Earnest N. Bracey - The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas - A History of The First Racially Integrated hotel-casino-McFarland & Company (2009)
Earnest N. Bracey - The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas - A History of The First Racially Integrated hotel-casino-McFarland & Company (2009)
Earnest N. Bracey - The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas - A History of The First Racially Integrated hotel-casino-McFarland & Company (2009)
gave up on the historic place, after working herself almost into the
ground. I had several enlightening and stimulating discussions with her
about blacks in Nevada, the city of Las Vegas, and the Moulin Rouge
in particular. I am deeply in debt to and my heartfelt and sincere thanks
go to Sarann Knight-Preddy; I am also sorry that things, ultimately, did
not work out for her and her gifted family members, who worked so hard
to make the Moulin Rouge a place to be reckoned with. There is no
doubt in my mind that this book is better because of Sarann Knight-
Preddy’s support and consideration.
I originally wanted to write a follow-up to my 1996 article, but the
scope of the material proved to be too massive and too convoluted to be
contained in an article. I would also like to give special acknowledgment
to the late Nevada historian Gary E. Elliott, who gave me a lot of sound
advice when I was a young scholar, just starting out full-time in acade-
mia after a twenty-year military career. In addition, I would like to
acknowledge professors Alan Balboni and Michael S. Green for their
encouraging me to complete this work. Both of these outstanding schol-
ars allowed me to discuss, argue, and explore ideas about the complex
nature and difficult history of blacks in Las Vegas with them.
They and other brilliant colleagues at the College of Southern
Nevada were excellent sounding boards for this controversial book. I had
many discussions with Michael S. Green, who is the editor in chief of
the Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, about the various nuances and
approaches that I should take in bringing this book to fruition. This his-
torical iteration, however, is mine alone. I am also totally responsible for
any errors and all of the analysis and interpretations in this first history
of the revered Moulin Rouge hotel and casino in Las Vegas.
I am also grateful for the magnificent libraries at the University of
Las Vegas, Nevada, and the College of Southern Nevada, and the won-
derful librarians, who worked so diligently in helping me track down
several obscure works and other hard to find material.
Lastly, I want to thank my wife, Atsuko, for her unstinting and
insightful support and advice, as always. Atsuko continues to be help-
ful in many ways, and this book could never have been written without
Acknowledgments 7
Preface 11
Introduction 15
Conclusion 175
Postscript 183
Chapter Notes 187
Bibliography 211
Index 219
When I first decided to visit the famous Moulin Rouge hotel and
casino again in the summer of 2004 after a fire had gutted the main
casino building, I felt an overwhelming sadness for the old place. I was
looking for inspiration to write about the first integrated hotel-casino in
Las Vegas — again. Slowly driving up to the historic property, I found it
pitiful, devastated, although, thank goodness, the rubble of the old build-
ings had been carted away. I was ashamed for the owners of the 400 West
Bonanza Road property. The fire, no doubt, was the stuff of nightmares
for the establishment and the new owners. The only things that seemed
to remain were the great Moulin Rouge marquee sign at the front of the
property, and the old tower. The place didn’t look pretty.
The Moulin Rouge now had a fence surrounding the entire perime-
ter, but I was allowed to drive through the main gate by a black woman
attendant. Or was she a security guard? Unannounced, I had showed up
and told the attendant that I wanted to speak with the manager. That
was good enough for her, I guess. Apparently, she seemed not to have
been given any other instructions about what to do with uninvited guests.
The attendant also wouldn’t tell me her name. After parking, I got out
of my vehicle and with my Polaroid camera, I started taking pictures of
the marquee sign, much to the chagrin, perhaps, of a property manager,
whose name I was to learn later was Len Purdue.
Mr. Purdue rushed out from an adjoining building on the prop-
erty. He asked me what I was up to. I told him that I was writing a story
about the Moulin Rouge. At that point, Mr. Purdue, in his own terse
and evasive way, told me to leave, in no uncertain terms, after finally
Side view of the Moulin Rouge with surrounding metal fence, after the dev-
astating arsonist’s fire, 2004 (Earnest N. Bracey).
giving me his business card. It seemed Mr. Purdue didn’t like reporters
or anyone writing stories about the Moulin Rouge. Or so I thought. I
guessed that any speculation about the new black owners and their inten-
tions was not really appreciated. I left without any further discussion with
Mr. Purdue. But I would not be deterred from writing the history of the
Moulin Rouge, no matter what.
Those who know about the Moulin Rouge see it as a novelty. The
historic site still inspires interest for some, but that interest is not shared
by everyone in the Las Vegas community. In fact, most transplanted Las
Vegans today have a rudimentary or nebulous understanding of the
unfortunate Moulin Rouge. Some see the place as yesterday’s news.
Admittedly, the hotel-casino’s understated charm is no longer evident,
and many younger Las Vegans are not familiar with the historical
significance of the place, nor do they care whether the Moulin Rouge is
rebuilt. But I firmly believe that all Las Vegans should know something
about the first interracial hotel-casino in the nation.
No one goes to the Moulin Rouge these days without a specific rea-
son, certainly not for gambling. Before the place burned down, it became
“an atmospheric location,” or a backdrop for “such period Hollywood
productions as the movie ‘Casino’ and the TV series ‘Crime Story.’”1
This work is written in the context of the black civil rights move-
ment and black freedom struggle in Las Vegas, Nevada, from the 1950s
to 2007. Make no mistake, “the civil rights struggle in Nevada,” as pro-
fessor M.L. Miranda tells us, “was primarily a black struggle,” and other
minority groups have benefited from this struggle.2 For many years, black
residents stood on the sidelines, especially during the segregation era,
while they were summarily shortchanged of their civil rights and civil
liberties. Some observers like University of Nevada professor of politi-
cal science, Michael W. Bowers, say that black Las Vegans are, in many
ways, still on the sidelines, as they continue to fight debt and near
The opportunity to make a living wage or to benefit from the eco-
nomic prosperity of the city — has not been equally available to all Las
Vegas residents. Indeed, in the past, the city was unequivocally wrong
about how it treated its black citizens, as white civic officials were not
necessarily interested in doing the right thing for the black population,
or for impoverished black people. This almost total disregard for the
well-being of the black community is an ugly history that must also be
told about Las Vegas. Nor should the truth be overshadowed, as blacks
have faced unbelievable odds in the city. Of course, when the Moulin
Rouge was built, there was something extremely intriguing about the
desegregated place, as it once carried a stately air; but it was not an ideal
location for such a controversial hotel-casino.
And although the Moulin Rouge was unmatched by any other hotel-
casino at that time, and exceeded all expectations, the place was never a
Shangri-la. It came to represent both cooperation and conflict between
blacks and whites in the Las Vegas community. Indeed, there is no argu-
ment among scholars about the racial significance of the Moulin Rouge,
as it cultivated strong support in the black community.
Any study of blacks in Las Vegas must start from the premise that
black Americans in the state of Nevada have been unjustly treated and
discriminated against. This was especially true in an earlier incarnation
of the segregated city — that is, in terms of providing equality of oppor-
tunity and sharing the tremendous wealth of the burgeoning place. In
the early 1950s, for example, the white power structure left black Las
Vegans out of any real social or political discussions, largely through dis-
crimination, and the resulting poverty and isolation. Blacks in Las Vegas
received limited governmental services during its segregated years. The
argument seemed to have been that because some blacks in Las Vegas
were neither property owners nor tax-payers, they didn’t deserve any
public services or consideration. But this did not give city officials the
right to discriminate against an entire ethnic group.
This was both distressing and depressing for many black Las Veg-
ans, as they were not given the power to dictate what they wanted their
close-knit community to look like. Later, however, black activists fought
hard to change things in Las Vegas by marching and demonstrating, and
raising their considerable voices. Indeed, as professor of political science
Kenneth Minogue tells us, these were black Las Vegans’ “only concep-
tion of political activity”1 which could make integration and equality of
opportunity come about. This book examines the history of blacks in
the city of Las Vegas as it tells the engaging story of the Moulin Rouge,
the first integrated hotel and casino in the nation, and those who con-
ceived and built the historic place. There were many who did not like
the idea of breaking down the color barrier, or of having an interracial
hotel and casino in Las Vegas. Indeed, at that time, it was a revolution-
ary concept — the notion of providing a sense of racial togetherness and
harmony at a hotel-casino.
The Moulin Rouge certainly created controversy. Some thought
that building the place was a colossal mistake. As it turned out, “while
[the] Moulin Rouge was building and plans [were] being made for an
opening that would attract a celebrity-studded crowd of both races, two
fiery crosses burned one night out in the nearby valley of Moapa.” Appar-
ently, as a stern warning, “both crosses were set up [and ignited] near
camps employing” black Americans.2 It was a cowardly act to say the
least; but acceptance of equality wasn’t the norm at that time. It is impor-
tant to note that during this time period, building the Moulin Rouge
was an extraordinary achievement, as it increased contact and interac-
tion between blacks and whites in Las Vegas.
This work, however, is also a cautionary tale about what can go
wrong with a hotel-casino in Las Vegas, especially one established as a
sort of appeasement, making way for racial integration, black equal rights
and the city’s desegregation efforts. Was it a way to placate the black pop-
ulation? What happened to black people was not right but is a part of
the history of Las Vegas. This work, told in the present, is about the
racism of the past. It is not a day-to-day account of the Moulin Rouge,
but a historical analysis of the place from 1950 to 2007.
Unfortunately, the hotel and casino is not on our national radar or
conscience today as it was in the past. For a time, the dream was brought
to fruition on a grand scale. Indeed, what was happening in Las Vegas
during the 1950s drove the national discussion about racial justice and
equality for black Americans. But this emblematic story is compli-
cated, as the city didn’t know any boundaries when it came to discrim-
ination against blacks. Blacks’ disgust and indignation were absolutely
The Moulin Rouge keeps us aware of the specific circumstances of
the city’s segregated past. Hopefully the Moulin Rouge’s story will point
the direction that we should take in the future in terms of race-relations.
Las Vegas is maybe ashamed of its history of racism and bigotry. But we
must be reminded of the city’s past in order to transcend it and move
forward in the future. As we shall see, the historic Moulin Rouge was
buffeted by controversy from its very inception.
The Moulin Rouge started out promisingly enough, particularly
because it provided private accommodations to black tourists and enter-
tainers who were being refused such services on the Las Vegas strip, and
elsewhere. Indeed, nationally known black entertainers fought along with
local black residents for the privilege of staying at many of the posh hotel-
casinos on the Las Vegas strip. They too were denied accommodation, even
if they were performing and had top billing at the particular property.
White Las Vegans and other visitors wanted to hear and see black
artists perform, but white resort and casino bosses did not allow blacks
to stay in their segregated hotels and casinos; nor did white business
owners extend other services to blacks at restaurants and other public
and private establishments. Such discrimination was rampant in Las
Vegas, but it also occurred frequently throughout the state of Nevada
prior to the 1960s. As the late professor of political science, Elmer Rusco,
cogently pointed out, the civil rights movement changed blatantly dis-
criminatory laws, as well as abolished Nevada statutes that prohibited
private discrimination, such as segregation in public accommodations,
employment, and housing.3
Prior to the civil rights movement, the Nevada legislature passed
some laws that actually prevented blacks from achieving true equality in
Las Vegas. According to some analysts, legislator George Rudiak’s 1953
bill to ban racial discrimination in public accommodations was the “ini-
tial attack on Las Vegas’s de facto segregation.” But nothing could be
further from the truth. As Rusco accurately wrote:
Front view of the Moulin Rouge marquee sign and signature tower, with steel
fence, 2007 (Earnest N. Bracey).
nity in Las Vegas, and the groundbreaking hotel eventually shut down.
