scrap convertersThis machine will pay for itself in one simple batch!
Place roasted material in PLATINUMILL and flip the switch and walk away
Platinumills does not sell the chemicals used with this system. Please check the state that you
reside in for any restrictions involving these chemicals. Most states have no restrictions when
using these chemicals in small quantities. Platinumills is not responsible for any injuries caused by
using any chemicals that may be used in the product. Please familiarize yourself with the
chemicals involved in the process. Proper safety measures must be maintained at all times. Proper
safety equipment must be used at all times when preparing, setting up, moving, operating, using,
or starting up the Platinumill. Platinumills will not be, and cannot be responsible for any injuries
that may happen when using the product.
Catalytic converter material has a large variety of PGM content from one converter to the next.
Due to this fact, Platinumills cannot gaurantee any results to any particular batch that may be run
in the unit. A proper fire assay is recommended be done on each converter to determine the PGM
content of that particular catalytic converter. A proper fire assay is recommended to determine the
PGM content of any particular batch. Pretreatment of the material is vital. (crushing, roasting)
A half down payment is required to process an order. Once processed, There is currently a 3-4
week waiting period. You will receive an eta quote with the invoice. Payments can be taken in any
form including credit cards. Balance of invoice is due on the day it is delivered. Unless delivery
options have already been established, charges will vary.
Please feel free to read and ask any questions in our guest book, we will reply to all questions. Thankyou
The Platinumill has been designed for the small scale user, but also big enough to make money. With the
prices of PGM's steadily rising, it is a must have machine for anyone involved in scrap converters. This
machine will pay for itself in one simple batch!
Few of us are aware of the MANY uses of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs). Today's Catalytic Converters
and tomorrow's Fuel Cells are just two of the many examples that offer great promises and benefits our
Yet PGMs are also used in Many products that contribute to our health and well-being.
Acting as key components in certain anti-cancer drugs, and a wide range of surgical implants and
prosthetics. These Metals are also crucial in the industrial processes such as Fiberglass production and
Petroleum refining.
Many new advanced technologies from mobile telephones, to the computer screen that you're reading this
page! Even the car you drive everyday may have half a dozen or so functions that all owe their operations
to PGMs.
So when you include their everyday uses in items such as fountain pens, razors and jewellery, Cars, Tv's,
and Medical Prosthetics and computers, NOW you can see that PGMs are all around us, and will be only
spreading further in the years to come.In general there are three types of automobile catalytic converters in
terms of the PGM content. Grade 1 consists of 2200 parts per million (ppm) of platinum (Pt), 200 ppm of
palladium (Pd) and 300 ppm of rhodium (Rd). Grade 2 has 1000 ppm Pt, 200 ppm Pd, and 100 ppm Rd;
while Grade 3 consists of 875 ppm Pt, 250 ppm Pd, and 30 ppm Rd. D Platinum has unique chemical and
physical properties that make it essential in a wide range of industrial and environmental applications. And
it is also considered one of the finest of all jewelry metals. Over twenty percent of all consumer goods
either contain platinum or are produced using platinum. As a consequence, the continued expansion of
developed and developing economies has caused demand for the metal to grow at a faster pace than it is
being mined. Platinum is the rarest of the precious metals. More than 90% of all platinum supplies come
from South Africa and Russia. Virtually all of the platinum mined in South Africa is committed to
industrial contracts.In contrast with gold and silver, there are no large above-ground platinum stockpiles to
protect against significant supply disruptions. Approximately 10 tons of raw ore must be mined to produce
just one pure ounce of platinum. (compare that to 6 converters!) We have a better Platinum mine than the
mines have! Platinum is integral to the production of about 20% of all consumer goods. Platinum's unique
physical properties make many industries dependent upon its use. Demand for platinum in high technology
applications is soaring due to its unique properties: It is virtually uncorrodable, has a melting point in alloy
of 3,215 degrees Fahrenheit, is a powerful catalyzing agent and is highly conductive. Over one-third of all
platinum supplied to the international markets each year is used in catalytic converters to control harmful
automobile emissions. Higher U.S. emission standards will force automakers to increase the use of
platinum in catalytic converters and devices like oxygen sensors. New clean air legislation in the United
States and in many of the worlds fastest growing economies are significantly increasing the total amount of
platinum used in automobiles.Platinum is essential for the wide range of products that are being consumed
in nations that are experiencing rapid gains in incomes. Because of this, world platinum use has risen
rapidly in the past decade.
