New LTTS - AR 2019 - 18 04 2019 - 0 PDF

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More Smiles

Per Million

2018- 2019

About LTTS..................................... 4 Education (Naya Savera)....................... 22

CEO & MD’s Message..................... 6 Skill Development (Naya Savera)........... 34

Directors’ Messages........................ 8 Health (Sparsh).................................. 38

CSR Head’s Message..................... 9 Water (ENWA)................................... 48

CSR Partners’ Messages.................. 10 Environment (ENWA)......................... 54

A young boy from a government school now dreams of becoming Towards a Sustainable Sports............................................ 58
the next Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, already having fashioned a working CSR Roadmap................................. 12
fan model with a battery.
Our Samaritans.............................. 64
An 80-year-old woman can continue her babysitting CSR Themes.................................... 14
and housekeeping responsibilities with a clear vision.
Media Coverage............................. 68
A differently-abled man can now talk with the swag of an athlete. Projects and Locations.................... 16

A farmer from a formerly parched village will no longer have to worry CSR Awards and Accolades............. 69
about water for his next crop. Global Goals and Our Impact.......... 17

All these encompass LTTS’ activities across Education, Health, Skill development, Financial Report............................. 70
Water, Environment and Sports. Our activities too have been going from strength Policy and Program Focus................ 18
to strength, touching larger number of people every year, bringing in more smiles.

2 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 3

L&T Technology Services Limited (LTTS) is a listed subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro Limited focused
on Engineering and R&D (ER&D) services. We offer consultancy, design, development and
testing services across the product and process development lifecycle. Our customer base
includes 52 Fortune 500 companies and 51 of the world’s top ER&D companies, across
industrial & consumer products, medical devices & life sciences, transportation, telecom and
hi-tech and the plant engeneering. Headquartered in India, we have over 15,000+ employees
spread across 17 global design centers, 27 global sales offices and 48 innovation labs as of
March 31, 2019.

4 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 5
I derive immense pride and satisfaction from the fact that physical and psychological barriers and instil a sense of
that I lead a company of change-makers who are inspired confidence, inclusion and well-being. We identified Blind
and engrossed in using their talent and knowledge for the Cricket as a way to help reduce stigma and discrimination
betterment of the planet and its people. Their passion and associated with visual impairment. We collaborated with
energy is the driving force behind this Company’s success. Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled to organize the Tri-
It has motivated us to give back to the society that we Nation Blind Cricket tournament between India, England
live and operate in. This ‘spirit of giving’ drives us towards and Sri Lanka, providing them with a global platform to
using all the resources at our disposal to transform the realize their true potential and shine on and off the field.
planet through our sustainable initiatives. Our ethos also The effort was widely endorsed by our employees and
helps us impact the lives of underprivileged communities media, showcasing the effect it had on our beneficiaries
by improving healthcare facilities, and imparting skills and the society.
and confidence; helping them lead a better life. With this
thought in mind, it gives me great pleasure to present to
you, the third edition of our Annual CSR Report. Taking Healthcare to the Heart of India
Access to healthcare is a major concern in this vast country
and I believe that organizations must utilize their resources
Leading the Change to aid government in improving basic healthcare amenities
Being a part of the 80-year-old legacy of the in remote and underprivileged areas. There is a lot that
Larsen & Toubro Group, sustainability is deeply embedded companies, both big and small, can do to help citizens live
in LTTS’ DNA. We firmly believe that every organization longer and more fulfilling lives. Therefore, we decided to
across disciplines should align their long-term goals with increase our efforts in this direction and I can proudly say
those of their stakeholders to create an ecosystem of that we made a significant difference to a number
balanced exchange that benefits business, people and of people.
ecology alike. At LTTS, we have accomplished this by
balancing business growth with expectations of people, Our medical outreach teams went to far-flung villages
within and outside of the Company and living up to our and conducted multiple tests and collected samples and
social and environmental commitments. data from patients. We then took these samples and gave
them to doctors in urban centers to analyse and assist the
The current edition of our Annual CSR Report covers fiscal patients with medication and treatment. We increased the
year 2019 and highlights the progress we have made in frequency of medical camps in collaboration with our NGO
meeting our sustainability objectives. Through the year, partners and as a result touched more than 30,000 lives in
we worked closely with our partners including several the process.
reputed NGOs and governmental agencies, to address
a multitude of problems faced by the people, especially Our sustainability narrative has evolved during the last
those in remote areas that have limited or no access to fiscal year. As you browse through the pages of
CEO & MD’s MESSAGE basic amenities such as healthcare, education, electricity, this report, you will realize that we don’t perceive our
water and employment. Our efforts in reaching out to the CSR engagement or events as a one-off initiative but as
underprivileged and underserved sections of the society an ongoing journey of social transformation. Our CSR
have intensified over the last year. As a result, the outreach team and employees are constantly working towards
has increased in numbers and impact. exploring the next, yet untapped frontier of sustainability,
to make a meaningful impact to our great nation.
We want to be regarded as an organization that is not only
Blind Cricket - A Transformative Masterstroke I look forward to 2019-20 to continue the journey towards
driving technological transformation, but also stands for making the world a better place to live in. I would like to
This year, we decided to leverage sports as a unique
positive social-economic and environmental alteration of approach to impact the lives of our specially-abled fellow conclude with Gandhiji’s prudent saying -
citizens. It is a well-known fact that sports can transcend “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
our society and striving for inclusive growth.

Dr. Keshab Panda

CEO & Managing Director, L&T Technology Services

6 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 7
CSR as a concept and as a paradigm confidence, creativity, and problem
ought to be woven into the DNA of solving skills. I would like to thank

DIRECTORS’ MESSAGES every organization. When I look at

our own CSR initiatives and activities,
entire CSR team and the employee
volunteers ‘Samaritans’ and wish
it is quite clear that we are making a them immense success in all their
substantial difference to the world we future endeavours.
live and work in. It gives me immense
pleasure and contentment to see a
plethora of successful implementation
of beneficiaries we touch, annually. One of our healthcare initiatives is of CSR initiatives especially digital
At the same time, our programs our women and child development classrooms, tree plantations and
have taken an integrated approach program, where nutrition is key promoting cricket for the visually
Bhupendra Bhate impaired. Our CSR activities are not
to problem solving as social change to sustain the health of expecting
Chief Operating Officer,
and development are not linear. For and lactating mothers. The temporary only helping the society but also
Whole Time Director
example, at our watershed project solution is to provide ration to take aiding our employees to improve their
areas, we have provided veterinary home and educate the recipients
care camps. A few of our beneficiaries on the advantages of consuming
have sought help to improve their them. We are going a step forward
lives with computers, and we have and teaching the recipients to grow
provided them hardware and software and maintain kitchen gardens that can
resources. CSR is a new lease of life provide nutritious & organic food for
Arjun Gupta for many communities which have the whole family for the foreseeable
Member of the Board of Directors
& Chairman of CSR Committee
seen few privileges or attention over
the years.
future. LTTS takes a strategic and
holistic approach, which intends to CSR HEAD’S MESSAGE
bring about impactful changes to
Our CSR program has been Sustainability is key to all our activities, the most deserving people of our
growing in all dimensions. We are but not limited to our endeavours communities.
gradually increasing the number under environment and skill building. various businesses and charitable trusts with reduced usage of kerosene, men
even before CSR became a corporate and women earning more with the
mandate. availability of electricity;

