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AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry

AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry

in the oil industry
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 2

A broad product
A broad product range for a wide
spectrum of oilfield applications 2-4

Solutions for production applications

Corrosion inhibitors
range for a wide
spectrum of oilfield
Scale inhibitors 11-12
Paraffin control 13
Biocides 15

Water clarifiers/deoilers 17
Asphaltene inhibitors 19
Foamers 21-22

Solutions for drilling applications 25-29

Oil-based mud additives (chart) 26-27
Water-based mud additives (chart) 28-29 AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry has the global experience,
Oilfield cleaning 31-34 expertise and sustainable solutions to help the oilfield industry
enhance its production, drilling and stimulation processes.
Our portfolio of products with advanced functionalities allows
our customers to select the solution that best fits their specific
needs in any particular oilfield application.

Our commitment
to innovation for
the oil industry
We have dedicated oilfield technical teams
working tirelessly to understand the performance
characteristics of our existing product portfolio so
that we can recommend the best possible candidates
to address our customers’ technical needs. We
also have dedicated research and development
scientists developing the next generation of products
for application in the uniquely challenging oilfield
environment. Our strategic intent is to provide best-
in-class performance while reducing the environmental
impact of oilfield operations. Specifically, we aim to
replace toxic chemistries used in the market today with
more benign materials or to find more environmentally
friendly versions of products from our own porftolio.
In this brochure, you will find our innovative
offerings developed specifically for production
and drilling applications. You can quickly
scan and select the best products based on
your needs.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 3

Surface Chemistry is a business unit of Manufacturing R&D and Technical Headquarters

AkzoNobel, the largest global paints and coatings Chattanooga, USA Services Chicago, USA
company and a major producer of specialty Houston, USA Bridgewater, USA Stenungsund, Sweden
chemicals. Based in Chicago, USA, our business Ft. Worth, USA Croton River, USA Shanghai, China
unit operates in 50 countries, employing over Itupeva, Brazil Chattanooga, USA
1,500 people. With regional marketing centers, Mons, Belgium Deventer,
Morris, USA the Netherlands
manufacturing and R&D facilities worldwide, we
Saskatoon, Canada Itupeva, Brazil
are a leading supplier of specialty surfactants and
Salisbury, USA Mumbai, India
synthetic and bio-polymer additives.
Singapore Singapore
Stenungsund, Sweden Ossining, USA
Stockvik, Sweden Shanghai, China
Stenungsund, Sweden

Planet Possible
More value from fewer We’re committed to making our products and Possible. It’s all about creating more value from
operations more sustainable. As well as driving fewer resources and opening up infinite possibilities
resources our own success, putting sustainability at the heart in a finite world.
of everything we do means that our customers Ranked as a global sustainability leader, AkzoNobel
and employees – not to mention the planet – has earned its long-standing reputation as a
will also benefit. But if we’re to take advantage leader in the field of sustainability as proven by
of sustainable growth opportunities, we have to our consistently high ranking on the Dow Jones
accelerate the pace of our commitment. Which is Sustainability Index (DJSI).
why we’ve adopted an approach we call Planet
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 4

Solutions for
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry offers a variety of another essential class of chemistries produced including foamers, corrosion inhibitors, organic
technologies that can be used in oilfield stimulation by AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry. These products viscosifiers and spacer additives. We also
activities including cementing, fracturing and form worm-like micelles in depleted acids and produce products that can be used in other
acidizing. Some of the technologies mentioned in saline brines which viscosify the various water- oilfield applications, including enhanced oil
this brochure can be applied to stimulation, but based fluids required for acidizing. These materials, recovery, shale-gas, pipeline and refinery.
certainly not all. Stimulation application conditions sold under the Aromox® and Armovis® trade Contact our sales representative in your region
have their own unique requirements and challenges. names, provide significant performance benefits for in-depth technical data sheets (TDS) that are
Especially when it comes to controlling the rheology over conventional non-surfactant-based systems. available for these products, with descriptions
of the applied fluids, water-based or oil-based. Additionally, we have secondary additives to help of their performance characteristics and end-
Viscoelastic surfactant (VES) technologies are formulate fracturing and/or acidizing systems use properties.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 5

Solutions for
The production, separation and purification of crude oil and gas constitute
a complex task that needs to be achieved not only safely but also quickly,
economically, and in compliance with the regulatory restrictions of the operator's
environment. Advances in understanding the characteristics of produced fluids,

improvements in engineering design and materials science, as well as a greater
appreciation of the mechanisms and conditions that promote production
problems have all led to immense strides forward in the scale and speed of

production. However, the task remains complex, and there is a continuing need
in the industry for specialty chemical products to help meet productivity targets.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry has worked for many years to develop an
extensive range of products that can address most of the compelling issues
that the production engineer and service provider face on a daily basis.
Our product line for production applications includes demulsifiers, corrosion
inhibitors, scale inhibitors, paraffin control, biocides, water clarifiers and deoilers,
asphaltene inhibitors, and foamers.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 6
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 7


During the production of

crude oil, a multi-phase fluid
is produced. Co-produced
with the oil are natural gas and
an amount of water, usually
saline, which as the reservoir
is depleted, can be present in
quite large proportions.

During the production process, the fluids experience

significant shearing in different locations, including
the perforated zone, the downhole pump and the
wellhead. Emulsifying agents naturally present in the
crude oil, such as asphaltenes and the soaps of
linear and aromatic organic acids, along with solids
such as clays, sand and scale, stabilize the crude
oil/water interface and make the emulsions difficult
or slow to separate. In most oilfield applications, water droplets to coalesce upon contact. As the number below 13 are insoluble in water. Products
the initial crude is an oil-continuous emulsion that, water droplets increase in size, they tend to settle, with solubility between 13 and 17 are dispersible
upon treatment, can invert to become water- separating the water from the oil. in water at low concentrations and form gels at
continuous, requiring the use of deoilers, which are high concentrations. Products with values of 17 and
The stability of an emulsion is unique to each
covered separately. above are completely water-soluble.
reservoir, and may vary from well to well. As such, it is
Due to the high throughput requirement of most necessary to develop demulsifier blends specifically The following are general guidelines for the RSN
oilfield separation systems, gravity separation of the targeted at fluids produced. Witbreak™ demulsifier system:
emulsions is insufficient, particularly if the relative products should be considered as concentrated raw
 or crude oil emulsions, a demulsifier formulation
gravitational difference between hydrocarbon and materials, or intermediates, for the preparation and/
should have an RSN between 8 and 15. The RSN
water is negligible – e.g., steam-assisted gravity or formulation of oilfield demulsifiers and dehydrating
values combine algebraically. For example, a 50-50
drainage (SAG-D). Therefore, assistance is required chemicals. Field demulsifiers are usually blends of
blend of a product with an RSN of 10 and a product
to achieve satisfactory throughput. two or more intermediates, selected on the basis of
with an RSN of 20 will yield a blend RSN of 15.
To achieve optimized demulsification, natural gas their performance in bottle tests and centrifuge tests,
the methods of which can be found in separate • In general, synergistic action between
needs to be removed from the fluids to encourage
publications. intermediates makes demulsifier blends
quiescent coalescence of the emulsion. This is
better than single-component formulations.
physically aided through heating of the oil and/or the These tests help identify the products that produce
emulsion pad. This helps melt waxes and reduces the maximum amount of water and the cleanest •D
 emulsifiers with either very low or very high
the crude oil's viscosity, allowing the water droplets oil. The samples should be examined for fastest RSN values are seldom used individually; their
to settle out more quickly. water drop, sludging, quality of the interface, and properties can be best utilized by blending.
quality of the water. The best-performing candidates •D
 ue to synergism, blends of intermediates
However, by far the most common treatment to
should have bottle tests repeated using different from different chemical groups make better
help break the emulsion is the addition of formulated
combinations and concentrations until eventually demulsifiers than blends using intermediates
chemical demulsifiers. These chemical additives are
the best performance blend is found. from the same family of compounds.
usually injected at the wellhead to achieve adequate
mixing prior to the separator so that the demulsifier Relative solubility number •S
 ome demulsifier bases have special properties that
can reach the target interface and function effectively. Another useful guide in formulation is the Relative give them very good blending characteristics. This is
To reach the surface of the emulsified water Solubility Number (RSN), which helps eliminate the case with highly oil-soluble (low RSN) polglycols.
droplets, the demulsifier blend must have the right some of the trial-and-error involved in formulating When blended with oxyalkylated resins, some
solubility. The chemical demulsifier is attracted to demulsifier blends. The value assigned to each
the emulsifying agent through differences in polarity. product indicates its relative solubility in water.
Once at the target, it neutralizes the effect of the As the numerical value increases, water solubility
emulsifying agent, allowing the finely dispersed increases. Generally, products with a solubility
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 8

excellent demulsifier formulations have been complete the job. Drying demulsifiers help reduce significant amounts of dissolved salts. The refining
developed for the oil industry. Other effective the water content further via coalescence of the process relies heavily on catalysts that will be
combinations include oxyalkylated resins blended fine emulsion droplets, but this function usually poisoned if they are contacted by such salts,
with polyols, diepoxides or polyacrylate-based takes longer. A balanced formulation of droppers so the import crude is mixed with freshwater
intermediates. and driers is usually required to achieve target. to remove these salts. The coalescence of
Typical dropper/drying characteristics of individual the resulting emulsion is encouraged using
To dehydrate crude oil to a sufficient level to
demulsifiers are given. an electrostatic grid and specialty desalting
achieve export quality, a combination of water
Desalting demulsifiers that yield crude suitable for refining.
droppers and oil dryers need to be used in the final
demulsifier blend. While the droppers may work Another important demulsifier application occurs The following product lists (Tables 1 & 2) present
very quickly due to flocculation of large droplets, at the refinery and is referred to as desalting. AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry's portfolio of
usually the base sediment and water (BS+W) The imported crude oil arriving at the refinery solutions for demulsifier applications.
will be greater than 1 percent - not sufficient to contains up to 1 percent water, which will contain

