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Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120 (2019) 115661

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry

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Functionalized nanomaterial for forensic sample analysis

Deepak Rawtani a, Maithri Tharmavaram a, Gaurav Pandey a,
Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain b, *
Institute of Research & Development, Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, Sector-9, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382007, India
Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nanomaterials, over the years have found applications in nanomedicine, environmental remediation, and
Available online 13 September 2019 other catalytic applications due to their small size, large surface area and enhanced reactivity. Func-
tionalization of these nanomaterials allows the incorporation of a myriad of functional groups that not
Keywords: only enhance the existing properties of the nanomaterials but also impart additional properties. Due to
Forensic science this, the applicability of these functionalized nanomaterials significantly increases and are therefore
highly suitable for use in forensic science. Lately, such functionalized nanoscale materials have assisted in
the detection of fingerprints, explosives, chemical and biological warfare agents and unlawful drugs. This
review discusses about the classification of functionalized nanomaterials, their fabrication, and their
application in different fields of forensic science. It also offers insights into the prospects and challenges
of bringing the functionalized nanomaterial-based technology to the end user in the forensic science
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction science such as detection of fingerprints, biological fluids, DNA,

narcotics and poisons demand high precision with the least room
Nanotechnology is an ever-expanding field whose tentacles are for errors. The sensing and specificity of detection of target mole-
gripping almost every field of science. The crux of nanotechnology cule gets enhanced by functionalized nanomaterials (FNMs).
lies in the application of nanosized materials in different fields. Forensic sample analysis has been usually done through cumber-
Over the years, nanomaterials have found applications in envi- some analytical techniques which require significant expertise
ronmental remediation, nanomedicine, biotechnology, food pack- [15,16]. The nanoscale size, high reactivity, along with other various
aging and in the development of biosensors [1e13]. Nanomaterials properties of these nanomaterials assist in selective binding with
due to their size have widely tunable electrical, optical and me- the target group. The most widely applicable properties of the
chanical properties. Their size also allows them to have a large FNMs are luminescence and electrochemical conductivity, which
surface area and excellent reactivity [14]. This reactivity offers the allow them to be used directly on the crime scene such as in the
nanomaterials the potential to be modified by a myriad of func- case of fingerprint detection or in the development of a biosensor
tional agents. Functionalization or modification of the nano- for detection of drugs, poisons or alcohol.
materials enhances the ever-existing properties of the The current article elucidates about the different routes for
nanomaterial along with the addition of some desired properties. fabrication and functionalization of various nanoscale materials.
Forensic science is a field where errors cannot be tolerated due Furthermore, the applications of such functionalized nano-
to their significance in the deliverance of justice. Areas of forensic materials in areas of forensic science such as detection of fin-
gerprints, explosives, illicit drugs, DNA analysis, counterfeiting
* Corresponding author. Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, and homeland security have also been discussed. Also, insight
New Jersey Institute of Technology, 161 Warren St., University Heights, Newark, NJ
has been given in the future prospects of the FNMs in forensic
07102, USA.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Rawtani), [email protected] science and the challenges that may be encountered in its
(M. Tharmavaram), [email protected] (G. Pandey), chaudhery.m. practical applications.
[email protected] (C.M. Hussain).

0165-9936/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 D. Rawtani et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120 (2019) 115661

