Assinment cs301

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**QUESTION: What is OOP?

**ANSWER: The object-oriented programming is commonly known as OOP.

Most of the languages are developed using OOP concept. Object-oriented
programming (OOP) is a programming concept that uses "objects" to
develop a system. An object hides the implementation details and exposes
only the functionalities and parameters it requires to its client. Here also an
object shares the same concept as that of a bike. While driving a motor bike,
we are unaware of its implementation details such as how it is developed,
internal working of gears etc.? We know only the functions or actions it can

**QUESTION: What are the various elements of OOP?

**ANSWER: Various elements of OOP are: Object Class Method
Encapsulation Information Hiding Inheritance Polymorphism

**QUESTION: What are the characteristics of Object Oriented

programming language?
**ANSWER: Some key features of the Object Oriented programming are:
Emphasis on data rather than procedure Programs are divided into entities
known as objects Data Structures are designed such that they characterize
objects Functions that operate on data of an object are tied together in data
structures Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions
Objects communicate with each other through functions New data and
functions can be easily added whenever necessary Follows bottom up design
in program

**QUESTION: What are the basic Concepts used in the Object-

Oriented Programming language?
**ANSWER: Object Class Data Abstraction and Encapsulation Polymorphism
Inheritance Message passing Dynamic binding

**QUESTION: What Is an Object? (Object-Oriented Technology)

**ANSWER: There are many definitions of an object, such as found in
[Booch 91, p77]: "An object has state, behavior, and identity; the structure
and behavior of similar objects are defined in their common class; the terms
instance and object are interchangeable". This is a "classical languages"
definition, as defined in [Coplien 92, p280], where "classes play a central
role in the object model", since they do not in prototyping/delegation
languages. "The term object was first formally applied in the Simula
language, and objects typically existed in Simula programs to simulate some
aspect of reality" [Booch 91, p77]. Other definitions referenced by Booch
include Smith and Tockey: "an object represents an individual, identifiable
item, unit, or entity, either real or abstract, with a well-defined role in the
problem domain." and [Cox 91]: "anything with a crisply defined boundary"
(in context, this is "outside the computer domain". A more conventional
definition appears on pg 54). Booch goes on to describe these definitions in
depth. [Martin 92, p 241] defines: "An "object" is anything to which a
concept applies", and "A concept is an idea or notion we share that applies
to certain objects in our awareness". [Rumbaugh 91] defines: "We define an
object as a concept, abstraction or thing with crisp boundaries and meaning
for the problem at hand." [Shlaer 88, p 14] defines: "An object is an
abstraction of a set of real-world things such that:

**QUESTION: What Is Object Encapsulation (Or Protection)?

**ANSWER: [Booch 91, p. 45] defines: "Encapsulation is the process of
hiding all of the details of an object that do not contribute to its essential
characteristics." [Coad 91, 1.1.2] defines: "Encapsulation (Information
Hiding). A principle, used when developing an overall program structure,
that each component of a program should encapsulate or hide a single
design decision... The interface to each module is defined in such a way as
to reveal as little as possible about its inner workings. [Oxford, 1986]" Some
languages permit arbitrary access to objects and allow methods to be
defined outside of a class as in conventional programming. Simula and
Object Pascal provide no protection for objects, meaning instance variables
may be accessed wherever visible. CLOS and Ada allow methods to be
defined outside of a class, providing functions and procedures. While both
CLOS and Ada have packages for encapsulation, CLOS's are optional while
Ada's methodology clearly specifies class-like encapsulation (Adts). However
most objectoriented languages provide a well-defined interface to their
objects thru classes. C++ has a very general encapsulation/protection
mechanism with public, private and protected members. Public members
(member data and member functions) may be accessed from
anywhere. A Stack's Push and Pop methods will be public. Private members
are only accessible from within a class. A Stack's representation, such as a
list or array, will usually be private. Protected members are accessible from
within a class and also from within subclasses (also called derived classes). A
Stack's representation could be declared protected allowing subclass access.
C++ also allows a class to specify friends (other (sub)classes and functions),
that can access all members (its representation). Eiffel 3.0 allows exporting
access to specific classes.