Table 1: Demulsifiers
General information Solubility (as 10% product) Function Application
Product Description Type RSN Isopropanol Kerosene Water Aromatic 150 Water Dryer Wetting Water-in-oil Waste oil Desalter
dropper demulsifier demulsifier
Witbreak™ DGE-169 Glycol Ester Nonionic 8.2 S D I S – • – • • –
Witbreak™ DPG-40 Poly Glycol Nonionic 32 S I S S • •* – • – •
Witbreak™ DPG-481 Poly Glycol Nonionic 18.4 S D S S • •* – • – •
Witbreak™ DPG-482 Poly Glycol Nonionic 17 S I S S • •* – • – •
Witbreak™ DRA-21 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 14.9 S D D S • – – • • –
Witbreak™ DRA-22 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 20.2 S I S S • – – • – •
Witbreak™ DRA-50 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 8.4 S D I S – • – • – –
Witbreak™ DRB-11 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 11.5 S I I S – • – • – –
Witbreak™ DRB-127 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 8.9 S D I S – • – • – –
Witbreak™ DRB-271 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 9.6 S I I S – • – • – •
Witbreak™ DRC-163 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 14.9 S I I S • – – • – –
Witbreak™ DRC-168 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 20.5 S S I S • – • • – BEST
Witbreak™ DRC-232 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 14.3 S D I S • – – • – •
Witbreak™ DRE-8164 Resin Ester Nonionic 7.5 D I D S – • – • – –
Witbreak™ DRI-9010 Diepoxide Nonionic 5 S S D I – • – • • •
Witbreak™ DRI-9026 Diepoxide Nonionic 5.7 S S I S – • – • • •
Witbreak™ DRI-9030 Polyacrylate Nonionic 7.5 D I I S • – – – – –
Witbreak™ DRI-9037 Polyacrylate Nonionic 7.8 S I I S • – – • • –
Witbreak™ DRI-9045 Amine Oxyalkylate Nonionic 16 S D S S • – • • • •
Witbreak™ DRL-3124 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 12.5 S D I D – • – • – –
Witbreak™ DRL-3134 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 13.5 D D I D – • – • – •
Witbreak™ DRM-9510 Polyacrylate Nonionic 7.9 S I D S • – – • • •
Witbreak™ DTG-62 Polyoxyalkylene Glycol Nonionic 23.4 D I D S • •* – • • •
Witbreak™ GBG-3172 Resin Oxyalkylate Nonionic 10.6 S I I S • – – • – –
•* - secondary function, but when so, very effective.
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.

Table 2: Secondary demulsifier additives
Product Description Type Slug treater Wetting agent
Witconol™ NP-100 Nonylphenol Ethopxylate Nonionic – •
Witconate™ 708 Alkylaryl Sulfonate Anionic • –
Witconic ™ AN Acid Alkylaryl Sulfonate Anionic • –
Petro® IPSA Alkylaryl Sulfonate Anionic • –
Witconic ™ 1298H Branched DDBSA Anionic –  •
Witconic ™ 1298S Linear DDBSA Anionic – •
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 9

Corrosion inhibitors

have a delta-positive charge that attracts them to

Unlike typical iron corrosion, however, even low fluid flow rates are sufficient
to abrade the surface, enabling severe corrosion the delta-negative pipe surface. The hydrophobic
oilfield corrosion generally to continue. tails of the surfactants pack together to create a
hydrophobic layer, minimizing contact between
does not occur as a result of A further issue with sour corrosion is the poisoning
the water and pipe and reducing the corrosion
of the hydrogen diatomization process. The
a metal's reacting with oxygen hydrogen atoms diffuse into the metal where they potential. The schematic illustrates film formation
and the protective nature of the film.
to produce rust. can cause blistering, embrittlement and cracking
in weak steels. Hydrogen sulfide can also be
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry has developed
generated locally by sulfate-reducing bacteria
a broad range of products that can be used
(SRB). These SRBs are often most active under
Produced multiphase fluids are usually oxygen- to tackle oilfield corrosion (see Table 3). They
scale deposits in the production system, which can
free reductive environments. But due to the can provide corrosion inhibition in a variety of
lead to severe localized pitting corrosion.
predominant use of mild steel in the construction forms, including oil-soluble, oil-soluble/water-
Various methods of corrosion control are employed dispersible and water-soluble. Guidance
of production pipework, acid gases dissolved in
in the field, but continuous-dose, film-forming regarding formulation and inhibitor selection
the produced water when in contact with the steel
corrosion inhibitors are one of the most commonly can be found in separate documentation.
can lead to corrosion.
employed. The mechanism of action is disruption
For corrosion to occur, a galvanic cell must be of the galvanic cell. The film-forming surfactants
established. Small variations within the body of
the pipework or across weld sections create
an electric potential. The galvanic circuit can be
completed if water touches the iron surface, which
itself is reduced as the iron is oxidized. Under
acidic conditions typical of oilfield production, the
cathodic reaction leads to the addition of electrons
to aqueous protons producing hydrogen atoms.
At the anode, iron is oxidized to ferrous (II) ions,
leading to iron dissolution.
Two types of corrosion occur in the oilfield:
 arbon dioxide (CO2)-induced - called "sweet
corrosion" - which is ubiquitous
 ydrogen sulfide-induced corrosion - called
"sour corrosion" - which is less common but
more damaging. Figure 1: Film-Forming Corrosion Inhibitor
Sweet corrosion
The severity of sweet corrosion will depend
upon the conditions of production, but is
usually worse at high pressures, due to the
presence of higher concentrations of dissolved
CO2 in the water (present as carbonic acid),
and at higher temperatures (increased rate of
reaction). Carbonic acid can continue to react
directly with the iron surfaces, but under the right
conditions can form a protective iron hydroxide
film. However, if this is displaced, corrosion will
continue. Sweet corrosion is characterized by the
presence of closely grouped, smooth-edged pits.
Rates of metal loss are usually lower than with
sour corrosion.
Sour corrosion
Sour corrosion is more aggressive than sweet
corrosion. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) reacts directly
with the iron surface. A protective film of ferrous
sulfide (FeS) can form at the corrosion site;
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 10