L&T Technology Services Ltd, a It’s a sight to behold when the visually
Meeting CSR objectives is an
subsidiary of L&T Group, has imbibed impaired play cricket with sheer
ongoing process. As we continue
this responsibility of giving ‘back to flamboyance; wearing the national
our work, we will help many more
the society’ as a serious business by uniform. Their ‘josh’ for the nation
communities hitherto untouched by
delving deep into issues that hold the is un-paralleled;
the development in our society. There
development of people, community
are many challenges in the country like
and the nation. It’s immensely satisfying to see skill
availability of basic healthcare, primary
development initiatives creating jobs
education and water. Through our Paneesh Rao Our endeavours have resulted in for self-sustenance and financial
efforts, we hope to address some of Chief Human Resources Officer
enhancing the surroundings, helped in independence;
these challenges in states where we & Head CSR
facilitating improved standards of living
are working through partners as well
through projects in healthcare, water, It’s emotional to see water coming
as our employees.
Sudip Banerjee Amit Chadha India is a vast and diverse country, with electrification, skill development, through taps in the homes, for those
Member of the Board of Directors President - Sales & BD, rich history, growing and poised to be education and careers in sports for who have been walking miles to
It is gratifying to note that our work
& CSR Committee Whole Time Director a leading nation of the world by 2021. the differently-abled. fetch it;
is being appreciated by several
For a new India, it will be important for
organizations who have partnered with
The LTTS CSR program immensely As an aware and responsible the citizens to have skills with proper It’s heartening to see the deprived, It’s engaging for men to work in
us. One of them is Sankara Nethralaya
benefitted the recipients. In a small enterprise, it is our duty to give back infrastructure, education, hygiene and neglected and abandoned get their agricultural fields for over nine months
in Chennai, to whom we donated a
but significant way, the program to the society as we grow in scope self-sustenance opportunities. eyesight back aiding normal lives; using water from check dams.
bus to help to bring in patients after
has made a difference to the lives eye surgeries to the nearest health and size. It is very heartening to see
of underprivileged people in remote and contribute to LTTS’ continued For our country to achieve this It feels like God-sent to help detect the This sense of ‘purpose’ is indescribable
centre, for their post-operative care.
areas. and meaningful progress in engaging objective, a public, private partnership dreaded disease early and save lives; in words, unless experienced.
different geographies to make a is inevitable.
difference in the environment and It’s great to see boys and girls playing
the lives of people, internally and Larsen & Toubro has a long history in the evening and studying in the
externally. We look forward to of building the nation, through its night, women healthier than before
continuous contribution in this area.

8 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 9
CSR Kishore Rao
Chairman Indian Cancer Society,

With support from LTTS, Indian

PARTNERS’ MESSAGE Cancer Society, Bengaluru (ICS) spread

awareness on risk factors and signs
and symptoms associated with cancer
among 8,600 people across 11 districts
in Karnataka. In these regions, 4,700
people were screened for oral, breast
and cervical cancer, mainly in the rural
areas of the state. Two people who
were diagnosed with cancer,
did not have funds for treatment
Sonkee Shah G K Mahantesh were provided aid. This support is
CEO, ARCH Development Founder Managing Trustee, expected to be extended to two more
Foundation Samarthanam Trust For The Disabled beneficiaries. Recipients who were
identified with pre-cancerous lesions,
The important pre-elements towards LTTS has been our CSR partner since were given an insight into the problem.
sustainable development programs 2018, but it has become more of a
viz. vision, selection of executing friendship over the ages. Friends work In a few villages in Dakshina Kannada
partners to efficiently convert the together to make each other better and Ramanadara, a door-to-door
vision and efficiently help partner and L&T and Samarthanam share this survey was conducted and almost
organization in strategic formulation philosophy. the entire village was covered under
of the project design has been the awareness program. Cancer is
the forte of LTTS. The ease and The senior members of LTTS were associated with superstition and
simplicity with which the same is present when Indian won the stigma, and these beliefs have to be
transposed to ARCH Development Triangular Series Cup. Cricket for eradicated as the incidence of the
while implementing Mini Science Lab the blind is not just a sport, but is disease increases.
has been really commendable. The a unique tool of empowerment. It
core values within LTTS has not only helps persons with visual impairment This initiative would not have been
helped but motivated us to double achieve glory, fame and a life of possible without support from LTTS.
the scale and magnitude of the self-reliance by opening up an array While providing financial support for
project year on year and foray larger of opportunities. The presence of treatment was not in the initial scope
spectrum of grassroot reach. Senior team in Goa just to cheer of H D Kote Taluk, for which LTTS of the project, LTTS had no hesitation
us, lifted our spirits and propelled in extending it, giving the patients
us to perform better and beyond
Dr. Suhas Haldipurkar Dr. Kumar G S extended its support. Today, three
a chance at normal life. We thank
remote tribal hamlets with 94 families
remarkable. It is akin to seeing the Founder Member , Chief Executive Officer, LTTS for its generosity and continued
Laxmi Charitable Trust SVYM have received solar electrification.
dream coming true for many, through These communities which have never support. It is an association that plans
the eyes of friends. known the benefits of electricity, to expand into newer regions, using
We, at Laxmi Charitable Trust, would Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement the model that has been implemented.
now have well-lit streets, schools
The CSR team of LTTS has been like to thank LTTS for helping us build (SVYM) with its experience in the
and community halls. Thanks to
working hard to help us reach out vision centres at Murbad and Uran. development sector for the last
LTTS’ support, the communities have
to the rural needs of skilled workforce This initiative has gone a long way three decades, firmly believes that
moved from darkness to light. This
for a better tomorrow, by helping in preventing avoidable blindness developing human and social capital
will indeed have a positive impact
us implement the livelihood initiative. amongst the needy patients of these is necessary for building a resurgent
on the education of children and
Their guidance has enriched our regions, where medical help is very India. This is reflected in all our
the overall economic well-being of
program. We, at Samarthanam, difficult to come by. We hope to work activities. One of our initiatives was
the families. We wish to forge this
greatly admire the culture of LTTS with LTTS for many years to come, to to set up a demonstrable model of
partnership further in coming years to
towards the development. help eradicate avoidable blindness and community-managed, sustainable
bring light to the lives of rural-tribal
improve the quality of life of our less source of energy for bringing
community in India.
We look forward to a lasting fortunate brethren. electricity to select tribal hamlets
partnership with them.

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Towards a Sustainable
CSR Roadmap To achieve these goals, we:

Implement planned
and sustainable CSR
LTTS is committed to promoting a culture of caring, trust, and continuous learning, while programs with
meeting the expectations of its stakeholders, and the world at large. As a responsible corporate an objective to
citizen, we undertake several transformational initiatives that contribute towards community ‘Build India’s social
empowerment and all-round societal development. With strategic social investments in
several key areas like healthcare, water availability, skill development, and education; we
Collaborate with com-
foster long-term sustainable community development, and drive initiatives that aim to make
munities, institutions,
a meaningful impact.
and NGOs to promote
skill development,
Our CSR Policy Framework outlines the mechanisms for undertaking several programs in water and sanitation
accordance with Section 135 of Companies Act 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social awareness, and health
and education;
Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.

The Company’s CSR initiatives leverage our core capabilities and strengths to build a social Leverage technology
infrastructure based on the twin pillars of innovation and technology. and innovation-based
solutions to closely
address social needs
and issues;

Facilitate the development Empower individuals in

of a progressive, model socially, educationally,
society with high and economically
quality of life, devoid backward communities
of inequities; to achieve their

12 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 13

LTTS’ education programs targets underprivileged children LTTS has embarked on an initiative that promotes development
who turn easy dropouts to guide, teach and orient of villages through water conservation & management and
them towards academics and a brighter future. holistic development as a theme.


LTTS adds digital literacy into technical training, which LTTS supports sustainable growth across the remotest of tribal
improves the employability of rural, underprivileged and areas via solar power, along with spreading green cover
differently-abled youth. in urban areas.


For population in remote areas that lacks access to adequate LTTS initiated sports development projects to empower
& quality healthcare, LTTS ventures into tribal areas with marginalized, socio-economically and specially abled sections
healthcare workers and equipment, in the form of camps of the society.
and screening programs.

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Hyderabad,Telangana HEALTH
Vadodara, Gujarat
Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
23,400 people benefitted from healthcare initiatives
Mysore & Bangalore, Karnataka
Purulia & Rudra, West Bengal
Itki, Jharkhand
2,149 free cataract surgeries were performed
Mallela & Laxmipuram, Andhra Pradesh
1,500 spectacles were provided to patients in need
Kharel, Gujarat
Bellary & Belgaum, Karnataka

Bangalore, Gulbarga, Chikkapayan Palya, Tanisandra,
Beechanahalli, Alur, Iguru, Alanda, Chithapura,
75,976 students benefitted from our education programs
Parappana Agrahara, Yadrami Jawaragi,
Mangalore & Raichur, Karnataka
Nandurbar, Uran, Panvel & Murbad, Maharashtra
425 teachers gained from training programs
Villupuram, Ariyalur, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu
Chithoor, Gudipalli, Byreddipalle, Andhra Pradesh
530 youth and community members turned digitally literate
WATER 200 differently-abled rural youth were provided vocational skills training
Kolwadi, Kathwadi, Ketkevane, Mangdhari & Nigde,
Kokkaranthangal, Budhur, Arcadu, Amaindhakaranai,
Tamil Nadu WATER
5,10,00,000 Litres of water conserved
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
Manchegowdana Halli, Chikkabaragi & Vadarahalli Hadi,
10,000 people gained from watershed activities
Mysore & Bangalore, Karnataka
63 farm ponds and 17 check dams were constructed during the year
PAN India


4,45,000 Sq. Ft. of land restored, developed and maintained
Commuters and city population gained from green initiatives as air quality
and visual aesthetics of public spaces and flyovers, improved


400 people from tribal areas benefitted from solar power projects, replacing
fossil fuels

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LTTS’ CSR PHILOSOPHY We focus on five core areas for our CSR initiatives.
These include water conservation, education, health, skill
LTTS fosters a culture of care, trust and continuous development, and aiding the differently-abled. In the areas As a responsible corporate citizen, the Company
learning. As a part of our social responsibility, we of education and skill development, we support a wide leverages its inherent strengths and capabilities to
contribute towards inclusive growth by empowering range of activities aimed at making students employable build a better India.
communities and accelerating development. Our with the right skills, abilities and knowledge.
social initiatives address community needs by building To this end, we shall:
infrastructure and driving sustainability programs in
• Implement sustainable CSR programs towards
the areas of health, education, environment, water
building India’s social infrastructure;
conservation and community development.