**QUESTION: What Is A Class?

**ANSWER: A class is a general term denoting classification and also has a
new meaning in object-oriented methods. Within the OO context, a class is a
specification of structure (instance variables), behavior (methods), and
inheritance (parents, or recursive structure and behavior) for objects. As
pointed out above, classes can also specify access permissions for clients
and derived classes, visibility and member lookup resolution. This is a
feature-based or intensional definition, emphasizing a class as a
descriptor/constructor of objects (as opposed to a collection of objects, as
with the more classical extensional view, which may begin the analysis
process). Original Aristotlean classification defines a "class" as a
generalization of objects: [Booch 91, p93] "a group,
set, or kind marked by common attributes or a common attribute; a group
division, distinction, or rating based on quality, degree of competence, or
*QUESTION: What Is A Meta-Class?
**ANSWER: Meta-Class is a class' class. If a class is an object, then that
object must have a class (in classical OO anyway). Compilers provide an
easy way to picture Meta- Classes. Classes must be implemented in some
way; perhaps with dictionaries for methods, instances, and parents and
methods to perform all the work of being a class. This can be declared in a
class named "Meta-Class". The Meta-Class can also provide services to
application programs, such as returning a set of all methods, instances or
parents for review (or even modification). [Booch 91, p 119] provides
another example in Smalltalk with timers. In Smalltalk, the situation is more

**QUESTION: What Is Inheritance?

**ANSWER: Inheritance provides a natural classification for kinds of objects
and allowsfor the commonality of objects to be explicitly taken advantage of
in modeling and constructing object systems. Natural means we use
concepts, classification, and generalization to understand and deal with the
complexities of the real world. See the example below using computers.
Inheritance is a relationship between classes where one class is the parent
base/superclass/ancestor/etc.) class of another. Inheritance provides
programming by extension (as opposed to programming by reinvention
[LaLonde 90]) and can be used as an is-a-kind-of (or is-a) relationship or for
differential programming. Inheritance can also double for assignment

**QUESTION: What Is the Difference Between Object-Based and

**ANSWER: Object-Based Programming usually refers to objects without
inheritance [Cardelli 85] and hence without polymorphism, as in '83 Ada and
Modula-2. These languages support abstract data types (Adts) and not
classes, which provide inheritance and polymorphism. Ada95 and Modula-3;
however, support both inheritance and polymorphism and are object-
oriented. [Cardelli 85, p481] state "that a language is object-oriented if and
only if it satisfies the following requirements: - It supports objects that are
data abstractions with an interface of named operations and a hidden local
state. - Objects have an associated type. - Types may inherit attributes from
supertypes. Objectoriented = data abstractions + object types + type
inheritance These definitions are also
found in [Booch 91, Ch2 and Wegner 87]. [Coad 91] provides another
model: Object- Oriented = Classes and Objects + Inheritance +
Communication with messages

**QUESTION: What is Abstraction?

**ANSWER: The importance of abstraction is derived from its ability to hide
irrelevant details and from the use of names to reference objects.
Abstraction is essential in the construction of programs. It places the
emphasis on what an object is or does rather than how it is represented or
how it works. Thus, it is the primary means of managing complexity in large

**QUESTION: What is a Class Diagram?

**ANSWER: A class diagrams are widely used to describe the types of
objects in a system and their relationships. Class diagrams model class
structure and
contents using design elements such as classes, packages and objects.

**QUESTION: What is Method Overriding?

**ANSWER: Method overriding is a language feature that allows a subclass
to override a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by
one of its super classes. A subclass can give its own definition of methods
but need to have the same signature as the method in its super-class. This
means that when overriding a method, the subclass's method has to have
the same name and parameter list as the super-class's overridden method.

**QUESTION: What is Operator Overloading?

**ANSWER: The operator overloading is a specific case of polymorphisms in
which some or all of operators like +, - or == are treated as polymorphic
(multi) functions and as such have different behaviors depending on the
types of its arguments.

**QUESTION: What is Method Overloading?

**ANSWER: The method overloading is the ability to define several methods
(in same class) all with the same name but different on the basis of i)
number of parameters ii) types of parameters.