2. Types and fabrication of functionalized nanomaterials sensing and remediation of agrochemicals such as pesticides. Metal
oxide nanomaterials of silicon dioxide (SiO2), titanium dioxide
2.1. Types of functionalized nanomaterials (TiO2), zinc oxide (ZnO) and iron oxide (Fe2O3/Fe3O4) have been
used for the aforementioned purposes [24]. Past decades have also
As discussed earlier, a functionalized nanomaterial (FNM) can be witnessed an upsurge in the use of carbon-based nanomaterials,
defined as a nanomaterial which has been processed post its which are exclusively composed of sp2 hybridized atoms of carbon.
fabrication either through chemical or physical route in order to These nanomaterials can be zero, one or two-dimensional. Such
bestow unique properties, which are not exhibited by their bulk carbon-based nanostructures are chemically stable and possess
counterpart. These FNMs are of several types and can be classified excellent thermal and electrical conductivity along with improved
on the basis of: (a) composition of nanomaterial; and (b) func- mechanical and optical properties. Some of the commonly used
tionalization agent, as shown in Fig. 1. carbon-based nanomaterials include fullerenes, carbon nanotubes,
graphene and azobenzene [26]. Several silicon-based nano-
materials have also been used for various purposes by researchers.
2.1.1. Classification on the basis of composition of nanomaterial
Upon bringing the size of silicon to nanoscale, various unique and
Synthesis of nanomaterials highly depends on the precursor
size dependent optical properties emerge in the nanomaterial. Such
used. However, the type of precursor used does not limit the
properties have been harnessed especially in applications related to
morphologies of the nanomaterials as they come in different
fluorescence, in the fields spanning from physics to biomedicine.
shapes such as nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, nanorods,
Some of the common Si-based nanomaterials include Si nano-
nanosheets on the basis of their dimension [17]. The type of pre-
particles and Si nanorods [27].
cursor used determines the composition of the consequential
nanomaterial is decided. Some of the common compositions of
nanomaterials include metallic, bimetallic, metal oxide, carbon- 2.1.2. Classification on the basis of functionalization agent
based, and silicon-based. Metallic nanomaterials are usually pre- The surface of nanomaterials has been functionalized with a
pared using noble metals viz. silver (Ag) [18], gold (Au) [19], number of agents of chemical and biological origin. Chemical route
palladium (Pd) [20] and platinum (Pt) [21]; as well as using tran- is the most common strategy applied for such surface functionali-
sition metals such as copper (Cu) [22] iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). The zation [17]. Some of the common types of functionalization agents
properties of such monometallic nanomaterials are solely governed used include organosilanes, polymers and biopolymers, surfactants
by the type of metal atom used. Such nanomaterials have found and chemicals of biological origin. Over the years, organosilanes
applications in electronics, catalysis, and antimicrobial agents [23]. have been used for the modification of surfaces of minerals and
Bimetallic nanomaterials, which are derived by the combination of glass fibers. The silicon atom in the monomeric organosilane shares
atoms from two different metals at the nanoscale level [24], have bond with and organic and an inorganic functional group. The
also attracted the attention of researchers in various fields. The alkoxy group of organosilane reacts with the surface of nano-
combination of two different metals synergistically develops very material [17]. Organosilanes such as 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane
discrete, remarkable and captivating properties in the nanomaterial (APTES) [28], 2-aminoethyl-3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APS)
[25]. These bimetallic nanomaterials serve as an excellent tool for [29], 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (MPTS) [30] have been
applications related to biosensing, since they allow us to optimize used by researchers for various applications. Various types of
the Plasmin absorption band energy for the bimetallic mixture. polymers and biopolymers have also attracted the attention over
Some of the common bimetallic nanomaterials include nano- the years for functionalizing the nanomaterial's surface with
materials of PteCu, AuePt, CueNi, FeeCu, PdeAg, AueAg, AuePd different functional groups. Among polymers, polyvinyl alcohol
[23]. Metal oxide nanomaterials have also been widely applied in (PVA) [31], polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) [32], poly-
many areas, usually because of their superconducting properties. ethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) [33] have remained common,
The unique and effective photocatalytic activity of these nano- while as far as biopolymers are concerned, polyaniline [34], poly
materials comes from their superconducting nature, which has lactic acid [35], chitosan [36], and DNA [37] have remained at the
been widely used by scientific and technological community the top in the priority list of researchers. Surfactants such as oleic acid

Fig. 1. Classification of functionalized nanomaterials.