• Partner with communities, NGOs and institutions

The Company’s CSR policy framework details the
to create a positive impact in areas of water and
mechanism for undertaking various programs in
sanitation, education, health and skill development;
accordance with Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013
and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
• Harness technological innovation to address
Rules, 2014.
social needs;

• Strengthen systems and processes to achieve

measurable results.
Our aim is to contribute to better quality of life,
FOR LTTS CSR PROGRAMME mitigate social inequities, and help individuals in
underprivileged communities achieve their true
LTTS is committed to improving the lives of communities
living in the vicinity of our operational centers. We assist SPORTS
them by creating sustainable livelihoods and opportunities
with our empowerment initiatives.
For our detailed CSR Policy, visit

18 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 19
The Company constituted a mechanism to monitor and
report the progress of its CSR programs at various locations.
CSR Team is responsible for monitoring and implementing
the programs.

The CSR Team will:

• Review the projects, analyze their utility, its efficacy and
CSR suggest suitable modifications in line with the CSR policy.

REPORT • In case the projects / programs are to be executed through

the partners, the CSR Team will verify and establish the
L&T Technology credibility of such partners.
Services Limited fosters • Ensure compliance of the rules / regulations / law by the
a culture of caring, trust partnering agency. Conduct quarterly, half yearly and
and continuous learning. annual audits of the partnering agency.
As part of our social
responsibility, we contribute • Ensure that the partnering agency submits periodic reports
toward inclusive growth by to our CSR Team on the operational status.
empowering communities and • Conduct CSR audits once in a year and report discrepancies,
accelerating development. Our if any, to the CSR Committee.
social initiatives address community
needs by building infrastructure and • Conduct mid-course reviews and recommend modifications
driving sustainability programs in the areas if warranted.
of health, skill development, education,
environment, water conservation and sports.

The Company’s CSR Policy framework

details the mechanisms for undertaking various
programs in accordance with section 135
of the Companies Act 2013 and the Companies IMPLEMENTATION
(Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014.
CSR programs will be undertaken by the Company
in identified areas. The Company will also undertake
assessments as and when required.

The Company will undertake its CSR activities either

directly as projects / programs / activities or through
a Registered Trust or by making contributions to the
CSR COMMITTEE CSR team of the holding Company.
The Board has formed the CSR Committee in • Evaluate and constitute a transparent
The time period/duration for a particular program
accordance with the requirements of the Act. monitoring mechanism to ensure
will depend on its nature, extent of coverage and the
implementation of the CSR program intended impact of the program.
Responsibilities of the CSR Committee:
• Facilitate effective implementation of
The Company may enter into partnerships with the
• Formulate and recommend the CSR Policy CSR policy Government, business partners and communities to
to the Board for approval create a multiplier effect of its social programs.
• Periodically review the CSR policy,
• Monitor the Policy regularly implementation of various programs, The Company may use the services of internal teams,
and the actual impact on community employee volunteers, expert agencies, and consultancy
• Recommend the projects / programs to
development. firms for conducting base line surveys, impact
be undertaken with detailed justification assessment surveys and guidance on program
design and implementation.

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For the Scientists

of Tomorrow
India is at the cusp of a revolution in this era of disruptive
technology, thanks to its large percentage of young
population. With such great potential, comes great
responsibility and India must prepare its children to
become the innovators, thinkers and disruptors of
tomorrow. To achieve that, the Indian education systems
needs to reboot, and re-assess the mode in which
knowledge is imparted to these young students.

The country’s private education system is grappling

with this change, while making baby steps into cultivating
the culture of innovation. The public education system,
on the other hand, continues to struggle with basic
infrastructure and amenities, making curriculum upgrade
a far-reaching dream. A large percentage of Indian children
are denied quality education, disallowing them to compete
with the urban elite who have access to top-class
academic facilities.

LTTS firmly believes that education empowers people

to fight social ills like poverty and ignorance and has the
ability to bring in social equality. Its education programs
are designed to achieve just that, and to provide a steady
stream of scientists and innovators of the future, who are
trained with a practical approach to problems.

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LTTS Interventions
The Company has a three-pronged approach to improve
the quality of science education in India, guided by the LTTS strives to
theme, ‘Practice What You Preach’. It involves practically improve education
training young children in science, and sowing the seeds
of curiosity, by aiding and building Mini Science Labs
standards via
across schools that educate underprivileged children, it also
trains teachers, organizes Science-On-Wheels programs,
• Mini Science Labs
quizzes and competitions. It also embarked on a journey to
democratize learning through digital classrooms. • Mobile Science Labs
• Teachers Training
• Digital Classrooms
As many as 75,976 students across
the country have gained from LTTS • Career Counselling
education programs in 2018-19. • Quizzes, Competitions,
Science fairs, Vedic
maths workshops

Mini Science Labs ARCH researches on the schools that require labs,
oversees the installation of equipments and trains the staff
(ARCH Foundation) to maintain them. It also offers remedial support in case
of a breakdown. The labs are meant to relieve the fatigue
Teaching and learning science without laboratories is
of textbook learning and make children learn scientific
akin to preparing a sports team without the required
concepts, ideas and theories in an interesting manner.
equipment and practice fields. Going by this principle,
LTTS helped set-up science labs at government schools
A mini science lab has 110 table-top working models
in urban and rural areas in partnership with ARCH
coupled with backdrops and manuals in several languages.
The models bring the school curriculum alive for students
between classes V to X. The schools which were chosen
were willing to take ownership, provide space and
electrical connections for the lab equipments.

As many as 37,952 students and 150

teachers from 23 government schools
benefitted from the mini science labs
that were installed during the year.

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Mobile Science Labs This program which is run in concurrence with
Agastya Foundation, conducts community visits and
(Agastya International Foundation) science fairs where skills of children are sharpened with
scientific laws and principles from school syllabus. They
In addition to helping underprivileged children at schools,
present working models, interesting charts and display
LTTS is also connecting to school drop-outs in villages
diagrams to generate interest in science.
through its partner Agastya International Foundation
via mobile vans. Through this exercise, LTTS and Agastya
The program also engages with teachers to enhance their
International work closely with the children to help
training and imparts skills. It helps teachers invigorate
improve their general knowledge across topics like
school syllabus using low-cost, hands-on cognitive learning
hygiene, environment, water conservation, and resolving
activities. Creative teaching aspects can help teachers form
social problems. Each Mobile Science Lab travels to the
strong bonds with their students, to bring about a holistic
doorstep of remote schools with hands-on science models
development of children.
covering a wide range of topics across Physics, Chemistry
and Biology.

The demonstration sessions emphasize on interaction

and questioning. Children are able to relate easily to the
concepts explained through interactive demonstrations.
The experiments are designed to stimulate counter-
intuitive experiences, introduce questioning, investigation,
experimentation and discovery. The program intends to
bring out the joy of learning, reducing the fear associated
with academics and improve retention of knowledge.

As many as 11,789 students and

155 teachers between grades V to X
across 49 government schools
benefitted from these activities.

