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AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding

Sect 2 Chap 1




1. In order to make installation, maintenance, and DEFINITIONS

repair easier, runs of electric wire and cable in aircraft
are broken at specified locations by junctions such as Insulated Wire
connectors, terminal blocks, busses, etc. Before
assembly to these junctions, wires and cables must be 4. For the purposes of electric and electronic
cut to length, identified, stripped, and if required, tinned. installation in aircraft, an insulated wire consists of a
metal conductor covered with a dielectric or insulating
2. This chapter describes a variety of wire and material (refer to Figure 1–1). Insulated wire is usually
cables suitable for use in aircraft. referred to as “wire” and will be so designated in this
manual. Wires used in aircraft contain stranded
conductors for flexibility. Insulations may consist of
REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS several materials and layers to provide dielectric
insulation, thermal protection, abrasion resistance,
3. The following specifications are applicable to moisture resistance, and fluid resistance. Wires
aircraft wire and cable preparation: commonly used in aircraft are described in Table 1–1.
Insulations commonly used in aircraft are described in
MIL-C-17 Cable, Radio Frequency, Table 1–2.
Flexible and Semirigid, General
Specification Cable
MIL-C-5756 Cable and Wire Power, Electric,
Portable 5. The term “cable,” as used in aircraft electrical
installations (refer to Figure 1–2), includes the following:
MIL-C-85485 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Radio
Frequency Absorptive a. Two or more insulated conductors, contained in a
common covering, or twisted together without a
MIL-DTL-16878 Wire, Electrical, Insulated, common covering (multi-conductor cable).
General Specification
a. One or more insulated conductors with an overall
MIL-DTL-25038 Wire, Electrical, High
shield, or with an overall shield and a jacket over
Temperature and Fire Resistant
the shield (shielded cable).
MIL-DTL-8777 Wire, Electrical Silicone b. Two insulated conductors twisted together
Insulated Copper, 600 Volts, (twisted pair).
200C c. A single insulated centre conductor with a metallic
MIL-W-22759 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer braided outer conductor (coaxial cable). The
Insulated, Copper or Copper concentricity of centre and outer conductor is
Alloy carefully controlled during manufacture to ensure
that they are coaxial.
MIL-W-7072 Wire Electric, 600 Volts,
(Cancelled) Aluminium, Aircraft
NEMA WC 27500 Cable, Electrical, Shielded and
Unshielded, Aerospace
SAE AS 81044 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked
Polyalkene, Crosslinked Alkane-
imide Polymer, or Polyarylene
Insulated, Copper or Copper

MIL-DTL-81381 Wire, Electric, Polyimide

Insulated, Copper and Copper

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 1

Figure 1- 1 Wires Commonly Used In Aircraft

6. Cables commonly used in aircraft include the


MIL-C-17 Cable, Radio Frequency,

Flexible and Semirigid
MIL-C-5756 Single or multiple conductor,
rubber insulated conductor,
rubber jacket.
MIL-C-85485 Cable, Electric, Filter Line,
Radio Frequency Absorptive
NEMA WC 27500 Single or multiple conductor,
using any wire listed in Table
1–1, shielded, with tin coated,
silver-coated, or nickel-coated
copper braid as appropriate
and covered with appropriate

Figure 1- 2 Cables Commonly Used In Aircraft

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 1


10. The use of aluminium wire for aircraft use is quite
General limited and whenever replacement of an installed wire is
necessary, it may be advantageous to consider copper
7. Wire and cable is to be of a type suitable for the wire with similar electrical/physical characteristics.
application. It is to be selected so that the maximum Currently there are no appropriate specifications
conductor temperature is not exceeded for any detailing aluminium wire suitable for use in general
combination of electrical loading, ambient temperature aviation aircraft. Annex E to this chapter provides details
and heating effects of bundles, conduits or other of MIL-W-7072 that was cancelled in 1997. This
enclosures. Factors to be considered include voltage, information may be useful when determining a suitable
current, ambient temperature, mechanical strength, replacement wire.
abrasion qualities, flexibility and pressure/altitude
requirements. NOTE
Aluminium wire may be used on new aircraft designs
8. This AC limits the installation of specific wire and manufacturers information should be used to
type/gauge in aircraft to replacement of old type wire maintain this type of wire.
with a similar type and appropriate gauge as detailed in
this chapter or applicable aircraft documentation.
Airframe Wire
11. Airframe wire is wire that is specifically designed
Installation of wire for modification, design or repair for for use as component interconnection wire in the
devices used in aerospace applications, should conform airframe of aerospace vehicles. Airframe wire is usually
to SAE AS 50881, Wiring Aerospace Vehicle. classed as normal or medium weight and has two
insulation coverings for protection against abrasions.
9. A standard of wire is MIL-W-22759 and is suitable This type of wire should be used where a secondary
for general aircraft use. Annex C to this chapter details covering of insulation material is not required. The
the method of determining the appropriate wire part M22759/34 (tin plated, 150C) and M22759/43 (silver
number. If the part number is not identified: plated, 200C) wire is suitable for general airframe wire.