D. Rawtani et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120 (2019) 115661 3

[38] and cetrimonium bromide (CTAB) [39] have also been utilized fast and generally non-toxic, but is less efficient and non-specific,
to functionalize the surface of different nanomaterials. Chemicals of hence not preferred by many. On the other hand, chemical route
biological origin have started gaining attention in recent times, is slow and involves use of toxic chemicals many times but has very
mainly because of their non-toxicity and biocompatibility. Among high efficiency for surface functionalization. The criteria for
them, tannic acid based surface functionalization has been widely selecting either of the approach ultimately depend on the appli-
practiced [40,41]. cation of the functionalized nanomaterial.
These different kinds of functionalization agents modify the
nanomaterial's surface with myriad functional groups. This created 3. Applications of functionalized nanomaterials in forensic
functional moieties on nanomaterial play a major role in attaching science
different kinds of guest molecules on the nanomaterial, depending
upon the desired area of application. 3.1. Fingerprint identification

2.2. Fabrication of functionalized nanomaterials Fingerprints are crucial for the identification of a suspect or a
victim in a crime scene. Conventionally, techniques such as dye
In general, nanomaterials can be fabricated via 2 approaches: (a) reagents, iodine fuming, powder dusting, Ninhydrin and DFO (1,8-
top-down; and (b) bottom-up, as shown in Fig. 2. Top-down diazafluoren-9-one) reagents, physical developer and superglue
approach can be referred to at the breaking down of bulk mate- fuming have been used for the development of fingerprints [47].
rials up to nanoscale level, while bottom-up approach deals with However, these techniques have limitations such as toxicity,
the arrangement of atoms in a particular shape, reaching up to the destructive nature of visual image, less preservation time, low
nanoscale level. sensitivity, selectivity and contrast [48].
Various chemical and physical routes are employed for the Over the years, nanomaterials have found widespread use in the
functionalization of nanomaterials, chemical routes being the more visualization of the fingerprints. This is mainly due to their small
common among the two. Physical route such as ball milling is size which allows them to have a higher surface area and higher
usually applied during top down approach, or post fabrication of reactivity. These properties can be further enhanced through
nanomaterial. The functionalization agent, usually in the powder functionalization. The small size of the nanomaterials allows them
form is mixed with the nanomaterial powder, and ball milled for to bind efficiently to the minute ridge details present on the fin-
some time for functionalization. In a previous study, this strategy gerprints which further causes superior imaging of the ridge details
was utilized to functionalize the nano-diamonds with amine along with the sweat pores. This is a major advantage over con-
groups. Ammonium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and sucrose ventional techniques in which the ridge details are usually not
were used as milling media during the process [42]. Chemical clearly visible due to excessive treatment with the reagents [48].
routes for surface functionalization are usually applied during Quantum dots (QD) and rare earth fluorescence materials such as
bottom-up approach. In some cases, functionalization agent is YVO4:Eu and LaPo4:Ce, Tb [49] have gained significant attention
added in the already prepared suspension of nanomaterial and due to their small size, excellent fluorescent intensity, good
allowed to react with the nanomaterial's surface under optimum chemical and photostability.
conditions of pH, temperature, pressure and time. In a recent Latent fingerprints have been developed using fluorescent, metal,
research, halloysite nanotubes were functionalized with amino- metal oxide, and metal sulphide nanomaterials. These nanoparticles
propyl group, which provided a net positive charge to the surface of have either been used in a solution form or in a powder form. Metal
negatively charged nanotubes. This surface modification was car- nanoparticles in solution form have been used to detect fingerprints
ried out with APTES at high temperature, atmospheric pressure either through multi-metal deposition or a single metal deposition.
under constant mechanical stirring using toluene as solvent [43]. In These techniques involve the use of gold nanoparticles (AuNP) along
another approach, multi-walled carbon nanotubes were function- with the SPR or physical developer. Functionalized metal oxide
alized with H2SO4:HNO3 mixture in the ratio of 3:1. The function- nanoparticles such as TiO2 and ZnO NPs and metal sulphide nano-
alization took place through sonication at high temperature under particles such as Molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) have been used for
reflux [44]. Using the similar chemical route for surface function- this purpose [50] Metal alloy nanoparticles such as GdAlO3:Ce3þ and
alization, some of the recent works include the functionalization of CdSe NPs have also been developed for enhanced development of
carbon nano-onions were with mercaptophenyl methacrylate fingerprints, ease in fixation of the nanocomposite on the finger-
(MPMA) [45] and nano-Fe3O4 with pyrene [46]. prints and minimisation in the time for development [51,52]. SiNPs
Both the routes for the fabrication of functionalized nano- functionalized by organosilanes and conjugated by fluorescent dyes
materials have their own merits and demerits. The physical route is and SiO2 nanocomposites modified with Europium and sensitising

Fig. 2. Approaches for the fabrication of nanomaterials.

