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Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-19-19

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Thursday | December 19, 2019

President impeached on multiple charges

Trump’s trial is expected to begin in January in the Senate, to run for reelec-
tion carrying the
duce articles of impeachment.”
Trump, who began Wednes-
where a vote of two-thirds is necessary for conviction enduring
of impeachment
stain day tweeting his anger at the
proceedings, pumped his fist
on his purposely before an evening rally in Battle
By LISA MASCARO for high crimes and misdemean- 2020 election. The House then Creek, Michigan, boasting of
and MARY CLARE JALONICK disruptive presi-
ors. approved a second charge, that dency. “tremendous support” in the Re-
The Associated Press
The historic vote split along he obstructed Congress in its “The president publican Party and saying, “By
party lines Wednesday night, investigation. Trump
WASHINGTON — President is impeached,” Pe- the way it doesn’t feel like I’m
Donald Trump was impeached much the way it has divided The articles of impeachment, losi declared after the vote. She being impeached.”
by the U.S. House of Represen- the nation, over a charge that the political equivalent of an in- called it “great day for the Con- The votes for impeachment
tatives, becoming only the third the 45th president abused the dictment, now go to the Senate stitution of the United States, were 230-197-1 on the first
American chief executive to power of his office by enlisting for trial. If Trump is acquitted a sad one for America that the charge, 229-198-1 on the sec-
be formally charged under the a foreign government to investi- by the Republican-led chamber, president’s reckless activities ond.
Constitution’s ultimate remedy gate a political rival ahead of the as expected, he still would have necessitated us having to intro- See Impeachment, 3A

75 tons Sale closes on Omnova plant

of asphalt
used to patch
Leigh Mall
parking lot
Falcon Contracting
completed ‘crisis
patching’ over the
weekend on most
hazardous potholes
[email protected]

The new owner of Leigh Mall

has already begun improvements at
the property, most recently filling
in major potholes in the parking lot. Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff
Representatives from Hull Prop- Set on an 80-acre parcel at the corner of Yorkville Road and Highway 69 in East Columbus, the 680,000 square-foot Omnova
erty Group, which purchased the facility is one of the largest manufacturing sites in the region. On Tuesday, Realtors with Rhett Real Estate announced the
property in an online auction in Oc- sale of the property, which first opened in 1962.
tober, hired Columbus-based Fal-
con Contracting to pave the more
“hazardous” of the potholes in the Buyer wants to remain anonymous until after meeting with city officials
parking lot, Falcon project manager
Tony Gray confirmed to The Dis- By Slim Smith said Royce Hudspeth, who has worked main anon-
patch. [email protected] with the property owner for the past ymous un-
The project, which cost less than five years, the last three as its listing til meeting
$10,000 and required pouring 75 The 80-acre Omnova property in agent. “I’m very pleased. Sites like with city
tons of asphalt into holes in both east Columbus has been sold, Real- this are being torn down all over the officials
the front and back of the parking tors with Rhett Real Estate confirmed country, so it’s really good that a buyer later this
lot, was primarily to “keep people Wednesday, signaling a new lease on has been found who has plans for the week.
from losing tires and cars” while life for the property that has remained property. It really is a unique site. At “ T here
shopping at the mall during the hol- largely vacant since Omnova ceased 680,000 square feet, it’s one of the big- are a lot of Hudspeth Rhett
iday season, Gray said. production at the site in 2011. gest sites in the region.” moving parts still in play right now,”
“It was just some crisis patching “A buyer has come forward and the Robert Rhett, who represented the Rhett said. “(The new owner) wants to
See Leigh Mall, 6A property was closed on (Tuesday),” buyer, said the new owner prefers to re- See Omnova, 6A

Pilot escapes small plane crash south of Starkville

The wing
Cessna took off in Texas bound for GTRA when it crashed.
Federal Aviation Adminis-
of a small By Tess Vrbin Medical Center in Tupelo in tration records list Robert J.
Cessna [email protected] serious but stable condition, Young of Conroe, Texas, as the
OCH Regional Medical Center plane’s owner.
is stuck A small aircraft bound for
in a tree Emergency Services Director The National Transporta-
Golden Triangle Regional
Wednesday Michael Hunt said. tion Safety Board and the FAA
Airport crashed Wednesday
night on Old evening in Oktibbeha County, The plane was a fixed-wing have taken over the investiga-
Highway 25. single-engine Cessna built in tion from the Oktibbeha Coun-
The plane near a residential area on Old
Highway 25 south of Longview 1965 that took off from Texas ty Sheriff’s Office, said Jarvis
crashed and
the pilot was and Poor House roads. bound for GTRA, a Lowndes Boyd, deputy director of the
hospitalized The pilot was the only per- County Sheriff’s Office inci- Oktibbeha County Emergency
in Tupelo. son on the plane, and he was dent report indicates. It was in Management Agency.
Courtesy photo/Tammy Carlisle airlifted to North Mississippi the approach phase of landing See Plane crash, 3A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 What company is credited with spreading Friday meetings
the popular image of Santa Claus in red Dec. 19:
■ Celtic Christmas: The Columbus
robes with its 1930s advertising? Columbus Light
2 What originally self-published cookbook Arts Council presents a Celtic Christmas
and Water utility
was subtitled, “A compilation of reliable concert with Jil Chambless, Ed Miller and
Scooter Muse at 7 p.m. at the Rosenz- meeting, 12
recipes with a casual culinary chat”?
3 In the 12-hour clock, what do a.m. and weig Arts Center, 501 Main St. Advance p.m., CLW office
Elijah Wharton p.m. stand for? tickets are $15 for CAC members, $17 building
4 What is a hard-boiled egg wrapped in non-members. Day-of-show tickets are Dec. 30:
Second grade, Franklin Aca.
sausage meat, coated with bread crumbs $17, if available. Limited seating. Get Lowndes County

51 Low 28
and deep fried?
tickets at columbus-arts.org, or by calling Supervisors, 9
High 5 In what U.S. state could you order Spam
for breakfast at Burger King? 662-328-2787 (closed Mondays). a.m., County
Mostly sunny Courthouse
Full forecast on Answers, 6B
page 3A. Tuesday, Dec. 31 Jan. 27:
■ Countdown to History: The Rotary
Club of Columbus hosts this gala benefit- Lowndes
Inside ing PolioPlus from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. at Lion Lamound Wilson is from St. Convention and
Hills Center in Columbus. BYOD; mixers Louis and moved to Columbus Visitors Bureau
Business 4B Dear Abby 3B
are provided. State of Shade will entertain for work. He likes to ride his Board regular
Classifieds 5B Obituaries 5A
Comics 3B Opinions 4A to ring in the new year. Tickets are $30 (or motorcycle and spend time meeting, 4 p.m.,
140th Year, No. 241 Crossword 6B $220 for a table for eight), at 662tix.com. with his fraternity brothers. CVB office


2A Thursday, December 19, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Democratic-led House expected

to give Trump big win on trade
Bill implementing terms of the United States- return from the holidays and after
dealing with impeachment.
Mexico-Canada Agreement expected to pass today The original NAFTA phased out
nearly all tariffs on goods produced
By KEVIN FREKING Trump made tearing up the and traded within North America. It
The Associated Press North American Free Trade Agree- was extraordinary because it linked
ment a hallmark of his presidential two wealthy, developed countries
WASHINGTON — One day af- run in 2016 as he tried to win over with a poor, developing country.
ter impeaching President Donald working-class voters in states such Since then, trade with Canada and
Trump, the Democratic-led House as Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Mexico has increased more rapidly
is expected to overwhelmingly pass Pennsylvania. The vote offers evi- than trade with most other coun-
one of his signature priorities, a re- dence that he followed through. tries.
write of the 25-year-old free trade “We wouldn’t even be discussing Democrats for years have
agreement he blames for shipping USMCA if it were not for President charged that NAFTA led to massive
U.S. manufacturing jobs to Mexico. Trump,” said Rep. Jason Smith, losses of high-paying manufactur-
A bill implementing terms of R-Mo. “You can’t debate that.” ing jobs in the U.S. as companies
the United States-Mexico-Cana- It’s unclear how many Democrats moved production to low-wage
da Agreement is expected to pass will vote for the bill. Some say the Mexico. Trump distinguished him-
Thursday with bipartisan support af- agreement still doesn’t do enough to self from free-trade Republicans in
ter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and prevent U.S. jobs from relocating to the presidential primary with his
her colleagues won key concessions Mexico, but it has won praise from NAFTA-bashing rhetoric, and his
from an administration anxious Democrats who have routinely vot- administration got Canada and Mex-
to pass the trade deal before next ed against prior trade agreements. ico to negotiate a rewrite.
year’s election season makes that “I’ll probably get some flak from The International Trade Com-
task more difficult. some of my friends back in Chica- mission projected in April that the
The agreement is projected to go,” said Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill. USMCA would boost the economy
have only a modest impact on the “But I’m going to vote for this agree- by $68 billion and add 176,000 jobs
economy. But it gives lawmakers ment because I believe that it moves six years after taking effect.
from both parties the chance to sup- us forward.” Some of the biggest impacts
port an agreement sought by farm- The House Ways and Means would be felt in the U.S. automotive
ers, ranchers and business owners Committee advanced the bill by industry. The agreement aims to see
anxious to move past the months of voice vote Tuesday. If the House more cars produced where workers
trade tensions that have complicated passes it as expected, the Senate will earn an average of at least $16 an
spending and hiring decisions. likely take it up when its members hour.

Court: Part of ‘Obamacare’ invalid, more review needed

Federal appeals court’s decision Judge Reed O’Connor’s
2018 finding that the law’s
dividual mandate. It may
also be that some of the
sends the case back to a judge who insurance requirement, ACA is severable from the
the so-called “individual individual mandate, and
already ruled once to throw out the mandate,” was rendered some is not,” Judge Jenni-
unconstitutional when fer Elrod wrote.
entire ACA but with some guidance Congress, in 2017, re- The decision sends
duced a tax on people the case back to a judge
The Associated Press 5th U.S. Circuit Court of without insurance to zero. who already ruled once to
Appeals in New Orleans
NEW ORLEANS — A The court reached no throw out the entire ACA
means the ultimate fate
federal appeals court on decision on the big issue but with some guidance.
of the rest of the Afford-
Wednesday struck down able Care Act including — how much of the Af- O’Connor has to be more
“Obamacare’s” now-tooth- such popular provisions as fordable Care Act must fall specific about which parts
less requirement that protections for those with along with the insurance of the law can’t be sepa-
Americans carry health pre-existing conditions, mandate. rated from the mandate,
insurance but sidestepped Medicaid expansion and “It may still be that and also must take into ac-
a ruling on the law’s over- the ability for children un- none of the ACA is sever- count Congress’ decision
all constitutionality. The der the age of 26 to remain able from the individual to leave the rest of the
decision means the law on their parents’ insurance mandate, even after this law essentially unchanged
remains in effect for now. remains unclear. inquiry is concluded. It when it reduced the penal-
The 2-1 ruling handed The panel agreed with may be that all of the ACA ty for not having insurance
down by a panel of the Texas-based U.S. District is severable from the in- to zero, Elrod wrote.

Uber to pay $4.4 million to end federal sex harassment probe

The Associated Press of sexual harassment, the able cause to believe the will send notices to wom-
U.S. Equal Employment ride-hailing tech company en who worked at Uber
SAN FRANCISCO — Opportunity Commission “permitted a culture of between Jan. 1, 2014, and
Uber Technologies Inc. will
announced Wednesday. sexual harassment and re- June 30, 2019. The commis-
establish a $4.4 million fund
to settle a federal investiga- The agreement ends taliation against individu- sion will determine which
tion into allegations that an investigation launched als who complained about claimants may be eligible
the San Francisco company in 2017 in which the com- such harassment.” for money from the $4.4
allowed a rampant culture mission found reason- A claims administrator million fund.

Chinese national arrested for illegally entering Mar-a-Lago

The Associated Press fused to leave, police said, club’s security officers determined she had an
the second time this year a and told to leave, but she expired visa, Ogrodnick
FORT LAUDERDALE, woman from that country returned to take photos, said.
Fla. — A Chinese nation- has been charged with il- Palm Beach police spokes- Lu was charged with
al trespassed at President licitly entering the Florida man Michael Ogrodnick loitering and prowling
Donald Trump’s Mar-a- resort. said in an email. Palm and was being held late
Lago club Wednesday and Jing Lu, 56, was con- Beach officers were called Wednesday at the Palm
was arrested when she re- fronted by the private and arrested her. It was Beach County jail.
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com Thursday, December 19, 2019 3A

Ailing former WorldCom CEO ordered freed from prison

Bernard Ebbers was convicted in New York Caproni said it fell within her
discretion to order the early
bankruptcy in 2004 and re-
branded itself MCI, the name of
tember 2006.
Attorney Graham Carner
in 2005 on securities fraud and other release after a lawyer cited se-
vere medical problems for the
a telecommunications company
WorldCom bought years earlier.
told the judge that Ebbers’
health had gone into such
charges and received a 25-year sentence 78-year-old Ebbers and said his
weight had dropped from above
During bankruptcy, the compa-
ny moved its headquarters from
steep decline that it was possi-
ble he might not live another
By LARRY NEUMEISTER Ebbers was not in court and his 200 pounds to 147 pounds last Clinton, Mississippi, to Ash- 18 months. Among other prob-
The Associated Press lawyers said he was hospitalized week. burn, Virginia. In 2006, Verizon lems, he suffers heart disease,
Wednesday. The Mississippi-based Communications bought MCI. he said.
NEW YORK — A former top Several family members for WorldCom collapsed and went The judge said she had re- “The situation for Mr.
executive sentenced to 25 years Ebbers who attended the pro- into bankruptcy in 2002, caus- ceived letters from some who Ebbers is dire,” he said.
in prison in one of the largest ceeding rejoiced, sobbing and ing losses to stockholders, in- never recovered from huge fi- He said Ebbers was trans-
corporate accounting scandals hugging one another, when the cluding people who had invest- nancial losses to say he should ferred Wednesday to a private
in U.S. history was ordered freed judge announced her ruling. She ed through retirement plans. be left to die in prison. hospital from the Federal Med-
from prison Wednesday for med- said she’ll issue a written ruling The collapse followed revela- But other letters were writ- ical Center in Ft. Worth, Tex-
ical reasons. explaining her reasons at a later tions of an $11 billion accounting ten in support. as, facility where he has been
U.S. District Judge Valerie E. time. fraud that included pressure by Ebbers was convicted in housed.
Caproni ordered the release of “I’ll get to hold his hand,” one top executives on subordinates New York in 2005 on securities He said a colonoscopy sched-
former WorldCom chief Bernard woman called out. Another threw to inflate numbers to make the fraud and other charges and re- uled for earlier this week was
Ebbers after hearing lawyers her arms into the air as the judge company seem more profitable. ceived a 25-year sentence. He postponed because Ebbers was
discuss his medical problems. stepped down from the bench. WorldCom emerged from has been imprisoned since Sep- not medically fit for it.

