This document provides a calendar and thematic plan for a B2-level textbook called ON SCREEN B2. It outlines 20 lessons over two semesters, covering topics like people and appearances, lifestyles, the environment, travel, and holidays. For each lesson, it lists the language competencies, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that will be covered from the textbook, workbook, and other components.
This document provides a calendar and thematic plan for a B2-level textbook called ON SCREEN B2. It outlines 20 lessons over two semesters, covering topics like people and appearances, lifestyles, the environment, travel, and holidays. For each lesson, it lists the language competencies, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that will be covered from the textbook, workbook, and other components.
This document provides a calendar and thematic plan for a B2-level textbook called ON SCREEN B2. It outlines 20 lessons over two semesters, covering topics like people and appearances, lifestyles, the environment, travel, and holidays. For each lesson, it lists the language competencies, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that will be covered from the textbook, workbook, and other components.
This document provides a calendar and thematic plan for a B2-level textbook called ON SCREEN B2. It outlines 20 lessons over two semesters, covering topics like people and appearances, lifestyles, the environment, travel, and holidays. For each lesson, it lists the language competencies, vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that will be covered from the textbook, workbook, and other components.
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Календарно-тематичне планування до підручника ON SCREEN B2.
Ex. – в Student’s Book
WrB – Writing Bank, Curriculum & Culture Spot (CC) - розділи в Student’s Book WB – Workbook ieBook – електронна книга – новий компонент для кожного учня
№ Да Тематика Мовна компетенція Мовленнєва компетенція
та спілкування Лексика Граматика Аудіюван Говоріння Читання Письмо ня І СЕМЕСТР PEOPLE AND HOMES. MODULE 1. 1 Appearance Ex.2 p.5 Tenses Ex.1 p.10 Listen & Ex.2,3 p.5 Ex.1 p.5 Ex.3 p.5 WB ex.1,2 p.8 guess Ex.3 Ex.1 p.10 p.5 2 The People in Asia Ex.1b,5,6 p.6- Ex.3 p.10 Ex.2 p.6 Ex.1,3 p.6 Ex.4 p.7 p.7 write a short 7 summary (use ex.6) 3 Lifestyles Ex.1,2 p.8 Ex.4 p.10 Ex.2 p.6 Think! p.7 Ex.4 p.7 Think! p.7 4 Appearance WB ex.1,2 p.6 Ex.2 p.10 Ex.2b p.10 talk about WB ex.2 p.14 WB ex.1 p.6 Ex.2a p.10 daily