a. Variants of the original part number may be

required ie colour, stranding or insulation type,

b. Other Military Specification wire types should be


Table 1–1 Airframe Wire Used In Aircraft Electrical Installations

Applicable Specification Title/Description

MIL-DTL-16878 Wire, Electrical, Insulated, General Specification For
MIL-DTL-25038 Wire, Electrical, High Temperature and Fire Resistant, Aircraft
MIL-DTL-81381 Wire, Electric, Polyimide-Insulated, Copper and Copper Alloy
MIL-DTL-8777 Wire, Electrical, Silicone-Insulated, Copper, 600V, 200C
MIL-W-22759 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer Insulated, Copper or Copper Alloy
MIL-W-7072 Wire, Electric, 600 Volt, Aluminium, Aircraft, General Specification For
SAE-AS-81044A Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene, Crosslinked Alkane-imide, or Polyarylene Insulated,
Copper or Copper Alloy

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 1

Hookup Wire
Stranded conductor wire is used for flexibility. In low 12. Hookup wire is designed for component
temperature wire (150C), copper or copper alloy interconnection inside a box or as an airframe wire only
strands are tin plated to facilitate soldering. In wire rated where there is a secondary insulation covering for
at 200C conductor temperature, silver plating is used to abrasion protection. Hookup wire is usually classed as
protect the copper from oxidation and to facilitate lightweight and has only one insulation covering. Hookup
soldering. Wires for high temperatures (260C) are wire is normally of a smaller overall diameter than the
nickel plated to prevent oxidation. Nickel plated wire is equivalent gauge airframe wire. M22759/32 (tin plated,
more difficult to solder, but satisfactory solder 150C) and M22759/33 (silver plated, 200C) wire is
connections can be made with proper techniques. It is suitable for general hookup wire.
also more difficult to obtain low resistance crimp
terminations on nickel plated wire. Specifications

13. Annexes to this chapter contain limited details of

NOTE each Military Specification wire and cable suitable for
aircraft use.
Hookup wire is not to be used in the airframe of
aerospace vehicles where the wire or loom is not
covered with a secondary insulation (ie PTFE conduit)
for abrasion protection.

Table 1–2 Common Aircraft Wire Insulations

Type Description
Asbestos Asbestos is used to provide high temperature and flame resistance.
No longer suitable for use due to health and safety issues.

ETFE – (Ethylene- ETFE is a fluoropolymer rated up to 260C. It is widely used as aircraft wire insulation.
FEP-Fluorocarbon FEP is rated at 200C, but will melt at higher temperatures. FEP has properties similar to
(Fluorinated ethylene TFE, but will melt at soldering temperatures.

Glass Braid Widely used to provide thermal resistance and cut-through resistance. However, it may
absorb moisture and its use is becoming less prevalent.

Polyamide (Nylon) Widely used in low temperature wires as an outer insulation layer for abrasion resistance
and fluid resistance.

Polyimide (Kapton) This material has excellent thermal, abrasion, and cut-through resistance characteristics
however due to its susceptibility to arc tracking it’s use is discouraged in new installations.

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) PVC is a common wire insulation and is fitted in older aircraft. It is no longer approved for
use in manned aerospace applications. It may be used for replacement purposes however
alternate insulations should be considered.

Silicone Rubber Silicone rubber is rated at 200C. It is highly flexible and self-extinguishing after flame except
in vertical runs. The ash produced is non-conducting.

TFE-Fluorocarbon TFE or PTFE is widely used as a high-temperature insulation. It will not burn but will
(polytetrafluoroethylene) vaporise in flame. It will not melt at soldering temperatures. TFE is resistant to most fluids.

XLETFE – Crosslinked XLETFE is ETFE that has been irradiated (crosslinked) to produce a tougher insulation.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 1

Limitations f. Aluminium Terminations. Aluminium

terminations should conform to SAE AS 70991.
14. Insulation. Except for existing installations, the Refer to Section 2, Chapter 6 of this publication
use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated wire and cable for details of aluminium terminals.
for manned aerospace applications is prohibited.
g. Minimum Wire Size. The minimum wire sizes are
specified below unless authorised by specific
15. Kapton. Due to the undesirable properties
aircraft publications.
exhibited by polyimide (Kapton) insulated wiring, its use
in aircraft should be avoided wherever practicable. (1) Copper Wire. SAE AS 50881 prohibits the
use of wires smaller than 22 AWG for use in
Wire Temperature Ratings aircraft, helicopters and lighter than air
vehicles. This restriction is due to
16. Generally, aircraft electrical wire must be selected maintenance difficulties, however many
to perform continuously in a specified temperature range service aircraft have now been
ie 150C, 200C, 260C or fire resistant. Degradation will manufactured using 24 AWG and 26 AWG
occur if the wire is subjected to continuous operation at wire. When required, these wires should be
elevated temperatures. Factors to be considered that will repaired/replaced with similar gauge wires.
affect the temperature are: Appropriate precautions should be taken to
prevent failure caused by vibration and
a. Wire Gauge. The wire should be of a gauge to handling and wires should be adequately
ensure adequate current carrying capacity so that supported at each termination. For direct
the voltage drops are acceptable. attachment to engine mounted accessories,
wire size smaller than 18 AWG should not
b. Current Carrying Capacity. The continuous duty normally be used, however where 20 AWG
current for each wire gauge is specified in Annex I wires are required they may be used,
to this chapter. provided they are grouped, spot tied and
clamped to the connector. If fewer than four
c. Bundle/Looms or Conduit. Annex I to this chapter
20 AWG wires are used with one connector,
details current ratings for the following:
insulated tubing is to be used.
(1) wires positioned in free air, and
(2) Aluminium Wire Size. Aluminium wire is
(2) wires in bundles, conduit or confined areas. restricted to 8 AWG minimum. (Refer to
para 10).
NOTE h. Maximum Wire Size. The maximum wire sizes
The ratings listed in Annex I are based upon bundles of should be as listed below, unless specifically
33 or more wires. For further information on current authorised by the applicable aircraft
ratings, refer to SAE AS 50881 or contact the publication documentation.
(1) Copper wire - 2 AWG.
d. Aluminium Wire. The use of aluminium wire shall (2) Aluminium wire - 0 AWG.
be restricted in applications and should not be:

(1) directly attached to engine mounted

accessories or any area of severe vibration,

e. installed where frequent connection/disconnection

is necessary.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 1


A. MIL-DTL-16878 Wire, Electrical, Insulated, F. NEMA WC 27500 Standard For Aerospace and
General Specification Industrial Electrical Cable
B. SAE-AS-81044 Wire, Electrical, Crosslinked G. MIL-DTL-81381 Wire, Electric, Polyimide-
Polyalkene, Crosslinked Alkane-imide Polymer Insulated, Copper
or Polyarylene Insulated Copper or Copper
Alloy H. MIL-C-85485 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Radio
Frequency Absorptive
C. MIL-W-22759 Wire, Electric Fluoropolymer
Insulated Copper or Copper Alloy I. Current Ratings of Wire and Maximum
Allowable Nicked or Broken Strands
D. MIL-DTL-25038 Wire, Electrical, High
Temperature, Fire Resistant and Flight Critical, J. Wire Gauge Comparison
General Specification
E. MIL-W-7072 Wire, Electric, 600 Volt,
Aluminium, Aircraft, General Specification

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex A to Sect 2 Chap 1




1. This specification covers unshielded wire for hook-up and lead wiring of electrical and electronic components and
equipment. The temperature rating of wire under this specification ranges from -65C to 260C, with potential rating
from 250Vrms to 5000Vrms.

Specification Sheets

2. Specification Sheets are as follows:

Table 1-A-1 Specification Sheets

Description MIL-W-16878D MIL-W-16878E MIL-W-16878F MIL-DTL-16878G

600 Volt,105C, PVC TYPE B M16878/1 M16878/1 M16878/1

M16878/17 M16878/17 M16878/17

1000 Volt,105C, PVC TYPE C M16878/2 M16878/2 M16878/2

M16878/18 M16878/18 M16878/18

3000 Volt,105C, PVC TYPE D M16878/3 M16878/3 M16878/3

M16878/19 M16878/19 M16878/19

600 Volt, 200C/260C, TYPE E M16878/4 M16878/4 NEMA HP 3

PTFE M16878/21 M16878/21 NEMA HP 3
M16878/25 M16878/25 NEMA HP 3
M16878/26 M16878/26 NEMA HP 3

1000 Volt, 200C/260C, TYPE EE M16878/5 M16878/5 NEMA HP 3

PTFE M16878/22 M16878/22 NEMA HP 3
M16878/27 M16878/27 NEMA HP 3
M16878/28 M16878/28 NEMA HP 3
M16878/34 M16878/34 NEMA HP 3
M16878/35 M16878/35 NEMA HP 3

250 Volt, 200C/260C, TYPE ET M16878/6 M16878/6 NEMA HP 3

PTFE M16878/20 M16878/20 NEMA HP 3
M16878/23 M16878/23 NEMA HP 3
M16878/24 M16878/24 NEMA HP 3
600 Volt, Silicone Rubber TYPE F M16878/7 M16878/7 M16878/7
M16878/29 M16878/29 M16878/29
1000 Volt, Silicone Rubber TYPE FF M16878/8 M16878/8 M16878/8
M16878/30 M16878/30 M16878/30
M16878/31 M16878/31 M16878/31
M16878/32 M16878/32 M16878/32

PE, 75C TYPE J M16878/10 M16878/10 M16878/10

M16878/33 M16878/33 M16878/33

FEP, 600 Volt, 200C TYPE K M16878/11 M16878/11 NEMA HP 4

FEP, 1000 Volt, 200C TYPE KK M16878/12 M16878/12 NEMA HP 4

FEP, 250 Volt, 200C TYPE KT M16878/13 M16878/13 NEMA HP 4

XLPE, 600 Volt, 125C --- M16878/14 M16878/14 M16878/14

XLPE, 1000 Volt, 125C --- M16878/15 M16878/15 M16878/15

XLPE, 3000 Volt, 125C --- M16878/16 M16878/16 M16878/16

XLPO, 600 Volt, 105C --- --- M16878/36 M16878/36

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex A to Sect 2 Chap 1

Table 1-A-1 Specification Sheets (continued)

Description MIL-W-16878D MIL-W-16878E MIL-W-16878F MIL-DTL-16878G

EPDM, 600 Volt, 125C --- --- M16878/37 M16878/37

EPDM, 5000 Volt, 125C --- --- M16878/38 M16878/38


NEMA HP 3 - Electrical and Electronic PTFE Insulated High Temperature Hook-Up Wire; Types ET (250 Volts), E (600
Volts) and EE (1000 Volts)
NEMA HP 4 - Electrical and Electronic FEP Insulated High Temperature Hook-Up Wire; Types KT (250 Volts), K (600
Volts) and KK (1000 Volts).