Evidence testing awaited in 2018 NWS: 24 tornadoes

Mississippi police killing case hit South over 2 days
The Associated Press
Marquis Flowers, 27, is charged with two counts of capital Flowers was previously
convicted of auto burglary BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — At least two dozen
murder in deaths of two Brookhaven police officers charges in south Missis-
sippi’s Lincoln and Pike
tornadoes hit the Southeast this week in a deadly
outbreak of severe weather, assessments by the
The Associated Press Leader reported. of a firearm by a convicted counties. He was charged National Weather Service show.
Assistant District Attor- felon. Flowers pleaded not in Natchez with taking Survey teams from regional weather service
BROOKHAVEN — ney Brendon Adams told guilty Nov. 12 to all three a motor vehicle and four offices found evidence that twisters struck from
Prosecutors are asking Judge Michael Taylor that counts. counts of auto burglary, western Louisiana to southern Georgia on Mon-
the Mississippi Crime Lab prosecutors are awaiting The officers were killed fleeing from authorities in day and Tuesday, with 10 tornadoes in Mississippi
to speed up testing on evi- results from the Crime Sept. 29, 2018, while re- a high-speed chase in Feb- alone, according to reports issued online. Anoth-
dence in the death penalty Lab on ballistics and DNA sponding to a call about ruary 2017. He later turned er nine touched down in Alabama, survey teams
case of a man charged in testing. shots being fired at a home himself in. Released on found.
the 2018 shooting deaths “We have contacted in Brookhaven. bail, Flowers was a fugitive Louisiana was hit by three twisters, and two
of two police officers. them and had them put a Defense attorneys at the time of the Brookha- struck Georgia.
Marquis Flowers is rush on this,” Adams said. Kelsey Rushing and M.A. ven shootings after failing The strongest storm was an EF-3 tornado with
charged with two counts of Flowers, 27, was indict- Bass sat by Flowers during to appear for a court date. winds of as much as 160 mph. It left a path 62 miles
capital murder, and his tri- ed Oct. 28 on two counts the hearing Tuesday. They Flowers’ parole was re- long and as wide as 400 yards in Louisiana be-
al could be months away. of capital murder in the said they had no new infor- voked after the Brookha- tween the cities of DeRidder and Alexandria.
He appeared in Lincoln deaths of Brookhaven po- mation to give the judge ven officers were killed, Storm surveys were continuing Wednesday, the
County Circuit Court on lice Cpl. Zach Moak, 31, about the case. The next and he is in custody in the weather service said.
Tuesday for a status hear- and patrol officer James status hearing is set for Central Mississippi Cor- A husband and wife died when a tornado struck
ing in his case, the Daily White, 35, and possession Jan. 21. rectional Facility in Pearl. their home in north Alabama, and a woman was
killed in a twister in Louisiana. Another person
died in flash flooding in Kentucky.

Continued from Page 1A
Democrats led to lead Democrats into a voted “present” on both. on $391 million in mili-
Wednesday night’s vot- partisan impeachment, What Pelosi called a tary aid already approved
ing, framed in what many gaveled both votes closed, sad and solemn moment by Congress. The White
said was their duty to pro- risking her majority and for the country, coming in House delayed the funds,
tect the Constitution and speakership to follow the the first year after Demo- but Trump eventually re-
uphold the nation’s sys- effort to its House conclu- crats swept control of the leased the money once
tem of checks and balanc- sion. House, unfolded in a caus- Congress intervened.
es. Republicans stood by No Republicans vot- tic daylong session that Narrow in scope but
their party’s leader, who ed for impeachment, showcased the nation’s broad in its charges, the
has frequently tested the and Democrats had only divisions. impeachment resolu-
bounds of civic norms. slight defections on their The House impeach- tion said the president
Trump called the whole side. Voting was conduct- ment resolution laid out “betrayed the nation by
affair a “witch hunt,” a ed manually with ballots, in stark terms the articles abusing his high office
“hoax” and a “sham,” and to mark the moment. of impeachment against
to enlist a foreign power
sometimes all three. On the first article, Trump stemming from
in corrupting democratic
The trial is expected abuse of power, two Dem- his July phone call when
elections,” and then ob-
to begin in January in the ocrats, Jeff Van Drew of he asked the Ukrainian
Senate, where a vote of New Jersey, who is consid- president for a “favor” structing Congress’ over-
two-thirds is necessary ering switching parties to — to announce he was sight like “no president”
for conviction. While become a Republican, and investigating Democrats in U.S. history.
Democrats had the ma- Collin Peterson of Min- including potential 2020 “President Trump, by
jority in the House to nesota voted against im- rival Joe Biden. such conduct, has demon-
impeach Trump, Repub- peaching Trump. On the At the time, Zelenskiy, strated that he will remain
licans control the Senate second article, obstruc- new to politics and gov- a threat to national security
and few if any are expect- tion, those two and fresh- ernment, was seeking a and the Constitution if al-
ed to diverge from plans man Rep. Jared Golden coveted White House visit lowed to remain in office,”
to acquit the president of Maine voted against. to show backing from the it said.
ahead of early state elec- Democratic Rep. Tulsi U.S. as he confronted a
tion-year primary voting. Gabbard of Hawaii, who hostile Russia at his bor-
Pelosi, once reluctant is running for president, der. He was also counting

Plane crash
Continued from Page 1A
Tammy Carlisle, who look at the scene. The hit a house because there
lives near the site of the plane looked like it had hit are houses on both sides of
crash, said she noticed some trees, and one of the the street,” Carlisle said.
the emergency vehicles wings came off, she said. “That pilot did a great job
and drove to get a closer “I’m surprised it didn’t (avoiding them).”

Building permits
Apt. 9; Plumbing permit; P & H Plumbing
City of Columbus ■ Thomas McGahey; 1201 Main St.; Plumbing
Dec. 9-12, 2019 permit; Scott Rushing
■ Lowndes Farm Supply; 3066 Military Road; ■ Gerald Vernon; 1121 15th St. N.; Plumbing
Demolition; RDI Corporation permit; P & H Plumbing
■ Linda Leech; 2405 11th Ave. N.; Demolition;
Columbus Public Works
■ Lula May Williams; 823 Railroad St.; Demoli-
Lowndes County
tion; Columbus Public Works Dec. 13, 2019
■ Woodrow Harris; 404 10th Ave. S.; Reroofing; ■ Flores; Spruill Road; Construct s/f residence;
Excellent Roofing Mark Frady Construction
■ Columbus Christian; 6405 Military Road;
■ Hatcher Investment Properties; 1621 4th The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Ave. N.; Demolition; Same Construct concession stand; T & M Steel Thurs. Fri.
Major 7:24a 7:50p
■ Haggard Properties Ltd.; 1405 Hwy. 45 N.; Erectors Minor 1:24a 2:31a
Signs; Mid-South Signs ■ Bilbo Davis; 8107 Hwy. 12 E.; Remodel s/f Major — 8:16a
Minor 2:15p 2:50p
■ Northside M.B. Church; 1512 9th Ave. N.; residence; Owner Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Remodel; Same ■ Royce Ann Butler; 3860 New Hope Road;

The Dispatch
■ Columbus-Lowndes Habitat for Humanity; Set up mobile home; Easley Refrigeration and
105 Curtis Road; New residence; Swain Prop- Electric
erties ■ Royce Ann Butler; 3860 New Hope Road;
■ Thomas McGahey; 1201 Main St.; Electrical Move mobile home; Southern Housing The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
permit; Wofford Electric ■ Spec; Avalone Drive; Construct s/f residence; Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Michael Scott Swain Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
■ Scorpion Oil & Gas; 116 Lawrence Dr., Ste. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
3; Electrical permit; Vertis Lee ■ Keith James; Mount Vernon Road; Construct POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
■ Ruth Williams; 2101 8th Ave. S.; Electrical s/f residence; Clardy Home Development The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website: cdispatch.com/help
permit; Jimmie Chism ■ Barron; 50 Flagstone Dr.; Addition to s/f Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip: [email protected]
■ Merchant & Hutchins, LLC; 1600 27th St. N., residence; Clardy Home Development
4A Thursday, December 19, 2019
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View

CMSD’s teacher incentive program, a sign of good

fiscal management, sure to boost morale
he decade that soon But as the 2010s come to a These bonuses are provided from an F to a D, certified thoughtfully restructured and
will come to a close has close, we note another bright to schools whose accountabil- staff receive $500, teacher realistic budgets have been
not been an easy one spot. ity ratings improved over the assistants will receive $250 adhered to.
for the Columbus Municipal Although the district still previous year. and support staff receive $50. In a time when state fund-
School District. Student pop- faces challenges — it has yet Faculty and staff members Incentive amounts increase ing of teacher salaries was
ulation has declined, and with to move up in its school rating at Stokes-Beard Elemen- gradually for each letter grade, being criticized as inadequate,
it essential funding. Student — the district shows signs of tary School and Columbus up to $2,000 for certified facul- here is an example of a school
performance, too, fell. The progress. High School, both of which ty at A-rated campuses. district taking it upon them-
district has been rated as “un- That, too, is reflected in improved this year in ac- CMSD has maintained a selves to use local funds to
der-performing” for most of teacher morale. countability ratings from D overall rating for the last create performance-based
the decade. There have been Labat and the CMSD Mississippi Department of two years. However, during incentives. We see these
four school superintendents Board of Trustees have taken Education, received a com- the 2018-19 school year, CHS incentives as an investment
since the decade began. measures to move the needle bined $181,354.40, while the improved from a C to a B, and in those on the front lines of
As you might imagine, the in a variety of ways. We are district’s 54 math and sci- Stokes-Beard jumped from an public education in our city.
cumulative effect of those happy to note taking care of its ence teachers — 15 of whom F to a B. The bonuses are certain to
struggles has at times taken a teachers has been one of those are new hires — received We are pleased that the improve morale and help the
toll on morale among teachers, priorities. $189,000 total. district understands the district retain some of its best
staff and the public. Teacher Tuesday, at a celebration at Unlike state incentives, important role of teachers and employees. We believe the
retention was a challenge on a Joe Cook Elementary School, TIPP provides a bonus for staff. They are essential to commitment the CMSD has
yearly basis. the district distributed more each staff and faculty member, progress. made will produce dividends
We’ve previously mentioned than $370,000 in incentives from classroom teachers and Prudent fiscal management that carry the district into the
a new sense of optimism in the in the first year of its Teacher cafeteria workers to custodial by the board and administra- next decade with a sense of
district under the leadership of Incentive Pay Plan which was staff. tion has made programs like confidence.
superintendent Cherie Labat. adopted by the board in 2018. At schools that increase TIPP possible. Debt has been It’s money well-spent.

Other Editors
must stand in
firm intolerance
of violent acts
There’s an old phrase that
says “like a broken record”
when referring to something
that happens over and over
again, or something that is said
over and over again.
When it comes to crime in
our community, there are some
reports, some dispatches and
some incidents that are “bro-
ken records,” meaning they
are ones that are happening
at the same time, happen with
the same people or involve the
same places.
It is the latter that raises the
most concern.
When dispatchers ask
officers to respond to the same
business or the same apart-
ment complex over and over
again, the problem no longer
solely lies with the individuals
involved, but the owners of that
business or the managers of
the apartments.
Law enforcement can only
do so much to clean up or
curtail crime in a particular
area, but if those in charge
of that establishment, or the
managers and owners of that
complex, do little to change the
surroundings and the situation,
then they are in many ways
complicit to the crime and the State of the Nation
disturbances that occur.
There are addresses that
911 dispatchers call out so
much that it is quite likely Feeding innovation better than barring fossil fuels
officers or deputies on patrol
he two most left-lean- But Bill Gates offers a In 2008, Warren Buffett’s Berkshire
can finish the call before the
ing presidential more effective approach to Hathaway put $232 million in BYD, a
dispatcher does. They know a
candidates, Elizabeth halting the rise in tempera- maker of rechargeable batteries. The
call is coming and they know
Warren and Bernie Sanders, tures than going after specific investment is now valued at over $1.5
where it’s coming from.
seem to think that a ban on industries. Rather than boy- billion.
That is both sad and disturb- fracking would help solve cott fossil fuel stocks, which Colorado mogul Philip Anschutz
ing. the climate crisis. Hydraulic the Microsoft multibillionaire expects work to start next year on his
Again, there is only so much fracturing is a process that regards as a waste of time, TransWest Express, a high-voltage trans-
law enforcement can do. has enabled a revolution in investors should put their mission line that will bring wind power
To really curtail crime, it is the U.S. production of oil and money into green technolo- from Wyoming to California. Gates
up to those who live in these especially natural gas. gies. Rich entrepreneurs are himself has poured at least $1 billion
areas, those who frequent Natural gas emits half as already doing that for the into companies like Carbon Engineer-
these establishments and those much of the planet-warming Froma Harrop good of the environment but ing, whose mission is to convert carbon
who live in these complexes to gas carbon dioxide as does also for their bottom lines. dioxides in the air to fuel.
demand change, not just of the coal. The newfound abundance of natu- Renewable energy sources have Then there’s Bill Joy, a co-founder of
owners, but their neighbors. ral gas has lowered its price, nearly put- become competitive with fossil fuels Sun Microsystems. He boasts that his
The same can be said for ting coal out of business. In fact, there’s because new technology is making them technology investments could do away
certain neighborhoods and now a glut of natural gas that has sliced cheaper. For example, petroleum ac- with half of all greenhouse gas emis-
streets, where officers and its price nearly in half from a year ago. counts for nearly half of U.S. energy-re- sions. Good luck to him.
deputies are routinely asked to As a result, gas producers are closing lated carbon emissions, but the ascent There is political work to do in build-
respond. drilling rigs and filing for bankruptcy. of electric cars and trucks threatens to ing incentives to move into a clean-en-
At the time deputies and Another negative for natural gas is slash its use. ergy economy. Billionaire Democrat
officers, they are responding that power companies are increasingly Saudi Aramco produces about 10 per- Michael Bloomberg has put $500 million
to a situation that has already turning to wind and solar energy, whose cent of the world’s oil. The Saudis have into Beyond Carbon, a nonprofit that
occurred. It has happened. prices are rapidly tumbling. Morgan been selling off the company to investors encourages lobbyists and politicians to
Real change must be proactive; Stanley predicts that the demand for nat- with the argument that as demand for oil build a green agenda at the state and
it must come before there is ural gas will fall 13 percent during the declines, Aramco will survive because local level.
a problem, before the call is coming decade as utilities move to wind its oil is cheap to get at and relatively Given these developments, why would
made. and solar power. A carbon tax could clean next to that of its competitors. Warren or Sanders or any other politi-
When it comes to the “bro- accelerate that switch to renewables, the There are numerous ways to wager cian want to be held responsible, fairly or
ken records” in our commu- investment bankers add. that climate-friendly investments will unfairly, for forcing layoffs in industries
nity, they must be fixed, they Really, why are these candidates try- pay off handsomely. Elon Musk famously already under stress? Better to concen-
must stop playing the same old ing to shut down an industry that has al- turned the electric car into a mass-mar- trate on replacements for dirty energy
song, and begin playing a new ready started to shut itself down? There ket product. He’s also invested billions and then boast of the jobs being created.
tune. are environmental reasons, understood. in turning out batteries for electric cars Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist,
Law enforcement can only Fracking worsens water and air pollution but also to store energy for times when writes for the Providence (Rhode Island)
do so much. in drilling communities. And natural gas the wind isn’t blowing or the sun not Journal. Her e-mail address is fharrop@
Vicksburg Post is still a fossil fuel. shining. gmail.com.
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com Thursday, December 19, 2019 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Visitation is from noon- her siblings, Eugene memorial service will to services at the fu- Clarance Shephard
OBITUARY POLICY 6 p.m. today at Carter’s Cockrell, Willie Lee be held Thursday neral home. Robinson
Obituaries with basic informa- STEENS — Clar-
tion including visitation and
Funeral Service. Car- Cockrell, Lessie Nel- at Oddfellows Rest Funeral Home of West ance Shephard, 67, died
ter’s Funeral Service of son, John H. Cockrell Cemetery, with Frank Point is in charge of
service times, are provided Dec. 17, 2019, at Bap-
free of charge. Extended obit- Columbus is in charge Jr. and Phillip Cockrell. Panzrino officiating. arrangements. tist Memorial Hospi-
uaries with a photograph, de- of arrangements. She is survived by Tisdale-Lann Memo- Mrs. Gatlin was born
tal-Golden Triangle.
tailed biographical information Mr. Hodges was her husband, Allen rial Funeral Home of March 28, 1949, to the
and other details families may born April 5, 1943, in Edward Archie of Arrangements are
Aberdeen is in charge late James Dudley and
wish to include, are available
Millport, to the late Munford; children, incomplete and will be
of arrangements. Frances Evelyn Lang-
for a fee. Obituaries must be
Charlie and Willie Carolyn Cockrell-Bur- announced by Carter’s
Mrs. Cook was born ley Miller.
submitted through funeral
Lee Hodges. He was gess and Linda Cock- In addition to her Funeral Services of
homes unless the deceased’s in Monroe County, to
body has been donated to formerly employed as rell, both of Rochester, the late Henry Wilburn parents, she was pre- Columbus.
science. If the deceased’s a master mechanic and New York; siblings, Callahan and Bessie ceded in death by her
body was donated to science, was a member of Mt. Rosemary Cockrell, Guest Callahan. She husband, Jimmy Gatlin. Sarah Adkins
the family must provide official Olive M.B. Church. Annette Macon and was formerly employed She is survived COLUMBUS —
proof of death. Please submit
In addition to his Daniel Cockrell; seven as an inspector with by her daughters, Sarah Adkins, 81, died
all obituaries on the form
provided by The Commercial parents, he was preced- grandchildren; and one Walker Manufacturing Michelle Pointer of Dec. 19, 2019, at her
Dispatch. Free notices must ed in death by his chil- great-grandchild. Company in Aberdeen. Caledonia and Cindy residence.
be submitted to the newspa- dren, Evelyn “Margie” In addition to her Cannon of West Point; Arrangements are
per no later than 3 p.m. the Shelton and Victoria Christine Henley parents, she was brother, Jimmy Mill- incomplete and will be
day prior for publication Tues- Hodges; and siblings, WEST POINT — preceded in death by er of West Point; five announced by Memori-
day through Friday; no later Cleoves Hodges and
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the Christine Vest Henley, her husband, Herbert grandchildren; and al Gunter Peel Funeral
Sunday edition; and no later
Minnie Finch. 85, died Dec. 16, 2019, Lee Cook; and brother, three great-grandchil- Home and Crematory,
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday He is survived by at North Mississippi Jimmie Callahan. dren. Second Avenue North
edition. Incomplete notices his wife, Charmane Medical Center in She is survived by Pallbearers will be location.
must be received no later than Geneva Hodges of Tupelo. her sons, Dick Roberts Matt Miller, Andy Mill-
7:30 a.m. for the Monday Columbus; children, Services are at 1 of Hamilton and Rickie er, William Sullivan,
through Friday editions. Paid Linda Faye Hodges and p.m. today at Calvert Baldwin of Tupelo; Morris Langley Jr, J.P.
notices must be finalized by 3
Johnny Hodges, both of Funeral Home Chapel, one grandchild; one Winters, Kyle Gordon,
p.m. for inclusion the next day
Monday through Thursday; and
Bakersfield, California, with the Rev. Jeff Shan- great-grandchild; and Dwight Prisock and
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday John D. Wayne, Deme- non officiating. Burial two great-great-grand- R.B. Davis.
and Monday publication. For trias Hodges and Ollie will follow at Memorial children. Memorials may be
more information, call 662- Hodges, all of Colum- Garden Cemetery. made to First Pentecos-
328-2471. bus, Calesa Staples Visitation is from 11:30
of Duluth, Georgia, a.m.-1 p.m. prior to
Joyce Gatlin tal Church, P.O. Box
WEST POINT — 546, Columbus, MS
Sadie Thornton Trina Leach-Horton of services at the funeral
Joyce Delane Miller 39773.
COLUMBUS — Sa- Houston, Texas, Andria home. Calvert Funeral
Leach of Pascagoula, Gatlin, 70, died Dec. 17,
die W. Thornton, 91, Home of West Point is
died Dec. and Gary D. Hodges in charge of arrange-
2019, at Baptist Memo- Floye Williams Glenn Rickman
of Morrow, Georgia; rial Hospital-Golden COLUMBUS — Visitation:
12, 2019, at ments.
siblings, Charlean Mos- Triangle. Floye J. Williams, 68, Thursday, Dec. 19 • 1-2 PM
her resi- Mrs. Henley was College St. Location
ley, Lorine Hodges and Services will be at 2 died Dec. 18, 2019, at
dence. born July 11, 1934, in Services:
Hattie Brown, all of Co- p.m. Friday at Robinson Baptist Memorial Hos- Thursday, Dec. 19 • 2 PM
Services Alabama, to the late
lumbus, Mary Murphy James Horton and Ella Funeral Home Chapel, pital-Golden Triangle. College St. Location
will be at 2 Burial
of Moore, South Caroli- Mae Hart Vest. She was with the Rev. Stanley Arrangements are Furnace Hill Cemetery
p.m. Friday
at Carter’s na, and James Hodges formerly employed as a Blaylock and the Rev. incomplete and will be Vernon, AL