Table 3: Corrosion Inhibitors

General information Solubility (c,f)
Product Chemistry Molecular % primary % total Appearance Minimum Pour-point (°F) Isopropanol Kerosene Water Aromatic HLB
weight amine active amine 150 Davis
number scale
Armac® C Acetate salt of cocoalkylamines 200 ND 98 Paste 165 S S S S 21
Armac® HT Prills Acetate salt of hydrogenated 263 ND 98 Solid 202 70 S P P P 6.8
tallow alkylamines
Armeen® C Coco alkylamines 200 95 99.5 Liquid 275 18 S S P S 10.3
Armeen® CD Coco alkylamines, distilled 200 98 99.5 Liquid 281 18 S S P S 10.3
Armeen® HT Hydrogenated 263 97 99.5 Solid 207 43 S I P I 8.2
tallow alkylamines
Armeen® OLD Oleylalkylamine, distilled 265 98 99.5 Liquid 207 18 S S P S 8
Armeen® S Soyaalkylamines 264 97 99.5 Liquid/paste
206 24 ND ND ND ND 8
Armeen® TD Hydrogenated tallow 262 98 99.5 Solid 210 35 S S P S 8.2
alkylamines, distilled
Armohib® CI-28 (d) Proprietary surfactant blend 750-800 (a) ND ND Liquid NA 11 ND ND ND ND ND
Armohib® CI-31 (e) Proprietary surfactant blend ND ND ND Liquid NA 0 ND ND ND ND ND
Armohib® CI-41 Mixed polyamine + ND ND ND Liquid NA <0 ND ND ND ND ND
TOFA imidazoline
Armohib® CI-209 Tall oil imidazoline 208-222 ND ND Liquid NA <-1.1 S S I S ND
Armohib® CI-210 Tall oil amidoamine 187-200 ND ND Solid NA 32.8 S S I ND ND
Armohib® CI-219 DETA + TOFA imidazoline 359 (b) ND 72 Liquid NA 3 S S I ND ND
Arquad® C-50 Cocoalkylatrimethyl 278 <2 50 Liquid NA <0 S S I S 23
ammonium chloride
Arquad® O-50 Oleylalkyltrimethyl 344 <2 50 Liquid NA <0 ND ND ND ND 21
ammonium chloride
Arquad® S-50 Soyaalkyltrimethyl 344 <2 50 Liquid NA <0 ND ND ND ND 21
ammonium chlroide
Duomeen® C “N-coco-1,3-diaminopropane” 257 43 89 Liquid 409 21 S D P S 17.5
Duomeen® CD “N-coco-1,3-diaminopropane, 257 45 89 Liquid 409 21 S S D S 17.5
Duomeen® O N-oleyl-1,3-diaminopropane 322 45 90 Liquid/paste
320 21 S S D S 15.6
Duomeen® S N-soya-1,3-diaminopropane 322 43 89 Paste 303 33 ND ND ND ND 15.6
Duomeen® T N-tallow-1,3-diaminopropane 319 45 92 Solid 334 44 S P D D 15.6
Ethoduomeen® C/13 Ethoxylated 185-215 <2 97 Liquid ND <0 S S D S ND
(3) N-coco-1,3-diamine propane
Ethoduomeen® T/20H Ethoxyated (10) 265-272 <2 97 Liquid 144 ND S S S S 23.7
N-tallow-1,3-diamine propane
Ethoduomeen® T/22 Ethoxyated (12) 410-450 <2 98 Liquid ND -8 S I S I 24
N-tallow-1,3-diamine propane
Ethoduomeen® T/25 Ethoxyated (15) 485-515 <2 98 Liquid 112 -15 S I S I 24.5
N-tallow-1,3-diamine propane
Ethomeen® C/12 Ethoxylated (2) cocoalkylamines 275-300 <3 97 Liquid 193 8 S S D S 12.2
Ethomeen® C/15 Ethoxylated (5) cocoalkylamines 410-435 <2 98 Liquid 133 -6 S S S S 13.3
Ethomeen® C/25A Ethoxyalted (15) cocoalkylamines 830-890 <1 98 Liquid 65 -4 S I S I 16.8
Ethomeen® S/12 Ethoxylated (2) soyaalkylamine 342-362 <3 97 Liquid 159 16 S S D S 10
Ethomeen® S/15 Ethoxylated (5) soyaalkylamine 470-495 <3 97 Liquid 116 7 S S S S 11.1
Ethomeen® T/12 Ethoxylated (2) tallowalkylamines 340-360 <3 97 Paste 160 32 S S D S 10.1
Ethomeen® T/15 Ethoxylated (5) tallowalkylamines 470-495 <2 98 Liquid/paste 116 13 S S S S 11.2
Ethomeen® T/25 Ethoxyalted (15) tallowalkylamines 890-950 <1 99 Liquid/paste 61 5 S I S I 14.7
(a) Neutralization equivalent (b) Imidazoline content (c) Of 10% product in solvent (d) Inhibits mineral acids (e) Inhibits organic acids (f) some high melt solids required warming/shaking and cooling for observation
“ND = not determined, NA = not applicable” “S = soluble/clear, D = dispersible/turbid, I = insoluble/phase separation, P = Paste/Gel”
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 11

Scale inhibitors

During the production of operational concerns arise due to scaling of critical

monitoring and safety equipment as well as the
inhibitors depend greatly upon the conditions of
application, and it is suggested that scale inhibitors
crude hydrocarbons, water potential accumulation of low specific activity be screened under representative field conditions.
is co-produced with oil and scales due to co-precipitation of radium sulfate. AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry has developed a
A number of different approaches to tackling the wide range of specialized scale inhibitors that
gas. It needs to be separated problem of scale formation are employed in the allow the treatment of all common scales in a
from the oil and gas to allow field, preventative and remedial. One of the most range of production conditions (see Table 4).
widely used preventative option is the continuous We have assessed the performance of
the hydrocarbon to meet injection or squeeze treatment of chemical these products under a series of standard
the refinery specifications for threshold scale inhibitors into the production and/ conditions to give indicative performance, as
or water injection system. well as providing indicative physical property
export or sale. Scale inhibitors are typically either phosphorous- characteristics for these materials. The product
containing molecules or water-soluble polymers. portfolio includes green products made using
The method of action of scale inhibitors depends our patented hybrid technology platform.
As well as being a waste product, the produced water on type. It is thought that the phosphorous- Accurate residual scale inhibitor detection methods
usually tends to precipitate inorganic salts during containing molecules bind to the crystal growth for our scale inhibitor products are available. These
production, due to modification of environmental sites preventing further growth, allowing microfine methods use either ICP-AES or wet chemistry
conditions encountered as the fluids are extracted. crystallites to be flushed from the system. For methods and have detection limits to a few parts
This occurs due to the physical changes experienced the polymers, molecular adsorption onto the per million.
by the water as it is produced into the well, is mixed meta-stable crystallites destabilizes them back
with other fluids and passed through the separation into solution and prevents the initial formation of
train. The severity and type of scale(s) that occur scale. The performance and action of all scale
depend upon the unique chemistry of the formation
water and the physical processes of temperature
and pressure change experienced during production
and separation of the produced fluids.
The two most prevalent oilfield scales are calcium
carbonate and barium sulfate. Most formation
brines are saturated with respect to calcium
carbonate due to the presence of an excess of
the mineral in almost all reservoirs. Barium sulfate
is commonly encountered when highly sulfated
seawater or surface waters are injected into a
reservoir to maintain pressure. Mixing with high-
barium formation waters can lead to rapid scaling
due to the very low solubility of barium sulfate
in water.
Unlike remedial treatment of calcium carbonate
with acid, barium sulfate dissolver treatments
are difficult to perform and seldom successful.
Other common scales include strontium sulfate,
iron (II) carbonate and calcium sulfate. Other less
common, or “exotic,” scales include calcium
phosphate, sodium chloride and the sulfides of
zinc, iron and lead.
Supersaturation of brine to any particular inorganic
salt creates the potential for precipitation, and
if precipitation occurs, this scale can lead to
problems with the well, either through impairment
of reservoir productivity by restricting the fluid
pathways in the near-wellbore or by restricting fluid
flow in the production tubulars and/or separators.
In addition to restricted production, safety and
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 12

Table 4: Scale Inhibitors

General information Typical properties
Product Description Physical form Approximate Typical pH Typical Calcium Barium Other Brine Methanol Ethylene
molecular solids (%) carbonate sulfate scales tolerance 3 tolerance (%) 4 glycol
weight perfomance 1 performance 2 compatibility (%) 5
Alcoflow® 100 Polyacrylic acid Aqueous solution 3,000 2.5 50 •••• • CaSO4 ••• 100 100
Alcoflow® 250 Polycarboxylate Aqueous solution 800 3.5 40 •• •••• – ••• 50 100
Alcoflow® 260 Multipolymer Aqueous solution 7,500 4.3 44 ••• •• CaSO4 ••• 20 50
Alcoflow® 270 Multipolymer Aqueous solution 5,000 4.5 40 ••• ••• CaSO4
••• 20 50
Alcoflow® 275 Polcarboxylate Aqueous solution 600 <2 50 ••• •••• – ••• 100 100
Alcoflow® 300 Multipolymer Aqueous solution 15,000 4.4 44 •• • CaPO4 •• 80 50
Alcoflow® 750 Multipolymer Aqueous solution 10,000 3.5 35 ••• •••• – •• 100 100
Alcoflow® 880 Hybrid polymer Aqueous solution 15,000 3.5 38 •••• ••• – ••• 20 100
Alcoflow® 895 Hybrid polymer Aqueous solution 5,000 3 33 •••• •••• – ••• 100 100
Alcoflow® 920 Sulfonated Aqueous solution 10,000 8 35 ••• • NaCl ••• 100 50
Narlex® LD54 PPCA Aqueous solution 5,000 4 40 ••• ••• CaSO4 •• 20 100
Armohib® SI-3065 Phosphate ester Aqueous solution 245 4.5 62 ••• • CaSO4 ••• 20 100
Versa-TL® 3 Sulfonated styrene Dry powder 20,000 7 95 • • Iron scales ••• 50 100
Versa-TL® 4 Sulfonated styrene Aqueous solution 20,000 7 25 • • Iron scales ••• 50 100

Product Key characteristics

Alcoflow® 100 High solids, superior carbonate inhibitor, limited brine tolerance.
Alcoflow® 225 Unique biodegradable polymer. Iron tolerant. Great Carbonate inhibitor. Limited brine tolerance.
Alcoflow® 250 Superior Barium Sulfate inhibitor. Ultra-brine stable. High solids.
Alcoflow® 260 Broad scope scale inhibitor - high pH.
Alcoflow® 270 Broad scope scale inhibitor - high pH.
Alcoflow® 275 Superior Barium Sulfate inhibitor. Ultra-brine stable. Good brine tolerance.
Alcoflow® 300 Calcium Phosphate inhibitor.
Alcoflow® 750 Patented methanol tolerant scale inhibitor. Excellent multiscale control.
Alcoflow® 880 Biodegradable hybrid polymer - North Sea compliant.
Alcoflow® 895 Biodegradable hybrid polymer - North Sea compliant.
Alcoflow® 920 Unique Sodium Chloride inhibitor.
Narlex® LD54 Phosphonated polymer suitable for squeeze/residual determination.
Armohib® SI-3065 High performance topside and squeeze inhibitor. Range limited to 240F/115C.
Versa-TL® 3 Unique ultra high temperature stable inhibitor/dispersant - >260C/500F.
Versa-TL® 4 Unique ultra high temperature stable inhibitor/dispersant - >260C/500F.
1 Standard NACE test method. •••• = MIC 6ppm or less, ••• = MIC 7-9ppm, •• = MIC 10-15ppm, • = MIC>16ppm, MIC based on finished product.
2 50:50 Forties FW:SW, 80°C (176°F), 2 hours. •••• = MIC 25-50ppm, ••• = MIC 50-100ppm, •• = MIC 100-150ppm, • = MIC>150ppm, MIC based on finished product.
3 Polymer stable in the following brines overnight at 95°C (203°F). • = North Sea seawater, •• = 2500ppm Ca, 25000ppm Na, ••• = 25000ppm Ca, 50000ppm Na.
4 Neat polymer stable upon addition of x% methanol
5 Neat polymer stable upon addition of x% ethylene glycol
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 13

