Electric Field and Electric Charge

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Chapter 21:

Electric Charge and Electric Field

General Physics 2

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

To study electric charge and see how charge behaves in
conductors and insulators
To calculate force with Coulomb’s Law
To consider the electric field as a map of force on a test charge
To see how electric fields superimpose
To visualize and consider the path of electric field lines around
a charge or charges
To see the unique applications of electric dipole

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electromagnetic interactions involve particles that have a property
called electric charge.
Electric spark you feel when you scuff your shoes across a
carpet and reach for a metal doorknob.
Electric currents in flashlight, portable CD players, television,
Forces that hold atoms together to form a solid matter.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Today we say that the amber has acquired a net electric charge or
has become charged.
Electric - ”elektron” meaning amber
Electrostatics - the interactions between electric charges that
are at rest (or nearly so).

At electrostatic equilibrium, no net force is acting on a charged

particle, it doesn’t accelerate.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

.. Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)
- suggested the term ”negative” and ”positive” to
the two kinds of charges.
Two positive charges or two negative charges
repel each other.
A positive charge and a negative charge attract
each other.
Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
Laser Printer

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
Structure and Electric Properties of Atoms

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
In a neutral atom, the number of electrons equals the number of
protons in the nucleus and the net electric charge (the algebraic
sum of all the charges) is exactly zero.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
For a given body to be negatively charged, add negative
charges and remove positive charges.

For a given body to be positively charged, add positive

charges or remove negative charges.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

There are two very important principles:
1 Conservation of Charge:
The algebraic sum of all the electric charges in any closed
system is constant.
In any charging process, charge is not created or destroyed, it
is merely transferred from one body to another.
2 The Charge is Quantized. The magnitude of charge of the
electron or proton is a natural unit of charge.

Q = ne n - integer, e - charge of electron

= 1.602 E = 19 C

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Charging by Induction


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

A charge body can exert forces even on objects that are not
charged themselves (Induced-Charge Effect).


Polarization - shifting of charges

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electrostatic Painting Process

.. Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806)

studied the interaction forces of charged particles.
found that the electric force is proportional to 1/r 2 .
Fα (1)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806)

found that the electric force between two point charges also
depends on the quantity of charge on each body, which we
will denote by q or Q.
found that the forces that the two point charges q1 and q2
exert on each other and therefore are proportional to the
product q1 q2 of the two charges.

F αq1 q2 (2)
Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
Coulomb’s Law
The magnitude of the electric force between two
point charges is directly proportional to the
product of the charges and inversely proportional
to the square of the distance between them.


k|q1 q2 |
|F | = (3)
Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
Direction of the forces the two charges exert on each other are
always along the line joining them.


Charges of the same sign repel


Charges of opposite sign attract

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
In each case, the forces obey the Newton’s third law:
The TWO FORCES are always EQUAL in MAGNITUDE and

k|q1 q2 |
|F1on2 | = |F2on1 | = (4)

F~1on2 = −F~2on1 (5)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

SI unit of electric charge is one Coulomb (1C).
k = 8.988x109 N.m

=(10−7 N.s
); c = speed of light (7)

1 C2
= ; 0 = 8.854x10−12 (8)
4π0 N.m2
The most fundamental unit of charge is the magnitude of the
charge of an electron or a proton which denoted by e.

|e| = 1.602x10−19 C (9)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

In electrostatics problems, it is very unusual to encounter charges
as large as 1C.


k|q1 q2 | k(1C 2 )
|F | = = = 8.988x109 N (10)
r2 (1m2 )

Typical values of charge range from about 10−9 C (1nC ) to

10−6 (1µC )

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Principle of Superposition of Forces

when two charges exert forces simultaneously on a third charge,

the total force acting on that charge is the VECTOR SUM of the
FORCES that the two charges would exert individually.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Strictly speaking, Coulomb’s law should be used only for point
charges in vacuum.

At normal atmospheric pressure, the presence of air changes the

electric force from its vacuum value by only about one part in 2000.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Ex. 1. Two point charges, q1 = 4q and q2 = −2q are separated
by a distance of 2m. Find the magnitude and direction of (a) the
electric force that q1 exerts on q2 (b) the electric force that q2
exerts on q1 .