Part Number

3. Part numbers under this specification are coded as in the following example:

Table 1-A-2 Part Number Coding

M16878/3 B C B 903
Specification Sheet Conductor Material Conductor Size Conductor Stranding Insulation Colour Code
(para 2) (para 4) (para 5) (para 6) (para 7)

Conductor Material

4. Conductor Material is designated by a single letter as follows:

B – Coated Copper
C – Coated Copper-Clad Steel
D – Coated High Strength Copper Alloy

Conductor Size

5. The conductor American Wire Gauge (AWG) size is designated by a single letter as follows:

Table 1-A-3 Conductor Size

AWG Letter AWG Letter

32 A 10 M
30 B 8 N
28 C 6 P
26 D 4 R
24 E 2 S
22 F 1 T
20 G 0 U
18 H 00 W
16 J 000 Y
14 K 0000 Z
12 L

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex A to Sect 2 Chap 1

Conductor Stranding

6. The number of strands making up the conductor is designated by a single letter as follows:

Table 1-A-4 Conductor Stranding

Number of Strands Letter Number of Strands Letter

1 A 133 L
7 B 259 M
10 C 427 M
16 D 665 P
19 E 817 R
26 F 1045 S
37 G 1330 T
41 H 1672 V
65 J 2109 W
105 K

Insulation Colour Code

7. The insulation colour code is in accordance with the identification coding of MIL-STD-681 and may be one, two,
or three digits depending on the number of stripes or bands. The first number is the colour of the insulation; the second
number is the colour of the first stripe or band; and the third number is the colour of the second stripe or band. The
colours and their corresponding numbers are as follows:

Table 1-A-5 Colour Code

Colour Number Designator Colour Number Designator

Black 0 Green 5
Brown 1 Blue 6
Red 2 Violet (Purple) 7
Orange 3 Grey (Slate) 8
Yellow 4 White 9

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex A to Sect 2 Chap 1

Blank Page

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex B to Sect 2 Chap 1




1. This specification covers single conductor electric wires made as specified in the applicable specification sheet
with tin-coated, silver-coated or nickel-coated copper or copper alloy conductors insulated with crosslinked polyalkene,
crosslinked alkane-imide polymer or polyarylene. The crosslinked polyalkene, crosslinked alkane-imide polymer or
polyarylene may be used alone or in conjunction with other materials as detailed in the specification sheet.

Specification Sheets

2. Specification Sheets are as follows:

Table 1-B-1 Specification Sheets

Specification No Title
SAE-AS-81044/5 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene Insulated, Silver-coated Copper, Normal Weight, 600 Volt,

SAE-AS-81044/6 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene Insulated, Tin-coated Copper, Normal Weight, 600 Volt,
SAE-AS-81044/7 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene Insulated, Silver-coated Copper, High Strength Copper
Alloy, Normal Weight, 600 Volt, 150C.
SAE-AS-81044/8 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene Insulated, Silver-coated Copper, Medium Weight, 600
Volt, 150C.
SAE-AS-81044/9 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene Insulated, Tin-coated Copper, Medium Weight, 600 Volt,
SAE-AS-81044/11 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene Insulated, Silver-coated Copper, Light Weight, 600 Volt,
SAE-AS-81044/12 Wire, Electric, Crosslinked Polyalkene Insulated, Tin-coated Copper, Light Weight, 600 Volt,

Part Number

3. Part numbers under this specification are coded as in the following example:

Table 1-B-2 Part Number Coding

M81044/5 - 22 -9
Specification Sheet Conductor Size (AWG) Insulation Colour Code
(para 2) (para 4)

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex B to Sect 2 Chap 1

Colour Chart

4. The colour coding is as follows:

Table 1-B-3 Colour Code

Colour Number Designator Colour Number Designator

Black 0 Green 5
Brown 1 Blue 6
Red 2 Violet (Purple) 7
Orange 3 Grey (Slate) 8
Yellow 4 White 9

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex C to Sect 2 Chap 1




1. This specification covers fluoropolymer-insulated single conductor electric wires made with tin coated, silver
coated or nickel-coated conductors of copper or copper alloy as specified in the applicable specification sheet. The
fluoropolymer insulation of these wires may be polytetrafluoroethylene (TFE), fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP),
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVF2), ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (ETFE), or other fluoropolymer resin. The
fluoropolymer may be used alone or in combination with other insulation materials.

Specification Sheets

2. Specification Sheets are as follows:

Table 1-C-1 Specification Sheets

Specification No Title
MIL-W-22759/1 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, TFE and TFE Coated Glass, Silver Coated Copper
Conductor, 600 Volt, 200°C.
MIL-W-22759/2 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, TFE and TFE-Coated Glass, Nickel Coated Copper
Conductor, 600 Volt, 260°C.
MIL-W-22759/5 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Abrasion Resistant, Extruded TFE, Silver Coated Copper
Conductor, 600 Volt, 200°C.
MIL-W-22759/7 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Abrasion Resistant, Extruded TFE, Medium Weight, Silver
Coated Copper Conductor, 600 Volt, 200°C.
MIL-W-22759/8 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Abrasion Resistant, Extruded TFE, Medium Weight, Nickel
Coated Copper Conductor, 600 Volt, 260°C.
MIL-W-22759/11 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Extruded TFE, Silver Coated Copper Conductor, 600 Volt,
MIL-W-22759/12 Wire, Electric , Fluoropolymer-insulated, Extruded TFE, Nickel Coated Copper Conductor, 600 Volt,
MIL-W-22759/16 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Extruded TFE, Medium Weight, Tin Coated Copper
Conductor, 600 Volt, 150°C.
MIL-W-22759/22 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Extruded TFE, Silver Coated, High Strength, Copper Alloy
Conductor, 600 Volt, 200°C.
MIL-W-22759/32 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Cross-Linked Modified ETFE, Light Weight, Tin Coated
Copper Conductor, 600 Volt, 150°C.
MIL-W-22759/33 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Cross-Linked Modified ETFE, Light Weight, Silver Coated,
High Strength, Copper Alloy Conductor, 600 Volt, 200°C.
MIL-W-22759/34 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Cross-Linked Modified ETFE, Normal Weight, Tin Coated
Copper Conductor, 600 Volt, 150°C.
MIL-W-22759/41 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Cross-Linked Modified ETFE, Normal Weight, Nickel
Coated Copper Conductor, 600 Volt, 200°C.
MIL-W-22759/43 Wire, Electric, Fluoropolymer-insulated, Cross-Linked Modified ETFE, Normal Weight, Silver-
Coated Copper Conductor, 600 Volt, 200°C.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex C to Sect 2 Chap 1