Adapted with permission from Pandey et al., 2016.
4 D. Rawtani et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120 (2019) 115661

ligand have also been used for the development of latent fingerprints limitations such as such huge costs, requirement of expertise and
[53,54]. The functionalization allowed the exhibition of a very strong time and therefore are difficult to be used in routine analysis. Using
luminescence with less imaging time. Careful control of the size of nanomaterials for the detection of minute quantities of DNA at a
SiNPs also provides them with photonic crystal-like behaviour and crime scene where the DNA samples are not free from contami-
therefore can provide luminescence easily [55]. Fluorescent carbon nation and destruction will be highly useful. Several platforms for
nanoparticles (fCNPs) which despite their biocompatibility and low the sensing of DNA have been developed which involve the use of
toxicity have low luminescence can that can be overcome through AuNPs for the high dependence of their optical and electrochemical
nitrogen doping and have been successfully used for the develop- properties on their size. The changes in its properties in the pres-
ment of fingerprints [56]. Bloody fingerprints are prone to smearing ence of DNA are highly sensitive and therefore can accurately
and contamination due to which the ridge details can be easily determine the presence of DNA. Apart from AuNP, SiNP are also
destroyed. To overcome this limitation, nanoparticles such as QDs useful in DNA detection due to their high stability, unique geo-
have been used due to their fluorescence properties. Any limitation metric properties and tunable surface chemistry [66]. Carbon
of QD such as background interference and toxicity can be overcome nanostructures such as CNT and graphene have also been used [67].
through functionalization with up-conversion nanoparticles made Dendrimers, especially G4 PAMAM dendrimers have excellent
from lanthanide doped rare earth materials for their high sensitivity stability, surface functionality and geometric symmetry and an
and strong fluorescence such as NaYF4:Yb, Er, upconversion nano- abundance of amine groups and can therefore by functionalized by
materials [57]. myriad groups and enhance their ability to detect DNA [68].
Nanowires [69] and QDs [70] have also been used for the detection
3.2. Explosives detection of DNA [71]. Halloysite Nanotubes (HNT) which are clay-based
nanotubes have also been functionalized with AuNP and AgNP for
Explosives are widely used in military conflicts and terrorist DNA detection through analysis through colorimetric techniques
attacks. Explosives such as bombs, grenades, improvised explosive [72,73]. The mechanisms generally employed by these nano-
devices are known to cause widespread mass destruction. A major materials can be either electrochemical which mainly employs the
drawback with conventional techniques of explosive detection redox reactions or optical which either involves the detection of
such as mass spectrometry (MS), gas chromatography (GC), ion light by the fluorophores or through colorimetric techniques [74].
mobility spectrometry (IM) is that they require expertise, are
expensive and time consuming. Over the years, various sensing 3.4. Sensing of illicit drugs
methods have been developed. Sensing of explosives usually takes
place either through qualitative (canines and electronic noses) or Illicit drugs especially narcotics play a major role in forensics as
quantitative methods (Bioassays) [58]. Sensing using nanomaterials they provide links for criminal profiling, drug trafficking, environ-
is usually done either electrochemically or through luminescence. mental monitoring and even security surveillance. Several tech-
Most of the explosives are based on nitroamines which have redox niques such as GC, high performance liquid chromatography
properties that allows them to be electrochemically detected. (HPLC), and mass spectrometry (MS) are used for this purpose. As
Therefore, nanomaterials-based sensors are highly suitable for the mentioned in previous sections, these techniques require expertise,
electrochemical detection of the explosives owing to their high are time consuming, and cost ineffective. Therefore, alternative
sensitivity and selectivity. The nanomaterials commonly used in sensing techniques using FNMs are necessary. Sensing using
the detection of explosives include graphene [59], Carbon Nano- nanomaterials usually takes place through electrochemical, color-
tubes (CNT) [60], AuNPs [61], SiNPs [62], Si microspheres with SiO2 imetric, fluorescence, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and Sur-
core [63], and hybrids of carbon-nanoparticles such as Platinum face Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). In the absence of
nanoparticle-graphene nanosheets [64]. Another technique for the nanomaterials, electrochemical sensing can have decreased sensi-
detection of explosives is based on luminescence. Such a detection tivity, as seen in the case of opioid alkalides [75]. Nanomaterials
in the presence of low or zero background along with a high-power such as Graphene oxide (GO) can differentiate between the vol-
source offers very clear detection of the explosives. Explosives such tammograms of the drugs due to their high electrochemical con-
as Trinitro toluene (TNT), Dinitrobenzene (DNB) have been widely ductivity and sensitivity [75]. Apart from GO [75]; CNT electrodes
tested on. While explosives as such do not have any inherent [76], Au nanoprobes [77] have also been used for the electro-
luminescence properties, they can be combined with a reporter dye chemical detection of illicit drugs. These nanomaterials have also
which has excellent fluorescent properties. Organic fluorescent been used in the detection of the drugs through SPR. AuNPs and
dyes are commonly used, however a major drawback associated AgNPs have excellent SPR effect. SPR results in a red shift of the
with such dyes is that they have a limited quantum yield, high wavelength and this shift is further affected by the presence of a
toxicity, stability and labelling efficiency. Nanomaterials overcome drug. Semiconductor NPs and QDs have also been used for
this drawback along with additional benefits such as enhanced fluorescence-based sensing due to their excellent chemical stabil-
sensitivity, selectivity and contrast. Sensing of explosives has been ity, biocompatibility and excellent quantum yield and fluorescence.
carried out through various types of nanomaterials such as non- The properties of these nanoparticles further get enhanced through
metal, metal and metal oxide NPs, QDs, nanomaterials based on functionalization. For instance, QDs have been conjugated with
carbon, lanthanide doping and fluorescent dye, metal organic antimorphine for the development of CdSe/ZnS QDs morphine
frameworks, have been used for the detection of explosives [65]. biosensor. Apart from this, unique nanomaterials such as nano-
diamonds (ND) and nanocrystals have a myriad of electrode
3.3. DNA analysis properties and have been used for the sensing of codeine and
morphine respectively [78e80].
Much like fingerprint development, DNA analysis is crucial in
forensics for the deliverance of justice. While fingerprints are useful 3.4.1. Antidoping
in establishing the identity of an individual, DNA analysis helps in Doping refers to the use of illicit drugs such as anabolic steroids,
establishing relationships. Conventional detection techniques narcotics, stimulants and peptide hormones in order to enhance
involve use of fluorophore labelling sensing systems or Polymerase athletic performance. However, this is illegal therefore it is neces-
Chain Reaction assays. However, these techniques have several sary to develop sensors that can test the presence of such drugs in
D. Rawtani et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120 (2019) 115661 5

