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The 8 Clair Senses A Visual Guide To The Spiritual Psychic Senses

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The Eight (8)

Clair Senses
A visual guide to the
spiritual psychic senses
The 8 Clair Senses
The 8 Clair Senses ... Your Spiritual Psychic Senses
• Much like you have five physical senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting
and smelling. You also have the potential to experience eight “clair” senses
or spiritual psychic senses.

• The clair senses in psychic terms are:

Clairvoyance Claircognizance Clairaudience Clairempathy

(clear seeing) (clear knowing) (clear hearing) (clear emotional feeling)

Clairsentience Clairtangency Clairsalience Clairgustance

(clear physical feeling) (clear touching) (clear smelling) (clear tasting)

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A clairvoyant (clear seeing) receives extrasensory impressions
and symbols in the form of mental images through their mind’s
eye (third eye). You may be clairvoyant if you experience vivid
dreams, visions, mental images and mini-movies that flash into
your inner awareness. You may be able to see the colors of the
energy fields (auras) around people, plants, and animals, or
perhaps you are able to see angels, ghosts, or other beings.

You may have a propensity for clairvoyance if you are a “visual”

Clairvoyance person, can easily visualize solutions to problems, have a great
(clear seeing) sense of direction, or are very good with visual-spatial problems,
like rearranging furniture or loading and arranging the items in
the dishwasher.

A clairvoyant may have the ability to see the future

(precognition), to clarify and illuminate the present (most
common) and see the past (postcognition).

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You experience claircognizance (clear knowing) when you just
suddenly know something to be true, even though you didn’t
see it, hear it or feel it. You just know it. It’s a stroke of instant
insight or a download of information that needs no processing or
interpretation. Claircognizance can be experienced as a nagging
idea or unrelenting thought, much like the persistant awareness
that someone is lying to you when you have no physical evidence
of it.

Claircognizance Many individuals confuse claircognizance (clear knowing) with

(clear knowing) clairempathy (clear emotion) or clairsentience (clear physical
feeling) because their “knowing” is quickly followed by either a
personal emotional or physical reaction to the insight. Overtime,
paying attention to how the insight comes into your awareness
will help you distinguish the difference.

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If you are clairaudient (clear hearing), you are able to
perceive sounds, words or noise from the spiritual or ethereal
realm. Someone is clairaudient if they mainly receive their
intuitive information with their inner or outer hearing. Yes, we
are talking about hearing voices (either outside of yourself or
in your head)!

An example is that you’re driving to work and suddenly hear

“Take the next exit.” There is no one in the vehicle with you.
Clairaudience However, the message was clear, and seemed to come from
(clear hearing) outside of yourself. You take the next exit instead of driving
your usual route. When you arrive at work, you learn you
avoided a five car pile up, which would have made you miss
a very important meeting.

You might lean towards clairaudience if you are naturally

attuned to sounds, tones, rhythm and music. If you sing, play
music, have an easy time remembering voices, or can easily
hear it in someone’s voice when they are lying to you.

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You have clairempathy (clear emotion) if you sense other
people’s emotions, thoughts and symptoms. It is the awareness or
perception of emotional energy. You don’t necessarily experience
the feeling in your body, but you are aware of the feeling. Think
of Troy from Star Trek the Next Generation. She could sense other
people’s emotions. Ever walk into a room after a couple was
arguing and sensed the anger and hurt in the room? If so, you are

Clairempathy Empaths need self-care and psychic protection techniques

(clear emotional feeling) to successfully manage their empathic nature and shield
themselves from energetic overload. A skilled empath knows
how to maintain spiritual boundaries, replenish energy and clear
unwanted negative energy from their auric field.

The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that

empaths sense the emotion whereas sentients experience the
emotion. Empaths sense the energy, but sentients feel the energy.

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A clairsentient (clear physical feeling) obtains intuitive insight
by way of a physical experience in their body. You have a “gut
feeling” or “something doesn’t feel right,” and you experience it
viscerally, as a physical sensation, in your body.

Clairsentient’s feel (not just sense) the experience of other

people’s emotions, ailments or injuries. They can also feel the
physical and emotional pain of a land or a place where tragic
events have occurred such as fear, jealousy, insecurity, hatred,
Clairsentience and pain.
(clear physical feeling)
An example of this is that a friend of mine, a gifted psychic
medium, gets an upset stomach when negative entities are nearby
or pestering one of her clients.

The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that

empaths sense the emotion whereas sentients experience the
emotion. Empaths sense the energy, but sentients feel the energy.

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You may have clairtangency (clear touching) if you have the
ability to perceive facts about an event or person by contact
with or proximity to the object or person. This is also commonly
known as psychometry.