Funeral Thornton of Chicago, Illinois; 26 bookkeeper and teller Mike McPherson announced by Memori-
Service grandchildren; and 16 with BancorpSouth and officiating. Burial will al Gunter Peel Funeral Pat Robertson
Memorial Service:
Chapel, with Steve great-grandchildren. was a member of Christ follow at Greenwood Home and Crematory, Friday, Dec. 20 • 2 PM
Jamison officiating. Untied Methodist Cemetery. Visitation Second Avenue North Stateline Baptist Church

Burial will follow at Edgar Adams Church in West Point. will be two hours prior location. 2nd Ave. North Location

Memorial Gardens. Vis- COLUMBUS — In addition to her Floye Williams

itation will be one hour Edgar H. Adams, 80, parents, she was pre- Incomplete
prior to services at the died Dec. 18, 2019, at ceded in death by her 2nd Ave. North Location
funeral home. Carter’s Baptist Memorial Hos- husband, James Aron
Funeral Service of pital-Golden Triangle. Henley; and siblings, Sarah Adkins
Columbus is in charge Arrangements are John W. “Bill” Vest, Incomplete
2nd Ave. North Location
of arrangements. incomplete and will be Lena Walker, James
Mrs. Thornton was announced by Lown- Horton Vest Jr., Arthur
born March 9, 1928, in des Funeral Home of Brady “Butch” Vest,
Carrollton, Alabama, Columbus. Jim Edward Vest and
to the late Walter and Beulah Easter. memorialgunterpeel.com
Mattie Washington. Mary Coker-Archie She is survived by
In addition to her MUNFORD, Ala. her daughter, Christy
parents, she was — Mary Ann Cockrell Henley Gleason of
preceded in death by Coker-Ar- Madison; sons, Joe
her husband, Horace chie, 75, Henley of Mandeville,
Thornton Jr. died Dec. Louisiana, and Larry
She is survived by 12, 2019, Henley of Madison;
her children, Sharon at Baptist sisters, Virginia Partin
Thornton and Vincent Memorial of West Point and Betty
Thornton, both of Hospi- Mooney of Bella Vista,
Columbus, and Vivian tal-Golden Arkansas; brother, Bob-
Johnson of Chicago, Triangle. Coker-Archie by Vest of Weatherford,
Illinois; four grandchil- Services Texas; eight grand-
dren; four great-grand- will be at noon Friday children; and nine
children; and one great- at Stephen Chapel M.B. great-grandchildren.
great-grandchild. Church, with the Rev. Pallbearers will
Joe Lee Peoples offici- be Daniel Gleason,
John Hodges ating. Carter’s Funeral Bradley Henley, Lance
COLUMBUS — Service of Columbus is Henley, Joshua Henley,
John Earl Hodges, 76, in charge of arrange- Chris Wooten, Dalton
died Dec. ments. Wooten and Lucas Reis.
15, 2019, at Mrs. Coker-Archie Memorials may be
his resi- was born Nov. 3, 1944, made to Christ United
dence. in Columbus, to the late Methodist Church, P.O.
Services Rev. J.H. Cockrell and Box 722, West Point,
will be at Velma Lee Cockrell. MS 39773.
11 a.m. She was a 1963 gradu-
Friday at
ate of R.E. Hunt High Evelyn Cook
Mt. Olive School and a member ABERDEEN — Eve-
Baptist of New Haven Baptist lyn Callahan Cook, 82,
Church, with the Rev. Church. died Dec. 11, 2019, at
Benny Henry officiat- In addition to her North Mississippi Med-
ing. Burial will follow at parents, she was ical Center in Tupelo.
the church cemetery. preceded in death by A private family

WHO sees tobacco drop among

men, but vaping effects unclear
World Heath Organization: Four out did shrink since 2000, but
the number of male to-
of five tobacco users globally are men bacco users continued to
edge up, bringing the to-
By MIKE STOBBE chewing tobacco. But the tal to more than 1.3 billion
AP Medical Writer WHO did not count elec- people.
tronic cigarettes as tobac- That appears to have
NEW YORK — World- co products, and officials changed last year, the
wide, the number of men agency said. And the
could not say what impact
using traditional tobacco WHO now estimates the
the growing popularity of
products has finally start- number of male tobacco
vaping devices has had in
ed to decline, health offi- users will decline by more
cials said Thursday. diverting people from tra-
than 1 million next year
Four out of five tobacco ditional smoking.
and by 5 million by 2025.
users globally are men, WHO officials said
The agency said the de-
so declines among males they plan to release a re- cline is driven mainly by a
“mark a turning point in port on e-cigarette use decrease in the number of
the fight against tobac- early next year. males who exclusively use
co,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Researchers previous- smokeless tobacco.
Ghebreyesus, head of the ly reported declines in The WHO report found
World Health Organiza- male and female smoking that countries in south-
tion, said in a statement. rates internationally, but east Asia had the world’s
The agency’s new re- the drop wasn’t enough to highest rates of tobacco
port covers an array of offset the growth in world use — 45 percent among
tobacco use, including population. The number males and females age 15
cigarettes, cigars and of female tobacco users and older.
6A Thursday, December 19, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Courtesy photo/Colin Krieger

Employees with Columbus-based Falcon Contracting company work to repair potholes in the Leigh Mall parking
lot over the weekend in this Facebook photo. Mall owner Hull Property Group, based out of Augusta, Georgia, paid
less than $10,000 for the company to fill in the more hazardous of the holes in the parking lot.

Leigh Mall
Continued from Page 1A
just to eliminate hazards, ment for this report and occupied, with original the property.
is the only phase that referred The Dispatch to anchors JCPenney and “I think that’s a step
we’ve gotten involved in Hull’s corporate office to Sears both vacated. The in the right direction and
at this point,” Gray said. learn more about any fu- mall has also been steadi- somet hing
“They intend ... to com- ture projects. Represen- ly losing smaller tenants that need-
pletely renovate the park- tatives from Hull have not such as Reed’s Jewelry ed to have
ing lot, but they’ll have to returned multiple mes- and Kirkland’s over the been done
do it in phases.” sages or emails from The past several years. Main- for quite
Falcon workers began Dispatch since they were tenance issues from leaks a while,”
Friday and had finished confirmed as the owners in the roof to potholes Gavin said.
by Tuesday, Gray said. He in late November. throughout the parking “Of course
said his understanding is The mall was auc- lot have also plagued the I worked Gavin
that Hull plans to commis- tioned online for $3.5 mil- property. with the
sion further parking proj- lion on Oct. 17. The mall’s Ward 6 Councilman previous owners trying
ects for more longterm previous owner, Colony Bill Gavin, who was a to get that done and it
repairs next year. Falcon Financial, took ownership vocal critic of the mall’s seemed like it took them
has bid on that project but of the mall from Securi- upkeep during Security forever to get them to do
the contract has not been ty National Properties in National’s ownership and something on it.”
awarded. 2018 after SNP defaulted in whose ward the mall He added it only makes
“There’s plenty more on a $34.7 million loan for is located, said he is en- sense for Hull to complete
to do and they’re aware of which the mall was one of couraged by the most re- further renovation proj-
it,” he said. “They’re just dozens of properties put cent work to the parking ects.
taking things in phases.” up as collateral. lot, particularly since it “You just don’t buy
Mall manager Laura Built in 1973, Leigh has only been about two something without a plan
Harrison declined to com- Mall is only 57-percent months since Hull bought for it,” he said.

Continued from Page 1A
meet with the mayor Fri- square feet of developed ants,” said Andrews. like that isn’t going to
day and go over some ins space but never did. Currently, the prop- happen in this case. It’s a
and outs. He’s asked not Hudspeth first became erty generates about really good outcome.”
to reveal his identity until involved in seeking cli- $900,000 in tax revenue, Mayor Robert Smith,
he’s had a chance to do ents for Milner’s compa- Andrews said. through the city Public
that. He’s wants to do ev- ny in 2014, but finding “That number might Information Officer Joe
erything he can to create tenants proved difficult, go down a Dillon, declined to com-
jobs and wants to work a he said. bit in 2020 ment this morning.
few things out before he In 2016, Milner put the and 2021,
comes forward.” property on the market as (the new
The sale represents a with Hudspeth serving as o w n e r )
new chapter at the site, listing agent. A year later, works on
located at the corner of New Jersey-based SNS the prop-
Yorkville Road and High- Solutions, LLC, entered a erty and
way 69 in east Colum- contract on the property works out Andrews
bus. Originally opened as owner and buyer tried the tenant
as General Tire Rubber to work out a sale. situation,” Andrews said.
Company in April 1962, “SNS had it under con- “But after that, I would
the property shifted tract for 2 1/2 years, but expect the taxes to go
hands to Omnova Solu- it just never worked out, up as new tenants begin
tions Inc. — a wall cover- so the owner went in an- operations. It’s definitely
ing manufacturing — in other direction,” Huds- a good thing for the city.
October 1999. Missouri peth said. “We listed the It’s a pretty big property.”
businessman Stuart Mil- property again in June of Hudspeth said the
ner bought the property this year at a price of $2.2 new owner will have a
under the name of Colum- million. In August, a buy- considerable amount of
bus Business Center LLC er was produced and the rehab work to do on the
in July 2013. sale closed Tuesday.” long-dormant part of the
The only tenant since Lowndes County Tax facility.
the sale has been Omno- Assessor/Collector Greg “It has been in ill-re-
va, which continues to Andrews said he spent pair,” Hudspeth said.
use 200,000 square feet about an hour recently “There’s work to do on
of the property as a distri- talking with the new own- that end, but I’m really
bution center. er by phone. pleased with how this has
At the time of the 2013 “I think his plan is to worked out. A lot of sites
purchase, Milner hoped work on the facility, get it like this, if they are sold,
to find additional tenants rehabbed and ready and they’re sold for scrap. I’m
for the remaining 480,000 bring in two or three ten- pleased that something

Send in your church event!