Part Number

3. Part numbers under this specification are coded as in the following example:

Table 1-C-2 Part Number Coding

M22759/1 - 22 -9
Specification Sheet Wire Size Insulation Colour Code
(para 2) (AWG) (para 4)

Colour Chart

4. The colour coding is as follows:

Table 1-C-3 Colour Code

Colour Number Designator Colour Number Designator

Black 0 Green 5
Brown 1 Blue 6
Red 2 Violet (Purple) 7
Orange 3 Grey (Slate) 8
Yellow 4 White 9

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex D to Sect 2 Chap 1




1. This specification covers insulated single wire for electrical use in flight critical circuits and under short-time
emergency conditions involving exposure to flames with temperatures up to 1,093C (2,000F). The wire covered by
this specification is predominantly used in the engine compartment of aerospace vehicles.

This wire may contain asbestos.

2. The use of asbestos products in wire insulation designed for high temperature areas is no longer considered
appropriate due to the well documented health problems attributed to this material. Asbestos materials are NOT to be
used in aircraft electrical systems except under circumstances detailed in the following warning.

The introduction of new products and equipment containing asbestos
into the environment is not permitted except where it can be
demonstrated clearly that no suitable alternative is available and that
the use of the product will not create a risk to health.

Asbestos has been not been permitted in the manufacture of this wire
since 1993 however as it may be impossible to determine the
manufacture date of wire fitted to aircraft or held in stock, all wire of
this type which has no manufacture date, should be treated as
containing asbestos.

3. Where asbestos materials are identified or suspected in aircraft electrical systems, Environmental Health
personnel should be contacted to provide advice on appropriate handling procedures. Authorised engineering
personnel should then determine the feasibility of replacing the asbestos products with suitable non-asbestos
alternatives or, where no alternatives are available, introducing appropriate risk management procedures.

Specification Sheets

4. Specification Sheets are as follows:

Table 1-D-1 Specification Sheets

Specification No Title
MIL-DTL-25038/1 Wire, Electrical, High Temperature, Fire Resistant and Flight Critical, Normal Weight,
260C, 600 Volt.
Wire sizes 22 through 12 are inactive for new design.
For new design use MIL-W-25038/3.
MIL-DTL-25038/3 Wire, Electrical, High Temperature, Fire Resistant and Flight Critical, Light Weight, Small
Diameter, 260C, 600 Volt.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex D to Sect 2 Chap 1

Part Number

5. Part numbers under this specification are coded as in the following example:

Table 1-D-2 Part Number Coding

M25038/3 - 22 -9
Specification Sheet (para 2) Wire Size Insulation Colour Code
(AWG) (para 4)
Note: For M25038/3, add ‘H’ to the part number for heavier wall construction.

Colour Chart

6. The colour coding is as follows:

Table 1-D-3 Colour Code

Colour Number Colour Number

Designator Designator
Black 0 Green 5
Brown 1 Blue 6
Red 2 Violet (Purple) 7
Orange 3 Grey (Slate) 8
Yellow 4 White 9

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex E to Sect 2 Chap 1





1. This specification covers 600 volt insulated single aluminium conductors capable of continuous operation at a
maximum conductor temperature of 105C (221F). This wire is suitable for use in aircraft using any combination of
electrical loading and ambient temperatures providing that the maximum conductor temperature is not exceeded.

This specification and specification sheet were cancelled without
replacement in May 1997 and September 1996 respectively. The details
below are retained for information purposes only and may be useful when
selecting replacement copper wire.

Specification Sheet

2. Specification Sheet is as follows:

Table 1-E-1 Specification Sheet

Specification No Title
MS25191 Wire, Electric, 600 Volt, Aluminium, Aircraft

Part Number

3. Part numbers under this specification are coded as in the following example:

Table 1-E-2 Part Number Coding

M25191 - 01 B
Specification Sheet Wire Size (para 4) Insulation Material (para 5)
(para 2)

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex E to Sect 2 Chap 1

Wire Size

4. The conductor size is indicated as follows:

Table 1-E-3 Wire Size

Number Wire Size (AWG)

8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
1 1
01 0
02 00
03 000
04 0000

Insulation Material

5. B – Primary insulation is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with a secondary insulation of Glass Fibre braid impregnated
with Nylon finisher. Outer layer is Nylon Fiber Braid impregnated with Nylon finisher.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex F to Sect 2 Chap 1




1. This standard contains requirements for finished cables. The component wires are covered by other referenced
standards. These cables are intended for signal and low voltage power applications with defined environment or
temperature conditions found in commercial aircraft and high performance vehicles.