Safety is the number one instruction when using the Platinumill. The Platinumill uses a very acidic acid.
Such a strong acid is needed in order to dissolve the pgm ions. Platinum is a very durable metal. It's
resistance to oxidization and corrosion is just a few of the many reasons they are used in the catalytic
converters. There for the solution needed to dissolve the pgm ions is a very highly corrosive acid. It is a
must that you wear a mask at all times when these chemicals are being used. It is also a must that a rubber
apron and gloves be used at all times when handling these chemicals.
A mask should also be worn when you are opening and crushing the converter material. When crushing the
honeycomb, a very light fine dust is created that will linger in that area. It is recommended that all opening
and crushing of the converter material be done out doors. A dust mask at the least should be worn. Gloves
should be worn when handling the converter material. There are so many different substances on the
converter material that come from the vehicles exhaust. You do not want the converter material to come in
contact with your skin.
When mixing the solution it is important to be wearing your safety equipment. It is also important to
always "add acid to water". Do not ever add water to acid. That acid wants to attack the water. If you
poured water into acid, all the acid that is in that container will attack the water that is being poured in. That
means the acid could erupt violently and come shooting out of that container. Always add acid to water
only. When pouring, slowly pour the acid to the water. The reaction is much less this way because you
don't have all that acid in a container ready to attack the water. The water is in the container.
50% water and 50% hydrochloric acid(muriatic acid) Put the water in your tank first then add the
hydrochloric acid. "acid to water"
Very slowly, add 100 ml of sulfuric acid for each gallon of solution.
Add 1 ounce of the powdered nitric acid substitute for each gallon of solution being used. Mix the powder
in a small amount of water and stir. Add the mixture to the solution very slowly.
There are many nitric acid substitutes available. The one that I recamend is CLS-26P. It is available from
Action Mining. You can order it online in their catalog at Action mining has developed
it specifically for converter material and the results from leaching have been better than any other
powdered nitric acid substitute that has been tested. They are very good at getting your order fast and the
price is not too bad at all.
This is your solution formula. This same formula can be used to leach any amount of converter material. If
you only want to run 50 lbs of material you would only make enough solution to fill one of the tubes.
Extreme caution should be used when ever pouring the solution in the Platinumill.
1. You can mix the solution in a separate container and then add that solution to the Platinumill by slowly
pouring the solution in the extraction chamber.(Add hot water from the tap, other wise it will take forever
to get up to temperature)
2. The extraction chamber will fill up and the solution will begin flowing down to the tank below. Continue
slowly pouring in the solution until the tank below is at least half way full.
3. When the lower tank is at least half way full, turn on the pump and open the valve between the tank and
the pump about half way. Make sure that all the valves leading to each individual column are closed except
for column A.
4. Continue pouring in the solution until column A is about 2/3 full. Then turn off the valve for column A
and turn on column B's valve.
5. When column B is 2/3 full, turn off the valve and turn on the valve for column C.
6. When column C is 2/3 full turn off the valve and turn on column D's valve
7. When column D is 2/3 full, turn off the valve and turn off the pump. The pre treated converter material
can now be added.
8. Optimal temperature for the solution is between 100 degrees f and 150 degrees F. By adding hot water
from the tap, your temperature should be within that range. Also the Platinumill is black to soak up the suns
rays and help warm the solution while the machine is being run. A heating element is included to aid in
heating of the solution.
Converter pretreatment
The stainless steel shell needs to be opened. There are several ways to open the converter material. Use a
Parker saw or a concrete saw.
1) On most converters there is a lip that surrounds the stainless steal shell. Using the concrete saw with a
carbon fiber blade for metals, cut around the converter's lip and you should be able to open it up like a
peanut and remove your honeycomb substrate.
2) A sawzall can be used by cutting through the center. This takes a little more time, but that will get the
job done. Prepare to buy several blades that cost some money. This method ids a back breaker after you do
so many converters.
3) A torch will work if that's what you have. The only problem with a torch is that it can send shards of
stainless steel material in to your honey comb material. That stainless steel will be plated out in the
machine also with your PGM's. That is not a huge problem because the refiners will only go after the
PGMs when you send the leaching resin to them.
4) There are commercial shears out there and they can cost some serious money, but they are very efficient.
5) There is a kind of cheap way to get the honey comb material out of the shell. You can take a metal rod,
like a torsion bar from a truck and just jam it through the hole at each end of the converter smashing the
honey comb material out on to the floor.
