Birth Date __04/04/2004__ Gender __F____ Grade ___8___ Student ID# ___2319_________________
Clearly specify the student’s current levels of performance in academic, nonacademic, social, and emotional areas.
Include a description of how the student’s disability affects his/her involvement and progress in the general
Kimi is an eighth-grade student who was retained in the first grade due, in part, to the difficulties she was
experiencing maintaining and using information she had been taught. Kimi was found to have significant auditory
processing problems that negatively affected all academic areas,
particularly early literacy. A review of Kimi's previous IEPs revealed that a variety of strategies and programs have
been tried over the years. Kimi began receiving speech and language services in grade three. She began working
with an auditory trainer in the fifth grade. Currently, the speech and language pathologist provides strategies to
Kimi's general education teachers. She is currently receiving a research-based reading intervention curriculum from
a highly qualified teacher and is included in language arts class with her eighth-grade peers.
The auditory processing difficulties associated with Kimi's disability have widened the gap over the years between
her academic levels and the levels of typical same-age peers. According to classroom and state assessment data, her
reading comprehension skills are like typical students in the fourth grade. Her vocabulary and word recognition
skills, however, are closer to a sixth-grade level.
Kimi's parents report that she gets frustrated when she must listen attentively for a long period of time. Her mother
states that Kimi continues to become anxious when homework assignments require a lot of reading and she is not
sure that she remembers all the teacher's directions. Her parents are concerned that Kimi often forgets things they
have told her to do and would like some strategies to work on at home. Mathematics data from classroom progress
monitoring indicate relative strengths in the areas of numbers and operations. Kimi has difficulty, however,
generalizing the skills she learns in math class to situations in daily life. For example, she may make a perfect score
on a page of math problems but be unable to decide how much each person owes when a group orders lunch and is
splitting the check. Kimi's difficulty generalizing skills is also apparent in applying math concepts to science
investigations and in other classes when required to analyze data.
Kimi's disability affects the amount of auditory material that she can process within a designated timeframe. She
can master state content standards given additional time for instruction, but she is not achieving grade-level
proficiency in the timeframe designated for typical peers. Because language arts, science, and social studies classes
are often in lecture format and require students to read lengthy narratives, her progress in these areas is slowed.
Kimi's need for additional time is accommodated on classroom assignments and on classroom and state
assessments. Kimi has learned strategies to help her retain auditory information and practices the strategies during
classroom lectures and when teachers are giving assignments.
The PLAAFP should include: recent evaluation information progress and performance in the classroom
and general curriculum performance on PEA-wide and statewide testing significant nonacademic and
functional attributes strengths and areas in need of improvement.
Kimi enjoys reading and often selects books from the classroom library. Kimi can respond to simple fact-based
comprehension questions but needs more work on applying a variety of reading comprehension strategies. Kimi's
scores on state assessments place her in the "Does Not Meet Standards" category on reading comprehension. On
classroom assessments, Kimi answers simple "Who, What, When, and Where" questions with 80% accuracy but
has trouble with making inferences to determine bias or theme and making predictions for comprehension of
eighth grade reading materials.
English language learner—language needs Not Needed
If needed, refer to PLAAFP, goals, services, supports, or accommodations and modifications X Not ELL
Deaf/Hearing impaired —language and communication needs X Not Needed
If needed, refer to PLAAFP, goals, services, supports, or accommodations and modifications X Not ELL
Blind/Visually impaired provision of Braille instruction X Not Needed
If needed, refer to PLAAFP, goals, services, supports, or accommodations and modifications. X Not VI
Students will work with her speech /language pathologist to work towards accomplishing her
Measurable Annual Goals and Benchmarks or Short-Term Objectives §300.320(a)(2)
Measurable annual goals should ensure the student’s access to the general curriculum.
Include annual goals that meet other educational needs and support the student’s measurable postsecondary goals.
* Add benchmarks or short-term objectives for students who take alternate assessments.
