Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Procedures-78-81
Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Procedures-78-81
Inspection and Preventive Maintenance Procedures-78-81
Used For:
Centrifuges [10-778]
Centrifuges, Blood Bank [15-115]
Centrifuges, Cell Washing, Automatic [16-815]
Centrifuges, Cytological [16-765]
Centrifuges, Floor [15-116]
Centrifuges, Floor, Nonrefrigerated [17-177]
Centrifuges, Microhematocrit [10-779]
Centrifuges, Refrigerated [15-117]
Centrifuges, Tabletop [10-780]
Microcentrifuges [17-452]
Ultracentrifuges [15-193]
Commonly Used In: General clinical laboratories, as well as specific laboratory departments (e.g., blood
bank, hematology, clinical chemistry)
Scope: Applies to all types of centrifuges
Risk Level: ECRI Recommended, Medium; Hospital Assessment,
In addition to careful adherence to use and mainte- Electronic thermometer accurate to 0.5°C (for
nance instructions, equipment with appropriate safe- refrigerated units only)
guards should be used. As a minimum, units should
Tachometer or phototachometer
have a lid and a latch that will prevent the lid from
opening in the event of a failure while the rotor is
spinning. A safety interlock, which permits the lid to
Special Precautions
be opened only after the rotor has stopped (or reached Check with laboratory personnel before performing
a very low speed), is preferred, and all new units should any maintenance or shipping centrifuges to the manu-
have this feature. facturer for repair. Laboratory personnel should have
properly decontaminated the centrifuge. A centrifuge
Laboratory personnel are required by the College of
should be vacuumed out before any testing is started.
American Pathologists (CAP) to do the following:
(Broken glass, which may be contaminated with blood,
Clean and properly maintain all centrifuges. (Note: is sometimes found inside. In addition, visible blood
Contact the manufacturer for guidance if the opera- may be located on or in the centrifuge.)
tor’s manual does not specify cleaning or disinfect-
ing agents. Prolonged contact with some Be careful not to touch a spinning rotor if an inter-
disinfection solutions [e.g., 10% sodium hypo- lock fails or if you are operating the unit with the lid
chlorite] may damage the rotor and other centrifuge open. NEVER attempt to stop a moving rotor with your
components; ensure that such solutions are re- hands or with a tool or object.
moved by rinsing well with water.)
Ensure that the centrifuge tubes are properly bal-
Check and record timer accuracy monthly. anced and that the speed and tube length are in accord-
Check and record speed (rpm) accuracy monthly ance with the tube and centrifuge manufacturers’
(critical use) or quarterly. recommendations. Use proper-sized tubes for the ro-
tor. If using a swinging-bucket rotor, ensure that the
Check and record built-in tachometer monthly.
tubes are placed in accordance with the manufac-
(Note: Operators should refer to CAP’s Laboratory turer’s instructions; long tubes (e.g., 100 mm) placed
Instrument Evaluation Verification & Maintenance in the corner tube holders closest to the rotor shaft will
Manual, 4th edition, 1989.) probably break when the rotor buckets swing out.
1.5 Line Cord. Inspect the cord for signs of damage. 1.18 Indicators/Displays. During the course of the
If damaged, replace the entire cord or, if the inspection, confirm the operation of all lights,
damage is near one end, cut out the defective indicators, meters, gauges, and visual displays
portion. Be sure to wire a new power cord or plug on the unit. Be sure that all segments of a digital
with the correct polarity. display illuminate and function properly.
1.6 Strain Reliefs. Examine the strain reliefs at 1.20 Alarms/Interlocks. Induce alarm conditions,
both ends of the line cord. Be sure that they hold and verify that alarms are activated. Refriger-
the cord securely. If the line cord is detachable ated units should indicate whether the unit is at
(by the user), attach the cord to the unit so that the appropriate temperature. Check the lid
it cannot be easily removed. (See Health Devices latching mechanism for wear, and verify that it
1993 May-Jun; 22[5-6]:301-3.) holds the lid securely. A lid interlock should
either shut off the motor when the lid is opened
1.7 Circuit Breaker/Fuse. If the device has a or keep the lid latched until the rotor has
switch-type circuit breaker, check that it moves stopped. The centrifuge should not start with the
freely. If the device is protected by an external lid open. If the lid can be opened with the rotor
fuse, check its value and type against those spinning at high speed, check for appropriate
marked on the chassis and ensure that a spare labeling on or near the centrifuge, warning the
is provided. operator not to open the centrifuge lid during
operation. If the lid can be opened while the
1.13 Controls/Switches. Before changing any con-
centrifuge rotor spins at a low speed, the buckets
trols, consider the possibility of inappropriate
or rotor should have an inner protective lid.
clinical use or of incipient device failure. Record
Replace or modify any centrifuges that lack a
the settings of those controls that should be
latch. Do not use centrifuges that lack a lid; if a
returned to their original positions following the
lid is retrofitted, it should have a safety latch.
