TENDER NOTICE - HouseKeeping

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(Regd. No 112/2012)

1/53, Dr. Abdul Kalam Road, Pudupakkam, Chennai – 603103

Phone: 044-47457666, 9840410013 [email protected]

Date :04-12-2019



Cosmo City Residents Welfare Association (CCRWA) invites sealed quotations from the experienced
Firms/Agencies/Contractors for the comprehensive maintenance contract of Housekeeping services
for the period of one year at Cosmocity, Pudupakkam.

Last Date
Sl. Period of Estimated Cost for the
Name of Work
No. Contract (Rs.) Receipt of

Comprehensive maintenance of
Housekeeping services in Cosmocity, 12 Months Rs. 4,10,000 /- 03-01-2020

The eligible Firms/Agencies/Contractors may send the sealed quote to “The President (CCRWA),
B21-303, COSMOCITY, Pudupakkam-603103, Kanchipuram(District), Tamilnadu” on or before
03.01.2020 till 05.00 P.M.The eligibility of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors and other terms &
conditions are given in Annexure-I.The scope of work for the Housekeeping services is given in

Copy to : For & On behalf of CCRWA

1. Secretary, CCRWA
2. Treasurer, CCRWA
3. CCRWA Office
4. Clubhouse Notice Board

1.1 Eligibility of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors:

a. The Firms/Agencies/Contractors should be authorized service provider of the quoted work and
should submit the relevant documents/certificates of statutory bodies
b. The Firms/Agencies/Contractors should have minimum 2 years of experience in facility
management services and will have to furnish details of previous experience in Housekeeping
services residential complex having at least 1000 apartments
c. The Firms/Agencies/Contractors shall provide all relevant records required i.e. Income Tax
Return Certificate/PAN,Commercial Tax Clearance/GST Certificate and other taxes (whichever

1.2 Submission of Quotations:

a. The Firms/Agencies/Contractors should submit only one sealed quotation in two separate part
i.e. Technical (Part – I)and Financial (Part – II) with required machinery and manpower cost
b. The amount/rates quoted by the Firms/Agencies/Contractors shall be fixed for the duration of
the contract and shall not be subject to adjustment of any account

1.3 Evaluation of Quotations and Award of Contract:

a. The Procurement/Evaluation committee of CCRWA will evaluate and compare quotations
determined to be substantially responsive i.e. (i) are properly signed& (ii) Confirm to terms,
conditions and qualifications conditions
b. The CCRWA will award the contract to the Firms/Agencies/Contractors whose quotations has
been determined to be substantially responsive, and who has offered the lowest evaluated
quoted price
c. Notwithstanding the above, the CCRWA reserves the right to accept or reject any quotations
and to cancel the quotation process and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of
the contract
d. The Firms/Agencies/Contractors whose quote is accepted will be notified of the award of
contract by CCRWA. The terms of the accepted offer shall be incorporated in the service
agreement. The validity period may be extended by CCRWA by another 15 day in exceptional

1.4Other Terms &Conditions:

a. The CCRWA reserves the right to prepone/postpone/cancel the quote process, the
Firms/Agencies/Contractors will have to abide with the decision of CCRWA selection committee
b. Quotation for the prescribed work should be submitted on the printed letter head of the
c. No preference will be given to any Firms/Agencies/Contractors, either for the price or for other
terms and conditions
1.5 Proforma for Technical (Part - I):

To be filled in by the authority of

Sl. No. Particulars
1Name of the Agency
2Date of establishment of the Agency
Registered office address of the Agency with Office
3 Telephone Number, Fax Number and Mobile Number and
name of the contact person
Whether the firm is registered under Company Act,
4 partnership or proprietorship. (Copies of all certificates of
registration to be enclosed.)
5PAN/TPAN Number( copy to be enclosed)
6 GST Registration Number (copyto be enclosed)
Attested copy of return for last month/quarter as the case
7 may be submitted towards GST if applicable. (copy to be
Attested copies of IT returns for the last two years filed by
the agency
Whether the firm is blacklisted by any Government
Department or any criminal case is registered against the
firm or its owner/partners anywhere in India. (If no, a
Certificate is to be attached in this regard.)
Attested copy Audited Accounts turn over details for the
year 2017-18 and 2018-19
Experience in Housekeeping services in residential complex
having more than 1000 apartments
Whether quote document of all pages of the terms and
12 conditions duly signed, in token of acceptance of the same,
is attached.
13Whether agency profile is attached?
Attested copies of the licences/permits of the Government
statutory bodies

Signature of the authority of

Place :
Date :

Office Seal

1.6 Proforma for Financial Requirement (Part - II):

No. of Total Machinery Cost
& RelevantSalary of each
Total Manpower
Sl. No. Particulars Manpower (Rs.) Total Cost (Rs.)
Experience Manpower Cost (Rs.)
Required (If applicable)
of each
1 services

Note: Edit the table (Part-II) if required without major change in the requirement


Scope of work for Housekeeping services

a) The housekeeping team of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors should collect the garbage from
all 2174 apartments at the doors and dispose the same to the designated yard allotted by
Pudupakkam Panchayat on daily basis
b) The housekeeping team of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors should carry out sweeping,
mopping, removal of cobweb, sack, litters and other waste materials and cleaning of the
common area including staircases, common passages, ride ways, common rooms and
common toilets.
c) The housekeeping team of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors should clean the building terrace
area at least once in month
d) The housekeeping team of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors should clean the OTS area at
least once in two months
e) The housekeeping team of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors should clean the building
entrance sunshade area at least once in six months
f) The housekeeping team of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors should clean panel posters, light
fittings, address boards, notice boards, DG room, electrical room, pump room and lift
machine room periodically
g) The housekeeping team of the Firms/Agencies/Contractors should clean the flush water OHT
tank once in 3 months
The CCRWA look forward to receiving your quotations and thank you for your interest in this project.

For & On behalf of CCRWA

Date :

Place :

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