**QUESTION: What is Polymorphisms?

**ANSWER: Polymorphism is a generic term that means 'many shapes'.
More precisely Polymorphism means the ability to request that the same
operations be performed by a wide range of different types of things.

**QUESTION: What is Inheritance?

**ANSWER: Ability of a new class to be created, from an existing class by
extending it, is called inheritance.

**QUESTION: What is a base class?

**ANSWER: When inheritance is used to create a new class from another,
the new class is called the subclass or derived class, and the class from
which it was derived is called the base class.

**QUESTION: What is a concrete class?

**ANSWER: A concrete class is one that can be used to directly create, or
instantiate objects, unlike an abstract base class which can only be used as
a base class for other classes which eventually lead to concrete classes

**QUESTION: What are data members?

**ANSWER: Objects are miniature programs, consisting of both code and
data. The code consists of a series of member functions. The data items are
called data members.
**QUESTION: What is a constructor?
**ANSWER: Objects are complete, miniature programs and, like any good
programs, have well defined initialization and termination phases. They have
special routines (i.e.member functions ) to look after this. The initialization
routine is called the constructor,and C++ ensures that every object is
properly initialized by calling its constructor. The designer of the object can
have more than one constructor, a situation called overloading
and then the compiler will select between them depending on exactly what
arguments are passed to the constructor function. However, there must
always be a default constructor, to be used when no information is supplied.

**QUESTION: What is a destructor?

**ANSWER: The termination routine is called the destructor, and C++ will
provide a default if none is supplied. If, during the lifetime of the object, it
uses heap memory then the designer of the object must provide a destructor
function to release such memory to avoid a memory leak.

**QUESTION: What is global variable?

**ANSWER: Global variables can be accessed throughout a program.
Another way to put this is to say they have global scope.

**QUESTION: What is local variable?

**ANSWER: Local variables can only be accessed within the function, or
more specifically the compound statement in which they are declared.
Another way to put this is to say they have local scope.

**QUESTION: What is a null pointer?

**ANSWER: A null pointer is a pointer that is currently pointing to nothing.
Often pointers are set to zero to make them null pointers or tested against
zero to see if they are null or not.

**QUESTION: What is a pointer?

**ANSWER: A pointer is a variable that holds the address of another
variable or object.

**QUESTION: What is meant by protected?

**ANSWER: The protected keyword in the class statement means that the
following members of the class are not available to users of the objects of
the class but can be used by any subclass that inherits from it, and
consequently forms part of its implementation.
1) Explain what type of copy the default assignment operator "=" does when
applied to objects. (shallow copy or deep copy)
2) How we can use the concept of overloading to convert a type according to
our own requirements? Give one example.
3) Give the name of two cases where you MUST use initialization list as
opposed to assignment in constructors.
4) Can we create an array of objects for a class having user defined
constructor? Justify your answer.
5) Fill in the blanks below with public, protected or private keyword.
Public members of base class are __________ members of derived class
Protected members of base class are __________members of derived class.
6) What is simple association? Explain it with the help of an example.
7) The members of a class that can be accessed without creating the object
of the class is called.
8) The >= operator can be overloaded.
9) Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded?
The relation operator (> )

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 3 )

Explain what type of copy the default assignment operator "=" does when
applied to objects. (shallow copy or deep copy)
Question: How we can use the concept of overloading to convert a type
according to our own requirements? Give one example.

Question: The members of a class that can be accessed without creating

the object of the class is called

Question:Differentiate between Simple association and Aggregation?

Question:Friend function minimizes “Encapsulation”. Describe in your own


Question:program about constant member function. See page # 100

Question: can binary operators overloaded, how can they overload give an
example for any one operator.
Give one-line definition of "Object Orientation".
A type of programming in which programmers define not only the data type
of a data structure, but also the types of operations (functions) that can be
applied to the data structure. In addition, programmers can create
relationships between one object and another. For example, objects can
inherit characteristics from other objects.

Fill in the blanks below with public, protected or private keyword.

a. Public members of base class are _____ public _____ members of derived
Protected members of base class are __ protected or private
________members of derived class.

