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Analog Communication VIVA Questions :-

Analog Communication is a data transmitting technique in which
information signal is transmitted in analog nature. This always utilizes
continuous signals to transmit data which may obtained from audio,
image, video etc. An Analog signal is a variable signal continuous in
Interview Qu
both time and amplitude. To produce modulated signal inside the 5,709 likes
transmitter in Analog Communication, analog signal modulates the
high carrier frequency. Than this modulated signal is transmitted with
the help of antenna. All AM, FM audio transmission and T.V. Like Page

transmission are the most preferable examples of analog

communication. Analog communication is very important topic for Be the first of your friends to

the students preparing for GATE Exam(Electronics) Following 1/10
11/15/2019 300+ TOP ANALOG COMMUNICATION LAB VIVA Questions and Answers ECE VIVA Questions

questions will help to learn the basics concepts of analog


1. Define Pam And Write Down Its Drawbacks?

Pulse Amplitude Modulation is the process by which the amplitude of

the regularly spaced pulses varies according to the the amplitude of
the modulating signal.

The drawbacks are:

Since the amplitude of the pulses varies therefore the peak

power of the modulating s/g is much greater.
The bandwidth required for transmitting is greater since the
amplitude varies.

2. How Can Be Aliasing Be Avoided?

Aliasing can be avoided if:

1. Sampling frequency must be greater than the frequency of the

modulating signal.
2. The frequency should be band limited to maximum frequency of
the signal(fm) Htz.
3. If prealias filter is used.

3. State The Advantages Of Super Heterodyning?

The advantages are:

High selectivity and sensitivity.

No change in Bandwidth that is bandwidth remains same all
over the operating range.
High adjacent channel rejection.

4. What Do You Mean By Fm And Classify Fm?

Frequency Modulation can be defined as the frequency of the carrier

(wc) is varied acc. to the modulating signal about an unmodulated 2/10
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FM are of 2 types:

1. Narrowband FM
2. Wideband FM

5. What Do You Mean By Nyquist Rate?

In case of Nyquist rate, the sampling frequency is equal to the

maximum frequency of the signal and therefore the successive cycles
of the spectrum does not overlap.

6. What Is Amplitude Modulation?

Amplitude Modulation is defined as the process in which the

instantaneous value of the amplitude of the carrier is varied according
to the amplitude of the modulating or base band signal.

7. What Is Modulation? What Happens In Over


Modulation is defined as the process in which some characteristics of

the signal called carrier is varied according to the modulating or
baseband signal. For example – Amplitude Modulation, Phase
Modulation, Frequency Modulation.

In case of over modulation, the modulation index is greater than one

and envelope distortion occurs.

8. What Is Multiplexing? Name The Types Of Multiplexing?

Multiplexing is defined as the process in which a number of message

signals are combined together to form composite signals so that they
can be transmitted through the common channel.

The two types of multiplexing are: 3/10
11/15/2019 300+ TOP ANALOG COMMUNICATION LAB VIVA Questions and Answers ECE VIVA Questions

Frequency Division Multiplexing: In this technique, fixed

frequency bands are allotted to every user in the complete
channel bandwidth. Such frequency is allotted to user on a
continuous basis.
Time Division Multiplexing: When the pulse is present for
the short time duration and most of the time their is no signal
present inbetween them than this free space between the two
pulses can occupied by the pulses from other channels. This is
known as Time Division Multiplexing.

9. What Is Sampling? What Is Sampling Theorem?

Sampling is defined as the process in which an analog signals are

converted into digital signals. It means that a continuous time signal
is converted into a discrete time signal.

Sampling Theorem is defined as : ’The continuous time signal

that can be represented in its samples and recovered back if the
sampling frequency (fs) is greater than the maximum frequency of the
signal (fm) that is fs >2fm’.

10. What Is Under Sampling?

Under sampling is also known as aliasing effect in which the the

sampling frequency is less than the maximum frequency of the signal
and therefore the successive cycles of the spectrum overlap.

11. What is amplitude modulation?

Ans: The process of amplitude modulation consists of varying the

peak amplitude of a sinusoidal carrier wave in proportion to the
instantaneous amplitude of the modulation signal.

12. What is modulation?

Ans: Modulation may be defined as the process by which some

parameters of a high freuency signal termed as carrier, is varie in
accordance with the signal to be transmitted. 4/10
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13. What are the different types of analog modulation?


1. Amplitude modulation
2. angle modulation.

14. What si the need for modulation?

Ans: Consider, for example, picture signal of a T.V camera. It has

freuency spectra of DC to 5.5MHz.such a wide band of freuency can’t
be propagated through ionosphere. However, if this signal is
modulated with a carrier in VHF and UHF range, the percentage
bandwidth becomes very small and the signal become suitable for
transmission through atmosphere.