Paraffin control

Paraffins are naturally Paraffin begins by forming needle-like or plate-like

structures, and is initially observed as a cloud-
restricting flow of hydrocarbon into the well, or
more often deposition in production pipe work
occurring >C18-saturated point in the produced fluid. These deposits can leading to restriction of diameter and therefore flow
linear and branched- be very different in nature from system to system.
Some form mushy, readily dispersed deposits,
rate. Also the paraffinic crystallites, if precipitated in
the bulk hydrocarbon, can increase the viscosity of
alkane molecules that are others hard waxy deposits - the latter being the fluids, reducing pipeline throughput. At worst, if
more problematic from a remediation perspective. the paraffin crystal network is allowed to continue
found in most liquid crude In general, the latter waxy-type forms from the to grow and fuse, such as during a shut-in, wax
hydrocarbons. These higher C-chain length linear alkanes - typically gelling can occur and it may be impossible to re-
>C25 n-alkanes and above. These problem high- initiate fluid flow, causing the pipe to be abandoned.
components are completely molecular-weight paraffins are more prevalent in Paraffin control regimes can be either remediative
soluble in the hydrocarbon crude oil than condensates. or pre-emptive. Modern reservoir developments
under virgin reservoir The principal concern with paraffin deposits is the
restriction of fluid production rates. This may be
design the production system to minimize the
physical factors that can induce paraffin formation.
conditions. due to paraffin deposition in the near-wellbore, However, paraffin formation may still be an issue.

The paraffinic components are not discreet

molecules, but rather occur as a mixture of
n-alkane-saturated hydrocarbons in the order of
C18-C40, and even higher carbon chain lengths
when branched. The presence of paraffins does
not indicate the potential for a paraffin problem,
and most paraffinic crudes are produced without
precipitation or the need for chemical or physical
Paraffins can become problematic when the
fluids are subjected to various physical changes
required to produce and separate the crude oil or
condensate. Three physical processes in particular
encourage precipitation of paraffinic fluids:
 ressure change - this causes the light
ends of the crude oil to vaporize, reducing the
overall solubility of the high MW paraffins in the
remaining liquid hydrocarbon, which can lead to
precipitation. Strong pressure changes occur at
the formation face, chokes/valves, the wellhead
and separators
 emperature change - cooling of the crude
oil reduces the solubility of the paraffins,
which start to associate with themselves and
crystallize from solution, observed as a cloud
point. Particularly problematic locations can be
oil storage vessels and flow lines, especially
long-distance sub-sea tiebacks.
 urbulence - perhaps due to temporary
degassing of fluids and impingement of wax
crystallites on pipe walls, high turbulence flow
areas are also known to be problem areas
for paraffin deposits. Typical examples can be
downhole pumps, treatment vessels, wellheads
and chokes.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 14

Paraffin remediation techniques include soaking

the deposits with an appropriate solvent, often
including a dispersant. Preemptive treatment
involves the continuous injection of dispersants,
inhibitors, pour-point depressants, or combinations
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry has developed
high-performance chemical additives to help
tackle even the most challenging paraffinic
crudes and condensates either in paraffin
remediation or continuous treatment regimes.
These products fall into three categories:
 araffin dispersants - surfactants used either
in solvent treatments of pre-existing deposits
or in continuous application to keep paraffin
crystallites suspended in the solvent/crude and
flushed out of the system without redepositing
 araffin inhibitors - oil-soluble polymers that
reduce the temperature of appearance of the
cloud-point, inhibiting the formation of paraffinic
 our-point depressants - used to limit wax
gelling, usually induced by cold temperature
exposure, by interfering with the crystallization
process and keeping the bulk fluid mobile.

Table 5: Paraffin control

General information Paraffin dispersant Paraffin inhibitor Pour-point depressant
Product Description
Armohib® PC-105 Copolymer inhibitor/crystal modifier – • •
Armohib® PC-150 Proprietary blend – • •
Armohib® PC-205 Amine alkylarylsulfonate • – –
Armohib® PC-308 Copolymer inhibitor/crystal modifier – • •
Petro® IPSA Alkylarl sulfonate • – –
Witconate™ 93S Amine alkylarylsulfonate • – –
Witconate™ P1059 Amine alkylarylsulfonate • – –
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 15


A virgin hydrocarbon reservoir The following listing of AkzoNobel Surface

Chemistry biocides is specific to the
biocides, these biocides are less corrosive to
production pipework, and can in fact act as
is free of biological life before regulatory body that approves the biocide for corrosion inhibitors, particularly the quaternary
it is drilled or produced. use. In countries where a similar regulatory
structure is not in place, the adoption of the
ammonium compounds.
Selecting the right biocide depends upon the
However, as soon as contact best practices of foreign regulators may be target organisms to be treated, the regulatory
is made with the surface, approvals applicable and the type of treatment
The biocides offered by AkzoNobel Surface regime proposed. Many of the biocide chemistries
the potential for biological Chemistry are non-oxidizing surface-active organic mentioned become inactive once they reach the
contamination exists. types. They disrupt the typical function of the cell surface environment and are readily biodegraded
by their adsorption onto cell walls. While this kill to benign metabolic products.
mechanism may not be as fast as with oxidizing
Due to the relatively harsh environment downhole,
only a limited number of organisms are able to
survive and adapt if they make it to the reservoir.
But once in place, these organisms will find an
environment free of competition, with all the
nutrients they need to grow and multiply.
The biggest risk factors for contamination during
the production process occur when surface fluids
are injected directly into the reservoir, typical
examples of which are produced water re-injection
(PWRI), scale squeeze and other remediation or
stimulation treatments of the wellbore. It is under
these circumstances that extreme care should
be taken to biologically decontaminate the fluids,
which is usually achieved by using a suitable
chemical biocide.
Downhole colonization of the reservoir has a
number of negative impacts. Slime-forming sessile
bacteria can block pore throats and reduce the
injectivity of water injection wells. Most damaging,
however, is contamination with sulfate reducing
bacteria (SRB) such as desulfovibrio. These
bacteria metabolize the sulfate from surface
injection waters into hydrogen sulfide gas. This
acid gas level builds over time and causes
enhanced corrosion, increased production costs
(due to necessary H2S scavenging) and health and
safety concerns. These bacteria are extremeophiles
and are able to survive in the high-salinity, high-
pressure, elevated temperatures and moderate pH
levels typical of many reservoirs.
Once bacterial colonies are established, it is
practically impossible to disinfect a reservoir.
The only true method to control the downhole
environment is to ensure adequate biocide use
AkzoNobel's Biocides: Highly effective
Due to the toxicity of many biocides to both the
environment and to those handling the products,
regulatory restrictions on biocides and their use
have become more stringent in recent years.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 16

Table 6: Biocides
Product Description Physical form 25°C Biocide registering authority
Aquatreat ® DNM30 Dithiocarbamate Aqueous solution US EPA / Canada DSL
Aquatreat® KM Dithiocarbamate Aqueous solution US EPA
Arquad® 2.10 Didecylmethylquat Liquid EU Biocidal Product Directive
Arquad® MCB Methylbenzylcocoquat Liquid EU Biocidal Product Directive
Armohib® B101 Cocodiamine diacetate Liquid US EPA / Canada DSL
Armohib® B654 Cocodiamine diacetate Liquid Canada DSL
Duomeen® C (intermediate) Cocodiamine Liquid US EPA / Canada DSL
Triameen® Y12D N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylalkyl Liquid EU Biocidal Product Directive
trimethylene diamines, distilled
Registrations and permitted use scenarios for biocides are complex. Please contact your sales representative.
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 17

Water clarifiers/deoilers

Demulsification and separation solids adsorb to the emulsion oil/water interface,

effectively sealing it from exposure to other
Effective deoiling can be achieved using
polyelectrolytes that encourage flocculation of the
of the hydrocarbon phase emulsion droplets and impeding the coalescence emulsion droplets into larger collections, which
during primary separation mechanism. If the emulsion droplets are sufficiently
small, Brownian motion will keep the emulsion
are then more readily acted upon by the physical
separation equipment in the water treatment
of produced fluids does not stable indefinitely. process. The preferred polymers neutralize the
usually leave an aqueous phase
sufficiently free of hydrocarbons
to meet the discharge limits
required for water disposal.
Depending on the geographic
location, these limits can be
from 40 ppm residual oil in
water, to as low as 10 ppm.
Environmental regulations
will continue to press for
reduction of these discharge
limits, particularly in marine

Typically, a separation system will have equipment

for treating the waste water to encourage the further
separation of the oil droplets from the water. This
equipment includes hydrocyclones, flotation tanks,
filtration units, and centrifuges. The performance
of these devices can be significantly improved
through the use of chemical flocculating agents.
The flocculants are referred to interchangeably as
deoilers (due to the removal of the oil) or water
clarifiers (due to improvement in water quality).
The emulsion droplets that have not been removed
by the primary separating system will be significantly
stabilized from further coalescence due to two
mechanisms. The first is mutual charge repulsion
of emulsion droplets. As fluids are processed, the
decreasing pressure allows the pH of the water
to rise, resulting in the deprotonation of naturally
occurring fatty and naphthenic acids present in
the crude. These salts provide a negative charge
to the emulsion surface and actually repel other
oil droplets that would coalesce upon interaction.
In high TDS brines, calcium soaps of fatty/
naphthenic acids can form, creating a solid phase
at the water interface, making coalescence even
slower. This is similar to the second stabilizing
mechanism whereby organic and/or inorganic
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 18

repulsive charges developed on the emulsion AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry's products

droplets, and if of sufficient size, can also bridge include a range of natural and synthetic
between the droplets collecting then together into materials to meet the performance and
flocculated groups where coalescence may occur environmental needs of the market. We also
due to close proximity. Flocculants are designed manufacture dithiocarbamate products, which
to function in the high salinity brines common in are also known to form temporary in-situ,
produced waters. iron-linked pseudo-polymer complexes that
function as effective oilfield deoilers.

