Listening - Reading - Writing PDF
Listening - Reading - Writing PDF
Listening - Reading - Writing PDF
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Part 2
- 5 questions -
Listen and write. There is one example.
Part 3
- 5 q u e stio n s -
W h e re d id H a rr y ge t th ese t h in g s ?
L iste n a n d w rite a letter in e ach box. There is on e e xa m p le .
A B / C □
Part 5
- 5 questions -
Listen and colour and write and draw. There Is one example.
Test 1 Reading & Writing
Part 1
- 1 0 questions -
Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines.
There is one example.
Part 2
- 7 questions -
Lo ok and read. W rite y S S or FlO.
Reading & W riting
Part 3
- 5 q u e stio n s -
B: Helen:
B Helen:
B Helen:
B, Helen:
B, Helen:
B: Helen:
Reading & W riting
D We’re going to go to a
restaurant. (Exa m p le)
Test 2
Part 4
- 6 questions -
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. W rite the correct word next
to numbers 1-5. There is one example.
Last Saturday, my dad took my brother and I to a campsite in the forest. We left
our_________ 11,11' "L_________ after lunch. After a few hours we knew we were on the
at a cafe and asked someone where the/orest was. The man in the cafe
dad had a torch in his car. We put the tent up and went to bed. in the middle of
the night it started to rain. It rained a lot and it was very windy. Suddenly the tent
fell down and water started to come C4)________________________ the tent. We were
very wet and we quickly ran to the car. The next morning we all woke up in the car
fee ling ( 5 ) ________________________ and cold. We looked at our broken tent. “I don’t
think we’ll be sleeping in that tent again!” said my dad, and we all started to laugh.
Reading & W riting
house early into told trees
A Saturday to remember
My favourite tent
Test 3
Part 5
- 7 questions -
Look at the picture and read the story. W rite some words to complete the
sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.
Last month, Harry went on holiday with his mum and dad. They went to a cheap
hotel by the sea for a week. Harry was very happy because they were travelling by
plane. It was Harry’s first time in a plane. When they arrived at the airport, Harry
and his parents went to get their suitcases. His parents had a big red suitcase and
Harry had a small one with black stripes.
Then they took a taxi to their hotel. Harry thought the hotel was excellent because
it had a very big swimming pool. Harry wanted to go for a swim before he did
anything else. He went to his room and opened his suitcase to get his swimming
shorts. Harry was very surprised when he opened his suitcase. It was full of dresses!
It wasn’t Harry’s suitcase! His mum found a name and phone number in the suitcase
and she called the number. The woman on the phone said she had Harry’s suit case.
That afternoon Harry and his parents met the woman. She was very happy to get
her suitcase back and she wanted to thank them. The woman was very rich and the
next day Harry and his parents had lunch with her - on her boat! It was Harry’s
best holiday!
Harry and his parents went on holiday last
Part 6
- 10 questions -
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.
Mount Everest
Reading & W riting
Example a the an
1 between under behind
2 but and so
3 easy easier easiest
4 to on of
5 are is were
6 everywhere everyone everything
Test 2
Part 7
- 5 questions -
Read the diary and write the m issing words. W rite one word on each line.