routine and free- The Human time activities Chameleon 5 Character WB ex.3,4 p.6 Word Formation Ex.6 p.12 WB ex.5 p.6 discuss WB ex.5 p.6 WB ex.5 p.6 write a Ex.7 p.9 Ex.10 p.9 and give your piece of post using the model advice 6 Character and WB ex.2,3,5 Prepositions Ex.9 Ex.1 p.12 Ex.1b p.12 WB ex.1 p.4 Make sentences using Family p.5 Ex.6 p.8 p.9 phrasal verb to look 7 Family. Ex.2a p.12 Stative verbs Ex.2 p.12 Ex.4 p.12 WB ex.1,2 p.13 Ex.4 p.12 listen/write Lifestyles WB ex.4 p.5 Ex.5 p.11 about your classmate’s family member 8 Jobs Ex.8 p.9 Present Perfect Ex.3 p.12 Text discussion Ex.1 WB ex.3 p.13 Ex.7 p.11 Ex.6 p.11 p.16 Ex.7 p.11 9 Clothes Ex.5 p.8 Present Perfect Ex.5 p.12 Ex.4 p.8 Ex.10 p.11 Ex.3 p.8 Ex.11 Ex.9 p.11 WB ex.10 p.7 Contin. Ex.8 p.11 extend mini dialogues p.11 10 Clothes WB ex.1 p. 10 Word formation WB ex.2,3 WB ex.4 p. 10 group WB ex.3 p.8 WB ex.4 p. 10 WB ex.11 p.7 p. 10 discussion WB ex.4 p.11 11 Feelings and WB ex.6,7,8,9 Ex.3 p.16 Ex.1 p.16 text Ex.1 p.16 WB ex.8 p.7 Relationship p.7 WB ex.4 p.8 discussion 12 Introducing Ex. 1a p.13 Ex.4 p.17 Ex. 1b Ex. 1c p.13 act out Ex. 1a p.13 Ex.7b p.9 introduce Ourselves/Others Ex.7 p.9 p.13 dialogue your friend 13 Social Expressions Ex. 2,3 p.13 Tense Revision Ex.3 p.13 Ex. 3 p.13 act out Ex. 3 p.13 Ex.2 p. 13 prepare the Ex.1,2 p.18 WB ex.1-5 p.9 dialogues questions 14 Description Ex.5 p.17 Ex.4 p.17 Listen & WB Ex.3, 4 p.11 act WB ex.1,2 p.11 WB ex.3 p.11 Ex.3,4 p.18 choose the out mini dialogues picture Describe a picture 15 My Classmates Ex.3b p.14 Word Order Ex. 4b Ex. 4a p.13 talk about Ex.1,3 p.14 Ex.2 p.14 Ex.5,6 p.14 p.13 the classmates 16 Describing a person Ex.10 p.15 Linking words WB ex.1 Ex.10 p.15 WrBank 1a Ex.8 p.15 Ex.11 p.15 WrBank 1a Ex.7 p.15 Ex.9 p.100 ex.3 WB ex.1 p.12 ex.2 p.15 WrBank 1a ex.1 17 Describing a person WB ex.p.12 WB ex.2,3,4 p.12 WB ex.5 p.12 talk WB ex.1 p.12 WB ex.5 p.12 about problem relationship 18 Curriculum 1 Ex.1 p.cc1 Ex.5,6,6 p.18 Ex.1,3 p.cc1 Ex.1,2 p.cc1 Ex.3 p.cc1 Culture Spot 19 Progress Check 1 p.19-20 20 ie-Book Video lesson 21 Module Test. THE ENVIRONMENT. MODULE 2 1 Our Natural World Ex.1, 2 p.21 Will/going to Ex.1 p.21 Ex.3 p.21 Ex.2 p.21 Ex.3 p.21 Ex.4,5 p.26 2 Our Natural World Ex.1, 2 p.33 Word Formation Think! p.21 Ex.1,2 p.33 Think! p.21 text vocab. Ex.2 p.33 3 Unique Creatures Ex.1b,5,6 Future Contin./ Ex.4 p.23 Ex.1 p.22 Ex.2,3,4 p.23 Ex.2 p.22 notes – main p.22-23 Future Perfect ideas Ex.6 p.26 4 Unique Creatures Ex.1,2,3 p.24 WB ex.3,4 