Bibles Comparison Chart
Bibles Comparison Chart
Bibles Comparison Chart
John 1:18 No man hath No man has No one has No one has No one has
seen God at seen God at ever seen God, seen God at ever seen God;
any time; the any time; the but God the any time. The the only Son,
only only begotten One and Only, only begotten who is in the
begotten God, who is in who is at the Son, who is in bosom of the
Son, which is the bosom of Father’s side, the bosom of Father, he has
in the bosom the Father, He has made him the Father, He made him
of the has explained known. has declared known.
Father, he Him. Him.
declared him.
John 3:16 that he gave " that He gave that he gave His only that he gave
his only His only his one and begotten Son, his only Son,
begotten begotten Son, only Son,
John 3:17 For God sent the Son into his Son into did not send the Son into
not his Son the world to the world to His Son into the world, not
into the world judge the condemn the the world to condemn
to condemn world; but that world, but to the world, but
the world; but the world save the world that the world
that the world should be through him might be saved
through him saved through through him.
might be him
John 4:42 this is indeed this One this man really this is indeed this is truly the
the Christ, indeed is the is the savior of the Christ, the Savior of the
the Savior of Savior of the the world Savior of the world
the world world world
John 6:69 thou art the You are the you are the you are the you are the
Christ, the Holy One of Holy One of Christ, the Son Holy One of
Son of the God God of the living God
living God God
John 8:28 but as my but as the what the as My Father as the Father
Father hath Father taught Father has hath taught Me taught me
taught me, me taught me
John 8:38 seen with my seen with My what I have seen with My seen with my
Father Father; seen in the Father Father
John 9:35 Son of God Son of Man Son of Man Son of God Son of Man
John 14:28 my Father the Father the Father My Father the Father
John 16:10 I go to my I go to the I am going to I go to My I go to the
Father Father, the Father Father Father
Acts 3:13, his Son Jesus His Servant his servant his servant his servant
26 Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
Acts 7:59 calling upon called upon the omitted calling on God he prayed, Lord
God Lord
Acts 8:37 that Jesus omitted omitted that Jesus omitted
Christ is the Christ is the
Son of God (marginal note) (footnote) Son of God
Acts 15:11; Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus
16:31 Christ Christ*
Romans 1:3 Jesus Christ omitted omitted Jesus Christ Jesus Christ
our Lord our Lord our Lord
I our Lord our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus the Lord Jesus
Corinthians Jesus Christ Christ
Ephesians of our Lord omitted omitted our Lord Jesus omitted
3:14 Jesus Christ Christ
Philippians thought it not did not regard did not did not did not regard
2:6 robbery to be equality with consider consider it equality with
equal with God a thing to equality with robbery to be God as
God be grasped God something equal to God* something to
to be grasped be exploited
Philippians through through Him through him through Christ through him
4:13 Christ
I Thess. our Lord our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus
2:19 Jesus Christ Christ
I Thess. our Lord Jesus our Lord our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus
3:11 Jesus Christ Christ
II Thess. Grace unto Grace to you Grace and God our Father Grace to you
1:2 you, and and peace peace to you and the Lord and peace
peace, from from God the from God the Jesus Christ from God the
God our Father and the Father and the Father and the
Father and Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Lord Jesus
the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ. Christ.
II Thess. our Lord our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus
1:8 Jesus Christ Christ
I Timothy God our the Father the Father our Father the Father
1:2 Father
I Timothy God He He God He
Isaiah the Lord God, the Lord God the Sovereign the Lord God the Lord God
48:16 and his has sent Me, Lord has sent and His Spirit hath sent me,
Spirit, hath and His Spirit me, with his have sent Me. and his spirit
sent me. Spirit.