Teacher Training Program many as 70 students under her or him. To ensure that
the effects reach the students, schools are also provided
LTTS joined forces with Indian Institute of Science (IISc) hands-on science kits which serve as aides for teachers
Bangalore, to train teachers from government schools who want to impart practical training.
in science and math. Due to exclusive dependence on
textbook-based approach of the education system, few
teachers themselves are inadequately trained in science
experimentation. To bridge this gap, LTTS and IISc
undertook a project to train under-graduate teachers in 120 teachers from government schools
scientific experiments covering the curriculum of grades
XI and XII. They were made to conduct experiments on
are trained, and teaching kits are provided
concepts like Charles’ Law, Boyle’s Law, Electrolysis of to 40 government schools; benefiting
Water, Osmotic Pressure and others.
13,000 students in all.
Training the teachers also has a multiplier effect on
knowledge sharing. Every trained teacher can train as

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Career Counselling
(Social Body of IIT Bombay)
As many as 39% of school students in India drop out
before they complete their education. To enthuse such
students, especially from underprivileged backgrounds,
and drive them towards a career, IIT Bombay started a
career counselling program called Abyuday.

Students from municipal schools are guided by tech-savvy

IIT Bombay students, bringing in much-needed empathy
into counselling. The volunteer-based program covers
students between grades VI to X. IIT students also reaches
out to these students via school visits. It also expanded this
program by making it available through a custom-made
mobile app called Abyuday, which provides information
and guidance as well. Counselling is also provided by a
helpline where both students and volunteers can remain

Visiting eStudents
Shreekanth Chikoti, an LTTS employee and a volunteer with eVidyaloka program, teaching English,
was enthused to visit the students he mentors digitally, at Madanapalli in Andhra Pradesh.
As many as 12,000 students across
300 government schools in Mumbai
are covered through career counselling.
Online Teaching eVidyaloka Students from rural schools in far-flung locations, are now
taught by volunteering teachers across the country, via
- Digital Classroom Program Skype. This program is supported by a strong collaboration
between teachers, volunteers, and NGOs. They are
A chasm exists between urban and rural students, as
complemented by well-structured and standardized course
few underprivileged children ever experience the benefits
plans along with technologically advanced teaching aids.
of extremely well-qualified teachers. The Company
The courses are designed keeping in mind the syllabus of
attempted to bridge this gap while modernizing the
grade V to X students, studying in government schools.
education system. It aided the formation of digital
classrooms that impart knowledge remotely, reaching
38 LTTS volunteers have been reaching out to students
the unreachable.
across schools in Jharkhand, West Bengal and Andhra
Pradesh. The teachers conducted more than 518 sessions
for the students between grades V and VIII. Over and
At Itki in Ranchi, a school was above this, LTTS also provides financial support to set-up
digital infrastructure across multiple centers, allowing them
finding it difficult to retain students
to access high-quality education.
and average attendance was
lower than 50%. It also suffered
from high dropout rates. After
installing eVidyaloka, the centre has As many as 1,235 students
shown significant improvement in from 34 centers across 8 states are
enrolment rates, motivation level of being educated by teachers, digitally.
students are high and the average
attendance of students is peaked to
around 70%!

28 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 29

We are thankful to LTTS and ARCH for This was the first time I had participated in
selecting our school under Mini Science a science quiz. It was a learning experience
Lab project. Models installed in the lab are for all of us. My favorite round was logical
aligned with the syllabus and are helpful thinking as it encouraged us to think and
in explaining difficult concepts in an easy follow the pattern. Our team was one of
manner. the finalists.
Jitendra C. Pancholi Shreya Kumari
Principal, CH Vidyalaya Student, C H Vidyalya

We have incorporated the lab in our Workshop on Vedic Math was one of the
regular school timetable. Morning time is best workshops I have attended in many
allotted for primary section and the second years. Shortcuts to solve a math problem,
half is for the senior school. Students who verifying answers, solving long sums
used to shy away from the subject now efficiently and in less time is very useful
yearn for these classes. for X grade students.
A.A. Kowadiya Ghanshyam Patel
Principal, MES School - Nagarwada Teacher, Satyanarayan school

We would like to speak about Divya ma’am in a few words; We like our teacher very
much. Along with teaching math, she encourages us to communicate in English, Hindi
and Telugu languages. She shares a friendly relationship with students.

She taught us arithmetic in several ways and also made us learn English rhymes.
This is helping us learn and speak fluently in English. When we were facing difficulties in
addition and division, she made it easy by teaching simple ways to do the calculations.

She also taught us classroom decency, decorum and encouraged us to play new games,
which helped us learn subjects in simpler ways. When we find our homework difficult,
she does not punish us, but helps us understand the procedures to solve them.

eVidyaloka student

30 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 31

Building a Having learnt the concepts of measurement, Sriram

applied them practically in a shop nearby where he
battery-operated fan purchases rice for his household use.
Sriram, aged 11, is a student of class VI at GHS
Nasarathpettai school, Kanchipuram. He is fluent in He is also passionate about environment and wants to
Saurashtra language apart from smattering of English and plant rather than chop down trees. His dream is to become
Tamil. His father is a cook and his mother a tailor. Sriram a doctor and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam is his role model.
receives a scholarship amount which is credited to his bank
account, and hopes to use it for his education. He smiles
his way through the problems and says the solution to any
problem can be found with a calm mind.

Sriram finds comfort among the friendly and pleasant

teachers at Agastya center. He finds science classes
extremely interesting, as the classes are not conducted
inside the room, but are in the open. Scientific concepts
are explained with models and experiments. He was proud
that he could make a miniature model of a working fan
using a battery.

A Budding Scientist
Swayam Dhunilal Gupta is 13 years old, and is a grade
The Raman Effect industry, and has four younger siblings, who also go to
school. He wants to help his family when he grows up.
VIII student at NMMC School, Navi Mumbai. Swayam’s
father works as a fruit vendor, and his mother works in
on a student Sir C.V. Raman is Nagaraj’s role model and his ambition a restaurant. His sister balances studies while helping
It has been a year since Nagaraj has been visiting Agastya’s is to become a teacher. He is confident that educating out with chores at home. He works his way through
classes, which he finds interesting. He believes that the himself in science will help him achieve his goal. experiments and constructs various live models of the
classes are different from his school, as they provide an Nagaraj’s village faces a problem of pollution. He feels that theories that he studies. He was greatly impressed by the
opportunity for the students to learn. He loves Physics and by creating awareness among the citizens of our country demonstration of electric circuit taught at Agastya.
has particularly enjoyed the nutrition testing experiment. and by conserving nature, India can become a healthier
country. He prepared a model on waste separation Swayam says that the process of generating new ideas
Nagaraj has varied interests like reading, singing and techniques, and was able to create a low-cost version of attracts him to science. He is learning his basics in sound
playing kabaddi. Both his parents work in the hotel it! Nagaraj is busy finding a scientific answer to everything and light concepts. The student is greatly inspired by
around him, as he believes that it pervades all. work of the great Indian scientist, Sir C V Raman. Time
and punctuality means a lot for this young scientist, and
he looks for role models in people around him. He is also
inspired by his brother, as he taught him to be empathetic.

32 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 33

Driving Digital
In spite of the rapid strides made in technology, a majority
of country’s population lacks digital literacy. The digital
revolution in India can be holistic only if the rural populace
is motivated to take part in it. The government has
been trying to bring the enthusiastic youth and working
population who is eager to be a part of the modernization
process, into the digital fold.

To spread IT literacy across villages, the Government’s

Digital Literacy Mission (DLM) or Digital Saksharta
Abhiyaan (DISHA) schemes target non-IT literate
anganwadi and ASHA workers, authorized ration dealers,
to ensure democratization of India’s IT boom.

LTTS Interventions
• Digital literacy training
• Skill building for differently-abled

34 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 35
LTTS Interventions The program at Anil Naik Technical Training Centre, targets

LTTS, in conjunction with L&T Public charitable Trust

electricians, fitters and welders and turns them digitally
literate. As a part of it, the enrolled students are tested CASE STUDY
(LTPCT) along with IT industry body NASSCOM (National before training, during training and after training leading
Association of Software and Services Companies) has to certification.
devised an IT skill building model. The 40-hour module
includes 20 hours training of MS Office; and 20 hours on
digital literacy that includes cyber security.