p.20 Ex.4 p.23 Think! p.23 Ex.7 p.23 Think! p.23 5 Types of Animals Ex.5 p.24 Modal Verbs Ex.1 Ex.5 p.24 ICT Project p.23 Ex.4 p.24 Ex.3 ICT Project p.23 p.26 p.34 6 The Great WB ex.3,4 Ex.2 p.26 ex.2 p.26 Text discussion p.16 WB ex.1,2 Write headlines to the Migration p.17 p.16-17 paragraphs p.16 7 Endangered Species WB ex.3 p.18 Ex.3 p.26 Ex.1 p.28 WB ex.2 p.25 WB ex.1 p.25 Ex.7 p.27 Ex.1a p.28 WB ex.1,2 p.20 8 Endangered Species Ex.1a p.28 Ex.8,9 p.25 Ex.2 p.28 WB ex. 1,2 p.23 WB ex.3 p.25 Ex.1c p.28 9 Environmental Ex.6 p.25 Time Clauses Ex.4,5 WB ex.2b p.18 Ex.7 Ex.3 p.28 Ex.1 WB ex.2b p.18 Problems Ex.10 p.27 p.28 p.25 Ex.6 p.28 p.32 10 Environmental Ex.5 p.33 Ex.4 p.33 WB ex. 3,4 p.23 Ex.4 p.34 WB ex. 3 p.23 Problems 11 Water Pollution WB ex.1 p.22 Assumptions WB ex.2,3 WB ex.4 p.22 WB ex.1 p.24 WB ex.4 p.22 Problems Ex.8,9 p.27 p.22 12 Save Energy Ex.6 p.25 Ex.12 p.27 Ex.1 p.29 Ex.2 p.29 Ex.1 p.29 Ex.10 p.25 sentences Ex.2 p.29 with phr. verb to bring 13 Problem Solving Ex.1,2 p.34 Ex.4 p.34 Ex.3b Ex.3a p.29 Ex.11 p.27 WB ex.2 p.24 p.29 14 Problem Solving Useful l-ge Ex.3 p.32 WB ex.2 Ex.5,6 p.31 Ex.2 p.30 Ex.1,3,4,5 p.30 p.31 p.100 15 Curriculum 2 ‘Check the WB ex.8,9,10 Ex.1,2 p.cc2 Ex.1,2 p.cc2 ICT ex.3 p.cc2 Culture Spot words’ p.cc2 p.111 Culture Spot p.cc2 16 Progress Check 2 p.35 17 Progress Check p.36 18 ie-Book Video lesson 19 Module Test. TRAVEL & HOLIDAYS. MODULE 3. 1 Types of Holidays Ex.1,2 p. 37 Past Tenses Ex.2 p.37 Ex.2 p.37 Ex.1 p.42 Ex.3 p.42 Ex.1,2 p.42 2 Natural Wonders of Ex.2,6 p.38 WB ex.1 p.113 Ex.1,3b Ex.1 p.38 Ex.4 p.39 Summary of the text the World p.38 p.39 3 Natural Wonders of Ex.7 p.39 Ex.4,5,6 p.43 Ex.3b Think! p.39 Ex.5 p.39 Think! p.39 the World Ex.1 p.40 p.38 4 Transport Ex.3,5,6 p.40 WB ex.1,2,3 p.32 Ex.4 p.40 Ex.3 p.40 Ex.1 p.48 Ex.5c p.40 WBex.1,2p.30 5 The Trip to WB ex.2,3,4 WB ex.2,3 p.113 WB text discussion Ex.1 p.28 Advertisement Ex.5 Australia p.29 p.28 p.29 6 Hotel Facilities and Ex.7 p.41 Used to Ex.7 p.43 Ex.1 p.44 Ex.7b p.41 Ex.9 p.41 Ex.8 p.43 Services Ex.1a p.44 WB ex.4 p.113 7 Staying at the Hotel Ex.1 p.44 WB ex.4 p.32 Ex.2 p.44 Act out dialogues WB ex.5 p.30 WB ex.5 p.30 write a WB ex.5,6 p.114 between a guest and a letter of complaint receptionist 8 Holiday Problems Ex.1 p.50. Ex.9 p.43 Ex.4 p.44 Ex.3 p.44 WB ex.2 p.32 Ex.10 p.43 write a story 9 Holiday Problems Ex.3 p.45 Ex.4 p.49 Ex.1,2 Ex.3 p.45 act out a Ex.2 p.45 Ex.3 p.45 list the p.45 dialogue problems 10 A Visit to a Place WB ex.4 p.35 WB ex.4 p.39 WB