A 'Missa Cathedra' of The Evangelical Lutheran Church (Richard Hillert and Frank Stoldt) (2020)

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A Missa Cathedra

of The Evangelical Lutheran Church

Richard Hillert
Frank Stoldt
The Holy Eucharist
Missa Cathedra

Musical motives: Richard W. Hillert (1923-2010)

Tunes: Richard W. Hillert (1923-2010) and Frank W. Stoldt (b. 1958)
Setting: Frank W. Stoldt (b. 1958)

Confession and Forgiveness newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert

Apostolic Greeting newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert

Litany I: Trisagion (9-fold) newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert
Litany II: Kyrie eleison (9-fold) newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert
Litany III: Lord, have mercy newly concerted, based on LBW, pp. 57-58
Litany IV: Lord Jesus, from your wounded side newly set, based on Richard Hillert

Hymn of Praise I: Gloria in excelsis Deo newly set, based on LBW, pp. 58-59
Hymn of Praise II: This is the feast newly set, based on LBW, pp. 60-61

Gospel Acclamation I: Common newly set, based on LBW, p. 62

Gospel Acclamation II: Lent newly set, based on LBW, p. 63

Creed: We believe in one God yet to be composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert

Offertory I: Let the vineyards be fruitful newly set, based on LBW, p. 66

Offertory II: What shall I render to the Lord newly set, based on LBW, p. 67
Offertory III: Create in me a clean heart newly set, based on LBW, p. 75

Great Thanksgiving
Dialog and Preface newly set, based on LBW, p. 68
Sanctus newly set, based on LBW, p. 69
Memorial Acclamation newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert
Great Amen newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert
Great Doxology newly set, based on LBW, p. 71
Our Father newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert

Breaking of the Bread: Agnus Dei newly set, based on LBW, p. 72

Communion: O sacrum convivium newly composed

Post-communion Canticle I: Thank the Lord newly set, based on LBW, p. 72

Post-communion Canticle II: Nunc dimittis newly set, based on LBW, p. 73

Blessing and Dismissal I: Trinitarian newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert
Blessing and Dismissal II: Aaronic newly composed, based on musical motives of Richard Hillert

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