Many have attributed the first closure of the Moulin Rouge to the open-
ing of “five Strip hotels at the time, changing entertainers and other
employee contracts to ban them from after hours jam sessions” that even-
tually “choked off the life’s blood” of the famous place, and “emptied
the casino and show-room.”7
All was not lost because the Moulin Rouge would open again and
again. In recent years, though, the Moulin Rouge has struggled. Many
would say today that the Moulin Rouge is nothing more than a fleabag
hotel off the beaten path of the Las Vegas Strip. Certainly the place could
use a serious make-over. The site today is a terrible eyesore in compar-
ison to the elaborate hotels and casinos and upscale properties on the
Strip. But the condition of the place today stems from a disastrous fire
in 2003, which unfortunately burned most of the Moulin Rouge to the
ground. Supporters initially believed that “the long-dormant Moulin
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Chapter One
In the Beginning
It would be difficult to tell any story about the Moulin Rouge with-
out discussing its place in the civil rights history of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Indeed, it is pretty embarrassing to recall the days when people in Las
Vegas were legally segregated and discriminated against because of their
ethnic group, skin color, or race. At the same time, this sorry past can-
not be forgotten or denied. Yet we can move on and put this unfair and
tragic period behind us. That is, if black Las Vegans and others are con-
tinuously given the opportunity to share in the wealth, prosperity, and
power of the city, and given a chance to build similar or comparable
hotel-casinos to those on the famous Strip, and to share in the prosper-
ity of the gaming industry.
It seems almost paradoxical that the Moulin Rouge was built at all.
Blacks in Las Vegas, unfortunately, were on the outside looking in. “The
Strip casinos were [at one time] totally segregated, [and] off-limits to
blacks unless they were the entertainment or labor force.”1 But much has
changed in Las Vegas since the opening of the Moulin Rouge, which, as
we shall see, was a contentious endeavor, and engendered an unfavor-
able immediate reaction by known, hardcore racists and bigots in the
famous city of lights. Surprisingly, though, Las Vegas “has outgrown the
chummy world of the 1950s, when Frank Sinatra and his Rat Pack ruled,
[as the city has] turned into a full-blown metropolitan area that is attract-
ing families and businesses from other cities.”2
Although it seems no one waxes nostalgic about the Moulin Rouge
today, it has captured the imagination of those who know something
about the first racially integrated hotel-casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, and
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
the nation. Furthermore, the story of the Moulin Rouge began in the
early 1950s, when it was determined by the powers-that-be that the time
had come for just such an integrated hotel-casino. For years the black
community suffered many indignities in silence, as its members were
treated like second-class citizens. In fact, they were treated similarly to
blacks living in southern states in the 1950s, with Jim Crow laws and
racial segregation in full swing.3
According to historian Leon F. Litwack, racism, “Negrophobia,”
and racial segregation in the United States was “deeply rooted in the
white psyche” during the 1950s, as “the efforts to separate the races, [and]
to quarantine and marginalize” blacks was extended “to every aspect of
day-to-day life where blacks and whites came into contact with each
other.”4 The discriminatory sentiments or racialist attitudes of Caucasian
businessmen and wealthy casino investors, who owned the vast major-
ity of properties on the Las Vegas Strip, further segregated blacks and
whites along racial lines. What were the complications that kept blacks
and whites apart? Was it all about race?
Unfortunately, among other things, black Americans for the most
part could not gamble, be entertained, or stay at the larger, posh hotel
and casinos in the great city. Which was ironic, since the public school
system in Las Vegas was mostly desegregated.5 Furthermore, there were
noted black leaders in the city, like Dr. James B. McMillan, the first
licensed black dentist in Las Vegas and past president of the local National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) during
the 1960s and 1970s, and Woodrow Wilson, the first black man to serve
in the state legislature. These leaders were willing to say forthrightly that
it was time to have a modern hotel and casino where blacks could go
and spend their money on gambling if they wanted to, as well as be
entertained by black stars and headliners of the day. Moreover, in a city
where blacks and whites converged in many walks of life and endeav-
ors, it was important to have a place where the two ethnic groups could
mix and mingle, without fear of repercussions.
The black population in Las Vegas, of course, thought that an inte-
grated casino-resort, which would eventually be called the Moulin Rouge
after the original nightclub in Paris, France,6 was long overdue. Although
One — In the Beginning
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
the city. According to Wilson, “the Jim Crow system of segregation was
virtually unchallenged until the early 1950s in Las Vegas.”11 Which is to
say that the system of segregation in the city of Las Vegas essentially
allowed city or local governmental officials to dismiss the concerns of
black people, as well as their discontents and injustices. In other words,
blacks in the United States were “invisible — hidden in small islands
within large cities — unlike European immigrants, and occupied periph-
eral positions in the region’s economy,”12 especially in Las Vegas.
For a long time, the city fathers of Las Vegas didn’t take any inter-
est in the inner lives and struggles of blacks outside the periphery of the
Strip. Whether the black menial working force had sufficient resources
or led underprivileged lives really didn’t matter to the white power struc-
ture. Black Las Vegans were ignored in the segregated city. That’s how
the Las Vegas community dealt with uncomfortable and inconvenient
issues of race — at least most of the time. Did the white population have
any remorse or pangs of conscience for its superior position, or the shabby
treatment of the black population in segregated Las Vegas during the
1950s? Probably not.
Everyone knew that the Strip was an extremely important part of
the Las Vegas economy, therefore, black Las Vegans expressed concern
that they should have a sophisticated casino-resort for social gatherings
besides the many black churches on the Westside. But building such a
place for blacks on the Strip was not to be — that is, initially. There is
no doubt that it would have been more pragmatic to allow blacks to fre-
quent the hotel-casinos on the Strip, but this was not the case — in the
beginning. But, according to journalists Katharine Best and Katharine
Hillyer, “some of the strip casino-hotels did [secretly permit] black artists
to stay on [their] premises, though it made clear that they [were] not
welcome in the actual casinos or restaurants.”13 In other words, some
black performers, like Josephine Baker, could stay at a select few of the
hotel-casinos, if they were invisible, or hid from the white public, which
was a feat in itself. Apparently, Josephine Baker had in her contract that
she could stay in any Strip hotel where she was performing.
We need to seriously consider whether black artists with marquee
names were treated fairly by such white hotel-casino establishments. The
One — In the Beginning
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Former heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis, one of the former owners
of the Moulin Rouge, pulls a slot, 1955 (Nevada State Museum and Histor-
ical Society, Las Vegas).
One — In the Beginning
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Chapter Two
The initial planning and erecting of the Moulin Rouge hotel and
casino proved to be an enormous challenge in Las Vegas, as blacks in the
city sought equality and social justice, and white businessmen and devel-
opers finally decided to construct the place, regardless of the circum-
stances. In fact, building the Moulin Rouge has been described as “among
the most daunting development projects” in the history of Las Vegas.1
Indeed, devising the Moulin Rouge hotel and casino was easier said than
done, especially when you had to consider the tension and racial climate
in 1954. But when the city’s planning commission eventually gave the
white business developers the green light to build, the suggested project
seemed more viable.
Equally significant for the white financiers of the proposed Moulin
Rouge, the hotel and casino would become a way to generate income.
What was probably the first purchase of real estate in Las Vegas
specifically to provide recreational facilities for things like gambling and
entertainment for both blacks and whites would prove to be monumen-
tal. As one local reporter writes, the Moulin Rouge would create “a prece-
dent for interracial socialization” in Las Vegas.2 Therefore, the place
became the landmark development project in the black Westside neigh-
borhood, on what at the time seemed an insignificant piece of land.
In 1954 no one thought that the Moulin Rouge would become “the
center of black culture of Las Vegas.”3 Indeed, the Westside would even-
tually explode on the scene in Las Vegas with black cultural traditions
from across the United States. It became notable for the black commu-
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
In the real early days here we had total discrimination in all the
establishments in uptown Las Vegas and the small Strip area. We
had only one or two hotels on the Strip at that time. So we were
defeated when the city commission voted to deny Horace Heidt a
license [for an interracial hotel].... It would have helped to raise the
economic status of the community because that would have put
blacks in positions of authority, management and the like by having
people make the type of money that executives and sub-executives
make in the hotel industry.5
In so many words, the city of Las Vegas continued its racial restric-
tions against blacks in 1954 because of racism. As one white Las Vegan
was quoted as saying, “Sure we Jim Crow [blacks] ... [because] we think
that’s the way it should be by nature.” The self-satisfied white man goes
on, perhaps matter-of-factly, to state that “mixing of races could never
work here. We just don’t want it, that’s all. So we keep the Negro in [his]
place.”6 Nonetheless, blacks persevered, and without hesitation, pressured
the city of Las Vegas for their constitutional rights, insisting that every-
one be treated equally, and with respect. Contrary to the high expecta-
Two — The Inevitability of Interracial Socialization in Las Vegas
tions of blacks newly arrived to the city, their insistence did not initially
make a significant difference in Las Vegas. Yet, blacks fought on, demand-
ing their constitutional rights. According to political historian Robert
A. Goldwin:
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
is located between D and H, and Fremont and Burns.11 The late black
historian and University of Nevada professor Roosevelt Fitzgerald put it
this way:
By the time the 1950s got underway, the Westside had not only
developed into a sizeable black residential community but it had also
developed a thriving district. The latter experienced its success due
directly to the presence of segregation in Las Vegas proper. Most of
the businesses [however] were marginal; barber shops, beauty shops,
night clubs, soda shops, small cafes, pool rooms and corner grocery
stores. A few professionals such as medical doctors and dentists were
also present. Several of the homes built there, without the assistance
of mortgage companies and banks, were constructed with the black
entertainer in mind.12
Two — The Inevitability of Interracial Socialization in Las Vegas
wanted all who ventured outside the confines of white society to know
that that was beyond the bounds of respectability.
Nonetheless, the economy was booming on the Westside, fueled
largely by tourists, locals and black entertainers, who insisted upon being
treated fairly and like human beings, especially when they were visible
to the public. This was despite the fact that the white power structure
went on to do everything it could to harass the black residents of Las
Vegas and their occasional white visitors. Still, the black neighborhood
continued to explode with its black musical and entertainment traditions,
as the Westside rapidly moved forward, despite racial segregation. But
the most interesting thing about the black area of West Las Vegas was
what the public couldn’t see — or understand.
Although black Las Vegas differed from the predominantly white,
master-planned communities, in many important respects, black areas
resembled them in significant ways. Both communities and their respec-
tive residents worked for similar businesses (i.e., the separate nightclubs,
restaurants, and casino industries). Nevertheless, blacks in Las Vegas
lived in an entirely different world, with special patterns of behavior, spe-
cial attitudes — especially in terms of politics — and different ways of
thinking. Unfortunately, “whites were more likely to invoke prejudices
as societies grew more complex and competitive, thereby denying [blacks]
full access to opportunities and resources.”13 Still, Jim Crow racism gov-
erned all facets of black people’s lives in Las Vegas.
