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YEAR – 2019 – 2020
This is to certify that this project entitled
“study of coaguable and non-coaguable milk
proteins’ by Jidan Hossain
of class-XII,
Roll no. – _____________ ,
Registration no. – ____________ ,
Academic session – 2019-2020
Submitted in fulfillment to ‘class–XII Biology
(044) project’, is bona fide record of work
carried out under my guidance and supervision.
_______________ ______________
External signature Internal signature
Name – Suparna Bhattacharjee
Designation – PGT
Department – Biology
School – Techno India Group
Public school
Date – ______________
1) I would like to express my special thanks
of gratitude to my Biology teacher
“Mrs. - Suparna Bhattacharjee” for their able
guidance and support in completing my

2) I would also like to extend my gratitude to

my parents for providing support and helping
me in completing the project.

Signature of candidate
Subject – Biology
Subject code – 044
Roll no. – ___________
contents Page
Aim - 1
Introduction - 2-3
Theory - 4-6
Materials - 7-8
Procedure - 9
Uses - 10
Observation - 11
Conclusion - 12
Biblography - 13
To study the coaguable and
non-coaguable milk proteins.
Milk is considered an ideal food as it
contain most of the constituents of our
diet. It is a rich source of proteins and
fats. It also contains calcium and
phosphorous in sufficient quantity.
Therefore, milk is considered to be an
important diet for the growing
children, and pregnant lactating
women. The milk of buffalo, cow, and
goat are commonly used for human
consumption. Milk is slightly heavier
than water (specific gravity = 1.035) and
has a slightly acidic pH (pH = 6.7).
87.32%, Butterfat 3.83, Casein (a protein)
2.54%, Albumin and Globulin (other
protein) 0.75%, Lactose (milk sugar) 5.06%
Fish (minerals) 0.7% .
Casein is the principal type of protein
present in the milk. It represents about 80%
protein nitrogen of the milk. B-lacto
globulin and A-lactalbumin are the other
proteins of the milk. Some antibodies called
immune globulins present in milk are also
proteins. Casein can be coagulated by acid,
rennet and heating. It is a coaguable protein.
The other milk proteins i.e. B-lacto globulin
and A- lacto albumins are called non-
coaguable proteins as they can be
coagulated only by heating. The study of
presence of coaguable and non-coaguable
proteins in milk has been taken in this
project. Whey and casein.
It is the name for a family of related
phosphoprotein (αS1, αS2, αβ, K). These
proteins are commonly found in
mammalian milk, making up 80% of the
proteins in cow milk and between 60%
and 65% of the proteins in human milk.
Casein has a wide variety of uses, from
being a major component of cheese, to
use as a food additive, to a binder for
safety matches. As a food source, casein
supplies amino acids, carbohydrates, and
two inorganic elements, calcium and
It is mixture of globular protein isolated from
whey, the liquid material created as a by-
product of cheese production. Some preclinical
studies in rodents have suggested that whey
protein may possess
Anti-inflammatory anti- cancer properties,
however, human data is lacking. The effects of
whey protein on human health are of great
interest and are currently being investigated as
a way of reducing disease risk, as well as a
possible supplementary treatment for several
diseases. Whey protein is commonly marketed
and ingested as a dietary supplement, and
various health claims have been attributed to it
in the alternative medicine community.
Although whey proteins are responsible for
some milk allergies, the major allergens in milk
are the caseins.
 Milk
 Test tube
 Rennin tablets
 Millon’s reagent
 Beaker
 Burner
1. Take about 20ml of milk in a beaker.
Grind a rennin tablet and add it to
the milk.
2. Warm the milk. The milk will
3. Filter the coagulated (solidified)
milk. The liquid filtrate is whey.
4. Take a small amount of whey in
separate test tube and test it for the
presence of protein by using
Millon’s reagent.
 Mother’s milk is best for baby as it
provides antibodies which help in
fighting foreign particles.
 Helpful in proper development &
grown of a child.
 Milk is used by farmers as an
organic fungicide & foliage
 Farmers have tested a diluted
milk solution in the past & have
found it to be more effective yet less
costly than commercial products.
Whey gives positive test for protein,
indicating the presence of non -
coaguable proteins in whey.
Cow and buffalo milks contains both
coaguable and non-coaguable
 Comprehensive laboratory
Manual in biology.
 Wikipedia
 NCERT Book of Biology class

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