Movie Scene Analysis
Movie Scene Analysis
Movie Scene Analysis
For this task, we choose a scene about a small group discussion which is taken is from movie
title ‘Now You See Me 2’. In this film, the illusionists known as the Four Horsemen (Jesse
Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Lizzy Caplan, and Dave Franco) return to perform a spectacular
stunt in the hopes of clearing their names and exposing the unscrupulous behaviour of a tech
mogul named Walter Mabry (Daniel Radcliffe). However, Mabry soon turns the tables, and
forces the group to steal a revolutionary decryption device for him. The are several reasons
why we choose this film. Apart from it has scenes that used of non-verbal communication, this
film is very informative and highly entertaining.
The scene can be shown in the movie when a small group called Four Horsemen had a plan
to steal a powerful chip that can control all of the world’s computer and it is tightly controlled
inside a room. Thus, they used variety of non-verbal communication so that their plan cannot
be traced by the security. Based on this scene, the dimensions of non-verbal communication
that appear in this scene is personal dimensions. There are several types of personal dimension
can be shown in the scene which is gestures, kinesics and haptics.
1. Gestures
From this scene, during the minute of 1.32, there is a type of nonverbal communication
that is gestures. Gestures is where deliberate movements and signals are used. For
example, in this scene, Woody Harrelson (Merritt McKinney) deliberately pretends to
sneeze in that controlled room at the same time, which means a signal to start a chip
stealing mission performed by Jack Wilder (Dave Franco) and Lula (Lizzy Caplan).
2. Kinesics
Kinesics can be referring to body language. One of the body languages can be form
through facial expression. In minutes 2:40, after successfully stole the chip, Jack Wilder
try to make a cool face expression like nothing happen as he want to avoid from being
caught. Besides in minutes 5:30, Lizzy Caplan make a facial expression with her eyes
closed as she feels very relieved because she and the teammates almost being caught
for stealing the chips from the securities.
3. Haptics
Haptics is a form of non-verbal communication using a sense of touch. For instance,
haptics communication is handshake, or a gentle pat on back, or a high five. The sense
of touch allows one to experience different sensations. From this scene, during minutes
2:05 one of the securities raise his left arms at the Jesse Eisenberg in order to block him
as he wants to go through to his friend. Besides, during minutes 4:14, when the security
performing a body checking for a security purpose towards Lizzy Caplan, she taps the
shoulder of one of the securities as she feels uneasy and told that she can take off the
clothes by herself. In minutes 5:55, Jack Wilder patting the security’s back as he praises
the security for giving back his jacket.