Jsa Pipe Rack
Jsa Pipe Rack
Jsa Pipe Rack
Hazard/Reaction to
Steps of Activity/Task Safe Plan Resources
Only safety inducted and medically fit workforce shall be
deployed for work.
Mandatory PPEs are providing to all (Helmet, goggles, jacket,
Un authorized area hand gloves and safety shoes). PTW
Entry of manpower
Un authorised Entry Area shall be barricaded to prevent un authorised entry Supervisor/ Engineer
and area set up
Improper access Proper and safe access shall be provided. Safety coverage
Maintain good housekeeping at site.
Materials shall be stacked properly and access should free
from obstruction.
Mobilizing and placing FARANA may topple Levelling the ground make the soil rigid for FARANA FARANA
of FARANA due to uneven movement. Flagman
ground level Documents should be verified before deploying FARANA. Skilled operator
FARANA hit to FARANA inspection should be carried out to identify physical
adjacent structure or fitness
personal All of safety devices of FARANA should be in working
Valid TPI certificate shall be available.
Experienced and licensed operator can only perform FARANA
Flagman should be available at the time of placing.
Ground condition should be in level and rigid same shall be
ensure by site engineer or supervisor.
Area shall be barricaded and sign boards displayed to avoid
any other unknown person entry
Hand gloves should be used.
Lifting area shall be cordoned off with display of warning
Area barricading Slip, trip and fall signage.
Caution tap
Access should be free from obstruction.
Housekeeping activity shall be carried out daily basis.
Lifting of Structure Fall of lifting object FARANA operator must be having medical fitness certificate FARANA
due to failure of lifting including eye vision test. Wooden sleepers
appliance or gears Slings & shackles are should be appropriate.. with MS plate
Cut the slings due to FARANA, lifting tools and tackles to be tested and certified by Rubber pads
sharp edges of third party, site supervisor or engineer shall be visually Signal man
structure. inspected before every use. Guide rope
Lifting object hit to Ensure the FARANA is capable of lifting the load, given the
adjacent structure or known working radius, boom length, weight of the load, etc.
person Outriggers of FARANAs must be placed on wooden sleepers
Toppling of FARANA with MS plate for resting of outriggers when the FARANA is
Non working of SLI or used to lift or support a load.
other safety devices All of safety devices of FARANA must be in good working
condition and same to be ensured by site engineer /
supervisor / safety personal prior to start.
FARANAs must be equipped with automatic Safe Load
FARANA hooks shall be fitted with properly functioning safety
latch to prevent the displacement of the sling from the hook
during the lift.
Rubber padding / other suitable edge protection shall be
provided between the slings and lifted object’s sharp edge to
avoid damage of sling due to friction.
A ‘trial’ lift shall be carried out, raising the load a short
distance above its pick-up point, to check the stability of the
FARANA, and the efficiency of the brakes.
Only one person, supervising rigger, shall give instructions to
the FARANA operator.
Only identified signalman shall give signal to FARANA
Minimum two tag lines shall be providing to guide the
suspended lifting object.
No persons shall be allowed under the suspension load.
All of workforce must be equipped with appropriate PPEs.
Before releasing of slings and shackles, concern supervisor /
engineer should ensure proper bolting and welding after
Lifting work shall be carried out in presence of site engineer /
All lifting operations & erections are performed and fully
completed during day light. Under no circumstance it should
be done thereafter unless provision of sufficient illumination.
Use appropriate PPEs.
Hand gloves must be use and same should be in good
Slip and trip Hand tools
Bolting work Hand tools shall be in good condition and free from lubricant
Cut or physical injury PPEs
or defects.
Use the right tools, right size for the right job in a correct and
safe manner.
Ladder/Scaffolding Fall of person and Work permit with approved JSA should obtain before starting Work permit &
(Tubular Welded material of scaffolding work. approved SPA
Frame) erection for Scaffold pipe may hit Hazards, risk and their control measure associated with Trainings
welding, bolting
to adjacent person scaffolding erection work, should be explain to concern FBSH
removing of slings and
or painting. while erecting. workforce in TBT before starting of work. PPEs
Collapse of scaffold Scaffold erection shall be done under supervision of site Trained workforce
during erecting supervisor / engineer. Site engineer /
Scaffold material shall be handle safely supervisor
Full body safety harness with double lanyard shock absorber
should wear during working at height.
Fully decked platform with toe guard to be provided, mid rail,
top rail for all working platforms, Ladder to be provided for all
working platforms.
Base plate, mud sills should provide & adequate support of
scaffold to be ensured by concern site supervisor to avoid
scaffold collapse.
Should be provide base plate and sole plate and scaffold
should erect at well compacted area same shall be ensure by
site supervisor / engineer.
No other work will be carryout on scaffold until the
After completion of erection, inspection shall be carrying out
and green tag will be provided.
Ensure the ground level soil is hard and same to be even
Ensure the mobile scaffold height not more than 15 ft.
While working on mobile scaffold must be apply wheel break.
Don’t shift the scaffold if personal on it.
Ensure scaffold is inspected and tagged. Safety coverage
Unstable Ground Training session
Work platform must be protected by proper guardrail system
Falling Trained workforce
Working on with toe boards.
Scaffold/Ladder. Do not overload with materials or personnel on scaffold. Mobile scaffold
Ensure working platform is cleaned from loose materials, Site engineer /
Personal Injury
tools etc. supervisor
Wear hard hats and all relevant personal protection
Only trained workforce shall be engaged for work.
