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Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

17 .l
o and and right-hand meshes,

(a) Zuu' -V bb':Vr.':0.

Iz: Thus, Zuu, : 1297 ll37 -


with Yuu, : Vcc, : 0.

: ;l = voo,(-oo+rl7)=5 lvoo,

= - voo,(tl7 - 66)- -7lvoo,

L' 1297
so Zoo, ;5I + 7I I22

(c) 2"", -%1 with vuu, : vuu, : o.

Ir -13
Vrr' -3 -4
Lr'Ir = 0 14 -6
l-: -4 = v,,'(zoz-74)-r28v,,'
-Vrr' -6 17
9 -3 V,,,
Lr'I3 = -3 14 0 tt''lI
g -31 v,,'Q+-117)=-43v""'

-4 -6 -V,,,
, t;l=
L, I2g7
so 2"", =
128 + 43 I7l

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Rese,nred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eiehth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

17 .2 (p69 1)

At the 1,2 supernode: 0: 5V1 + lOVz + 2(Yr - Vg) + 20(V2- V tll

-vz) +2(Y3-Vr) I2l
Vl t3l

E, 7Y1+ -0 tll
-2Yr- -0 tzl
Vr -0 t3l

Ay = | 294.2

(a) a nnectin ga source in parallel with the 5-S


t- 23
=l A

Thus, the input admittance is I/Vl : 284.2126.6 -

(b) We now connect the curren
rtlt tween node 2 and ground.

-2 22
I -0.2

Thus, the input admittance is I/Vz:284.2121 .6 -

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, fnc. All Rights Reserved
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

r7.3 (p6e5)

: +l
(a) yrr so short right terminals and apply Vr : I V.
t t lv.=o

5 O ll 4OO :4.444 a; 20o ll (10 + 4.444): 8.387 o.

Thus, yrr : 118.387 :

(b) yzt: 9l so short right terminals and apply Vr : I V.

vt lvz=o

Define a clockwise curent Ig in the top mesh.

Mesh 1: -1 + 50 Ir - l0 Ir + 40 Iz:0
Mesh2: 40 Ir -513-45 Iz-0
Top mesh: -10Ir * 35 Is + 5lz - 0

Solvin E,Iz:

(c) yzz: 9l so short left terminals and apply Yz:l V.

V, lvr =o

l0Oll 40O -8C); 20Oll (8+5)-7.879CI.

Thus, yzz: ll7 .879 :

(d) yrz: 5l so short left terminals and apply Yz:l V.

V, lvr=o

Mesh 1: 50 Ir - l0 lz:0
Ig + 40
Mesh2: 40 Ir -5Ir-45 12--1
Top mesh: -10 Ir + 35 Ir + 5Iz - 0

Solving, Ir :

Engineering Circuit Anatysis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Rese,nred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

r7.4 (p6e8)

Ir: (Vr -V*y l0 + (Vr -V2)120 tll

lz= Nz- VJ/ 5 + (V2 -V )l 20 l2l
0 : (V*- Vr)/ l0 + V*/ 40 + 1V* -V)15 t3l


= 3Vr -2Y* -Yz

20lr tll
2012: -Vr -4V*+5v2 l2l
0 =4Yr+13Vx-8% t3l

From Eq. [3], Y*= (41 13) Vr + (8/ l3) Vz : 0.3077 Yr+ 0.6154V2

So Eqs. [] and [2] become

It : 0.1192 Vr - 0.1I l5 V2
Iz : -0.1I l5 Vr + 0.1269 Yz

l- o. 1r92 -o.nr5l
Y: l-o. 1Ir5 0.1 ,ur)

Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Rese,nred

Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

r7.s (p6ee)
Ir: 0.2Y2* Yrl l0 + 0.5 Vr + (Vr -V)l 5 tll
lz: (Vz - V1)/ 5 I2l

yrr : *lI, l
With V2:0, Eq. [1] becomes Ir : Yrll0 + 0.5 Ir +Yrl 5
Vt lr.-
or 11 : (3/ 5) V1. Thus, yn:315 : 0.6 S
Yrz = With Vr :0, Eq. [l] becomes Ir : 0.2Y2+ 0.5 Ir -Yzl 5
0.5 fr : (0.2 - 0.2)Yz - 0 Therefore yn - 0

With Yz:0, Eg. [2] becomes Iz: - Yrl 5

so yzr : -( Vr/ 5)l Vt : -0.2

: I"l With Vr : 0, Eq. [2] becomes Iz : Vzl 5 so Yzz:0.2

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

17.6 (p707)

Yrr - l :
(Vr / 5000) / Vr : 1/5000 :

= 1l = -lo-3 YzlYz:
",, V,lr,=o

vr, = 9l
= -20rrl (5000Ir):

vr, : ll Set V, = 0, and apply a l-V test source across the l-kQ resistor.
, z lv,=o

Ir = -10-3V2.
-Iz:20\-Yzl 3000
Combining, we find that IzNz:
Zovt : %lrr=lAVs=o,Rl remved \

yz: Qlrr * 1x3000) : 120(-10-3

yz)*P + ll(3000)

SolvinE,Yz- 51.12 V, therefore Zout :

Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

17.7 @707)
(a) Moving right to left, we ignore the right-most resistor and recognise a "T" network.
Converting this to an equivalent fl-network:

Ze.:Zs:Zc:11+11't 47 = l4lt2.