530 youth and community

members turn digitally literate
in the year 2018-19. A Job with Incentives Supporting
“My name is Hemant Halpati. I was trained in his family
Agromechanics from Anil Naik Technical Training Centre Channabasava hails from an economically poor
at Kharel at Dist. Navasari. Though my parents are landless agricultural family of four, in Raichur district of Karnataka.
farm laborers, they were keen on my education. Yet, He completed his high school education, but owing to
I had to quit school after Std X and work with my parents. the monetary issues, he could not pursue higher
After learning about ANTTC from one of the trainers, education. He yearned to achieve financial independence,
I joined the course of agro/auto mechanics. The stipend in spite of his disability.
of ` 1,000 per month took care of my travel and other
expenses, as I learned. Soon, Channabasava realized that ability to converse in
English and operate computers were important to clear
Along with technical training, I was provided ‘basic competitive exams and gain employment. He also wanted
computer training’ offered by NASSCOM. This helped me to improve his confidence and speaking skills. He enroled
Skill building for Skills training is provided across industries like hospitality,
retail, BFSI and IT / ITES. The program is in line with Skill
fetch a job at PSG Motors, which is an authorized Royal
Enfield sales and service station, at Navasari.
into the skilling program at Samarthanam Trust in Ballari.

differently-abled India and National Digital Literacy Mission, and imparts use At Samarthanam, he learnt to operate computers,
of technology, assistive aids and soft skills. Owing to my digital knowledge, I prepare vehicle service improved his communication skills, soft skills, and typing
LTTS undertook a project to provide livelihoods to
reports on the computer, which lets me earn an incentive speed. After three months of training, Channabasava
underprivileged differently-abled youth in rural areas.
As many as 200 candidates were trained across four along with salary of ` 7,000 per month. I am thankful to turned adept at MS-Office. After a few interviews,
Professional skills training is provided to youth in
centers, in batches of twenty-five each. The program also LTTS program at ANTTC for combining technical training he was employed at Vindhya Info Media for the job of
Karnataka, to turn them employable.
takes care of students with counselling for three months with digital literacy.” a Customer Support Executive. Today, he is a confident
after the training sessions. The project also networks independent individual who supports his family in addition
and liaisons with industry, government and training and to himself. He says that he is grateful for the support
certification agencies; to generate employment. received from his family, LTTS and Samarthanam which led
him to discover his true potential. “I want to help many
more people with disabilities,” says Channabasava.

200 differently-abled youth were

provided vocational skills training,
and 70% of them were placed
across industries.

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Improving Rural
Quality of Life
Healthcare remains a blaring gap that divides rich and
the poor; along with urban and rural Indians. Most
patients from rural areas remain unaware of their health
conditions. Those who are aware cannot easily access a
primary healthcare center which is located hundreds of
kilometers away. Few of those who take the pain and cost
of travelling also barely receive good quality treatment
or consultation. Most of them can neither afford the
treatment nor the travel, leaving them in a state of despair.

To cover this vast country’s increasing healthcare

needs, LTTS expanded the sphere of its health-related
interventions, this year. While it had been concentrating on
eradication of avoidable blindness in rural areas earlier, this
year it has spearheaded programs to improve the quality
of women and children with pre-natal care in tribal areas.
It is also raising awareness about cancer in rural areas by
supporting screening programs.

As many as 23,400 patients in rural areas

benefitted from pre-natal care, eyecare
and cancer screening programs.

38 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 39
Tribal mother and child
development (careNx)
In the last ten years, infant mortality rate in India has
almost halved. However, many rural and tribal areas
in particular, gained less from these increased averages.
As per the latest National Family Health Survey, infant
mortality rates amongst scheduled tribes stands at 23.5%.
Lack of awareness, education and nutrition coupled
with a high number of young and underage mothers,
compounds the problem.

LTTS’ health programs ventures

deeper into rural areas with

• Pre-natal care in tribal areas

• Rural eye care centers

• Mobile eye care camps

• Cancer Screening

LTTS Interventions An ASHA covers 6-7 hamlets, visiting door-to-door to

identify beneficiaries and register them. Women who are
In July 2018, LTTS took up a project to improve maternal known to be at risk are often referred to a physician with
and child healthcare. The Company partnered with follow-up and results of the improvement are captured on
Savitribai Phule Mahila Ekatma Samaj Mandal and careNx a mobile app. The target is to reach 66 hamlets of Moligi
to bring quality pre-natal healthcare to expectant mothers, Gram Panchayat of Akkalkuva Block of the district. Due to
in remote areas of Nandurbar district in Maharashtra. ANC testing, women’s risk factors were reduced by about
half in the target areas.
As a part of this undertaking, ASHAs or Accredited Social
Health Activists provide ANC or antenatal tests right at
the doorstep of pregnant women. The ASHAs are trained
in CareMother technology and use an app to register
expectant mothers and low birth-weight children and
follow-up with their care.

519 mothers were covered with 911 ANC tests

and 411 high-risk mothers were identified.
The follow-up success rate of the program
is at 92.5%

40 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 41
Key Actions Taken The project trained 20 ASHAs on CareMother technology
and to register via mobile app.
Interventions undertaken to avoid still births amongst • A nutrition awareness drive was undertaken
high-risk mothers. Their status of health is monitored through Ekalavya Gramin Adivasi Vikas Mandal
periodically and parameters reported at quarterly reviews. Kanjala (EGAVMK).
The project studies the state of existing Anganwadis and
• Take-home ration was provided to the beneficiaries.
ensure that nutrition is provided to tackle the problem of
anemia. Trained birth attendants or Dai’s are provided to • Beneficiaries were encouraged to take
those deemed necessary. up kitchen gardening.

As a result of the efforts, the total count

of live births was at 93%.
95% of the babies were born with
a birth weight higher than 2.5 Kg.

Fighting Rural Blindness are performed at free clinics, but rural population has to
travel long distances for eye examinations. District-level
(Laxmi Charitable Trust) government hospitals are over-crowded, leaving very few
hassle-free treatment options for the rural poor.
Eradication of avoidable blindness is a key healthcare
initiative that is pursued by LTTS. A large number of rural
Indians suffer from treatable eye conditions which result in
LTTS’ Initiatives
LTTS supports NGOs who aid the delivery of technology-
blindness, like cataract. In urban areas, cataract surgeries
enabled eye care to the rural poor, in remote areas. LTTS
aided the Laxmi Charitable Trust in building two primary
vision care centers in Uran and Murbad in Maharashtra.
LTTS also helped the Trust to mobilize the patients from
villages to the nearest hospital, for cataract surgeries.

A total of 10,146 rural patients were

screened for eye-related ailments and 1,000
cataract operations were performed and
1,500 powered glasses were provided.

42 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 43
Mobile Eye Surgical Camps other staff. They examine and operate on patients right
in their village, and also provide powered glasses as
(Medical Research Foundation) necessary, after a post-operative check-up.
LTTS has a long-standing partnership with Sankara
Between May 2018 and March 2019, eight MESU camps
Nethralaya, which has been working for rural eye care
were held in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
for years. This year, LTTS donated a 51-seater bus which
and Karnataka. The Sankara Nethralaya project also
helps transport patients from the campsite to the base
helps spread education and awareness; helping prevent
avoidable diseases.
The Company also supports Mobile Eye Surgical Unit
(MESU) projects where mobile units are equipped to
perform surgeries, travel to remote campsites. The units
include an ophthalmologist, an optometrist, nurses and

In 2018, 7,554 patients were screened

across 8 MESU camps and 1,149
patients were operated for cataract.

Cancer Screening
(Indian Cancer Society)
The incidents of cancer have been on the rise. LTTS and ICS organized 76 cancer screening camps
in several villages, towns and cities of Karnataka,
Unfortunately, this fatal disease claims more lives as few
targeting high risk cancer populations especially amongst
patients are aware of their condition. Timely screening of
underprivileged communities. ICS also conducted
cancers can make a difference to the cure, which can help
pre-screening surveys in pockets of rural Karnataka and
increase lifespan. LTTS supports Indian Cancer Society’s
established partnerships with three hospitals and other
‘Rise Against Cancer’ movement which intends to
hospitals to reach more towns and rural areas.
raise awareness of the disease, via early detection
through camps.

Total no of Screened: 5181

Probable cases of cancer: 277
20 cancer patients were supported
financially for initial treatment.

