925821-AL Players Guide v9.1 - Forgotten Realms PDF
925821-AL Players Guide v9.1 - Forgotten Realms PDF
925821-AL Players Guide v9.1 - Forgotten Realms PDF
Version 9.1
Avernus Rising
A Campaign Supporting
D&D Staff-Head Dungeon Master: Chris Lindsay
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Alan Patrick, Amy Lynn Dzura, Travis Woodall,
Lysa Penrose, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks
Effective Date
September 17, 2019
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of
the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express
written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
©2019 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley
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Part 1. Creating a Character
This document is a guide to creating an advancing a D&D character for play in the Forgotten Realms campaign
featuring BALDUR’S GATE: DESCENT INTO AVERNUS and managed by the D&D Adventurers League. The rules here are
supplemented by the Adventurers League FAQ (also found in the Adventurers League Player’s Pack).
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Part 2. Adventurers League Play
To play an adventure, your character must fall within the adventure’s level range. Once you begin a hardcover
adventure you can continue to play it if you advance out of its level range, but if you stop to play a different hardcover
adventure, you can’t return to the first one.
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playing with finds a magic item, your character can Magic Item. Note magic items that your character
keep it if you wish, though the number of magic items gained and lost during the session.
your character can own at a given time is determined Downtime. Annotate downtime days that were
by their tier (common, consumable, and story items earned and spent during the session and what
don’t count against this limit). Instead of gaining a new downtime activities they were spent towards.
item, your character can instead replace an item in Adventure Notes. Record other important things
their possession with a new one—useful in getting rid that happened during the adventure or information
of obsolete items or those that have been destroyed or you’ll need later, here: deaths, special rewards (story
have no magic remaining. Legendary items can only items/effects, etc.), etc. For hardcover adventure
be kept by tier 4 characters, but others finding one sessions, record the number of hours you’ve played
instead unlock it and can choose to take possession of since gaining your last level.
it when they reach tier 4 (levels 17 through 20). Until
then the item doesn’t count against the character’s Planning for the Future
Magic Item Limit. Only one character a table can
possess a story item at the table at a given time. As you gain levels, your character evolves and grows.
In advancing your character, the following rules apply:
Tier Magic Item Limit Tier Magic Item Limit Stopping Progression. If you decline advancement
1 1 3 6 at the end of an adventure (or when your DM awards
2 3 4 10 you a level), your character still keeps any magic items
and gold they found during the session (though they’re
Monetary Rewards. Your Dungeon Master awards
still subject to the tier-based limitations on both).
your character gold during play. In order to maintain
Character Rebuilding. You can rebuild your
character equality in this shared-world campaign, the character prior to playing their first adventure as a
maximum amount of gold your character can earn is
5th-level character—changing any of your character’s
based on how many hours they’ve played in their
statistics but their name and season. Non-mechanical
current tier. While your DM is strongly encouraged
aspects of your character such as alignment, gender,
to award this amount of gold each hour, you earn an choice of deity, or personality traits can be changed
amount of gold equal to half of the hourly award for
between sessions regardless of level.
each hour you play during the session if they don’t.
Your character keeps any rewards and equipment
Once your character has earned an amount of gold earned to that point. If your character’s class or
equal to their GP Limit, inform your DM; they can’t
background changes, they lose any equipment that it
earn any more until they reach a new level. Once your
granted, along with the proceeds from selling it, or
character reaches 20th level, their GP limit resets each benefits derived from it, such as copied spells or gold
time they complete an adventure. earned by selling it. Similarly, if you change their
Tier Hourly GP Award (Minimum) GP Limit per Level faction, access to renown benefits are suspended (see
1 20 gp (10 gp) 80 gp Appendix 1: Renown). Story awards can’t be rebuilt,
2 30 gp (15 gp) 240 gp not can you rebuild your character if they’re dead or
3 200 gp (100 gp) 1,600 gp otherwise subject to something that removes them
4 750 gp (375 gp) 6,000 gp from play (see Death, Disease, and Curses, below).
Death, Disease, and Curses. Dead characters or
Downtime Days. Your character earns 10 downtime those subject to a condition or story award that
days after gaining a level (20 for tier 2 – 4 characters). removes them from play (vampirism, lycanthropy,
petrification, etc.) can’t begin a new session until they
The Adventure Logsheet purchase spellcasting services with gold or remove a
Though there is no required format, you must use permanent magic item (excluding common magic
some form of Adventure Logsheet to track your items) to return them to life or to remove any
character’s rewards from adventure to adventure. At conditions or story awards that removed them from
the end of each session, you’ll record the following play—including those requiring a wish. This
information in your Adventure Logsheet: temporarily reduces their Magic Item Limit by 1. This
Adventure Name. Write the name of the adventure reduction persists until the character reaches the next
you played (if a hardcover, write the session’s tier of play (or, for 20th-level characters, until they’ve
number). completed two adventures). This option is available
Advancement. Indicate whether your character even if their Magic Item Limit has been reduced to 0 or
gained a level at the end of the session. they have no magic items.
Gold. Indicate how much gold your character earned
and/or spent during the session.
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Appendix 1: Renown
By adventuring, your character establishes themselves among the denizens of Faerûn. As their reputation grows, they
can call in favors from those they have crossed paths with along their journeys.
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Appendix 2: Season 9 Characters
D&D Adventurers League play is divided into story seasons. Since the beginning of the program there have been eight
story seasons, each one focusing on, and supporting adventure product(s) released by the D&D team at Wizards of the
Coast. As we prepare to begin Season 9, in support of Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus, we’d like to make some new
options available to characters created specifically to start the campaign with.
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