Table 7: Water clarifiers/deoilers

General information   Typical properties      
Product Description Physical form pH Solids (%) MW
Alcoclear™ CCP-II Polycationic aqueous solution 4.5 6.2 1,000,000
Flocaid™ 19 Polyamphiphile aqueous solution 4 27.5 100,000
Flocaid™ 34 Polyamphiphile aqueous solution 4.8 27.5 100,000
Witbreak™ RTC-330 Polycationic aqueous solution 4.5 70 ND
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 19

Asphaltene inhibitors

Asphaltenes are some Table 8: Asphaltene inhibitors

General information Typical properties
of the highest-molecular- Product Description Physical form Pour-point (°F) Solubility (25% or more)
weight organic fractions to Armohib® AI-1000 Ampoteric surfactant Liquid/paste 35°C Isopropanol, benzene, mineral oil

be found in crude oil. They Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.

consist of heteroatom-
containing polycyclic aromatic
groups with aliphatic arms.
The specific structure of
asphaltenes varies from crude
to crude, but where present,
can be the source of major
fouling and disruption to
production. Asphaltenes can
be a problem downhole as
well as topside.

Asphaltenes are widely defined as those

hydrocarbon materials that are soluble in aromatic
solvents such as benzene, but not soluble in
aliphatic solvents such as n-pentane. The presence
of such asphaltenic components in a crude oil
need not necessarily lead to asphaltene problems.
However, precipitation of asphaltenes, when it
occurs, is usually the result of the solubility of these
high-molecular-weight components destabilizing in
the oil. The sources of destabilization are typical
of production conditions – e,g., pressure decline,
pH change, crude mixing, etc.
If non-chemical techniques cannot be employed
to eliminate an asphaltene problem, then chemical
inhibitors are required.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry has recently
developed Armohib® AI-1000, a specialty
inhibitor product to help with this specific
production problem.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 20
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 21


In the production of crude A wide range of anionic surfactant chemistries

is available from AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry.
The sulfonates and naphthalene sulfonate products
are more robust than the ether sulfates. They
oil and gas, foamers have Selection will require consideration of the have higher foaming performance and are more
a number of important conditions of application and the environmental
requirements. Laboratory evaluation of performance
temperature-, brine- and pH-stable. But they can
also be more environmentally persistent. Certain
applications. These include the is recommended. products can be made to be solvent and oil
dispersible, and in a specific case can be used
deliquification of low-pressure Of the families of products available, the most
to foam non-aqueous media. Linear alpha-olephin
gas wells by creating a stable environmentally friendly materials are the ether
sulfates. These materials are somewhat brine
sulfonates seem to offer particularly desirable
properties as foamers in oilfield applications.
foam that can slowly lift those tolerant, but are prone to hydrolysis in strongly
acidic or alkaline conditions or at high temperature. On the next page, you will find AkzoNobel
heavy liquids from the wellbore As with many surfactant applications, synergism Surface Chemistry core products for foamers
that would otherwise slowly is observed with foamers, and we recommend applications.
blending ether sulfates with sulfonate products to Contact our local sales representative for more
choke off the flow of the well, boost performance. information on products and regional availability.
eventually killing it.

Foamers are also used in enhanced oil recovery

(EOR) either as blocking and diverting agents to
restrict unwanted flow or by improving the sweep
characteristics of the mobile phase by reducing
its mobility. Many of the products described here
are also used in foamed drilling and stimulation
applications (including fracturing, cementing and
acidizing) where the use of foam can reduce the
total chemical cost and/or improve the performance
of the operation.
Foamers work by preferentially adsorbing at the
air/water interface, resulting in incorporation of
significant volumes of air into the fluid. The fraction
or percentage of air that is incorporated into the
foam is referred to as the foam quality and is usually
in the range of 75-90 percent, but can be as high
as 97 percent. Foam quality will vary as a function
of pressure and temperature and the chemistry of
the water in the aqueous phase.
Foamers need only be dosed at low concentrations
to give significant results. During the unloading
of gas wells, foamers can reduce the overall
Specific Gravity (SG) of the fluid column in the well,
allowing the reservoir to eject the water blockage.
Treatments may be done by slug injections of liquid
surfactant to the wellbore, or continuously through
the use of a slowly dissolving foam stick.
In EOR applications, it is the rheological
characteristics of the foam flowing in a porous
media that provide the desired mobility modification
and fluid diversion. Foams are more resistant
to flow than either the aqueous phase or the
gaseous phase in such a medium, and this can
be advantageous so long as the bubble size is
designed properly.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 22

Table 9: Foamers
General information Typical properties
Product Description Appearance Activity pH Freshwater Brine Gas well Soap Foamed EOR Foam booster Non-aqueous
(%) foamer foamer unloading stick and stimulation by blending foamer
Witcolate™ 1247H Ammonium C6-C10 Liquid 39 7-8.5 (a) • • • – – • •
Alcohol Ether Sulfate (3EO)
Witcolate™ 1259 C6-C10 Alcohol Ether Sulfate Liquid 80 7-8 (a) – • • • – • –
(3EO), IPA salt
Witcolate™ 1259FS C6-C10 Alcohol Ether Sulfate Liquid 88.5 7-8.5 (a) – • – • – • –
(3EO), IPA salt
Witcolate™ 1276 Ammonium C10-C12 Alcohol Liquid 53 7-8 (a) • – – – – • –
Ether Sulfate (3EO)
Witcolate™ 3220 Surfactant blend Liquid 32 8.8 (a) – • • – – • •
Witconate™ 708 Cyclohexylamine Salt of Disopropyl Liquid 53 6 (b) – • – – – – –
Naphthalene Sulfonic Acid
in Naphthalene
Witconate™ 79S TEA-Dodecylbenzene Liquid 52 6.5-8 (c) – • – – • – –
Sulfonate Linear
Witconate™ 90 Flake Sodium Dodecylbenzene Solid flake 90 6.5-8.7 (d) – • – • • – –
Sulfonate Linear
Witconate™ 93S Isopropylamine Linear Liquid 92 4-5 (e) – • – – – – –
Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate
Witconate™ 96A Sodium C14-16 Alpha Liquid 39 6.8-8.5 (d) – • – – – – –
Olephin Sulfonate
Witconate™ AOK Sodium C14-16 Alpha Solid flake 90 7-10 (d) • – – • • • –
Olephin Sulfonate
Witconate™ AOS Sodium C14-16 Alpha Liquid 39 8-10 (f) • – – – • – –
Olephin Sulfonate
Witconate™ AOS-12 Sodium C12 Alpha Liquid 40 (g) 8-10 (a) • • • – • – –
Olephin Sulfonate
Petro® BAF Sodium Alkyl Napthalene Liquid 50 ND – • – – – – –
Petro® P Sodium Alkyl Napthalene Liquid 50 7.5-10 – • – – – – –
(a) 5% aqueous solution (b) 5% in 75% IPA solution (c) 5% in 25% IPA solution (d) 10% aq solution (e) 20% aq solution (f) 12.8% aq solution (g) % solid
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 23

Solutions for
drilling applications
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 24

To access the hydrocarbons

contained in an oil or gas
reservoir, a well must be drilled
to connect the reservoir with
the surface. This will allow the
crude fluids to be conveyed
via the well to the surface
for separation and refining.
Rotary drilling techniques are
used to create the well. A drill
bit is mounted on a tubular
drill string, which is turned by
rotary action. The weight of
the drill string on the rotating
drill bit is sufficient to grind the
rock and allow penetration
toward target.