ex.2 WB ex.2 p.35 WB ex.1,3 p.35 Ex.5 p.45 p.34 11 A Visit to a Place Ex.2,3,4 p.46 Ex.6,7 p.47 WB ex.3 Ex.8 p.47 Ex.1 p.46 Ex.1 p.46 model p.34 analysis 12 Tourism Issues Ex.2,3 p.48 Ex.3 p.50 WB ex.3 Ex.1 p.48 text WB ex.1,2 p.38 Ex.9 p.47 p.100 discussions 13 Description of a WB ex.3,4 WB ex.4 p.39 Ex.5 p.44 WB ex.5 p.36 WB ex.1,2 p.36 WB ex.6 p.36 Place p.36 WB ex.10 p.115 14 Skills Work 3 p.150 WB ex.7,8 p.115 WB ex.2 p.150 WB ex.1 p.150 WB ex.3 p.150 15 Curriculum 3 ‘Check the WB ex.9 p.115 Ex.1,4 p.cc3 Ex.1,2,3 p.cc3 ICT Ex.2 p.cc3 Culture Spot words’ p.cc3 16 Progress Check 3 p.51 17 Progress Check p.52 18 ie-Book Video lesson 19 Module Test. FESTIVALS & CELEBRATIONS. MODULE 4. 1 Celebrations Ex.1 p.53 Relative Clauses Ex.2 p.53 Ex.2 p.53 Ex.1 p.53 Ex.2 p.53 Ex.1,2 p.58 Ex.1 p.58 2 Unusual Festival Ex.1,5,6 p.54- Ex.3,4 p.58 Ex.2 p.54 Ex.4 p.54 Ex.2,3 p.54 Make notes p.55 55 3 New Year Ex.1,2 p.56 WB ex.1 p.116 Ex.2 p.54 Think! p.55 WB ex.2 p.116 Think! p.55 Celebration in the UK 4 Family Holidays Ex.3,4 p.56 WB ex.1,2 p.44 Ex.1 p.61 WB ex.6 p.43 Ex.3 p.56 Ex.5 p.59 and Events WB ex.9,10 WB ex.3 p.117 p.43 5 Birthday Parties. Ex.3 p.61 WB ex.4 p.117 Ex.2 p.61 Ex.1,3 p.61 act out Ex.2 p.61 Ex.1 p.61 Feelings Ex.6 p.57 Exclamations a dialogue 6 Preparations Ex.4 p.61 WB ex.5 p.117 Ex.4 p.60 Ex.4 p.61 act out a Ex.4 p.61 Make a “what to do” ex.11,12 p.119 dialogue WB ex.5 p.42 list 7 Fancy Dress Party WB ex.8 p.43 Comparatives & WB ex.4 p.46 WB ex.1,2 p.47 act WB ex.1,3,4 WB ex.2 p.47 WB ex.3 p.47 Superlatives out a dialogue p.47 Ex.6,7 p.59 8 National Holidays Ex.5 p.57 WB ex.7,8,9 Ex.2 p.cc4 Ex.5 p.57 ex.2 WB ex.6 p.117 p.119 Ex.6,7 p.59 p.cc4 Ex.1 p.cc4 9 Cultural Events Ex.1,2a p.60 WB ex.3,4,5 p.44 Ex.2b,c p.60 Ex.1,3 p.60 WB ex.10 p.119 Ex.9 p.59 Ex.8 p.59 10 Festivals Ex.5a p.60 Ex.10 p.59 Ex.5b p.60 Ex.6 p.60 Ex.1 p.64 Ex.11 p.59 make sentences 11 Rio Carnival WB ex.1 p.46 Ex.8,9 p.57 WB ex.2,3 WB ex.5 p.48 WB ex.1 p.48 WB ex.5 p.48 WB ex.2,3,4 p.46 p.48 12 Food Festival Ex.4,5 p.62- Ex.6 p.63 WB ex. 4 Ex.3,7 p.62-63 Ex.2 p.62-63 Ex.7,8 p.63 63 p.100 composition 13 Skills Work 4. WB p.151. Language Focus p.66 14 Curriculum 4 “Check these Ex.3,4 p.64-65 Ex.3 listen & Ex.1,3 p.cc4 Ex.2 p.cc4 Ex.3 p.cc4 project Culture Spot words” p.cc4 make notes 15 Progress Check 4 p.67-68 16 Revision Modules 1-4 WB ex.1-5 p.45 17 ie-Book Video lesson 18 Module Test 4. 19 Контроль аудіювання, говоріння 20 Контроль письма, читання 21 Підсумковий урок. Семестрове оцінювання IІ СЕМЕСТР CRIME. MODULE 5. 