the biological fluids of the suspect. Metal NPs due to the phe- can be easily functionalized with organosilanes for the immobili-
nomena of Localised Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR), makes zation of the enzyme [43]. Apart from enzymes, Molecularly
them a suitable candidate for the fabrication of such biosensors Imprinted Polymers (MIP) are a popular way of sensing compounds
[80e82]. As mentioned in the previous section, the presence of any as they have the ability to take the shape of any compound that has
illicit drugs causes a shift in the standard SPR signal of the nano- been imprinted in it and thereby increase its selectivity to bind to
particle. Therefore, LSPR which is a more localised phenomena al- the particular compound at any condition or location. Several co-
lows sensing in Near-infrared (NIR) and UVeVisible regions. Apart polymers have been found which have been functionalized with
from LSPR, fluorescence-based sensing is also performed by the lanthanide coordination complexes in order to bind to chemical
nanoparticles. LSPR enhances the fluorescence in the metal NPs warfare agents [92,93]. These agents have also been detected using
which can also be further enhanced through functionalization of AuNP based sensors [94,95]. An extraordinary method of their
the nanoparticles with suitable fluorophores such as organic dyes. detection is through the use of nanomotors which propel either
Functionalization can also be done using antibodies or aptamers for through the mechanism of bubble formation or through light
enhanced sensing [83e85]. activation of the nanoparticles [92,96] (see Fig. 3, Table 1).