Fortunately, though, racism and prejudice were not so strong that
they couldn’t be overcome, and many thought things had to change. The
vast majority of black people in Las Vegas, during the 1950s, were not
wealthy as a group — even given the prosperity of the city. More impor-
tantly, the racially diverse demographics and “shifting patterns” were
“fueled not by broad social changes but almost exclusively by the val-
ley’s” predicted growth, which would eventually “cut across racial and
economic lines.”14
Therefore, more than just an idea, the Moulin Rouge in West Las
Vegas became a strategically important location where black entertain-
ers, banned from the Strip hotel-casinos, would one day be treated like
the stars they truly were. Some in the city of Las Vegas would even come
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
The Moulin Rouge before the grand opening, 1955 (Nevada State Museum
and Historical Society, Las Vegas).
Two — The Inevitability of Interracial Socialization in Las Vegas
to a period of racial tensions. The new Moulin Rouge hotel and casino
stood in the immediate, awkward foreground. It took some serious
finagling on the part of the white developers to even get the first brick
laid, and much more for whites in Las Vegas to psychologically accept
the place.
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Chapter Three
Many in Las Vegas at the time of its building felt that the Moulin
Rouge hotel and casino would never be a really classy operation — that
is, in comparison to other opulent hotel properties on the Strip. But for
its time, the hotel, modeled after the defunct Sands, was contemporary,
and as palatial as any Strip casino-hotel. Indeed, the once swanky Moulin
Rouge, according to the late Nevada historian Gary Elliott, was “strik-
ingly beautiful and comparable in elegance to any Strip competitors.”1
More importantly, the classy Moulin Rouge, “offered all the gaming,
entertainment, and comfort that could be found anywhere” in the state
of Nevada, and it was “as plush as any hotel on the Strip and proved that
a mixed-race crowd could enjoy themselves.”2 The quirky place certainly
had charm and character in the beginning.
The biggest lesson in opening the Moulin Rouge was to learn how
blacks and whites could get along in a social setting. The night the doors
of the place opened was a special experience, a momentous occasion, an
extravaganza, a marquee event during a turbulent era of race relations in
American history. But it is and was incorrect to think that the Moulin
Rouge was only created to serve some revolutionary social purpose. Elliott
tells us that the hotel was in no uncertain terms, “constructed, opened,
and operated to make a profit.”3
The Moulin Rouge, nonetheless, became particularly symbolic for
blacks before and after it opened, especially in light of Las Vegas’s racist
past. Journalist Kristi Goodwin writes that “because of the equal access
it provided blacks, the Moulin Rouge became a symbol of the times, a
monument to their expanding civil rights.”4 The Moulin Rouge, despite
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
what has been written to the contrary, was indeed established to make a
point, becoming an emblem of change, integration, and equality among
Las Vegas’s hotels and casinos. But clearly the first white owners, as men-
tioned, “had no particularly altruistic intentions [such as improving race
relations] when they opened the hotel and nightclub; they were in it for
the money.”5
The result of the opening of the legendary Moulin Rouge was a
vibrant nightlife for blacks living in the resort city, as “it catered to a
totally interracial group of people from Las Vegas, from Hollywood, and
from throughout the U.S.”6 Until the opening, “black tourism [per se]
was non-existent,”7 but this situation would quickly change. The stand-
ing room, jaw-droppingly unbelievable opening night, as already men-
tioned “was a gala affair hosted by Joe Louis and [featured great]
performances by the Platters and flashy chorus-line routines,”8 which
emphasized the “good-times” atmosphere of the place. Within the next
several months the Moulin Rouge began to stage some shows that “were
among the best in the city,”9 and the world. The hotel was indeed the
place to be. Goodwin writes that “elegantly wardrobed chorus girls per-
formed the cancan; black headliners such as Harry Belafonte and Sammy
Davis, Jr., [barred from Strip hotels and casinos] appeared at late night
jam sessions. [And] newer stars like Gregory Hines made their debut”
at the fledgling Moulin Rouge.10
The amazing place was almost perfect, like a racially integrated
Camelot, a dream world, which empowered and employed many
blacks — as well as whites — as hosts, showroom banquet waiters, exotic
Watusi dancers, and kitchen help. The glamorous, all-black stage show
during the opening of the Moulin Rouge “included eight dancers, six
showgirls, and four male dancers.”11 The white owners of the Moulin
Rouge also hired some of the best waiters from among first-class hotels
across the nation, who “served international gourmet cuisine,” sumptu-
ous and gastronomic meals in “the Deauville Room, while wearing
immaculate tuxedos with [spotless] white gloves.”12 It was probably an
amazing sight. A classy operation was the name of the game for the fledg-
ling hotel-casino and its owners, and they spared no expense.
Although the eye-catching Moulin Rouge consisted of only two
Three — The Main Event
The famous cancan dancers at the Moulin Rouge during one of their rou-
tines, 1955 (Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, Las Vegas).
main stuccoed buildings at the time of its celebrated opening, it had 110
rooms and a gorgeous showroom, swimming pool, restaurant/coffee shop,
dress-shop, and bar, which was constructed of highly polished and expen-
sive hardwoods. There was also a terrific lounge, theater, and a casino.
And before it was even in vogue, the Moulin Rouge stocked some of the
finest clothing fashions available to patrons at that time, according to
the reflections of Hazel Gay, one of the dress shop operators during the
Almost overnight, the popularity of the Moulin Rouge grew expo-
nentially. It was an auspicious sign. The crazy place became insanely
popular, making the Moulin Rouge synonymous with intrigue and fun,
as “politicians, celebrities, and high-rollers peppered the audience.”14
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
The famous mural behind the bar at the Moulin Rouge during its heyday
(Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, Las Vegas).
Three — The Main Event
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
business where they could sit down.”20 Thus, the popular place was tak-
ing in money from almost every ethnic group, and taking business away
from every casino in town.
Indeed, the continuing operation of the Moulin Rouge ran counter
to the white casinos’ interest in making the Las Vegas Strip the main focus
of the city — social and political implications notwithstanding — because
“the lavish, relaxed, integrated atmosphere along with the stellar clien-
tele drew increasingly larger crowds from the downtown and [affluent]
Strip properties.”21 And white casino owners were definitely beginning
to feel the heat of competition. But there were obviously other political
pressure. So when the Moulin Rouge was completed, and effectively up
and running, it started to derail focus on the future Las Vegas Strip.
The local white power structure felt that Las Vegas could just as
easily do without the place. Wary and perhaps jealous, some white casino
owners even “ordered their employees not to patronize” the Moulin
Rouge.”22 But such a command did not sit well, or stop white workers
and showgirls from the Strip casinos from frequenting the Moulin Rouge.
The city officials showed no foresight and no fortitude in not let-
ting the black population fully integrate the major properties on the
The first integrated hotel-casino in Las Vegas, therefore, provided
the city with a rare opportunity to critically examine itself— and make
things right for its black citizens and tourists while segregation was still
being legally enforced, and where daily inequities existed in a racially split
community. In fact, several state assembly bills designed to bar discrim-
ination in public places failed in the 1950s,23 primarily because black
activists were unable to effectively lobby for their constitutional and fun-
damental rights. Blacks were not taken seriously, and largely ignored.
But the Moulin Rouge provided “the spark needed to bring an end to
segregation on the Strip.”24 According to Geran, blacks in Las Vegas,
nonetheless, felt that the place “was their first major accomplishment in
Las Vegas and the Westside’s showplace.”25
The Moulin Rouge, in other words, illuminated the race-relations
problems in the glittering city of lights in the 1950s. And the fact that
blacks in Las Vegas were being denied their fundamental rights, freedom,
Three — The Main Event
civil liberties, and equal protection under the laws, was spotlighted for
all the world to see. It was amazing to think that a place for gaming and
entertainment could be constructed which would cater to this search for
rights after years of struggle by black residents for dignity, identity —
and their desire for a better way of life — while recognizing the city’s
inglorious past in terms of race-relations.
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Chapter Four
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Four — After the Lights and Fanfare
comed people from all places, backgrounds, cultures, and ethnic groups.
The Moulin Rouge, moreover, revealed much about what was taking
place in Las Vegas. But no one could have imagined that the historic
hotel-casino would become a symbol of the black neighborhood. Blacks
in Las Vegas felt a deep sense of connection to the unlikely attraction —
a sort of solidarity or interconnectiveness. Eventually, the Moulin Rouge
would become the center of gambling life for blacks before desegrega-
tion. In fact, some black locals and tourists were actually excited by the
notable success of the place; however, some blacks were not so enthusi-
The Moulin Rouge would come to have a more practical purpose
than gambling or attracting tourism: it was a place where many com-
Stump and Stumpy relaxing at the Moulin Rouge with Rosita Davis, 1955
(Nevada State Museum and Historical Society, Las Vegas).
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
munity events and meetings would be held to grapple with the different
issues confronting the black population in the city of Las Vegas — some-
thing that had never been done before, as blacks began to ratchet up
their expressions of concern, protest, and displeasure. Black citizens had
to become more self-reliant to survive, since the city of Las Vegas seemed
not to care about helping the black community. It wasn’t because blacks
didn’t want to become a part of the larger community, as the whole city
struggled with Jim Crow racism. But as we will later see, gradually, times
were changing in Las Vegas.
The Moulin Rouge was known mostly for its fantastic entertain-
ment. According to journalist Richard Todd, “the new wisdom in Las
Vegas is that people don’t come ... for the gambling, they come for ‘enter-
tainment.’”6 Indeed, before the 1960s, the American public’s conception
of hotel-casinos was intimate spaces and easy, fun-loving times, while
tourists shared musicals, dancing entertainment and exquisite meals, in
mostly cosmopolitan dining areas. And the Moulin Rouge was no excep-
tion. As the late University of Nevada professor, Roosevelt Fitzgerald
once wrote:
Four — After the Lights and Fanfare
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Four — After the Lights and Fanfare
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
for entertainment and gambling. Little did anyone know that the Moulin
Rouge’s contribution would become legendary. No one can question the
influence of the Moulin Rouge on the city of Las Vegas. And for a short
time, the place captured the imagination of our nation. In the coming
years, as will be discussed in the rest of this book, people would cringe
at the discombobulation of the Moulin Rouge, especially as the white
power structure would begin to slowly dismantle “the barriers erected to
limit participation in their economic boom.”17 Many during this period
scratched their heads in frustration and amazement. But what mattered
most was that the Moulin Rouge was a great undertaking in the city of
Las Vegas, because of the message it would convey — a commitment to
racial equality.
The Moulin Rouge exceeded expectations, but it was not develop-
ing “any long range economic viability.”18 And sooner rather than later,
the euphoria over the place began to wane. The historic hotel-casino,
however, set the tone for the ensuing years in terms of a heated racial
and political climate, which was not always positive. Richard B. Taylor,
a local author and white businessman, would eventually be able to lease
and operate the Moulin Rouge,19 until it was abruptly sold. The first
racially integrated hotel-casino would survive for a short period “mainly
on weekly and monthly occupants ... probably newcomers to Las Vegas
seeking jobs in the downtown area of the city.”20 Finally, as we will learn
later, selling the Moulin Rouge would leave a small margin for disin-
genuousness, since there would be little time for reflections on racial and
cultural ambiguities.
Chapter Five
Despite the early success of the Moulin Rouge, few believed that
the place would be successful over the long haul. And many were right
on that point. The Moulin Rouge eventually failed for a variety of rea-
sons after the initial fanfare. But the opening of the Moulin Rouge must
be seen for its historical context, even though the place was short-lived.
