architecture, and for the architecture itself.
We’d been warned about him – “a smug young know-it-all” was one of the
politer epithets – but it was still one of those rare times when I almost lost
my temper with a client…
He’d summoned us to a meeting to be shown his planned “New Way of
Working” for the logistics division. We looked on aghast as he airily
dismissed a thousand jobs, and another, and another – “they can all be
replaced by machines at half the cost”, he said, with a salesman’s certainty.
We knew otherwise – we knew just how unreliable and expensive in
practice those machines really were – but that wasn’t what worried me
most. In addition to the human impact – of which he seemed blithely
unaware – those front-line workers were also the main customer contacts;
almost the only source of information for data-cleansing; the literal drivers
for end-to-end quality-control. So yes, agreed, he’d done his financial
analysis; but what about the impact on narrative-knowledge, on social-
networks, customer-relations, morale and the rest? In other words, where
was his analysis of all the integration-issues that make the work possible –
and on which the financial returns depend?
“I don’t need to do any of that!” he snapped. “The finance figures speak for
themselves.” His voice turned smarmy, sneering. “Besides, you don’t have
the authority to ask any questions. I have the ear of the board on this; I
don’t have to follow your architecture, you have to follow me!”
Here ‘work’, of course, is not just in the physical sense, but also
mental work, relational work, all the other kinds of work that impact
on all categories of the organisation’s assets – see KE :: Dimensions of
architecture (p.62). So what we need here is a systematic framework to

identify any problem-areas in systems (of all kinds) which could limit
the organisation’s ability to do its desired work, and also the areas
where things are going well, which we could leverage to improve
capabilities elsewhere. The framework also needs metrics to monitor
this ‘ability to do work’ – see ML :: People and performance (p.117).
Although any appropriate framework can be used, the one I prefer for
this classifies power-issues into five distinct categories:
1: Actively dysfunctional – seen either as the win/lose “propping self
up by putting other down”, or the less-common lose/win style
“putting self down to prop other up”. Occasionally we’ll even see this
occurring in IT-system designs – such as where improved efficiency
for one system damages the efficient operation of another – but a
more common instance occurs where individuals or business-units are
intentionally pitted against each other by a management with
mistaken ideas about internal competition. The aim may be to
improve overall sales, for example, but people soon discover it’s
easier to improve one’s relative sales-figures by sabotaging others in
the same team – with the result that everyone loses. Issues of this type
easily become intractable problems that can be very hard to resolve,
especially as they’re often surrounded by walls of denial and blame.
As an architect, take great care when addressing any issue of this type.
2: Passively dysfunctional – this again has a win/lose form,
“offloading responsibility onto others”, and a less-common lose/win
form, “taking on responsibility inappropriately from others”. The
simplest example is the ‘silo’ mentality – classic union-style
‘demarcation disputes’ and clumsy inter-system trade-offs – which
we’ll see in all manner of poor system-designs, whether of
organisational structures or IT-systems. Most early-maturity
enterprise-architecture is aimed at resolving IT-system issues of this
type, and quietly addressing the related operational and governance
issues that created the mess in the first place.
3: ‘Best practice’ – so-called because this is the best that can be
achieved in a highly regulated environment. Active dysfunctions and
silo-boundaries have been resolved, making it possible to create some
level of cross-system and end-to-end integration – the main focus for
mid-maturity enterprise-architecture. The limit here is an insistence
on explicit audit-trails of cause and effect, the classic command-and-
control mindset, making it impossible to cross over the boundary into
complex-systems space – see the description of the Cynefin model in
KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73).
4: Organisation supports individual variance – typified by self-
adaptation in both human and IT-based systems, and also in issues
such as ergonomics. In essence, the ‘control’ component of centralised

command-and-control is eased in a partial shift from a rules-based to
a principle-based model, devolving some decisions to the local level.
The emphasis here is on the complex-domain, in Cynefin terms:
enterprise-architecture needs a mid- to high-maturity level to support
operations in this space, permitting a more pro-active and agile
response, in conditions where events are only partially repeatable. In
IT systems we’ll see this, for example, as the more fluid relationships
permitted by service-oriented architecture, and customised on-
demand manufacture from a broad but pre-defined set of options.
5: Individual committed to organisation – otherwise known as
‘wholeness responsibility’ in human systems. In effect, this is what is
needed in the Cynefin ‘chaotic’ space, in which it’s understood that
nothing is ever truly repeatable, hence predefined rules are too
misleading to be reliable in practice. This can only succeed via a fully
principle-based model in which centralised ‘command’ is also
dropped, devolving all run-time decision-making to the local level. To
support this, the enterprise-architecture must be at a high maturity-
level, fully linking across all the business dimensions – purpose,
process, data, information, task and technology. This power-category
can rarely be sustained for long – at some point there must be a fall
back to the previous category to redefine and re-assess principles, and
refresh the sense of common identity – but is best supported by some
kind of unifying focus-theme – see TL :: The art of integration (p.101).


Establish a framework to monitor ‘the ability to do work’ across the
enterprise and its partners, and to guide responses to issues identified
in such monitoring.

Enterprise-architects, process architects, industrial psychologists, lead
trainers, performance consultants; other stakeholders as appropriate.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Internet research on frameworks such as Human Synergistics’ ‘Life
Styles Inventory’ (LSI) or Tetradian’s ‘SEMPER’.

Stakeholder contact-lists, such as derived from section PA :: The
politics of purpose (p.42).

Using internet research, consultancy and other sources as required,
identify candidate frameworks to assess ‘ability to do work’ across the
scope covered by the current and/or intended enterprise-architecture.
Working with selected stakeholders, test and validate the candidate
frameworks. Select a framework which provides the best fit for the
enterprise-architecture maturity-level and the organisation’s culture.
Working with lead trainers and others as appropriate, develop a list of
‘power’ triggers and responses – in other words specific interventions
to be applied in response to specific conditions of increasing or
decreasing ‘ability to do work’ identified by the framework’s metrics
in specific domains covered by the scope of the enterprise-

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Whole-of-organisation metrics/diagnostics; list of trigger-values for
metrics to link to response-framework.

Broader applications
This perspective is People / Reliable – an emphasis on anything that can
make the actions of and interactions between people easier and more
productive. Its direct counterpart is Process / Elegant, the use of an
emotive ‘theme’ to drive process-improvement – see TL :: The art of
integration (p.101).
The power-dynamics described above are common to every
enterprise, and to every aspect of the enterprise. No surprises there,
I’d imagine, but it’s worthwhile remembering to watch how they
apply in practice in each area of work, and do what you can to lift the
level in each case.
Remember that in the complex-domain of inherent uncertainty – see
‘Managing complexity’ in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73) –
the one tactic that doesn’t work is any attempt at rigid control: it
invariably makes things worse. Instead, use the complexity tactic of
‘probe / sense / respond’: try out seed-ideas, seed-changes, watch
carefully what happens, and use resonance – another principle from
complexity-theory – to propagate the seeds that seem to work or
suppress the ones that don’t.

Responsibility: see KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79).
Lead-indicators for performance: see ML :: People and performance
 Human Synergistics’ Life Styles Inventory:
 Tetradian SEMPER diagnostic:


Who are your generalists – the people who link across the different
business domains? What support do they have in this role? And what
support do they need?
This is another of these somewhat political aspects of enterprise-
architecture. But at least it’s less fraught than most we’ve seen so far,
because the politics arise not from personalities but from the nature of
organisations and their structures - which does take some of the heat
out of the issue.
And the political problem itself is straightforward, too. For good
reasons, most parts of most organisations are organised and managed
in vertical hierarchies; yet we also need a small number of people to
operate horizontally across those hierarchies, to link the all vertical
‘silos’ into a single whole. The catch is that they seem to break the
ordered rule of the hierarchy by doing so. Even worse, most
performance-metrics are vertical, and specialist – so the more these
cross-functional, cross-domain generalists concentrate on their real
work of horizontal linking, the less they appear to do.
By the nature of their work, generalists are often seen as disruptive.
They ask awkward questions; make strange connections across ‘silos’;
blunder through jealously-guarded barriers of turf and territory; and
generally waste other people’s time by talking with them when they
‘should be working’.
The result is that, all too often, this strange freedom of movement for a
select few can be misunderstood as ‘unfair’ by people in ordinary
specialist roles, or even as ‘insubordination’ by middle-level managers
– with unfortunate results all round.
It’s clear they do something, but no-one really knows what it is. In many
cases all they seem to do is wander round and talk, though a few may hide
away in a back-room somewhere, cooking up heaven-only-knows-what…
To survive in large organisations, most generalists I know rely on blurry
job-titles, vague job-descriptions, indefinite reporting-relationships. Groups
might describe themselves as ‘cross-functional teams’, for example, or as a
‘skunk-works’. But it’s harder for individuals to hide. One friend, in a major
bank, was referred to as a lowly ‘communications officer’, although in

reality she was the ‘super-node’ for the social-network that ran the bank’s
incident first-response system. Another, a foresight/strategy practitioner for
a large pharmaceutical, had a business card with the impressive job-title of
‘Ideation Manager’; but as he put it, “in this game, if you’re not being fired at
least once every two years, you’re not doing your job properly!”
To protect themselves from zealous or vengeful inquiry, many
generalists will hide behind a powerful patron. But useful as it is, this
tactic can badly backfire: it leaves the generalists somewhat at the
whim of the patron; and usually, when the patron moves on, the
protection vanishes, which again can prove extremely uncomfortable,
especially in environments with serious power-problems – see PR :: A
problem of power (p.47). Far better, then to bring the generalists out into
the open, by providing a better explanation of what it is they really do
for the enterprise.
In essence, generalists operate across the ordered/unordered
boundary into the Cynefin ‘complex’ domain, in contrast to most
people’s roles in the ordered ‘known’ or ‘knowable’ domains – see
‘Management of complexity’ in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking
(p.73). Because the real world is complex and chaotic, in Cynefin
terms, there’ll always be a need for someone to prod, to probe, to run
the strange experiments and seed-projects that allow the enterprise to
sense and respond to the messy uncertainties and opportunities of its
market, its sphere of operations. By definition, then, these people must
operate at least partly outside the rule-book; and by definition, there
are no simple cause-effect metrics for what they do, because in the
complex domain, results can be measured only at the level of the
whole, and not in the performance of any single part.
Which brings us back to where we started: what do generalists do?
Who would be a good generalist – rather than just a time-wasting
dilettante? And how would we manage the generalists – their work,
their performance?
Which bring us back, in turn, to enterprise-architecture, because by
definition all architects must at least in part be generalists: it’s how
they create connections across systems, be it low-level IT or the
structure of the entire enterprise.
So we’ve covered some of this ground already – see PL :: The
architecture team (p.34), for the overall attributes of generalists, the
need to be a strong communicator, to learn fast, to build easy
relationships with anyone, and so on. We’ll also see other aspects in
the management of tacit knowledge and social networks – see PE ::
What’s the story? (p.57) - in responsibility-based ownership of assets –
see KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79) – and in monitoring of
complex performance – see ML :: People and performance (p.117). What

we aim to add here are the links to other generalists who we may need
to add to the architecture as its maturity-level rises, or whose work
connects with architecture rather than is architecture; and also to
identify some means of measuring success of individual architects,
and enterprise-architecture as a whole.


Identify any additional cross-functional generalist roles required to
implement enterprise-architecture, the required collective and
individual skill-sets, and recommended collective and individual

Selected senior managers, strategists, enterprise-architects, operations
managers, lead trainers, HR specialists, performance specialists.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Stakeholder contact-lists, such as derived from section PA :: The
politics of purpose (p.42).
Organisational directories, function-maps, etcetera; also social-
network maps, Yellow Pages and similar narrative-knowledge tools, if
available – see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57).
Before you start, assess the architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture
of the enterprise (p.13) – and maturity-level – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121).

Using the current scope and maturity-level as a guide for
requirements, identify the generalist skills (cross-function, cross-
technology, etcetera) and probable social-networks required for the
implementation of the current phase of architecture. Conduct a gap-
analysis against the skill-sets and social-networks of the existing
members of the enterprise-architecture team and, if appropriates,
candidates for the team.
Brainstorm potential performance-metrics and success-criteria,
appropriate to the scope and complexity of the enterprise-architecture.

(At high maturity-levels, the scope will be the entire enterprise, and
will be fully into the Cynefin complex-domain.) In particular, look for
methods to identify complex-domain metrics, often based on what
otherwise would not occur, such as cost-savings, opportunity-benefits
and cross-system synergies.
Using the same requirements, trawl through organisational sources of
role/contact information, such as function-maps, directories, social-
network maps, and organisational Yellow Pages, to identify probable
generalists whose work may intersect with the current or intended
phase of enterprise-architecture, whose skill-sets or social-networks
may complement those of the architecture-team, or who may
otherwise be able to assist in rolling out the architecture.
Where practicable, contact each of these generalists, and invite them
to discuss possible synergies and possible shared performance-
metrics. Assess any shared concerns, opportunities and risks that may
arise from these discussions.
Record the contact-lists, skill-sets, social-networks lists and
performance-criteria for use in future iterations, and document any
identified issues. If appropriate, develop or amend a change-
management strategy to address these issues.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of required skill-sets; content for cross-functional generalist job
specifications and performance criteria; gap-analysis and change-
management strategy for amendments to appropriate teams or units
across the enterprise and/or its partners; content for enterprise-
architecture governance-charter and/or other enterprise-wide
governance charters and reporting relationships.

Broader applications
This perspective is People / Integrated – an emphasis on the people-
issues and people that help to pull the enterprise together into an
integrated whole. The direct counterpart is Performance / Elegant, about
the impact of these issues on overall performance – see ML :: People
and performance (p.117).
As elsewhere, the focus here has been on enterprise-architecture, but
the exact same issues apply throughout the enterprise. The infamous
‘org-chart’ describes the vertical reporting-structure, for example, but
tells us almost nothing about how work is actually done, or how the
separate ‘silos’ communicate with each other in order to complete any
end-to-end process. Hence the need to understand the roles played by

generalists, and any other horizontal mechanisms that link across the
enterprise, and to provide them with such support – if often
somewhat covert – that they may need.

Generalists and the architecture team: see PL :: The architecture team
Monitoring performance: see ML :: People and performance (p.117).


From where or whom does the organisation’s knowledge arise? Who
identifies and creates business meaning? And how is this ‘tacit
knowledge’ communicated, managed, refreshed, sustained?
From a knowledge perspective, many current enterprise-architecture
frameworks such as Zachman, FEAF and TOGAF can be intensely
frustrating, because they promote the delusion that knowledge is
synonymous with IT. It isn’t: in fact we could almost describe this as a
kind of laziness, because although managing IT-based knowledge is
rarely easy, managing the non-IT-based knowledge is hard.
Over the decade we worked with them, we saw them go through the same
pain and panic time after time – but still they wouldn’t face the real source
of the problem.
Many of the major items handled by the unit went through the same kind of
cycle: major research when the item was first brought into service; a ten-,
twenty-, thirty-year gap with only minor fixes needed; and then another
major project to try to extend the item’s working life. But after two or
three decades, the senior people who’d worked on the initial acceptance-
project were all either retired or dead – so there was no simple way to
make sense of the previous work. Frequently all that would be left was the
final report – often much-modified for political reasons, and hence almost
meaningless in practice – and an unedited, undocumented mess of source
material. If they were lucky, there might also be some of the original test-
journals and working-notes – though an official policy of discarding any
material more than five years old had often put paid to that. For one multi-
million-dollar project, some sad staffer had to spend two years cataloguing
the contents of forty filing-cabinets passed down through the decades –.and
even that didn’t help all that much.
Nightmare: an expensive nightmare, repeated with every long-term project.
What they needed, to avoid that nightmare, was a systematic process to
pass on the stories, the sensemaking, from one staffer to another, along
with the source-material. But they wouldn’t do it: instead, being
technologists, they relied entirely on IT, which invariably went out of date
within a decade – and in any case couldn’t, and didn’t, do the job.
At the end, what we need is business meaning. But we get there in
three stages: content, context, and connections.
• The content is just raw data: a photograph, a transaction, or the
like. The more this information can be structured in some

way, the easier it can be handled – hence all the basic IT
knowledge-infrastructure of databases, file-servers, on-screen
forms and so on. The messier unstructured data tends to get
left out of IT, however, simply because it’s harder to handle.
And hence, because it’s not there with the rest of the data, a
tendency to assume that it has no value – which can be a big
• Without something to indicate the context, content can never be
more than meaningless data – hence the increasing IT
importance of metadata, items of ‘information about
information’ such as the date and time of a transaction, the
camera-settings and description for a photograph, and so on.
Again, even though recent metadata models such as XML
have helped extend the amount of ‘unstructuredness’ that can
be managed in IT-based systems, there’s still much of the
messier metadata that gets missed out.
• It’s only when we make connections between information-
items that we start to get close to meaning. An ever-increasing
sophistication in automated connections is almost a history of
the past half-century of IT-systems: from structured records to
entity-relationships, built-in business-rules, object-models,
business-intelligence, trend-analysis and ‘fuzzy-pattern’-
matching. But these still only work well with structured data
and metadata: anything that doesn’t fit will disappear from
the picture. Which is a problem if, for example, we’re trying to
make sense of something which by definition doesn’t exist –
such as cost-savings, or opportunity-cost, or an un-planned-
for external event.
The real problem, as Cynefin founder Dave Snowden put it, is that we
know more than we can say, and we can say more than we can write
down. It’s easy to share whatever is written down – hence the
proliferation of IT-based ‘knowledge management systems’. But what
we really need is what people know. And that includes all the blurry,
fuzzy, ifs-buts-and-perhapses, the subtle balance between big-picture
and little-picture, without which we can make entirely the wrong
connections – one famous example being the automated ‘algorithmic
trading’ systems which triggered the stock-market crash of 1989.
In short, what we need are the stories – the ‘narrative knowledge’ of
the enterprise. Stories are how people convey connections, and
meaning – as ‘the moral of the story’, for example.
The values of the enterprise – the ones we want, and the covert ones
we don’t – are all conveyed by stories, all of which impact on the
enterprise’s ‘ability to do work’ – see PR :: A problem of power (p.47).