You may be clairtangent if you quickly gain formerly unknown

insights when you hold someone’s watch, touch their hand, when
you pick up an old antique at a flea market, or touch an old
(clear touching) Note: The author is not convinced “clairtangency” is a unique
clair. A clairvoyant medium uses the spirit world to garner
intuitive insight while psychometry uses an object or person to
dial into intuitive insight. The insight, through either method,
may come through in mental images (clairvoyance), sound
(clairaudient), emotion (clairempathy), or physical sensation
(clairsentience), etc.

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For those with clairsalience (clear smelling), insights come
through the perception of smell, such as smelling a fragrance or
odor of a substance, person, place, or animal that is not in your
immediate surroundings. These odors are perceived without the
use of your physical nose. Other names for this are clairscent and

An example of this ability is: you are cleaning the house when all
of a sudden you get a strong smell of the perfume your deceased
Clairsalience grandmother used to wear. No one wears that fragrance in your
home. Your grandmother is reaching out from the spirit world to
(clear smelling) communicate with you. Or, maybe lately everywhere you go, you
keep smelling lilacs. Lilacs are your Mom’s favorite flower. It’s a
nudge to call your Mom as she may need your support right now.

Experiencing scents might trigger the other senses to “see”,

“hear” or “feel” what a spirit is trying to communicate.

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An individual with clairgustance (clear tasting) receives psychic
information through their sense of taste, without having any
physical source of that taste in their mouth.

People sometimes report tasting a favorite food or drink from a

loved one who has passed away.

Others report that when they are problem-solving they receive

helpful information through an extrasensory taste in their mouths.
Clairgustance For instance, police detectives investigating crimes sometimes get
(clear tasting) an unexplained taste in their mouths, such as blood or a certain
chemical that relates to a specific type of drug, which gives them
the guidance they need to find out what really happened.

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Extrasensory Perception (ESP): Perception (as in telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, etc.) that involves awareness
of information about events external to the self not gained through the physical senses and not deducible from
previous experience.

Precognition: The ability to know things or events, etc. beforehand.

Postcognition (also known as retrocognition): Knowledge of a past event which could not have been learned or
inferred by normal means.

A Psychic: An individual who is capable of extrasensory perception (ESP). A psychic could have one or more, or all,
of the clair senses. Psychic “readers” are also referred to as intuitive readers, spiritual readers, and mediums.

Medium (psychic medium, spiritual medium, intuitive medium): An individual who tunes into a spirit or the spirit
world to see the past, present and future events of a person. Mediums rely on the presence of non-physical energy
outside of themselves for the information relevant to the person being read. A psychic isn’t necessarily a medium, but
a medium is a psychic.

Channel: A person who allows her or his body and mind to be used as a mechanism for spirits to bring psychic
information or healing energy to others.

Channeling: Receiving communication from specific spirits and either writing or speaking that communication as
though the spirit itself is speaking.

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Books on Developing Your Intuition:

Discover Your Inner Psychic by Tara Ward

How To Meet Your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Power Animals: Spiritual Guidance On Demand in 5 to 10 Min-
utes, a Practical Guide by Ms Tianna A. Galgano

Practical Intuition by Laura Day

The Power of Your Spirit: A Guide to Joyful Living by Sonia Choquette

Online Sources:

The Clairs by Quantum Possibilities

Which Types of Psychic Abilities / Intuitive Abilities Are You Using? Part I Of II by Manifest Intuition

What are the Four Clairs of Psychic Ability? the Erin Pavlina Blog

What is the Clairgustance (Clear Tasting) Form of ESP? from Angels.About.com.

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About the Author
Natalie Eve Marquis, C.Ht.
Natalie uses her healing gifts and intuition to help others heal, grow, spiritually stretch and
squeeze every ounce of joy they can from life. She is a certified hypnotherapist, reiki master
teacher, spiritual life coach, and workshop facilitator. Her specialities include past life healing,
remote (distance) energy healing with written reports, and transformative hypnotherapy. Through her workshops, she
helps individuals playfully access their higher wisdom, heal past lives and current life issues, and gain deeper levels of
insight, healing and awareness.

She offers sessions by appointment from her home in the Village of Oak Creek Sedona as well as at these locations:
• Gateway Cottage Wellness Center, 470 N HWY 89A, Sedona, AZ (Uptown Sedona)
• Unity of Sedona, 65 Deer Trail Dr, Sedona, AZ (West Sedona)
Natalie also hosts retreats from several beautiful locations in Sedona and around the globe.

Read about Natalie’s spiritual journey: http://creativeleaphealing.com/about/natalies-journey/

• Hypnotherapy Certification at the Academy of Professional Hypnosis Training
• Reiki Level I, II, ART/Master Certification
• Advanced Integrated Energy Therapy® – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Level certificate
• Basic ThetaHealing®

Website: CreativeLeapHealing.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nataliemarquis?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/CreativeLeapHealing?ref=hl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreativeLeapLLC

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Creative Leap International, LLC
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