3.5. Counterfeiting 4. Future perspectives and challenges

Counterfeiting is a major hassle as they cause copyright FNMs hold a great promise for applications in forensic science
infringement and societal damage. Counterfeited notes can signif- due to their excellent sensitivity, selectivity and the ability to
icantly damage the economy while counterfeit drugs put the public significantly reduce the overall time of analysis. Research on using
health at significant risk. Conventionally, techniques such as FNMs has also been widespread in this field. However, this is still an
detection of holograms, water marks, metal threads, and Radio emerging field and there are large gaps in the research. For
Frequency Identification (RFID) have been used in order to increase instance, research on identification of blood stains and other bio-
the security of materials and thereby help in identification of logical evidence such as semen and saliva are still minimal. FNMs
counterfeit materials. Yoon et al., 2013 had very well summarised can be used to develop complex nanoreactor systems which can
about the modern techniques developed to improve the identifi- carry out reactions to confirm the presence of the biological evi-
cation of counterfeit materials. The methods involve SPR methods, dence. Also, the most crucial aspect of any crime scene with a
fluorometric approaches which include fluorescent nanostructures, corpse is to estimate the time of death. Till date, prediction of time
and QDs [86e88]. Imbibing these nanomaterials in the materials of death is not precise due to various factors such as the tempera-
which need to be protected will significantly increase its safety. ture and environment of the crime scene involved in the post-
mortem conditions. FNMs can also be used to develop biosensors
3.6. Homeland security that accurately determine the chemical changes that occur in body
post-mortem. Nanomaterials such as HNTs which are clay-based
Identification of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) is a major naturally occurring nanotubes are prime targets for functionaliza-
part of homeland security as they are known to cause significant tion due to the disparity in functional groups in their inner lumen
damage to life and property. FNMs play a huge role in this field as (Al2O3) and outer surface (SieOH) [97e101]. These nanomaterials
they are known to bind efficiently with the target compounds such being non-toxic and cost-effective substitutes to current toxic
as toxic industrial chemicals, chemical and biological warfare nanomaterials (eg. CNT), become well-suited for developing bio-
agents such as Sarin and Tabun [89]. Nanomaterials can serve as sensors. In addition, functionalized nanomaterials assist in mini-
chelating agents to remediate the agents or as sensing agents for mizing the counterfeiting area by playing the role of taggants for
their detection. Nanomaterials can serve as platforms for the validating the objects [102]. Apart from this, nanomaterials can be
immobilization of enzymes such as acetylcholinesterase [90] and used to develop on-site sensors for sensing explosives that are
phosphotriesterase [91] that are known to lose their function in the being used illegally as well. For instance, In Columbia, explosives
presence of an organophosphate nerve agent. The nanomaterials are used illegally to mine gold. Explosives such as Indugel and

Fig. 3. Applications of functionalized nanomaterials in forensic sample analysis.

Table 1

Functionalized nanomaterials in forensic applications.

S. No. Nanomaterial Functionalization agent Functional group Functionalization method Application Target/product Detection method Reference

1 GdAlO3:Ce3þ Aluminium AlO3, Solution Fingerprint identification Latent Cyan blue luminescence [51]
nanophosphors nitrate Ce3þ ions Combustion method Fingerprint
Cerium (III)
2 PR254@SiNP PVP Vinylpyrollidone Stober method Fingerprint identification Latent Fluorescence [53]
3 Carbon NP Malic acid, N group Pyrolysis method Fingerprint identification Latent Fluorescence [56]
Ammonium oxalate Fingerprint
4 SiO2 NP Europium, Eu3þ Solegel method Fingerprint identification Latent Fluorescence [54]
1,10-Phenanothroline Fingerprint
5 CdSe NP Mercaptoacetic acid Sulphydryl group Reflux method Fingerprint identification Latent Fluorescence and white SPR [52]
6 YVO4:Eu PEI eNH2 Hydrothermal method Fingerprint identification Latent Fluorescence [49]