And whilst people working in controlled, known contexts learn
through ‘best practice’, maintenance-engineers and others dealing
with inherent uncertainty share their knowledge through ‘worst-
practice’ – stories of what didn’t work. Stories matter.
Stories, and most other forms of ‘tacit knowledge’, are also about
people – are in people – so to manage this kind of knowledge we also
need to be more aware of people as people. Hence much of this kind
of knowledge-management is about knowing who to ask, about
passing the stories on, rewarding knowledge-sharing, and so on.
Yellow Pages directories, personal web-pages and weblogs, group
wikis and communities-of-practice all help to create a culture of
knowledge-sharing and speed up searches for specialist knowledge.
In the same way, responsibility-based ownership of information-areas
and business-rules – see KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79) – helps
to break down delusions about knowledge and ‘power’, and
safeguards transfer of knowledge when the responsibility changes
hands, via exit-interviews and the like.
Another area of interest here is social-network mapping. Each link in
the network represents a connection between people – the owners of
necessary knowledge. Clusters tend to form round two types of
people: the key specialists, and the ‘super-nodes’. The specialists
maintain knowledge needed by many people; unless they’re already
overloaded, it’s often useful to publicise that fact. By contrast, the
‘super-nodes’ are usually generalists – see PN :: The role of the generalist
(p.52) – who provide links across disparate groups and business-
functions; they may be even more important than the specialists,
because they act as the ‘glue’ that holds the enterprise together.


Identify the scope and support for non-IT-based tacit knowledge, and
key players or ‘nodes’ within the narrative-knowledge network.

Enterprise-architects and other generalists, knowledge-managers, lead
trainers, HR specialists.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.

Internet research and other sources on narrative knowledge.
Organisational directories, function-maps, etcetera; also, if available,
existing social-network maps and narrative-knowledge tools.
Social-network modelling tools – e.g. email-list scanners.

In conjunction with knowledge-managers, use directories, social-
network modelling tools and other organisational sources to create
architectural maps of tacit-knowledge capture, maintenance and
exchange throughout the enterprise – including customers, partners
and other ‘outsiders’ where appropriate.
Using the maps, identify potential leverage-points or requirements for
system-change – either IT-based, such as Yellow Pages or specific
weblogs; or process-based, such as communities-of-practice.
In conjunction with knowledge-managers and lead-trainers, identify
requirements for training to improve tacit-knowledge capture,
maintenance and exchange.
In conjunction with knowledge-managers and HR specialists, identify
requirements for changes to performance-criteria, to reward
knowledge-sharing and engagement in appropriate social-networks;
and to HR procedures such as exit-interviews, to support tacit-
knowledge retention and transfer.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Social-network maps; Yellow Pages structures and equivalent access-
frameworks for narrative knowledge; content for performance
reviews and exit procedures.

Broader applications
This perspective is People / Efficient – an emphasis on the knowledge-
aspects of people, particularly those which help to improve
knowledge-sharing between people to improve collective efficiency.
Its direct counterpart is Preparation / Elegant, the ‘people’-aspects of
knowledge, particularly around emotive commitments to shared
knowledge – see KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79).
Once again, much the same principles apply across the whole
enterprise: narrative-knowledge is in no way specific to enterprise-
architecture. The tendency to ignore and dismiss non-IT-based
knowledge, simply because it isn’t IT-based, is a common problem in
many organisations: the damage this tendency can cause is

incalculable, all the way up to full-on disasters like the destruction of
the Challenger space-shuttle. Although perceptions of ‘knowledge
management’ may have slumped to the level of ‘passé management
fad’ in many places, the issues it deals with are real: they’re still as
urgent as ever. David Gurteen is one useful ‘super-node’ in the world-
wide knowledge-management social-network: his Gurteen
Knowledge Network website is worth exploring for ideas and
contacts on how to address these issues in practice.
Another area where these concerns become critical is where the
context is highly regulated but the work-environment has a significant
amount of inherent uncertainty: social-work casework is one example
that comes to mind. In Cynefin terms – see ‘Managing complexity’ in
KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73) - regulation is in the
‘known’ domain, but the main work of the case-worker is either in the
expert ‘knowable’ domain, or over the boundary into the ‘one-offs’ of
the complex domain: it’s not an easy mix. Providing clarity on which
framework applies at each moment – which parts of the work truly
can be covered by laws, and which can only ever be guided by
principles – will make the work a lot less stressful for everyone, and
also reduce the risk of inappropriate lawsuits.

Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell, Learning To Fly: practical lessons
from one of the world’s leading knowledge companies, Capstone, 2001;
ISBN-13 978-184112509-1
Etienne Wenger et al., Communities of Practice: a guide to managing
knowledge, Harvard Business School Press, 2002, ISBN 1-57851-330-
Peter M Sengé et al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and tools
for building a learning organization, Currency (1994), ISBN-13 978-
 David Gurteen and the Gurteen Knowledge Network: see
 Large group interventions: see Martin Leith,
 Social-network maps: see Wikipedia, , and Institute for Social
Network Analysis of the Economy,
 Cynefin / Cognitive Edge:


What information do you need, to identify and improve the
effectiveness of the enterprise? What framework would you use to
model this information?
The answers to these questions will depend in part on the scope and
maturity of the enterprise-architecture – see DN :: Architecture of the
enterprise (p.13) and MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).
At an early-level maturity, the scope will usually be limited to sub-
sections of IT, and the Zachman framework would be the most
common guideline, though this comes more fully into its own at
slightly higher maturity-levels.
Higher again, for enterprise-wide IT architecture, DyA or TOGAF
would be used to complement Zachman; then FEAF or ARIS or
ArchiMate, as a stronger integration with process-modelling becomes
necessary. Purpose-built modelling-tools become essential at higher
maturity-levels, too, permitting multiple views into the same overall
But at the whole-of-enterprise level, with integration across every
aspect of the enterprise, it becomes difficult not to drown in all that
detail. To counter this, we need to go right back to core principles,
further back even than basic notions such as the org-chart and the
product-list, and start again with as clean a slate as we can. Anchoring
the framework right up at that level gives us something to which we
can link everything the enterprise is and does, as we work our way
back down into the detail again.
Zachman’s six categories – what, how, where, who, when, why –
could work well as one such structure. In practice, though, it’s now so
enshrined as an IT-only framework that it’s too probably confusing to
use outside of that narrow scope. So an alternate approach – the one I
personally prefer – is to think of the aspects of the enterprise not in
terms of categories, but as dimensions.
To illustrate this, imagine that the enterprise as a whole is merely one
player in a market. Watching what happens in a market, we can see
four distinct yet interwoven dimensions to what’s going on.

• Markets are transactions, traditionally about physical things,
though less so in some areas of the market. Products are
transferred from one player to another, and services are
provided, on the basis of some notion of ‘fair exchange’ –
price is one example, of course, but there are many others.
• Markets are conversations (to quote the Cluetrain Manifesto) –
an exchange of ideas, opinions, experiences, which are sort of
peripheral to a transaction rather than part of it.
• Markets are relationships – the transactions and conversations
take place between people. Without those relationships –
whatever form they may take – the market could not operate
or exist.
• Markets are about identity and purpose – of individuals as
individuals, and also shared purpose at various levels from
single transactions to the market as a whole.
Hence four distinct dimensions, or types of assets: physical, or
behavioural, in human terms, though also the physical ‘things’ of the
enterprise; conceptual, or mental, the knowledge-assets each brings to
the market; relational, or emotional, in part, including the relationships
of each player in the market; and purpose, identity, morale, strategic
business drivers, forming the aspirational dimension, which
traditionally would be described as ‘spiritual’, but is not a word we
can safely use in a business context.
The market is all of these things, all melded together in a kind of
roiling mélange of integration, distinctive in its own right, which we
might call the ‘soul’ of the market. Hence, in turn, the ‘soul’ of an
enterprise. And it’s that that we seek to model at the level of a whole-
of-enterprise architecture.
Integration Aspirational
(awareness, (identity, purpose)


Conceptual Behavioural
(knowledge, beliefs) (actions,

Tetradian model
Those four dimensions are linked together by bridging-themes such as
vision and values, power and responsibility, leadership, narrative,
active learning, sense-making and foresight. If we map all of

dimensions and link-themes as a set of tetrahedral relationships, we
have what I describe as a tetradian.
In its bare form the tetradian looks a bit abstract, but with a bit of tweaking
it’s a great tool to get business-people engaged in the architecture.
For each of our new customers I would make up a customised version of
the tetradian, using their own logo together with the descriptive labels on a
small cardboard tetrahedron. It always got attention, because it made the
architecture tangible: they could literally turn it over in their hands and see
the whole from each different perspective.
Then at one customer – a large logistics organisation – we found they were
already using little icons to indicate process-types: an image of gears to
indicate machine-based processes, people beside a conveyor-belt for
manual processes, and a computer-screen for IT-based ones. It matched the
dimensions exactly. So for their version of the tetradian I took off almost all
the words, and just used their own icons.
It worked beautifully. They were so popular that people started making
their own copies; and within a matter of days we found our little
tetrahedrons popping up in all manner of unexpected places. It was an
instant conversation-starter, making it much easier than usual to gain
business buy-in.
Is an icon worth a thousand words? No doubt at all in this case!
There’s more on this on the Tetradian website, particularly the section
on the SEMPER whole-of-organisation diagnostic. For many practical
purposes, though, we need to lay the dimensions out into a flattened
form. And for this, fortunately, there’s a close map with the old Group
Dynamics model of the project-cycle:
• ‘Forming’: the future-focussed initial phase of the project,
outlining its direction and purpose
• ‘Storming’: the complex, almost beyond-time concerns of people
and their relationship with each other
• ‘Norming’: settling out into the near-future focus of planning,
the knowledge needed for preparation
• ‘Performing’: the urgent immediacy of the physical, of process
and practice
• ‘Mourning’: closure, completions, lessons-learned, measures of
performance, the outcomes of integration.
Which gives us the core of the model we’re using for this book:

‘Four-plus-one’ dimensions and 5Ps framework
There’s no doubt we need the lower-level detail models, such as
functional models, business-system models, process-flow models,
logical and physical-data models and all the rest. But by linking those
models to a high-level framework of this type, we anchor them to the
core of what the enterprise is and does.


Establish a framework for whole-of-organisation integration.

Enterprise-architects, strategists, other generalists.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Research on internet and other sources, for enterprise-architecture
frameworks and modelling toolsets.
Before you start, assess the architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture
of the enterprise (p.13) – and maturity-level – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121).

Using the current architecture scope and maturity-level as a guide,
assess the suitability of each candidate framework to support the
current and next phases of development of the enterprise-architecture.
Also assess each framework for compatibility with the present and/or
intended enterprise-architecture methodology and toolset – see TR ::
The practice of architecture (p.95).
Where appropriate and practicable, identify and enter into the
framework any initial content, using the selected toolset if available.
Publicise the selection of the framework and, if content has been
entered, publish the framework with its initial content.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Content and core structure for whole-of-enterprise architecture

Broader applications
This perspective is Preparation / Efficient – a recursive emphasis on the
overall knowledge needed to improve efficiency.
This isn’t so much about the types of thinking needed – those are
explored more in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.72) – as the
types of models and frameworks that can be used to guide that
thinking, or to collate and categorise the appropriate forms of
knowledge. The example above have all been in the relatively narrow
domains of enterprise-architecture, but each industry and vertical
domain has its own: ARIS, mentioned above, is more generally used
in product development and production-management, whilst some
others have been mentioned elsewhere – eTOM for the
telecommunications industry, for example, or SCOR for logistics.
There are also many cross-industry frameworks: TQM, Six Sigma and
the ISO9000-series standards for quality-management, for example.
Look around, see what’s available – there’s plenty out there. The only
catch is that most of them represent industry ‘best practice’, which is
exactly what we want in the Cynefin ‘knowable’ domain, the domain
of the expert – see ‘Managing complexity’ in KA :: Architecture as a way
of thinking (p.73) – but is actually a hindrance if we move over to the
boundary into the complex domain. In the inherent uncertainty of the
latter, we need a framework that can handle ‘worst-practice’, the kind
of story-based knowledge by which case-workers and maintenance
engineers share their knowledge – see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57).

Knowing which type of framework to apply in each context is an art-
form in itself.

Methodology for enterprise-architecture: see TR :: The practice of
architecture (p.95).
 TOGAF: see
 Cluetrain Manifesto:
 Tetradian / SEMPER:


What do we need to make the enterprise more effective?
If we ask business-people what they expect from enterprise-
architecture, the most common answers are “increase efficiency” and
“reduce costs”. But it’s quite easy to increase efficiency in one area –
by reducing the efficiency even more in others. And it’s always easy
to reduce short-term costs – by destroying long-term capability.
For almost a century now, Frederick Taylor’s theories of ‘scientific
management’ have held sway, with their insistent – some would say
obsessive – focus on efficiency and control. But in practice, as W
Edwards Deming and others have demonstrated so well, Taylorism
only works well for enterprises with stable products, stable processes,
stable markets and rigidly-prescribed work-roles – which applies to
very few of today’s business contexts. For the rest, a focus on
efficiency alone is a guaranteed recipe for expensive disaster.
I won’t mention names, but there’s a well-known example from when a
large multi-national bought the consulting arm of another very large firm. I
won’t mention the price, either, but it certainly had a terrifying number of
zeroes after the currency-sign.
No doubt it had seemed a great idea: ‘a marriage made in heaven’ and all
that. Having the consultants around added great cachet to the multi-
national, and even the possibility of access to that dream-list of clients sent
the salesmen salivating. But along came the company’s bean-counters, who
wanted “a few changes” in the name of efficiency. So gone were the
consultants’ coffee-machines; gone was any idea of personal workspace,
replaced by ‘cube-farm’ hot-desks; gone even were any private rooms for
meeting with clients. Oh, and performance was now to be measured solely
on the number of boxes they sold – when none of them had ever sold
anything in their working life. It was not a happy time…
I happened to be there as a visitor on the day everything went pear-shaped.
Within a matter of weeks, all the consultants had left the new company,
taking their clients with them – and there was nothing the multi-national
could do about it. All that remained from their huge investment was a name
– and within a few months more even that had faded into history.
Very efficient, yes. But not very effective.
What we actually need is not just improved efficiency or the like, but
improvements in overall effectiveness. And no, it’s not easy. But we can

make it easier by being clear about what the components of
effectiveness are. They map almost exactly to the dimensions of the
framework we’re using here: Purpose, People, Preparation, Process,
• Efficient – optimise use of resources, and minimise waste. This
comes from careful observation and re-planning, and fits well
with the Preparation dimension. The observation and re-
planning may be done by anyone appropriate – as in kaizen
continuous improvement in TQM, for example.
• Reliable – timely, predictable, consistent, self-correcting. As
might be expected, this corresponds with the Process
dimension, especially in the physical domain.
• Elegant – clarity, simplicity, self-adjusting for human factors.
Although this matches the People dimension, this is ‘elegance’
as much in the scientific sense – in other words clarity and the
like, not for their own sake, but because it simplifies re-use,
maintenance, adaptability, agility and pro-active response.
• Appropriate – supports and optimises support for business
purpose. The Purpose dimension is essential to effectiveness,
providing guidelines to allow activities to be ‘on purpose’.
• Integrated – creates, supports and optimises synergy across all
systems. This relates to the Performance dimension, because
overall performance arises from a complex of outcomes which
depend in turn on integration across all the functions of the
Some applications of this checklist include:
• the overall 5Ps enterprise-architecture framework, to assess
effectiveness across the entire enterprise and its interfaces
with ‘outside’ agencies and organisations;
• the SCORE checklist in strategic assessment, to verify impact of
strategy on overall effectiveness – see TA :: What’s the SCORE?
• structured feedback into the architecture, to improve the
effectiveness of the architecture – see ME :: Closing the loop
• implementations of Balanced Scorecard and other integrative
metrics – see MR :: Real-time scoreboards (p.111).


