Dwr-Lea061 E0 Ed4 PDF
Dwr-Lea061 E0 Ed4 PDF
Dwr-Lea061 E0 Ed4 PDF
0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 100 200 300 400 500 0 200 400 600 800
Flow rate (m 3/h) Flow rate (m 3/h) Flow rate (m 3/h)
Technical Data
Max. Q Power Voltage
Model 3
Phase Pole Hz dB (A)* RPM
m /h W V
The company is always improving and developing its products, therefore the company reserves the right of making changes to the illustrated products.
Certified dimension can be provided upon request.
A member of
LEA061.E0 07/12
NO. 10 Buroh Street #06-06, West Connect Building,
Edition 4 Singapore-627564
Printed on July 12