A critical component of the success of a drilling • S

 uspending cuttings. While the drilling fluid's • A  llowing effective removal of cuttings.
operation is the use of drilling fluids. The most rheology is important in dynamic conditions, it Shale shakers are used to mechanically
obvious need is for the fluid to carry the rock is also important during periods of low annular remove cuttings. However, if the mud thixotropy
cuttings to the surface and out of the well to velocity, such as a shut-in or the addition of a is insufficient, solids can be left in the mud.
prevent them from clogging the drill bit and new pipe to the drill string. Drilling fluids are Upon reinjection, these particles break down
hindering further drilling progress. To do so, designed to be thixotropic, developing high further and can impact the rheology (of
clean drilling fluids are injected into the hollow drill low-shear viscosity that maintains suspension shales especially) and many other design
string. The fluid emerges from nozzles on the drill of the cuttings and the weighting agents, thus characteristics of the mud. Lowering solids and
bit and flushes the cutting head and rock-face, minimizing any sedimentation or sag that might plastic viscosity through the use of dispersants
lifting the ground rock away and sweeping the occur. The fluid should require minimal energy and deflocculants will help in this regard.
cuttings toward the surface through the annulus. input to return to dynamic flow conditions. • Cooling and lubricating the drill bit. Due
Control of the viscosity of the mud and the fluid • M
 aintaining wellbore stability. Erosion of the to the abrasive forces at play during drilling,
flow rates ensure adequate cuttings removal. wellbore due to dynamic abrasion or an osmotic the drill bit temperature can rise significantly.
The density of the mud also helps to create expansion of in-situ shales can be problematic. The drilling fluid helps reduce this. Water-based
buoyancy for the cuttings. At the surface, the Brine chemistry and effective mud design can systems cool most efficiently although oil-based
cuttings are physically separated using screens, limit these issues. muds lubricate the most.
and the cleaned fluids are returned to the well • M inimizing formation damage. The
for pumping. penetration of either mud fines or brine into
Lifting the cuttings out of the well is not the only the near-wellbore can permanently reduce the
function that a drilling fluid must complete. Further productivity of the reservoir. Remediation is
critical functions include: possible, but avoidance through mud-design
is preferred.
• C
 ontrolling formation pressure. Balancing the
pressure of fluids in the drilled zones will ensure • Minimizing environmental impact. Lower-
that either no fluids or a controlled flow of fluids toxicity products have been developed to
will enter the well during drilling, thus enabling reduce the environmental burden of the drilling
effective rheological control of the drilling fluid fluids in case of exposure or spill.
to be maintained. Drilling muds are required to perform an extensive
• S
 ealing permeable formations. Many of the list of tasks. In addition, as regulatory and drilling
rock strata penetrated by the drill are permeable performance requirements become increasingly
and will accept liquid from the mud. If allowed challenging, these fluids are becoming increasingly
to continue, this will cause unacceptable mud complex and sophisticated, utilizing a variety of
thickening. The drilling mud is designed to specialty chemical products to push performance
develop a thin, low-permeability filter cake from boundaries. Satisfying all requirements can be
the solids it contains. This seals the permeable a challenge, especially when the fluid selected
zones from further fluid loss and allows drilling provides a compromise of performance, cost and
to continue. the specifications of the reservoir being drilled.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 25

To help achieve the optimum balance of properties modified, in this case. Their lubricating and fluid inhibits shales, improves fluid loss and minimizes
to meet drilling engineers' specific requirements, loss characteristics are much preferred over formation damage. To ensure the oil-wet character
many different mud types have been developed, WBMs, but the toxicity of the base fluid can be is maintained, wetting agents are also incorporated
all of which fall into two fundamental drilling mud a concern. into the formulation. Other chemical additives utilized
types: water-continuous fluids, also known as Recently, "green" synthetic hydrocarbons have are dispersants, lubricants and foamers.
water-based muds (WBMs), and oil-continuous been developed, and are referred to as synthetic- AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry has a full range
fluids, often referred to as oil-based muds (OBMs). based muds (SBMs). These materials, which of surfactant- and polymer-based additives
WBMs use water as the continuous phase. They are non-aromatic, usually contain a sacrificial to help our customers develop both high-
are thickened using bentonite or polymers and chemical link to encourage biodegradation and performance and basic oil-based and water-
are usually weighted by dissolving salt into the have been used in environmentally sensitive areas. based drilling mud formulations. Our research
water and/or dispersing sized inorganic minerals These mimic the characteristics of conventional staff continues to develop novel products that
such as barium sulfate to counter the pressure hydrocarbon OBM bases in many ways, but the address some of the key challenges facing the
from fluids in the formation and eliminate mud chemical additives used to complete the fluid may drilling market today, including products for
contamination. Due to the cheapness of the need to be adapted due to the aliphatic nature high-temperature applications and materials
fluid base, WBMs are often preferred where their of the base. to reduce the environmental impact of drilling.
use is permitted by performance requirements. On the following tables (10 & 11) you will
While this family of oil-continuous fluids (OBMs
Water-based systems have until recently been find our core products for oil-based and
and SBMs) may be referred to as oil-based muds,
limited to lower-temperature applications due to water-based muds.
in most cases these fluids are invert emulsions
the poor rheological stability and high fluid loss
containing a high proportion of water in the internal Advice and guidance on the chemistry can be
characteristics at high temperatures. However,
phase. The emulsion provides viscosity to the fluid, provided through interaction with our sales and
the development of high-temperature stable
and the internal phase is usually weighted with technical staff.
additives have allowed WBMs to be utilized in
highly salinity brine (CaCl2 is most common) to
the most extreme drilling environments. From
increase the fluid density.
an environmental perspective, WBMs are also
preferred because they contain lower-toxicity To maintain the stability of the invert emulsion,
components. high-performance emulsifiers are required. These
materials are usually a formulation of various
OBMs use either crude oil or a refined hydrocarbon components to optimize performance. One of
(diesel) as the continuous phase. They too are the key benefits of using OBMs is the ability to
thickened using bentonite – hydrophobically- maintain an oil-wet surface to the reservoir, which
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 26

Oil-based mud additives

Table 10: Oil-based mud additives

General Information Typical properties Solubility
Product Description Type Physical pH Brookfield Pour-point (°F) Isopropanol
form at RT viscosity
at RT
Amadol® 511 Alkanolamide Nonionic Liquid 8.6 850 <0 S
Amadol® 1017 Modified Alkanolamide Nonionic Liquid 9.5 1300 32 S
Amadol® CDA Alkanolamide Nonionic Liquid 9 2030 32 I
Armohib™ 209 Imidazoline Cationic Liquid 11 200 <0 S
Arquad® 2HT-75 Tallow Dimethyl Quat Cationic Paste 7 55 40 S
Arquad® 2C-75 Coco Dimethyl Quat Cationic Liquid 7 430 <0 S
Arquad® HTL8-MS 2-Ethyhexylhydrogenatedtallowalkyl methyl sulfate Cationic Liquid 7 125 * S
Berol® 840 Narrow range alcohol ethoxylate Nonionic Liquid 7 25 * S
Ethoquad® 18/25 Octadecylamine (15 EO) Quaternary Ammonium Salt Cationic Liquid 8 1750 * S
Ethylan™ 1008 C10 Alcohol (8 EO) Ethoxylate Nonionic Liquid 7 70 54 S
Witcomul™ 1844 Surfactant blend Nonionic Liquid 7 65 <0 S
Witcomul™ 3020 Surfactant blend Nonionic/Anionic Liquid 6.5 50 18 S
Witcomul™ 3158 Surfactant blend Nonionic/Anionic Liquid 7 65 <0 ND
Witconate™ 605A Calcium Alkylaryl Sulfonate Anionic Liquid 6 2500 10 D
Witconate™ AOS Sodium Alpha-olephin Sulfonate Anionic Liquid 7.7 100 30 D
Witcolate™ 1247-H Alcohol Ether Sulfate Anionic Liquid 7.5 175 5 D
Witconol™ NP-40 Nonyl Phenol (4 EO) Ethoxylate Nonionic Liquid 7 * * S
Witconol™ NP-100 Nonyl Phenol (10 EO) Ethoxylate Nonionic Liquid 7 350 * S
S = soluble/clear, D = dispersible/turbid, I = insoluble/phase separation, ND = not determined * = not specified
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 27

General information
Typical function
Product Kerosene Water Aromatic Drilling mud Drilling Emulsion Drilling mud Stuck pipe Surfactant Drilling mud Wetting Dispersant Foaming
150 primary mud secondary stabilizer lubricant additive detergent agent agent
emulsifier emulsifier
Amadol® 511 S D I • – – – – – – – – –
Amadol® 1017 S S I – – – • •
– – – – –
Amadol® CDA I S I – – – • – – – – – –
Armohib™ 209 D D S – – – – – – – • – –
Arquad® 2HT-75 I S I – – • – – – – – – –
Arquad® 2C-75 D S S – – • – – – – – – –
Arquad® HTL8-MS
S I D – – – – – – • – –
Berol® 840 I S S – – – – – – – • – –
Ethoquad® 18/25 S I I – – • – – – – – – –
Ethylan™ 1008 S S S – – – – – – – • – –
Witcomul™ 1844
I S I – – – – – – • – – –
Witcomul™ 3020 S D S – – – – • – – – – –
Witcomul™ 3158 ND ND ND • • – – – – – – – –
Witconate™ 605A S I S – • – – – – – • • –
Witconate™ AOS
D S D – – – – – – – – – •
Witcolate™ 1247-H I S I – – • – – – – – – –
Witconol™ NP-40 I S S – • – – – – – • – –
Witconol™ NP-100
S I S – – – – – – – • – –
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 28