Email [email protected]
Subject: Religious brief


Ado carries MSU men to win over Radford players
[email protected]
in wreck
The 3-pointers wouldn’t By Dispatch Staff
One shot after anoth- Two Mississippi State
er, Radford fired away football players and one
from beyond the arc person unaffiliated with the
against Mississippi State university were in a car ac-
Wednesday night. In the cident on Highway 25 Tues-
first half, it worked and day evening after a team
then some. practice. Neither football
The Highlanders players are believed to be
seemingly had little seriously injured.
interest in any look be- Freshman safety J.P.
sides a 3-pointer, sink- Purvis was driving a black
ing 11-of-17 first half 2017 Nissan Altima and col-
long range shots en lided with the rear of a 1994
route to taking a four- black Peterbilt 18 wheeler
point halftime lead. In when its driver, 51-year-
just one half, the High- old Mark Alan Mace, was
landers matched their attempting to turn into a
season-high in 3-point- private drive. Two passen-
ers made. gers were in Purvis’ vehi-
“I felt like we were cle, freshman defensive
playing the Houston end De’Monte Russell and
Rockets,” MSU coach 18-year-old Xavier Taylor
Ben Howland said. “Ev- of Brandon, MS. All three
erything was a three.” Nissan passengers were
Then, MSU made ad- brought by ambulance to
justments to the way it OCH Regional Medical Cen-
played ball screens in ter in Starkville. Purvis was
the second half, limit- airlifted to Jackson, while
ing Radford to 4-of-15 Taylor was airlifted to Jack-
from beyond the arc son and then to Jackson,
after the break and a with both listed in critical
30 percent second-half condition.
shooting percentage. Mace was not injured.
“I thought it helped MSU athletics released
us make it a little hard- a statement Wednesday af-
er on their guards, they ternoon saying Russell was
couldn’t breathe as Jim Lytle/Special to The Dispatch treated for injuries and lat-
easy,” Howland said. Mississippi State’s Abdul Ado (24) shoots a hook shot over Radford’s Devonnte Holland (15) during the first er released, while Purvis is
The Bulldogs (8-2) half of their NCAA college basketball game Wednesday in Starkville. “resting comfortably in the
were just good enough 17 points for Ado ties a games of the year, Ado defense, so I thought, throws. hospital.”
offensively down the career-high. attempted four shots ‘Why not do the same Carlik Jones, who “The university is grate-
stretch, using a 10 -0 “Having Abdul being or less. He’s attempted thing on offense?’” came into the contest ful to first responders for the
run late to sink the seven or more in his Sophomore forward averaging 20 points per assistance provided to our
an offensive threat, it
Highlanders 77-68 at students,” the MSU athletic
makes a big difference last three and had scor- Reggie Perry finished night, led Radford (3-
Humphrey Coliseum. department said in a state-
in the game,” MSU for- ing outputs of nine, 13 with 18 points and 7) with 15 points. The
Of course, Abdul ment.
ward Robert Woodard and 17 points. nine rebounds, while Highlanders shot 42.6
Ado’s first double-dou- MSU is not authorized to
ble of the season also II said. “We don’t have “I’m having a lot Woodard II recorded percent from the floor comment on Taylor’s sta-
helped, as the redshirt to depend so much on of confidence and be- 17 points and nine re- and 30.8 percent in the tus.
junior center scored the perimeter guys ing aggressive on the bounds. MSU made the second half. The Mississippi High-
17 points and pulled in shooting threes and offensive end,” Ado most of its chances at MSU recorded 18 way Safety Patrol reported
a 12 rebounds, six on things of that nature.” said. “I feel like I help the charity stripe, con- offensive rebounds and to the scene and continues
the offensive end. The In MSU’s first seven my teammates a lot on verting 25 of 30 free See mbb, 2B to investigate the accident.

Heritage Academy’s Acker signs with Ole Mississippi State inks 22 in early signing
period for nation’s No. 25 overall class
Miss, Long inks with Central Arkansas By Ben portnoy in excitement as Selmon years’ worth of work and
By GARRICK HODGE set. coaching staff they plan [email protected] informed them his na- a lifetime worth of hard
[email protected] “I think when he to keep him at tackle in- tional letter of intent had work for the kids so that
committed as a soph- stead of moving him to STARKVILLE — been signed. The first is absolutely fantastic,
Ever since Eli Acker omore, he committed a guard. Joe Moorhead flipped domino of the morning and we couldn’t be more
was young, he wanted to the school, not the “(Kiffin) had a spe- through his iPhone in had fallen. excited.”
to play for Ole Miss. It staff,” Heritage Acade- cial message for me,” silence. “Can’t wait, coach!” As commitments
soon became his lifelong my coach Sean Harri- Acker said. “He reas- Posted in the recruit- Selmon said as he hung flowed into MSU’s re-
dream. son said. sured me that they real- ing lounge in the under- up the call. cruiting war room
Acker, a three-year Once Ole Miss hired ly wanted me and I was belly of Davis Wade Sta- Wednesday, Missis- throughout the day,
captain for Heritage Lane Kiffin, the Rebels the one they needed.” dium, Moorhead leaned sippi State Selmon was Moorhead FaceTimed
Academy, committed invited Acker to take an- Acker put his pen to up quietly against a bar- one of 22 players MSU with each player and ex-
to the Rebels his sopho- other visit to Oxford. paper Wednesday and top in the center of the officially welcomed to its pressed his excitement
more year of high school. On Sunday, Acker signed his national let- room. To his immediate 2020 recruiting class as toward the young men
But in the weeks lead- took to social media and ter of intent with the right, the fluorescent part of the early signing who had selected his
ing to the early signing posted a video clip from Rebels. lights above glimmered period — a 72-hour win- program for their future
period his senior year, the film Wolf of Wall “I think he went and off the Golden Egg Tro- dow that stretches from football endeavors.
he began to have second Street where Leonardo explored opportunities, phy — spoils of Missis- Wednesday to Friday in Special guests rang-
thoughts. Former head DiCaprio’s character ba- but he had a great vis- sippi State’s 21-20 win which players can sign ing from MSU athletic
coach Matt Luke was sically tells his co-work- it with Ole Miss and I over Ole Miss Nov. 28. their national letters of director John Cohen and
fired a few days after a ers a more profane ver- think he’s really excited Behind Moorhead, the intent before February’s baseball coach Chris Le-
painful Egg Bowl loss, sion of “I’m not leaving.” about playing for them,” space was flooded with National Signing Day. monis also introduced
and Acker found out Besides the video Harrison said. coaches, staffers, athlet- “We couldn’t be more each commit from a po-
the news when two Ole clip, Acker’s tweet con- Sitting next to Acker ic department personnel excited and it’s a great dium at the front of the
Miss assistant coaches tained a red circle and was high school team- and more — all of whom day for celebration not room that played the fa-
were visiting with him a blue circle, letting the mate Jared Long, a wide milled about the room only for our program miliar chimes of the NFL
in his living room. He Ole Miss faithful know receiver for the Patri- with breaths of anxiety and the 22 young men Draft before each “selec-
saw the ugly side of the that he too wasn’t going ots. Long signed with and excitement. we’re bringing in, but tion” was made official
coaching industry early. anywhere. FCS program Central At 8:11 a.m. the sec- most importantly for the and a chorus of cowbells
After hearing the “I went to the official Arkansas Wednesday ond-year head coach’s young men – the stu- ensued.
news, Acker, a 6 -foot- visit and I remembered afternoon. phone rang. It was a dent-athletes who are ful- Of the 22 commit-
6, 280-pound four-star all the reasons I commit- “It’s always great FaceTime request from filling a lifelong dream of ments MSU boasted
tackle according to ted in the first place,” when two players sign three-star cornerback playing at the collegiate heading into the day, 21
ESPN, took an official Acker said. “This is a with Division I teams,” Javorrius Selmon. Blow- level, specifically in the of those players made
visit to Mississippi State special town and I loved Harrison said. “It’s a ing up the call onto the SEC and their families,” their pledges official
in December. that place.” testament to their par- big screen at the front of Moorhead said. “It’s a — with junior college
But there was still Acker met with Kif- ents and their upbring- the room, the crowd be- culmination of some- receiver Jonquarise Pat-
one place his heart was fin and was told by the See heritage, 2B hind Moorhead erupted times two- and three- See MSU, 2B
2B Thursday, December 19, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

BRIEFLY Cincinnati does damage inside, upends No. 21 Tennessee

Prep soccer The Associated Press straight game, Barnes The Bearcats (7- it lost to Arkansas and lead changes before
New Hope sweeps West Point came up short again 4) got the better of a Auburn two seasons Cincinnati went on its
The New Hope boys and girls soccer teams CINCINNATI — A in his attempt to get back-and-forth game ago. pivotal run.
earned a pair of dominating wins Tuesday against West defense that had been
Point, with the girls winning 8-0 and the boys earning a
career victory No. 700. by going on a late run. “I don’t think we were
among the nation’s
10-1 victory.
best got shredded, and
He’d be only the 22nd Keith Williams had a locked in on defense,” Big picture
On the girls side, goals were scored by Allie coach to reach that steal and layup during said John Fulkerson, Tennessee: The Vol-
that wasn’t the only mark in Division I. a 9-0 spurt that put the who had a team-high
Sanford (2), Reagan Greenhaw (2), Bree Younger, unteers have struggled
Chelsea Teague, McCanna Price and Shelby Tackett. thing that went wrong The Volunteers (7- Bearcats in control 14 points. ‘”here were at times on offense, but
The Trojans improved to 7-4. for the 21st-ranked Vol- 3) were coming off a 67-57 with 3:27 left. things that we usually
unteers in their first their defense has been
The boys had goals from Trey Parnell (2), Austin 51-47 loss to No. 13 Williams finished with do and we should have
true road game. consistent. They came
Rickert, Christian Juarez (2), Jacob Wilson (3), Andrew Memphis that high- 11 points and five re- done, and we didn’t.
Chism and Tucker Boyett en route to improving to 9-1-1. Tennessee couldn’t in fifth nationally in
lighted their offensive bounds. And it came back to bite field goal defense, allow-
Both teams are back in action against Columbus hit a 3 and couldn’t run
shortcomings. This Cincinnati was com- us.” ing opponents to shoot
Thursday at New Hope with the girls starting at 5:30 anything consistently
time, the biggest prob- ing off back-to-back The Bearcats led 36.2%. The Bearcats
p.m. and the boys following at 7 p.m. on offense during a 78-
SOURCE: From Special Reports lems were on a defense losses at Xavier and 38-34 after a wide-open made 56.4%, the most
66 loss to Cincinnati on
Wednesday night that that hadn’t given up 70 Colgate, and played its first half that was full by a Vols’ opponent this
CALENDAR left coach Rick Barnes points in a game this most cohesive game of turnovers. They shot season.
befuddled. season. under first-year coach 64% from the field, with Cincinnati: The Bear-
Today “We did some things “Oh, it was awful,” John Brannen. Jaevin Cumberland cast’ biggest questions
Women’s College Basketball that were mind-bog- Barnes said. “And I’m “The biggest thing making four of his five revolve around Jarron
Mississippi State at South Florida in gling,” Barnes said. really disappointed in is they get the chance shots to lead the way. Cumberland, the re-
Duel in The Desert, 6 p.m. Trevon Scott scored our defensive break- to see what happens The Volunteers dug turning American Ath-
Blue Mountain College at MUW, 5:30 15 points, the Bearcats down, the way we did when they all stay to- in defensively at the letic player of the year.
p.m. had six players in dou- it. I mean, it came from gether,” Brannen said. start of the second half He played the last two
Men’s College Basketball ble figures, and Cin- our older guys, too. “This is what it looks — Cincinnati missed games with a sore hip
Blue Mountain College at MUW, 7:30 cinnati got 46 points in When you go on the like. We’ve got to sus- eight of its first 12 shots and shot only 27 percent
p.m. the paint, attacking the road for the first time, tain it.” — and neither team from the field. Against
Prep Girls Soccer out-of-place Volunteers you expect your older Tennessee has lost managed to get much Tennessee, he had 10
Columbus at New Hope, 5:30 p.m. with backdoor layups. guys to be the ones back-to-back games of an advantage. There points and six turnovers
West Point at Grenada, 5 p.m. For a second who lead the way.” for the first time since were two ties and four before fouling out.
Prep Boys Soccer
Columbus at New Hope, 7 p.m.
West Point at Grenada, 7 p.m.
Prep Girls Basketball
West Point at West Lowndes, 6 p.m.
Starkville Academy at Tishomingo Coun-
Petty’s 39 points leads Alabama past Samford 105-87
ty, 6:30 p.m.
Winston Academy at Oak Hill Academy,
The Associated Press back. I’ve got a pretty located about an hour 83-77 in the final 10 Austin v. Alabama
good feel for the rims from Tuscaloosa and minutes. The Bulldogs
6:30 p.m.
BIR MINGH A M, Austin enjoyed a
Prep Boys Basketball and for the court, so it not far from the down- couldn’t get any closer,
Ala. — John Petty bur- big game against his
West Point at West Lowndes, 7:30 p.m. wasn’t anything new to town arena. Sharkey though.
ied his first 3-pointer former team. He spent
Starkville Academy at Tishomingo me.” came in ranked second “They really fought
just 15 seconds into the back and made it an two seasons with the
County, 8 p.m. Petty missed only nationally with 9.1 as-
game, and many more three of his 13 3-point sists per game. interesting game,” Ala- Tide, but missed most
Winston Academy at Oak Hill Academy, of his sophomore sea-
after that. attempts and the Crim- Brandon Austin, a bama coach Nate Oats
8 p.m. son with a back injury.
Petty wound up son Tide (5-5) raced to onetime Alabama sign- said. “We didn’t handle
Friday making 10 3-point- a 25-point lead late in ee, scored 21 points the pressure very well. “Ït was real special,”
Prep Girls Soccer ers and scoring a ca- I thought our defense the senior said. “That
the first half. against his former
West Point at New Hope, 5 p.m. reer-high 39 points kind of slacked off. was the school I start-
His previous career team. Robert Allen
Pontotoc at Starkville, 5:30 p.m. in Alabama’s 105-87 “It’s a little bit of ed out. Hey, I’ve still
best was 34 points had 17 points and 10
Prep Boys Soccer victory over Samford human nature. When got love for the school.”
against Iowa State just rebounds and Jalen
West Point at New Hope, 7 p.m. on Wednesday night the offense came as
over a year ago. Petty Dupree scored 16.
Pontotoc at Starkville, 7 p.m.
Prep Girls Basketball
at Legacy Arena. It’s a also had 10 rebounds “I think the first easy as it did in the
first half, guys have a
Free throws
venue where Petty had against the Bulldogs three 3s that they hit, Alabama made 22
Heritage Academy at Jackson Prep, 4 plenty of success in tendency to not play as
(6 -7). there was probably of 26 free throws, with
p.m. high school, winning hard as they need to.”
“When he’s hot, nobody in the area”, Petty making all eight
New Hope at Itawamba Agricultural, 6 three straight state ti- you’re in trouble,” Padgett said. “And it of his attempts. Sam-
West Point at Noxubee County, 6 p.m.
tles. Samford coach Scott made them feel good. Big picture ford didn’t go to the
“I just think it was Padgett said. “When And all of a sudden, Alabama: Leads the foul line as often but
Starkville Christian at Columbus Chris- the shots that I was he’s not, he might help that rim looks bigger.” series 30-3. Scored the also shot a high per-
tian Academy, 5:30 p.m. taking,” said Petty, you out. Tonight was The Tide had blown game’s first 13 points centage, making 12 of
Prep Boys Basketball who also won the state definitely a hot night.” a nine-point lead down and made its initial six
Heritage Academy, Columbus at Joe 14.
tournament MVP hon- Alex Reese had 16 the stretch in its last 3-point attempts. Went
Horne Christmas Classic (Columbus ors three times. “They points and made four game, a 73-71 loss to 17 of 34 from 3-point
hosting), TBA were wide open. My 3s for the Tide, while Penn State. This time, range. Up next
Starkville at All-American Classic, teammates did a great Alabama plays
Jaden Shackelford Samford only managed Samford: Played
Tupelo, TBA job getting in the paint, Belmont Saturday in
scored 13 and Kira to make it competitive two days after return-
making the extra pass. Lewis Jr. added 11. for awhile after trailing ing from a 94-73 loss at Huntsville, Alabama.
“Also I played in Josh Sharkey had 18 57-37 at halftime. Hawaii and got off to a Samford visits
on the air this gym numerous points and 15 assists Allen’s 3-pointer terrible start. Georgetown on Satur-
times back to back to for Samford, which is cut Alabama’s lead to day.
6 p.m. — Wofford at Duke, ESPN2 Heritage
6 p.m. — Maryland at Seton Hall, FS1 Continued from Page 1B
7:30 p.m. — Prairie View A&M at Colo-
rado, PAC-12N ing. A lot of things have er, openly admitted the ly excited for the next shoebox full of Central Long said he expects
8 p.m. — North Carolina State at to come together to get butterflies he felt when chapter, though.” Arkansas letters as to compete for playing
Auburn, ESPN2 that kind of opportunity he made his signing of- Long said Central well.” time immediately.
9:30 p.m. — Florida A&M at Washing- so I’m really proud of ficial. Arkansas came in late “Central Arkansas “I’ve talked to the
ton State, PAC-12N them.” “I’m happy and sad in the recruiting pro- did a great job recruit- coach and everything,
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (WOMEN’S) Long, a crucial mem- all in one,” Long said. cess, but the staff defi- ing him,” Harrison said. I expect to play as a
10 a.m. — UCLA at Georgia, SECN ber of the undefeated “It’s a dream come true, nitely came in hard. “It’s a great opportunity freshman right away,”
5:30 p.m. — Chattanooga at North state championship but it’s kind of sad my “They were texting and a great program.” Long said. “Of course, I
Carolina State, ACCN Heritage Academy senior year is coming me almost every day,” Entering his fresh- have to go down there
team along with Ack- to an end. I’m extreme- Long said. “I have a man collegiate year, and work for it.”

