Requirements of Bored Tunelling Work PDF

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28 Sep 2017

Kong Tze Foong


BCA CIRCULAR issued on 15 Sep 2017

With IMMEDIATE effect

Concerns on Bored Tunnelling Works

Sink holes

Damage to buildings in close proximity

Public safety
Circular “Requirements on Bored
Tunnelling Works”
SPECIFIC Conditions of Permit
2.Tunnel Annex C forms
a. GBW_Annex C-1 and C-2
b. GBW_Annex C-3
c. Non-GBW_Annex C-1
Circular - Objective

Type of Projects
Projects involving tunnelling works carried out using Tunnel Boring
Machines (TBM) under the category of Geotechnical Building Works

Inform the industry the control framework and safety requirements for
Bored Tunnelling Works to ensure structural stability of buildings and
infrastructures and to safeguard public safety.
Circular –Framework Overview
Control Framework
Consists of the following :-
Annex 1 Definition of close proximity.
Annex 2 Risk matrix for Tunnelling Works.
Annex 3 Mitigation measures for various risk categories.
Annex 4 Actions to be taken when there is over-
Annex 5 Specific Conditions of Permit for Bored
Tunnelling Works.
Appendix A form TUN_GBW_AnnexC-3 for records of
excavation volume
Circular – Close Proximity
Annex 1 – Definition of close proximity
Bored tunnelling works:-
i) Directly of partially underneath the buildings; or
ii) located within a horizontal distance of χ m from the external edge of the building footprint

χ = 3m

χ = 6m
Circular – Risk Matrix
Annex 2 – Risk Matrix

Proximity to Ground type


Definition of
mixed face
Circular – Risk Matrix
Annex 2 – Risk Matrix

b risk

a) Green Field + Marine clay a
b) Close proximity + Fresh rock b
Circular – Mitigation Measures
Annex 3 – Mitigation measures Mitigation measures are
cumulative with
increasing risk category

(All projects)


* - to be shown in
approved plans
(Projects with
affected buildings)
Circular – Mitigation Measures
Annex 3 – Mitigation measures
Applicable to all risk
Circular – Mitigation Measures
Annex 3 – Mitigation measures

For Case 3 – close

proximity to buildings
Circular – Mitigation Measures
Annex 3 – Mitigation measures

For high risk categories

under Case 3
Circular – QP(D)

QP(D)s’ Duties and

ST Submission
Circular – QP(D)
Requirements on submission of plans
The following shall be incorporated in the structural (ST) plan submission:

Identify and indicate the risk category of each section of tunnel.

Assess building’s response to ground movement and the measures to prevent any
ground movement or damage.

Set out a list and the risk categories for each building:-
address of building
type of foundations
horizontal distance of building from tunnel
number of storeys and number of dwelling units for each building
emergency preparedness plan (including arrangement for decanting) and
communication plan.

Incorporate on the plans the applicable items listed in Annex 3.

Circular – QP(D)
Requirements on submission of plans
Details to be included on the plans for approval:-

KPIs and the allowable limit for over-excavation.

Safe locations for Planned CHI.

Adequate SI (refer to Circular for minimum requirements).

Adequate building and ground instrumentation (refer to Circular for minimum


Flow chart with allowable over-excavation limits as determined by QP(D)s, developed

based on Annex 4.

Building protection measures, such as ground improvement, recharge well, building

strengthening etc.

Building capacity limit (for decanting) and the actions upon breach of building limits.
Circular – QP(S)

QP(S)s’ Duties and

Required Actions (Over-excavation)
Other highlights of Annex 3
Specific Conditions of Permit
Circular – QP(S)
Annex 4 – Required Actions (Over-excavation)

QPD to show
the flow
chart with
the allowable
limits on the
plans for
Circular – QP(S)
Annex 4 – Required Actions (Over-excavation)

Case 1 or 2

Case 3 – Close proximity

Example of grouting at the front part of TBM shield

2a) – Muck reconciliation for Slurry TBMs

i) dry mass computation,
ii) total volume measurements,
iii) belt weigher,
iv) volume calculations of STP separated muck including
gravel, sand and fines for each tunnel ring

2b) – Muck reconciliation for EPB TBMs

i) muck skip counts,
ii) gantry crane weigher
Circular – QP(S)
Annex 4 – Required Actions (Over-excavation)
Circular – QP(S)
Annex 4 – Required Actions (Over-excavation)
Circular – QP(S)
Annex 4 – Required Actions (Over-excavation)

Excavation Monitoring System

– 18% detected

Verification – 12%
Circular – QP(S)
Cutter Head Intervention (CHI)
CHI shall NOT be carried out under free air conditions unless assessed and
approved by QP(S):

i) in full face rock^; or

ii) within ground improvement block^.
^ - with face pressure stepped down gradually.

QP(S) and Builder shall notify BCA immediately

CHI carried out under free air.

Unplanned stoppage for CHI
Circular – QP(S)
Cutter Head Intervention (CHI)
QP(S) to comply with Tunnel Annex C-2 – QP(D)s’ recommendation for
each CHI.

Monitor at least once every 6 hourly.

(face log, water ingress observations, face stability etc.).

Assess instrumentation results and CHI records to determine TBM is safe

to proceed. QP(S) to comply with Tunnel Annex C-1.
Circular – QP(S)
Other Highlights of Annex 3
Continuous monitoring of KPIs
(excavated volume, thrust force, torque, rotation, penetration, speed , face pressure, grout
pressure, flow rate/ density etc.)

