The Amazing Ajanta Diaries

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The Amazing Ajanta Diaries

Aurangabad to Ajanta we started journey through Aurangabad 15 August

morning 11 AM journey start with friends. Ajanta it is 103 km from Aurangabad
it was great weather during journey because of monsoon season. It was great
decision taken by me to visit Ajanta caves it is most amazing caves in
Aurangabad district of Maharashtra state near in Ajanta village only (8 km)

We go first to see the view point of Ajanta caves what a place if you see the
caves in hill you feel like what architecture made by human is it true we can
see the panoramic view from view point if travel from Aurangabad before visit
to the cave you can must see the view point first of Ajanta caves it is located
before Ajanta village.

We see first view point of caves in hill capture some panoramic view moment
it is great art made by human the caves are carved in mountain by 180 degree
it is in valley there have to many mountain rocks and the caves in located
centre of that valley it is horse shaped caves bend of rock scarp.

We left from viewpoint to go Ajanta caves crossing the village and Ghat we
enter the parking area space is too much there is replica of caves museum but
that time it is closed so we go to first bus stop to entering the main cave you
can go there by walking if you want some thrills and adventure so it is best
decision by walking to reach the caves but we take the government public
transportation bus to reach near caves.

We go to ticket counter take the tickets full excited to see the beauty climbing
the some steps we see the beauty of the place it was so cool experience for us
we see the valley of that place first Waghora river it is came from valley that
time the water level is very limited but the weather is awesome cool and all
over the greenery in mountain we see the first no cave.

Cave No 1: We see the first cell we entering the cell by reading all the rules and
regulations it is ‘Verdha’ hall (Viharas) we see the Buddha Statues it is seated
in ‘Dharmachakrapravartana Mudra’. inside the cell walls we see paintings and
also in the roof if you see the enter paintings its show the some stories of that
period devotional Buddha, Bodhisattva stories how lord Buddha come and
inspire to all people about living style and about Buddhism, that all stories as it
is see on walls here the most famous paintings as we see in our school books
and many books it is in cave number 1 Bodhisattvas Padmapani and Vajrapani
it is on cell number 1.

After build story of Ajanta: It has their own story it is rediscovered

1819 by the one foreigner tourist he’s name (John Smith) during
their haunting he found the treasure of arts its name is Ajanta.

History of Ajanta:

Travelling tip of Ajanta caves: If plan to visit Ajanta caves you take care of
this things.

1. Start travel in early morning from if you travel via (Aurangabad) because
the caves close in (5.30 pm) there have 29 caves so as per my experience
if you reach on 10 to 11 time period you spend much more time see
each and every aspect of surrounding places as well as spend more time
to take fully history behind caves and information about caves.
2. Ajanta caves close on Monday. Opening and closing time (8:00 AM to
5:30 PM)
3. Parking space for parking under MTDC four wheeler charges (Rs 30)
additional ticket amenity charges (Rs 10) per head.
4. Ticket price for domestic visitors is (Rs 40) and foreigner visitors (Rs
600) per person free entry for children 15 year and below.
5. Air Conditioned Bus charges from parking to cave (Rs 30) for one side
only, and Non AC buses charges (Rs 20) Timing (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM)
6. No private vehicle allowed inside the premises from parking to caves
expects Archaeological Department vehicles are authority and have
permit to come parking to caves.
7. Carry some food and water bottle along with you inside allows the food.
8. Must hire the guide to know in detail ancient history about caves.
9. Don not wears shoelace shoes because there have Lord Buddha statue
inside the caves so every caves you want to remove and wear the shoes.
(As per my experience wear the half shoe sandal easy to remove and
10. Available handicap porter service each person (Rs 400) and Chair Doli
charges (Rs1500)
11. If you have limited time at least visit caves no 1, 2, 3, 9, 16, 17, 19 and

Do not do these things:

Do not capture the photos with flash light of camera inside the caves capture
without flash light. It cannot allow inside the cave, see the paintings with help
of portable light its available on booking counter or take with you portable

Do not eat food inside the cave.

Do not touch the paintings sculptures.

Video shooting strictly prohibited inside the cave.

You never miss the special drink of Ajanta it is memorabilia for us its name is
(Ghamandi Lassi ) local treat you must try it while passing Ajanta village we
are in love of that Lassi it is very Khatti ,Mitthi and tasty I explore these feast
during my friend engagement time.
ajanta caves प्राचीन भारतीय चचत्रकला को सरं चित रखने वाली ऐसी कुछ
ऐचतहाचसक जगहों में से है जन्हा हम प्राचीन भारत की चचत्रकला के बारे में
बहुत कुछ जान सकते है क्ोंचक इस बारे में जानकारी दे ने वाली कोई दू सरी
ऐचतहाचसक जगह नहीं है जो इस बारे में हमे सटीकता से कुछ बताती हो
क्ोंचक वो सब समय के साथ साथ नष्ट हो चुकी है |

कई चवहारों में दीवारों के फलक नक्काशी से अलंकृत हैं , दीवारों और छतों पर चभचि
चचत्रण चकया हुआ है .

अजंता के चचत्रो और नक्ों से भारत में प्राचीनता बनी हुई है अजं ता और एल्लोरा .
की गुफाये भारत कीप्राचीन और ख़ूबसूरत गुफाओ में से एक है इन गुफाओ में की .
आज गुफाओ को आचकियोलॉचजकल सवे .चचत्रे अपने को पुराने दौर में लेके जाती है
अजंता की गुफाओ में भारत के मास्टरपीस बने है .ऑफ़ इं चिया के दे ख भाल में है
.जो भारत को एक ऊँचा सम्मान चदलाती है

अजंता की पहे ली ही गु फा में आपको बुद्धा का बड़ा चचत्र चदखाई दें गा. गुफाओ के
द्वार को बहुत ही ख़ूबसू रती से सजाया हुआ है .

3 खुबसूरत चचत्रों और भव्य मुचतियो के अलावा वहा बड़े बड़े चपल् लर, बुद्धो की मुचतिया,
सीचलं ग पे बने चचत्र अजंता की गुफाओ को एक नया कीचतिमान दे ती है और टू ररस्टो
को आकचषित करती है .

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