Water-based mud additives

Table 11: Water-based mud additives
General information Typical properties
Product Description Charge Physical form pH Typical Typical polymer
solids % (c ) molecular weight
Alcodrill® HPD–L Sulfonated Polycarboxylate Anionic Aqueous liquid 6.5 45 3,500
Alcodrill® HPD–S Sulfonated Polycarboxylate Anionic Water soluble powder 6.5 95 3,500
Alcodrill® SPD–L Polycarboxylate Anionic Aqueous liquid 8 40 3,000
Alcodrill® SPD–S Polycarboxylate Anionic Water soluble powder 8 95 3,000
Alcoflow 300–D Sulfonated multipolymer Anionic Water soluble powder 7 95 15,000
Narlex® D72 Sulfonated Styrene Maleic Acid Copolymer Anionic Water soluble powder 7 95 15,000
Versa–TL® 3 Sulfonated Styrene Maleic Acid Copolymer Anionic Water soluble powder 7 95 20,000
Versa–TL®4 Sulfonated Styrene Maleic Acid Copolymer Anionic Aqueous liquid 7 25 20,000
Versa–TL® 70 Sulfonated Polystyrene Anionic Water soluble powder 7 95 75,000
Versa–TL®130 Sulfonated Polystyrene Anionic Aqueous liquid 6 30 200,000
Versa–TL® 501 Sulfonated Polystyrene Anionic Aqueous liquid 7 25 1,000,000
Versa–TL® 502 Sulfonated Polystyrene Anionic Water soluble powder 7 95 1,000,000
Aquatreat® DNM–30 Sodium Dithiocarbamate Blend Anionic Aqueous liquid 11.5 30 –
Aquatreat® KM Potassium Dimethyldithiocarbamate Anionic Aqueous liquid 13 50 –
Arquad® S–50 Soyaalkyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride Cationic Liquid in propylene glycol 7 51 –
Armohib® 209 Tall Oil Imidazoline Cationic Liquid 11 (a) 99 –
Arquad® 2.10–70 HPF Didecylmethylquat Cationic Aqueous liquid 7 (b) 70 –
Witcolate™ 1247 H Ammonium C6–C10 Alcohol Ether Sulfate (3EO) Anionic Aqueous liquid 7.8 (d) 65 –
Witcolate™ 1259 FS C6–C10 Alcohol Ether Sulfate (3EO), IPA salt Anionic Aqueous liquid 7.5 (d) 80 –
Witcolate™ 1276 Ammonium C10–C12 Alcohol Ether Sulfate (3EO) Anionic Aqueous liquid 7.5 (d) 53 –
Witconate™ 3203 Specialty Sulfonate Anionic Aqueous liquid 7.5 50 –
Witconate™ AOK Sodium C14–16 Alpha Olephin Sulfonate Anionic Flake 8.5 (e) 90 –
Witconate™ AOS Sodium C14–16 Alpha Olephin Sulfonate Anionic Aqueous liquid 8.5 (e) 39 –
Witconol™ NP–100 Nonyl Phenol (10 EO) Ethoxylate Nonionic Liquid 6.5 (f) 99 –
Witconol™ NP–120 Nonyl Phenol (12 EO) Ethoxylate Nonionic Liquid 6.5 (f) 99 –
Witconate™ 93S Isopropylamine Linear Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate Anionic Liquid 4.5 (g) 93 –
Amadol® 1017 Modified Alkanolamide Nonionic Liquid 9.5 (a) 99 –
Witconate™ 605A Calcium Alkylaryl Sulfonate Anionic Organic liquid 6 (h) 60 –
Armoclean® 6000 Alkyl glucoside Nonionic Aqueous liquid/paste 7 (i) 65 –
Armoclean® 6040 Alkyl glucoside Nonionic Aqueous liquid 7 (j) 75 –
Armoclean® 6060 Alkyl glucoside Nonionic Aqueous solution 6 (i) 61 –

(a) 5% in 3:1 IPA/H2O (b) 5% in 1:1 2–propanol:H2O (c ) Polymers as % total solids, surfactants as % actives (d) 5% aqueous solution (e) 10% aqueous solution (f) 1% in 62.5% IPA
Products may be not be immediately available in all regions. Contact our local offices for more information.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 29

General information Typical function

Product Deflocculant Fluid loss Rheoloogy Biocide Corrosion Foamer Emulsifiers Lubricant Dispersant/ Wetting Saltwater/ High temperature
additive stabilizer inhibitor detergent agent freshwater stable
Alcodrill® HPD–L • – – – – – – – – – SW –
Alcodrill® HPD–S • – – – – – – – – – SW –
Alcodrill® SPD–L • – – – – – – – – – FW Yes
Alcodrill® SPD–S • – – – – – – – – – FW Yes
Alcoflow 300–D • – – – – – – – – – SW Yes
Narlex® D72 • – – – – – – – – – SW Yes
Versa–TL® 3 • – – – – – – – – – SW Yes
Versa–TL® 4 • – – – – – – – – – SW Yes
Versa–TL® 70 • – – – – – – – – – SW Yes
Versa–TL® 130 • – – – – – – – – – SW Yes
Versa–TL® 501 – • • – – – – – – – SW Yes
Versa–TL® 502 – • • – – – – – – – SW Yes
Aquatreat® DNM–30 – – – • – – – – – – SW/FW –
Aquatreat® KM – – – • – – – – – – SW/FW –
Arquad® S–50 – – – – • – – – – – SW/FW –
Armohib® 209 – – – – • – – – – – SW/FW –
Arquad® 2.10–70 HPF – – – • • – – – – – SW/FW –
Witcolate™ 1247 H – – – – – • – – – – SW –
Witcolate™ 1259 FS – – – – – • – – – – SW –
Witcolate™ 1276 – – – – – • – – – – FW –
Witconate™ 3203 – – – – – • – – – – SW Yes
Witconate™ AOK – – – – – • – – – – FW Yes
Witconate™ AOS – – – – – • – – – – FW Yes
Witconol™ NP–100 – – – – – – • – – – SW/FW –
Witconol™ NP–120 – – – – – – • – – – SW/FW –
Witconate™ 93S – – – – – – • – – – SW/FW –
Amadol® 1017 – – – • – – – – • – SW/FW –
Witconate™ 605A – – – – – – – – • – SW/FW –
Armoclean® 6000 – – – – – – – – • • SW –
Armoclean® 6040 – – – – – – – – • • SW –
Armoclean® 6060 – – – – – – – – • • SW –
(g) 20% aqueous solution (h) 5% in 75%IPA (i) 1% in water (j) 2% in water
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 30
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 31

Oilfield There are a large number of applications within the oil and gas exploration
area where cleaning and wetting are important for the success of oilfield
operations. Many of these applications have been covered already in

preceding sections of this brochure, but there are other applications in the
oilfield where the need for cleaners is also critical in achieving performance
These applications are diverse and include subjects such as cleaning and
degreasing of all kinds of rig equipment, tank cleaning, drill-cuttings cleaning,
cement-spacer cleaning, wellbore-cleaning spacer systems, removal of
screen blockage and wellbore emulsions, reservoir rock cleaning, and
reservoir wettability changes, to name a few.
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 32

Developing sustainable
products from natural sources
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry to meet the present and future challenges in this
area than AkzoNobel. Our focus in this area has
interfaces can be created and modified very rapidly
with physiochemical conditions changing as fluids
(ANSC) has a long history already been recognized, with AkzoNobel being are being produced, injected downhole or introduced
of producing highly efficient ranked in the top-3 in the Chemicals sector of the
Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the last five years.
into the reservoir. As such, there continues to be an
amount of art rather than scientific method that goes
surfactant-based cleaning into the creation of formulations that work in the field.
Developing performance advantage through
products for a variety of specialty surfactant blending Having said that, knowing what the functional
characteristics that each component brings to
markets. These products are As is often the case with surfactants, the development a blend is important in being able to design the
sold in the oilfield under the of a multi-component performance blends frequently optimized multi-component blend. Our surfactants
elicits the highest performance products, particularly can be grouped into a number of different categories:
Armoclean® brand name. in oilfield applications where the challenging variables • Hydrotropes. These are compounds that increase
of temperature, high electrolyte concentration, variable the solubility of a surfactant in a formulation,
hydrocarbon chemistry (including naturally occurring achieving a much higher aqueous concentration
This history, when combined with the strength surface active agents), high-shear environments and of a primary surfactant or allowing its utility in a
of being one of the world’s largest surfactant suspended solids can make for some very challenging wider temperature range – e.g., increasing cloud-
manufacturers (particularly in the area of and dynamic treatment regimes. ANSC offers single- point. Hydrotropes may also be referred to as
fatty amine-based surfactants) and having component additives for customers to develop their “co-surfactants” or “secondary surfactants.” In
an experienced and dedicated own specialty blends for the oilfield. Our scientists general, hydrotropes are rather poor surfactants
oilfield technical service team, makes have also developed a number of formulated blends by themselves, but are highly valuable in that they
our product portfolio particularly strong. specifically for the oilfield which we also offer to the can help to include/dissolve poorly water-soluble
market, delivering excellent performance-in-use and molecules, such as low-HLB* nonionic cleaning
A key differentiator of the ANSC portfolio is our saving our customers the time and expense of surfactants, into water-based formulations and
development of sustainable products from natural developing their own formulations. at the same time boost their performance. Our
sources with a low impact on the environment.
hydrotropes cover a range of uses and are widely
During the last decade, our company has led the Typically, scientists designing a performance blend
used in producing high-performance formulations.
way in introducing alkyl glucoside technologies would measure surface tension, surface charge (zeta
*Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance (low values = oil soluble molecules,
and other cutting-edge greener and water-based potential), contact angle and wetting to determine high values = water soluble molecules.
cleaning solutions. No company is more motivated the optimized products. However, in the oilfield,