Establish frameworks for assessment, review and measurement of
cross-functional effectiveness.

Enterprise architects, strategists, process architects, knowledge
managers, senior operations managers, lead trainers.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Research on internet and other sources, for methodologies on
improving all aspects of effectiveness.
Assessments of existing capabilities and facilities for measuring and
enhancing effectiveness at function and cross-function levels.

Review existing methods for assessing effectiveness against the
checklist above: efficient, reliable, elegant, appropriate, integrated.
Identify and document any changes required to improve effectiveness
across the enterprise, and monitoring of effectiveness.
Outline change-requirements to amend metrics and training
procedures accordingly.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Metrics and content for procedures for cross-functional scorecards;
content for cross-functional training and assessment procedures.

Broader applications
This perspective is Preparation / Integrated – an emphasis on how an
awareness of the whole can be used to drive process-improvement. Its
direct counterpart is Performance / Efficient, on the ways in which
shared knowledge can be used to pull the enterprise together – see
ME :: Closing the loop (p.114).
This is another theme that isn’t specific to enterprise-architecture: the
effectiveness-checklist above, and, in turn, this entire 5Ps framework,

should apply to every aspect of the organisation. All I can suggest
here is: try it. See what happens. Keep applying it recursively,
iteratively, as a means to highlight potential for overall improvement.

Strategic assessment: see TA :: What’s the SCORE? (p.105).
Effectiveness of architecture: see ME :: Closing the loop (p.114).
Measuring effectiveness: see MR :: Real-time scoreboards (p.111).


What principles and frameworks will you use to guide your own
thinking about the enterprise-architecture?
For the most part this choice depends on the business drivers. If the
key concern, for example, is simply to reduce the direct cost of IT
systems, the conventional domain-specific approach represented by
FEAF and TOGAF will do the job.
But as architectural maturity develops, the business drivers move into
more complex territory: greater agility, process re-use, customer-
centric customisation, shared end-to-end processes, self-adapting
systems, and so on. As the scope broadens, and the time-horizons
move both further away (for strategy) and closer (for time-to-market),
the approach we need becomes more and more abstract. Yet at the
same time it still has to make sense for people who aren’t at all
comfortable with abstracts. Therein lie some real challenges for
In our first attempt to show the true value of that logistics early-warning
system, we made the mistake of showing the process-flows in the form of a
Business Process Modelling Notation diagram. BPMN is great for the formal
modelling rigour needed by software engineers, but not for a board-level
presentation: the blank stares and silence from round the table sent us
away in shame.
For the next meeting, we redrew the diagram, with the exact same
process-flows, but replacing the bland BPMN boxes with clip-art pictures of
trucks, conveyor-belts, fork-lifts, sorting-machines, delivery staff. This time
it clearly made sense: we gained our go-ahead.
These senior people weren’t ‘stupid’: when we explained it in their own
terms, they understood straight away what we were aiming to do. The
problem before was that they didn’t have time to learn an abstract language
and translate it back into their concrete world. As architects, we did need
that level of abstraction: but it was also our responsibility to each audience
to do the translation from the abstract into the everyday.
The requirement here, then, is to identify and document the
frameworks to be used, the audiences to which each will apply, and
the translations between them.

Business drivers
The first requirement is a clear grasp of the business drivers for the
enterprise: its goals, its objectives, its purpose. These need to be
defined in architectural rather than marketing terms: more on this in
the section DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21). This provides the
context in which to interpret basic-level business needs to reduce
system costs, complexity and the like.
At the next level of maturity, the most common requirement is
consolidation and re-use, through design principles such as
identification of system patterns, and through a service-oriented
architecture – see KR :: The centrality of services (p.83)
The next level aims for improved enterprise agility. In an iterative
agile development methodology, the limits for each iteration are time
and budget, not features, and system-requirements need to be
prioritised with care – see TE :: Requirements for agility (p.88).
At each level, the business is likely to call for ever-increasing
efficiencies. However, the real concern is not efficiency, but overall
effectiveness, of which efficiency is only one component – see KN ::
An emphasis on effectiveness (p.68).

Managing complexity
Many of the contexts and issues that architects will need to deal with
have inherent complexity. These are often identified as ‘intractable
problems’, which seem at first to respond to conventional attempts at
control, but fall back into problematic conditions time after time.
Culture and quality-management are two common examples.

complex knowable
(partially repeatable, (repeatable, focus on
use guidelines) best-practice)


chaotic known
(not repeatable, (repeatable, compliance
use principles) to rules required)

Cynefin model of context complexity

The Cynefin model above describes what’s going on. At first,
everything is in that central region of the ‘unknown’ – labelled
‘disorder’ in the original model, which is slightly misleading here. We
then have four distinct ways to make sense of this ‘unknown’: assume
that it is known; find some way to make it knowable; accept its
inherent complexity; or accept it as an unrepeatable ‘market of one’.

Most businesses – especially those in a high-compliance context, such
as banking or medicine – would prefer to force all processes into the
‘known’ domain of explicit controls; yet often the best that can be
achieved is ‘knowable’, the domain of best-practice and expert
analysis. But the complex domain is qualitatively different: any
apparent pattern of cause-and-effect can only be identified
retrospectively, requiring tactics that Dave Snowden, the original
developer of Cynefin, describes as ‘probe / sense / respond’, rather
than ‘sense / analyse / respond’ as in the ‘knowable’ domain. Cynefin
is one of the most useful models for sense-making in the complex
domain; you’ll find more details at the Cognitive Edge website.
One of the main methods to ‘probe’ into the complex domain is
through narrative inquiry, exploring the tacit knowledge of the
enterprise via stories and anecdotes – see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57).
There’s more information on this at the Cognitive Edge website, and
also at the Australia-based Anecdote website.
Narrative inquiry is also an important tactic for tackling the non-
repeatable ‘chaotic’ domain – contexts such as unique customisation
(‘market-of-one’), and one-off development and maintenance. For
example, many engineers learn not through best-practice, but worst-
practice – stories of what didn’t work as much as what did.

Systems thinking
Perhaps the essential in the enterprise-architect’s toolkit is an ability to
view the whole of a context as a whole, and as systems of systems.
For my own architecture work, I usually model the highest level of
systems as a set of dimensions – see KE :: Dimensions of architecture
(p.62) – which map, for example, to everyday business concerns such
as transactions, relations, conversations, business purpose and overall
Systems thinking is also the core skill described by Peter Sengé and
his colleagues in their books on the concept and practice of the
‘learning organisation’ – The Fifth Discipline, The Fifth Discipline
Fieldbook and The Dance of Change. Although systems-theory can be
dauntingly complex, the essentials for architecture can be summarised
by five key concepts.
The first is rotation – a deliberate and systematic process of assessing
a context from multiple perspectives. The methodology described in
this book is a kind of rotation through different views on the role and
practice of enterprise-architecture.
Next is recursion, a kind of ‘nesting’ of a pattern within the same or
similar pattern - of which one of the most common forms is the

hierarchical structure of the everyday ‘org-chart’. These are patterns
of relationship or interaction which repeat or are 'self-similar' at
different scales: identifying such recursion can make it possible to
reduce complex-seeming processes into a simple set of patterns.
Another systems concept is reciprocation – the understanding that,
with one key exception, systems must always balance out somehow.
What makes it difficult to analyse is that this reciprocal balance is not
necessarily direct or immediate. In many cases balance may only be
achieved over time at a system-wide level, with ‘energy-transfers’
often occurring between the dimensions – a classic example being a
‘slash and burn’ tactic which gives a short-term financial gain, but
balances out by destroying the organisation’s ability to do work,
wiping out all of the supposed gains over a longer period of time.
The exception to that reciprocal balance is the result of resonance – the
feedback-loops which can be found in all complex real-world systems.
In systems-theory this can occur through ‘positive feedback’ or
feedforward – both of which increase the ‘snowball effect’ towards
self-propagation – or as ‘negative feedback’, or damping, which
reduces the effect.
The last concept, reflexion, is also perhaps the strangest aspect of
systems-theory. It’s actually a corollary of recursion, in that the whole,
or aspects of the whole, can be identified within the attributes and
transactions of any part at any scale. Everything is connected to
everything else – is part of everything else. A good analogy here is a
hologram: unlike an ordinary photograph, even the tiniest fragment
of a hologram will contain a complete picture of the whole, if only in
limited detail. The same is true of business systems: once we develop
an eye for reflexion, and see how it works in practice, we can start
anywhere, in any appropriate part of the system, and leverage the
results out into the whole.

The mindset of the architecture team

You’ll find more details on the mindset and skill-sets of the
architecture team in the section PL :: The architecture team (p.34).
Enterprise architects also need to be disciplined generalists – see PN ::
The role of the generalist (p.52).


Identify the key frameworks and theoretical models that will be used
to guide enterprise-architecture principles and practice.

Selected senior managers, strategists, enterprise-architects, knowledge
managers, lead trainers.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Internet and other research for frameworks, models and other sources
of information.
Assess the maturity-level of the present architecture before you start –
see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).

Starting with the material gleaned from the internet or other research,
use brainstorming and other group facilitation techniques with the
selected key stakeholders to identify ideas, models and frameworks
which ‘make sense’ at the current maturity-level and for the specific
Note that the models and frameworks to be used for training and in
published materials may well need to vary according to audience-
group. For example:
• IT-centric frameworks such as Zachman, FEAF and TOGAF
will always provide useful guidelines for IT staff. However, in
their standard form they will rarely make sense to others: for
those, use only a small business-oriented subset such as a
functional business model and business-system model.
• Systems-theory, complexity-theory and the like will rarely
make sense in production environments. Most people do not
have time to think in abstracts: they need explicit guidance for
quick decisions on how to act or escalate. At higher maturity-
levels for architecture, systems-theory models will be valuable
for all staff, but should be reserved for use in pre- and post-
action reviews away from the production environment.

Document the decisions, the sources and the respective audience-

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of reference sources; content for training manuals.

Broader applications
This perspective is Preparation / Appropriate – an emphasis on selecting
frameworks, mental-models and mindsets that support the purpose of
the enterprise. Its direct counterpart is Purpose / Efficient, about ways
to describe that purpose – see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21).
The focus here is on methods of thinking that provide clarity on
purpose, and how those methods feed back (or forward) into practice.
Brainstorming, analogy, metaphor, stories and all manner of ‘idea
generators’ could apply here, likewise futurist or foresight techniques
in general.
The notes above about systems-thinking and the like also apply to the
broader enterprise. And Peter Sengé’s Fifth Discipline books, for
example, are even more relevant to the general day-to-day business
environment than to enterprise-architecture.
Another likely area of interest is the work by Christopher Alexander
and others on ‘patterns’, a kind of abstract template or building-block
for some aspect of an enterprise. Alexander’s original work –
published as “A Pattern Language” – was concerned with physical
architecture and buildings, but the principles have been adapted to
many other areas of direct relevance to business: software patterns,
process patterns and workflow patterns, to name a few. Well worth

Architecture maturity: see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121).
Business motivation: see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21).
Agile development: see TE :: Requirements for agility (p.88).
Effectiveness: see KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness (p.68).
Re-use, patterns and services: see KR :: The centrality of services
Dimensions: see KE :: Dimensions of architecture (p.62).
Narrative enquiry: see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57).

Mindset of the architecture team: see PL :: The architecture team
Architects as generalists: see PN :: The role of the generalist (p.52).
 TOGAF: see
 VSM: see
 Complexity: see Cynefin / Cognitive Edge,
 Narrative knowledge: see Anecdote,
 Fifth Discipline (five disciplines):
 Idea-generators – see
 Futurist and foresight techniques – see Association of Professional
Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language: towns, buildings,
construction, Oxford University Press, 1977, ISBN 0195019199.
Peter M Sengé, The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning
organization, Currency (1990), ISBN-13 978-0385260954.
Peter M Sengé et al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and tools
for building a learning organization, Currency (1994), ISBN-13 978-
Peter M Sengé et al., The Dance of Change: The challenges of sustaining
momentum in learning organizations, Currency (1999), ISBN-13 978-


Who’s responsible for each of the enterprise’s knowledge-assets?
What are these assets? How are the responsibilities, identified,
supported, maintained and transferred?
These questions focus on responsibility-based ‘ownership’ of the
enterprise’s non-tangible assets – all the different types of assets that
are based more in people than in systems or physical ‘things’. Whilst
the principle of such ownership is well understood for specific
domains – the concept of ‘project owner’, ‘data owner’, ‘business-rule
owner’ and so on – our architecture needs to address it in a broader
and more consistent way. In effect, we need an architecture of
This is important, because responsibility drives organisational agility
– see TE :: Requirements for agility (p.88). As an expression of trust, in
both directions, it also tends to lift the functionality of the power-
dynamics – see PR :: A problem of power (p.47).
“When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you! So shut up and do what
you’re told!”
That’s an exact quote from a manager to a staffer, during one of the more
difficult assignments undertaken by a colleague of ours. As a consultant,
she’d been asked to find a way to improve a seriously dysfunctional – and
seriously loss-making – business-unit in a large enterprise. Commitment and
responsibility are essential to success, but blame-based cultures like that
one are characterised by a systematic evasion of responsibility – making
success all but unattainable.
Harder still is that in some environments, people are actually penalised for
taking responsibility: “no good deed goes unpunished” is one ironic catch-
phrase we’ve heard all too often. It’s hard to improve anything when it’s
not safe to do your own work well…
The good news is that It is possible to resolve that kind of mess. After eight
months of hard work, our colleague had brought that unit back from the
brink, to the point where it was even making a modest profit. The core of
it, she said, was about creating conditions in which people could find their
own responsibility and pride – and keeping the blamers at bay.
There’s a strong link between responsibility and the knowledge-
management issues around tacit knowledge in general – see PE ::

What’s the story? (p.57) – not only because the maintenance and
sharing of narrative-knowledge depends on personal responsibility,
but because we will often need to publish contact-details for asset-
owners in a Yellow Pages intranet or something of that kind.
Responsibility is emotive – a personal commitment to the maintenance
of the asset. As a result, it’s often strongly linked with the values of
the enterprise, and more subtle assets such as shared morale – see DL
:: Architecture is a feeling (p.30) and PA :: The politics of purpose (p.42).
And individuals are more likely to develop that commitment if they
feel they can connect with the purpose of the enterprise – see DE ::
Architecture on purpose (p.21).
The active acceptance of responsibility is always the result of a
personal choice. Despite job-descriptions and the like, responsibility
for non-tangible assets cannot be assigned, and certainly cannot be
imposed or enforced, because there is no identifiable action or
physical ‘thing’ that can be traced. Any form of force will eventually
lead to the loss of the asset. Instead, we need to provide conditions
under which individuals can assume, adopt, embrace the required
The core issue is one of trust, a sense of safety in both directions. At
the same time, the enterprise needs to ensure that the asset is shared
appropriately, on a ‘need to know/need to use’ basis. Identity-
management and human security are valid concerns here.
The transfer of responsibility from one person to another is a transfer
of trust – with all the subtle complications that this implies. Long-term
knowledge-management, for example, often requires a transfer of tacit
knowledge from one generation to another, even though that
generation may never use the knowledge itself. If this transfer fails at
any stage, the knowledge can rarely be retrieved – as illustrated in the
example in PE :: What’s the story? (p.57). This becomes a significant
issue in risk-assessment and risk-management.
For the same reason, exit-interviews and similar HR processes are
essential to capture tacit knowledge that would otherwise be at risk of
being lost. Such processes need to be identified and modelled as an
explicit part of the enterprise’s knowledge-architecture.