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

(a) Magnitude:

k|q1 q2 | k|(4q)(2q)|
|F1on2 | = 2
= (11)
r (2m)2

8kq 2 2kq 2
= = (12)
4m2 m2


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

(b) Magnitude:

k|q1 q2 | k|(4q)(2q)|
|F2on1 | = = (13)
r2 (2m)2

8kq 2 2kq 2
= = (14)
4m2 m2


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Ex. 2. Two point charges are located on the positive x-axis of a
coordinate system. Charge q1 = 3q is 2m from the origin and
charge q2 = -4q is 4m from the origin. What is the total force
exerted by these two charges on a charge q3 = 2q located at the
origin? Gravitational forces are negligible.


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

kq1 q3 k(3q)(2q) ˆ 3kq 2 ˆ
F~1on3 = r
ˆ = (−i) = (−i) (15)
r1 2 (2m)2 2m2

kq2 q3 k(4q)(2q) ˆ kq 2 ˆ
F~2on3 = r
ˆ = i= i (16)
r2 2 (4m)2 2m2

3kq 2 ˆ kq 2 ˆ
F~1and2on3 = (−i) + i (17)
2m2 (2m)2

kq 2
F~1and2on3 = − 2 iˆ (18)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Ex. 3. Two equal positive point charges q1 and q2 = 2q interact
with a third point charge q3 = 4q as shown. Find the magnitude
and direction of the total (net) force on q3 . Gravitational forces
are negligible.


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

F~1and2on3 = F~1on3 + F~2on3 (19)

F~1and2on3 = [F(1on3)x + F(1on3)y ] + [F(2on3)x + F(2on3)y ] (20)

F~1and2on3 = [|F(1on3) |cosθi+—F

ˆ ˆ
(1on3) |sinθ(−j)]+
[|F(2on3) |cosθi+—F ˆ
(2on3) |sinθ j]

k|q1 q3 | k|(2q)(4q)| 8kq 2

|F1on3 | = 2
= = (22)
r1 5m2 25m2

k|q2 q3 | 8kq 2
|F2on3 | = = (23)
r22 25m2

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

4m 4
cosθ = = (24)
5m 5
3m 3
sinθ = = (25)
5m 5

F~1and2on3 = [|F(1on3) |cosθi+—F

ˆ ˆ
(1on3) |sinθ(−j)]+
[|F(2on3) |cosθi+—F ˆ
(2on3) |sinθ j]

8kq 2 4 ˆ 3ˆ 8kq 2 4 ˆ 3ˆ
F~1and2on3 = [ ( i− j)] + [ ( i+ j)] (27)
25m2 5 5 25m2 5 5
8kq 2 4 ˆ 64 kq 2 ˆ
F~1and2on3 = 2[ ( i) = i] (28)
25m2 5 125 m2

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

For two charge bodies, each force (the force of A on q0 and
the force of q0 on A), one charge sets up an electric field that
exerts a force on the second charge.

A single charge produces an electric field in the surrounding

space, but this electric field cannot exert a net force on the
charge that created it.

The electric force on a charged body is exerted by the electric

field created by other bodies.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


The ELECTRIC FIELD at a certain point is equal to the electric

force per unit charge.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


SOURCE POINT - location of the charge.

FIELD POINT - the point P where we are determining the

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

It is useful to introduce a unit vector that points along the line
from source point to field point.


~r ~r
rˆ = = (29)
|~r | r

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

~r ~r
rˆ = = (30)
|~r | r

~r = r1 iˆ + r2 jˆ + r3 k̂ (31)

|~r | = (r1 )2 + (r2 )2 + (r3 )2 (32)

~r r1 r2
rˆ = =p iˆ + p ˆ
|~r | 2 2
(r1 ) + (r2 ) + (r3 ) 2 (r1 ) + (r2 )2 + (r3 )2
(r1 )2 + (r2 )2 + (r3 )2
Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
Electric Field at a field point q0 a distance r from a point charge q


k|qq0 |
|F | = (34)
|F | k|q|
|E | = = 2 (35)
q0 r
E~ = 2 r (36)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field vector for a Point Charge
What is the electric field at point P due to the charge q?


r1 = a ; r2 = a

q p √
|~r | = r = (r1 )2 + (r2 )2 = a2 + a2 = a 2 (37)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

~r r1 ˆ r2 ˆ
rˆ = = (−i) + (j) (38)
|~r | |~r | |~r |
−a a −1 1
= √ iˆ + √ jˆ = √ iˆ + √ jˆ (39)
2a 2a 2 2
k|q| kq −1 1 ˆ
E~ = 2 rˆ = 2 ( √ iˆ + √ j) (40)
r 2a 2 2

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electron in a Uniform Electric Field
Consider two conducting parallel plates separated by a distance r
and connected to a battery. The resulting charges on the plates
cause a uniform electric field E = E0 j in the region between the
a) If an electron of charge e is released from rest at the upper
plate, what will be the acceleration of the electron?


