Kashmirshawls 190406074315 PDF
Kashmirshawls 190406074315 PDF
Kashmirshawls 190406074315 PDF
Kashmir shawls
B L U E (neela)
• Blue was obtained from indigo, it was not grown locally in
Kashmir but was brought in from the plains.
• Turquoise blue was, however, made from an imported dye
with the addition of alum during the preparation process.
• To obtain a deep rich shade the dyeing process had to be
repeated several times.
G R E E N (sabz)
Y E L L O W (peela)
• This shade was extracted from sunflower (for
pure yellow) and saffron (for reddish yellow).
• One concoction of yellow is alkabir, turmeric
and alum.
• Kesu, the flowers of the dhak, were used for
obtaining a greenish yellow.
• Green walnut shells are used to obtain an
intense, long-lasting black.
• Another manner of getting a good rich black is a
mixture of indigo and a fermented compound of
gur, atta and the refuse after iron is smelted.
• Logwood is used for acquiring black when used
with iron sulphate and copper sulphate.