Establish framework for responsibility-based ‘ownership’ of core non-
tangible assets.

Enterprise architects, knowledge managers, HR specialists, security

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Assessments of existing capabilities and facilities to support
responsibility-based ownership of non-tangible assets.
Research on internet and other sources, for strategies, tactics,
techniques and methodologies to create and maintain responsibility-
based ownership.

In conjunction with knowledge-managers, review existing capabilities
to identify, promote and support responsibility-based ownership of
tacit knowledge-assets.
In conjunction with knowledge-managers and HR specialists, review
existing processes for transfer of responsibility-based ownership of
knowledge-assets and other responsibilities.
In conjunction with knowledge-managers and security specialists,
review existing processes for management of responsibilities, identity-
management and ‘need to know/need to use’ access to tacit
knowledge-assets, and other security risks and opportunities arising
from responsibility-based ownership of knowledge-assets.
Identify and document any changes required to improve management
and operation of responsibility-based ownership of knowledge-assets
across the enterprise.
Outline change-requirements to amend processes, systems, metrics
and training procedures accordingly.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Repository for ‘ownership’ responsibilities; content for information-
security procedures and processes; content for related HR procedures
such as exit-interviews.

Broader applications
This perspective is Preparation / Elegant – an emphasis on the ‘people’-
aspects of knowledge and process-improvement, particularly around

emotive commitments to shared knowledge. Its direct counterpart is
People / Efficient, about the knowledge that resides in people – see PE ::
What’s the story? (p.57). Each of these provide different views on the
same issues of ‘tacit knowledge’ – the non-IT-based knowledge
through which business-meaning is derived.
As with many of the other perspectives, the descriptions above are not
specific to enterprise-architecture – they apply to every aspect of the
enterprise, its work, its processes and its knowledge. The procedure in
each area would be much the same as above: in the ‘People’ section
for the procedure, add the appropriate domain-experts for the area,
with the purpose, preparation, process and performance-artefacts of
the procedure remaining the same.
The ideal outcome of the procedure would be a ‘Yellow Pages’-style
repository and directory of ownership-responsibilities that covers
every aspect of the enterprise, making it easier not only to identify key
responsibilities, but to accelerate knowledge-sharing. The catch is that
this isn’t a fit and forget – it needs to be maintained by a culture of
knowledge-sharing, underpinned by an appropriate set of HR
processes. Collison and Parcell’s book “Learning To Fly” shows some
detailed examples of how this type of knowledge-management works
in practice.

Power and responsibility: see PR :: A problem of power (p.47).
Narrative knowledge: see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57).
Transfer of trust: David Maister et al., The Trusted Advisor, Free
Press, 2002, ISBN 0743207769
Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell, Learning To Fly: practical lessons
from one of the world’s leading knowledge companies, Capstone, 2001;
ISBN-13 978-184112509-1
 SEMPER diagnostic:


What services are described in the architecture of the enterprise? What
interfaces do these services expose? How are these interfaces
published? Who or what are the consumers of these services? And
how do available service-levels change with varying implementations
of each service?
Service-oriented architectures are increasingly common in designs for
IT-systems. By describing relationships between systems in a
consistent way, as ‘services’, IT complexity can be greatly reduced.
But in this case, as indicated by the last question above, we’re
exploring a bigger picture than just the enterprise’s IT: at this level, we
describe everything the enterprise does in terms of services.
In effect, every business-process is a self-contained system that
provides a service. And each of these services needs clear service-
contracts with its ‘providers’ and ‘consumers’, with explicit Service
Level Agreements (SLAs), Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Key
Success Criteria (KSCs) and the rest.
In this sense, a systems view of services and service-oriented
architecture is a key to creating simplicity across the whole enterprise
– and all of the business benefits that that would bring.
It’s important to understand services first in this abstract way, because
it tells us the nature of each service, and what service-contracts are
required with its providers and consumers, independent of how the
service is implemented.
“A service is comprised of manual processes, [physical technology such as]
logistics equipment, and information systems…”
This extended concept of services is based on work done by the business-
transformation team at one of our clients, who’d mapped their operations-
processes and systems in terms of those three dimensions above. These
were indicated on their business-systems models by three little icons:
people beside a conveyor-belt, for manual processes; a set of gears, for
physical machinery; and a computer-screen, for IT.
What I’ve done here is to extend that concept to include the business
dimension, and to link it more strongly with systems-theory – of which
more below – but the original idea was theirs.

Fair’s fair: credit where credit’s due!
With this broader understanding of the nature of the service, we can
then choose what mix of IT, people-processes and machine-technology
to use in each implementation.


People Technology

A service is any combination of IT, people and technology

There’s an analogy here with the classic Soil Types diagram, familiar
to farmers and gardeners. Each type of soil is a mix of different
amounts of clay, sand and silt. There’s no one ‘best’ soil, though
there’s an optimum range for any given application. The same is true
for business-services: there’s usually an optimum mix of IT, people
and technology, but in principle almost any mix would work.


percent percent

People Technology

percent PEOPLE

Service-types and soil-types: different combinations for different purposes

Each different mix will give the service different SLAs, and different
internal processes. But the overall service – the published interfaces,
the external service-contracts, the KPIs and KSCs – should remain the
same. Among other advantages, this simplifies planning for overload
and for disaster-recovery: we can change the implementation of the
service – the mix of IT, people and technology – without changing the
nature of the service itself.
These three dimensions cover only the operations space. To cover all
aspects of the enterprise, we’d also need to include the business
dimension of ‘purpose’. For that, we’d need to map the mix as a
tetrahedron rather than a triangle – see KE :: Dimensions of architecture
(p.62) – but otherwise the principle is exactly the same.

The design, implementation and improvement of services must be
driven by clear and explicit requirements – see TE :: Requirements for
agility (p.88) – and managed through an appropriate framework – see
TN :: Managing services (p.92).
In many systems-theory frameworks, living organisms are modelled
as sets of interacting, mutually-supportive services. This approach
provides valuable insights for modelling enterprise-level services as a
‘living organisation’. For example, Stafford Beer’s ‘Viable System
Model’ provides a gap-analysis checklist for service completeness:
• what is the service’s purpose? who or what defines policy?
• what is the current strategy? outside relationships? who defines
• how are the service’s tasks defined, managed and monitored?
• what random checks and audits are used to verify performance?
• how is the service coordinated with other services?
• what does the service do? how does it support its ‘downline’
services (if any)?
• how does the service identify and resolve any run-time
• what corrective-action does the service undertake for causes of
• how does the service track and manage quality-issues and other
• how does the service manage improvement of its processes?
Although service-oriented architectures do require considerable effort
to define, design and implement, the returns in simplicity and agility
are well worth the investment.


Establish framework for a high-level service-oriented architecture,
including design, implementation and review of cross-functional /
inter-functional services and their interfaces.

Enterprise architects, IT architects, process architects, business-
continuity specialists.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Assessments of existing service capabilities and models, and of the
architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture of the enterprise (p.13).
Research on internet and other sources, for service-oriented
architectures and their implementations.

In conjunction with the full team above, assess services within the
current and/or intended architecture scope. Identify the ‘providers’
and ‘consumers’ of each service, and the implied or actual service-
contracts, SLAs, KPIs and KSCs.
Using frameworks such as FEAF’s Service Reference Model and the
Viable System Model, evaluate services for completeness and identify
potential to simplify, streamline or cluster services into hierarchies.
As appropriate, brainstorm alternate implementations of services
under different scenarios, such as for process-improvement, process-
reengineering or disaster-recovery. Ensure that the interfaces, KPIs
and KSCs remain the same in each implementation.
Document the results as recommendations or requirements for future

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Service reference-models, process models, high-level service interface
specifications; content for business-continuity procedures.

Broader applications
This perspective is Preparation / Reliable – an emphasis on the
practicality of knowledge, and frameworks to verify its completeness
and usefulness. The direct counterpart is Process / Efficient, about
preparation and knowledge to underpin day-to-day practice – see TE
:: Requirements for agility (p.88).
Once again this isn’t just about enterprise-architecture – the same
principles should apply throughout the entire enterprise. Here we’ve
concentrated on services as one type of framework, but there are
many others – the real concern being not so much the framework itself
as the methods used to verify completeness.
Checklists are the obvious tools for this, of which the Viable Systems
Model checklist above is one such example that could be used in

many other contexts besides services. Cyclical structures – such as
TQM’s ‘plan, do, check, act’ sequence, or the Group Dynamics
‘forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning’ cycle that
underlies this 5Ps framework – are useful here too, as the structure
provides both a checklist and a guiding framework for action. Just
remember, as you apply these tools to any work-environment, that the
tool itself doesn’t matter: it’s how the tool can be used to improve
reliability, improve consistency, improve the overall process, that is
the real concern here.

 FEAF Service Reference Model: see
 Viable System Model: for links and references, see


What requirements and other information-items are needed, to drive
enterprise agility? How are these requirements collected, collated,
monitored, maintained, reviewed, re-used?
Agility is the aim, but the means to identify what that agility is, what
it’s for, what the results should look like, and how to get there, are all
dependent on appropriate documentation of requirements. Every
decision is a requirement, from the most minor detail such as the
colour of an item on a screen, all the way up to the enterprise Vision –
see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21). So we need some means to
gather these requirements, collate them, cross-reference them and so
on; and somewhere to store them so that they’re available as needed.
This applies not just to projects, but to the enterprise-architecture
itself. The common notion of an ‘as-is’ architecture versus a single ‘to-
be’ future-state is an almost exact analogy to the classic Waterfall
development model: the requirements may seem technically correct,
perhaps, but the whole process is too cumbersome to be useful.
Instead, as in Agile development models such as DSDM, we need to
turn the process on its head: not allocate time and budget to fit the
requirements, and wait, and wait, and wait – as in Waterfall – but set
the time and budget, and prioritise the requirements to fit.
This book itself illustrates the difference between the two models.
Conventional book production is like Waterfall. We start with an idea,
develop an outline, flesh out the detail and so on – in other words, define
the book’s requirements. We only get one shot at this, so immense care is
needed to decide what’s in and what’s out. Then we develop the content,
send it back and forth to reviewers, because it has to be perfect before it
goes to press. The editorial process alone can take months, years even.
And we have to print at least a thousand copies to cover all those costs –
and pray we don’t end up with a pile of unsold stock because the book’s
already out of date.
By contrast, in an Agile approach, we set the time-budget, and trim the
requirements accordingly. In this case, I’ve set myself a limit of two months
from start to finish, to write not ‘the book’, but a first iteration of the book. I
don’t aim – and don’t need to aim – for an impossible ‘perfection’: instead,
the emphasis is on ‘just enough, just in time’, to get the ideas out there and
in everyday use as fast as possible. We use e-book production and print-on-

demand technology to bypass most of the start-up costs of conventional
print, making it almost as economic to print one copy as a thousand. And
the peer-review happens after production, testing and validating each idea in
practice, and collating the results as requirements for a new iteration, with
an update available in weeks, maybe even in days.
Which approach is better? Depends on your requirements, really… but if
time-to-market is important, Agile is the only way to go.
One reason why Waterfall so often leads to monolithic failures is that
we never do get ‘the right requirements’ that Waterfall needs. It
requires everything to be written down in advance: yet the reality is
that people know more than they can say, and can say more than they
can write down – see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57). There are always
nuances, twists, uncertainties, if-buts-and-perhapses that are often
cleaned out in the review process, but turn out to be extremely
important in practice; and those few people who are certain of
anything usually turn out to be wrong anyway.
Instead, Agile makes it possible for people to say “I don’t know what I
want, but I’ll know it when I see it”, and work out the detail of their
requirements as they go. This iterative approach also feeds into the
‘plan, do, check, act’ cycle of Total Quality Management – the ‘active
learning’ that underpins process revision and review.
Requirements-gathering itself is similar in all approaches, but
requirement priorities become even more important in Agile, because
they guide choices for iterations, and change dynamically with each
iteration. One common prioritisation style is referred to as ‘MoSCoW’:
• Must have – essential
• Should have – preferred
• Could have – desirable
• can Wait till next iteration
There are also relative dependencies to take into account: something
may have a high priority, but only becomes implementable when
something else is available to support it. To give one example from a
current project, we urgently need a link to the Justice Department
system, but can only build it when their interface schema is ready, and
our own enterprise-service-bus implemented, both of which may be
several months away. We need to define work-arounds for
unimplemented requirements, especially the high-priority ones – and
those work-arounds need to be dropped when the real system comes
So the requirements process used must reflect all these needs. Many
practitioners use the Rational framework, but my experience is that
it’s only well suited for software development. My own preference is
the Robertsons’ ‘Volere’ methodology, which I’ve used for years, and

is also recommended in the TOGAF ADM – see the Volere website for
more details. The Volere website also includes an extensive listing of
requirements-repository toolsets and applications.


Establish a methodology and cross-functional repository for dynamic
business-system requirements.

Enterprise architects, senior business analysts, programme
management office.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Research on internet and other sources, for requirements
methodologies and toolsets.

In conjunction with analysts and the PMO, identify requirements for
the requirements methodology and repository, including access,
security, version-control and related issues.
Document the results as recommendations or requirements for
implementation or future process change.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Requirements repository; content for procedures on use and
governance of requirements repository.

Broader applications
This perspective is Process / Efficient – an emphasis on the preparation
and knowledge needed to underpin day-to-day practice. Its direct
counterpart is Preparation / Reliable, about the practicality,
completeness and usefulness of knowledge – see KR :: The centrality of
services (p.83).

For more general applications, part of this perspective would include
the classic Taylorist collating of information for process-improvement
or process-reengineering, though preferably with more awareness of
the importance of knowledge from the field-workers – as in TQM –
and also over the boundary into the complex-domain – see ‘Managing
complexity’ in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73). But part
also, as here, would be about requirements-driven processes – such as
in the Japanese concept of kanban, or requirements-driven customised
production, applied in practice by groups as diverse as Dell Computer
and Toyota Motors.
For that kind of agility, the kind of methodologies described above
become essential. Explore possibilities in your own organisation
where that kind of one-off customisation – ‘market-of-one’ – could be
applied; and then consider what type of methodology would be
needed to make it work.