1 Breaking the Law Ex.1 p.69 Passive Voice Ex. p.69 Ex.3 p.69 Ex.2 p.69 Ex.3 p.69 2 Criminals. Safety Ex.5 p.72 Echo questions Ex.6 p.76 Talk about safety Ex.4 p.72 Ex.4 p.69 Rules. rules 3 A Witness Ex.6,7,8,10 Ex.1,2,4 p.74 WB ex.5 p.58 Ex.5 p.74 Ex.9 p.73 Ex.1 Ex.5 p.74 p.73 p.74 4 Forensic Ex.2 p.70 Ex.3 p.74 Ex.2 p.70 Ex.1 p.70 Ex.2,3,4 p.71 Ex.2,4 p.74 Photography Ex.6 p.71 5 Forensic Ex.1,2,3 p.72 WB ex.1,2 p.56 Ex.2 p.70 Act out interview Ex.5 p.71 Think! p.71 Photography p.71 6 Jobs in the Legal Useful l-ge WB ex.1,3 p.120 Ex.4 p.77 Ex.4 p.77 Ex.4 p.77 Ex.5 p.77 System p.77 7 The Queen of WB ex.3,4,5 WB ex.4 p.120 Interview Agatha WB ex.1,2 p.52 WB p.52 questions for Crime p.52 Christie interview 8 Bank Robbery WB ex.1 p.58 WB ex.2 p.120 WB ex.2,3 Ex.4 p.82 act out Ex.4 p.82 WB ex.4 p.58 p.58 dialogues summary 9 Vandalism WB ex.1 p.59 Word Formation WB ex.2 p.59 WB ex.1,3 p.59 WB ex.2 p.59 Ex.3 p.82 10 Theft of Personal Ex.2 p.77 Causative Forms Ex.1 p.77 Ex.2,3 p.77 act out Ex.1 p.77 Ex.3 p.77 make notes Belongings Ex.7,8 p.75 dialogues for dialogues 11 Vandalism. WB ex.2 p.60 WB ex.5,6,7 WB ex.3 p.60 WB ex.1,2 p.60 WB ex.4 p.60 vocabulary p.122 suggestions 12 Emergency Ex.1 p.82 So, such Ex.2,3 p.76 Ex.1,4 p.76 Ex.1 p.80 Ex.6 p.75 Services Ex.10,11,12 p.75 13 Emergency Ex.5a p.76 WB ex.8,9,10 Ex.5 p.76 Ex.1 p.78 suggest Ex.1,2 p.78 Ex.1,2 p.78 Services p.123 ways&justify them 14 Helping Law Ex.2,3 p.80 Ex.4 p.81 WB ex.5 WB ex.1,2 p.62 text WB ex.1,2 p.62 Ex.13 p.75 write Enforcement p.100 discussion sentences 15 Making Schools a Useful L-ge p. Ex.11 p.73 Ex.5 p.79 Ex.3b p.78 Ex.6 p.79 Safer Place. 78 Ex.4 p.79 16 Skills Work 5 WB p.152. Language Focus p.66 17 Curriculum 5 Ex.2 p.cc5 Ex.12 p.73 Ex.3 p.cc5 Culture Ex.1 p.cc5 Culture Spot Ex.2 Culture Spot Spot Ex.2 p.cc5 Culture Spot p.cc5 Ex.1 p.cc5 18 Progress Check 5 p.83-84 19 ie-Book Video lesson 20 Module Test 5 TECHNOLOGY. MODULE 6. 1 Gadgets Ex.1a,2 p.85 Conditionals Ex.1b p.85 Think Ex.1 p.96 Think p.85 Phrasal verb Ex.1 p.90 p.85 to be ex.8p.89 WB ex.1 p.124 2 Robots Ex.1 p.86 Ex.2,3 p.90 Ex.4 p.87 Ex.4 p.87 Ex.2,3 p.86-87 Make notes p.87 3 Robots Ex.5,6 p.87 WB Ex.1,2 p.68 Ex.4 p.87 Ex.7 p.87 Think! Think! p.87 Ex.1,2 p.88 p.87 4 Smartphones Ex.7,9 p.89 WB ex.2,3 p.125 Ex.5 p.91 Ex.6 p.89 Ex.4 p.90 5 Computer Problems Ex.3,4 p.88 Clauses of Ex.1 p.93 Ex.5 p.88 act out Ex.1 p.93 WB Ex.6 p.91 ex.1,2p.66 Purpose Ex.7 p.91 dialogues ex.10 p.67 6 Complaints and Ex.2 p.93 WB