As one can imagine, the building of the first interracial resort in Las
Vegas, which “was nearly as segregated as any [place] in the South,”1 led
to a sense of urgency, mainly because of the restlessness and disappoint-
ment of blacks living in the city of lights — in their depressed neighbor-
hoods (mainly on the Westside), and in ramshackle or dilapidated homes.
Something had to give. During the 1960s, an increasing number of
blacks began to question the value of interracial cooperation and noted
the efficacy of violent protests, rather than placing “greater emphasis on
racial cohesiveness as the mechanism to promote black advancement.”2
Although the interracial cooperation at the Moulin Rouge was not exactly
the panacea for all that ailed the black population in Las Vegas, it had a
dramatic and profound effect on the racial politics and climate of the city.
The glamorous Moulin Rouge became a place where blacks could go and
feel at home in the racist city. They could brag about the place, as if it
were their own, as a subjugated, repressed and despised people. As pro-
fessor Shelby Steel has astutely written, “One of the few advantages of
belonging to a despised group is that you so clearly owe nothing to your
oppressor.”3 This type of thinking was perhaps the predominant and
most unfortunate attitude of many black people living in Las Vegas prior
to 1960. Sociology professor William J. Wilson also succinctly writes that
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
racial hostility among blacks stems from beliefs that they have been
forced into marginal, ambiguous, or insecure positions. It really
doesn’t matter that the degree of bitterness does not always corre-
spond with the extent of racial suppression. What is important, in
the final analysis, is the way blacks perceive both their inferior status
and the efforts of whites to keep them in subordinate positions.4
Five — The New Business Acquisition
tion of the Moulin Rouge points out: “No logical or acceptable expla-
nation was ever offered for the totally unexpected overnight closing,”7
when the hotel-casino appeared to be hugely successful on the surface.
Many didn’t expect much from the opening of the Moulin Rouge,
which was “integrated at all levels, from employees to patrons to enter-
tainers.”8 They thought failure was inevitable, given the underhanded
and tremendous pressure from the white owners of the main casinos on
the Las Vegas Strip. But their fears about the Moulin Rouge siphoning
off business from the Strip proved to be groundless.9 Moreover, the fear
of it becoming some kind of unsavory place because of its racially inclu-
sive showrooms and spectacular entertainment attractions, also proved
to be false.
Nonetheless, it became a real challenge for the white owners to keep
the place open and running as they speculated about where it was head-
ing. From a purely financial point of view, the Moulin Rouge failed
because expenses exceeded earnings. But to those without access to the
books the integrated hotel and casino’s rapid closing seemed to come out
of nowhere.
In the uproar that followed, the black community was outraged, and
understandably voiced disappointment and displeasure. Indeed, the first
closing was a sort of heresy for the black population. Many thought the
closing of the Moulin Rouge was a white conspiracy. The timing of the
closing was certainly sudden, but there was no evidence of a conspiracy.
Others were indifferent. Yet it was so startling for so many in the black
community that they blamed the “opposition from white-owned casi-
nos,”10 as the major factor for its first closing.
Some other notable reasons cited for the closing of the Moulin
Rouge after six months were “skimming,” and undercapitalization by the
white owners, but this has never been definitively proven. Mismanage-
ment and “pressure from the banks that were holding the mortgage,” were
also given as some major causes for the 1955 closing.11 Others believed
that the beleaguered place failed, initially, because of financial manipu-
lation and outright theft of casino funds. In addition, some observers
have even speculated that the closure of the Moulin Rouge occurred
because it was a “victim of its unusual location away from other [Strip]
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Five — The New Business Acquisition
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
policies of the day, more racial divisiveness, animosity, and social prob-
lems were anticipated.
Although the city fathers often tried to explain away the deplorable
situation of blacks, it just didn’t wash anymore. And unless something
radically changed to improve things such as living conditions for the
black population in Las Vegas, many threatened to march and burn the
city. Segregation made absolutely no sense to blacks. But city officials
and white owners of the magnificent casinos on the Strip were still greatly
concerned with potentially altering future plans for the casinos’ Strip
properties, always with one eye on the ever-present Moulin Rouge, the
upstart Westside gaming property on 900 Bonanza Road, where every-
one could supposedly go.
The Westside then, as now, is in a strangely impoverished world,
in a city of wealth and plenty. But it was where the black population —
still mired in poverty — predominantly and unfortunately had to reside,
because of de facto and de jure segregation. Black Las Vegans were also
hindered by the many racist city policies, which denied them civil rights,
equal access, and equal protection under the law, as stipulated in the
Fourteenth Amendment to our national Constitution. And their com-
plaints and concerns were met with harsh, inelegant lip service from
white politicians and local city officials. Indeed, the city had a poor track
record of providing social services for the black population.
Many black people felt no one was listening. But the white power
structure wanted to limit angry racial confrontations in the 1960s. Yet
many whites also wanted to stop integration dead in its tracks. Maybe
a change wasn’t in the cards, as it would have been a complete departure
from the old, “lily white” ways of doing things in the city. However,
under intense pressure from the state government, Governor Grant
Sawyer, and local black activists, things would change in Las Vegas for
blacks and in the state — for the first time. It was only a matter of time
before the hierarchy at the Strip and the racist house of cards would fall
flat. But some belligerent whites were still less than enthusiastic. White
Las Vegans were not particularly enamored by the notion of integration.
Black Las Vegans were particularly sensitive to the uproar over racial
segregation because things were unfolding fast. Blacks were fighting for
Five — The New Business Acquisition
their constitutional rights and the same opportunities, rights and priv-
ileges that whites took for granted. The black population, of course,
wanted immediate changes, as many argued that because they were part
of the larger Las Vegas community they were absolutely entitled to the
same considerations given to the white population. From the Las Vegas
Strip, especially after dark, it was probably easy to forget the surround-
ing, impoverished Westside neighborhood. The white power structure
didn’t seem to care. Ultimately, it was all about respecting human dig-
nity — at any cost.
The 1960s were a time when the black community was large and
thriving, almost monolithic, with several successful black businesses on
the Westside. Later, because of integration, as we shall see, the black com-
munity was almost devastated by the gradual loss of black businesses on
the Westside. All in all, though, the brief closing of the fully integrated
Moulin Rouge, “prompted black and white political activists to campaign
for the [total] integration of the Las Vegas Strip.”24
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Chapter Six
The fight against racism and discrimination in Las Vegas in the late
1950s and early 1960s neared a crossroads. Blacks in the city began to
resist the daily inequities of a racially split Las Vegas community, espe-
cially in the gaming industry. Las Vegas during the 1940s and 1950s
established written and unwritten policies of discrimination against black
people in almost every aspect of their lives, but especially in the work-
place. As the black population of Las Vegas increased, racism and the
prejudicial attitudes of whites toward blacks became more apparent, cre-
ating unnecessary barriers to social, political and economic advancement
for blacks in the city. As I wrote in an earlier article, “The blatant, wide-
spread discrimination and segregationist attitudes, in both the gaming
industry and Las Vegas in general, spread — at least to a small extent —
from some of the southern whites who also migrated to the area in search
of riches and a better life, bringing with them the racist tenets of the
Old South, which excluded blacks entirely from [so-called] genteel soci-
Black Las Vegans had a right to expect better treatment than what
was meted out by the local white city government, but they were not
sufficiently equipped to deal with the racism of the city, nor were they
powerful enough to fight back in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Las
Vegas was certainly not the cradle of human rights or land of opportu-
nity that many migrating blacks expected and envisioned. Maintaining
only menial jobs, many blacks in Las Vegas were barely able to cover
basic necessities, as many lived just above or below the poverty line.
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
When the Moulin Rouge was built, it was seen as a symbol of eco-
nomic justice for blacks in that it promoted equal opportunity hiring
policies for many positions. It would have served the city well to have
taken note of blacks’ expanding civil rights, but the white power struc-
ture in Las Vegas simply ignored part of its budding population. Accord-
ing to the late University of Nevada history professor Hal Rothman,
“Las Vegas’s deviance prevented it from taking the lead in desegrega-
tion — Las Vegas was no one’s role model in those days — but the sup-
pleness of a city devoted to pleasure foretold a more malleable future
than other places might reasonably anticipate.”2
The Moulin Rouge improved the living standards of countless black
people and white people alike, as race relations continued to slowly
improve in Las Vegas, despite the persistence of racial prejudices and dis-
crimination. Indeed, the racial and societal problems in the city of Las
Vegas during the 1950s or 1960s would not be solved overnight. But as
would later become evident, the Moulin Rouge would become “a meet-
ing place for community leaders, black and white, seeking an end to seg-
regation in Las Vegas.”3 The Moulin Rouge was an exciting development,
although some would later come to see the place as “a bizarre kind of
historical pornography.”4 Still others saw the Moulin Rouge on Bonanza
Road as comparable to the clubs on the main commercial artery of
Harlem in New York on 125th Street, during its glory days, and now in
its mini-rebirth.5
There were many good reasons why the black community in Las
Vegas bitterly and openly began to oppose racial segregation. First, blacks
in the city were part of the growing Las Vegas community, but were
unfortunately ignored. Consequently, blacks in Las Vegas developed their
own distinctive culture and ways of life. Second, whites became aware
of the developing racial histories in Las Vegas. “During the 1960s, the
most tumultuous years of the civil rights struggle, black Americans man-
aged to garner support from a large segment of the white population.”6
Some whites in Las Vegas finally began to appreciate “a special kinship
with the black population which they had not felt before.”7
Many Las Vegans were concerned about the interaction between
blacks and whites, and whether they could cooperate peacefully through-
Six — The Persistence of Cultural, Racial and Religious Barriers
out the city, because there was very little racial mixing during the 1950s
and early 1960s. Yet prior to these cautious times, especially in 1905, for
example, when Las Vegas was first settled, blacks lived, worked, and
socialized with white Las Vegans.8 This social and racial mingling stopped
in the 1940s and 1950s, when the racial hatred of whites took firm and
total hold in the city. Nevertheless, many felt that if blacks and whites
could gamble and be entertained together in Las Vegas, the city’s racism
would crumble. Still, life in Las Vegas proved intolerable for many blacks.
For example, blacks in Las Vegas during this time earned very low wages
in hard, thankless, back-breaking service jobs.
Moreover, many blacks continued to live in the poorer neighbor-
hood of West Las Vegas, as they were locked out of other housing in the
city. For whatever reasons, the animosity of whites toward blacks in the
city of Las Vegas began to boil over. Increasingly, it seemed that blacks
were not even considered a part of the larger Las Vegas community, as
they existed on the periphery of the city as a whole. But blacks in Las
Vegas quickly started to stand up for themselves and resist every attempt
by whites in the city to degrade and demean them. As Roosevelt Fitzger-
ald tells us, “Even though the overwhelming majority of [black] work-
ers came from the South and were accustomed to living and working
under segregated conditions, upon their arrival in Las Vegas, they became
aware of their own worth and dignity in ways which they had not pre-
viously known.”9 Many blacks who moved to the city believed that they
would eventually overcome prejudice.