All unlabelled resistors : 47 {t.

Converting the right-most A-network to a T-network:

l4l ll 47 35.25 {r.
Zt: Zz: Q41X35.25)l (282 + 35.25) 15.67 O -
zg l4r' t 1zz+ 3 5.25) 62.67 0
- -
T5,67 Q
62.67 0 All unlabelled resistors : 47 Q.

1s.67 0

Convert right-most network to a A-network.
Zn-- Zs:Zc: 3(62.67)21 62.67 - 188.0 C)

188 C,

We note that47 ll 188 : 37.6 O. Rio, therefore, is (37.6 + 37.6) ll 188

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. AU Rights Reserved
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

17 .7 - continued.
(b) Solution of this circuit requires 4 steps. We first convert the left-hand and right-hand delta-
connected networks to 'T' networks.

2/3 0
l2ll5 O 2O

We now have three sets of series combinations. The top two resistors combine to 8/ 3 C); we'Il
name this new combination R1. The middle two resistors combine to 2.8 O; we'll designate this
as Rg. The bottom two resistors add to 8 O; this we'll narne Rz. We may convert this 'T'
network to a A-connected network Rr, Rs, Rc:

Ra : (RrRz + Rz& + R3R1)/ Rz : 65.071 8 : 8.133 O

Rs : (RrRz* R2R3 + R3R1)/ Rr : 65.071 2.8 :
23.24 O
Rc: (RrRz+ R2R3 + R3R1)/Rr :65.0712.667 24.40 (2 :



&,': (+Lt 8.r33 + #il24.40) il 23.24 =

Engineering Circuit fuab,sis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Resenred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

17.8 @.712)

(b) Begin by setting Ir :0, and defining a cloclarise mesh current 13 in the central mesh.

zzz:50 + 25 ll (20 + +0; :

To find zrz: 85 13 + 25l, : g
25\+7512 :Y2
Ir : -25 Yzl 5750- - Yzl 230
Vr : 40 fg : 0. 1739 Vz
Yz: 12 -
[50 + 25 ll (20 + 40)] 67.65 Iz

Thus, zrz - (0. 1739)(67.65) :

Next, set 12 : 0:

z1 :40 ll (20 + 25) -

To find zzti 40 Ir - 40 Ir - Vr
40 Ir * 85 Ir - 0

Ir : Yrl 45

Iz:25 1, - ln,
Vr : Ir [40 ll (20 + 25)] - 21 .1 8Ir

Thus, ztz - \

Engineoing Circuit Anatysis, 8tr Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. A11 Rights Reseryed
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

r7.e @7r2)

Vr : 45 \+ 25 Iz* 0.5 V2
Yz:75lz+ 25 Ir * 0.5 V2

ztt : 'l _45r, l
I, lr, _o Ir
0.5 Yz:25 \ so Vz - 50 Ir and zn - 45 + 25 -

: V | 25lr!-0'5Y, :7512
zr2 =- v'uwrw yz:75r2
where v + 0.5 vz or 0.5 vz
ilr,=. ,,
So z12 :25 + 75 =

.Yz=25\+ 0.5 Vz or 0.5 Yz:2511. Thus, V2:5011afidz21:

hzz-Ll = 401s-

(b) hrr - 40 ll l0
hzr 401 (40 + 10)
- (current division)
hn:401 (40 + l0) (voltage division)
hzz-- 1/ 50 s

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8ft Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Resenred
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Eighth Edition Practice Problem Solutions

17 .lI (p714)

(a) v- An - (5X0.1)+(2X0.5) _ 1.5

v- 5
0.5 1.5

(b) z- (o);
_hil [': il]

17 .12

I At - Q.2)(4) - (0.2X8) - ll.2

tt t At 3.2 !1 .2

(a) z-
tn tr,- a2 a2 (o)
Itnl4 -
trr, tr, 0.2 0.2


(c) A,o*, = (l 1.84X17.6) - (57.6X1.+4) = 125.4

I 1.84 125.4

: 1.44 1.44
Znew (o)
I 17.6
1.44 1.44

Engineering Circuit Analynis, 8tr Edition Copynght @2012 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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