Sprint Sip Trunking Configuration Guide
Sprint Sip Trunking Configuration Guide
Sprint Sip Trunking Configuration Guide
Service Providers today, such as Sprint, are offering alternative methods to connect to the PSTN via their
IP networks. Most of these services utilize SIP as the primary signaling method and centralized IP to
TDM POP gateways to provide on-net and off-net services.
A demarcation device between these services and customer owned services is recommended. As an
intermediary device between Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Sprint network, Cisco Unified
Border Element (CUBE) ISR 4321/K9 running IOS 16.5.1b can be used. The Cisco Unified Border
Element 16.5.1b provides demarcation, security, interworking and session control services for Cisco
Unified Communications Manager 11.5.1 connected to Sprint network.
This document assumes the reader is knowledgeable with the terminology and configuration of Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (CUCM). Only configuration settings specifically required for Sprint
interoperability are presented. Feature configuration and most importantly the dial plan are customer
specific and need individual approach.
This application note describes how to configure a Cisco Unified Communications Manager
(CUCM) 11.5.1 and Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE) on ISR 4321/K9 [IOS - 16.5.1b] for
connectivity to Sprint SIP Trunking service available in the former Sprint Business service area1 .
The deployment model covered in this application note is CPE (CUCM 11.5.1) to PSTN (Sprint).
Testing was performed in accordance to Sprint generic SIP Trunking test methodology and among
features verified were – basic calls, DTMF transport, Music on Hold (MOH), unattended and
attended transfers, call forward, conferences and interoperability with Cisco Unity Connection
The CUCM configuration detailed in this document is based on a lab environment with a simple
dial-plan used to ensure proper interoperability between Sprint SIP network and Cisco Unified
Communications. The configuration described in this document details the important configuration
settings to have enabled for interoperability to be successful and care must be taken by the network
administrator deploying CUCM to interoperate to Sprint SIP Trunking network.
This application note does not cover the use of Calling Search Spaces (CSS) or partitions on CUCM. To
understand and learn how to apply CSS and partitions refer to the cisco.com link below:
System Components
Hardware Requirements
Cisco UCSC-C240-M3S VMWare host running ESXi 5.5 Standard
Cisco ISR4321/K9 router as CUBE
Cisco ISR4321/K9 (1RU) processor with 1797107K/6147K bytes of memory with 3
Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
Processor board ID FTX1845AJ9S
Cisco 2851 Fax Gateway
IP phones 9971 (SIP), 7960 (SIP) and 8945 (SIP)
Software Requirements
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 11.5.1
Cisco Unity Connection 11.5.1
IOS 16.06.01 for ISR 4321/K9 Cisco Unified Border Element
Cisco IOS Software, ISR Software (X86_64_LINUX_IOSD-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version
16.06.01, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 03.17.01.S
Cisco SPA112 for FAX
Caller ID is not updated after attended or unattended transfers to off-net phones. This is
due to a limitation on CUBE and will be resolved in the next release. The issue does not
impact the calls.
Network Interface
The IP address used are for illustration only, the actual IP address can vary. The Active/Standby
pair share the same virtual IP address and continually exchange status messages.
G729 is used primarily towards Sprint until specified otherwise.
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 2 g711ulaw
SIP Trunk Security Non Secure SIP Trunk SIP Trunk Security Profile configured earlier
Profile Profile
SIP Profile Standard SIP Profile SIP Profile configured earlier
Setting Value Description
Route Pattern 71.@ for Voice & International Calls and 1491 for Specify appropriate Route Pattern
Fax Call
Gateway/Route Sprint for Route Pattern 71.@ and 8021 for SIP SIP Trunk name configured earlier
List Trunk To Fax ATA
Numbering NANP for Route Pattern 71.@ North American Numbering Plan
Call OffNet for Route Pattern 71.@ and 1491 Restrict the transferring of an
Classification external call to an external device
Discard Digits PreDot for Route Pattern 71.@ Specifies how to modify digit before
they are sent to Sprint network
Prefix Digits “+1” is added as prefix from calling party number to
(Outgoing Call) convert to E.164 format.
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