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Guiding a high-risk pregnancy Farmer’s optical obstacles

“ASHA Tai came to Umili pada and she tested my pregnant are gone
neighbour. Most of the women gathered around the Vitthal Gopal Isame is a farmer of Wadachapada Village,
house to see the kit and the smart phone. She spoke and despite his advanced age works on the farm. His
about risks in pregnancies and the steps that can be taken son too helps him cultivate their small piece of land with
to avoid it. She explained the importance of check-up in minimal income. He noticed his blurred vision when he
early stage pregnancy. was at the farm one day and communicated it to his
friends and family members.
Upon check-up my pregnancy was confirmed. She also
took my details, clicked my photograph and registered me One of his fellow villagers who had received treatment
using her smart phone. She informed that I am at risk due at the Laxmi Charitable Trust Eye Hospital, informed him
to my height, low haemoglobin and excessive protein in about it. He visited Murbad vision centre and was advised
urine. to undergo cataract surgery. After he was worried about
the cost, the co-ordinator informed him that it would be
ASHA Tai asked me to consult a doctor and accompanied performed free of cost. He was then transported to base
Avoiding a Stillbirth me to the primary heathcare center. ASHA Tai constantly Hardworking babysitter hospital at Panvel where he was operated after a few
guided me during the pregnancy period. Currently, I am in
“I am a 32-year old resident of Nalipada hamlet in the tenth week and hope to deliver a healthy baby. “ gets a new lease of life routine procedures. After the restoration of his vision,
he is happy to be back at his farm.
Nandurbar district, and was pregnant for the seventh time. Sitabai Moreshwar Jhunjarao is an 80-year old lady living
I had suffered three still-births and was unaware of the Anonymous in Newalpada of Murbad Taluka. Her family consists of
reason behind the same. During the third trimester of my six members.
last pregnancy, ASHA Tai visited my home which is located
far away from the road. She had a box with many devices Her son and daughter-in-law work as daily labourers,
in it. and Sitabai babysits her grandchildren at home. She
contributes greatly to housekeeping as well. But her blurry
I was reluctant to take the tests. However, upon vision made it difficult for her to carry on her chores. She
consultation by ASHA Tai, I agreed and she took my blood had turned dependent, but her son and daughter-in-law
test, checked my weight and BP. She explained that I could not stay home, as they had to earn a living.
was anaemic and my height is low and have to consult a
doctor to avoid another still-birth. I shared this information One of her neighbours informed her son about Murbad
with my husband and we visited the primary health vision centre where he took his mother, and realized that
center at Molgi where doctor gave me advice on diet and she needed cataract surgery. The co-ordinator informed
medication. I followed all the advice and it enabled me to them that the surgery will be performed free-of-cost, as
give birth to a healthy daughter who weighed 3 Kg. they receive a grant to serve patients like her.
I am thankful to LTTS who facilitated through ASHA Tai,
for timely follow-up and service. “ Sitabai was operated at Laxmi Charitable Trust Eye Hospital
at Panvel, with IOL implants in her right eye. This surgery
Anonymous gave her vision back and now she is happy with her new-
found independence.

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Parched Lands
India has been going through its worst-ever water crises
for the last few years. The per capita water availability has
fallen by 15% between 2001 and 2011 and is set to fall
to 13% by 2025. The country is at high risk of turning into
a water scarce nation. Excessive farming, lack of water
retention processes and water structures coupled with
lack of awareness has led to the crisis.

LTTS has been working to alter the socio-economic

dynamic of parched communities; by undertaking holistic
developmental programs by constructing water harvesting
structures in the rural communities. Water-starved
communities tend to be low on education and surrounded
by socio economic issues which are now addressed by the
watershed and watershed+ projects.

Ketkavane village is in Kolwadi

watershed project location which has
a farm pond and contains 1,32,495
litres of water. This was possible due
to the watershed project of LTTS
and project partner National Agro
Foundation. The farm ponds increased
the total irrigated area and the
community have started their second
cropping on about 150 acres of land.
Paddy cultivation per acre also increased
48 from 20 bags to 24 bags per acre. L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 49
Integrated Watershed while engaging women in the project location.
The beneficiaries are also encouraged to organize
Management Projects themselves into groups like mahila pani samiti (MPS)
and village watershed committee (VWC) in order to
(IWMPs) maintain water conservation structures for the future.
The integrated watershed management projects in The mission of the project is to create sustainable
partnership with National Agro Foundation (NAF) is communities which are productive and exemplary.
intended to drive a broad range of impactful water
conservation activities. LTTS has undertaken watershed interventions in two
geographic location – Kolwadi in Maharashtra; and
Apart from building water infrastructure, de-silting Kokkranthangal in Tamil Nadu. These projects have yielded
wells and creating farm bunds, the project also guides successful results and the community has benefitted from
beneficiaries on activities to improve soil health, farm the project. Kolwadi Project has made 100% progress in
productivity and increase in green cover. three years where as Kokkranthangal watershed project
has progressed by 60% in the last two years.
The project covers a wide-range of activities like animal
husbandry, agroforestry, horticulture and income
generating programs which increases household income

10,000 people have directly Impact of the project is as follows:

benefitted from the LTTS watershed • 12 checkdams constructed surrounding five villages
projects in kolwadi (Maharashtra) • 63 farm ponds constructed in five villages
and Kokkranthangal (Tamil Nadu)
• 207 cubic meter of water absorption trenches

• 1 village pond constructed

• 4 units of toilets constructed in 4 government schools,
150 children and 18 school teachers benefitted
• 7336 horticulture & 2500 agroforestry saplings
Kolwadi Watershed Project distributed

Kolwadi watershed project covers five villages namely • 848 animals benefitted through veterinary camp
Kolwadi, Kathwadi, Mangdari, Ketkavane and Nigde at
Velhe taluka of Pune district. The entire area has been • 300 acres of land cultivated for second crop in the year
suffering from erratic rainfall and has a tough terrain
of slopes and denuded surroundings, making water • 52 mahila pani samiti members earn `1,500 per
conservation tough. month as additional income through income generating
Significant results have been achieved for the farmers and
community with the construction of checkdams and farm • Exposure visits were organized for village committees
ponds. Migration has reduced to 80% and the farmers are to modern dairy farms, organic farms bio-fertilizer and
now taking second crop due to the availability of water. bio-pesticide manufacturing units

IMPACT • 247 children & 31 village watershed committee

Since 2016, as a result of the watershed activities, the members of the village benefitted from health camp
ground water table rose by 10 feet, and crop productivity
increased by 150%, in spite of a poor monsoon. As of • 25 farmers benefitted from vermi compost training
now, 51 million litres of water has been harvested by organised for village watershed committee members
constructing checkdams, farm ponds, water absorption
trenches and de-silting of wells.

50 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 51
sewage drainage line, providing sanitation facilities, • Installed solar powered pump for water supply
renewable energy solution, promoting income
• Installed water purification plant for hygienic & healthy
generation activities and improvising the agricultural
drinking water
production system.
To help the village fully sustainable and make it
Gender mainstreaming is also the part of project delivery
smart, objectives for FY2020 will include;
mechanism by strengthening and involving the village
watershed committee (VWC) and mahila pani samiti • Construction of individual household toilet cum
(MPS) in the implementation process. bath room and sewage system
• Installation of biogas plant and smokeless
Capacity building of community at various levels to cooking range
sustain the project

Achievements till date:

• Constructed rice & flour mill for value addition

• Constructed new drinking water well

Kokkaranthangal LTTS Watershed+ Project:

Watershed Project A comprehensive village development
This watershed project covers Kokkranthangal,
Amaindhakaranai, Arcadu and Budhur villages in
Kanchipuram district in Tamil Nadu. The objective of the
Duration of the project: 24 months
Background of the project:
project is to conserve water, reduce migration, improve
agricultural practices, increase crop and yield productivity. Since 2016, LTTS watershed project at Kolwadi location
has addressed soil and water conservation covering five
Since the inception in 2017 the project has shown villages; Kolwadi, Kathwadi, Mangdari, Ketkavane and
significant progress covering natural resource management Nigde. Income generation program, agriculture and
in four watershed villages. The project will continue horticultural interventions have also been implemented
till 2020. for the betterment of the farming community.
With the collective years of field experience and through
Impact of the project since, 2017 the extensive baseline study, significant gaps were A widow turns self-reliant
identified in the Kolwadi watershed area covering five
• 5 checkdams constructed in four watershed villages villages, of which Kathwadi has several unaddressed issues Widowhood forces many women from patriarchal
for decades. societies, into poverty. Apart from lack of economic
• 1 sunken pond constructed support, these women are subjected to contempt by family
Key project deliverables: Drinking Water Provision, members, even at marital homes. They are also treated as
• 1500 cubic meter water absorption trenches Sanitation, Renewable energy, Income generation social pariahs, barred from participating in family events to take loan at high interest rates.
program, Capacity building and Agricultural production and are often denied property rights. Mahila Pani Samiti committee formed in the Kolwadi
system watershed project of LTTS were supported with revolving
• 2887 running metre field bund constructed Humiliation, harassment, loneliness, abandonment, are funds to promote income generating programs (IGP)
The project components address the community’s needs some of the many social ills that the widowhood brings. within the community.
• 1750 Agro horticulture plants distributed to by providing adequate and safe drinking water through Such treatment can push women into depression and
self-pity. Yet, Ratna Shankar Pilane aged 42, from Katwadi Mahila Pani Samiti members provided Ratna with a loan of
307 beneficiaries proper pipeline network, restructuring the improper
fought back against the system. ` 16,000 with repayment terms of ` 500 per month. Using
this money, she purchased three sheep which provided
• 28 farmers benefitted from exposure visit and
agricultural training programme 17 checkdams and 63 farm ponds Despite the loss of her husband, Ratna made up her mind
to raise two daughters and a son, by herself. In spite
her with additional income. After six months, she started
earning an additional average income of ` 2,000 per