15. What are the objectives met by modulation?

Ans: Length of antenna is shortened, signal loss is reduced, ease of

radiation, adjustment of bandwidth, shifting signal freuency of the
assigned value.

16. What are the advantage of PAM and PWM?

Ans: PWM system gives a greater signal to noise ratio as compared to

PAM but reuires a larger bandwidth to achieve this.

17. What is Pulse position modulation?

Ans: Pulse position modulation (PPM) is the process in which the

position of a standard pulse is varied as a function of the amplitude of
the sampled signal.

18. What is the advantage of PPM over PWM and PAM?

Ans: The phase deviation are usually small. The noise produces a
smaller disturbing effect on the time position of the modulating pulse
train and as a result, PPM waves have a better performance with 5/10
11/15/2019 300+ TOP ANALOG COMMUNICATION LAB VIVA Questions and Answers ECE VIVA Questions

respect to signal to noise ratio in comparison to PAM and PWM


19. What are the applications of pulse position modulation?

Ans: It is primarily useful for optical communication systems, where

there tends to be little or no multipath interference. Narrowband RF
(Radio freuency) channels with low power and long wavelength (i.e.,
low freuency) are affected primarily by flat fading, and PPM is better

20. What is the purpose of using differential pulse position


Ans: It is possible to limit the propagation of errors to adjacent

symbols, so that an error in measuring the differential delay of one
pulse will affect only two symbols, instead of effecting all successive

21. What are the advantage of PPM?

Ans: One of the principle advantages of pulse position modulation is

that it is an M-ary modulation techniue that can be implemented non-
coherently, such that the receiver does not need to use a phase-locked
loop (PLL) to track the phase of the carrier. This makes it a suitable
candidate for optical communications systems, where coherent phase
modulation and detecting are difficult and extremely expensive. The
only other common M-ary non-coherent modulation techniue is M-
ary freuency shift keying, which is the freuency domain dual to PPM.
The other advantages of pulse position modulation are:

The amplitude is held constant thus less noise interference.

Signal and noise separation is very easy.
Due to constant pulse widths and amplitudes, transmission
power for each pulse is same.

22. What are the application of PPM? 6/10
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Ans: PPM is employed in narrowband RF channel systems, with the

position of each pulse representing the angular position of an
analogue control on the transmitter, or possible states of binary
switch. The number of pulse per frame gives the number of
controllable channels available. The advantage of using PPM for this
type of application is that the electronics reuired to decode the signal
are extremely simple, which leads to small, light-weight
receiver/decoder units. (Model aircraft reuire parts that are as
lightweight as possible).

23. Explain the principle of PPM?

Ans: The amplitude and the width of the pulse is kept constant in this
system, while the position of each pulse, in relation to the position of a
recurrent reference pulse is varied by each instantaneous sampled
value of the modulating wave. This means that the transmitter must
send synchronizing pulses to operate timing circuits in the receiver.
The PPM has the advantage of reuiring constant transmitter power
output, but the disadvantage of depending on transmitter-receiver

24. What is the puprpose of PPM?

Ans: PPM may be used to transmit analog information, such as

continuous speech or data.

25. What are the analog analogies of PAM, PPM & PWM?

Ans: PAM is similar to AM; PPM and PWM is similar to angle


26. What is Freuency modulation (FM)?

Ans: Freuency modulation is the process of varying the freuency of a

carrier wave in proportion to the instantaneous amplitude of the
modulating signal without any variation in the amplitude of the
carrier wave. 7/10
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27. What is PWM or Pulse length modulation or pilse

duration modulation?

Ans: In PWM, the pulse amplitude is kept constant but the leading
edge, trailing edge or both may be varied as a function of the
amplitude of the sampled signal and care must be taken to ensure that
the pulse don’t overlap in a TDM system.

28. What are the disadvantages of PWM?

Ans: PWM, in general, reuires a greater average power than PAM

systems. Also, the PWM system reuires a greater bandwidth than

29. Explain the principle of PWM?

Ans: Pulse-width modulation (PWM) of a signal or power source

involves the modulation of its duty cycle, to either convey information
over a communication channel or control the amount of power sent to
a load. PWM uses a suare wave whose pulse width is modulated
resulting in the variation of the average value of the waveform is
directly dependent on the duty cycle D.

30. Mention the applications of PWM.

Ans: PWM can be used to reduce the total amount of power delivered
to a load without losses normally incurred when a power source is
limited by resistive means. This is because the average power
delivered is proportional to the modulation duty cycle. With a
sufficiently high modulation rate, passive electronic filters can be used
to smooth the pulse train and recover an average analog waveform.

ANALOG Communication VIVA Questions and Answers

Posted on August 19, 2018 by engineer 1 Comment 8/10
11/15/2019 300+ TOP ANALOG COMMUNICATION LAB VIVA Questions and Answers ECE VIVA Questions

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