The 8 Clair Senses A Visual Guide To The Spiritual Psychic Senses
The 8 Clair Senses A Visual Guide To The Spiritual Psychic Senses
The 8 Clair Senses A Visual Guide To The Spiritual Psychic Senses
An example of this ability is: you are cleaning the house when all
of a sudden you get a strong smell of the perfume your deceased
Clairsalience grandmother used to wear. No one wears that fragrance in your
home. Your grandmother is reaching out from the spirit world to
(clear smelling) communicate with you. Or, maybe lately everywhere you go, you
keep smelling lilacs. Lilacs are your Mom’s favorite flower. It’s a
nudge to call your Mom as she may need your support right now.
Postcognition (also known as retrocognition): Knowledge of a past event which could not have been learned or
inferred by normal means.
A Psychic: An individual who is capable of extrasensory perception (ESP). A psychic could have one or more, or all,
of the clair senses. Psychic “readers” are also referred to as intuitive readers, spiritual readers, and mediums.
Medium (psychic medium, spiritual medium, intuitive medium): An individual who tunes into a spirit or the spirit
world to see the past, present and future events of a person. Mediums rely on the presence of non-physical energy
outside of themselves for the information relevant to the person being read. A psychic isn’t necessarily a medium, but
a medium is a psychic.
Channel: A person who allows her or his body and mind to be used as a mechanism for spirits to bring psychic
information or healing energy to others.
Channeling: Receiving communication from specific spirits and either writing or speaking that communication as
though the spirit itself is speaking.
How To Meet Your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Power Animals: Spiritual Guidance On Demand in 5 to 10 Min-
utes, a Practical Guide by Ms Tianna A. Galgano
Online Sources:
Which Types of Psychic Abilities / Intuitive Abilities Are You Using? Part I Of II by Manifest Intuition
What are the Four Clairs of Psychic Ability? the Erin Pavlina Blog
She offers sessions by appointment from her home in the Village of Oak Creek Sedona as well as at these locations:
• Gateway Cottage Wellness Center, 470 N HWY 89A, Sedona, AZ (Uptown Sedona)
• Unity of Sedona, 65 Deer Trail Dr, Sedona, AZ (West Sedona)
Natalie also hosts retreats from several beautiful locations in Sedona and around the globe.
• Hypnotherapy Certification at the Academy of Professional Hypnosis Training
• Reiki Level I, II, ART/Master Certification
• Advanced Integrated Energy Therapy® – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Level certificate
• Basic ThetaHealing®