Acts 17:29 Godhead Divine Nature divine being Divine Nature deity
Romans Godhead divine nature divine nature Godhead divine nature
Romans To God only to the only to the only to God, alone to the only
16:27 wise, be wise God, wise God, be wise, be glory wise God,
glory through through Jesus glory forever through Jesus through Jesus
Jesus Christ Christ, be the through Jesus Christ Christ, to
for ever. glory forever. Christ! Amen. forever. whom be the
Amen. Amen. Amen. glory forever!
Colossians Godhead Deity Deity Godhead deity
I John 5:7 For there are omitted omitted for there are There are
three that bear three who bear three that
record in Witness in testify: the
heaven, the heaven: the Spirit and the
Father, the Father, the water and the
Word, and the Word, and the blood, and
Holy Ghost: Holy Spirit and these three
and these these three are agree.
three are one. one.
(marginal (footnote)
Jude 25 To the only to the only God to the only God To God our to the only God
wise God our our Savior, our Savior, be Savior, Who our Savior,
Saviour, be through Jesus glory, majesty, alone is wise, through Jesus
glory and Christ our Lord, power and Be glory and Christ our Lord,
majesty, be glory, authority, majesty, be glory,
dominion and majesty, through Jesus Dominion and majesty, power
power, both dominion and Christ our Lord, power, both and authority,
now and for authority, before all ages, now and for before all time
ever. Amen. before all time now and ever. Amen and now and
and now and forevermore! for ever.
forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
false accusers... Irreconcilable unforgiving unforgiving
despisers of ...Malicious slanderous not slanderers haters of good
II Timothy those who are gossips haters of lovers of the despisers of
3:3 good good good good
Titus 2:5 blasphemed dishonored malign blasphemed discredited
Power of the evil control of the evil sway of the under the power
I John 5:19 wickedness one one wicked one of the evil one
Revelation which thing I which thing I
2:15 hate Omitted omitted hate omitted
Revelation evildoer still do
22:11 unjust does wrong does wrong unjust evil
Matthew for thine is the Parenthetical omitted for Yours is the omitted
6:13 kingdom (footnote) kingdom
Matthew the Son of man omitted omitted Son of Man is omitted
25:13 cometh coming
John 18:36 now as it is now now as it is
1 For what is our presence of in the in the boasting
Thessalonia hope, or joy, or our Lord Jesus presence of presence of before our Lord
ns 2:19 crown of at His coming our Lord Jesus our Lord Jesus Jesus at his
rejoicing? Are when he Christ at His coming?
not even ye in comes coming?
the presence
of our Lord
Jesus Christ
at his
1 at the coming at the coming when our Lord coming of our at the coming
Thessalonia of our Lord of our Lord Jesus comes Lord Jesus of our Lord
ns 3:13 Jesus Christ Jesus with all with all his Christ with all Jesus with all
with all his His saints. holy ones. His saints. his saints.
Titus 2:13 glorious appearing of glorious glorious manifestation
appearing the glory appearing appearing of the glory
Revelation I am Alpha and I am the Alpha "I am the Alpha "I am the Alpha "I am the Alpha
1:8 Omega, the and the and the and the and the
beginning Omega," says Omega," says Omega, the Omega," says
and the the Lord God, the Lord God, Beginning and the Lord God,
ending, saith "who is and "who is, and the End," says who is and who
the Lord, who was and who was, and the Lord, who was and who is
which is, and who is to who is to is, and who to come, the
Revelation kingdoms of kingdom of our kingdom of our kingdoms of kingdom of our
which was, and come, the come, the was, and who Almighty.