But the very obscurity of blacks in the city allowed whites to shape
Las Vegas into the place that they wanted. Meanwhile, the black popu-
lation was being condemned, marginalized, stigmatized and denigrated
at every turn. Blacks’ major concern should have been how to stand
against the overwhelming tides of segregation and discrimination as they
refused to be accepted in Las Vegas as second class citizens. Attaining
voting rights, economic and political muscle, and ending discrimination
and segregation, especially in hotel-casinos, restaurants and other pub-
lic accommodations, were of primary importance. And many blacks in
the ever-changing city immediately began to make their interests and
demands fully known. It became commonplace for white Las Vegans to
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
assert that racial segregation barriers were completely down, “for the first
time since World War II,”10 but it was not true.
Many wealthy and powerful whites, including casino Strip bosses,
in Las Vegas were insensitive to the social, political and economic woes
of blacks in the city until blacks started to voice their displeasure. Still,
the odds were not on the side of blacks. But resentment ran high in the
black community in Las Vegas. Whites in the city of Las Vegas were not
sympathetic to anything that would undermine their power and con-
trol. Some might even argue that actions toward blacks in Las Vegas
were simply misunderstood. But numerous blacks continued to be
banned from white-owned casinos and restaurants on the strip even with
the city’s changing and evolving policies on integration. As we shall see,
moreover, integration would fail “to generate racial equality — in the
sense of individual dignity and empowerment — for most [black] Amer-
But for a town that was known as the Mississippi of the West, “even
the illusion of social integration, a mixing place where the elites of enter-
tainment could fraternize,”12 was a remarkable feat in and of itself.
Without a doubt, the church has always played a significant part
in the lives of blacks in Las Vegas — even in conjunction with the Moulin
Rouge hotel and casino, which catered to many blacks’ social needs and
entertainment activities. In the face of growing racial confrontations,
blacks in Las Vegas “responded by forming a variety of organizations to
knit their local community closer together,”13 such as establishing a loose
confederation of black churches. According to James B. McMillan, “The
black churches proved to be the key to organizational success.” Black
“churches were [also] the traditional meeting places for the black com-
munity, and provided a convenient forum for disseminating informa-
tion to large numbers of people.”14 This contact was especially important
during the civil rights movement. The black church, therefore, became
the primary focus, the focal point, the center for the racial struggles that
directly affected the civil rights of blacks in Las Vegas. As professors
Mary Frances Berry and John W. Blassingame write, “No other Ameri-
can institution [has done] so much with so little as the black church.”15
They go on to cogently explain that “the black clergy [and black church]
Six — The Persistence of Cultural, Racial and Religious Barriers
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Current view of the famous Second Baptist Church, 500 Madison Avenue,
Las Vegas, Nevada (Earnest N. Bracey).
Chapter Seven
Life in Las Vegas was indeed challenging for blacks because of social
disparities and racial inequalities. The political process in the city
impeded the participation of blacks because the local government delib-
erately (in some cases) diluted their vote and political power. The idea
of equality for black Las Vegans, as you might imagine, was constantly
changing too. As Professor Jos C. N. Raadschelders tells us, “Inequali-
ties become more apparent when changes in the social and economic
fabric of society appear to be more advantageous for some people than
for others.”1 This astute perception by Raadschelders, perhaps, was the
crux of the problem with race-relations in Las Vegas during the 1960s.
Achieving equality was not a hopeless task. Nevertheless, blacks in
the city were essentially shut out of the political process simply because
they were being ignored. Moreover, social and political policies contin-
ued to favor whites for positions of political power. The city of Las Vegas
in the 1960s would have to deal with simmering racial problems and the
ever-present threat of urban violence. The black population had to do
something to change their terrible plight, as the racial discrepancies could
not be immediately reconciled. Were white Las Vegans simply interested
in preserving their lifestyle? Probably.
The misleading diatribe and boorish answers given by the white
power structure to blacks complaining about social problems in Las Vegas
would no longer work. More to the point, blacks in the city were becom-
ing loud and clear about their deplorable treatment, and what should be
done about it. Culturally speaking, the city’s near-disregard of the rights
of blacks and the failure of the city fathers to invest in social services for
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
all its people was not only unimaginable, it was unforgivable. White
politicians’ failure to act would have far-reaching, negative consequences
for the Las Vegas community, as the social situation in the city was
becoming increasingly unsettled.
Some white activists and local residents wanted to do the right thing
for the black population, but many were not sure what that was. Con-
sequently, white Las Vegans inflicted much unnecessary pain and humil-
iation on the black community. It was a nightmare that the black
population could not easily escape. Therefore, as professor Mary Frances
Berry has written, black and white “togetherness was also challenged by
black activists who recognized violence as [another] tactic for achieving
their goals and whose thinking was greatly influenced by cultural black
The city fathers, given the gaming industry’s enormous clout, were
also beginning to fear riots, or racial retribution. Many reasoned that
racial conflicts between blacks and whites would be inevitable — that is,
if something wasn’t done immediately to assist the black population. So
many things were going on. The white power structure wanted to keep
things quiet, to bring the black population under control and crack down
on dissent, to avoid the disastrous consequences of angry people boldly
marching and demonstrating in the streets of Las Vegas. White officials,
therefore, were bracing for headaches. In the 1960s, the Moulin Rouge
became a sort of symbol for blacks in the segregated city, and later the
lifeblood of the black community in Las Vegas, in many respects. The
unlikely place certainly had a tremendous effect on the divided city, the
state of Nevada and the nation. According to Clarence Ray, “The Moulin
Rouge was supposed to be the thing that would connect whites and
blacks ... so they’d get used to being with one another.”3
But Leo Fry, the owner of the Moulin Rouge, continued to infuri-
ate black and white activists by “charging black customers more for their
drinks than white customers.”4 Perhaps Fry did not expect the fierce
public backlash for his discriminatory activities. When Fry was finally
summoned before the city commissioners, he had this to say: “We were
trying to discourage the black people from coming [to the Moulin
Rouge]. We wanted them [blacks] to stop coming to the place, but it
Seven — The Desegregation Agreement
was in that community [the Westside] and we couldn’t just turn them
Fry’s actions and explanations were inexcusable and disgraceful, and
when the Moulin Rouge had to close down its major bar operations
again, the black community felt blindsided. Nevertheless, “the Moulin
Rouge’s brief burst of popularity drew national headlines, and the glare
of the spotlight helped illuminate the fight to end segregation in Las
Vegas.”6 So in many respects, what was happening at the Moulin Rouge
was a good thing for the civil rights struggle. Blacks became even more
energized and emboldened as the segregation and unequal treatment of
black Las Vegans continued unchecked; but even then, racial segrega-
tion was being seriously tested in profoundly challenging ways, and under
tremendously difficult and contentious circumstances.
Time was of the essence, because a polarizing decision to eliminate
segregation would change everything in terms of race in the city. For the
most part, however, the city fathers initially ignored every opportunity
for a change in the Jim Crow policies. Still, there was sound logic behind
integrating the hotel-casinos on the Strip, mainly because of the money
that was to be made from both black and white clientele.
In the meantime, behind the scenes, some blacks in Las Vegas
angrily dismissed what whites were saying about the provocative and
divisive issues. Many blacks thought that it all narrowed down to white
racism, which restricted “individual blacks from achieving positions of
status and wealth regardless of their capabilities or competence.”7 Racial
inequalities “require a type of legislation” that need to deal “with the con-
sequences of social and economic change”8 and disparities in a true
democracy. Blacks had every right to demand their constitutional rights
in the city of Las Vegas. Indeed, what other recourse did the black pop-
ulation have? Acquiescence to white supremacy and dominance?
Blacks were not opposed to physically fighting for what they hon-
estly thought was due to them, as they continuously advocated for civil
rights and the prompt elimination of racial inequalities. But, of course,
as Berry writes: “The response of the government in its effort to sup-
press racial disorder ... reflected the tension between the lofty ideals
expressed in the documents on which [our] constitutional government
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
is based and the tendency of the white majority to desire summary dis-
position of those they regard as marginal or powerless.”9
Although blacks in the city were marginalized to a great extent,
some say that it was inevitable that racial changes would happen in Las
Vegas. Holding on to racial segregation just didn’t make sense. The major
players — blacks and whites — were eventually willing to roll up their
sleeves and to broker a firm agreement that everyone could live with,
which would essentially eliminate city government-enforced racial seg-
Many of the black leaders of that day were members of the local
branch of the NAACP, such as Charles Kellar, Drs. James McMillan
and Charles West, the city’s first black physician, Eddie Scott, and
William H. “Bob” Bailey, later the first black chairman of the Nevada
Equal Rights Commission, who made a significant impact on the civil
rights movement. Some other important black activists and community
leaders during that time included Lubertha Johnson, David Hoggard,
Sr., Martha Hillyard, Donald Clark, and Woodrow Wilson. According
to the late Nevada governor, Grant Sawyer, all these individuals “were
on the same team, working for the same objective,”10 which was to end
racial segregation in Las Vegas, the state of Nevada, and especially on
the Las Vegas Strip. Sawyer goes on to state that these black leaders,
“each in his own way was very forceful, but while they were not equals
in status and influence, and their efforts sometimes followed divergent
paths, these men [and women] respected one another.”11
As the newly elected president of the local NAACP, Dr. James B.
McMillan in short order established himself, and became the most out-
spoken leader for the black community in Las Vegas. It was said that
McMillan was, indeed, the real black, no-nonsense power-broker in the
ranks of many influential black leaders in the city. Indeed, McMillan help
galvanize the civil rights movement and black people for social changes
in Las Vegas during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, as he became the
unofficial black ombudsman in the city. McMillan, who was born in
Mississippi, was able to cut through the city’s bureaucracy to report and
solve critical racial problems for the black community. But he was also
independent-minded and not subordinate to the white power structure.
Seven — The Desegregation Agreement
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
erate, which was far from the truth. Members of the dominant group
would have done anything to stop such a potentially disruptive march,
which many believed would turn off white patrons, the high-rollers and
white tourists, perhaps bringing the place to its knees. McMillan tried
to check in with everyone he knew who could make a difference. Over
a course of several weeks, McMillan even had community meetings in
black churches on the Westside such as Second Baptist Church and oth-
ers to plan strategy and tactics to advance the civil rights agenda.15 In
many respects, he ran his program like a military operation. McMillan
once served in the Army as a dentist, and he courted no favors.
McMillan decided to write an inflammatory letter to Las Vegas
Mayor Oran Gragson, after consulting with the distinguished Dave Hog-
gard, one of his trusted lieutenants. He informed the mayor of his inten-
tions. In that 1960 letter McMillan told Gragson, who served as mayor
from 1959 to 1975, that he had “received instructions from [the] national
headquarters [of the NAACP] to take action against segregation in [the]
community.” He gave Gragson thirty days to respond, thirty days to tell
the black community what Gragson personally would do “to help elim-
inate discrimination in the city of Las Vegas.”16
Because of national media coverage about the letter and threat to
boycott, the word spread quickly. It was a shrewd and calculated bluff
that eventually paid off. But black community leaders were serious about
protesting on the Las Vegas Strip. It was then that something very sim-
ple and humane happened, when blacks and whites decided to meet to
bridge the social divide and address other discrimination concerns. The
timing was impeccable. Hank Greenspun, once the owner of the Las
Vegas Sun, would mediate the long-overdue meeting, called by McMil-
lan as president of the National Association of the Advancement of Col-
ored People to head off a planned boycott and march. According to
Woodrow Wilson, Hank Greenspun was invited to attend and mediate
because he had the necessary ties to “the power structure, the system,
the resort association, the political entity at that time.”17
The meeting would be held at the Moulin Rouge because of its
proximity to downtown and the Las Vegas Strip, and also because of its
neutrality. It was not a coincidence that the agreement took place at the
Seven — The Desegregation Agreement
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
demonstration on the Strip, and in the Spring of 1961 the NAACP pick-
eted the capitol to protest continuing discrimination. When the black
leadership consulted with me about actions I rarely attempted to dis-
suade them; in fact, I encouraged them to go ahead and picket. The
unyielding, intransigent style of a few powerful [white] legislators made
some form of confrontation necessary.”19
In a way, Governor Grant Sawyer, a white man, was on a sort of
crusade to right the wrongs blacks had suffered under the white power
structure in Las Vegas and the state of Nevada. Sawyer had a genuine
regard for black people that came through in his conversations and his
inspiring language. Apparently, Sawyer would have rather seen the deseg-
regation agreement than blood running in the streets of the growing city
of Las Vegas. In other words, Sawyer tried to do what was right for every-
one— all Nevadans; although many black leaders, McMillan included,
thought that Sawyer was disingenuous.