What do you mean by the term Abstraction? Why we use it.

Abstraction is way to cope with complexity and it is used to simplify things.
Principle of abstraction:

‘’’ Capture only those details about an object that are relevant to current
Suppose we want implement abstraction for the following statement, "Ali is a
PhD student and teaches BS Students"
Here object Ali has two perspectives one is his student perspective and
second is his teacher perspective
Abstraction Advantages,
Abstraction has following major advantages,
1. It helps us understanding and solving a problem using object-oriented
approach as it hides extra irrelevant details of objects.
2. Focusing on single perspective of an object provides us freedom to
change implementation for other aspects of for an object later.
Similar to Encapsulation Abstraction is also used for achieving information
hiding as we show only relevant details to related objects and hide other

Derived class can inherit base class features? Explain it with example.
Inheritance is a process by which an object inherits parent Object quality.
inheritance gives reusability, the derived classes have all the features of the
base class and the programmer can choose to add new features specific to
the newly created derived class. The relationship between a parent and child
class under private inheritance is not "is a", but "is implemented as
a"Example: father and child relation. father properties power Get the child.
Consider a class Man derived class of Monkey an object ofMan inherits some
of monkeys qualities and overrides some Qualities like
walking straight with two legs and have Additional functions like speech etc..
The simple example in C++ is having a class that inherits a data member
from its parentclass.
class A
{ public: integer d;

class B : public A
{ public:

The class B in inherits the data member d from class A. When one class
inherits from another, it acquires all of its methods and data. We can then
instantiate an object of class B and call into that data member.
void func() { B b; b.d = 10; };

Part A.
Suppose we have a furniture store with the following types of furniture,
Chairs, Tables, Computer Tables, Dining Tables and Beds.
1. You have to model this store using inheritance by describing base class,
derived classes.
2. You also have to describe the IS–A relationship between these classes.

Part B.
What is IS-A relationship, show how it is implemented using c++ code (you
do not have to give the detailed code simply show in a single line or two how
it will be implemented).
In knowledge representation and object-oriented programming and design,
is-a is a relationship where one class D is a subclass of another class B (and
so B is a superclassof D). In object-oriented programming the is-a
relationship arises in the context of inheritance concept. One can say that
"apple" may inherit all the properties common to all fruits, such as being a
fleshy container for the seed of a plant.
The is-a relationship is contrasted with the has-a relationship, which
constitutes the hierarchy. It may also be contrasted with the instance-of
relation: see type-token distinction.
When designing a model (e.g., a computer program) of the real-world
relationship between an object and its subordinate, a common error is
confusing the relations has-a and is-a.

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 1 )

Write the syntax of declaring a pure virtual function in a class?
Pure Virtual Function is a Virtual function with no body.

Declaration of Pure Virtual Function:

Since pure virtual function has no body, the programmer must add the
notation =0 for declaration of the pure virtual function in the base class.

General Syntax of Pure Virtual Function takes the form:

class classname //This denotes the base class of C++ virtual function
virtual void virtualfunctioname() = 0 //This denotes the pure virtual function
in C++

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

What is meant by direct base class ?
When a class-type is included in the class-base, it specifies the direct base
class of the class being declared. If a class declaration has no class-base, or
if the class-base lists only interface types, the direct base class is assumed
to be object. A class inherits members from its direct base class,
Deriving a class from more than one direct base class is called multiple
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )
Describe the way to declare a template class as a friend class of any other
The following example is use of a class template:
template class Key{ L k; L* kptr; int length;public: Key(L); // ...}; Suppose
the following declarations appear later:
Key i; Key c; Keym; The compiler would create three objects.

What is the purpose of template parameter?

There are three kinds of template parameters:
You can interchange the keywords class and typename in a template
parameter declaration. You cannot use storage class specifiers (static and
auto) in a template parameter declaration.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

Describe in simple words how we can use template specialization to enforce
case sensitive specialization in String class.