• De-silting of water bodies, 10280 cubic meter

have been constructed in Kolwadi of minimal emotional and financial backing from her month.
husband’s family, she worked to overcome her hurdles.
completed and Kokkranthangal watershed Ratna is thankful to L&T Technology Services for the

• Channel cleaning of water bodies, 7840.25

villages. When her husband was alive, Ratna was never employed, support, which helped her to earn additional monthly
and had no savings as she hails from a below poverty line income to support her family.
cubic meter completed
(BPL) family. She had two acres of agriculture land, which
provides her with an income of ` 25,000 per annum. This The financial support allowed Ratna to change her life
• Construction of school compound wall completed
income was insufficient to feed her family and was forced and live with dignity & self-confidence.

52 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 53


the World
According to the government data, 18,000 villages
have been connected through rural electrification over
the past three years. Yet, according to the International
Energy Agency, nearly 240 million Indians were devoid
access to electricity in 2017. One out of every five people
around the world, without access to power, lives in India
(Source: Forbes Apr 30, 2018)

India is blessed with tremendous solar potential. Solar

power systems are relatively cost effective and requires
minimal day-to-day intervention, which make them
particularly suitable for use in rural areas of the country.

Despite being referred to as a utility, electricity remains

a luxury for many underprivileged communities across
the country. The worst affected are the tribal who live
in clearings near villages, literally far off from civilization.
Due to the distance, it is not possible for them to easily
connect to the grid.

LTTS devised a unique method to bring light to these

small communities, using energy efficient solar energy
for individual families. This initiative in partnership
with Swamy Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM)
a Non-profit who works for the rural underprivilege
communities in Karnataka.

54 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 55
LTTS Interventions • Average saving per month per household of
` 200 – 300 on mobile charging and usage
Protection & Restoration
LTTS along with its project partner has been working of kerosene of Public Places
to provide solar electricity in villages which have poor or
• Women groups are engaged in income generating LTTS has been following the group’s green ethos, and
no supply of electricity. Night hours has been a challenge
programs (such as tailoring) resulting in some has been taking up green and clean initiatives across the
as the community especially women and children feel
additional earnings of up to ` 400 – 500 per country. These initiatives include highway beautification
insecure of wild animals and snakes. The power supply
month during night hours projects and restoration of public places in the interest
has always been a challenge for the rural tribal
of local communities and for pride of the nation.
communities for years.
Qualitative outcome:
The objective is to transform them into culturally
LTTS has harnessed solar energy project to connect all • Assured safety among tribal communities from
significant areas, while planting and maintaining trees,
the 61 homes, school, community hall, and village nursery wild animals and snake bite
and provide a green cover for visual aesthetics.
school with 20 street lights of Manchegowdana Halli near
• Improved living conditions for women
Mysuru, as a part of Phase I in FY2018, which is now
The Company tied-up with Meta Design to maintain and
successfully commissioned & sustained. • Cooking at home during late evening easier,
develop a road median project between Koperkhairane
safer and hygienic
and Rabale of around 6 ½ Kms. area on Thane Belapur
In the Phase II of the project 33 homes, community center
• Assure safety of women during night through Road, Navi Mumbai.
and 9 street lights were installed in tribal colonies
well-lit street enabled by solar street lights
of Vaderahalli hadi and Chikkabaragi hadi in FY2019.
As part of the project, LTTS planted trees, shrubs,
flowering plants & creepers and regularly waters them.
Outcome The railings along the road divider are painted in VIBGYOR
Quantitative outcome: themes with focus lights and social messages.

• Reduction in kerosene oil usage by 3 – 4 liters

per month per household The Navi Mumbai median project has;

• 42,365 flowering plants,

Since 2017, 400 people from 94 homes shrubs, creepers
in remote tribal villages, now enjoy the • 100 signage poles
benefits of sustainable energy and
pollution-free atmosphere. • 535 social messages

• 180 warli paintings

• 50 solar mashals,
The total area of the park is ~ 7.2 acres and the
circle is ~ 1,000 Sq. Ft.
• 76 spike lights
Adopt a Flyover
1,000 sq. ft. through the circle As a part of Bangalore Municipal Commissioner’s Adopt a
maintenance and development. LTTS has also undertaken the maintenance and flyover initiative, LTTS in partnership with India Rising Trust,
development project of the Dr. Jagjivan Ram round-about has taken up a project to build and beautify the walk path

LTTS 30,000 sq. ft. through under near the railway station and Dr. Rajkumar park in Mysore. / foot path under Veeranapalya flyover near Manyata Tech
fly over maintenance and Park, Hebbal.
covers more than The park has now been transformed into a culturally
4,45,000 sq. ft. significant area to honour Karnataka’s most famous actor, The total area is 30,000 Sq. Ft. which is divided into four
of over all land Dr. Rajkumar, which brings in tourists from all around the sections. The project turned this vacant space into a utility
1,00,000 sq. ft. through the world, through the year especially in several thousand area for the locals with barricades, U-turns, public seating
under the green median project maintenance and
coverage. during the Dussehra period. with shelter and police booth.
LTTS was conferred with the 1st prize recognizing its This project improved the aesthetics with overall
3,14,000 sq. ft. through efforts to make Mysore green, beautiful and add beauty cleanliness of the area. This is a part of the city’s endeavor
park maintenance to the city during the Dussehra celebrations by the to transform vacant and dirt-gathering areas under flyovers
Commissioner of Mysore. into beautiful gardens, which Bangalore is known for.

56 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 57

Overcoming Hurdles
India is home to around 26.8 million differently-abled
people of which about 7.8 million are visually impaired and
unfortunately around 80% of them reside in remote and
isolated villages.

Around 45% of the differently-abled never receive basic

education or sustenance support. They remain ignored by
the society and even within a family structure while being
treated as dependents. Quality education, skilling and
inclusion can provide them confidence with dignity and
economic independence.

58 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 59
LTTS Interventions Recognizing and showcasing the talent of such sportsmen
who have struggled to build successful careers can inspire
LTTS is striving towards achieving social inclusivity by many more across the country. By demonstrating ‘ability’,
providing a platform for the differently-abled to showcase they will also be accepted more willingly by potential
their talent, through sporting events. Traditionally, employers, turning more of them financially independent.
sports have been reserved for athletically endowed
people, bringing in people who possess the best health LTTS partnered with Samarthanam Trust for The Disabled
and physique. However, differently-abled people have to train disabled youth, turning them employable and
overcome physical and emotional challenges to participate placing them in appropriate jobs through Sports project.
and thrive in sports of various kinds. Supporting such
players, and encouraging more of them to shine in sports,
can wipe away the stigma associated with them. Activities undertaken
• Potential players were identified by organizing
grassroots awareness tournaments

• Nutritious food, secure lodging facilities and coaching

Around 200 differently-abled was provided to the players

• Players are encouraged to participate in district, state

players across the country were
and national level competitions
trained this year.
• Players are provided with leadership skills, soft skills
and life skills

Blind Cricket Tournaments

- Facebook & Youtube – 118761 viewers
- We like (App) – 122806 followers
LTTS empowers blind cricketers and supports tournaments
• Cricket coaching for 200 visually impaired from
by identifying talent, training and nurturing them.
April to May 2019 to build their morale, self-confidence,
The Company believes that these tournaments act as
Wheelchair Tennis rehabilitation drives, which also motivate them towards
discipline, team building, teamwork and to enhance their
leadership qualities
LTTS also supported wheelchair tennis tournament independence and gainful employment. Cricket is the
in Chennai organized by Indian Wheelchair Tennis country’s most popular game and can help dissolve cultural - Physical exercises (Yoga & Gym) for a strong body
Tour (IWTT), in partnership with ASTHA a Non-profit barriers and boost confidence, while raising awareness and mind
organization which encourages and supports in the society and dispel myths on the capabilities of the
- Training on special communication skills for 200 visually
wheel chair tennis. visually impaired.
impaired cricket aspirants