Wishes Ex.8 Ex.3 p.93 Ex.2,3 p.93 WB ex.5 p.66 Ex.9 p.91 Requests ex.1,2,3,4p.66 p.91WB ex.3 p.68 7 Using the Internet Ex.1 p.92 WB WB ex.7,8 p.126- Ex.2a p.92 Ex.1b p.92 Ex.2b p.92 Ex.4 p.93 ex.6,7,8,9p.67 127 Ex.4 p.93 8 Using the Internet Ex.3a p.92 WB ex.4,5 p.68 Ex.3 p.92 WB ex.1,2 p.71 Ex.2 p.96 WB ex.5 p.125 9 Blogging Ex.4a p.92 WB ex.9,10 p.127 Ex.4b p.92 WB ex.3,4 p.71 WB ex.4 p.125 WB ex.4 p.71 10 Internet Safety WB ex.1 p.70 WB ex.11,12 WB ex.2 p.70 WB ex.3 p.70 WB ex.5 p.71 WB ex.3 p.70 p.127 problem discussion 11 Computer Games Ex.3,4,5 p.94 Ex.10,11 p.91 WB ex.4 p.70 Ex.6 p.95 Ex.1,2 p.94 Ex.7,8,9 p.95 12 Computer Games Ex.3 p.96 Question tags WB Ex.5 p. 92 Talk about your WB ex.1,2 p.72 WB ex.3,4 p.72 ex.6 p.125 favourite computer games 13 Nanotechnology WB ex.3,4,5 Ex.4 p.97 WB ex.6 WB ex.2 p.64 text WB ex.1,2 p.64 WB ex.6 p.65 p.65 p.100 discussion summary 14 Skills Work 6 WB p.73 Language Focus p.98 15 Curriculum 6. Ex.5 p.97 WB ex.1,2,3,4 Ex.1 p.cc6 Ex.1 p.cc6 Ex.2 p.cc6 Culture Spot p.69 16 Progress Check 6 p.99-100 17 ie-Book Video lesson 18 Module Test 6 SPORTS & FITNESS. MODULE 7 1 Types of Sports Ex.1 p.101 Infinitive/-ing Ex.1,2 p.101 Ex.4 p.101 Ex.3 p.101 Ex.4 p.101 forms WB ex.1,2 p.129 2 Healthy Lifestyles Phr.verb to Ex.1,2 p.106 Ex.5,6 p.108 Discuss healthy/ WB ex.1,2 p.86 Ex.1 p.106 expand put Ex.8p.105 unhealthy habits ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ Ex.5a p.108 3 Healthy Lifestyles. WB ex.1 p.82 Would/rather WB ex.2 p.82 Ex.1 p.112 text Ex.1 p.112 Write sentences using Activities WB ex.1,2 p.80 discussion would/rather 4 Extreme Sports Ex.1,4 p.102- Ex.3 p.106 Ex.2 p.102 Ex.2 p.102 Ex.3 p.102 Make notes p.103 103 5 Extreme Sports Ex.1,2 p.104 WB ex.3,4 p.80 Ex.2 p.102 Think! p.103 Ex.3 p.102 Think! p.103 6 Sports Places and Ex.3,4,5 WB ex.3,4 p.130 Ex.3b p.104 Ex.4 p.104 Ex.5 p.107 Equipment p.104 7 Sports Places and Ex.6,7,9p.105 Would/prefer/rath Ex.2,3 p.108 Ex.1 p.108 Ex.4 p.107 Ex.4 p.108 Equipment Ex.2a p.108 er Ex.7 p.107 WB ex.5,6 p.130 8 Dangerous Sports WB ex.1 p.83 WB ex.7,9 p.131 WB ex.2 p.83 WB ex.4 p.83 act WB ex.2 p.83 Ex.9 p.107 out mini dialogues Ex.9 p.107 9 Going to Gym Ex.2 p.109 Ex.5,6 p.107 Ex.1 p.109 Ex.1,2 p.109 act out Ex.1 p.109 Write an e-mail about a dialogue the gym you attended 10 Team Sports Ex.4,5 p.110 Ex.8 p.107 Ex.7 p.108 Ex.3,6 p.110 Ex.2 p.110 Ex.1,3,6 p.110 11 Aiming to Win! Useful l-ge WB ex.8 p.131 WB ex.3a Ex.7, 8b p.111 Ex.8a p.111 Ex.9 p.111 p.111 p.82 12 Sports Nutrition