Suzanne Robertson and James Robertson, Mastering the
Requirements Process, Addison-Wesley, 1999, ISBN 0-201-36046-2
Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, James Rumbaugh et al., The Unified
Software Development Process, Addison-Wesley, 1999, ISBN
 Volere requirements methodology:
 Summary of requirements tools:
 Agile development methodologies: see


If you’re defining a service-oriented architecture, how will those
services be managed? In what ways do the management of services
intersect with your enterprise-architecture? In what ways can you
leverage service-management to enhance integration across the whole
This one’s fairly straightforward: a service-oriented architecture – see
KR :: The centrality of services (p.83) – needs a systematic means of
managing those services. The service-management itself should be
outside the remit of enterprise-architecture, of course, but the
architecture needs to ensure that it exists, and matches the needs
identified in the architecture.
The only complication is one of architectural scope – see DN ::
Architecture of the enterprise (p.13) – which may be dependent on
architecture-maturity - see MA :: Measuring maturity (p.121) – because
this determines the range of services covered by the architecture.
At earlier architecture maturity-levels, the service-management
choices will be fairly limited, for example:
• IT-centric: ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library), ISO 20000, AS 8015,
COBIT (Control Objectives for Information Technology)
• industry-specific: eTOM (enhanced Telecom Operations Map)
As maturity increases, the required scope for service-management
expands with the scope of the architecture. This suggests a broader
range of frameworks, including:
• generic quality-management: TQM, Six Sigma, ISO 9000 series
• competency models: eSCM (eSourcing Capability Model), IT
Services CMM (IT Services Capability Maturity Model), ICB
(IPMA Competence Baseline)
• project/programme management: MSP (Managing Successful
Programmes), PMBoK, PRINCE2, M_o_R (Management of
However, political problems may also increase at higher maturity-
levels, as architectural integration necessarily crosses silo-boundaries
and encroaches on what may occasionally be fiercely-defended ‘turf’ –
see DN :: Architecture of the enterprise (p.13) and PA :: The politics of

purpose (p.42). Caution will be needed, particularly at key transitions
in the nature and role of the enterprise-architecture team – see PL ::
The architecture team (p.34).
“For heaven’s sake, why can’t they just follow the architecture?”
Sometimes the problem-area isn’t some other silo, but enterprise-
architecture itself. In this instance, the team-lead was all but obsessed by
the ‘purity’ of his architectural models: clarity and simplicity are important
virtues, but there is such a thing as taking it too far. And he somehow
couldn’t grasp that models describe only an imaginary ideal – one that can
never quite exist in the grubby, messy, political realities of day-to-day
service-management. Instead, he blamed the rest of the world for failing to
meet his idea of perfection – hence his comment above.
Something had to change – and did, fortunately for the better. The team-
lead was enticed by praise to a new role elsewhere, and was replaced by a
leader with better political nous. Within days, he’d set up an alliance with
the new Programme Management Office; between them, they spun off a
service-management team, who achieved full ITIL certification a short while
later. A good example of how architecture can work in practice.
Near-real-time ‘scoreboard’ frameworks such Balanced Scorecard and
IT Balanced Scorecard will also become more important at higher
maturity levels, in order to track the state of service-management – see
MR :: Real-time scoreboards (p.111).


Establish framework for management and governance of high-level
service-oriented architecture.

Enterprise architects, senior business analysts, process architects, IT
architects, programme management office.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Assessments of existing service-management methodologies and
capabilities, and of the architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture of the
enterprise (p.13).
Research on internet and other sources, for service-management
methodologies and their implementations.

In conjunction with all members of the team above, select appropriate
service-management frameworks and methodologies for the current
or future scope and maturity-level of the enterprise-architecture and
its implementation.
Identify any impacts and cross-references between the service-
management frameworks and the enterprise-architecture.
Define appropriate amendments to governance processes to optimise
mutual leverage between and integration of the service-management
frameworks and the enterprise-architecture.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Content for procedures on management and governance of services
within service-oriented architecture, including alignment to selected
service-management standards.

Broader applications
This perspective is Process / Integrated – an emphasis on mechanisms
to improve the integration and overall performance of production
processes. Its direct counterpart is Performance / Reliable, about
monitoring production and overall performance in an integrated way
– see MR :: Real-time scoreboards (p.111).
As before, the procedure described is not specific either to enterprise-
architecture or to IT – it applies to the whole enterprise. Many of the
frameworks often described in an IT context – PRINCE2, for example,
or eTOM – actually have a broader base and broader application:
eTOM, for example, covers all aspects of telecoms operations, not just
the specific IT subset. Use the procedure above to identify appropriate
frameworks for your own context – and use them.

IT Service Management Forum, Frameworks for IT Management, Van
Haren, 2006, ISBN 978-90-77212-90-5 (summarises the key
principles, uses and limitations of 22 frameworks, including TQM,
ITIL, ISO-9001, PRINCE2, PMBoK, and Six Sigma)
 ITIL: see
 itSMF: see


What will you do to define and implement the enterprise-architecture?
What methodology should you use to guide your architecture
The keyword here is practice. This isn’t about the guiding ideas, or the
mindset, or whatever – for which see DE :: Architecture on purpose
(p.21) or KE :: Dimensions of architecture (p.62) – but about what we do,
and how we do it. So the three main concerns here are methodology,
toolsets, and governance of compliance.

The choice of methodology depends on the role and nature of the
enterprise-architecture team – see PL :: The architecture team (p.34) –
which in turn depends on the architecture maturity-level – see MA ::
Measuring maturity (p.121).
As a quick summary, these are some typical methodologies for each
• project-level IT architecture: ‘just enough, just in time’ use of the
Zachman framework
• enterprise-wide IT architecture: TOGAF ADM or ARIS
• with business-architecture: FEAF or ARIS
• whole-of-enterprise: 5Ps (SEMPER)
At the earlier project-level maturity, probably the best tactic is to use
the Zachman framework together with the ‘just enough, just in time’
approach from DyA – Sogeti’s ‘Dynamic Architecture’. A warning
here: Zachman is not sufficient on its own.
A pleased, comforted, certain expression on their faces: “We’re using
Zachman as our methodology!”
I cannot count the number of times a potential client has told us this, but
it’s way too many. It’s true that Zachman’s framework is comprehensive,
one of the most valuable checklists around – for the IT domains, at least.
But it’s only a checklist – it doesn’t have a methodology.
So in the absence of anything predefined, all people can do is make one up.
And the most common ‘methodology’ is what looks like the simplest: ‘fill in

the boxes’. Define every possible model, for every row and column in the
framework. Just once. Then we’ll have done our enterprise-architecture,
won’t we?
Uh… no. It’s slow, it’s expensive, it’s incredibly labour-intensive, and the
only end-product is a set of all-but-meaningless models that are already out
of date. They do look pretty, though…
But it’s then that we realise that we have to go through the whole process
all over again, but in an imaginary world, to outline the desired ‘to-be’
architecture. Which is hard. And still meaningless, and out-of-date.
And what this ‘methodology’ doesn’t do is give the business what it wants,
which is quick-wins for cost-reductions. Which, as the months and years go
by with no apparent return on investment, may be why they become less
and less tolerant of enterprise-architecture ideas. Oops…
At this level, identify the scope of each project in terms of the
Zachman framework. In most cases, it will only be two or three boxes
within the Zachman grid. Then, leveraging any models that may have
already been created by other projects in the same way, sketch out
only the models that are most needed, within that subset of Zachman,
and only to the edges – or preferably, if there’s enough time, just over
the edges – of the operational scope.
Use the models to identify quick-wins, such as easy integrations and
re-use from other projects. Store the models in the shared repository,
and document any lessons-learned, but otherwise just forget them for
now. At this level, what matters most is building business trust
through those quick-wins, and the architecture experience gained.
Over time, and given a diverse range of projects, this approach
accumulates a set of models that cover the whole of the Zachman grid
– but without the visible expense of ‘doing Zachman’, because the
relevant costs have been quietly absorbed within each project.
From this base, and with the trust of the business gained, it becomes
possible to attempt a more systematic enterprise-wide IT architecture.
For most cases, the obvious choice for methodology here is the
TOGAF Architecture Design Method (ADM), though the proprietary
ARIS methodology may be more appropriate in some production-
oriented environments.
Once the IT architecture has been rationalised across the enterprise,
the next concern is stronger integration with business drivers. At
present, TOGAF is still somewhat weak in that area; a better choice
would be FEAF (Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework) or,
again, ARIS, for a manufacturing context.
Unfortunately, none of the existing frameworks are well-suited for
late-maturity whole-of-enterprise architecture. FEAF does indicate
placeholders for ‘Human Capital’ and ‘Other Fixed Assets’ – in other
words, aspects of the ‘relational’ and ‘physical’ dimensions, as in KE ::

Dimensions of architecture (p.62) – but as yet provides no more
information than that; and whilst ARIS is strong in the development
and production domains, it provides almost nothing for non-IT based
knowledge or the ‘relational’ dimension in general. In practice, the
methodology described in this book is almost the only available

At the early maturity-levels, it’s possible to get away with drawing
models in Microsoft Visio and the like, supplemented as appropriate
by specialist tools such as Computer Associates’ AllFusion ERwin
Data Modeler.
But beyond that stage, it soon becomes advisable, then essential, to
use a purpose-built enterprise-architecture toolset. Examples include:
• Telelogic (Popkin) System Architect – supports TOGAF, FEAF,
BPMN and other model types
• IDS Scheer ARIS Platform – oriented towards ARIS process
methodology, but also supports some other frameworks
• BIZZDesign BIZZDesign Architect – supports Sogeti DyA and
the ArchiMate modelling language
Toolsets become important because of the need for cross-linking
between models. Although it is technically possible to do this in Visio,
for example, it soon becomes too unwieldy to manage in practice. The
purpose-built toolsets all support crosslinks in hierarchical form –
drill-down through nested models – and across different model-types,
and in most cases also enforce naming-conventions and other
methodology requirements and constraints.
Unfortunately, none of the current toolsets as yet cover all of the
needs of enterprise-architecture – especially late-maturity whole-of-
enterprise architecture, as described here. Version-control is still
rudimentary in some examples – a serious problem in practice. And
user-interfaces still leave a lot to be desired – one toolset in particular
is best described as ‘user-hostile’, with a dangerously fragile object-
naming system and an appalling tabs-within-tabs-within-tabs
structure for entering and editing item properties.
Some of these problems are resolved via publishing to intranet, which
all of these tools do well – but in most cases only in one-way form,
requiring all editing to be done by the enterprise-architecture team.
Two-way intranet interfaces are much to be preferred, not least
because they facilitate feedback from the ‘shop floor’ into the
architecture – see ME :: Closing the loop (p.114).

Whatever their shortcomings at present, a toolset of some kind will be
needed for serious enterprise-architecture. Evaluate the systems on
offer, to find one that most closely matches your requirements; then
design and implement workarounds as appropriate to resolve the

Governance and compliance

Architecture-models only have value if they are used in practice to
guide real-life integration and design. Hence a significant proportion
of enterprise-architecture work revolves around governance and
compliance, ensuring projects and systems align to the defined
architectures, and seeking synergies between them wherever
Architecture governance procedures will be similar to those defined
in programme-, project- or service-management frameworks such as
MSP, PRINCE2 or ITIL – see TN :: Managing services (p.92). It’s often
best to start from within one of those frameworks, and adapt it as
appropriate on the basis of experience. Some variations from the
standard are likely to be needed for architecture, because the
standards essentially represent ‘best-practice’, whereas architecture
must on occasion cross over the boundary into the less-easily-defined
‘probe/sense/respond’ space of complex systems – see ‘Management
of complexity’ in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73).
Compliance only becomes a concern from mid-level maturity
onwards – in early-maturity architecture, all the work is done within
individual projects, with little or no concern with external compliance.
In the early stages of enterprise-wide IT architecture, there needs to be
a strong if often unpopular emphasis on ‘policing’, with alignment
reviews at project gateways – see DR :: The architecture of the everyday
(p.17) and PA :: The politics of purpose (p.42) – but thereafter, once
recognition of the shared value of architecture is established, the
emphasis should shift more to one of guidance, maintaining a ‘big-
picture’ overview for everyone’s benefit.
It’s also necessary to establish processes to manage ‘outside of
architecture’ issues – applications or systems which must, for one
reason or another, be non-compliant with the architecture. For
example, the architecture might well mandate that all mission-critical
data should be maintained in enterprise-owned repositories, but a
required logistics-tracking infrastructure may only be feasible in the
form of an external Application Service Provider system. For each
non-compliant system, document the reasons why it is permitted to be
non-compliant, and identify the circumstances under which it could
be brought back into alignment with the required architecture.


Establish and use methodology for operation, management and
governance of whole-of-enterprise architecture, including use of
enterprise-architecture toolsets.

Selected senior managers, enterprise architects, process architects, IT
architects, others as appropriate.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Research on internet and other sources, for enterprise-architecture
methodologies, modelling toolsets, governance and practice.
Before you start, assess the architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture
of the enterprise (p.13) – and maturity-level – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121).

In conjunction with the others listed above, and using the architecture
scope and maturity-level as a guide, select an appropriate architecture
methodology. Adapt the methodology as necessary to match the
operations and structure of the enterprise. Ensure that appropriate
links are established with project- and programme-management,
service-management, process-management and other oversight and
compliance domains.
Evaluate architecture toolsets, and select an appropriate system for
the present and probable future needs of the architecture. Configure
the system to include intranet publication and, if practicable, intranet-
based feedback into the architecture.
Use the methodology and toolset to develop models, migration-plans
and the like, and to guide compliance to and integration of the
Establish a systematic process of review for the architecture content
and the maturity and applicability of the architecture itself. In the
absence of appropriate procedures in the selected methodology, use a
generic framework such as the TQM ‘plan / do / check / act’ cycle.
This process should continue indefinitely.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)
Content for architecture models and other artefacts; procedures on
operation, management and governance of enterprise architecture,
including alignment to selected enterprise-architecture standards.

Broader applications
This perspective is Process / Reliable – a recursive emphasis on day-to-
day practice, with everything that that implies in the specific work-
The examples and procedure above are all specific to enterprise-
architecture, but the same overall principles would apply elsewhere:
• identifying appropriate methodologies to guide the practice
• suitable technology to assist – the equivalents of the toolsets
used in the practice of enterprise-architecture
• clear frameworks for governance and compliance, to monitor
the work and any changes to procedures.
There’s nothing new in this, of course: the only catch is that while
there’s often a great deal of talk about it, the real concern is to make
sure that it actually is applied in practice.

 Architecture tools selection-criteria: see IFEAD,


What can you use to unify every aspect of the enterprise? What theme
would drive transformation, lifting performance to a whole new
This one’s always interesting, and one of the best ways to boost
overall performance, for everyone – if we get it right. It’s also almost
independent of architecture maturity, though it does work best at
higher maturity-levels. The only hard part is in identifying where to
start: an inappropriate theme goes nowhere – though rarely does any
damage – but the right one takes off in ways that can only be
described as spectacular.
A routine board-level presentation, for a routine kind of project, reviewing
procedures and systems at a recruitment company for compliance to new
privacy legislation. About halfway through, we came to a slide about
relationships with candidates, clients and others, and I described the
company’s role as that of a ‘trusted intermediary’.
Sudden silence. You could have heard a pin drop.
“Can you say that again, please?” That was the managing director.
“I’m saying your real role is as a trusted intermediary. It’s not just one way,
obtaining candidates for clients, like some kind of cannon-fodder. In many
cases, your candidates become your clients, and they also find new clients
for you. So the real issue here isn’t privacy, but trust. If we review all the
processes and so on through that lens of trust, always looking for ways to
enhance that trust, what you’ll have is a business model that extends itself
automatically. And one that gets its income from every direction, because,
for every one of your stakeholders, you act as their trusted intermediary.”
Again that deep, disturbing silence, finally broken once more by the
managing director.
“D’you reckon we could patent that?”
This is actually a corollary of systems-theory, particularly the concept
of reflexion – see ‘Systems thinking’ in KA :: Architecture as a way of
thinking (p.74). In a systems-view, every aspect of the enterprise is
linked to – is part of – every other, in much the same that all the
organs in a living body are intimately connected with and dependent
on each other. So to improve overall performance, it doesn’t really
matter where we start, as long as we start somewhere.

In principle we could use any theme at all. In reality, though, most
don’t get very far: they quietly fade away to nothing. What we’re after
is something that’s self-propagating – the ‘snowball effect’ from that
other systems-principle of resonance. To do this, the theme must:
• be universal – applies to every aspect of the enterprise
• be emotive in some way
• be directly applicable in everyday, personal work
• be applicable iteratively, permitting continuous improvement
• be measurable, such that improvements can be tracked
Probably the best example is a focus on quality. W Edwards Deming
used it, in a number of variations – kaizen, kanban and so on – to
transform Japanese industry. Jack Welch used it to create Six Sigma at
General Electric. It engages everyone; it’s real, measurable, tangible; it
works. But quality isn’t the only option – some others I’ve used
• client trust in privacy – as in the story above
• client trust in delivery – reliability of logistics
• corrective action – process improvement
• ‘single source of truth’ – data quality and data management
• waste-reduction – time, money, materials and other resources
What works best is something that matches the needs and mood of
the enterprise at the time. Jack Welch selected several such themes in
his tenure at General Electric, but only ever one theme at a time, and
each one usually for three to five years. Sometimes the theme presents
itself as ‘the obvious thing to do’; for others, though, it can be helpful
to conduct some kind of narrative-inquiry such as Open Space – see
PE :: What’s the story? (p.57) – to elicit an appropriate theme from
within the collective tacit-knowledge of the enterprise.
Another key advantage of this type of integration strategy is that,
almost automatically, it tends to pull the power-dynamics toward the
functional end of the spectrum – see PR :: A problem of power (p.47).
Part of this is from the natural enthusiasm of the ‘local champions’
who take on the strategy as their own – see PA :: The politics of purpose
(p.42). But it’s also because the theme engages people, personally and
emotively, in a new way of looking at their own work, and thus
makes the work inherently feel more worthwhile – the same driver for
constructive change as in DL :: Architecture is a feeling (p.30).