11:15 our Lord, and Lord, and of Lord and of his our Lord and of Lord and of his
which is to Almighty." Almighty." is to come, the
of his Christ His Christ Christ His Christ Messiah
come, the Almighty
Revelation and art to omitted omitted and who is to omitted
11:17 come come
* Note: the NASV & the NIV change all Old Testament references of
Hell to either "Sheol" or "the grave"
(meaning the
traditional text
suggest that is
NOT God's
Luke 4:4 but by every omitted omitted but by every omitted
word of God word of God*
Luke 22:61 And Peter And Peter Then Peter And Peter And Peter
remembered remembered remembered remembered remembered
the word of the word of the the word the the word of the the word of the
the Lord, how Lord, how He Lord had Lord, Lord, how he
he had said had told him spoken to him had said to him
unto him
Acts 4:25 Who by the who by the You spoke by Who by the who by the
mouth of thy Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit mouth of Your mouth of our
servant through the through the servant David father David,
David hast mouth of our mouth of your have said, thy servant,
said, Why did father David servant, our "‘Why did the didst say by
the heathen Thy servant, father David: nations rage the Holy Spirit,
rage, and the didst say, "‘Why do the and the people ‘Why did the
people ‘WHY DID THE nations rage plot vain Gentiles rage,
imagine vain GENTILES and the things? and the
things? RAGE, AND peoples plot in peoples
THE PEOPLES vain? imagine vain
Acts 17:18 Then certain "He seems to "He seems to "He seems to He seems to
philosophers be a be advocating be a be a preacher
of the proclaimer of foreign gods." proclaimer of of foreign
Epicureans, strange They said this foreign gods," divinities" —
and of the deities," — because Paul because he because he
Stoicks, because he was preaching preached to preached Jesus
encountered was preaching the good news them Jesus and and the
him. And some Jesus and the about Jesus the resurrection.
said, What will resurrection. and the resurrection.
this babbler resurrection.
say? other
some, He
seemeth to be
II corrupt
a setter the
forth peddling the peddle the peddling the peddlers of
Corinthians word of God
of strange word of God word of God for word of God God's word
2:17 gods: because profit
he preached
I Peter 1:23 Being born for you have For you have having been You have been
unto them
again, not of been born been born born again, not born anew, not
Jesus, and the again not of
corruptible again, not of of corruptible of perishable
seed, but of seed which is perishable seed, but of seed but of
incorruptible, perishable but seed, but of incorruptible, imperishable,
by the word of imperishable, imperishable, through the through the
God, which that is, through through the word of God, living and
liveth and the living and living and which lives and abiding word of
abideth for abiding word of enduring word abides for God;
ever. God. of God. ever.
II Peter For the for no For prophecy For prophecy because no
1:21 prophecy prophecy was never had its never came by prophecy ever
came not in ever made by origin in the the will of man: came by the
old time by an act of will of man, but but holy men impulse of
the will of man: human will, but men spoke of God spoke man, but men
but holy men men moved by from God as as they were moved by the
of God spake the Holy Spirit they were moved by the Holy Spirit
as they were spoke from carried along Holy Spirit. spoke from
moved by the God. by the Holy God
Holy Ghost. Spirit.
II John 9 Whosoever Anyone who Anyone who Whoever Any one who
transgresseth, goes too far runs ahead transgresses, goes ahead
and abideth and does not and does not and does not and does not
not in the abide in the continue in the abide not in abide in the
doctrine of teaching of teaching of the doctrine of doctrine of
Christ, hath Christ, does Christ does not Christ, does Christ does not
not God. He not have God; have God; not have God. have God; he
that abideth the one who whoever He who abides who abides in
in the abides in the continues in in the doctrine the doctrine
doctrine of teaching, he the teaching of Christ, has has both the
Christ, he has both the has both the both the Father and the
hath both the Father and the Father and the Father and the Son
Father and the Son. Son. Son.
Revelation the Lord God the Lord, the The Lord, the the Lord God And the Lord,
22:6 of the holy God of the God of the of the holy the God of the
prophets sent spirits of the spirits of the prophets spirits of the
his angel to prophets, sent prophets, sent prophets, has
shew unto his His angel to his angel to sent his angel
servants the show to His show his to show his
things which bond-servants servants the servants what
must shortly the things things that must soon take
be done. which must must soon take place.
shortly take place."