Work shall be carryout under supervision of site engineer /
Working at height Fall of person Height work safety training should conduct to all concern Training session
Slip & trip hazard workmen before commencement of height work. Mandatory PPEs with
Collapse of work All are must be wear full body safety harness with twin full body safety
platform lanyard & shock observed.
Trained workforce
Fall of material Ensure only trained & authorized workforce should be Life line
engaged for working at height.
Proper control measures against fall protection should be Engineers and
installed i.e. guard railing system or life line. supervisors
Avoid opening or gap on working platform.
Ensure the safe access to and egress from the working
Site engineer or supervisor should ensure the provision of
adequate support to working platform and scaffolding
Loose materials or tools should not keep at height unless
proper secured.
If required, safety net shall be provided at beneath of height
Caution tap shall be cordoned off around the height work
area and displayed safety signage.
Height work shall be done under supervision of site engineer
and or supervisor.
Proper access shall be provided.
Fire extinguisher must be provided and if required fire
watcher should be designated.
Work area must be clean, free from any combustible material.
If gas cutting work carried out at height then underneath area
must be barricaded with caution tap and appropriate signage
shall be placed (If required fire blanket should provide).
Soap water should be available to check any leakage in gas
Slip, trip & fall
cylinder, joints. Site Supervisor,
Fire hazard.
Gas cutting Flash back arrestor must be provided at both ends. safety supervisor
Gas leakage.
The gas hose for LPG and oxygen should not exceed 30 m in Gas cutter
Improper use of PPE.
Pressure gauge must be in good working condition.
Industrial lighter must be used for ignite.
All necessary PPE’s such as Leather Apron, Face shield for
cutting, Leather hand gloves and mandatory PPE’s must be
All the tools used in the gas cutting work must be inspected
and color coded prior to work.
Proper access shall be provided.
Fire extinguisher must be provided and if required fire
watcher should be designated.
Work area must be clean, free from any combustible material.
If welding work carried out at height then underneath area
Slip, trip & fall
must be barricaded with caution tap and appropriate signage
Fire hazard.
shall be placed (If required fire blanket should provide).
Improper use of PPE. Site supervisor
All necessary PPE’s such as Apron, Face shield for welding,
Welding Improper earthling. Safety supervisor,
Leather hand gloves and mandatory PPE’s must be used.
Improper equipment. Welder
Proper body earthling should be provided.
Electrical hazard.
Length of earthling cable should not more than 2m.
All the tools used in the welding work must be inspected and
color coded prior to work.
Electric connection to be connected through distribution board
which shall be connected with ELCB/RCCB.
Connection of welding machine should be done by electrician.
Fire extinguisher must be provided.
Work area must be clean, free from any combustible or
flammable material.
If possible area must be barricaded.
If grinding work carried out at height then underneath area
must be barricaded with proper signage.
Electric connection of grinding machine to be connected
Fire hazard. through distribution board which shall be connected with Grinding machine
Electrical hazard ELCB/RCCB. ELCB
Grinding work Physical Hazard Power cable should be free from joints and damage. Trained worker
(Noise, Entangled) Connection of grinding machine should be done by Training session
Improper PPE. electrician. PPEs
Ensure the grinding wheel shall be free from damage or
Use valid grinding wheel only.
Grinding wheel’s RPM should not less than machine’s RPM.
Loose clothing should not be use during grinding operation.
Use appropriate PPEs i.e. helmet, face shield, ear plug,
leather hand gloves, leather apron and safety shoes.
MSDS should obtain with work permit, and maintain at a
readily accessible location on-site.
The paint storage shall be in an environmentally appropriate
manner to prevent an unreasonable risk of fire, explosion,
surface or ground contamination, or other significant
Irritant Dermatitis environmental harm or personal injury. [Note: Paint will be MSDS
Splashing of pain into stored at out of site premises, will be bring 5 liters (max.) for Site Supervisor
Painting work eyes or on skin work purpose.] Safety Supervisor
Spillage of paint on No hot work should carry out near painting work. Paint
ground Maintain safe distance and avoid direct skin contact. PPEs
Proper dip tray / secondary contamination shall be used while
painting work to avoid land contamination.
If any paint spillage found during work, should be promptly
and properly cleaned up immediately.
Use appropriate PPEs.
Ensure proper wind up & housekeeping at worksite.
The accessories (torch, cable, electrode holder) not being
used must be disconnected from equipment and stored
Scrap should remove promptly from work place, transport by
Scattered Material suitable and safe method and dump at identified place.
Windup & Site Supervisor
Slip and trip hazard Safe approach to be ensured and same should free from
Housekeeping Proper PPEs
Cut injury obstruction.
Maintain the roads are scraps free, neat and clean to avoid
tripping hazards.
Stack the construction materials properly.
Site engineer or supervisor should ensure that all of workmen
working safely with need based PPEs.
Adverse weather Heat stroke, illness Ensure to provide adequate drinking water. Site supervisor,
conditions Fall, slip and trip Enough rest and proper shelter place for rest to be provide. Safety supervisor
( Heat & Monsoon) hazard Shift system if required.
If any person feel weakness should stop the work and advice
to person to take rest.
Provide gum boot and rain coat for workmen.
Stop work during high intensity of rain.
The signature of the supervisor confirms the completion of the hazard assessment and Safe Plan of Action by the crew.