6 p.m. — Duke at South Carolina,
6 p.m. — NCAA Tournament: Baylor Continued from Page 1B
vs. Wisconsin, Semifinals, Pittsburgh,
ESPN terson as the lone While the class still pen, but it won’t hap- - 3-star S Janari Threatt (Olive Branch,
8:30 p.m. — NCAA Tournament: commitment who did stands to change a pen.” Dean (Batesville, MS) MS)
Stanford vs. Minnesota, Semifinals, not sign Wednesday. touch, Moorhead said - 3-star LB Rod- - 3-star DE Tre Law-
Pittsburgh, ESPN “I cannot recall a
year when you had 21
there are just a hand-
ful of spots remaining,
MSU’s early signing ney Groce (Pleasant
Grove, AL)
son (Mississippi Gulf
GOLF period commitment Coast Community Col-
commitments going if that. - 3-star LB Tyrus lege/Perkinston, MS)
8:30 p.m. — EPGA Tour: The Australian
PGA Championship, Second Round,
into signing day and At present, the list Wheat (Copiah-Lin- - 3-star OT Grant
you get all 21 of those Bulldogs rank 25th in - 4-star RB Jo’qua- coln Community Col- Jackson (Brookhaven,
Benowa, Australia, GOLF kids signed and there’s 247sports.com’s na- vious Marks (Atlanta, lege/Wesson, MS)
not a defection,” Moor- tional class rankings GA) - 3-star CB Javorri- - 3-star OT Calvin
7 p.m. — LA Lakers at Milwaukee, TNT head said. “We got one — good for 10th in the - 4-star CB Emman- us Selmon ( Jackson, McMillian (Houston,
9:30 p.m. — Houston at LA Clippers, good surprise and no SEC. Should the re- uel Forbes (Grenada, MS)
TNT bad surprises. sults hold, this would MS) - 3-star WR Jaden
- 4-star WR Lideat- - 3-star DE Benja-
NBAGL BASKETBALL The “one good mark Moorhead’s Walley (Biloxi, MS)
rick Griffin (Philadel- min Key (East Los An-
2 p.m. — Winter Showcase: Maine vs. surprise” Moorhead third-straight top-30 - 3-star DE Jevon
phia, MS) geles College/ Cran-
Canton, Las Vegas, ESPNU alluded to was the class, something that Banks (Olive Branch,
signing of three-star former coach Dan - 4-star DE Jordan MS) bourne, Australia)
2:30 p.m. — Winter Showcase: Stock- - 3-star ATH De-
cornerback Decamer- Mullen never achieved Davis (Copiah-Lincoln - 3-star QB Will
ton vs. Delaware, Las Vegas, NBATV camerion Richardson
ion Richardson. A in his nine year tenure Community College/ Rogers (Brandon, MS)
4:30 p.m. — Winter Showcase: South (Bossier City, LA)
speedy defensive back in Starkville. Wesson, MS) - 3-star WR Caleb
Bay vs. Lakeland, Las Vegas, ESPNU - 4-star WR Malik - 3-star K Brandon
out of Bossier City, “You may do a lot of Ducking (Holmes
7 p.m. — Winter Showcase: Capital City Louisiana, Richardson things better than us Heath (Copiah-Lin- Community College/ Ruiz (Arizona State/
vs. Iowa, Las Vegas, ESPNU had officially visited but one thing you’re coln Community Col- Goodman, MS) Gilbert, Arizona)
8 p.m. — Winter Showcase: Austin vs. Tennessee last week- not going to do better lege/Wesson, MS) - 3-star DT Armon- All star ratings re-
College Park, Las Vegas, NBATV end but spurned the than me in recruiting - 3-star RB Dillon dous Cooley ( Wayne flect the 247sports.com
9:30 p.m. — Winter Showcase: Sioux Volunteers for a future is outwork us,” Moor- Johnson (Greenville, County, MS) recruiting database.
Falls vs. Agua Caliente, Las Vegas, in Starkville. head said. “It can hap- MS) - 3-star S Cameron

6 p.m. — NY Islanders at Boston,
NBCSN Continued from Page 1B
6 a.m. — The World Tennis Champion- outrebounded Rad- our size,” Ado said. Coliseum in Jackson. season. ing to be such a huge
ship: Men’s Quarterfinals and Women’s ford 37-26 in addition “We want to take ad- It will be the first “You can see it’s boost just in terms of
Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, United Arab to scoring 26 second vantage of that when- action of the season really worn some spreading minutes
Emirates, TENNIS chance points. ever we can.” for junior point guard guys down playing so
out better and the en-
5 a.m. (Friday) — The World Tennis “We emphasize that Following the vic- Nick Weatherspoon, many minutes with
ergy and toughness
Championship: Fifth Place and Semifi- in practice that the tory, MSU is back in who was suspended the fatigue,” Howland
three, four, and five action against New for the first 10 games said. “I am so happy he brings. It makes us
nals, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
have to go to the glass Mexico State at 2 p.m. of the year and the Nick will be out there a better team without
every time because of Sunday at Mississippi final 10 games of last with us now. It’s go- question.”
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com Thursday, December 19, 2019 3B

Playoff participants also contend for team recruiting title

The Associated Press the early signing period each year. director of scouting for the 247Sports Composite. Justin Flowe and Colum-
that arrived two years Many of the elite re- 247Sports. “Usually, it’s That included No. 1 over- bia (South Carolina) de-
Teams competing for ago. Ohio State faces cruits that didn’t choose one, two or three (teams) all recruit Bryan Bresee, fensive end Jordan Burch.
the national champion- Clemson and LSU meets LSU, Clemson or Ohio tops. This cycle there’s a defensive tackle from Flowe, ranked fourth
ship this season got good Oklahoma in the CFP State are instead heading legitimately four or five Damascus, Maryland. overall, picked Oregon.
news well before the Col- semifinals on Dec. 28. to Alabama and Georgia, teams recruiting at a na- Ohio State’s class fea- Burch, the nation’s No.
lege Football Playoff — “You have 14 guys two other recent playoff tional championship lev- tures wide receiver Julian 5 prospect, chose South
even if they didn’t have coming in mid-year, you participants. Those five el.” Fleming (No. 2) and offen- Carolina.
much time to celebrate. have award shows to go to programs have commit- Clemson coach Dabo sive tackle Paris Johnson
The early signing pe- and, by the way, once you ments from about half the Swinney said he needed a Jr. (No. 7). The Buckeyes LSU WINS SOME,
riod opened Wednesday get off the road you have top 50 prospects. big recruiting haul as he landed the top uncommit- LOSES SOME
with three playoff teams two weeks to prepare to Clemson tops the attempts to replace a se- ted quarterback Wednes- LSU had one of the
— Clemson, LSU and play Clemson,” Ohio State 247Sports Composite nior class that is trying to day when C.J. Stroud (No. most eventful days of any
Ohio State — landing coach Ryan Day said. team recruiting rankings help the Tigers win their 87) chose Ohio State. program.
eight of the nation’s top “That’s a very stressful and was followed in order third national title in four LSU signed two of the The Tigers landed two
16 prospects according to time. But it is what it is by Alabama, Ohio State, years. nation’s top 12 recruits previously uncommitted
composite rankings of re- and we’re keeping our Georgia and LSU as of “When you graduate in tight end Arik Gilbert top-100 recruits in outside
cruiting sites compiled by head down and going.” early Wednesday eve- players like that, you bet- (No. 9) and cornerback linebacker Phillip Webb
247Sports. Those busy schedules ning. Oklahoma’s class ter have quality coming in Elias Ricks (No. 12). (42nd) and offensive
They worked to sign haven’t stopped the usual was ranked ninth. the door,” Swinney said. The top two uncom- tackle Marcus Dumervil
those recruits while pre- suspects from reaching “More teams are re- Clemson signed sev- mitted prospects to sign (97th) but also lost three
paring for playoff match- the playoffs and topping cruiting at an elite level,” en of the nation’s top 29 Wednesday were Upland players who had verbally
ups, one consequence of the recruiting rankings said Barton Simmons, the prospects according to (California) linebacker committed to them.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: think your hus- P.S. As to that toddler
My husband band’s reaction shower, ask some of your other
and I were may be a bit friends or relatives to help with
recently matched extreme, if you the planning. I’m sure they will
with a child in an are hoping to use be more than happy to assist.
adoption. I’m not Kara as a mentor DEAR ABBY: My husband
experienced with in raising your and I have had the same room-
children, but my future son, you mate, “Milo,” for four years. Two
neighbor “Kara” should choose years ago, he started dating
has two kids more carefully. my husband’s ex-girlfriend. It
around the same This is a woman was no big deal, my husband
age as our future whose children was fine with it, and Milo never
son. I like Kara are so poorly brings her over. In the time
ZITS and really want raised that neigh- they’ve been seeing each other
our child and me bors refuse to Milo has refused to fully commit
to spend time with have them in their to her. He doesn’t see other
her family. homes. people, but he doesn’t call her
The problem Parenting is a his girlfriend.
is, my husband Dear Abby skill that has to Today my husband told me
has forbidden our be learned. No Milo won’t commit to her be-
son to hang out with Kara’s one is ever totally prepared for cause he thinks it would bother
children because she and her it. Moms and dads learn on the me if she were around our
husband let them run wild. They job, and you will, too, by spend- house all the time. He’s right. It
have broken things at other ing time with other parents and would. I’m not in love with the
people’s homes so often that reading books. As much as you idea of my husband’s drop-dead
some neighbors no longer invite like Kara, if you tell her what gorgeous ex hanging out at our
the family over. you have in mind, she’s likely house.
Kara and her husband to become defensive and highly Abby, I see in her everything
are good with their children, offended, and you may make an I’m not. Am I being selfish? I
GARFIELD except for enforcing discipline. enemy. want our roommate to be happy,
I’d like to have Kara in my life Because neighborhood kids and I’m not sure how to pro-
and have her help me plan my tend to interact with each other, ceed. Must I just suck it up? I
toddler shower. Would it be I wouldn’t be surprised if Kara’s mean, I’m married for heaven’s
insensitive of me to tell her how children manage to find their sake. — SELFISH ROOMMATE
my husband feels and ask if way to your place. If that hap- DEAR ROOMMATE: I don’t
she and her husband can take pens and they act up, handle think you should acquiesce
more steps to keep them under it by telling them that while it to anything that makes you
control? I feel bad shunning may be OK for them to behave uncomfortable. You’re making a
her without telling her why and that way in their home, it is NOT mistake by assuming responsi-
giving her a chance to correct permitted in yours — and that bility for the fact that Milo won’t
it. I’m also trying to think of a if they come over, there are commit. He’s a grown man and
way to change my husband’s certain house rules that must responsible for his own choices.
mind. — PLANNING FOR PAR- be followed. It would be doing The current arrangement is
ENTHOOD them (and Kara) a tremendous working for all of you, and you
DEAR PLANNING: While I favor. should stay out of it.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY longer. less, but many hearts seem to
(Dec. 19). Because your TAURUS (April 20-May 20). be pumping ice water instead
heart is open going into this To form a new habit, you must of joy. Don’t let that damper
solar return, you’ll learn from first put your mind to it. Then, your mood. Show them what is
everyone, even the ones who you must get your mind out of possible.
irk you. You’ll show up strong it. It’s not a mysterious process LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It’s a
in January and be offered new and doesn’t need a lot of over- day of interesting choices. Luck-
positions and roles. Feel your thinking. Habits are forged in ily, you’re in a decisive mode.
way through this, as the one the alchemy of daily practice. It’s easy because you know
that looks good on paper won’t GEMINI (May 21-June 21). your purpose, and you trust your
bring you as much happiness The highway to success, like feelings as well as your ability to
as the ones that fit your tone. typical highways, has many find something good in anything
BABY BLUES Pisces and Gemini adore you. exits. You don’t want to get off you get.
Your lucky numbers are: 47, 22, before you reach yours, but VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
28, 13 and 6. detours happen. Don’t worry too You prefer the truth in the same
ARIES (March 21-April 19). much. Do what you have to do, way a chef prefers sharp knives.
Change can be hard. So when and then find the entrance and They just work better. But they
you go through the trouble, you merge right back on. also cut deeper and are more
want the change to be for the CANCER (June 22-July 22). dangerous. With knives and
better, not just for the different. There’s not a person walking honesty, take a cautious, mind-
For this reason, you’ll deliberate the earth who is truly heart- ful approach.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Freedom of expression is an
overarching umbrella of liberty
essential to the evolution of
humankind. Exercise yours. No
one will know what’s in you (not
BEETLE BAILEY even you) until it’s out in an
expressed form.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). There are plenty of people
doing the popular thing and
wearing that with varying
degrees of success. Leave that
to them while you do what only
you can do. Answer the specific,
strange, quiet call of your heart.
21). One relationship has been
taking up more of your time
lately, and there may be some
jealousy among loved ones over
MALLARD FILLMORE your attention. Handle it now be-
fore it blows up into a big deal.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Typically, the early stages
of an endeavor tend to be
rough. That’s why it’s prudent to
keep going and, when you’ve hit
your stride, return to the earlier
work to update and improve it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You’d rather go through
a hard time than see a loved
one there. All the same, you
wouldn’t trade your difficulties,
as they’ve made you better.
FAMILY CIRCUS Remember this as you watch
your loved ones overcome.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Unmotivated? Blame your
environment, specifically the
lighting and soundscape. What
can you change about this? How
can you arrange your space to
maximize its potential to inspire

Country cousin
4B Thursday, December 19, 2019 The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com

Business moves with Mary

Better Brands purchased by Mitchell Distributing and Clark Beverages

PLUS: Restaurants, teas, studios and Worker Bees in the GT have become a
fitness fad taking
After operating
out of her house and
BY MARY POLLITZ domestic beers, sodas, seltzers, Inspired by her granddaugh- over the country, having cleaning sup-
[email protected] malts and more. ter, Berry has continued her ed- with more than plies freeze in her
half a dozen stores shed, Voges-Haupt