Once the honeycomb has been removed from the stainless steel shell, it needs to be crushed. The reason for
crushing is for easier roasting (next step) and the better you crush the material, the more will fit in the
Platinumill. It does not have to be crushed in to a fine powder, although there will be a lot of that fine dust
anyways. This should be done near an exhaust fan or outside. Also the converter material should be in
some type of confined area because the honey comb will go everywhere.
A) A really good method is to put the honey comb material in a 55 gallon barrel and have a lid with a 3
inch hole in the middle of it. Put the sledge hammer in the barrel with the end of the sledge hammers
handle sticking out through the hole in the lid. Grab onto the handle of the sledge hammer and start
smashing down on the honey comb material. It crushes up fairly easily and it's great exercise. The dust that
is created by the honey comb material is contained within the barrel. A mask should still be worn at all
times, and let the lid set on the barrel for some time to let the dust settle.
B) A ball mill will work and some used one can be found for fairly cheap. They are easy to use and come in
various sizes
The converter material has to be roasted in order to burn off any impurities and unburned hydro carbons.
The reason for this is that that carbon can hold on to some of the PGMs that we are recovering in the
Platinumill. The results may not be as good. Some experts claim that it is not necessary to roast this
material. I do not take those chances when running the material. I was taught to roast before using this
process, and that is what I would recommend doing before every batch Roasting is fairly easy. It can be
done on a regular propane grill. You could only do so many batches at a time, but it gets the job done. You
can customize a larger size roaster out of a steel 55 gallon barrel cut in half and install propane heating
elements around the bottom. Put your converter material in and roast for 1 hour stirring occasionally to mix
up the homogenous mixture. Once the material temperature hits 300 degrees the Platinum starts working
for you and burns off the unburned carbon. The material is done when it is all one uniform grayish color. It
does not take long to cool down, but give it some time before handling. If you notice any bits of converter
material with some black or darker residue on it, save it for your next roast.
1) After the converter material has been crushed and roasted properly and the Platinumill has been filled to
the proper levels with the solution, the converter material can be added.
The converter material is added in the top of each column. Each column should hold a roughly a 5 gallon
buckets worth of material. Use a step ladder and slowly pour in the crushed material in the top of each
2) The converter material should be divided evenly throughout the 4 columns. Once the material and
solution is about 6 inches from the top of the column, install the cap. The Platinumill is ready to be turned
3) When turning the machine on, turn the valve on between the lower solution holding tank and the pump.
Turn it slowly adjusting the flow from a trickle to a slow and steady stream. The valve should not ever be
fully opened. Make sure that the outlets of each column are flowing evenly and the tanks are not over
4) The Platinumill should be checked for backups through out the cycle. It should run for 8-10 hours
More detailed instructions are available for the Platinumill with purchase.
The Platinumill takes your converter material(honeycomb) and turns it into a more valuable, easier to
transport product. After extracting the PGM's in the Platinumill, what you have is all three PGM's. It is
actually called leaching resins. This is the best possible way to maximise your profits with catalytic
converters. With the Platinumilll we are eliminating all the middlemen. There is no other way to gain the
most money from your converters. The testing has been done, and the results are in. On a converter to
converter basis, no matter what grade, the profits increase.
Let's say you have 1 ton of converter material. If you took that material to the refiner, they would charge
you per pound, also charge refining fees, assay fees, treatment charges, brokering fees, inbound troy ounce
weight fees, handling fees and other fees. Then about one month later you will finally get paid based on the
PGM content of your converter material. You would also have to ship that one ton of material to the
refinery, that alone can eat up your profits.
Let's say you have one ton of converter material that you decided to run in the Platinumill. The Platinumill
will take that ton of material and turn it into a smaller(handful) more valuable material that is very easy to
transport anywhere and refiners will not charge you all those rediculous fee's and charges. Your profits will
increase dramatically. There is no other way available to get better profits from your converters
The Platinumill runs on 110. Just plug it in. Turn it on and let the machine do it's job. Some pretreatmentof
the converter material is needed(decanning,roasting) I am also working on a video that I will have very
soon going through the whole process. That will be available on my site in hopefully around 1 month.
The Platinumill is an electrolytic, ion exchange, chemical leaching process. The solution used in the
process disolves the Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium ions. The PGM ions are then precipitated out of
solution in an electrolytic cell. The solution continues cycling through the system disolving more PGM ions
and then precipitating them out in the extraction chamber.