WB ex.2,3,4 WB ex.1,2 p.81 WB p.76 text WB ex.1 p.77 WB ex.3b p.82 p.77 discussion 13 Doing a Sport Ex.5 p.113 WB ex.3,4 p.81 Ex.3 p.109 Ex.4,6 p.109 Ex.3,5 p.109 Ex.6 p.109 14 Sports Problems WB ex.2 p.84 WB ex.5 p.81 WB ex.7 WB ex.3,4 p.84 WB ex.1 p.84 WB ex.4 p.84 p.100 15 Skills Work 7 WB p.85 Language Focus p.114 16 Curriculum 7. Ex.2 p.cc7 Ex.2,3,4 p.113- Ex.3 p.116 Ex.1 p.cc7 Ex.2 p.cc7 Ex.2 p.cc7(culture) Culture Spot check these 114 (curriculum) words Ex.1 p.cc7(cult) 17 Progress Check 7 p.115-116 18 ie-Book Video lesson 19 Module Test 7 NATURE ATTACKS! MODULE 8 1 Natural Disasters Ex.1 p.117 Ex.1,2,3 p.122 Ex.1 p.117 Ex.3 p.117 Ex.2 p.117 Ex.3 p.117 2 The Earthquake in Ex.1,5,6 WB ex.1 p.132 Ex.1 p.118 Ex.4 p.119 Ex.2,3 p.118 Make notes p.119 Japan p.118-119 3 The Earthquake in Ex.1,2 p.120 Ex.4,5 p.123 Ex.1 p.118 Think! p.119 Ex.2,3 p.118 Think! p.119 Japan WB ex.2 p.133 4 Natural Disasters WB ex.2,3,8 WB ex.1,2 p.92 Ex.4,5 p.124 Talk about natural WB ex.6 p.90 WB ex.8 p.91 make up p.90-91 disasters sentences using idioms 5 Natural Disasters WB ex.1 p.94 WB ex.3,4 p.133 WB ex.2 p.94 WB ex.3 p.94 Ex. 2 p.128 WB ex.3 p.94 6 Natural Disasters WB ex.1,4,5 Ex.6,7 p.123 WB ex.4 p.94 WB ex.5 p.94 Ex.1 p.128 WB ex.5 p.94 p.90 7 The Weather Ex.3,4 p.120 WB ex.5,6 p.135 Ex.4b p.120 Ex.4b p.120 Ex.3b p.120 Ex.4b p.120 8 The Weather Ex.5,6,8,9 WB 7 p.135 Ex.7 p.121 Ex.4 Ex.1 p.98 Ex.4b p.125 p.121 p.125 9 The Weather and Ex.1a p.124 Ex.8,9 p.123 WB Ex.1b,2 p.124 Ex.3 p.124 WB ex.4 p.95 Ex.3 p.124 Climate WB ex.7,9 ex.8 p.135 p.91 10 Unusual Weather WB ex.2,3,4 WB ex.9,10,11,12 Ex.6 p.124 WB ex.1 p.88 text WB ex.1 p.88 WB ex.5 p.89 p.89 p.137 discussion summary 11 Activities WB ex.2 p.95 WB ex.1 p.95 WB ex.3 p.95 WB ex.2 p.95 WB ex.3 p.95 12 Breaking News Ex.4 p.125 WB ex.3,4 p.92 Ex.2 p.125 Ex.1,3 p.125 Ex.2 p.125 Ex.2 p.125 write an article based on the dialogue 13 An Unforgettable WB ex.2,3,5 WB ex.1b,4 p.96 WB ex.6b WB ex. p.96 WB ex.1 p.96 WB ex.6c p.96 Day p.96 p.96 14 Skills Work 8 WB p.97 Language Focus p.130 15 Curriculum 8. Phrasal verb Ex.4 p.129 Ex.1,4 p.cc8 Ex.2 Ex.2,3 p.cc8 Ex. 4 p.cc8 Ex.2 p.cc8 Culture Spot to give Ex.10 p.cc8 (culture) Ex.1 p.cc8 (culture) p.121 (culture) 16 Bad Experience Ex.5,8,9 WB ex.1,2,3,4 WB ex.8 Ex.3 p.126 Ex.2 p.126 Ex.10,11 p.127 p.126-127 p.93 Ex.4 p.126 p.100 17 Progress Check 8 p.131-132 18 ie-Book Video lesson 19 Module Test 8 20 Контроль аудіювання, читання 21 Контроль письма 22 Контроль говоріння 23 Підсумковий урок.