1. The cable shall be constructed as follows:

Table 1-F-1 Classification

Type Description
Unjacketed 2 to 15 colour coded wires, spirally laid without an overall outer jacket.
Jacketed 2 to 15 colour coded wires, spirally laid with an overall outer jacket.
Shielded A single wire or 2 to 15 colour coded wires spirally laid, with one or two overall shields.
Shielded and Jacketed A single wire or 2 to 15 colour coded wires spirally laid, with one or two shields and one
or two jackets.

Cable Designation

2. Cable shall be identified by a combination of digits and letters (not exceeding 16) in accordance with the
following example.

Table 1-F-2 Cable Part Number Breakdown

M27500 - 22 SD 3 T 23
Identification Identification Wire Basic wire Numbers of Shield Jacket
Number method of cable Size Specification Wires (Table 1-F-4) (Table 1-F-5)
wire (See Note) (AWG) (Table 1-F-3)
Note: Refer to NEMA WC 27500.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex F to Sect 2 Chap 1

Table 1-F-3 Basic Wire Specification

Symbol Wire Specification

TE MIL-W-22759/16
JF MIL-DTL-25038/3
MH MIL-W-81044/9
MV MIL-DTL-81381/10
SB MIL-W-22759/32
SD MIL-W-22759/34
SP MIL-W-22759/43

Note: Refer to NEMA WC 27500

Table 1-F-4 Shield Identification

Symbol Shield Material

U No Shield
T Tin Coated Copper, 150C (single shield)
S Silver Coated Copper, 200C (single shield)
N Nickel Coated Copper, 260C (single shield)
V Tin Coated Copper, 150C (double shield)
W Silver Coated Copper, 200C (double shield)
Y Nickel Coated Copper, 260C (double shield)
Note: Refer to NEMA WC 2750.

Table 1-F-5 Jacket Identification

Symbol Jacket Material

00 No Jacket
02 Extruded Clear Nylon, 105C (single jacket)
05 Extruded Clear FEP, 200C (single jacket)
06 Extruded White PTFE, 260C (single jacket)
23 White, Crosslinked, Extruded ETFE, 200C (single jacket)
52 Extruded Clear Nylon, 105C (double jacket)
55 Extruded Clear FEP, 200C (double jacket)
56 Extruded White PTFE, 260C (double jacket)
Note: Refer to NEMA WC 2750.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex F to Sect 2 Chap 1

Identification of Cable Wire

3. The insulation color of wires used within the cable shall be as detailed in Table 1-F-6 or Table 1-F-7. Table 1-F-6
details the color coding of wires, ie. White wire with a colored stripe, which is the current preferred method, and would
normally be used when installing a new cable into an aircraft during modification etc. Table 1-F-7 details the optional
color coding of wires, ie. Solid color wires, which is the method used to identify cable wires currently fitted too many
aircraft and should be used when repairing or replacing these existing cables.

Table 1-F-6 Preferred Cable Identification Method

Identification Colors for Respective Wires in Cable

No of Wires in

Wire Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 White
2 White Blue
3 White Blue Orange
4 White Blue Orange Green
5 White Blue Orange Green Red
6 White Blue Orange Green Red Black
7 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow
8 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet
9 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet Gray
10 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet Gray Brown
11 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet Gray Brown Blue/
12 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet Gray Brown Blue/ Orange/
Blue Orange
13 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet Gray Brown Blue/ Orange/ Green/
Blue Orange Green
14 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet Gray Brown Blue/ Orange/ Green/ Red/
Blue Orange Green Red
15 White Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow Violet Gray Brown Blue/ Orange/ Green/ Red/ Black/
Blue Orange Green Red Black
Note: For cables with 2 to 10 conductors, the wire insulation shall be white with a single colored spiral stripe.
For cables with more than 10 conductors, the wire insulation for conductors 11 to 15 shall be white with double spiral stripes.
(Blue/Blue indicates a white base wire with double blue stripes).

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex F to Sect 2 Chap 1

Table 1-F-7 Optional Cable Identification Method

Identification Colors for Respective Wires in Cable

No of Wires
in Cable

Wire Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 White
2 Red Blue
3 Red Blue Yellow
4 Red Blue Yellow Green
5 Red Blue Yellow Green White
6 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black
7 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown
8 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange
9 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange Violet
10 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange Violet Gray
11 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange Violet Gray Red/
12 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange Violet Gray Red/ Blue/
White White
13 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange Violet Gray Red/ Blue/ Yellow/
White White White
14 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange Violet Gray Red/ Blue/ Yellow/ Green/
White White White White
15 Red Blue Yellow Green White Black Brown Orange Violet Gray Red/ Blue/ Yellow/ Green/ Black/
White White White White White
Note: For cables with 1 to 10 conductors, the wire insulation shall be a solid color.
For cables with more than 10 conductors, the wire insulation for conductors 11 to 15 shall be a solid color with a stripe.
(Red/White – solid red insulation with a white stripe).

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex G to Sect 2 Chap 1




1. This specification covers polyimide-insulated single conductor electric wires made with silver coated or nickel
coated conductors of copper or copper alloy, as specified in the applicable specification sheet. The polyimide insulation
may be used alone or in combination with other insulation materials.