McMillan, in his unabashed memoir, Fighting Back, made a point
of stating that Sawyer even missed the beginning of the famous Moulin
Rouge meeting. But in fairness, Sawyer cut short a political meeting in
New York to get back to Las Vegas to attend the Moulin Rouge deseg-
regation meeting. McMillan explained Sawyer’s involvement in this way:
“Governor Grant Sawyer was in Washington talking with the Kennedys
or whatever when this damn thing busted in the papers. He got on a
plane and flew back here [Las Vegas] quick, and I met with him and told
him it had all been settled.”20
Many blacks in the Las Vegas community waited with bated breath
for the final outcome of the meeting at the Moulin Rouge. Some black
Las Vegans, however, only watched from the sidelines. The desegrega-
tion agreement came after only half a day of discussions — in a matter of
several hours. According to Woodrow Wilson, attendees discussed the
situation, and “the governor [Sawyer] said he thought that a march” on
the Las Vegas Strip “would be detrimental,” because Sawyer believed that
“there were probably some hotheads and that there might be a [disas-
trous] confrontation.”21 But many questioned Wilson’s recollection of
what actually occurred at this important event at the Moulin Rouge.
Black civil rights activist Lubertha Johnson recalled:
Seven — The Desegregation Agreement
There was tension at the Moulin Rouge meeting. Some people were
completely silent, and others spoke up. Some of them [white politi-
cians] did not particularly like having to face the situation and
change it, but they felt that they really had no choice. Most of the
[white] people at the meeting I didn’t even know. I didn’t know
what their attitudes had been before. There were some of them who
appeared to me to be slightly unhappy with the situation, before we
actually got a chance to observe their attitudes.22
For the black leaders that attended, the meeting assailed the racial
discriminatory policies of the city. A sort of immediacy lingered in the
air. Throughout it all, black Las Vegans maintained a dignified demeanor
compared to some of the angry white attendees, who initially scoffed at
the idea of complete integration.
Governor Sawyer thought that full desegregation merited serious
consideration. But he urged caution. The white politicians thought that
things should change incrementally, but that would never do as far as
the black leaders were concerned. Contrary to the conventional ideas of
the time, McMillan and the other black leaders were not so naïve as to
accept the current reality as the only way things were done, especially
when conditions in the city for blacks were patently unfair and unequal.
According to the late Lubertha Johnson, “Mr. Greenspun was the per-
son who actually carried the discussion, and they [the powers-that-be]
met all our demands fully. We were surprised by that, but it happened.
It was unbelievable!”23 It was indeed a bold vision that “discrimination
should be discontinued, period”24 in Las Vegas. Obviously, Greenspun
was helpful because he was able to win over the naysayers, but McMil-
lan tells us that the entire agreement had already been “settled by [club-
owner and impresario] Oscar Crozier and a handful of powerful hotel
owners.”25 McMillan went on to state that the white politicians didn’t
really play a significant role in eliminating the policy that denied accom-
modation to blacks in the city of Las Vegas.26 The good news was that
things were finally going to change for blacks. Insidious discrimination
would become a thing of the past. Or would it?
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Chapter Eight
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Eight — Hot Times in the City
The hotels had settled [on desegregation] because it was good busi-
ness to settle. They knew that some southerners wouldn’t want to
gamble at an integrated casino, but they also knew that they needed
to make sure that the convention business stayed, and that white
people would not boycott Las Vegas. Money moves the world.
When [the casino-owners] realized that they weren’t going to lose
any money, that they might even make more, they were suddenly
color blind.”4
Many of the city’s black leaders wanted to push the envelope even
further, however, as they condemned the stupefying “hypocrisy” of the
city officials’ policies in denying the black population their civil rights
in the first place. Moreover, the decision to integrate Las Vegas was sup-
posedly pushed on whites without any legal authority. There was cer-
tainly widespread criticism of the desegregation initiative by the white
population. Perhaps it was as columnist David Brooks writes: “People
say that they want to live in diverse integrated communities, but what
they really want to do is live in homogenous ones, filled with people like
Perhaps Brooks reflects the attitudes of white Las Vegans during the
1960s and 1970s, as more racial integration was an unavoidable side effect
of hotel-casino desegregation. Was integration a way of co-opting or pla-
cating blacks, and black Las Vegans in particular? To be sure, some whites
in the city were still deliberately discriminating against minorities dur-
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
ing that era. Indeed, some Las Vegas businessmen were highly upset that
they would later have to provide equal employment rights to blacks.
Some newly-arriving blacks, particularly from the Deep South, began
to get lofty ideas about where they might be able to work on the Strip,
as doors were finally cracked, but not entirely opened. Some opportu-
nities were gradually and reluctantly provided by whites.
In numerous ways, blacks in the city were better off, but they still
had a way to go. “Blacks had left the plantations and farms looking for
a better life — better jobs, better schools, better housing, better chances
for themselves and for their children. [But] the places they found [like
Las Vegas] did not always come up to their expectations —[and] jobs
were not always easy to come by.”6 Nevertheless, for a while, it seemed
that things could change. The Moulin Rouge agreement helped galva-
nize public opinion and blacks’ efforts to integrate every hotel-casino
establishment on the Strip, while continuing to challenge the unjust laws
of racial segregation, and the antiquated Jim Crow system. Even more
importantly, and perhaps without even knowing it, some of the black
and white activists that attended the Moulin Rouge desegregation meet-
ing paved the way for necessary changes and black empowerment in the
city of Las Vegas. And for some, it came as no surprise.
But when all was said and done, some felt that not everything in
the now-cosmopolitan city of Las Vegas had changed for black people.
In fact, despite everything the black community now had going for it,
many still struggled to obtain economic equality and racial justice. In
the words of black historians, “The economic status of [black] Ameri-
cans remain[ed] unequal to that of white Americans at every level of
income distribution.”7 And although integration made a gradual
improvement of conditions for some blacks in the city, it did not improve
things for the black community generally. Indeed, the black population
continued to face widespread discrimination, particularly in certain
casino jobs, like waitress, bartender, pit-boss, and top executive. Blacks
were not even given job applications, let alone interviews for many casino
positions. In this sense, blacks never deluded themselves, as many knew
things would be tough, especially in the job market.
Black and white Las Vegans were still polarized along racial lines.
Eight — Hot Times in the City
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
in most Strip and downtown resorts.”12 So what exactly could end job
discrimination in the city of Las Vegas against blacks? Professor Terry
H. Anderson writes:
But Anderson’s explanation does not excuse how Las Vegas blacks
were still being treated in the 1970s, in terms of ill-paying jobs, dimin-
ishing jobs prospects, segregated neighborhoods, and poor standards of
living. The city officials refused to address or face this reality. The gov-
ernment did not honestly address the needs of the black population.
Therefore, blacks made “little progress in attaining economic parity with
respect to [the] corporate wealth”14 in Las Vegas. Disparities between
blacks and whites persisted almost unabated. In essence, if you had dark
skin, you suffered workplace discrimination, as income-level distinctions
between blacks and whites in the city were palpable and clearly unfair.
Furthermore, when the effects of integration were measured, and
the viability of the privately held and integrated Moulin Rouge hotel and
casino finally ended, the black community was almost destroyed, even
as legal segregation ended throughout the United States. It is unclear
whether the steps taken really benefited blacks in the end. Before inte-
gration, the black community in Las Vegas took responsibility for its own
economic and societal condition. Blacks learned to trust their own
instincts rather than rely on some handout from the city. And at that
time, the segregated black Westside was a veritable, vibrant community.
The civil rights agenda for integration was a colossal endeavor, but
with the onset of integration, many blacks lost their hard-won livelihood.
Indeed, the loss of businesses on the Westside was exactly what many in
the black community feared. Within the next several years, black bars
Eight — Hot Times in the City
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Chapter Nine
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Nine — Blacks Need Not Apply Here
needed “loans to expand,” and where black people also needed loans to
improve their homes.6 City officials knew that destitute blacks had seri-
ous problems, but the white political machine initially chose to ignore
these legitimate concerns. Did white officials think that by ignoring such
important matters, they would go away? Probably.
It cannot be overstated that the main problem for blacks in Las
Vegas was still a lack of job opportunities, which contributed to the frus-
trations that continued to build up in the black community. The black
population, however, was stubborn in the predominantly black West Las
Vegas. Werner writes that “centuries of economic repression ... forged a
black community well acquainted with survival. [And] historically, much
of that will to survive [had] come from the [black] church.”7 It must be
understood that “only a minute portion of the black community” could
even have been “considered a ghetto”8 in the 1970s. Journalists Harold
Hyman and Bob Palm, writing in the Las Vegas Sun in 1979 put it this
way: “The image that blacks are welfare-prone has been vastly over-
played by the white community because they do not see the $100,000
homes scattered throughout the black community, and the men and
women, who maybe do not have the most prestigious jobs in Las Vegas,
but work hard and long hours to support themselves and their fami-
Giving the black population its rightful due came at a time of fierce
debate and non-action among white city officials — and the lingering
threat of racial confrontation in Las Vegas. But clearly, it was long past
time that the black population was given every consideration. The essen-
tial point is that black Las Vegans endured and overcame a misguided
attempt by the conservative white power elites to exclude them from the
riches of the city. And as bad as things seemed to be for most minori-
ties, they were even worse for blacks in Las Vegas. The deeper truth of
the matter is that throughout this time period, the poverty of blacks
should have been tackled completely and in a timely manner — that is,
by providing decent jobs, feeding hungry black children, and providing
public-works projects on the Westside for black Las Vegans.
To do otherwise was an affront by the white power structure to
blacks living anywhere in the city of Las Vegas. Or was it a calculated
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
effort on the part of the city officials to dismiss the terrible conditions,
as well as the trials and tribulations of the black community in Las Vegas?
Indeed, “explicit racial discrimination by [white] developers, realtors,
banks, government agencies, and individual home buyers revealed the
widespread awareness”10 of the persistence of racism and segmentation
in Las Vegas. White neighborhoods in the city “were seen from the begin-
ning as privileged places whose residents were going to do whatever they
could to improve the quality of their personal lives at the expense of
[some Las Vegans]— that is, people of color.”11
Black Las Vegans were wrongly and disproportionately affected by
the economic inequality and racial exclusivity of the city. Blacks, how-
ever, were determined to persevere, despite the explicit racial discrimi-
nation. Eventually, in 1975, white city officials “pumped almost $6
million in federal grants into the black community for roads, street lights,
sewers, housing rehabilitation and economic development programs.”12
Such services were long overdue. Why did it take so long for white civic
officials to do the right thing? Was it because of the callousness of the
white political leaders who denied human services and resources to the
black community, based on Jim Crow racism? We may never really know
why black Las Vegans were treated in such an inhumane manner. But
blacks in the city understood their value, and worth.