Identify and establish frameworks to use one or more unifying
‘themes’ for whole-of-organisation integration.

Selected senior managers, strategists, enterprise architects, change-
management specialists, others as appropriate (primarily local
‘champions’ for a selected unifying theme).

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
If appropriate, conduct narrative-enquiry – see PE :: What’s the story?
(p.57) – to elicit candidate themes.

In conjunction will all members of the team above, brainstorm and
review potential themes for whole-of-organisation integration.
Verify each candidate theme against the checklist above: universal,
emotive, personal, applicable, iterative and measurable. Identify
metrics which could be used to monitor improved performance in an
overt, easily-understandable form – see MR :: Real-time scoreboards
With the assistance of selected local ‘champions’, pilot-test potential
changes to procedures and feedback – see ME :: Closing the loop (p.114)
– using the complexity principle of ‘probe/sense/respond’ – see
‘Managing complexity’ in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.73) –
and providing appropriate support for knowledge-sharing – see PE ::
What’s the story? (p.57) and KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79).
If a selected theme seems to self-propagate appropriately, roll out into
broader usage, ideally to the scale of the entire enterprise.
Monitor and repeat as required.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Strategy-level and tactics-level plans for roll-out of selected unifying
theme, including content for change-management, risk/opportunity
management and governance.

Broader applications
This perspective is Process / Elegant – an emphasis on the use of
emotive ‘themes’ and other tactics to drive process-improvement. Its
direct counterpart is People / Reliable, about tactics to make the actions
of and interactions between people easier and more productive – see
PR :: A problem of power (p.47).
The description and procedure above are not merely for every aspect
of the enterprise, but ideally should always apply to the whole
enterprise. That’s how it works best, not only because it improves
integration anyway, but because by engaging everyone in the emerging
conversation, the maximum possible range of ideas and experiences
can be brought to bear on any issue or problem.
The guiding principle for choice of ‘theme’ is as described above:
“what works best is something that matches the needs and mood of
the enterprise at the time”. It’s essential, then, to listen out for hints
and signals about the changing nature of the enterprise’s ‘needs and
mood’, to catch the right moment to inject an appropriate ‘theme’. As
mentioned above, large-group interventions such as Open Space are
probably the most powerful and valuable tactics to use here; but in the
absence of those, or a lack of maturity to enable such tactics to be
safely used, monitor the mood via some other means such as the
SEMPER whole-of-context diagnostic – see ML :: People and
performance (p.117) – and use the results to identify an appropriate

Jack Welch at GE: see Robert Slater, Jack Welch & The G.E. Way:
Management Insights and Leadership Secrets of the Legendary CEO,
McGraw-Hill, 1998, ISBN 0070581045
Peter M Sengé et al., The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies and tools
for building a learning organization, Currency (1994), ISBN-13 978-
 Open Space:
 TQM: see


How can you ensure that each strategy supports every aspect of the
This is another straightforward section, and one that can be applied
without complications at any maturity-level. What we need here is
some means to assess the probable impact of a strategy or tactic, not
only on the immediate area of interest, but on the whole enterprise.
The standard tool for this is SWOT – the old checklist of Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. It does work well for quick,
simple assessments; but it’s a bit too quick, too simple, too ‘us and
them’, for the depth and complexity of many of the issues we deal
with in enterprise-architecture. Some of the changes we’d need:
• make the language more real – not ‘weaknesses’ or ‘threats’
• adapt for use in broader, more complex contexts – in multi-
organisation enterprises, partnerships and value-webs,
boundaries between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ are often blurred
• adapt for a more holistic view – assess impact on overall
effectiveness: how does each asset or concern interact with
• enhance the methodology – iterative review with qualitative and
quantitative scores, or ‘before and after’ comparisons
And we need it to work at every level, every scale – see DR :: The
architecture of the everyday (p.17).
We can do this by reworking SWOT as ‘SCORE’.
• We look at what we already have – our existing Strengths.
• We look at what we know we need, or need to address – our
• We look to the outside world for our Options and
• We also look at the probable Responses from the outside world
to the chosen strategy.
• We explore the probable impacts of the strategy on overall
Where this differs from SWOT is that we do this iteratively, comparing
each dimension against the others.

strength challenge

option response

efficient reliable

elegant appropriate

SCORE methodology
This gives us an iterative methodology that we can summarise in the
diagram above – and is also similar to the 5Ps framework we’re using
here for enterprise-architecture as a whole.
First, we select a suitable issue to work with. Although we’d generally
use a current strategy for this, in practice almost anything will do,
because ultimately everything is connected to everything else - see TL
:: The art of integration (p.101).
Once we’ve selected the issue, we can start the checklist anywhere: it’s
usual to start with Strengths, or Options, but it’s not required.
We then work our way through all of the SCORE dimensions,
repeating and iterating in any order, and using the viewpoint of each
dimension as a perspective on each of the other dimensions.
And for everything we identify, we always look at its impact on
overall effectiveness, using the effectiveness-checklist of efficient,
reliable, elegant, appropriate, integrated – see KN :: An emphasis on
effectiveness (p.68).
We also keep an eye open for anything that can be measured, where
as a numeric value or qualitatively – for example, a new capability
that didn’t exist at the time of a previous SCORE assessment. The
reason for this is simple: it’s a lot easier to manage things that can be

Strengths, services, support

The questions for the Strengths dimension are much the same as for
SWOT, except we need to look both inside and outside the organisation
for shared strengths and support:
• Strengths – What would we regard as our strengths in this?
• Services – What services and capabilities do we have? What
services can we call on from others?
• Support – What support-resources do we have available to us?
What support do we have from others?

The work of projects is carried out through services and capabilities,
so these questions also help us to identify the components for a
service-oriented architecture for the enterprise – see KR :: The centrality
of services (p.83).
The subsidiary questions about support here are essential. Without
explicit support from senior management, the project can only be run
as a concealed ‘skunk-works’, which would be a political risk – see PA
:: The politics of purpose (p.42) – and would mean a lot more work
overall, for everyone – see PR :: A problem of power (p.47).
This dimension should provide us with an inventory of what we have
available to us to respond to opportunities and to support the change-
roadmap, and a list of probable partners in the project.

Challenges, capabilities needed

The questions for the Challenges dimension are again similar to
SWOT. But we avoid SWOT’s pejorative term ‘weakness’ here, instead
thinking more of ‘challenge’ in the scientific sense: “a condition of the
environment that regulates growth”, or “an opportunity to improve”.
This allows us to concentrate more on gap-analysis – on identifying
what would be needed to achieve the key success criteria for the
• Challenges – What are the issues we need to address? within the
organisation? in relationships with partners, suppliers, other
• Capabilities needed – What new capabilities and services would
we need? What skills would be required? What would be
needed to develop these skills and services?
This gives us a list of needed capabilities – the content for the change-
roadmap – and also identifies the internal project-risks.

Options, opportunities and risks

Opportunities give rise to options, which in turn provide the basis for
a roadmap for change.
As with SWOT, we should be looking mostly outward here – at the
‘outside’ world of potential customers, partners, providers and the
like. But unlike SWOT, we always assess opportunities and risks
together, because each is the flipside of the other. Opportunities bring
concomitant risks; and risks – SWOT’s ‘threats’ – also always present
us with opportunities.

• Opportunities – What opportunities present themselves? What
risks arise from and with those opportunities? What
opportunities arise from apparent risks?
• Options – What are our options in relation to those
opportunities and risks? How can we act on those options?
How should we prioritise those options and actions?
This identifies the reasons or requirements for the change, and the
priorities for those requirements in the change-roadmap – see TE ::
Requirements for agility (p.88). It should also indicate the external
project-risks arising from those opportunities.
What we’re looking at here – and looking for – are the drivers for
business change: the opportunities and risks, and our options to
respond to each.

Responses, regulations, returns, rewards

Where ‘Opportunities’ is about how we respond to the outside world,
the ‘Responses’ questions are more about how the outside world
impinges on us. For example, even a brief focus on regulation and
legislation helps to expand our awareness of longer-term impacts:
legislation may move at a much slower pace than business cycles, but
its impacts cannot be avoided forever.
• Responses – What responses would we expect from customers?
from competitors? from providers? from partners? from other
• Regulations – What regulations might arise in response to the
strategy? What would be the impacts of new or upcoming
• Returns and rewards – What is the business value of each
opportunity and risk?
We also need to explore the responses to what doesn’t happen as a
result of the strategy, such as opportunity-costs and cost-savings – for
example, see the comments on ‘Connections’ in PE :: What’s the story?
We need to describe at least some of these expected responses in
measurable terms, identifying the overall returns or rewards. In other
words, this dimension identifies the business-case – if any – for the
strategy, and further external risks impinging indirectly on the

The Effectiveness questions are the key difference from conventional
SWOT analysis – see KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness (p.68).
The aim here is to resolve a classic business dilemma: how to ensure
that improvements in efficiency in one area do not cause greater
inefficiencies elsewhere – a common result of traditional analysis
• Efficient – Does the strategy optimise use of resources, minimise
wastage of resources?
• Reliable – Is the result of the strategy predictable, consistent,
• Elegant – Does the strategy support simplicity, clarity,
consistency, self-adaptation for human factors?
• Appropriate – Does the strategy optimise support for business
• Integrated – Does the strategy create, support and optimise
synergy across all systems?
This dimension should identify how well the ‘as-is’ and ‘to-be’
systems fit in with everything else.

At the end of the SCORE assessment, these are the kind of documents
we would expect to have to hand, to guide subsequent change.
• Strengths – capabilities/services inventory, support/partner-
• Challenges – prioritised roadmap for change, risks/issues
• Options – strategy scenarios, opportunity/risk trade-off register
• Responses – business case, risk-management scenarios
• Effectiveness – project impact/integration assessments
The end-product of a SCORE assessment is a clear roadmap for
business change.


Establish framework for strategic and architectural assessment of
cross-functional effectiveness.

Enterprise architects, strategists, process architects, IT architects, lead
trainers, others as appropriate (primarily operations specialists).

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.

Select a strategic issue to assess.
In conjunction with others as appropriate, use the SCORE
methodology outlined above to assess the impact and options for the
strategy, and to compare against any previous assessments of the
same or a similar strategy.
Document the results as indicated under ‘Outcomes’ above.
Optionally, in conjunction with lead-trainers, develop training-
materials to roll out the use of the SCORE methodology to wider use
within the enterprise.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Strategic assessments; content for training materials in strategic
assessment of cross-functional effectiveness.

Broader applications
This perspective is Process / Appropriate – an emphasis on the
effectiveness and relevance of day-to-day tasks. Its counterpart is
Purpose / Reliable, about the ‘physicalness’ and realisation of business
purpose – see DR :: The architecture of the everyday (p.17).
The SCORE methodology is directly applicable to every context of the
enterprise: think of it as ‘SWOT on effectiveness’, and its usage should
become immediately clear. The aim is simply to ensure that every task
is done ‘on purpose’, which is why clarity on the purpose of the
enterprise – see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21) – should be a first
concern here.

Effectiveness: see KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness (p.68).
 SCORE: see


In what ways can the architecture guide the monitoring of real-time
performance? How do you ensure that the most relevant, meaningful
and accurate metrics are used? How do these metrics reflect the
performance of the whole of the enterprise?
This is primarily the domain of broad-scope performance-monitoring
frameworks such as ‘Balanced Scorecard’ and its IT-centric variant ‘IT
Balanced Scorecard’. It’s not really the role of enterprise-architecture
to specify the metrics to be used here, though at higher maturity-
levels, as cross-enterprise generalists, the team should certainly be
involved. But ensuring that the systems do properly support the use
of those metrics certainly is a valid task for enterprise-architecture.
Cross-enterprise scorecards can be tricky things at the best of times,
because to work well they need to be designed with a generalist’s eye for
the whole. Watching a bunch of bean-counters try to define a Balanced
Scorecard can often seem a sad experience, because the whole point is that
it disrupts the delusion that money is the sole measure of the world.
But my favourite example of a Balanced Scorecard disaster-area was at an
engineering research establishment. They were struggling to select
appropriate criteria for inclusion in the organisation-wide scorecard: how
exactly could they be certain that a putative ‘key performance indicator’
really was ‘key’? So, being good scientists, their solution was to set up a
sub-committee to create a mathematical formula to derive a numeric value
for ‘key-ness’. Which, since the criteria in question were all about human
factors, and blurry shades of grey, seemed rather an extreme example of
missing the point…
The generic Balanced Scorecard framework, as described by Kaplan
and Norton, has four distinct perspectives:
• financial perspective – “how do we look to shareholders?”
• customer perspective – “how do customers see us?”
• internal business-process perspective – “what must we excel at?”
• learning and growth perspective – “how can we continue to
improve and create value?”
Interestingly, it’s arguable as to whether the ‘financial perspective’ has
any useful purpose in a true Balanced Scorecard, as shareholder-value
has long been understood as a very poor indicator of future

performance – “the Bermuda Triangle of strategy”, as Michael Porter
put it. It’s also a complex derivative outcome, a rearward-looking ‘lag-
indicator’ rather than a forward-looking ‘lead indicator’ like the other
three – see ML :: People and performance (p.117). From a dimensions
viewpoint – see KE :: Dimensions of architecture (p.62) – the ‘financial
perspective’ would be more usefully replaced by a ‘purpose
perspective’ - see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21).
But given a set of scorecard-metrics selected by the enterprise
performance-specialists, the main architectural concerns would be:
• single point of truth – raw-data for metrics to be derived from
verified master-sources such as a ‘database of record’ (DBoR)
• audit trail of derivation – all processes and business-rules used to
transform raw-data to scorecard-metrics are identified and
The latter would include identifying the data-owners, process-owners,
business-rule owners and the like – see KL :: A question of responsibility
(p.79) and, in conjunction with the programme management and
others, monitoring governance of data and its transforms – see
‘Governance and compliance’ in TR :: The practice of architecture (p.98).
The original Balanced Scorecard specification indicates that metrics
should also be linked to the missions and objectives of the respective
‘purpose audit-trail’ – see DE :: Architecture on purpose (p.21).


Establish framework and metrics to track whole-of-organisation
integration and cross-functional performance in real-time.

Enterprise architects, process architects, IT architects, performance

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.

In conjunction with other architects, assist the performance-specialists
in identifying appropriate metrics and the respective data-sources and
Identify and specify requirements for any amendments to systems to
support ‘single source of truth’ for each required data-source.
Model and verify the ‘audit-trail of derivation’ for each metric,
including governance of each step in the trail of derivations and

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of required metrics, including identification of required data-
sources, data-capture processes and business-rules for data-transform.

Broader applications
This perspective is Performance / Reliable – an emphasis on monitoring
production and overall performance in an integrated way. Its direct
counterpart is Process / Integrated, about mechanisms to improve the
integration and overall performance of production processes – see TN
:: Managing services (p.92).
The same general principles as above apply throughout the enterprise:
Balanced Scorecard is a good start for most contexts, though it’s not
the only choice. The key concern is to find lead-indicators which point
toward future performance: most of the usual metrics are lag-
indicators, pointing only to the past, which are of little use here. The
one metric that in general should not be used for this purpose is
financial performance: it’s valid in its own way, of course, but as a
complex outcome with no direct causal linkage to action, it tells us
nothing about what to do to create improvements in real-time.

