737 Summery PDF

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737 summery

Tire pressure
Nose and main 205 ± 5 psi
Torque Nose 90 - zero - 30 LB FT
Torque main 550 – zero – 150 LB FT

Engine oil
1) 700 Full oil 19
Low level 16 Full
2) 800 oil 100 %
Low level 60%
80% adding oil
Refill 76%
90% adding hydraulic to 100%
Type of hydraulic 33-11

APU EGT after shutdown EGT 400C to 450C

Shutdown 200
You can turn off the battery to off after move the arrow 200 to zero

1- 700 LB Wing 8500LB
Center 28000LB
Total 4500
2- 800 KG Wing 3800
Center 12500 KG

Pack lite illuminate
1) Temp. limit
2) Disagreement between pack S.O.V and Valve
1- Put the pack switch at off position.
2- Reset pack trip switch.
3- Put the pack switch at on position again if the light extinguish that
OK. If the pack light stay ON ,put the pack switch at off position
again and solve the problem at another time

1- Engine pylon duct.
2- Wing duct.
3- APU bleed duct.
4- Air condition duct.
1- Check side by side (side leak)
2- If left pack make air bleed engine switch off and wait until cool
3- Make off trip reset until light gone off. If the light still go to FIM

Zone temperature light illuminate

Reset zone controller BITE TEST

E&E cooling off (light comes on)

1- Filter clogged …….. need check
2- Low flow air over sense …..need check
3- Fan cooling not work ……need check

Bleed trip off (light comes on )
1- Over pressure 220 PSI
1- Put throttle to idle
Over temperature 490 F
Put engine thermal cowl anti ice in on position

Engine control light com on

99% HMU hydro mechanical unit
1- Bush the EEC switch together three times
2- Run the engine and then engine shutdown
3- If the light extinguish go to FIM

Cowl anti ice comes on

1- Over pressure over 65 PSI.
2- Disagreement between switch and valve

1- Auto throttle (if engaged ) put disengage

2- Push reset on panel
3- Thrust lever (affected side) make retard unit cowl anti ice light

Window OVH light comes on
Reset switch two times (on and off ) if it gone its OK, if not go to
E& E computer and put up position switch
During flight you can F/O do that
The light illuminates when temperature more than normal the
normal temperature (37C 420F)

CDS fault
Reason temp over heat
1- Supply cool air in the E&E
2- Reset DEU computer

Ground power connect

How can you know if used or not used
You can see P 19 the light illuminate the power OK and in
cockpit the light form ground power illuminate blue it's available

When you need leave the airplane make sure check

1- Battery off
2- Emergency exit light off
3- IRS off

APU operation
1- Battery on
2- APU fire test
3- Fuel switch left ON
4- Put APU switch ON then 3 second in start return to ON
٤٠٠ ‫ ثن تستقر على‬٨٠٠ ‫عند عمله فان حرارة الغازات الخارجة يترتفع الى‬
How can test ELT
1- Select frequency (121.5) form RCP
2- Select VHF from RCP
3- Get the permission from tower to be ELT test.
4- Put switch ELT on don’t exceed more than (5 – 10) second we see
light illuminate and hard horn and return switch off.
5- Tell tower the finish test.
‫ ثانية فان الكل سيعرف اننا اجرينا الفحص‬١٥ ‫اذا تجاوزت فترة الفحص اكثر من‬
Om RCP Page 18
How can use VHF
1- Select frequency from RCP(radio control panel )
2- Push and turn to adjustment the volume
3- Push to talk (PTT) by head phone
Test electrical control panel
1- Put the AC & DC knop at test position
2- Push test switch you see display will monitored and appear fault or
no fault
‫ نفس االجراء في اعاله لمعرفة العطل‬elec light ‫وفي حال‬
ILS fault
MMR 1 fault
FDR located at aft cabin celling based aft gally
Voice recorder located at aft cargo E6
IDG reconnect when disconnected in flight you must be return in the
ground when the fan stop rotate
Page 20
Static discharge missing
Go to CDL chapter 23 configuration deviation list
CDS it mean DEU or DEU2 fault dispatch.

Shuck strut servicing

1) Measure the shimmy bar (X)
2) Measure the pressure of suck strut by gage.
3) Make intersection between (X point and suck strut point).
4) After (30) minute measure two reading point and do intersection
between them.
5) Make line between two points.
‫اذا كان تقاطع النقاط شكل خط مائل ھذا يعني ان المشكلة في نقص الھيدروليك واذا لم‬
‫تتغير القراءات ھذا يعني ان المشكلة في‬

Commanded valve
1- To prevent the TE flap to move up of limit selection
2- Control of restrict the movement of flap to the limited position

Thrust reverser manually operation

1- Pull the circuit breaker
2- By pass the T/R control module to cut hyd.
3- Press the knop in the transit T/R actuator and move the lever to the
flat position
4- Put the driver handle in the T/R Manual actuator valve
5- We move the handle unit the T/R is move and turn the handle in
reverse direction unit we heard the sound of lever switch it return
to the actual position STOW

T/R deactivation
Eng. Ent.
Engine NO – T/R deactivated and locked in stowed position MMEL 78-1,
cat C page 78-1

Cowl anti ice deactivate

1- Disconnect the electrical connect
2- Put the red cart 2 inoperative in the cockpit
3- Check the actual position
4- Deactivate the valve
5- Write your jop (acion) in the TLB

IDG service
1) Depressurize the IDG for pressure (15) sec.
2) Remove the cap filling service.
3) Adding oil.

Start engine manual
1) Sure the engine area clear.
2) Must be communication with cockpit.
3) Put the handle in the (manual air starter operate) and turn when the
pilot need that.

Pack valve deactivate

1- Disconnect the electrical connection
2- Put the nipple out by special tools

Zone temperature
push bit switch show if failures occurred during last flight
a) Waite for the green GO light to com ON
b) If red light coms on for component does not operate. Write down
component does not operate.
c) Push PREV FLT
i. PREV FLT will show all failures during last nine flight
ii. Wait for green GO light to coms ON
iii. If red light comes ON for component does not operate push
reset does not operate
) push VERIFY switch.
a) Wait green GO light come ON
b) If red light push reset
c) Do this step to erase existing fault and fault history
d) Push RESET while VIRIFY GO ON
e) Put isolation valve to open
f) Put cont cabin FWD and aft cabin selectors to AUTO
g) Go to EEC
h) Controller fault PACK /ZONE t off
Controller fault STANDBY /PACK lig
i) Push and hold PRESS/TEST on controller
j) Sure OK light on controller go and then go OFF
k) ……………………………………..

Starter valve
If starter valve not cut out
If starter switch for start engine is not return to normal position
Ans) return by hand after N2 ---65%


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