Black Hole Presentation PDF
Black Hole Presentation PDF
Black Hole Presentation PDF
diameter of a city.
Such black holes are thought to lie at the
center of almost every galaxy, including
the Milky Way.
Such bodies could form when stars in a
This leads to a crazy amount of cluster collide in a chain reaction.
There's a huge size gap between supermassive and stellar mass black holes, where by all
accounts there should be intermediate black holes—medium-sized, Goldilocks-approved
black holes that fit just right in between their smaller and larger cousins. The only problem
is that researchers haven’t observed them yet.
How does a Black Hole Die?
Through a physics mechanism known as Hawking radiation, it could eventually be worn down by subatomic particles.
There hasn’t been enough time in the Universe yet for a black hole to die, even if you were to create one at the very
beginning of the Universe. It's going to take 10^54 years before the first black holes start dying
Some fun facts about black holes