Robert Kaplan & David Norton, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating
Strategy into Action, Harvard Business School Press, 1996, ISBN
 Balanced Scorecard:
 IT Balanced Scorecard: see IT Governance Institute,


How do you validate the architecture? What processes do you use to
obtain and incorporate feedback from the architecture’s stakeholders?
How can you use the architecture itself to drive a process of
continuous learning and growth?
What this is really about is enhancing the effectiveness of the
architecture – see KN :: An emphasis on effectiveness (p.68). To do this,
we need not merely to publish what we’ve done and developed, but
make it accessible in a way that engages everyone in developing it
further, and in making it their own.
This is the means by which the architecture becomes dynamic, both
reflecting and driving the ever-changing needs of the enterprise.
It’s here, unfortunately, that we’re badly let down by the existing toolsets
for enterprise-architecture.
Without exception, it seems, their ‘user-interfaces’ are impracticable to the
point of unusability. Either there’s no means to enforce the required rigour
of the methodology, or we’re forced to struggle with a cumbersome
monstrosity that only a programmer could love – tabs-within-tabs-within-
tabs, and postage-stamp-sized windows through which to enter a page’s
worth of text. Letting ordinary business-folk loose on that kind of disaster-
area is a recipe for full-on frustration all round – and a chaotic mess that
can take months to clean up, as I know from painful experience…
Almost all the toolsets do have good web-publishing tools, with good drill-
down and crosslinking and so on. But they only work one way – there’s no
means to get comments and feedback back into the source-architecture that
way. Which means frustrated clients who feel they’re being talked at
rather than talked with. Which means we don’t get the engagement we
need. Which can become a big problem if we’re not careful.
Often the only way to guarantee getting the feedback we need is to go out
and ask for it, in person. Which is labour-intensive, expensive in time, and
all the rest.
Frustrating, to say the least.
Annoyingly, though, existing methodologies don’t seem to be strong
on this obvious need. Phase H, ‘Architecture Change Management’, in
the TOGAF Architectural Design Method does cover this issue to
some extent, but doesn’t tell us anything about what to do to gather
the required feedback.

In effect, what we need is much the same as the techniques used for
narrative inquiry – see PE :: What’s the story? (p.57). In my own work,
the method I use most often for this is also one of the simplest: the US
Army’s ‘After Action Review’ (AAR). An AAR consists of just four
• What was supposed to happen?
• What actually happened?
• What caused the difference?
• What could we learn from this?
It doesn’t need sophisticated equipment: it can be done anywhere,
with anyone, with the answers scribbled on the back of envelope if
need be. Spend perhaps a quarter of the time on the first two
questions; a quarter of the time on the third; and the remainder on the
last – which we could also rephrase as “What could we do differently
next time?”
There’s just one rule for an AAR, which the Army describes as “pin
your stripes to the door”. It doesn’t matter who we are, what
supposed ‘rank’ we might have: we each have our own part to play,
our own responsibility – see KL :: A question of responsibility (p.79) –
and the aim of the review is to help everyone improve.
Having gathered the feedback, we then need governance procedures
to guide what aspects of the feedback should be incorporated into the
revision of the architecture. But however we do it, it’s essential that
people see that their feedback is valued, driving a ‘virtuous spiral’ of
engagement – see PA :: The politics of purpose (p.42).


Establish framework for feedback into enterprise-architecture.

Enterprise architects, process-architects, IT architects, knowledge-
managers, change-managers, programme management office, others
as appropriate (particularly project-managers and local ‘champions’).

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.

Research on internet and elsewhere for strategies and tactics to garner
feedback into the architecture.

In conjunction with the full range of architecture stakeholders, assess
methods to capture and incorporate feedback into the architecture.
Include processes for governance of such amendments to architectural
models and other artefacts.
From this review, select appropriate procedures, and pilot-test them
in practice with local ‘champions’.
Amend the procedures on the basis of the pilot-tests, and roll out the
amended feedback procedures to the wider community.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

Content for feedback procedures and procedures for governance of
enterprise-architecture and its amendment.

Broader applications
This perspective is Performance / Efficient – an emphasis on the ways in
which shared knowledge can be used to pull the enterprise together.
Its direct counterpart is Preparation / Integrated, about using an
awareness of the whole to drive process-improvement – see KN :: An
emphasis on effectiveness (p.68).
As before, this isn’t specific to enterprise-architecture: we should be
able to use the same principles, and most of the same practices, to
improve performance across the whole enterprise. Collison and
Parcell’s book Learning To Fly gives good, practical examples of
‘learning before doing’, ‘learning whilst doing’ and ‘learning after
doing’ – of which the After Action Review is one technique for the
latter. But there are plenty of other useful techniques to elicit, collate
and act on feedback: find them and use them.

After Action Review: see Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell, Learning
To Fly: practical lessons from one of the world’s leading knowledge
companies, Capstone, 2001; ISBN-13 978-184112509-1


What is the organisation’s ability to do work? How would you
measure and monitor this?
Financial figures and the like are useful, of course, but they’re
rearward-looking, ‘lag-indicators’ that tell us where we’ve been –
whereas what we need are ‘lead-indicators’ that tell us whether we’re
on track to where we want to go. So what we’re looking for here are
metrics that point to future performance – especially about people and
the collective ‘ability to do work’.
Guess I should know better by now, but I’m still amazed at how often I see
a so-called strategy that amounts to little more than “last year’s figures plus
ten percent”.
It’s not a strategy. It’s a target – an arbitrary target plucked out of nowhere.
It’s not even linked to the enterprise’s vision. And it tells us nothing –
nothing – about how to get to that target. No wonder that kind of ‘strategy’
so rarely works well…
Financial metrics are a complex outcome of a complex world in which
nothing can ever truly be controlled. They indicate only what happened in
the past, with no clear causal linkage to the future at all. And surely even
the most rudimentary common-sense should suggest it’s not wise to try to
steer a large, complex enterprise solely on the basis of what’s visible in the
rear-view mirror? But apparently not, because we still see supposedly-
bright business-people doing it every day. Hence the all-too-frequent
occurrence of what’s commonly called a ‘crash’. Ouch…
The ‘people-stuff’ is important because of what I’ve once seen
described bitterly as ‘presenteeism’: people may be present in body,
but that’ll be about it if we don’t properly address the power-issues
and other emotive issues – see, for example, PA :: The politics of purpose
(p.42), DL :: Architecture is a feeling (p.30) or PE :: What’s the story?
(p.57). But if we do address those issues appropriately, the amount of
‘ability to do work’ is enormous: dismay and distrust are infectious,
but so are enthusiasm and commitment when the conditions are right
to make things happen. So the states of the various people-issues are
perhaps the most powerful and reliable lead-indicators of future
performance that we can have.

The simplest metric of all is a straightforward staff-survey: properly
used and properly understood, even that will probably tell you more
than all the financial forecasts put together. The consultancy firm
Human Synergistics took this a strong step forward with its LSI
metric, or Life Styles Inventory, which provides a kind of compass of
decision-making styles within the organisation, and the impacts that
these will have on productivity and performance. And there are a fair
few others around, such as the diagnostic in Richard Barrett’s
‘Liberating The Corporate Soul’ framework, originally developed for
the World Bank.
Another is the SEMPER diagnostic and intervention-design tool,
which arose from the work I’ve done with large organisations over the
past few decades. Rather than focusing direct on the people, as in the
LSI diagnostic or Richard Barrett’s work, it uses people’s views of the
overall context as an indirect, and hence politically safer, means to
identify ‘ability to do work’. In effect, the views are a kind of reflexion,
seeing the whole reflected in even the smallest part – see ‘Systems
thinking’ in KA :: Architecture as a way of thinking (p.74). As described
further on the Tetradian website, the ‘ability to do work’ from each
perspective is assessed in terms of the same power-model we’re using
here – see PR :: A problem of power (p. 47); the Australian consultant
Holly Dinh provided the key concept of assessment by ‘word-
pictures’ or emotive phrases than via an arbitrary numeric scale. The
full version of SEMPER uses the complete set of dimensions and link-
themes that make up the structure of the enterprise – see KE ::
Dimensions of architecture (p.62) – whilst the simpler SEMPER-5 uses
the same framework as in the structure of this book.
Whatever tool is used, the metric has little meaning on its own. Its
purpose is to guide what to do next, to enhance the organisation’s
ability to do work, to resolve skills-gaps and so on. SEMPER-5, for
example, is mapped to a comprehensive set of intervention strategies
and tactics which would be used to address the respective issues.
Large-group interventions such as Open Space and Future Search are
the probably the most powerful of all tools – but they can only be
used safely when the metric indicates an absence of any serious
power-problems in the respective areas of the enterprise. Which is
why this type of metric is essential for the development of
organisational integration.


Establish framework for monitoring cross-functional ‘ability to do

Enterprise architects, HR specialists, performance specialists.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Research on internet and elsewhere for lead-indicator metrics on
human performance and methods to elicit them.

In conjunction with HR specialists and performance specialists,
review the available methods to derive metrics for pointers to future
human performance.
Select one or more suitable methods. Where appropriate, adapt the
metrics to suit the specific needs of the enterprise.
Specify requirements to incorporate the selected metrics into regular
reporting, such as a Balanced Scorecard – see MR :: Real-time
scoreboards (p.111). Pass these requirements to the Programme
Management Office, or equivalent, for implementation.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of required metrics, including identification of required data-
sources, data-capture processes and business-rules for data-transform.

Broader applications
This perspective is Performance / Elegant – an emphasis on the impact
of people and people-issues on overall performance. Its direct
counterpart is People / Integrated, about how these issues that help to
pull the enterprise together into an integrated whole – see PN :: The
role of the generalist (p.52).
It should be clear, I trust, that the principles and procedure above are
generic: they apply to the whole enterprise, not just enterprise-
architecture. But whilst I’ve emphasised ‘people-metrics’ here, the

people-issues can be often be broader than that: concerns such as
ergonomics and workflow, for example, can have a significant impact
on overall performance.
There are also significant risk-management concerns about
dependency of overall performance on individual skills in specific
processes. One example that comes to mind was a café way back in
my student days: they managed a high throughput because of one
person, who was extraordinarily fast at serving up – yet when he
retired, service slowed to a crawl, with the result that the café became
so unprofitable that it went out of business. There’s a similar corollary
to the Peter Principle – “people are promoted to their level of
incompetence” – that traps competent people in low-level, denigrated
roles: when they finally give up in disgust, the system can again often
grind to a halt. It’s important to watch out for these kinds of subtle
cross-dependencies: they can cripple overall performance without
apparent warning if the performance-tracking systems fail to pick
them up in time.

Power-relationships: see PR :: A problem of power (p.47).
 Large group interventions: see Martin Leith,
 Human Synergistics:
 Richard Barrett:
 SEMPER diagnostic:


What is the current maturity of your enterprise-architecture? What is
its most appropriate scope? And what next steps do you need to take
to extend that maturity and scope?
Maturity-metrics do provide useful indicators as to the probable value
of the architecture to the enterprise – see MN :: Monitoring integration
(p.125). But their real purpose is much simpler, namely to guide what
to develop next:
• changes to the team – see PL :: The architecture team (p.34)
• changes to the scope – see DN :: Architecture of the enterprise
• changes to architecture practice – see TR :: The practice of
architecture (p.95)
• changes to the guiding ideas and perspectives – see KA ::
Architecture as a way of thinking (p.72), KE :: Dimensions of
architecture (p.62) and DL :: Architecture is a feeling (p.30)
As with the development of any living organism, each improvement
in maturity provides stepping-stones to the next. But there’s a definite
pattern to these stepping-stones: although we can often vary
somewhat the sequence in which we tackle them, few can be skipped
entirely without causing greater problems later on. For example, we
can’t link to business-drivers until we have sorted out the basic
technical architecture; we can’t support agility until we have a proper
version-controlled requirements repository in place. A maturity-
model provides a map of where we are amongst those stepping-
stones, and which ones to choose next.
One of the most comprehensive maturity-models for early- to mid-level
architecture-maturity is M E van Steenbergen’s DyA Architecture Maturity
Matrix. It’s available as a free download from the website of Sogeti, a
Netherlands arm of the CapGemini consultancy, and provided in the form
of an Excel workbook and matching descriptive document.
It’s IT-centric, so it doesn’t cover the full range of the more complex late-
maturity whole-of-enterprise-architecture. But for the earlier stages, it’s
more than sufficient: over 130 questions, structured in more than 50 steps,
in18 distinct streams such as ‘Defining architecture’, ‘Involvement of

business’, ‘Coordination of activities’ and so on, and cross-mapped to 13
levels of maturity.
Some of her sequences and relative priorities can seem a little odd in
places, and may need tweaking to match the respective enterprise – but if
nothing else, it’s a great way to get the architecture-dialogue going.
The fine detail in a maturity-model is useful to indicate the small steps
need to underpin continuous improvement. However, there are also
four distinct levels that are quantum jumps, requiring radical changes
to the role and nature of the team, the reporting relationships and the
architectural mindset and practice:
• project-level IT-architecture – exists only as part of project brief,
minimal coordination between projects
• enterprise-wide IT architecture – strong centralised coordination
across IT domains (primarily applications and infrastructure)
• enterprise IT-architecture with business-architecture – splits into
layer-specific sub-teams (data, applications, technology),
small coordinating team links IT to business strategy
• whole-of-enterprise architecture – coordinating team moves out of
IT, constructs links across all IT and non-IT domains
At the least, a maturity-model needs to identify the overall maturity in
these terms above.


Establish frameworks and metrics to monitor performance and
maturity of enterprise-architecture.

Enterprise architects, knowledge managers, performance specialists.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Research on internet and other sources, for methods, techniques and
frameworks for assessing enterprise-architecture maturity.
Before you start, assess the architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture
of the enterprise (p.13).

In conjunction with knowledge managers and performance
specialists, review the available tools to assess architectural maturity.
Select a suitable tool. Where appropriate, adapt its metrics to suit the
specific needs of the enterprise.
If previous assessments have been undertaken, map and migrate the
previous metrics and values as necessary to those of the selected tool.
Using the tool, conduct an assessment of architecture maturity. In
conjunction with the tool’s framework, use the results of the
assessment to identify any appropriate changes to the architecture
team, scope, or practice.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of required metrics, including identification of required data-
sources, data-capture processes and business-rules for data-transform;
assessments of architecture maturity; recommendations for changes to
architecture team, scope, practice, etcetera.

Broader applications
This perspective is Performance / Appropriate – an emphasis on the
practicalities and purpose of measuring the integration or
’togetherness’ of the enterprise. Its direct counterpart is Purpose /
Integrated, about purpose providing a focus to align the enterprise
with itself, and also identifying that ‘togetherness’ – see DN ::
Architecture of the enterprise (p.13).
Maturity-metrics are one of the most useful class of tools here. Those
listed above are specific to enterprise-architecture, but each industry
and domain will have its own: eSCM, IT Services CMM and ICB, for
example, are three IT-industry frameworks listed in TN :: Managing
services (p.92). The essential point is that these are not metrics just for
their own sake: their real purpose is to provide guidance, indicating
the appropriate steps for further development.

Maturity and business expectations: see DN :: Architecture of the
enterprise (p.13).
Maturity and the architecture team: see PL :: The architecture team

 Sogeti maturity matrix:
 TOGAF maturity model: see


How can you demonstrate the value of enterprise-architecture? To put
it simply, what is the architecture worth to the enterprise as a whole?
This one’s always going to be hard. No surprises in that, because
architecture isn’t a production environment – it supports other
production areas, but doesn’t produce anything in itself – so will
always be seen first as a cost. And, as with risk-management, most of
the value gained is in terms of what wasn’t done, what didn’t happen –
which is much harder to prove and to quantify, simply because it
didn’t happen.
Sometimes even the accounting system seems to conspire against us in
At one of our clients, a large multi-national, only the very largest systems
were listed as line-items – perhaps a dozen of them, averaging half a billion
dollars each. All the other systems – hundreds of them, with a combined
value of several billion dollars – were lumped together under a single line-
item labelled ‘Other’. And there was no way to separate them out, to
impute a specific value to any one of these smaller systems.
For this project, the business-case was based on the cost-savings to be
made from decommissioning the redundant or duplicate systems. But there
was no way we could prove it. The costs of decommissioning showed up all
right – but not the savings, because they vanished into that all-consuming
Demonstrable cost less no demonstrable savings equals no business case.
So even though it was obvious that the savings were real, and significant, we
never did get the go-ahead to finish the project.
The remainder of the value gained comes from integration, from
synergies across systems, services and organisational silos; and also,
as with knowledge-management, from making it possible for the right
things to happen.
The value-proposition shifts with the maturity-level – see MA ::
Measuring maturity (p.121). Typical examples and arguments at each
level would be as follows.