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electron in a Uniform Electric Field
a) Acceleration of the electron.


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

E~ = (41)

F~ = q E~ = −eE0 j = me ay (42)

ay = j (43)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electron in a Uniform Electric Field
Consider two conducting parallel plates separated by a distance r
and connected to a battery. The resulting charges on the plates
cause a uniform electric field E = E0 j in the region between the
b) What speed and kinetic energy does it require as it reached
the positive plate?


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electron in a Uniform Electron Field
b) Speed and KE of the electron


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

vy2 = V0y
+ 2ay (y − y0 ) (44)

V0 = 0; y0 = 0 (45)

Vy2 = 2ay y (46)

=2 (−r ) (47)
2eE0 r
Vy = (48)
1 2 1 2 1 2eE0 r 2
KE = mv = me vy = me ( ) (49)
2 2 2 me

KE = eE0 r (50)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field caused by a Charged Distribution

q1 , q2 , q3 , ...so on
At any given point P, each point charge produces its own electric

E~1 , E~2 , E~3 , ...so on

A test charge q0 placed at point P experiences a force,

F~1 = q0 E~1 from charge q1

F~2 = q0 E~2 from charge q2
F~3 = q0 E~3 from charge q3 and so on

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field caused by a Charge Distribution
The total force that the charge distribution exerts on q0 is the
vector sum of these forces:
F~0 = F~1 + F~2 + F~3 + ... = q0 E~1 + q0 E~2 + q0 E~3 + ...

The combined effect of all the charges in the distribution is

described by the total electric field at point P.
E~ = q0 = E~1 + E~2 + E~3 + ...

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Principle of Superposition of Electric Fields

The total electric field at P is the vector sum of the fields at P due
to each point charge in the charge distribution.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field of an Electric Dipole

|q1 | = |q2 | = q

What is the electric field caused by q1 , electric field caused by q2

and total field at point P?


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

E~1 = E~1x + E~1y (51)

= |E1 |cosθi+—E ˆ
1 |sinθ j (52)

E~2 = E~2x + E~2y (53)

= |E2 |cosθi+—E 2 |sinθ −̂j (54)

|E~1 | = |E~2 | = 2 (55)
E~total = E~1 + E~2 = 2 (2cosθ)iˆ (56)
kq b b
E~total = 2 (2 ) = 2kq 3 iˆ (57)
a a a

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field of a Ring of Charge
A ring shaped conductor with radius a carries a total charge Q
uniformly distributed around it. What is the electric field at point


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

E~ = k 2 rˆ (58)
d E~ = k rˆ (59)
d E~ = k cosθiˆ (60)
a2 + x 2
d E~ = 3 dQ iˆ (61)
(a2 + x 2) 2
d E~ = 3 dQ iˆ (62)
(a2 + x 2 ) 2
E~ = 3 iˆ (63)
(a2 + x 2 ) 2

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Linear charge density:

charge(C )
λ= (64)
unit length (m)
Surface charge density:

charge(C )
σ= (65)
unit area (m2 )
Volume charge density:

charge(C )
ρ= (66)
unit volume (m3 )

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field of a Line of Charge
Positive electric charge Q is distributed uniformly along a line with
length 2a. Find the electric field at point P.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
E~ = k 2 rˆ (67)
d E~ = k rˆ (68)
d E~ = rˆ (69)
2a(x 2 + y 2 )
d E~ = k [cosθiˆ + sinθ(−j)]
ˆ (70)
2a(x 2 + y 2 )

kQdy x
d E~ = k 2 2
[p i
2a(x + y ) x + y2

+ √ (−j)]
x 2 +y 2

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Z a Z a
kQdy x y
d E~ = 2 2
[p +p ˆ (72)
−a −a 2a(x + y ) x 2 + y 2 iˆ x2 + y2