Matthew ...For thine is parenthetical omitted For yours is the omitted
6:13 the kingdom, with disclaimer kingdom and
and the power, the power and
and the glory, (footnote) the glory
Mark 9:29 forever.
prayer and prayer prayer forever. Amen. prayer
prayer and
fasting fasting
Mark 13:33 watch and pray keep on the be on guard, watch and pray Beware, keep
alert be alert alert
Luke 11:2 Our Father Father, Father, Our Father in Father,
which art in hallowed be hallowed be heaven, hallowed be
heaven, Thy name. Thy your name, hallowed be thy name Your
Hallowed be kingdom come. your kingdom Your name. kingdom come.
thy name. Thy come. Your kingdom
kingdom come. come. Your will
Thy will be be done on
done, as in earth as it is in
heaven, so on heaven.
Luke 11:3 Give us day by Give us each Give us each Give us day by Give us each
day our daily day our daily day our daily day our daily day our daily
bread bread. bread. bread. bread.
Luke 11:4 And forgive us And forgive us Forgive us our And forgive us And forgive us
our sins; for we our sins, sins, for we our sins, for we our sins,
also forgive also forgive also forgive
every one that everyone who everyone who
is indebted to sins against us. is indebted to
us. us. And do not
lead us into
but deliver us
from the evil
our sins, for we
also forgive
everyone who
is indebted to
us. And do not
lead us into
And lead us For we also And lead us temptation, For we
not into forgive not into but deliver us ourselves
temptation, everyone who temptation. from the evil forgive
but deliver us is indebted to one. everyone
from evil. us. indebted to us.
Matthew 6:13 for thine is the Parenthetical Footnote for Yours is the OMITTED
kingdom and kingdom and the
the power and marginal power and the
the glory, disclaimer glory forever.
Matthew forever.
the SonAmen
of man Omitted Omitted Amen.
Son of man is omitted
25:13 cometh coming
Mark 13:6 saying, "I am saying, "I am he" Claiming, "I am saying, "I am he" say, "I am he"
Christ" he"
Luke 11:2b Thy will be done Omitted omitted Your will be done omitted
as in heaven, so on earth as it is
on earth (footnote) in heaven.
Titus 2:13 glorious appearing of Glorious glorious manifestation of
appearing the glory appearing appearing the glory
Revelation His father's His name and His name and His father's his name and
14:1 name written in his father's name his father's name name written on his Father's
their foreheads written on their written on their their foreheads name written on
foreheads foreheads their foreheads
And every spirit and every spirit but every spirit and every spirit and every spirit
that confesseth that does not that does not that does not that does not
not that Jesus confess Jesus acknowledge confess that confess Jesus is
Christ is come is not from God; Jesus is not Jesus Christ is not from God.
in the flesh is and this is the from God. This is come in the flesh And this is the
not of God: and spirit of antichrist the spirit of the is not of God. spirit of the
this is that spirit antichrist And this is the antichrist,
of antichrist spirit of the
I John 4:3 antichrist
Revelation and art to come Omitted Omitted and who is to omitted
11:17 come
Rev 12:17 keep the keep the obey God's keep the keep the
commandments commandments commandments commandments commandments
of God and have of God and hold and hold to the of God and have of God and hold
the testimony of to the testimony testimony of the testimony of the testimony of
Jesus Christ of Jesus. Jesus. Jesus Christ Jesus.
Rev 13:1 And I stood And he stood on And the dragon Then I stood on Then the dragon
upon the sand the sand of the stood on on the the sand of the took his stand on
of the sea, and seashore...on his sand of the sea,...on his the sand of the
saw a beast rise heads were sea...on each heads a seashore...on its
up out of the blasphemous head a blasphemous heads were
sea... upon his names blasphemous name blasphemous
heads the name name names
of blasphemy
Revelation the mark, or the the mark, either the mark, which is the mark, or the the mark, that is,
13:17 name of the the name of the the name of the name of the beast, the name of the
beast, or the beast or the beast or the or the number of beast or the
number of his number of his number of his his name number of its name
name name name