Clark Beverage Company be- ucation and training in photog-
etter Brands, a food and gan as a soda operation in 1903 raphy to provide customers with throughout the started renting a
beverage distribution in Martin, Tennessee. Since the best possible newborn and Golden Triangle and basement downtown
company in West Point, is more than 6,000 more than a year
then, it has become a beverage family shoots. Once opened,
changing owners. nationwide.
distributor for parts of Alabama, her 2,500 square-foot studio ago.
The company at 919 Indus- Vault Nutrition,
Georgia, Indiana, Tennessee, will have props, backdrops and “We had no heat
trial Access Road first opened 58 Center Road,
Kentucky and Mississippi. even outfits to get the perfect or air conditioning,
in 2002, with another office held its grand
Representatives from Clark pictures and keepsakes for her Mary Pollitz no running water
located in Oxford. Company opening on Tuesday.
and Mitchell could not be customers. Keep up to date on and if you were over
President Henry Pilkington Check out the “fast
reached by press time. Berry and Emee Photography food for healthy people” to get 5-foot-8, you would
said the business was split-pur- Also in West Point, a building on its social media page. energized and focused with hit your head on the ceiling,”
chased by Mitchell Distributing downtown is in the midst of ren- In Columbus, it looks like we nutritional teas and specialty she said. “But we made it work.
of Tupelo and Clark Beverage. ovations for a new artistic space. are adding another restaurant. drinks. Vault Nutrition owner We stayed there for a year and
Pilkington will step down and Photographer Mary Ann Super Crown Wings, 512 Ethan Walley said the shop is a half. We bought (the current
the two companies will spear- Berry, founder of Emee Photog- Alabama St., has posted its sign open Monday through Thurs- building) on Halloween and
head operations starting Jan. 1. raphy, will open her first studio across the building in East Co- day from 6:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Fri- have spent the last two months
He added the sale was a “good at 652 Commerce St. by the lumbus. According to the Sec- day from 6:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and fixing it up and making it ours.
opportunity” and hopes that end of January. Berry primarily retary of State’s Office, Dan Lin Saturdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. It’s a work in progress but we
Mitchell and Clark continue to shoots family, maternity and has been manager and agent for Over in Starkville, a young
immerse the company in the love having a place of our own
newborn sessions. the restaurant since Oct. 30. Lin business is buzzing with news.
community. with lots of room to grow.”
“I began my journey into pro- could not be reached by press Worker Bees, a local clean-
“We’re going to miss being fessional photography because time. The building on Alabama She added Worker Bees
ing service, has outgrown its offers move-in or out cleaning,
out in the market,” he said. of my first grandchild, Mere- Street looks to be in the midst basement operation and opened
“We’re hoping Clark and Mitch- dith,” Berry said. “Emee is my of renovations, with counters remodeling clean up, residen-
shop this month in a building at
ell will fill all the needs for the grandmother name, what she and seating quickly setting up. tial and commercial cleaning,
504 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Golden Triangle.” calls me. My desire is to offer The new restaurant is located Drive W. pressure washing, windows and
Mitchell Distributing first West Point a service that they in the former Danny’s Southern Owner Shannon Vog- even car detailing.
opened in the 1940s in Meridi- don’t have to go elsewhere to Diner and Pigout BBQ. Keep an es-Haupt first started Worker If you’re in need of some
an, expanding to Leland, Shan- get. My thought process when I eye out. Opening day looks to Bees in 2015 by cleaning hous- busy bees or want to check out
non and Baltimore, Maryland. am taking pictures is that I am be getting closer and closer. es to earn a little extra income. the new “hive,” you can call or
The company employs approx- telling a story. I am capturing Moving out to the New Hope Her side hustle quickly grew text 662-617-1468. Worker Bees
imately 550 people in Missis- your memories through my area, another tea nutrition shop into a bustling business with 30 is open Monday through Friday
sippi and distributes craft and lens.” has opened. These tea shops employees. from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Business brief
Powell to retire a rotating internship in clinic on Medical Center Powell also served in cal officer until 2000. 155th Brigade Combat
Family physician Dr. 1980 at Mount Clemens Drive, where his wife, Di- the Mississippi Army He was appointed Team in Iraq for Opera-
Ron Powell is retiring at General Hospital in ann, served as the office National Guard for 26 as commander of DET tion Iraqi Freedom. A few
the end of Michigan. manager. years. He served as the 1, MSARNG, Medical months after he returned
2019 with One month later, he After 15 years in pri- battalion surgeon with Detachment in 2000 and home, he was deployed
almost 40 opened his own private vate practice, Dr. Powell the 223rd Engineer served until May 2003, again to the Mississip-
years of practice in West Point. joined North Mississippi Battalion, Combat Heavy, when he was appointed pi Gulf Coast for four
medical His first clinic was right Medical Clinics, and from 1984-1998. He the commander of the months after Hurricane
service to next door to Ivy Memo- West Point Medical Clinic transferred to STARC, MSARNG Detachment. Katrina hit. He retired
the West rial Hospital. In 1985, he opened across the street MED, TDA in 1998 and In 2005, he served as the from the MSARNG in
Point com- built and opened a new on Medical Center Drive. served as a general medi- medical officer with the 2006.
munity and Powell
The public is invited
to a reception in Dr.
Powell’s honor from 4-6
p.m. Dec. 30, at the North
Mississippi Medical Cen-
ter-West Point Education
Center, 150 Medical
Center Drive.
A native of Wynne,
Arkansas, Dr. Powell
graduated from Arkansas
State University, with
a bachelor’s degree in
biology and chemistry,
before completing a bach-
elor’s degree in pharma-
cy at the University of
Mississippi in 1970. He
then served four years in
the Public Health Service
Commissioned Corps,
a military branch over-
seen by the U.S. surgeon
Upon completion of his
active duty, he enrolled
in medical school at the
University of Health
Sciences in Kansas City,
Missouri. He earned his
medical degree there
in 1979 and completed
pervisors of Oktibbeha County, 19,102.0

Mississippi at the Oktibbeha 18" REINFORCED CONCRETE LIN. FT.
County Courthouse, Starkville, PIPE, CLASS III

Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,

Mississippi, until 10:00 am on
the 30th day of January, 2020
and shortly thereafter publicly

The Starkville Dispatch and Online

opened for the construction of
1.642 miles of GRADE, BASE,


BOULEVARD being known as
Project No. DECD-0053(15)BO
To place ads starting at only $12,

call 662-328-2424 or visit MAINTENANCE
in Oktibbeha County, Missis-


19, 2019 n 5B
1.0 0.0
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
UNIT LegalXNotices
29" 18" REINFORCED CON- Legal
4" Notices