Table 12: Oilfield cleaning

Product name Surfactant type Chemistry Properties
low medium high hydrotrope wetting dispersing emulsifying North Sea
foaming foaming foaming approved
Armoclean® 1000 Nonionic/cationic Specialty – – • –
• – – •
Armoclean® 1025 Nonionic/cationic Specialty – – • –
• – – •
Armoclean® 1100 Nonionic Specialty • – – – • – • –
Armoclean® 2000 Nonionic Specialty – – – – – – • –
Armoclean® 3000 Nonionic Amide Alkoxylate • – – – – – • –
Armoclean® 4000 Nonionic Alcohol Alkoxylate • – – – • – • –
Armoclean® 4100 Nonionic Alcohol Alkoxylate • – – – • – • –
Armoclean® 4150 Nonionic Alcohol Alkoxylate • – – – • – • –
Armoclean® 4200 Nonionic Alcohol Alkoxylate – – • – • – • –
Armoclean® 4330 Nonionic Alcohol Alkoxylate • – – – • – • –
Armoclean® 4350 Nonionic Alcohol Alkoxylate • – – – BEST – • •
Armoclean® 4380 Nonionic Alcohol Alkoxylate – • – – • – • •
Armoclean® 6000 Nonionic Glucoside • – – • • – – •
Armoclean® 6040 Nonionic Glucoside • – – • – – – •
Armoclean® 6060 Nonionic Glucoside – – • – • • – •
Armoclean® 6100 Cationic Quaternary – – • • – • – –
Armoclean® 6250 Cationic Quaternary – – • • – • – •
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 33

• Wetting agents. These are sometimes of major area upon the formation of the emulsion droplets
value, and can be used to alter the polarity of will cause an increase in the free energy of the
the solvent which will wet its surface in a mixed system.) Emulsification in oilfield cleaning is mostly
solvent system. An oilfield example is reservoir- the dispersion of oil droplets in water. An oily
relative permeability modification, which can substance in the form of an emulsion or micro-
be used to enhance the rate of oil production. emulsion can be removed by aqueous phase
Surfactants, being amphiphilic in nature, are solutions. Microemulsions are thermodynamically
characterized by their tendency to concentrate at stable systems (they do not separate with time)
an interface. Wetting agents alter the free energy with a very low interfacial tension between the oil
of contacted surface, modifying its polarity. and water phases.
Wetting surfactants can render hydrophilic
surfaces “oil” wet or hydrophobic surfaces to • Solubilizers. Solubilization is a phenomenon that is
“water” wet. Surface wettability modifications are of major importance in oilfield cleaning applications
extremely useful for many oilfield applications. as it can remove oily material by incorporating
these water-insoluble substances into the interior
• Emulsifiers. These allow two immiscible liquid of a thermodynamically stable water-based solution
phases to be compounded into micro or macro- (micro-emulsion) or a semi-stable macro-emulsion
phase mixtures. When oil and water are mixed, system. Once solubilized into the hydrophobic
the created emulsion is thermodynamically interior of the micelle, the soil will be removed from
unstable, and the two phases will re-separate the surface and transported away from its source
over time. Depending on the properties of in a continuous phase in which it would otherwise
organic and aqueous phases to be emulsified, be insoluble.
and upon the type and concentration of
surfactants present, a stable micro-emulsion or One area of growth in recent years has been to move
a semi-stable macro-emulsion can be formed. away from solvent-based cleaning formulations. While
The surfactant (or emulsifier) acts by adsorbing at effective, these formulations were not pleasant to
the interface and reducing the interfacial energy. work with, had low flashpoints and were relatively
(It is the existence of this interfacial energy that toxic to humans and the environment. Today, a few
is essentially responsible for the instability of an active percent of surfactant in aqueous solution can
emulsion, since the large increase in interfacial deliver the same performance as the previous high-

Product name Physical characteristics Application

Electrolyte Requires Indicative Acid Alkaline High alkaline Waterbased Solvent based Microemulsions Quick-break
stability hydrotrope thermal stability (°C) cleaner (pH<12) (pH>12) degreasers cleaners effect
Armoclean® 1000 good – >150 • • – • – – •
Armoclean® 1025 good – >150 • • – • – – –
Armoclean® 1100 excellent – Short term stability >150 – • • • – – •
Armoclean® 2000 good – >150 – – – – • – –
Armoclean® 3000 good – Short term stability >150 – – – – • – –
Armoclean® 4000 when formulated • >150 • • • • – • –
Armoclean® 4100 when formulated • >150 • • • • – – –
Armoclean® 4150 when formulated • >150 • • • • – – –
Armoclean® 4200 when formulated • >150 • • • • – – –
Armoclean® 4330 when formulated • >150 • • • • • • –
Armoclean® 4350 when formulated • >150 • • • • • • –
Armoclean® 4380 when formulated • >150 – – – – – • –
Armoclean® 6000 excellent – Short term stability >150 – • • • – – –
Armoclean® 6040 excellent – Short term stability >150 – • • • – – –
Armoclean® 6060 excellent – Short term stability >150 – • • • – – –
Armoclean® 6100 good – >150 • • – • – • –
Armoclean® 6250 good – >150 • • – • – • –
150 °C = 300 °F
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 34

volatile organic compound (VOC) formulations. surfactant into aqueous solution, raising the cloud- hydrotrope may be required in the final formulation.
Success has been achieved by selecting the right point of the solution to acceptable levels. Inorganic The mixed micellar aqueous solution delivers the
primary surfactant to perform the desired function particulates may also be present in soils, and in this primary surfactant(s) to the target deposits surface
on the target deposit, whether that be dispersion, case a more hydrophilic surfactant may need to and allows it to perform its function. There are also
emulsification or wetting. For oily soils, these be introduced as a component in the final cleaner a number of synergistic components that can be
primary surfactants are often themselves very blend to target this type of soil. These surfactants added to further improve the performance of the
hydrophobic and can have limited water solubility. may be more hydrophilic than those targeting the formulation.
Hydrotropes are required to solubilize the primary oily soil. A combination of primary surfactants and a If the target deposit is a tough organic solid such
AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry in the Oil Industry 35

as bitumen, wax, tar or asphalt, aqueous surfactant holding tank, separating into an organic and an
solutions may not be powerful enough cleaning aqueous phase. The clean water can be decanted
agents to effectively remove the target soil. In such and disposed of, allowing recovery and re-use of
cases, solvent-based cleaners or micro-emulsions the organic layer. This is an optimized physical
may be used. Here the formulation is optimized effect, rather than a chemical cleaving mechanism,
based on the removal of the soil from the substrate requiring no secondary treatment.
and allows the surface to be wet by the preferred Cold degreasers are a powerful form of formulated
solvent – aqueous or organic. In the case of cold emulsifier in an organic solvent that enables
degreasers, a critical function of the formulation is penetration and removal of difficult oily soils even
the emulsifier, which keeps the lifted soil away from at low temperature, where previously hot solvent
the surface and keeps it in solution and flushable cleaning was required. The emulsifying agent holds
from the surface. Micro-emulsions exhibit special the dispersed soil in solution during the secondary
properties because the solution provides such high aqueous flush, ensuring that the soil is not re-
surfactant concentrations, but exhibit properties deposited on the freshly cleaned surface.
mid-way between aqueous- and organic-based
cleaners. Because these solutions are so highly For advice on formulation development and use of
built, their higher cost must be justified against the our oilfield cleaner products, please contact your
performance benefits exhibited. local sales representative.

AkzoNobel surfactants – specially designed

for refining and optimizing cleaner
Our product portfolio contains a variety of
surfactant types to allow the formulator to refine
and optimize the cleaner formulation. They include:
Alkyl glucoside products, which provide
performance properties such as low or very low
foam, good wetting, dispersion, solubilization,
very high electrolyte tolerance and temperature
insensitivity. These products are ideal as hydrotropes
to manage your complex formulations and are,
together with a number of other products in our
offering, fully approved for use in the North Sea.
Narrow-range fatty alcohol ethoxylate products
are produced using narrow-range technology,
resulting in a peaked distribution of the added
ethylene oxide units. This gives a low content of
unreacted alcohol, resulting in low odor, lower
foaming tendency and improved cleaning efficiency.
Quick-breaking surfactants are designed to
form semi-stable emulsions which effectively clean
their target surface. However, the produced effluent
emulsion will separate quickly if left quiescent in a
USA and Canada
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Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry LLC
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T +1 845 276 8200
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Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry LLC
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T +55 11 45918938
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AkzoNobel is a leading global paints and coat-

ings company and a major producer of specialty
chemicals. We supply industries and consumers
worldwide with innovative products and are pas-
sionate about developing sustainable answers
for our customers.
Our portfolio includes well-known brands such
as Dulux, Sikkens, International and Eka. Head-
quartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we
are consistently ranked as one of the leaders
in the area of sustainability. With operations
in more than 80 countries, our 50,000 people

around the world are committed to delivering

leading products and technologies to meet the
growing demands of our fast-changing world.

© 2014 Akzo Nobel N.V. All rights reserved.

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