A Mini Project Report On
A Mini Project Report On
A Mini Project Report On
Submitted by:
(Mr.Dhananjai Singh)
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and group members who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
1. Introduction
1.1 Meaning of project title
1.2 History and necessity
1.3 Motivation
2. Definetion of problem
2.1 Solution
3. Project setup
3.1. Aim
3.2. Requirements
3.3. Theory
3.4. Procedure
3.5. Working
3.6. Arduino Code
3.7. Result
4. Application and timeline
5. Reference/ bibliography
Density based traffic signal is a device which control the traffic according to the density of
vehicles on each side of the road.
The world's first traffic light was a manually operated gas-lit signal installed in London in
December 1868. It exploded less than a month after it was implemented, injuring its policeman
Countdown timers on traffic lights were introduced in the 1990s. Timers are useful for
pedestrians, to plan whether there is enough time to cross the intersection before the end of the
walk phase, and for drivers, to know the amount of time before the light switches.
Nowadays, controlling the traffic becomes major issue because of rapid increase in automobiles
and also because of large time delays between traffic lights. So, in order to rectify this problem,
we will go for density based traffic lights system.
One of the major problems faced in any metro city is traffic congestion. Getting stranded in
between heavy traffic is a headache for each and every person driving the vehicle and even to the
traffic police in controlling the traffic.
1.3 Motivation
At the present time, the traffic control system becomes the main issue because of the fast
increase in automobiles and also due to large time delays between traffic lights. So, in order to
overcome this problem, we will go for density based traffic light timing control system. This
project discusses how to control the traffic based on density.The proposed system uses IR
sensors to calculate the traffic density.
2. Definetion Of Problem
The problem with the traffic system is that for every minute the vehicles at the four way road
will be heavy and the traffic lights shall be changed to each side for some fixed time. Even
though there are no vehicles at particular side the traffic signal will glow for given fixed time.
Due to that there is time waste process. Due to this other side vehicles have to wait for the time
to complete the process .So to reduce the wastes of the time we can implement the system that
control the traffic based on heavy flow of vehicles at any particular side.
2.1 Solution
We have to place one IR sensor on every road; where the sensor always senses the traffic on
that specific road. All these sensors are interfaced to the Arduino . Based on the sensors,
Arduino detects the traffic and controls the traffic system.
3. Project Setup
3.1 Aim
3.2 Requirement
3.3 Theory
Arduino is the main part of this project and it will be used to read from ultrasonic sensor HC -
SR04 and calculate the distance. This distance will tell us if any vehicle is near the signal or
not and according to that the traffic signals will be controlled.
The main task was to avoid use of delay because we have to continuously read from the
ultrasonic sensors and also at the same time, we have to control signals which requires the
use of delay function.
3.4 Procedure
Connect three IR sensors on each road. Connect LEDs to the digital pins of the Arduino.
Arrange all the LED's same as traffic lights. particular path by glowing GREEN light.
3.5 Working
If there is traffic at all the signals, then the system will work normally by controlling the
signals one by one.
If there is no traffic near a signal, then the system will skip this signal and will move on to the
next one. For example, if there is no vehicle at signal 2, 3 and currently the system is allowing
vehicles at signal 1 to pass. Then after signal 1, the system will move on to signal 4 skipping
signal 2 and 3.
If there is no traffic at all the 4 signals, system will stop at the current signal and will only
move on the next signal if there will be traffic at any other signal.
3.6 Arduino code
void setup(){
Timer1.initialize(100000); //Begin using the timer. This function must be called first.
"microseconds" is the period of time the timer takes.
Timer1.attachInterrupt(softInterr); //Run a function each time the timer period finishes.
void loop()
// If there are vehicles at signal 1
// This is interrupt function and it will run each time the timer period finishes. The timer
period is set at 100 milli seconds.
void softInterr()
// Reading from first ultrasonic sensor
digitalWrite(triggerpin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(triggerpin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(triggerpin1, LOW);
time = pulseIn(echopin1, HIGH);
S1= time*0.034/2;
void signal1Function()
// Make RED LED LOW and make Green HIGH for 5 seconds
digitalWrite(signal1[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(signal1[2], HIGH);
// if there are vehicels at other signals
if(S2<t || S3<t || S4<t)
// Make Green LED LOW and make yellow LED HIGH for 2 seconds
digitalWrite(signal1[2], LOW);
digitalWrite(signal1[1], HIGH);
void signal2Function()
digitalWrite(signal2[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(signal2[2], HIGH);
void signal3Function()
digitalWrite(signal3[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(signal3[2], HIGH);
void signal4Function()
digitalWrite(signal4[0], LOW);
digitalWrite(signal4[2], HIGH);
3.7 Result
Density based traffic signal will control the traffic where the number of vehicles are more than
the other sides of roads.
4. Applications
We can avoid unnecessary occurrence of traffic jams which causes public inconvenience.We can
save considerable amount of time Density based traffic light control have many advantages
compared to time based traffic control.
The intelligent work which is done by traffic inspector will be perfectly done by the Arduino in
the circuit with the help of sensors and the program which is coded to the Arduino . There is no
need of traffic inspector at the junctions for supervising the traffic to run smoothly.
1. Its start from thought of traffic problem and its consequences and make a idea to work on
this project to resolve this problem.
2. We make a team and discuss about this project.
3. Then make a report and ppt of this project.
4. Collect the materials and waste accommodation wherever it is possible to use and try to
make it more cheaper.
5. Study books of Arduino and density based traffic signal and search concept in Wikipedia
and Youtube.
6. Make a model of project and test it.
7. Finally show in exhibition and submit it.