Specification Sheets

2. Specification Sheets are as follows:

Table 1-G-1 Specification Sheets

Specification No Title
MIL-DTL-81381/7 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Silver Coated Copper, 600 Volt,
200C. Nominal 5.8 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/8 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Nickel Coated Copper, 600 Volt,
200C. Nominal 5.8 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/9 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Silver Coated High Strength Copper
Conductor, 600 Volt, 200C. Nominal 5.8 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/10 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Nickel Coated High Strength Copper
Conductor, 600 Volt, 200C. Nominal 5.8 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/11 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Medium Weight, Silver Coated Copper Conductor,
600 Volt, 200C. Nominal 8.4 or 15.4 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/12 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Medium Weight, Nickel Coated Copper Conductor,
600 Volt, 200C. Nominal 8.4 or 15.4 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/13 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Medium Weight, Silver Coated High Strength
Copper Alloy Conductor, 600 Volt, 200C. Nominal 8.2 or 8.4 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/14 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Medium Weight, Nickel Coated High Strength
Copper Alloy Conductor, 600 Volt, 200C, Nominal 8.2 or 8.4 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/17 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Silver Coated Copper Conductor. 600
Volt, 200C. Nominal 4.6 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/18 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Nickel Coated Copper Conductor, 600
Volt, 200C. Nominal 4.6 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/19 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Silver Coated, High Strength Copper
Alloy Conductor, 600 Volt, 200C. Nominal 4.6 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/20 Wire. Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Nickel Coated, High Strength Copper
Alloy Conductor, 600 Volt, 200C. Nominal 4.6 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/21 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Light Weight, Tin Coated Copper Conductor, 600
Volt, 150C. Nominal 5.8 Mil Wall.
MIL-DTL-81381/22 Wire, Electric, Fluorocarbon/Polyimide Insulated, Medium Weight, Tin Coated Copper Conductor,
600 Volt, 150C. Nominal 8.4 or 15.4 Mil Wall.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex G to Sect 2 Chap 1

Polyimide based wiring insulation (commonly known by the Du Pont
trade name KAPTON) exhibits a property known as flashover or arc
tracking. For this phenomenon to occur, damaged insulation, a
conductive path to ground and sufficient voltage and source current
capability to sustain arcing are required. When these conditions exist,
an arc is produced which converts the insulation to a conductive
carbon residue. Additionally, Polyimide insulation is prone to radial
cracking which results from hydrolytic degradation in humid
environments, and also a property known as memory effect where,
after installation, the wire tends to regain its original manufactured lay
(ie coiled on a spool). For these reasons, the use of polyimide-
insulated wiring in aircraft should be avoided. (Refer to Table 1-G-4
for alternate wires).

Part Number

3. Part numbers under this specification are coded as in the following example:

Table 1-G-2 Part Number Coding

M81381/7 22 9
Specification Sheet (para 2) Wire Size Insulation Colour Code
(AWG) (para 4)

Colour Chart

4. The colour coding is as follows:

Table 1-G-3 Colour Code

Colour Number Designator Colour Number Designator

Black 0 Green 5
Brown 1 Blue 6
Red 2 Violet (Purple) 7
Orange 3 Grey (Slate) 8
Yellow 4 White 9

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex G to Sect 2 Chap 1

Cross Reference of Kapton to Non-Kapton Insulated Wires

5. When selecting a replacement wire, consideration must be given to the specific application and end use. Table
1-G-4, below, provides a direct equivalent for a Kapton wire, however this wire may not be the most appropriate or cost
effective option in all applications.

Table 1-G-4. Equivalent Non-Kapton Insulated Wires


M81381/7 M22759/44

M81381/8 M22759/45

M81381/9 M22759/33

M81381/10 M22759/46

M81381/11 M22759/43

M81381/12 M22759/41

M81381/13 M22759/35

M81381/14 M22759/42

M81381/17 M22759/44

M81381/18 M22759/45

M81381/19 M22759/33

M81381/20 M22759/46

M81381/21 M22759/32

M81381/22 M22759/34

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex G to Sect 2 Chap 1

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AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex H to Sect 2 Chap 1




1. This specification covers the requirements for radio frequency absorptive component wires and finished cables
that function electrically as distributed low-pass filters.

Specification Sheets

2. Specification Sheets are as follows:

Table 1-H-1 Specification Sheets

Specification No Title
MIL-C-85485/5 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Tin-Coated Copper Conductor, Radio Frequency
Absorptive, 150C, 600 Volt.
MIL-C-85485/6 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Silver-Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Conductor, Radio
Frequency Absorptive, 150C, 600 Volt.
MIL-C-85485/7 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Unshielded, Unjacketed, Multiple-Component, Radio Frequency Absorptive,
150C, 600 Volt.
MIL-C-85485/8 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Shielded, Jacketed, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150C, 600 Volt.
MIL-C-85485/9 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Tin-Coated Copper Conductor, Radio Frequency
Absorptive, 150C, 600 Volt.
MIL-C-85485/10 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Component Wire, Silver-Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Conductor, Radio
Frequency Absorptive, 150C, 600 Volt.
MIL-C-85485/11 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Unshielded, Unjacketed, Multiple-Component, Radio Frequency Absorptive,
150C, 600 Volt.
MIL-C-85485/12 Cable, Electric, Filter Line, Shielded, Jacketed, Radio Frequency Absorptive, 150C, 600 Volt.