6 women and 30 men from the states of Karnataka, Triangular cricket series for blind was supported by - Training on basic computer for 200 visually impaired
Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra LTTS in which India, Srilanka and England participated cricket aspirants
participated in the tournament, some of them holding
world ranking. Project Highlights:
• The series – L&T Technology Service Triangular Cricket
As a part of the program, a beginners’ workshop called Series for blind
“First Serve” was organized to bring more talented young
• India beat Sri Lanka by 9 wickets in the LTTS Triangular
people into the sport. Two sports tournaments were
Cricket cup finals
In the future, LTTS and ASTHA intend to turn wheelchair organized with participation from
• Winner’s & the runner’s trophy was presented by
tennis into a competitive platform for aspiring sports Hon Governor of Goa Smt. Mridula Sinha to the 236 sports aspirants
women. Indian & the Sri Lankan blind cricket teams respectively

• The entire tournament was covered by the print,

social, radio & electronic media from October 05
to October 13, 2018

60 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 61

Dr. Ramaswami N. (I.A.S.), Commissioner of Navi Mumbai Municipal Deputy commissioner Mr Nitin Kale of Navi Mumbai Municipal corporation
corporation, inaugurating the Median project development & maintenance, (NMMC), Additional commissioner of NMMC Ravindra Patil and
Thane Belapur road (6.5km stretch) Seema Ghanekar, Global delivery head, Media & entertainment during the
completion event of the development of the median project
Tournament winners, India, with LTTS personnel

The inauguration of the tournament and launch of the jersey by; Worshipful Winners trophy was presented by Honorable Governor of Goa Dr. Rajkumar Park - maintenance project inaugurated by Dr. Jagajivan Ram circle-maintenance and development project -
Mayor of Bangalore, Mrs. Gangambike Mallikarjun, Mr. Ramalinga Reddy, Smt. Mridula Sinha to the Indian Team Mr. K. A. Jagadeesha (KAS), Commissioner of Mysore Corporation inaugurated by Mr. Paneesh Rao, CSR Head, LTTS

Wheel chair tennis: Mr. Paneesh Rao, CSR Head, LTTS gave away the prizes to Players encouraging each other!! Rural eye clinic inaugurated at Uran by Mr. Anant Gite, Union minister, Manjunatha Prasad (I.A.S.), Commissioner BBMP, Bangalore Inaugurating
the winners. Mr. Srirang Barne, MP and Mr. Manohar Bhoir MLA the Under Fly Over development project, near Manyata Tech park, Hebbal

62 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 63

The employees of LTTS play a significant role in the success As multiple natural disasters struck various areas around
of every endeavour, and volunteering program is no the country during the year, Samaritans contributed
exception. Our employees worked towards various projects towards relief and rehabilitation work. LTTS Chennai
with missionary zeal and enthusiasm. employees donated relief material worth over ` 1 lakh,
after Cyclone Gaja, helping 104 families in the village
Karpaganathakulam in the Thiruvarur district. Employees
38 LTTS employee volunteers taught rural from Bangalore and Mysore offices personally travelled to
locations and delivered flood relief items, for Kodagu and
underprivileged children under the digital Kerala relief work.
classroom (eVidyaloka) initiative as part
Samaritans also regularly dedicate their off-duty hours
of the volunteering activities to partake in education programs. LTTS employees
also partook in a career counselling program that was
conducted via video conferencing with children from
underprivileged backgrounds.

LTTS employees are also a part of Teach for India program

where they volunteer to guide and mentor children in
addition to teaching. The program has been going on with Around 1,437 Samaritans dedicated
TFI for the last two years, inspiring many underprivileged
children to pursue education seriously. Employees also
3,597 hours to volunteering work for
enthusiastically partake in various activities like science 40 CSR activities throughout the year.
fairs, quizzes, blood donation camps, tree plantation
drives and many more.

64 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 65

I am so happy to be a part
I am proud and excited to
of the CSR activity which
be involved in every LTTS
enabled me to teach rural
CSR activity from eVidyaloka
children through eVidyaloka
to Veeranapalya UFO project
program. It was a great
to visiting orphans’ schools
experience to give back
and science awareness
something to society and
program, mobile labs, blood
LTTS CSR initiatives have
donation camps; and many
always provided these
opportunities. I want to
It gives me an opportunity
express my sincere gratitude
to serve our society directly
to the CSR team who has
Raveesha by involving in educating Singupuram been supporting me to take
volunteer, Bangalore students of remote Lakshmana Rao part in this activity during
government schools and eVidyaloka volunteer,
my free time. It helped me
keep our environment neat, Mysuru
become a better person as
clean and safe.

Each one of us live for our

family and friends. But I feel gratified to be the part
taking some time out for of LTTS’ CSR activities. Every
others, who are in need of event of CSR boosts my
our services and bring in confidence. At LTTS, I have a
smiles on their faces, is a platform to use my skills and
good gesture. We, at LTTS, knowledge for the benefit of
get this opportunity to work the society. It helps me learn
together to make someone new things. Being part of a
Latha Om Prakash smile. I urge everyone to just Veer Singh good cause is very precious
CSR SPOC, Mysuru give few hours of their time volunteer, Baroda and I am lucky to be given
to make a difference. this opportunity.

A big thumbs up to CSR

and its members, for its
great social work. I enjoy
teaching rural students via
this platform. Thanks to
CSR and eVidyaloka for
giving me this opportunity.
Let us keep up this good
work and add more value
to LTTS.
Divya B
Volunteer, Bangalore

66 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 67

Our work for underprivileged communities was recognised by Indian and international organizations.

Felicitation by Commodore Rakesh Anand from CMD Mazagoan Dock ship CSR Excellence Award 2018 conferred by Indo American Chamber of Commerce
Builders Ltd, Mumbai (Mar 2019) at a program organised by on October 04, 2018
Laxmi Charitable Trust – LTTS CSR partner.

L&T Technology Services honored with the Best CSR Practice Award 2018 by L&T Technology Services honored with the Best CSR Practice by
the UBS Forums on November 28, 2018 Mysore City Commissioner Mr. K H. Jagadeesha (KAS)

68 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 69
Activity-wise spends on CSR in FY 2018-19

All the figures in ` Millions

Sr. CSR Project or Activity Sector in which the Project or programs Local area or Amount outlay Amount spent on Cumulative Amount Spent:
No Identified project is covered other Specify the state and district to project (Budget) projects or programs expenditure up Direct or through
were program and projects was project or program Sub Heads: Direct to the reporting implementing agency
undertaken wise Expenditure on period
projects or programs
Overheads + taxes

1 eye care camps, cataract Healthcare Andhra Pradesh 26.25 27.95 27.95 Sankara Nethralaya
surgeries, mother care and Maharashtra Laxmi Charitable Trust
cancer screening & awareness Tamil Nadu Indian Cancer Society
camps CareNx

2 establish mini science lab, education & Andhra Pradesh 28.60 39.76 39.76 Indian Institute of Science
government school teachers & skill development Gujarat ARCH Foundation
sports for the differently abled Jharkhand Samarthanam Trust
Agastya Foundation
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal

3 integrated watershed water conservation Maharashtra 25.30 14.90 14.90 National Agro Foundation
management, watershed+ & environment Karnataka Swami Vivekananda Youth
& solar lighting project Tamil Nadu Movement

4 protection & restoration protection & restoration Karnataka 15.00 14.90 14.90 Meta Design
of public places Maharashtra India Rising Trust

5 corporate volunteering program corporate volunteering Gujarat 3.60 3.20 3.20 e vidyaloka
program Karnataka Other Partners
Tamil Nadu

6 management expenses others 3.95 0.61 0.61

TOTAL SPEND 102.70 101.32 101.32

70 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 L&T Technology Services Ltd. CSR Report 2019 71
L&T Technology Services Limited, For details contact CSR Team:
Regd. Office: Larsen & Toubro Limited, L&T House, Aruna Ranganathan - [email protected]
N. M. Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 001, INDIA Sameer Anup Minj - [email protected]
Email: [email protected] CIN: L72900MH2012PLC232169

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