Another factor was the racially exclusive hiring practices of the major
hotel-casinos. The Moulin Rouge, of course, did not play a part in the
gaming and hiring decisions made by the casino moguls at that time on
the Strip, as the Rouge was insignificant in the 1970s. Nonetheless, in
Las Vegas, black leaders continued to negotiate with the white casino
owners, to soothe racial tensions in the city. It was cause for optimism.
But for some blacks who were seeking parity, decent wages and high-
paying hotel-casino jobs, the doors were tightly shut. More trouble
ensued when black Las Vegans were denied specific jobs at some Strip
casinos. And to add insult to an already bad situation, a suspiciously large
number of mostly black males who had already been hired at many of
these hotel-casinos were summarily fired for no apparent reason.
It was reported that many of the black males were dismissed because
they were dating white women. According to Dr. Charles West, the city’s
Nine — Blacks Need Not Apply Here
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
city. But it was a perennial struggle. The hotel-casino owners should have
been more pragmatic in the firing and hiring of black Las Vegans, black
males in particular, as the Moulin Rouge did in its 1955 heyday. Black
Las Vegans were going through bad experiences on the job in terms of
their peace of mind and mental health. Such pernicious social conse-
quences, and “racial disparities on [Las Vegas] social forces,” as well as
“joblessness, unsafe housing, and other inequities,” perhaps, contributed
to the anxiety and premature deaths of many blacks in the city.18
In the final analysis, Las Vegas Strip hotel-casinos were required to
advertise and inform the black community of their commitment to hire
blacks, subject to job availability and the applicants’ abilities. And per-
haps had this commitment been sustained, it would have made all the
difference in the world to the lives of black Las Vegans.
Chapter Ten
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
or a business flop. In fact, for many, the Moulin Rouge was a social and
political masterpiece, an architectural and cultural dream come true.
Blacks in Las Vegas acknowledged and grudgingly accepted the
dominant order of the local white society, but that did not mean that
they liked it. What else could the black community do? After all, blacks
in Las Vegas had a profound and underlying distrust of the white com-
munity. This mistrust, however, was not necessarily explicit, as there were
no overt fights between the fractured ethnic groups until the 1970s. As
a general matter, the climate of racial tension continued after racial deseg-
regation, and inequalities remained between blacks and whites. Further-
more, it was widely believed by blacks in Las Vegas that whites in the
city were just as distrustful, suspicious, and extremely hostile to the black
civil rights movement as before desegregation.
In the 1950s, for example, John and Al Cahlan, white men “who
ran the Las Vegas Review Journal,” the largest newspaper in Nevada, estab-
lished an editorial policy that “most often reported [about] black peo-
ple in an unfavorable light, and they never supported black civil rights.”3
Conversely, Hank Greenspun, a white, Jewish man, who helped nego-
tiate the famous desegregation agreement at the Moulin Rouge, “came
out solidly” in his Las Vegas Sun newspaper, “on the side of civil rights
legislation, the NAACP, and desegregation.”4
It should be pointed out that the Las Vegas branch of the NAACP
was instrumental in insuring that social fairness and justice prevailed for
blacks in the turbulent city. Indeed, the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People played a vital and important part in the
struggle for equality in Las Vegas during the 1960s through the 1990s, a
struggle which was marked periodically by violent upheaval. This most
famous of civil rights groups certainly influenced public policy toward
blacks in Las Vegas. There is a body of contemporary evidence about
some contentious civil rights activities in which the NAACP partici-
pated in Las Vegas in the 1960s. The late University of Nevada Profes-
sor Elmer R. Rusco tells us:
The Las Vegas branch of the NAACP announced in July 1963, that
it would hold a demonstration on the Las Vegas Strip just before a
nationally-televised prize fight between Floyd Patterson and Sonny
Ten — The Black Political Revolution in Las Vegas
Such was the power and influence of the NAACP at that time.
Clearly, the local NAACP continuously played a critical role in direct-
ing and preventing massive demonstrations by local blacks on the Las
Vegas Strip. Even so, the city officials had measures in place “to protect
the casino hotels downtown and [on] the Strip from both physical dam-
age and the even greater damage that might be caused by the image of
rioters and protesters in their vicinity.”6 But such measures did not stop
the verbal clashes, racial brawls and riots to come throughout the city
of Las Vegas engineered by blacks because of perceived wrongs, injus-
tices and other festering social problems.
Professor Eugene P. Moehring in his enlightening study of Las Vegas,
Resort City in the Sunbelt, cites the 1970 racial disturbance at Rancho High
School. Moehring asserts that because of several race-related assaults
between angry black and white students, “the Rancho riot was the worst
single-day school disturbance during the entire civil rights movement in
Las Vegas.”7 But we should also consider the peaceful 1971 and 1972
marches on the Las Vegas Strip, led and orchestrated by the unflappable
Ruby Duncan and other celebrities such as the Rev. Ralph Abernathy,
Sammy Davis, Jr., and the infamous Jane Fonda. Ruby Duncan and her
successful Operation Life, a self-help poverty program, were aided by
the National Welfare Rights Organization with the two marches on the
Strip to protest the state government’s abrupt cutting off of welfare checks
to mostly poor black welfare mothers. “The [protest] marches on the Strip
produced the desired results when, eventually, Nevada reinstated and
raised all the grant benefits in 1975. By then, Duncan, who ran unsuc-
cessfully for the Assembly in 1974, was established as a committed com-
munity leader and social activist. [Afterward], the entire state began to
take notice of this enthusiastic, formidable [and former] black welfare
Ruby Duncan became the driving force for change in Las Vegas
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Ruby Duncan (second from left, front row center) and the Reverend Ralph
Abernathy (left, front row center) leading activists down the Las Vegas Strip
to protest welfare cuts, 1971 (Earnest N. Bracey).
Ten — The Black Political Revolution in Las Vegas
West Las Vegas residents said the rioting was the result of neglect by the
city and unwarranted police harassment.”10
As the population of blacks increased in Las Vegas, their political
clout and power grew exponentially. However, the growth of black polit-
ical power in the 1960s in Las Vegas at first “brought mainly meager
rewards at the local and state level — usually token appointments, grad-
ual increases in the number of blacks holding political jobs, and slight
improvements in municipal services.”11 According to historian Russell R.
Elliott, a significant number of blacks in Las Vegas resided in the pre-
dominantly low-income area of West Las Vegas when the census was
taken in 1970 and 1980.12 The black population grew from 24,760 in
1970 to 46,000 in 1980.13 Blacks are now the second-largest ethnic group
in Las Vegas, and have grown to 124,885 according to the 2000 census.14
Unfortunately, blacks in Las Vegas today are not as organized as they
were in previous years, perhaps because of so many divergent views and
interests. Indeed, black Las Vegans now represent a broad ideological
and political spectrum. In the past, however, the role of blacks in the
city’s government was limited, as they remained out of the political loop.
Blacks were not eligible to participate, nor were they considered politi-
cally significant until the mid-twentieth century. Some in the black
community wondered if it was worth the effort to participate politi-
cally — underscoring the political problems facing blacks at that time.
But to a limited degree, blacks have been present in the state leg-
islature and local city governments for the past five decades. Indeed,
blacks are now a part of a totally changed political climate in Las Vegas.
Throughout the United States, black Americans’ “political involvement
grew noticeably after the 15th Amendment was ratified,”15 and Las Vegas
and the State of Nevada were no exceptions, especially as time went on.
Since blacks were first elected to political office, they have main-
tained a prominent place in Las Vegas politics. The first black man to
serve successfully in the Nevada Assembly was Las Vegan and political
activist Woodrow Wilson.16 The late Woodrow Wilson was elected in
1966, and was noted for enacting the Fair Housing Act of 1971, his great-
est achievement, while serving in the state legislature for four terms.
Wilson became the model for other black politicians who sought elected
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
office from Las Vegas. In point of fact, almost all of the elected black
officials who have served in the state legislature have come predomi-
nantly from Las Vegas or Clark County.17
Some other prominent blacks who once served in the Nevada leg-
islature include the legendary Joseph “Joe” M. Neal, the first black state
senator. Neal was elected in 1972, representing State Senate District 4,
and served for over 30 years, until his retirement in 2004. The Rev. Mar-
ion Bennett, a local Las Vegas minister, won the first of five terms in the
assembly in 1972, “followed by Gene Collins, who won two terms as a
Democrat before losing a re-election bid as a Republican.”18 Cranford
Crawford was elected to the assembly and served in the state legislature
for only a single term before Lonie Chaney unseated him. He served in
the Nevada Assembly from 1975 to 1983.
Black businessman Morse Arberry, Jr., was elected to the assembly
from District 7 in 1984, and served as chairman of the powerful Ways
and Means Committee. After almost 25 years of working for the city of
Las Vegas, Arberry left his position in January 2002 as deputy director
of neighborhood services to focus on his mortgage broker business. Black
Democrat Wendell Williams held the highest assembly position at one
time as the speaker pro tem and Education Committee chairman. Wen-
dell Williams won the assembly seat from Gene Collins in 1986. The
highest-ranking senate position ever held by a black person was presi-
dent pro tem, held by Joe Neal, “which meant that he twice held the
post of acting governor.”19
More recent black state legislators elected in 2002 from Las Vegas
include Democrats Kelvin Atkinson and William Horne. Furthermore,
Cedric Crear was recently elected as the fourth black person to serve on
the Board of Regents. In addition, State Senator Steven Horsford, a black
man, elected in 2004, was recently selected in 2008, to serve as the
youngest minority leader in the Nevada State Senate. These black leg-
islators definitely boosted the political consciousness of the black com-
munity in Las Vegas. Blacks also made inroads at the local level. For
example, Dr. William Pearson, a dentist, was the first black American
to serve two terms on the Las Vegas City Commission. Pearson was suc-
ceeded by his one-time political protégé, Yvonne Atkinson-Gates, a black
Ten — The Black Political Revolution in Las Vegas
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Ten — The Black Political Revolution in Las Vegas
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Chapter Eleven
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Eleven — Black Women in the Equal Rights Movement
somebody might get hurt, because the men couldn’t afford to back down
if they [the white casino bosses] didn’t let them in the white establish-
ments.”6 According to black columnist Jill Nelson, “It [was] essential
that black women have a loud voice in the [political] dialogue. Without
the vibrant participation of black women, black people [were] assured
of repeating the same failures that have historically crippled movements
for social change. [And] there [could] be no true transformation based
on the exclusion or diminution of women’s involvement.”7
Black women’s involvement did not diminish. In fact, the voices of
black women in Las Vegas, at least for a while, were almost deafening.
More importantly, some of these fearless black women made a big impact
on the people of the city. But the magnitude of the shock wave for their
political activities, initially, was hard to gauge. To say the least, it was
very demanding work for these black women activists to rally the black
community in Las Vegas. Yet these gifted black women had a very sim-
ple job, and that was to help bring about freedom, justice, equality, racial
harmony, and concrete political change for blacks in the city of Las Vegas.