The act of creating a new definition of a function, class, or member of a class
from a template declaration and one or more template arguments is called
template instantiation. The definition created from a template instantiation is
called a specialization. A primary template is the template that is being
create function objects to do the case-insensitive compares, and
then reuse them when also wanting to do case-insensitive sorting
or searching.
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )
Can we use compiler generated default assignment operator in case our
class is using dynamic memory? Justify your answer.
the compiler does not make a separate copy of the object. Even if the types
are not the same, the compiler is usually able to do a better job with
initialization lists than with assignments.
Consider the following constructor that initializes member object x_ using an
initialization list: square::square() : x_(whatever) { }. The most common
benefit of doing this is improved performance. For example, if the expression
whatever is the same type as member variable x_, the result of the
whatever expression is constructed directly inside x_ — the compiler does
not make a separate copy of the object. Even if the types are not the same,
the compiler is usually able to do a better job with initialization lists than
with assignments.
As if that wasn't bad enough, there's another source of inefficiency when
using assignment in a constructor: the member object will get fully
constructed by its default constructor, and this might, for example, allocate
some default amount of memory or open some default file. All this work
could be for naught if the whatever expression and/or assignment operator
causes the object to close that file and/or release that memory (e.g., if the
default constructor didn't allocate a large enough pool of memory or if it
opened the wrong file).

Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )

Give the names of three ways to handle errors in a program.

The function will throw DivideByZero as an exception that can then be
caught by an exception-handling catch statement that
catches exceptions of type int. The necessary construction for catching
exceptions is a try catch system. If you wish to have your program check for
exceptions, you must enclose the code that may have exceptions thrown in a
try block.

The catch statement catches exceptions that are of the proper type. You
can, for example, throw objects of a class to differentiate between several
different exceptions. As well, once a catch statement is executed, the
program continues to run from the end of the catch.
the errors can be handled outside of the regular code. This means that it is
easier to structure the program code, and it makes dealing with errors more
centralized. Finally, because the exception is passed back up the stack of
calling functions, you can handle errors at any place you choose.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

Consider the following code,
class Base{
void base1();
void base2();
void base3();

class Derived: public Base{

void derived1();
void derived2();
void derived3();

int main(){
Derived * derived = new Derived();
return 0;
Fill the table below to tell which member functions of Base and Derived
classes we can access using the Derived pointer in the code indicated in

Function Name
Availability (Yes / No)?

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

What is the output produced by the following program?

void sample_function(double test) throw (int);

int main()
cout ”Trying.\n”;
cout “Trying after call.\n”;
cout “Catching.\n”;
cout “End program.\n”;
return 0;
void sample_function(double test) throw (int)
cout “Starting sample_function.\n”;
if(test < 100)
throw 42;
Starting sample_function
Trying after call
End program

Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

Write a program in C++ which creates three classes named as
1. Equation
2. Linear
3. Quadratic
Where Linear and Quadratic are inherited from Equation
Each class has the method Graph. Graph method should be pure virtual in
Equation class.
This method should be overridden in both the inherited classes. It is meant
to display the Graph shape of its respective class. Graph method of Linear
will display the message;
Straight line
Similarly, the Graph method of Quadratic will display the message;
In main, call the Graph method of both the Linear and Quadratic equations
polymorphically through the parent class (Equation).
#include "fraction.h"#include #include #include #include class
equation;class equation {int a, b;public:int c () {return (c);}voidconvert
(Cequation);};class linear {private:int side;public:void set_side (int a)
{side=a;}friendclass equation;};void equation::convert (Cequation) { a =
23; b = 45;}intmain () { cequation sqr; CRectangle rect; sqr.set_side(4);
rect.convert(sqr); cout rect.area();return 0;}

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

What is meant by Generic Programming?

Generic programming refers to programs containing generic abstractions

general code that is same in logic for all data types like printArray function),
then we instantiate that generic program abstraction (function, class) for a
particular data type, such abstractions can work with many different types of

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

Describe three properties necessary for a container to implement Generic

If you declare a container as holding pointers, you are responsible for

managing the memory for the objects pointed to. The container classes will
not automatically free memory for these objects when an item is erased
from the container.
Container classes are expected to implement methods to do the following:
create a new empty container (constructor),
report the number of objects it stores (size),
delete all the objects in the container (clear),
insert new objects into the container,
remove objects from it,
provide access to the stored objects.