TICE OF SALE been abandoned at Marty's LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- LIN. FT. 3.356
Service Center, 1233 Gardner SIPPI MOBILIZATION MI.
Call us: 662-328-2424 WHEREAS, on June 30, 2017,
Joshua G. Scarborough and
Blvd, Columbus, MS.
Shana L. Scarborough, hus- 2000 LINCOLN LS LANDRUM. 8.0 TRAFFIC STRIPE (SKIP YELLOW)
Legal Notices band and wife, executed a VIN# 1LNHM87A9YY886249 DECEASED CLEARING & GRUBBING LIN. FT. (90 MILS)
deed of trust to Scott R. LUMP SUM 2.302
WHEREAS, on August 21, solely as Nominee for Renas- LUMP SUM LIN. FT. TRAFFIC STRIPE (CONTINUOUS
2015, JP Givins, Jr., unmarried ant Bank, its successors and 2004 LINCOLN LS CAUSE NO. 2019-0229-F LUMP SUM YELLOW) (90 MILS)
executed a deed of trust for assigns, which deed of trust is VIN# 1LNHM86S84Y664113 16' x 6' PRECAST CONCRETE 16,044.0
the benefit of Green Tree Servi- recorded in Deed of Trust Book NOTICE TO CREDITORS REMOVAL OF ASPHALT, DBST BOX CULVERT LIN. FT.
cing LLC, which deed of trust 2017 at Page 14464 and re-re- 2011 DODGE CHARGER PAVEMENT AND CONCRETE 1,052.0
was recorded on September corded in Book 2017 at Page VIN# 2B3CL3CG28H543820 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI (ALL THICKNESSES) LIN. FT. THERMOPLASTIC DETAIL
14, 2015, in Book 2015, Page 27190 in the Office of the COUNTY OF LOWNDES 17,470.0 STRIPE (4" EQUIVALENT
19728 in the office of the Chancery Clerk of the County of 1996 FORD THUNDERBIRD SQ. YDS. 12" CORRUGATED POLYETHYL- LENGTH) (WHITE) (120 MILS)
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Lowndes, State of Mississippi; VIN# 1FALP62W0TJH150666 Letters of Administration have ENE PIPE 4,947.0
County, Mississippi; and and been granted and issued to the REMOVAL OF PIPE (ALL SIZES) 8.0 LIN. FT.
1998 CHEVROLET BLAZER undersigned upon the Estate of 1,831.0 LIN. FT.
WHEREAS, the aforemen- WHEREAS, the aforesaid deed VIN# 1GNDT13W0WK114888 Joy M. Landrum, Deceased, by LIN. FT. THERMOPLASTIC DETAIL
tioned deed of trust was as- of trust was assigned to the Chancery Court of Lowndes 15" CORRUGATED POLYETHYL- STRIPE (4" EQUIVALENT
signed by Ditech Financial LLC Alabama Housing Finance Au- 2005 MAZDA 3 County, Mississippi on the UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION ENE PIPE LENGTH) (YELLOW) (120 MILS)
successor in interest to Green thority by instrument dated Au- VIN# JM1BK12F751312215 27th day of November, 2019. (FM) 125.0 2,074.0
Tree Servicing LLC to Ditech gust 31, 2018, and recorded in This is to give notice to all per- 15,056.0 LIN. FT. LIN. FT.
Financial LLC , by instrument the Office of the aforesaid 2005 DODGE MAGNUM sons having claims against CU. YDS.
dated October 5, 2015, and re- Chancery Clerk in Book 2018 VIN# 2D4FV48V05H169539 said estate to probate and re- 18" CORRUGATED POLYETHYL- THERMOPLASTIC LEGEND
corded on October 13, 2015, at Page 20245 and corrected gister same with the Chancery BORROW EXCAVATION (F.M.E.) ENE PIPE (WHITE) (120 MILS)
in Book 2015, Page 22103 of and re-recorded in Book 2019 2014 DODGE JOURNEY Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- (CONTRACTOR FURNISHED) 1,442.0 169.0
the records of the aforesaid at Page 24109; and VIN# 3C4PDCGB2ET191767 sissippi, within 90 (ninety) days (CLASS 9) LIN. FT. LIN. FT.
Chancery Clerk; and from the date of the first pub- 5,083.0
WHEREAS, the aforesaid, 2006 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER lication. A failure to so probate CU. YDS. 24" CORRUGATED POLYETHYL- THERMOPLASTIC LEGEND
WHEREAS, Ditech Financial Alabama Housing Finance Au- VIN# 3A4FY58876T361608 and register said claim will ENE PIPE (WHITE) (120 MILS)
LLC, the holder of the deed of thority, the holder of said deed forever bar the same. EXCESS EXCAVATION (FM) 2,191.0 2,450.80
trust, substituted McCalla Ray- of trust and the note secured 2013 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 17,971.0 LIN. FT. SQ. FT.
mer Leibert Pierce, LLC as thereby, substituted Under- VIN# 3GCPKSE75DG219743 This the 9th day of December, CU. YDS.
Trustee, as authorized by the wood Law Firm PLLC, as Trust- 2019. 36" CORRUGATED POLYETHYL- TWO WAY YELLOW REFLECT-
terms thereof, by instrument ee therein, as authorized by 2007 NISSAN ALTIMA PORTLAND CEMENT CON- ENE PIPE IVE HIGH PERFORMANCE
recorded on November 4, the terms thereof, by instru- VIN# 1N4AL21E47N498126 Steve Landrum CRETE PAVED DITCH 70.0 RAISED MARKERS
2019, and spread at large ment dated November 20, Co-Administrator of the Estate 20.13 LIN. FT. 490.0
upon the records in the office 2019 and recorded in the Of- 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY of Joy M. Landrum, Deceased CU. YDS. EA.
of the aforesaid Chancery Clerk fice of the aforesaid Chancery VIN# 4T1SV21E1MU292087 18" CORRUGATED POLYETHYL-
in Book Mort 2019, Page Clerk in Book 2019 at Page Lisa Landrum GRANULAR MATERIAL (PM) ENE PIPE, END SECTION REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC
23562, prior to the posting and 25228; and 2006 JEEP LAREDO Co-Administrator of the Estate (CLASS 3, GROUP B) 1.0 WARNING SIGN (ENCAPSU-
publication of this notice; and VIN# 1J4GR48K86C308729 of Joy M. Landrum, Deceased 996.0 EA. LATED LENS)
WHEREAS, default having been CU. YDS. 12.0
WHEREAS, default having been made in the terms and condi- 2002 FORD MUSTANG Prepared by: 24" CORRUGATED POLYETHYL- EA.
made in the terms and condi- tions of said deed of trust and VIN# 1FAFP40432F126505 J. Douglas Ford, Esq. GRANULAR MATERIAL (PM) ENE PIPE, END SECTION
tions of the deed of trust, and the entire debt secured MSB#8942 (CLASS 9, GROUP B) 5.0 REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC REG-
the entire debt secured thereby thereby, having been declared 2013 CHEVROLET MALIBU Mitchell McNutt & Sams, PA 12,185.0 EA. ULATORY SIGN (ENCAPSU-
having been declared to be due to be due and payable in ac- VIN# 1G11AXDF2666836 215 5th Street North CU. YDS. LATED LENS)
and payable in accordance with cordance with the terms of said P.O. Box 1366 8" CORRUGATED POLY VINYL 1.0
the terms of the deed of trust, deed of trust, and the legal 2000 HONDA ACCORD Columbus, MS 39703-1366 CRUSHED STONE SIZE 610 CHLORIDE PIPE EA.
and the legal holder of said in- holder of said indebtedness, VIN# 1HGCG6657YA006464 Telephone: 662.328.2316 (PM) 113.0
debtedness, Ditech Financial Alabama Housing Finance Au- 12,295.0 LIN. FT. REFLECTORIZED TRAFFIC
LLC, has requested the under- thority, having requested the 2006 HYUNDAI SONATA PUBLISH: 12/12, 12/19, & CU. YDS. WARNING SIGN WITH SUPPLE-
signed Substitute Trustee to undersigned Substituted Trust- VIN# 5NPEU46F86H142900 12/26/2019 8" BRANCH CONNECTION (IN- MENTAL PLATE (ENCAPSU-
execute the trust and sell said ee to execute the trust and sell PORTLAND CEMENT TO BOX CULVERT) LATED LENS)
land, property and improve- said land and property in ac- 2004 TOYOTA CAMRY IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF 21,859.0 4.0 3.0
ments in accordance with the cordance with the terms of said VIN# 4T1BE32K24U894782 LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- CWT. EA. EA.
terms of the deed of trust for deed of trust for the purpose of SIPPI
the purpose of raising the raising the sums due thereun- 1996 NISSAN SENTRA SOIL-CEMENT-WATER MIXING 15" BRANCH CONNECTION (IN- TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD, TYPE 1
sums due thereunder, togeth- der, together with attorney’s VIN# 5NPEU46F16H113562 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- (MULTIPLE PASS MIXERS) TO BOX CULVERT) 4.0
er with attorney's fees, Substi- fees, Substituted Trustee’s TATE OF R. N. HUMPHREYS, 42,807.00 3.0 EA.
tute Trustee’s fees and ex- fees and expense of sale; 2003 CHEVROLET IMPALA DECEASED SQ. YDS. EA.
penses of sale; VIN# 2G1WF52E639209745 TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD, TYPE 6
THEREFORE, on December 27, wood Law Firm PLLC, Substi- 1990 GEO PRIZM mm) TO BOX CULVERT) EA.
2019, the undersigned Substi- tuted Trustee in said deed of VIN# 1Y1SK5165LZ047877 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4,601.0 2.0
tute Trustee in the deed of trust, will on the 9th day of TON EA. TRAFFIC SIGNAL HEAD, TYPE 7
trust, will offer for sale at pub- January, 2020, offer for sale at 1999 CHEVROLET BLAZER THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 2.0
lic outcry and sell to the public outcry for cash to the VIN# 1GNCS18W5XK228524 LOWNDES COUNTY HOT MIX ASPHALT (ST) (12.5 24" BRANCH CONNECTION (IN- EA.
highest bidder for cash, within highest bidder, and sell within mm) TO BOX CULVERT OR HEAD-
legal hours (being between the legal hours (being between the 2006 HYUNDAI SONATA Letters Testamentary have 9,202.0 WALL) REMOVAL OF EXISTING
hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 hours of 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 VIN# 5NPEU46F16H113552 been granted and issued to the TON 6.0 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT
p.m.) at the Southeast front P.M.) at the Main front door of undersigned upon the Estate of EA. LUMP SUM
door of the Lowndes County the County Courthouse at 1996 CHEVROLET PICKUP R. N. Humphreys, deceased, by COLD MILLING OF BITUMIN- LUMP SUM
Courthouse in Columbus, Mis- Columbus, County of Lowndes, VIN# 2GCEC19R1T1192672 the Chancery Court of Lowndes OUS PAVEMENT, ALL DEPTHS 36" BRANCH CONNECTION (IN-
sissippi, the following de- State of Mississippi, the follow- County, Mississippi, on the 2,691.00 TO BOX CULVERT) SOLID STATE TRAFFIC CABIN-
scribed land, property and im- ing described property situated 2016 DODGE CHARGER 22nd day of November, A. D., SQ. YDS. 3.0 ET ASSEMBLY, TYPE III CABIN-
provements lying and being in the County of Lowndes, VIN# 2C3CDXCT3GH242694 2019. This is to give notice to EA. ET, TYPE 1 CONTROLLER
situate in Lowndes County, State of Mississippi, to-wit: all persons having claims POLYMERIZED-EMULSIFIED AS- 1.0
Mississippi, to-wit: IF THESE VEHICLES ARE NOT against said estate to Probate PHALT, GRADE CRS-2P 51” X 31" BRANCH CONNEC- EA.
Lot Two (2) of the Dr. Bounds CLAIMED THEY WILL BE PUT and Register same with the 11,825.0 TION (INTO BOX CULVERT)
Commencing at the intersec- property located in the North- UP FOR PUBLIC SALE ON THE Chancery Clerk of Lowndes GAL. 1.0 MODIFY EXISTING TRAFFIC SIG-
tion of the South line of Sec- east Quarter of the Southeast 30TH DAY OF DECEMBER, County, Mississippi, within EA. NAL CABINET ASSEMBLY
tion 20, Township 18 North, Quarter of Section 25, Town- 2019, AT 10:00 A.M. AT ninety (90) days from the first COARSE AGGREGATE COVER 1.0
Range 16 East, Lowndes ship 16 South, Range 18 West, MARTY'S SERVICE CENTER, publication date of this Notice MATERIAL, SIZE 6, CRUSHED CASTINGS EA.
County, Mississippi with the Lowndes County, Mississippi. 1233 GARDNER BLVD, COLUM- to Creditors. A failure to so Pro- STONE 5,411.0
center line of the ICG Railroad; BUS MS. bate and Register said claim 253.0 LBS. TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT
thence run North 05 degrees Commence where the Half Sec- will forever bar the same. CU. YDS. POLE, TYPE II, 17' SHAFT, 45'
30 minutes West along the tion line of Section 25 inter- PUBLISH: 12/5, 12/12 & GRATINGS ARM
centerline of said Railroad for sects the West right-of-way of a 12/19/2019 This the 2nd day of December, SEAL AGGREGATE COVER MA- 2,500.0 1.0
2168 feet; thence run South public road and run South 00 2019. TERIAL, SIZE 7, CRUSHED LBS. EA.
79 degrees 30 minutes East degrees 31 minutes East along IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF STONE
along the centerline of Roberts said right-of-way for 110.0 feet LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- /s/PATRICIA H. GARNER, EXEC- 137.0 6" PERFORATED CORRUGATED TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT
Street for 1513 feet; thence to the Point of Beginning; SIPPI UTRIX CU. YDS. POLYETHYLENE DRAINAGE POLE, TYPE III, 17' SHAFT, 45'
run North 02 degrees West for thence run West for 297.0 TUBING FOR UNDERDRAINS & 60' ARMS
230 feet; thence run North 01 feet; thence run South 00 de- PENNYMAC LOAN SERVICES, McEwen Law Firm BLOTTER MATERIAL 700.0 1.0
degree 04 minutes West for grees 31 minutes East for LLC PLAINTIFF Steven R. McEwen 20.0 LIN. FT. EA.
134.45 feet to the point of be- 110.0 feet; thence run East for CU. YDS.
ginning; thence run North 01 297.0 feet to the West right-of- VS. PUBLISH: 12/5, 12/12, & FILTER MATERIAL FOR FILTER TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT
degree 04 minutes West for way of said road; thence run 12/19/2019 CLASS B STRUCTURAL CON- BEDS, TYPE A POLE, TYPE VI, 8' SHAFT
134.45 feet; thence run North North 00 degrees 31 minutes WAYNE DAVIS, SR. a/k/a CRETE 1,105.0 3.0
83 degrees West for 162 feet; West for 110.0 feet to the WAYNE VINCENT DAVIS, SR.; 101.852 CU. YDS. EA.
Point of Beginning, containing OFFICE OF STATE AID ROAD CU. YDS.
thence run South 01 degree 04 SHARON A. DAVIS a/k/a SHAR- CONSTRUCTION
minutes East for 134.45 feet; 0.75 acres, more or less. ON ANN DAVIS; MARK SPEARS; GUARD RAIL, W-BEAM POLE FOUNDATIONS, CLASS
of beginning and containing .50 title as is vested in Underwood solely in its capacity as Substi- 635.744 CU. YDS.
acres more or less. tute Trustee; AND ANY AND OKTIBBEHA COUNTY BOARD
Also a road easement: Com- TEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROP-
mencing at the intersection of WITNESS OUR SIGNATURE, ERTY BEARING THE ADDRESS 78,978.0 LIN. FT.
this the 4th day of December, SECTION 900 LBS. CONCRETE DRIVEWAY
the South line of Section 20, OF 129 CAIDE COVE, COLUM-
Township 18 North, Range 16 2019. BUS, MS 39705 2,377.0 SLIP CASING, 36" DIAMETER
East, Lowndes County, Missis- DEFENDANTS
sippi with the centerline of the Underwood Law Firm PLLC PIPE, CLASS III LIN. FT.
SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE Sealed or electronic bids will 63.0 COMBINATION CONCRETE
ICG Railroad; thence run North CAUSE NO. 2019-0530-DE be received by the Board of Su- LIN. FT.
05 degrees 30 minutes West CURB AND GUTTER, TYPE 1 ELECTRIC CABLE, UNDER-
Control# Scarborough, pervisors of Oktibbeha County, 19,102.0 GROUND IN CONDUIT, IMSA
along the centerline of said SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Mississippi at the Oktibbeha
Railroad for 2168 feet; thence Joshua/ServSol 18" REINFORCED CONCRETE LIN. FT. 20-1, AWG 14, 5 CONDUCTOR
County Courthouse, Starkville, PIPE, CLASS III 415.0
run South 79 degrees 30 THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Mississippi, until 10:00 am on 1,079.0
minutes East along the center- PUBLISH: 12/12/2019, TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION LIN. FT.
12/19/2019, 12/26/2019, the 30th day of January, 2020 LIN. FT. FENCE
line of Roberts Street for 1202 TO: Wayne Davis, Sr. a/k/a and shortly thereafter publicly
feet to the point of beginning; 01/02/2020 Wayne Vincent Davis, Sr. and 2,400.0 ELECTRIC CABLE, UNDER-
opened for the construction of 24" REINFORCED CONCRETE LIN. FT. GROUND IN CONDUIT, IMSA
thence run North 12 degrees Sharon A. Davis a/k/a Sharon 1.642 miles of GRADE, BASE,
East for 258 feet; thence run Ann Davis, whose current post PIPE, CLASS III 20-1, AWG 14, 8 CONDUCTOR
South 83 degrees East for 120 office address and street ad- BLACKJACK ROAD AND STONE LIN. FT.
feet; thence run North 01 de- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- LUMP SUM LIN. FT.
SIPPI dress are unknown to the BOULEVARD being known as
grees 04 minutes West for Plaintiff after diligent search LUMP SUM
104.45 feet; thence run South and inquiry to ascertain same. in Oktibbeha County, Missis-
thence run South 01 degree 04 The Complaint against you
minutes East for 134.45 feet; DECEASED LIN. FT. LUMP SUM 20.0
which is on file at the Lowndes PRINCIPAL ITEMS OF WORK
thence run North 83 degrees County Chancery Court, Colum- LIN. FT.
West for 135 feet; thence run bus, Mississippi, in the above LOWS:
CO-ADMINISTRATORS numbered cause, is important
228 feet; thence run North 79 and you must take immediate 1.0 0.0 PORTED IN CONDUIT, IMSA 20-
degrees 30 minutes West for action to protect your rights. QUANTITY
15 feet to the point of begin- CAUSE NO. 2019-0241-PDE 92.0
ning. You are required to mail or
hand deliver a written re- ROADWAY ITEMS:
I WILL CONVEY only such title sponse to the Complaint filed 40.0 WHITE) (60 MILS) PULLBOX ENCLOSURE, TYPE 2

Service Directory
as is vested in the Substitute STATE OF MISSISSIPPI LIN. FT. 3.356 3.0
COUNTY OF LOWNDES against you in this action to MOBILIZATION
Trustee. Kimberly D. Putnam, Attorney MI. EA.
Letters of Administration have for Plaintiff, whose address is LUMP SUM
the 26th day of November, been granted and issued to the 855 S Pear Orchard Rd, Ste 8.0 TRAFFIC STRIPE (SKIP YELLOW) 2.0
2019 undersigned upon the Estate of 404, Ridgeland, MS 39157. CLEARING & GRUBBING LIN. FT. (90 MILS) EA.
Michael J. Landrum, Deceased, LUMP SUM 2.302
by the Chancery Court of YOUR RESPONSE MUST BE LUMP SUM
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce,
Lowndes County, Mississippi
on the 5th day of December, LATER THAN THIRTY DAYS
Promote your small business starting at only $25
2019. This is to give notice to LUMP SUM LIN. FT. TRAFFIC STRIPE (CONTINUOUS LIN. FT.
Substitute Trustee DECEMBER, 2019 WHICH IS LUMP
299 South 9th Street all persons having claims BuildingSUM
& Remodeling General Services Plumbing (90 MILS)
YELLOW) Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
Oxford, MS 38655 against said estate to probate THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUB- 16' x 6' PRECAST CONCRETE 16,044.0 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT, UN-
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes PAVEMENT CONCRETE 1,052.0 25.0
File No.: 5636119 County, Mississippi, within 90 LIN. FT. Stan McCownDETAIL LIN. FT.
(ninety) days from the date of JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT WILL Work wanted. Carpentry,
17,470.0 years of exp. STRIPE (4" EQUIVALENT
the first publication. A failure to BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU SQ. concrete,
YDS. electrical & Call or text Joe Seals, Licensed Plumber
"We (120 MILS)
12/26/2019 so probate and register said plumbing, shingle & metal ENE PIPE 662−549−7167. 4,947.0 DERGROUND DRILLED OR
claim will forever bar the same. RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE REMOVAL
& soffit LIN. FT.662−386−2915 JACKED, ROLLED PIPE, 2"
COMPLAINT. 1,831.0 LawnFT.
Care / Landscaping
The following vehicles have
repairs, pressure washing LIN. 208.0
This the 9th day of December, LIN. FT.
& mobile home repairs. THERMOPLASTIC DETAIL LIN. FT.
been abandoned at 2019. You must also file the original
of your Response with the No Job Too Small. 15"FORCORRUGATED
Roofing &(4" EQUIVALENT
Auto Mart LLC Steve Landrum Clerk of this Court within a (FM) 662−549−7031. ACCEPTINGDRILLED NEW CLIENTS
reasonable time afterward. 125.0 Call Robinson Lawn 2,074.0 DERGROUND OR
1009 Gardner Blvd Co-Administrator of the Estate 15,056.0 LIN. FT. Dirty Roof or House? Let us help make your
Columbus, MS 39702 of Michael J. Landrum, De-
CU. YDS.Services Services, 662−435−8746 LIN. FT.
Safe cleaning method of all 240.0
loved one’s daily living
PIPE, 3"
ceased LISA YOUNG NEESE or 662−272−8746. exterior surfaces!
moreFT.enjoyable in the
1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee BORROW
Professional service. comfort of their own home.
Bucket truck FURNISHED)
& stump
COLUMBUS, MS. 1,442.0
JESSE & BEVERLY’S 169.0for a quote.
Gentle 1 OPTICAL
Touch Home DETECTOR Care
Co-Administrator of the Estate (CLASS 9)
removal. Free est. LIN. FT.LAWN SERVICE. LIN. FT. 3.0
If not claimed it will be sold on (SEAL) 5,083.0 662−769−5494 offers a variety of non−
of Michael J. Landrum, De- Serving Columbus Mowing, cleanup, EA.
December 27th, 2019, at 10 ceased CU. YDS. 24"landscaping,
medical services to the
AM at 1009 Gardner Blvd., BY:TINA FISHER, D.C. since 1987. Senior Golden TriangleDETECTOR
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ ENE PIPE (WHITE) (120 MILS) TYPE 1 OPTICAL
Columbus, MS by Auto Mart Prepared by: EXCESS EXCAVATION (FM) 2,191.0 & tree cutting. 2,450.80 Contact us today schedule
LLC. It will be sold for monies J. Douglas Ford, Esq. 12/03/2019 242−0324/241−4447
17,971.0 662−356−6525 a FREE consultation!
LIN. FT. SQ. FT. 450.0
owed for the tow bill, storage MSB#8942 "We’ll
CU. YDS.go out on a limb for LIN. FT.
fees, and legal fees. Mitchell McNutt & Sams, PA Publish: 12/12/19, 12/19/19 you!" Painting & Papering POLYETHYL- TWO WAY YELLOW REFLECT-
& 12/26/19 36" CORRUGATED −companionship
−holiday sitter PHASE SELECTOR
Witnessed this the 17th day of P.O. Box 1366 CRETE PAVED DITCH 70.0
December, 2019.
WORK WANTED: −after hospital discharge
Columbus, MS 39703-1366 20.13 LIN. FT.
SERVICE Special Prices. 490.0 EA.
CU. YDS. & Bonded− care
Telephone: 662.328.2316 EA.
Auto Mart LLC All notices must be carpentry, painting, & Interior and Exterior −check−ins

Grow your
demolition. Landscaping, 18" CORRUGATED
Painting. POLYETHYL-
GRANULAR MATERIAL (PM) −respite TYPE relief1
Publish 12/19 & 12/26/19
PUBLISH: 12/12, 12/19, & emailed to gutters
(CLASS 3, cleaned,
GROUP B) bush