Examine all controls and switches for physical 1.21 Audible Signals. Operate the device to activate
condition, secure mounting, and correct motion. any audible signals. Confirm appropriate vol-
Check that control knobs have not slipped on ume, as well as the operation of a volume control,
their shafts. Where a control should operate if so equipped.
against fixed-limit stops, check for proper align- 1.22 Labeling. Check that all necessary placards, la-
ment, as well as positive stopping. Check mem- bels, conversion charts, and instruction cards
brane switches for membrane damage (e.g., from are present and legible.
fingernails, pens). During the course of the in-
spection, be sure to check that each control and 1.23 Accessories. Confirm the presence and condition
switch performs its proper function. of accessories (e.g., sample buckets, sample
holders). Check for the proper type of accessory should not vary by more than ±10%. Depending
(e.g., proper-sized tubes for the buckets used). on various state regulations, this value may need
Check that every tube holder has a cushion. If to be recorded on the inspection tag.
protective lids for the buckets or the rotor (inner
safety lid) are available for that model centri- 2.12 Accuracy of Speed Setting. Determine the range
fuge, verify that they are kept with the centri- of speeds at which the centrifuge is used and a
fuges and are routinely used; also ensure that typical load (e.g., number of filled containers). Set
the protective lids form a tight seal and posi- the centrifuge to two or three speeds, and meas-
tively lock onto the bucket. ure the different speeds using a tachometer. If a
unit has an opaque cover, refer to the manufac-
1.24 Brake. Check the action of the mechanical or turer’s service manual to check the speed accu-
electrical brake. When the brake is applied (e.g., racy. (Note: A vibrating reed-type tachometer
by pushing the STOP button), the centrifuge may be used with most centrifuges with opaque
should decelerate smoothly. covers.) The measured speed should not vary by
more than ±10% of the displayed speed. (Note: If
2. Quantitative tests brushes have been changed, check speed settings
2.1 Grounding Resistance. Using an ohmmeter, after brushes are properly replaced.)
electrical safety analyzer, or multimeter with
good resolution of fractional ohms, measure and 3. Preventive maintenance
record the resistance between the grounding pin 3.1 Clean exterior (interior if appropriate).
of the power cord and exposed (unpainted and not
anodized) metal on the chassis. We recommend a 3.2 Lubricate per manufacturer’s instructions.
maximum of 0.5 Ω. If the device is double insu-
3.4 Replace brushes, brake, gaskets, seals, and vac-
lated, grounding resistance need not be meas-
uum pump, if needed. (For the proper procedure
ured; indicate “DI” instead of the ground
for replacing brushes, refer to the manufac-
resistance value.
turer’s manual and to the CAP Laboratory Instru-
2.2 Leakage Current. Measure chassis leakage cur- ment Evaluation Verification & Maintenance
rent to ground with the grounding conductor of Manual.)
plug-connected equipment temporarily opened.
Operate the device in all normal modes, includ- 4. Acceptance tests
ing on, standby, and off, and record the maxi- Conduct major inspection tests for this procedure
mum leakage current. If the unit has heating and the appropriate tests in the General Devices Pro-
and cooling modes, set the thermostats so that cedure/Checklist 438. All new centrifuges should have
each operates while taking measurements. a lid and a safety interlock that prevents the lid from
Chassis leakage current to ground should not being opened while the rotor is spinning at high
exceed 500 µA. speeds. Purchase only those centrifuges on which the
2.10 Temperature Accuracy. Check the temperature rotor stops completely before the lid can be opened
control on refrigerated centrifuges using an elec- and/or, for units that operate at a low speed, those that
tronic thermometer. Place the electronic ther- have a protective lid for the buckets or an inner safety
mometer probe in the centrifuge bowl near the lid for the rotor. Give preference to those centrifuges
automatic temperature control sensor. (Refer to that have protective lids for the buckets or rotor. If the
the manufacturer’s specifications to determine units being purchased allow the lid to be opened while
where the temperature control sensor is located.) the rotor is spinning at low speeds, protective lids
Close the centrifuge, sealing the gasket around should be included.
the thermometer cable. Compare the tempera-
ture control with the electronic thermometer at Before Returning to Use
each setting or at the settings being used. The Make sure controls are set in their normal pre-use
readings should not differ by more than ±3°C. positions.
2.11 Timer Accuracy. Check the timer against a stop- Attach a caution tag in a prominent position to alert
watch or watch with a second hand. A centrifuge the user that control settings may have been changed.