Deque a Birectional Container?

Yes, deque behaves like queue (line) such that we can add elements on both
sides of it.

Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 )

What is meant by Generic Programming?

Generic programming refers to programs containing generic abstractions

general code that is same in logic for all data types like printArray function),
then we instantiate that generic program abstraction (function, class) for a
particular data type, such abstractions can work with many different types of

Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )

Sort the following data in the order in which compiler searches a function?
Complete Specialization, Generic Template, Partial Specialization, Ordinary

Specializations of this function template, instantiations with specific types,

can be called just like an ordinary function:
cout max(3, 7); // outputs 7
The compiler examines the arguments used to call max and determines that
this is a call to max(int, int). It then instantiates a version of the function
where the parameterizing type T is int, making the equivalent of the
following function:
int max(int x, int y)
return x < y ? y : x;

the C++ Standard Template Library contains the function template max(x,
y) which creates functions that return either x or y, whichever is larger.
max() could be defined like this:
T max(T x, T y)
return x < y ? y : x;

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 2 )

State any conflict that may rise due to multiple inheritance?
The conflict may arise is the diamond problem, which our author likes to call
the “diamond of doom”. This occurs when a class multiply inherits from two
classes which each inherit from a single base class. This leads to a diamond
shaped inheritance pattern.
For example, consider the following set of classes:
classScanner: publicPoweredDevice
classPrinter: publicPoweredDevice
classCopier: publicScanner, publicPrinter
Scanners and printers are both powered devices, so they derived from
PoweredDevice. However, a copy machine incorporates the functionality of
both Scanners and Printers.
Ambiguity also cause problem.

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )

Describe three properties necessary for a container to implement Generic
If you declare a container as holding pointers, you are responsible for
managing the memory for the objects pointed to. The container classes will
not automatically free memory for these objects when an item is erased
from the container.
Container classes are expected to implement methods to do the following:
· create a new empty container (constructor),
· report the number of objects it stores (size),
· delete all the objects in the container (clear),
· insert new objects into the container,
· remove objects from it,
· provide access to the stored objects.

Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

Write three important features of virtual functions.
With virtual functions, derived classes can provide new implementations of
functions from their base classes. When someone calls a virtual function of
an object of the derived class, this new implementation is called, even if the
caller uses a pointer to the base class, and doesn't even know about the
particular derived class.
The virtual function is an option, and the language defaults to non virtual,
which is the fastest configuration.
The derived class can completely "override" the implementation or
"augment" it (by explicitly calling the base class implementation in addition
to the new things it does).
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 3 )
Consider the code below,

using namespace std;
class Shape{
void Draw(){cout"shape"endl;}
class Line : public Shape{
void Draw(){cout"Line"endl;}
class Circle : public Shape{
void Draw(){cout"Circle"endl;}
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Shape * ptr1 = new Shape();
Shape * ptr2 = new Line();
Shape * ptr3 = new Circle();

return 0;

This code shows output,


Give the reason for this output

Suppose we want to show the output,


How we can change the code to do that?

class shape { public:

void draw();
class circle : public shape { };
int main(int argc, char **argv){
circle my_circle;
While this has all the usual advantages, e.g., code reuse, the real power of
polymorphism comes into play when draw is declared to be virtual or pure
virtual, as follows:
class shape{ public:
virtual void draw()=0;
class circle : public shape { public:
void draw();
Here, circle has declared its own draw function, which can define behavior
appropriate for a circle. Similarly, we could define other classes derived from
shape, which provide their own versions of draw. Now, because all the
classes implement the shape interface, we can create collections of objects
that can provide different behavior invoked in a consistent manner (calling
the draw member function). An example of this is shown here.
shape *shape_list[3]; // the array that will
// pointer to our shape objects
shape[0] = new shape; // three types of shapes
shape[1] = new line; // we have defined
shape[2] = new circle;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
When we invoke the draw function for each object on the list, we do not
need to know anything about each object; C++ handles the details of
invoking the correct version of draw. This is a very powerful technique,
allowing us to provide extensibility in our designs. Now we can add new
classes derived from shape to provide whatever behaviour we desire. The
key here is that we have separated the interface (the prototype for shape)
from the implementation.