D. Rawtani et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120 (2019) 115661

nanocrystals Fingerprint
7 LaPO4:Ce, Tb Ethylene glycol eOH Hydrothermal method Fingerprint identification Latent Fluorescence [49]
nanobelts Fingerprint
8 Graphene 2,6-Diamino pyridine Pyridinic Nitrogen SN2 reaction method Explosives detection Trinitrophenol FRET mechanism [59]
9 CNT MHTPP Porphyrin Electrolytic method Explosives detection DNB DPS voltammetry [60]
10 AuNPs 2-Mercaptoethane Oligoaniline group, Wet synthesis method Explosives detection TNT Voltammetry [61]
sulfonate Aminothiophenol group
11 SiNPs Polyguanine Guanine Wet synthesis method Explosives detection TNT Voltammetry [62]
12 Si nanoshells 3-APTS eNH2 Reflux hydrolysis Explosives detection TNT, TNB, DNT Voltammetry [63]
13 PNEGHNs PMMA Methacrylic acid Microwave-assisted Explosives detection TNT Electrochemical [64]
heating method
14 PAMAM Amino modified SS DNA Wet synthesis method DNA analysis DNA Electrochemical Impedance [68]
dendrimers probe DNA
15 Si nanowire Trimethoxysilane Methoxy group Reflux hydrolysis DNA analysis DNA Electrochemical [69]
16 Quantum dots Sulfhydryl-DNA DNA Ligand-exchange method DNA analysis DNA Fluorescence [70]
17 HNT Chloroauric acid AuNPs On-spot reduction method DNA analysis DNA Fluorescence [72]
18 HNT Silver nitrate AgNPs On-spot reduction method DNA analysis DNA Fluorescence [73]
19 Graphene PSS Sodium Hydrothermal reaction Illicit drug sensing Heroine, morphine, Voltammetric [75]
nanosheets 4-styrenesulfone noscapine
20 MB-AuNPs Cocaine aptamer, Complementary Wet synthesis method Illicit drug sensing Cocaine Chemiluminescence [77]
nanoprobes signal DNA, DNA strands
Barcode DNA
21 AuNP G4-PAMAM NH2 group Wet synthesis method Illicit drug sensing (anti-doping) Insulin SPR [84]
22 AuNP Secondary IgG Wet synthesis method Illicit drug sensing (anti-doping) Testosterone SPR [85]
23 Ag, AuNP MUA, DDAB Trans-azobenzene Wet synthesis method Counterfeiting Erasable inks Colorimetric [86]
Nano inks groups,
24 Fe3O4 CNC Silica layer SiO2 Wet synthesis method Counterfeiting e Optical detection [88]
25 AuNP Lanthanum La3þ Crosslinking method Homeland security Methyl parathion Colorimetric [93]
26 AuNP Ascorbic acid Ascorbic group Wet synthesis method Homeland security Dichlorvos Colorimetric [95]

PR254: allylated Pigment Red 254; PVP: polyvinylpyrrolidone; 3-APTS: (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane; MHTPP: 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin, THTPP: (meso-tetrakis(4-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin); DNB:
dinitrobenzene; TNT: trinitrotoluene; DNT: dinitrotoluene; PNEGHNs: Pt nanoparticle ensemble-on-graphene hybrid nanosheet; HNT: halloysite nanotubes; SS DNA: single stranded deoxyribose nucleic acid; PMMA: pol-
y(methacrylic acid sodium salt); PSS: poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate); MB: magnetic microbeads; PEI: polyethylene amine; CNC: colloidal nanocrystal clusters; MUA: (11-mercaptoundcanoxy)azobenzene; DDAB: didode-
cyldimethylammonium bromide; G4 PAMAM: polyamidoamine dendrimer; SPR: surface plasmon resonance.
D. Rawtani et al. / Trends in Analytical Chemistry 120 (2019) 115661 7

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