12/26/2019 1.0 WARNING SIGN (ENCAPSU- −light housekeeping
classifieds@ 996.0
hogging, clean−up work,
CU. YDS. washing, moving
Are you a painter?
pressure 12.0 [email protected]
Read local. cdispatch.com cdispatch.com. help & furniture repair. Advertise here!
m, 662−291−7330
*Paid Holidays
6B Thursday,
PORTED December
IN CONDUIT, IMSA 20- 19, 2019
Each Bid must be accompan-
ment System of Missis-
The Dispatch • www.cdispatch.com
*Public Employee’s Retire-
1, AWG 14, 8 CONDUCTOR ied by a bid bond/security de-
92.0 posit or certified check in an sippi
LIN. Notices Legal Notices
amount equal to 5% of the bid, Government Houses For Rent: North Sporting Goods
payable to Oktibbeha County Contact the North Missis-
PULLBOX ENCLOSURE, TYPE 2 and the State of Mississippi as sippi Regional Center Hu- 3BR/2BA CH/A, Hwy 45 N. ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
bid security. In the event that man Resources Office at
an electronic bid is submitted, (662) 513-7772 for more
Caledonia Schools. No OPEN FOR SEASON! ON THE WEB
pets. $800/mo. $800 dep. 9−5: Tues−Fri &
a copy of the bid bond must be information about minim-
included with the submission.
um requirements or to com-
1 yr lease. Weathers 9−12: Sat. Visit www.cdispatch.com
Rentals, 662−574−0345. Over 50 years experience!
for a printable copy of
2.0 If submitting electronically, a
EA. hard copy of all bid documents plete an application. Open Mon−Fri, 8a−4p. Repairs, cleaning,
must be provided within 3 busi- refinishing, scopes
ness days if requested after
the bid opening.
Houses For Rent: East mounted & zeroed, these puzzles.
handmade knives.
40.0 4BR/2.5BA BRICK HOME Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
LIN. FT. Bidders are herby notified that located on large lot w/ 2 of West Point, turn right on
any proposal accompanied by car garage. Fresh paint &
TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT, UN- letters qualifying in any man- Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
DERGROUND, TYPE 4, 3" ner the condition under which
tile floors in kitchen & left on Darracott Rd, see
25.0 the proposal is tendered will be bathrooms. $1,200/mo + sign, 2.5mi ahead, shop on
LIN. FT. considered an irregular bid and dep. 770−658−7726. left. 662−494−6218.
such proposal will not be con- Ads starting at $25
TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT, UN- sidered in making the award. VERY NICE 3BR/1BA
DERGROUND DRILLED OR renovated brick home.
JACKED, ROLLED PIPE, 2" Orlando Trainer, President Insurance
Central H&A, new appl−
208.0 Oktibbeha County Board of Su-
LIN. FT. pervisors LOW COST MEDICAL iances & more. NO pets.
PLANS No HUD. Good references
TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONDUIT, UN- PUBLISH: December 12, 2019 CLICK TO JOIN OR GET required. 107 King Street.
DERGROUND DRILLED OR & December 19, 2019 QUOTE Call Long & Long @ 662−
240.0 https://mcsbroker.com/ss 328−0770. $600/mth.
LIN. FT. 215 Mobile Homes for Rent
Booze Legal Notices
3.0 I, Chaxulkum Patel, [email protected] 2BA, $650/mo + $650
EA. the member of Hari dep. No smoking. No pets.
TYPE 1 OPTICAL DETECTOR Krishna 21 LLC In- No HUD. 662−549−3328.

tend to make applica- 2004 35’ Coachman RV in
LIN. FT. tion for a transfer of New Hope Park Does tiny
MULTIMODE PHASE SELECTOR liquor permit. As Ads starting at $25
home living appeal to you?

Do you want a safe, quiet,
1.0 provided for by the yet friendly neighborhood YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
Local Option Alcohol- Apts For Rent: North close to New Hope
ic Beverage Control
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
VIDEO VEHICLE DETECTION shopping and schools?
SENSOR, TYPE 1 FOX RUN APARTMENTS Come see our clean and
3.0 Laws, Section 67-1-1, cozy RV home, complete placing puzzle based on
EA. et seq., of the Missis-
1 & 2 BR near hospital.
$595−$645 monthly. with a new front deck. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 5 9 8 4 3 2 6 7 1
sippi Code of 1972, Electric, water, and ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 6 7 1 9 5 8 4 2 3

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Military discount, pet area,
pet friendly, and furnished garbage included at an based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 2 4 7 1 6 5 9 8
CABLE Annotated. If granted
450.0 corporate apts. affordable monthly rate. grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 2 3 5 6 9 4 8 1 7
a transfer from Shri 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL References required,
so thatnumbers. The
Ganesh 21 Inc. doing GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. please. :−) $500.00 each row, each 1 8 6 3 2 7 9 5 4
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
business as Castle numbers 9 4 7 5 8 1 3 6 2
contains the1same to 9 number
EA. who is operating at 24−HOUR CAMERA the empty spaces so 7 5 9 1 4 3 2 8 6
SURVEILLANCE. Benji & New Hope Mobile Home only once. The difficulty 4 6 2 8 7 9 1 3 5
1402 Main Street, Park 2 prime lots open that each row, each
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. level increases from
26.25 Columbus, Lowndes − BRING YOUR HOME! column and each 8 1 3 2 6 5 7 4 9
3x3 boxtocontains
Andrews Mobile Home
SQ. FT. County, I propose to STUDIO APARTMENT FOR Park has 2 prime
Difficulty Level 12/18

EROSION CONTROL ITEMS operate Under the RENT. Hwy. 45 between mobile home/RV lots the same number only once. The difficulty level
trade name of Castle Columbus & CAFB. for rent in quiet heart of increases from Monday to Sunday.
29.1 Located at 1402
No pets. No smoking. New Hope. Roll your Ads starting at $12
$400 rent & $400 deposit. new home right in.
TON Main Street, Suite 1, 662−328−2340. Availability limited, so
Good Things To Eat
COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Columbus, Lowndes act fast and be a part of
(13:13:13) Apts For Rent: East our friendly established
County. community! Application
TON 1 ROOM/1 BATH. Utilities & references required.
Lot 1 − small lot
The name, title, and incl. $385/mo. 1 person
between great
only. 662−328−8655.
0.146 address of the mem- neighbors, ideal for long
ber of the above Apts For Rent: South −term RV. We will
prepare electric pole.
SEEDING named business are: $175/month includes
AC. water and sewer. First
downtown loft apartments
Chaxulkum Patel available. Wood floors, tall
month free with 6
month lease and
MULCH Member ceilings, lots of windows. deposit.
Nice apartments in great
29.1 288 Acorn Drive locations. $700.00.
Lot 6 − oversized lot
TON ideal for 16 x 80 or
Columbus, Missis- 662−364−1610. double wide, $185/
sippi 39705 month includes water
Apts For Rent: West and sewer. We will
prepare site. First
If any person wishes
EXCELSIOR BLANKET month free with
400.0 to request a hearing minimum 12 month

SQ. YDS. lease. Please call Pam,
to object to the issu- 601−310−3528.
GEOTEXTILE FABRIC STABILIZA- ance of this permit a
TION (TYPE V) (AOS 0.21-0.43)
300.0 request for a hearing Apartments & Houses
SQ. YDS. must be made in writ-
ing and received by 1 Bedrooms Columbus School District.
$485/mo + 485 dep.
2 Bedroooms
I) (AOS 0.15-0.84) the Department of No HUD. No Section 8.
LIN. FT. Revenue within (15) 3 Bedrooms 601−940−1397 or 205−
Lost & Found Items

fifteen days from the Furnished & Unfurnished REWARD FOR LOST KEYS!
320.0 BL. first date this notice Honda car, house, PO Box
WATTLES, 20" was published. 1, 2, & 3 Baths GREAT, CONVENIENT
key ring with large "A" em−
blem. 662−364−6000.
Lease, Deposit
LOCATION! Office space for
& Credit Check
lease at 822 2nd Ave. N.
Requests shall be 662−574−3970. Special Notices
500.0 sent to: viceinvestments.com
TON OFFICE SPACE FOR Win $3,000 in cash! Enter
LEASE. 1112 Main St., to win. Take our survey at
GEOTEXTILE UNDER RIPRAP Chief Counsel, Legal Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft. Plenty www.pulsepoll.com and tell
(TYPE V) (AOS 0.21-0.43)
625.0 Division Apts For Rent: Other of private parking. 662− us about your household
shopping plans and media
SQ. YDS. Department of Reven- 327−9559.
usage. Your input will help
PROJECT NO. DECD- ue us improve the paper and
0053(15)BO P.O. Box 22828 get the advertising specials

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Date of First Publica-

Real Estate you want. Thank you!

CONTRACT TIME: 300 Working tion: 12/18/2019 Ads starting at $25
Days RABBITS & CAGES for 1 Surgery souve-
Commercial Property For Sale sale. Call 662−813−3318. nir
BASIS OF AWARD PUBLISH: 12/18 & 5 Straight beater
The award, if made, will be
12/19/2019 SENSATION ADULT 10 Superb
made to the lowest qualified
bidder on the basis of pub-
For Sale. 662−549−4760. Need a new 11 Skull protec-
lished quantities.
Houses For Sale: Caledonia 12 Got larger
The Board of Supervisors
hereby notifies all bidders that
it will affirmatively insure that
Employment FSBO: 3BR/2BA ON 2.5
13 Snappy
ACRES. 1600 sqft.
in any contract entered into
pursuant to this advertisement,
Call us: 662-328-2424 Completely remodeled. 14 Looked into
minority business enterprise $178,000. 662−386− 16 Injustices
will be afforded full opportunity Customer Service 7113. 20 Rider’s seat
to submit bids in response to
this invitation and will not be Houses For Sale: Other 23 Fiddling need
discriminated against on the
ASSOCIATION seeks a part- 24 Clinic worker
grounds of race, color, or na- DOWNTOWN AREA− Cozy 2BR/1BA w/ approx 25 Animal life
tional origin in consideration for time office worker. Posi- 2 acres in Ethelsville, AL.
an award. tion requires: computer Spacious 2BR/1BA, Cent−
Private setting, A frame 27 Wrath
knowledge, customer ser- ral H&A, hardwood. Walk to
MUW, shops, & churches. house & screen room, 28 Siamese
PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS vice, posting and receiving baby
are on file in the Office of the payments. Must have posit- Available January. NO HUD. $68,000. 662−425−1073. 5 Psychoanaly- tures
Chancery Clerk of Oktibbeha ive attitude and be depend- Call Long & Long @ 662− Lots & Acreage 29 Penn State sis pioneer 26 Brings into
County, the County Engineer’s 328−0770. $600/mth. symbol
office and the Office of the able. Send resume to 6 Barista’s harmony
GTWA PO Box 1115 WINTER SPECIAL. 1.75 32 They may be creation 28 New Zealand
When looking
State Aid Engineer, 412 E.
Woodrow Wilson Avenue, Jack- West Point, MS 39773. acre lots. Good/bad credit. settled
son, Mississippi. This project
10% down, as low as 7 First número natives
shall be constructed in accord-
CH&A, 1 story, W/D,
$299/mo. Eaton Land. 36 Game quest 8 Polite address 30 China piece
for a new pet,
historic district, 1 block
ance with the latest edition of General Help Wanted from downtown. 662−361−7711. 39 Nick 9 Bowler, e.g. 31 Less common
the Mississippi Standard Spe-
cifications for State Aid Road $575/mo. + $575 dep. Charles’s wife 11 “Gladiator” 33 Greek vowel
adoption is star 34 Waiter’s aid
and Bridge Construction. NO PETS. 662−574−8789.
PATCH seeks a motivated,
Garage Sales 41 Greek vowels
Peaceful & Quiet area.
PLANS AND PROPOSALS are contracted carrier for the 15 Hay unit 35 Pertness
Brooksville & Macon area. 42 Tribal leader 17 Touch on 36 Bishopric
always a
being made available via pa-
43 Declares
per or digital copy. Plan Hold- Excellent opportunity to
ers are required to log-in or re- earn money for college.
gister for an account to view or Must have good transporta-
COLEMAN Two free signs
18 Solitary
19 Symbol of
37 Maximum
order bid documents at
www.pritchardengineeringplans. tion, valid driver's license
com. Bid documents are non- & insurance. Delivers on
TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS Garage Sales: North good option. DOWN
1 Hangs down
20 Salon sound
38 Craze

refundable and must be pur- Sunday morning and Mon.- 1 BEDROOM HUGE SALE! 12/16− 2 “Downton Ab- 21 Surrounding
chased through the website. Fri. afternoons. Apply at 2 BEDROOMS 12/21 ONLY. Christmas bey” countess glow
Questions regarding website re- The Commercial Dispatch,
gistration and online orders 516 Main Street in Colum- 3 BEDROOMS items/trees, furn, kids 3 Over again 22 Sketched
please contact Plan House at bus. No phone calls
clothes/shoes, & lots 4 Bounties 25 Shark fea-
more! 239 Shrinewood Dr.
662-407-0193. For questions
© The Dispatch

related to the contract docu- please.

ments contact Pritchard Engin-
eering at 662-324-2205. No
DEPOSIT Garage Sales: Other
Five Questions:
partial sets of drawings or Government AND GREAT CHRISTMAS ITEMS
project manuals will be issued. CREDIT CHECK 809 Old Hwy. 50 in West
Proposal shall be submitted on
State of MS Employment Point. Sun. 12/22. 8a−
1 Coca-Cola
Bid Forms provided with the
specifications. Bids may be
Opportunities at the North
MS Regional Center. The
North Mississippi Regional
662-329-2323 until.

submitted in person, or for

2411 HWY 45 N
2 The Joy of
Center is currently accept-
those interested, bids can be
electronically submitted at ing applications for a So-
cial Worker position. This COLUMBUS, MS
com under the project page. No position will be assigned to
our community program in
oral, telegraphic, telephonic, or
e-mail proposals will be con-
Commercial Property For Rent Ads starting at $12
the Columbus area sup-
sidered. For sealed bids, the porting individuals with in- FOR RENT LOCATED NEAR
current Certificate of Respons- tellectual and development- DOWNTOWN. 3,000 sq. ft. Firewood / Fuel
ibility Number of the bidder
shall appear on the outside of al disabilities. truck terminal, 9,500 sq. FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
3 Ante meridi-
each sealed envelope contain-
ing a proposal, said envelope
ft. shop & 3,200 sq. ft.
Positions offer excellent be- office/shop. Buildings can Various lengths.
em and post
being plainly marked “DECD- nefit packages, including:
be rented together or
0053(15)BO”. If submitting *Health Insurance separately. All w/ excellent General Merchandise
electronically, please include *Dental/Vision Insurance
this information on a cover access & Hwy. 82 visibility.
*Vacation Leave 662−327−9559. WANTED FREON R12.
sheet with your bid submis- *Medical Leave
4 Scotch egg
We pay CA$H.
*Paid Holidays R12 R500 R11.
Each Bid must be accompan- *Public Employee’s Retire- RESTAURANT SPACE Convenient.
ied by a bid bond/security de- ment System of Missis- AVAILABLE. 1200 sq. ft. Certified professionals.
posit or certified check in an sippi $1100/mo. Serious refrigerantfinders.com/ad
amount equal to 5% of the bid,
5 Hawaii
inquiries only. 662−328− 312−291−9169
payable to Oktibbeha County Contact the North Missis- 8655 or 662−574−7879.
and the State of Mississippi as sippi Regional Center Hu-
bid security. In the event that man Resources Office at

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