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

There are some errors in the code given below, you have to
1. Indicate the line no. with error/s
2. Give the reason for error/s
3. Correct the error/s.

#include this will be #include

using namespace std;
class MyClass{
cout"This is class1"endl;
class MyClass{
cout"This is class2"endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MyClass c1;
MyClass c2;
return 0;

Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )

Given are two classes A and B. class B is inherited from class A. Write a code
snippet(for main function) that polymorphically call the method of class B.
Also what changes do you suggest in the given code segment that are
required to call the class B method polymorphically.
class A
void method() { cout"A's method \n"; }

class B : public A
void method() { cout"B's method\n"; }



public class Test

public class A {}

public class B extends A {}

private void test(A a)


private void test(B b)


public static void main(String[] args)

Test t = new Test();
A a = A();
A b = B();


Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )

Q. Write a detailed note on Exceptions in Destructors with the help of a
coding example.

Exceptions in Destructors:
An object is presumably created to do something. Some of the changes
made by an object should persist after an object dies (is destructed) and
some changes should not. Take an object implementing a SQL query. If a
database field is updated via the SQL object then that change should persist
after the SQL objects dies. To do its work the SQL object probably created a
database connection and allocated a bunch of memory. When the SQL object
dies we want to close the database connection and deallocate the memory,
otherwise if a lot of SQL objects are created we will run out of database
connections and/or memory.
The logic might look like:
delete connection;
delete buffer;
Let's say an exception is thrown while deleting the database connection. Will
the buffer be deleted? No. Exceptions are basically non-local gotos with
stack cleanup. The code for deleting the buffer will never be executed
creating a gaping resource leak.
Special care must be taken to catch exceptions which may occur during
object destruction. Special care must also be taken to fully destruct an
object when it throws an exception.

Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 )

Give one line definition of "Ternary Association".
Ternary Association
Association between three classes
May have association class connected at one corner of the diamond
Example: Association between Insurance Contract, Person, Insurance Policy

Question No: 20 ( Marks: 3 )

What do you mean by the term Abstraction? Why we use it.
Abstraction is way to cope with complexity and it is used to simplify things.
Principle of abstraction:
Capture only those details about an object that are relevant to current
Suppose we want implement abstraction for the following statement, "Ali is a
PhD student and teaches BS Students"
Here object Ali has two perspectives one is his student perspective and
second is his teacher perspective

Abstraction Advantages,
Abstraction has following major advantages,

1. It helps us understanding and solving a problem using object oriented

approach as it hides extra irrelevant details of objects.
2. Focusing on single perspective of an object provides us freedom to
change implementation for other aspects of for an object later.
Similar to Encapsulation Abstraction is also used for achieving information
hiding as we show only relevant details to related objects, and hide other

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 5 )

Derived class can inherit base class features? Explain it with example.
Inheritance is a process by which an object inherits parent
Object quality. inheritance gives reusability, The derived classes have all the
features of the base class and the programmer can choose to add new
features specific to the newly created derived class. The relationship
between a parent and child class under private inheritance is not "is a", but
"is implemented as a"

Example: father and child relation. father properties power

Get the child.
Consider a class Man derived class of Monkey an object of
Man inherits some of monkeys qualities and overrides some
Qualities like walking straight with two legs and have
Additional functions like speech etc..
The simple example in C++ is having a class that inherits a data member
from its parentclass.
class A
{ public: integer d;

class B : public A
{ public:

The class B in inherits the data member d from class A. When one class
inherits from another, it acquires all of its methods and data. We can then
instantiate an object of class B and call into that data member.
void func() { B b; b.d = 10; };
You can Also Download Midterm Solved Past Papers referenceby Moaaz and
Waqar Sidhu, Final term Solved Past Papers reference by Moaaz and
WaqarSidhu, GDB Solutions, Assignment Solutions, and Solved Quizzes
files, PPTSlides, Handouts, Final term Short Notes, Mid Term Short Notes
and NTS Guidelines.

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