Project-level IT-architecture
The main visible value here comes from decommissioning, usually of
single medium-sized legacy systems. Projects should be selected to
provide visible ‘quick wins’. Establish the direct current and future
cost of operating the existing system, such as licence costs,
maintenance, training etcetera. Project-costs should be low enough to
make the business-case visible and viable.
Considerable value will also be obtained from early work on
standardisation and simplification, and preliminary coordination
between projects, but this is unlikely to be quantifiable in the direct
terms required for a financial business-case.

Enterprise-wide IT architecture
Although the scope is enterprise-wide at this level, the real targets are
the myriad of small uncontrolled reporting-systems and single-
function custom-built applications – hundreds or even thousands of
them, in a large organisation – which often drive critical day-to-day
production but have innumerable fragile connections to other
systems. Although cutting maintenance costs – and, often, dangerous
dependencies on individuals – has demonstrable financial returns, the
real business value will come from reducing the ‘hassle factor’: catch-
phrases such as “cutting through the spaghetti” and “single source of
truth” will often be useful here.
Sometimes avoidance of embarrassment at high levels can become a most
immediate business driver.
In one spectacular example, the Government presented a shining set of
figures for a government department; yet the Opposition countered with a
completely different set of figures, which supposedly came from the exact
same source, but painting a far less rosy picture. Would the Minister please
explain this difference, they said? Was the Minister misleading the public,
perhaps? Angry phone calls from the Minister to the department heads;
demands for immediate explanation; red faces all round…
Turned out that everyone was right – sort of. Both sets of figures did come
from the same source – sort of – but had gone through different
transforms and business-rules, without any controlled audit-trail, ending up
in different reporting-systems but purporting to be the same thing. Oops.
We’d previously struggled to get the go-ahead for projects with abstract-
sounding ideas such as ‘single source of truth’ and ‘database of record’. But
for a while there, these suddenly seemed to gain a very high value – not far
off a no-questions-asked business-case, in fact. Can’t think why…
At this level, important work will also be done on establishing the
ground-base for data-standards, code re-use, the first stages of a
service-oriented architecture and such. Don’t expect anyone outside
IT to understand the value of this, though.

Enterprise IT-architecture with business-architecture
Although the emphasis is still primarily on IT, much of the IT-specific
work is split off at this stage, so that most of the value of the enterprise-
level architecture is as an interface between the business proper, the
project teams, and other coordinating groups such as the Programme
Management Office. At this level, it should become possible to tackle
some of the much larger and more time-consuming value-
propositions, such as decommissioning large legacy-systems and
implementing a full service-oriented architecture.
Enterprise-architecture also begins to be viewed and valued in
strategic terms, measured against less-direct business values such as
shorter product-development times, increased responsiveness to
market changes and shorter time-to-market. Ensure that metrics for
realisation and returns on such drivers are included in performance-
indicators and success-criteria for the architecture.

Whole-of-enterprise architecture
At this level, there are no further gains to be made from
decommissioning, and the real value arises from architecture’s role as
a cross-functional enabler. The problem is that this value is almost
impossible to prove or quantify, because it arises from subtle
differences in contexts and connections, and continuous
improvements across all aspects of the entire enterprise. As with
organisational strategy – in fact as strategy – much of the value must
be taken on trust.
The danger is that trust alone provides no protection against the
dreaded ‘bean-counters’ and others who are unable to grasp the
subtleties of complex systems – those whose understanding is, as one
colleague put it, “like that of a child with a drum – cut it open to see
what’s inside that makes the noise”. So it’s still essential here to
document demonstrable value wherever it does arise, such as from
continuing the coordination and ‘policing’ work of the previous


Establish frameworks and metrics to monitor impact of enterprise-
architecture on whole-of-organisation integration.

Enterprise architects, strategists, process architects, IT architects,
programme management office, performance specialists.

Standard business-analysis tools: whiteboard, meeting-space, pen and
paper, time, and access to the required people.
Research on internet and elsewhere for metrics on architecture value-
realisation and impact-value monitoring, and methods to elicit them.
Before you start, assess the architecture scope – see DN :: Architecture
of the enterprise (p.13) – and maturity-level – see MA :: Measuring
maturity (p.121).

In conjunction with the full team listed above, review the available
methods to derive metrics of architecture value to the enterprise,
matching the architecture scope and maturity-level.
Select one or more suitable methods. Where appropriate, adapt the
metrics to suit the specific needs of the enterprise.
Specify requirements to incorporate the selected metrics into regular
reporting, such as a Balanced Scorecard - see MR :: Real-time
scoreboards (p.111). Pass these requirements to the Programme
Management Office, or equivalent, for implementation.

Performance (artefacts and outcomes)

List of required metrics, including identification of required data-
sources, data-capture processes and business-rules for data-transform.

Broader applications
This perspective is Performance / Integrated – a recursive emphasis on
overall performance and the integration of the whole enterprise.
To paraphrase the questions from the start of this section, how can
you demonstrate the overall value of any part of the enterprise? To
put it simply, what is that part worth to the enterprise as a whole?
Those are the metrics and monitoring-mechanisms we need here.

David Robertson et al., Enterprise Architecture as Strategy: creating a
foundation for business execution, Harvard Business School Press,
2006, ISBN-13 978-1591398394


Completing the book

Preparing and producing this book has been an interesting exercise in
Agile development.
The basic idea had been brewing for some years, but the actual
commitment to start was in late January 2007, following a meeting
with two colleagues about a book-project of theirs on architectural
due-diligence in the banking industry.
I had a first rough outline a week later, by the end of January. I then
set myself a deadline: late April 2007, to have physical books to take to
a conference. At print-on-demand pricing, the ideal size would be
around 120-150 pages. Lead-time for print-on-demand is about three
weeks: hence production-ready by end of March 2007. Allow two
weeks for cover-design and pre-press clean-up. Six weeks, then, to
write the entire content, do all the diagrams, the lot.
That’s typical Agile: set the time, the budget and the scope, and
prioritise the requirements to fit.
A week into the writing, I found a new way to structure the whole
book, and did so. That’s typical Agile, too. It meant starting again
from scratch, but the whole thing had a much stronger symmetry and
simplicity – always a good architectural attribute – and made it
possible to move faster.
Five weeks later, the first draft was complete. Slightly ahead of
schedule. Exactly on planned size. Exactly on budget. Ready to roll
out to various colleagues as a first iteration, even in this form. A good
illustration of the principles, really.
Just two weeks after that, another full revision completed,
incorporating review-comments from the first draft and a new
‘Broader applications’ sub-section in each of the main chapters, to
extend the effective scope of the book. Moving to another continent to
start a new contract with a new client slowed things down a bit, but
not as much as might be expected: still ahead of schedule, still on
planned size, still on budget, and so on. Agile development works.

This summarises some of the terms and acronyms we’ve come across
in the book.
active systematic process of reflection on action, for the purpose of
learning developing skills and competencies; examples include action-
learning/action-research, Quality Circles, debriefing and task
self-assessment; link-theme between mental dimension and
physical dimension
ADM acronym for Architectural Design Method, the methodology
used in TOGAF to guide development of enterprise architecture
appropriate matching the intended overall purpose; an EREAI effectiveness
theme associated with the aspirational dimension of the context
ArchiMate a visual language used to model enterprise architectures,
developed by the Netherlands consortium Telematics
ARIS acronym for Architecture of Integrated Systems, a production-
oriented enterprise architecture framework developed by German
group IDS-Scheer
aspirational aspirational and intentional aspects of work and the workplace,
dimension expressed in collective and individual identity and purpose, and
in issues such as ethics, values and codes of conduct; also
commitment-assets and aspirational capital such as
organisational morale, health and fitness; see also vision, value;
sense-making, foresight, responsibility
behavioural see physical dimension
chaos domain in the Cynefin model, domain of inherent uncertainty and
unpredictability; decisions are guided by principles and values;
represented in the business context by unique market-of-one
customisation and by non-repeatable maintenance issues; also
useful when deliberately invoked in creativity, in narrative and
dialogue, and in foresight techniques such as scenario construction
complex in the Cynefin model, domain of emergent properties and non-
domain linear relationships between factors; decisions are derived from
heuristics and guidelines; unlike chaos, which is inherently
uncertain, may often create an illusion of predictability,
especially where linear analysis is applied within a short-term,
narrow set of assumptions
conceptual see mental dimension

Cynefin model of organisational complexity developed by David Snowden
of Cognitive Edge, which describes four distinct paradigms to
interpret a given context: known, knowable, complex and chaotic
dialogue process of emergent conversation in which awareness and
knowledge are created between the people the involved; link-
theme between mental dimension and emotional dimension
DyA acronym for Dynamic Architecture, an enterprise-architecture
framework developed by Netherlands consultancy Sogeti
effective ‘on purpose’, producing the intended overall result with an
optimised balance over the whole; requires broad generalist
awareness of the whole, rather than the narrow focus required to
create local efficiency, hence often contrasted with efficient
efficient ‘doing more with less’, creating the maximum result with
minimum use or wastage of resources in a specific activity or
context; improved incrementally through active learning and
related techniques for feedback and reflection, although major
improvements usually require a change in paradigm; an EREAI
theme associated with the mental dimension of the context
elegant human dimensions of effectiveness, such as feelings, emotions and
ergonomics, expressed in practice in issues such as usability,
simplicity and personal preference; an EREAI theme associated
with the emotional dimension of the context
emergence context within which cause-effect patterns can be identified only
retrospectively, and in which analytic techniques are usually
unreliable and misleading
emotional relational and emotional aspects of work and the workspace:
dimension feelings and values, internal relationships and interpersonal
transactions, relationships with external stakeholders; also
emotional assets and relational capital such as reputation and
trust; see also vision, value; leadership; narrative, dialogue
enterprise a systematic process to model and guide integration and
architecture optimisation of the information-technology of an enterprise or (at
higher maturity-levels) the entire enterprise
EREAI acronym for five keywords to evaluate effectiveness: efficient,
reliable, elegant, appropriate, integrated
FEAF acronym for Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework, a
framework and methodology developed for enterprise architecture
by the US government
foresight the discipline of developing a forward view in time; link-theme
between aspirational dimension and mental dimension; see also
sense-making; strategy, scenario

goal a specific objective to be achieved by a specified point in time;
emphasis on the physical or behavioural dimension of purpose,
contrasted with mission, role and vision
integration contextual awareness of all the interactions between the physical,
mental, emotional and aspirational dimensions of work and the
workspace, and the active process of linking them together into a
unified whole; an EREAI effectiveness theme
knowable in the Cynefin model, domain of ‘the complicated’, with
domain identifiable cause-effect relationships; decisions are derived from
contextual analysis
known in the Cynefin model, domain of certainty and known cause-
domain effect relationships; decisions are predefined by laws, rules and
leadership mentoring, coaching, example and other processes for guidance
of Self and Other in action; link-theme between physical dimension
and emotional dimension
mental mental and conceptual aspects of work and the workspace:
dimension beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, procedures and process
specifications; also knowledge-assets and intellectual capital
mental model chosen set of beliefs and method to interpret a given context;
usually supported by a less-conscious paradigm or worldview
mission a desired capability or state to be achieved, usually within a
specified timeframe, and to be maintained indefinitely once
achieved; emphasis on the emotional and, to a lesser extent, the
mental dimensions of purpose, contrasted with goal, role and vision
narrative personalised and often emotive expression or interpretation of
knowledge, as history, anecdote or story; link-theme between
mental dimension and emotional dimension
optimisation process of integration in which efficiency in different areas is
traded-off and balanced for maximum effectiveness over the
whole; in any complex or layered context, the process relies
extensively on the EREAI themes (efficient, reliable, elegant,
appropriate, integrated) to identify the energies and resources to be
balanced, and on the R5 principles (recursion, rotation, reflexion,
reciprocation, resonance) to identify balances and trade-offs
between different layers and sub-contexts such as departments,
business processes and business units
paradigm coherent set of beliefs about cause-effect relationships within a
given class of context
physical physical aspects of work and the workspace: skills,
dimension competencies, physical processes, behaviours, actions; also
tangible assets and work-environment

power the ability to do work or, in some contexts, the rate at which work
is done; in a collective sense, the ability to get work done; in
human terms, this definition needs to be expanded as the ability
to work, play, relate, learn, as an expression of personal choice,
personal responsibility and personal purpose and with
awareness and respect of shared purpose
practical see physical dimension
principle a conceptual commitment or model, the mental-dimension
equivalent of value
purpose an expression of individual and/or collective identity - the
aspirational theme of “who we are and what we stand for”;
incorporates distinct dimensions of vision, role, mission and goal
R5 collective term for five characteristics of complex-systems used in
the tetradian model of integration, namely recursion, rotation,
reflexion, reciprocation and resonance
reciprocation overall balance in transactions, especially power-transactions;
reciprocal balance between entities is not necessarily direct or
immediate, and in many cases balance may only be achieved
over time at a system-wide level, with energy-transfers occurring
between physical, mental, emotional and/or aspirational
dimensions; an R5 principle for assessment of effectiveness and
recursion patterns of relationship or interaction repeat or are ‘self-similar’
at different scales; permits simplification of otherwise complex
processes; an R5 principle for assessment of effectiveness and
reflexion corollary of recursion, in that the whole, or aspects of the whole,
can be identified within the attributes and transactions of any
part at any scale; an R5 principle for assessment of effectiveness
and relevance
relational see emotional dimension
reliable high degree of certainty and predictability for a desired outcome;
an EREAI theme associated with the physical dimension of a
resonance the ‘snowball effect’ in all real-world systems, balancing
feedback and feedforward (increasing the effect towards self-
propagation) against damping (reducing the effect); an R5
principle for assessment of effectiveness and relevance

responsibility literally ‘response-ability’, the ability to choose and act upon
appropriate responses according to context, as an expression of
personal power; link-theme between aspirational dimension and
physical dimension
role a declared focus or strategic position within the ‘world’ described
by a vision; emphasis on the conceptual or mental and, to a lesser
extent, the emotional dimensions of purpose, contrasted with goal,
mission and vision
rotation systematic process of assessing a context from multiple
perspectives; an R5 principle for assessment of effectiveness and
scenario an imagined future context, developed for the purpose of
understanding both the present context and options for action in
the future context; a foresight technique
self- aspect of integration in which a meme – an idea, a practice, a way
propagation of relating or the like – spreads throughout an organisation,
requiring little or no effort or intervention beyond the initial
‘seeding’; contrasted with the more typical ‘command-and-
control’ tactics, which require constant effort and intervention to
impose a meme throughout the organisation; may be either
constructive or destructive
SEMPER acronym for Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical, Effectiveness
(EREAI), Relevance (R5); also the Latin word for ‘always’
sense-making the process of creating mental models to provide a conceptual
framework for understanding ambiguity, emergence and
uncertainty; link-theme between aspirational dimension and mental
dimension; see also foresight
‘start corollary of self-propagation, in that ‘seeding’ for integration may
anywhere’ be started from any appropriate aspect of the organisation,
principle permitting different types of pilot projects to be trialled
simultaneously in multiple areas – usually away from nominal
‘problems’ – allowing emergence to indicate ‘winners’ for further
strategy ‘big picture’ view of an action-plan for an organisation to
implement a purpose, usually emphasizing its vision, role and
mission components; contrasted with the tactics required to
execute the plan
tactics detailed missions, goals and other step-by-step activities to
execute a strategy, or some segment of an overall strategy
tetradian depiction of the physical, mental, emotional and aspirational
(alt. dimensions as four axes in a tetrahedral relationship, usually
tetradion) also showing the respective link-themes as the edges between
the vertices of the tetrahedron

TOGAF acronym for The Open Group Architecture Framework, an IT-
oriented framework and methodology for enterprise architecture
developed collectively by members of the Open Group
value an emotional commitment; link-theme between aspirational
dimension and emotional dimension
vision description of a desired ‘world’, always far greater than any
individual or organization; described in the present tense, yet is
never ‘achieved’; emphasis on the aspirational dimension of
purpose, contrasted with goal, mission and role; also link-theme
between aspirational dimension and emotional dimension
visioning generic term for the process of identifying, developing and
documenting vision and values, leading towards strategy and
work the activity of changing energy from one form to another; in
human terms, the exchange may be between any forms of
physical, mental, emotional and/or aspirational energy
Zachman a systematic structure for categorisation of models within an IT-
framework oriented enterprise architecture, developed by John Zachman


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