E~ = √ iˆ (73)
x a2 + x 2

1 (2aλ) ˆ
E~ = √ i (74)
4π0 x a2 + x 2

1 (2aλ) a2
E~ = √ iˆ (75)
4π0 x a2 + x 2 √1

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

1 λ
E~ = q iˆ (76)
2π0 x x 2 + 1

For a >>> x,

λ ˆ
E~ = i (77)
2π0 x

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

E~ = rˆ (78)
2π0 r
The field magnitude depends only on the distance of point P from
the line of charge.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field of a Uniformly Charged Disk
Find the electric field caused by a disk of radius R with a uniform
positive surface charge density (charge per unit area) σ, at a point
along the axis of the disk a distance x from its center. Assume
that x is positive.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
E~ = k 2 r (79)
d E~ = k r = k r 2dQ
+x 2
cosθi (80)
σdQ x
=k √ i (81)
r2 +x 2
r2 + x2
x(σ2πrdr )
d E~ = k 3 i (82)
(r 2 + x 2 ) 2
x(σ2πrdr )
d E~ = k 3 i (83)
0 0 (r 2 + x 2 ) 2
1 σ
E~ = 1 − q (
i) (84)
+1 20

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field of an Infinite Plane Sheet of Charge
E~ = rˆ (85)
The field produced is independent of the distance from the sheet.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Field of Two Oppositely Charged Infinite Sheets


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

E~ = E~1 + E~2 (86)
E-field above the upper sheet:
E~above = j + σ 20 (−j) = 0 (87)
E-field below the lower sheet:
E~below = (−j) + σ 20 j = 0 (88)
E-field between the two sheets:
E~between = j + σ 20 j
= j

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


- Imaginary line or curve drawn through a region of space so that

its tangent at any point is in the direction of the electric field
vector at that point.


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

1 Field lines do not intersect each other.
2 Field lines spacing gives a general idea of the magnitude of E
at each point.

Strong E - Field lines are closely together.

Weak E - Field lines are farther apart.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
In a UNIFORM FIELD, the field lines are straight, parallel and
uniformly spaced.


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


- a pair of point charges with equal magnitude and opposite sign

(a positive charge q and a negative charge -q) separated by a
distance d.


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

1 What is the electric field does an electric dipole itself

2 What forces and torques does an electric dipole experience

when placed in an external field?

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


The NET FORCE of an electric dipole in a uniform external field is


Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


TORQUE - quantitative measure of the tendency of a force to

cause or change the rotation motion of a body.

τ = Fl; (90)

l - length of the lever arm

- perpendicular distance between the line of action of the force and
axis of rotation.
φ - angle between E and the dipole axis.
Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

τ = Fl (91)
τ+ = F~+ sinφ (92)
τ− = F~− sinφ (93)
Both torque tend to rotate the dipole clockwise. The magnitude of
the net torque is:

τ = (qE )dsinφ (94)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field
τ = (qE )dsinφp = qd (95)
(magnitude of electric dipole moment)

τ = pEsinφ (96)

- magnitude of torque on an electric dipole

~τ = p~x E~ (97)

(torque on an electric dipole in vector form)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field


The direction of p is always along the dipole axis from the negative
charge to the positive charge.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

1 Torque is GREATEST if p is perpendicular to E.
Torque is ZERO if p is parallel to E.
Torque is ZERO if p is antiparallel to E.

2 Torque always tends to turn p to line it up with E.

3 When φ = 0 (p is parallel to E), stable equilibrium.

When φ = π (p is antiparallel to E), unstable equilibrium.

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

When a dipole changes direction in E, the E-torque does work on
it with a corresponding change in potential energy.

The work dW done by a torque τ during an infinitesimal

displacement dφ is:

dW = τ dφ (98)

Torque always tends to turn p to line it up with E.

so the torque is in the direction of decreasing φ.

dW = τ dφ = −pEsinφdφ (99)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

dW = τ dφ = −pEsinφdφ (100)
In a finite displacement from φ1 to φ2
Z φ1 Z φ1
dW = −pEsinφdφ (101)
φ2 φ2
Z φ1
W = −pE sinφdφ (102)

W = −pE [−cosφ]φφ12 (103)

W = −pE (−cosφ2 + cosφ1 ) (104)

W = pEcosφ2 − pEcosφ1 (105)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

W = pEcosφ2 − pEcosφ1 (106)
Work is the negative of the change of potential energy:

W = U1 − U2 = −pE (cosφ1 − cosφ2 ) (107)

A suitable definition of potential energy for the system is:

U(φ) = −pEcosφ; p • E = pEcosφ (108)

p • E~
u = −~ (109)
potential energy for a dipole at uniform E

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

When φ = 0
(U = -pE, p is parallel to E), potential energy is minimum
stable equilibrium position
When φ = π
(U = pE, p is antiparallel to E), potential energy is
unstable equilibrium position
When φ = π2
(U = 0, p is perpendicular to E)

Chapter 21: Electric Charge and Electric Field

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