Assess type and volume of spoil removal per ring.

Adjust TBM PLC to monitor KPIs, sound alarm, send SMS alert and apply
cut-off when there is over-excavation.

Low risk category - Seek approval from QP(S).
Medium/high risk category - No flushing in TBM.
Circular – QP(S)
Annex 5 – Specific Conditions of Permit
(Updated from the 2008 version)
1) Supervision of KPI
2) Tunnelling within control zone
3) Over-excavation control measures
4) Flushing of TBM
5) Cutterhead intervention
6) Emergency preparedness plan
7) Incident reporting
Circular – Close Proximity

Tunnelling in Close
Proximity to Buildings
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(D)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings
Assess and submit assessment report (Case 3 high risk only):

change alignment; or
temporarily decant occupants; or
provide ground improvement or strengthening/underpinning

Establish building capacity limits (ALL) via detailed structural assessment:

Building Settlement
Differential Building Settlement between 2 immediate adjacent
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(D)
Establishing Building Capacity Limit
building capacity limits:
Building Settlement
Principles Differential Building Settlement
1) Predict the settlement of foundation. Tilt
2) Assess the impact of this predicted settlement on the building structure.
3) Establish the building capacity limits – accidental load case
Stage Simplified Approach Detailed Approach
1) Foundation A) Settlement trough based on B) FEM considering the
Settlement assumed volume loss and trough distribution of tunnel ring
prediction width parameter k following contraction
Gaussian distribution

2) Structural i) Burland’s method of ii) Structural analysis on the

impact assessment assessment based on the concept building
of limiting tensile strain

When tunnelling underneath or within a horizontal distance of 3m from the buildings, the
detailed approach of B) and ii) are to be adopted in establishing the Building Capacity Limits.
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(D)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings - SI
Soil Investigation boreholes are to be provided, as a minimum:-

One on each side of the building when Along the side of the building when
tunnelling underneath tunnelling in close proximity

Impacted Building

In addition, a CONTINUOUS ground profile along tunnel alignment shall be

mapped out when there is a potential mixed face condition.
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(D)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings - SI
Example of SI requirement.

Impacted Impacted Impacted Impacted Impacted

Building Building Building Building Building

A CONTINUOUS ground profile along tunnel alignment shall be mapped out

when there is a potential mixed face condition.
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(D)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings - SI
Example of SI requirement.

Impacted Impacted Impacted Impacted Impacted

Building Building Building Building Building

A CONTINUOUS ground profile

Impacted Impacted Impacted Impacted Impacted along tunnel alignment shall be
Building Building Building Building Building
mapped out when there is a
potential mixed face condition.
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(D)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings - Instrumentation
On buildings:
3D prisms, tiltmeters – real-time or 3 hourly
Settlement markers, tape extensometers – daily
Vibration meters – continuous monitoring

On ground:
borehole extensometers
water standpipe
settlement markers
as a minimum on both sides of the building.

QP(S) to review 4 hourly I&M results and Tunnelling KPI.

Circular – Close Proximity/QP(D)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings - Instrumentation
Possible Site Constraints
Instrument location Min. Monitoring Frequency
Peripheral / External / As per circular’s requirement
Basement As per circular’s requirement
Internal elements - residential Base line reading + QP to determine
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(S)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings
Submit a schedule of tunnelling for sections in close proximity to each
building during Permit application

Deploy full time Site Supervisors

Carry out CHI to ensure TBM is in good condition before entering the
control zone.
Circular – Close Proximity/QP(S)
Tunnelling in Close Proximity to buildings – Control Zone

Lesser of 20m or Lesser of 20m or

depth from ground to depth from ground to
tunnel spring line Impacted tunnel spring line

Control Zone

When tunnelling within control zone, QP(S) shall submit to CBC DAILY his
certification of structural integrity of the building and assessment of any
safety concern in the course of the tunnelling works.
Overview of
Tunnel Annex C-forms
The Tunnel Annex C-forms comprise of:-

Tunnel C-forms (GBW) Tunnel C-forms (Non-GBW)

for Tunnel Dia, D > 2m for Tunnel Dia, D < 2m
C-1 C-2 C-3 C-1
In Close
Proximity to
Various Cutter Head Various
Construction Intervention Construction
Stages (CHI) Stages
Mixed Face

Revised & Updated

July 2016 New! Tunnel New! Tunnel Annex
Annex C-3 (GBW) C-1 (Non-GBW)
Tunnel Annex C-3 (GBW)
Tunnel Annex C-3

C-3 Control measure to prevent

In Close excessive over-excavation
Proximity to
during Tunnelling
or/and Proper procedure and record
Mixed Face
Condition of approval
Tunnel Annex C-3

Section A – Site
records of over-
excavation, if any

Section B –
Declaration by
Tunnel Annex C-3

Section C –
Declaration by QP(S)
Tunnel Annex C-3
Tunnelling in close proximity to building or/and in mixed face condition only

Submit a copy of the form via CORENET weekly;

QP(S)s’ to immediately inform CBC

(when over-excavation is suspected or has exceeded the allowable over-excavation limit# at the end of each ring)
Tunnel Annex C-1 (Non-GBW)
Non-GBW Annex C-1
Applicable to Tunnelling Works NOT
exceeding 2m in internal diameter.
Essentially a replica of the GBW Annex C-1
form with the following exceptions:-
a) CHI incorporated into C-1
b) No requirement of PE(Geo) and AC(Geo)
Thank You!

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