Part Number

3. Part numbers under this specification are coded as in the following example:

Table 1-H-2 Component Wire

M85485 /5 - 22 - 7L

Basic Specification Specification Sheet Wire Size Color Code

Table 1-H-3 Finished Cable

M85485 /8 - 22 U 3 A

Basic Specification Sheet Wire Size Construction Number of Color Code

Specification (para 2) (AWG) (Tables 1-H-4 & 1-H- Component Designator
5) Wires (Table 1-H-6)

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex H to Sect 2 Chap 1

Table 1-H-4 Shielded, Jacketed Cable Construction

Letter Code Conductor Type Shield Type

T Tin Coated Copper Tin Coated Copper
S Silver Coated Copper Silver Coated Copper
N Nickel Coated Copper Nickel Coated Copper
M Silver Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Silver Coated High Strength Copper Alloy
P Nickel Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Nickel Coated High Strength Copper Alloy
U Silver Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Tin Coated Copper
V Silver Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Silver Coated Copper
W Nickel Coated High Strength Copper Alloy Nickel Coated Copper
Note: Refer to MIL-C-85485 or publication sponsor for full details.

Table 1-H-5 Unshielded, Unjacketed Cable Construction

Letter Code Conductor Type

T Tin Coated Copper

S Silver Coated Copper
N Nickel Coated Copper
M Silver Coated High Strength Copper Alloy
P Nickel Coated High Strength Copper Alloy
Note: Refer to MIL-C-85485 or publication sponsor for full details.

Colour Chart

4. The color of the first component wire shall be light violet, designated by 7L. Any additional component wires shall
be light violet with a colored stripe as per Table 1-H-6.

Table 1-H-6 Cable Colour Designation

Component Wire
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wire Insulation
Light Violet Light Violet Light Violet Light Violet Light Violet Light Violet Light Violet
Base Color
Stripe Color N/A Blue Orange Green Red Black Yellow
Note: Refer to MIL-C-85485 or publication sponsor for full details.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex I to Sect 2 Chap 1



Table 1-I-1 Current Rating Of Wires In Amps (SAE AS 50881)

Wires in Bundles, Groups or Wire in Free Air & Ambient 70°C

Harnesses (Note 1) (Note 2)
Conductor Wire Wire Temp Rating Wire Temp Rating
Material Size
105°C 150°C 200°C 105°C 150°C 200°C
Copper or 22 3 5 6 9 12.5 16
Copper Alloy 20 4 7 9 11 17 21
18 6 9 12 15 22.5 28
16 7 11 14 17 26 33
14 10 14 18 23 35 44
12 13 19 25 31 47 60
10 17 26 32 41 62 78
8 38 57 71 64 90 125
6 50 76 97 82 125
4 68 103 133 110 170
2 95 141 179 155
1 113 166 210 185
1/0 128 192 243 210
2/0 147 222 285 240
3/0 172 262 335 276
4/0 204 310 395 340
Aluminium 8 30 45
6 40 61
4 54 82
2 76 113
1 90 133
1/0 102 153
2/0 117 178
3/0 138 209
4/0 163 248
1 Rating for 70°C ambient, 33 or more wires in harness with no more than 20% harness current
capacity being used at operating altitude of 60,000 ft.
2 Rating of wires in FREE air at ambient temperature of 70°C.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex I to Sect 2 Chap 1

Table 1-I-2 Maximum Allowable Nicked Or Broken Strands (SAE AS 50881)

Conductor Number of Strands Total Allowable Nicked

Material per Conductor and Broken Strands
Copper or 19 2 nicked, none broken
Copper Alloy 37 4 nicked, none broken
Above 37 6 nicked or broken
Aluminium All numbers of strands None nicked or broken

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex J to Sect 2 Chap 1


Table 1-J-1 Wire Gauge Comparison

American Wire Gauge Standard Wire Gauge (UK)

ConductorDiameter Conductor Area Conductor Area
Wire Gauge (Inches) (Circular Mils) Diameter (Inches) (Circular Mils)
Number [Note 1] [Note 2] [Note 1] [Note 2]
26 0.020 304 0.018 289

24 0.025 475 0.022 419

22 0.031 754 0.028 661

20 0.039 1216 0.041 1156

18 0.049 1900 0.051 1825

16 0.055 2426 0.060 2645

14 0.069 3831 0.072 3553

12 0.089 5874 0.090 5781

10 0.113 9354 0.113 9120

8 0.173 16983 0.173 17683

6 0.217 26818 0.192 26316

4 0.274 42614 0.268 42642

2 0.340 65500 0.338 67516

0 0.425 104500 0.421 103050

00 0.475 133000 0.477 131479

1 Wire diameters and areas are listed for the equivalent wire gauge number. The actual diameter and area
of the conductor in an aircraft wire will vary due to the stranding and plating used. Refer to the
appropriate military specification or the publication sponsor for exact dimensions.
2 A circular mil is the cross-sectional area of a circular conductor having a diameter of 1 mil (0.001 inch).
The circular mil area (CMA) of a conductor is calculated by squaring the diameter (in mils) of the circular
conductor. Thus, a wire having a diameter of 4 mils (0.004 inch) has a CMA of 4 , or 16 circular mils. If
the conductor is stranded, the CMA for the conductor is calculated by multiplying the CMA of the strand
by the number of strands.
3 Details of terminal lugs and splices and associated tooling are contained in Section2, Chapter 6.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Annex J to Sect 2 Chap 1

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