Measurable Annual Goal: Reading Comprehension ESY needed for this goal? X N
1.) Kimi will score at least an 80% on 5th grade reading comprehension test by the end of the second semester
2.) Kimi will score at least a 75% on 7th grade vocabulary test by the end of the second semester.
3.) Kimi will read a 5th grade level reading book without any outbursts and or distractions, by the end of the
second semester. She will increase her reading times by 5 minutes after every successful week of no issues
during reading time.
How will progress toward meeting the annual goal be measured? All progress toward meeting the annual goals will
be measured through continuous testing and evaluations of Kimi in the classroom environment.
How will progress toward meeting the annual goal be measured? All progress toward meeting the annual goals will
be measured through continuous testing and evaluations of Kimi in the classroom environment.
Progress on student’s annual goals will be provided to the parent/guardian of the student within 24 to 48 hours after
the report is generated.
Accommodations for Instruction and Assessment §§300.160(b), 300.320(a)(6)
Special education services: The special education teacher will provide intensive reading instruction using
a research-based reading program.
Supplementary aids and services: Kimi will be allowed additional time for classroom assignments.
Related services: The speech and language pathologist will consult with the general education teacher and
provide strategies for classroom use.
Accommodations needed for assessment: Kimi will be allowed additional time for classroom and state
Supplementary Aids and Initiation End Date Frequency/ Location (LRE Provider
Services Date Amount Setting) Position
(Including Extracurricular and
Nonacademic Activities)
Brief scheduled breaks every
15 min of attentive 10/01/2017 10/01/2018 Daily / 15 Special and Special
participation during classroom min. General education
assignments Education Teacher and
Classrooms General
1.) Is this placement as close as possible to the child’s home school? Yes No
2.) Does this IEP require that the student be placed in a school other than the one he or she would attend if
nondisabled? Yes No
3.) What are the potential harmful effects (drawbacks) of this placement on the child or on the quality of
services that he or she requires? Possible time away from peers could create an uncomfortable environment,
when the students are together in the general education classroom.
1. Explain your rationale for how this Individual Education Plan ensures a student’s right
to Free and Appropriate Public Education. This Individual Education Plan ensures Kimi the
right to a Free and Appropriate Public Education, due in part to the fact that every teacher in the
students’ life is required by state standards to follow the Individual Education Plan. The
Individual Education Plan is a binding contract, if you will, telling general education and special
education teachers what they are to do for the student. Kimi’s Individual Education Plan is set up
to follow the state standards for her to meet her goals, her Special education and General
education teachers have set up for her, each goal is specific to each of her areas of need.
2. Explain your rationale for the student’s primary placement along the continuum of
placement options. Kimi is placed in the special education classroom for the areas of education
to which she needs a little extra help. The areas of need are reading, math and sometimes speech
therapy, all the rest of her classes are in the general education classroom. Her general education
teacher still has to follow her Individual Education Plan even though Kimi is in a general
population classroom. My rationale for her placement is due to her test scores and evaluations.
Also, Kimi has challenges steaming from the 3rd grade that have not been corrected to help her
become 100% main stream. I believe there is no indication, both physical or mental, that
suggests Kimi is to be placed in a self-contained classroom, her parents also wish she is in
general population classes to improve her ability to be successful in society. Kimi would not be
able to take full advantage of her right to Free and Appropriate Public Education without an
3. Explain how this Individual Education Plan ensures the student’s access to the common core
curriculum. This Individual Education Plan ensures that Kimi has access to the common core
curriculum because the common core curriculum is what the Individual Education Plan is written
from. The common core curriculum guarantees the students right to a Free and Appropriate
Public Education. The Individual Education Plan is designed to be another tool in the students
belt to ensure the successful transition to life outside the classroom. Throughout this course we
have learned about the importance of every students right to education. We have also found out
the education process is still in its infancy, when it comes to teaching individuals with special
needs. So, with the knowledge we gained during this class, we have come to the understanding
of the importance of each student right to an Individual Education Plan. Let us not forget to set