Interdicting blacks from politics in Las Vegas from the 1950s and
beyond would have been impossible, given that blacks began to flock to
the area, mostly from the South. And many blacks were being elected
to political office. Many blacks, unfortunately, were massively challenged
by the powers-that-be almost every time they asked for their rights and
municipal services, or when they went against the white establishment.
Many of these strong black women brought to the table an enormous
dose of optimism, as things in the great city of Las Vegas were being
seen for what they really were. According to a professor of history at Dart-
mouth College, Annelise Orleck, some of these amazing black women
were able to tactfully drag “Nevada [and Las Vegas, in particular] kick-
ing and screaming into the twentieth century, convincing politicians to
accept federal poverty programs they had long resisted: the Food Stamp
Program, the Women and Infant Children Nutrition Program, and free
medical screening for poor children. And they persuaded federal officials
to let them administer the programs themselves.”8
Clearly, these intelligent and dignified black women wanted to have
more economic and political power to get things done, as the winds of
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Eleven — Black Women in the Equal Rights Movement
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Eleven — Black Women in the Equal Rights Movement
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Chapter Twelve
A Lack of Economic
Security and Opportunity
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
note because, as journalist Mickey Kaus observed in his book, The End
of Equality, “When Southern blacks migrated ... they settled (thanks to
segregation) in the African American ghettos,”6 especially in Las Vegas.
This black migration influenced the entire city by “its impact on the
nature of black-white social contacts,” and influenced “racial segregation
in the urban environment, and the transformation of rural blacks into
a new [casino-industry] working class.”7
“A substantial part of the black migration” to Las Vegas can be traced
to Tallulah, Louisiana; and Fordyce, Arkansas; and other Southern states.
And since the new black residents tended to congregate, they eventually
formed a social and later an “influential political force in the black com-
munity,” which in many respects still exists today.”8 Therefore, we should
ask the question whether Las Vegas has ever truly been a transient com-
munity with an economy based solely on gaming, or has it been far more
settled and residential than many have believed? One thing is for sure:
many blacks in the 1960s and 1970s had little chance of moving outside
the squalor of the black community or low-income areas.
About such deplorable racial situations, it’s been argued that the
white power structure really didn’t have a guilty conscience regarding the
black poverty that stared them right in the face. And although Las Vegas
and the State of Nevada “had not officially endorsed Jim Crow policies
as some of the states of the Old South had done,” whites in the city “had
quietly acquiesced in patterns of discrimination that effectively denied
black citizens any places of opportunity or dignity in the trade unions
or [other] professions.” Jim Crow policies in Las Vegas had also “encour-
aged [blacks] to live in distinct regions ... and had denied them most
places of public accommodation and entertainment.”9
Clearly, as Nevada scholar John M. Findlay, tells us, “the segrega-
tion of blacks” in the city of Las Vegas, “and their relatively low stan-
dard of living served as a counterpoint to the glitter and prosperity of
the gambling capital.”10 Nevertheless, according to Findlay, “the quality
of life in Westside started to change in 1955, as banks began to lend
money to black homeowners and government agencies invested addi-
tional funds for rebuilding the run-down [black] district.”11 Findlay goes
on to say, “The coincidental opening of the first interracial hotel, the
Twelve — A Lack of Economic Security and Opportunity
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
higher than white unemployment.19 We must also note that it was more
difficult for poor blacks to purchase land and homes anywhere in Las
Vegas during the late 1950s and early 1960s and even later, because many
places were off limits, and local banks and mortgage companies contin-
ued their exclusionary policies of not providing “financing for home
building on the Westside.”20
Owning property outside the ghetto during the 1970s would become
a reality for some blacks, but local banks continued to discriminate
against black Americans when it came to actually lending large sums of
money. Focusing on the unfair lending practices of Nevada’s major bank-
ing institutions, University of Nevada professor of political science
Michael W. Bowers writes:
A 1992 survey by the Las Vegas Alliance for Fair Banking found that
only 59 of almost 11,000 loans for home purchases, refinancing, or
improvements in the Las Vegas area went to the predominantly
African-American Westside. Black families were denied loans 50
percent more often than white families with the same income. Even
more significant was the study’s finding that black families earning
$41,000 per year were more likely to be rejected for home loans than
were white families with incomes as low as $27,000.21
Twelve — A Lack of Economic Security and Opportunity
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
once invested money that she had scrupulously saved for her notable
preschool business, called Operation Independence.28 About the unique
Operation Independence, Lubertha Johnson once stated:
My preschool is located in the Sierra Nevada Arms housing project.
It is called Operation Independence. When the poverty funds came
to Las Vegas — or when they were talked about before we actually
had them — people came from Washington [D.C.] and different
places and talked about the amount of [grant] money that we were
going to get. At that time, a very high percentage of people in this
area were on welfare, and I thought, well, we’ll never be dependent
again! It didn’t work out that way, but that was my feeling. That’s
why it was called Operation Independence.29
Twelve — A Lack of Economic Security and Opportunity
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
The Westside Federal Credit Union had more than 1.75 million in
assets, and the place was once supervised by the National Credit Union
Administration, and run by a board of directors of dedicated fellow mem-
bers, associated with the NAACP. This is important to point out because
the NAACP also played a part in keeping the doors open. While the
Westside Federal Credit Union was often challenged by economic hard-
ships, it was still a well-run, lean community institution. It had to oper-
ate efficiently to survive, especially in the tough years. It finally filled an
important niche for the distressed black community of Las Vegas. Thus,
the Westside Federal Credit Union also played a minor, but significant
role in the history and development of Southern Nevada by encourag-
ing good financial, corporate and investment policies, and advice for
loans, in a segment of the community that especially needed them.
The Westside Federal Credit Union easily could have failed. But it
did not fail. And under the worst circumstances of racism and financial
hardship, it made a difference in the quality of life for many black Amer-
icans in Las Vegas. This once-venerable, black financial institution cer-
tainly made the economic needs and concerns of the Westside
neighborhood known. Unfortunately, there are no predominantly black-
owned credit or banking institutions in Las Vegas today.
Finally, the Westside Federal Credit Union showed that in the midst
of discrimination, inequality and poverty, there was room and a market
for such a viable and specialized credit union in the spirited, but long-
abused black community.
Chapter Thirteen
The next real challenge that confronted blacks in Las Vegas was
stopping the decline of black businesses on the Westside. Many of the
black nightclubs and hot nightspots, as well as successful mom and pop
stores had to close their once-thriving doors after racial desegregation
and integration, because of declining patronage. The city of Las Vegas
in the 1970s and early 1980s was also still divided along racial lines. Some
blacks in Las Vegas were wondering if the commitment to integration
was really a mistake. Blacks who stopped frequenting black business
operations didn’t feel any guilt, as many perhaps thought that there was
no longer a need because of integration.
Therefore, with the advent of desegregation, black-owned busi-
nesses were inadvertently devastated “on the Westside, and those who
had patronized the Moulin Rouge were no longer limited as to where
they could go.”1 As late as “the 1980s blacks [in the United States] owned
approximately 17 million fewer businesses than whites,” which negatively
affected black business profits everywhere. And “an additional deficit
[was] that black-owned businesses [tended] to be substantially smaller
than white-owned ones.” This meant that “in identical areas of com-
merce, black business income [fell] short of that of white businesses.”2
Every bankrupt business on the Westside was a tremendous loss
because of the income disparities and disintegration of the depressed Las
Vegas black neighborhood. “It was not a good time for Westside busi-
nesses, whose entire livelihoods depended on black [customers], patrons
and support.”3 The Moulin Rouge was no exception, as “it suffered
greatly and just as much as other area [black] businesses.”4 Things got
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
even worse at the Moulin Rouge under Leo Fry’s stringent leadership,
who had now operated the place since 1957.
Fry continued to ignore the level of dissatisfaction the black com-
munity had for him and his ideological, social, and business parochial-
ism. Fry, as “the principal stock holder of the LeRoy Corporation,” was
perhaps upset because the income of the Moulin Rouge during his own-
ership5 was not what he thought it should have been. Leo Fry was once
quoted as saying that the Moulin Rouge was “economically obsolescent,”
because “the general area and immediate neighborhood [was] socially
and economically blighted.”6 Fry had been desperately trying to sell the
Moulin Rouge in the early 1960s.7 He valued the place — the combina-
tion hotel-apartments and land, which spread over approximately 8.5
acres at only $948,000.8
However, in 1968, a different estimate put the value of the Moulin
Rouge at almost $4.8 million.9 The Moulin Rouge was later offered for
sale to the Clark County Commission for use as “an extended care facil-
ity of Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital.”10 But the county commis-
sion was not interested in buying the place or establishing an extended
Perhaps, after such disappointments, Leo Fry had had enough of
the Moulin Rouge, when in 1968, the Las Vegas city commissioners
ordered the closure of the Hideaway Cocktail Lounge there because of
“allegations of on-premise prostitution and serving liquor to minors,”11
as well as other alleged illegal activities. The suspension, however, was
later withdrawn, and the Moulin Rouge’s liquor license was reinstated
by a district court, which eventually ruled that “the commission lacked
sufficient evidence to justify the suspension.”12
A series of unfortunate events continued to occur at the Moulin
Rouge. Prior to the 1970s, the place was picketed by the Women’s Demo-
cratic Club West, a predominantly black political organization. The
group charged that “discriminatory treatment had been given to two of
its members,” when they were forced to leave the hotel’s lobby so that
“a photograph could be made for an advertising booklet.”13 Leo Fry, of
course, denied the allegation of racial bias by the two black women when
he made the following statement to the Review-Journal: “This is not a
Thirteen — The End of an Era
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
they were actually responsible for the two rooms (209 and 309) being
completely gutted. According to journalist John Crow, a spokesman for
the hotel management at the Moulin Rouge, Dan Sullivan, scoffed at
the fire damage, claiming that it was a small insurance claim and that
the hotel could fix the damaged rooms in approximately an hour.19 The
rooms were later repaired, but it took more than just an hour. Indeed,
the rooms were unavailable for a little more than a week.
Later, in 1968, a $775,000 damage suit was filed against Fry and
the Moulin Rouge, by “the survivors of [an unnamed] guest who drowned
in its swimming pool,”20 because of violations of health department reg-
ulations. But it is unclear from the records if the case was ever resolved.
At any rate, the Moulin Rouge never paid the $775,000. The City of
Las Vegas filed suit against the place in 1976 for approximately $8,703,
claiming that the Moulin Rouge had “been understating the revenue
received in room taxes.”21 The City of Las Vegas alleged that this occurred
between January 1, 1972, and December 31, 1974.22
These nail-biting and unexpected events over the years probably
grated on Leo Fry’s fragile nerves. Perhaps he was also politically and
socially frustrated and even fed up with the black community. Who can
say exactly? But in fairness, Fry did allow many black activities and social
events to take place at the Moulin Rouge, such as weddings, political
rallies, bar mitzvahs, parties, dances, and other black community pro-
grams. For example, the highly touted campaign rally for Bob Bailey,
later the first black executive director of the Nevada Economic Devel-
opment Commission, was held at the Moulin Rouge in the hotel’s
Deauville Room when he ran for city commissioner in 1971.23 Black
entertainers George Kirby and Bobby Stevens of the Checkmates and
the Treniers even attended and performed at that sensational event.24
With other black activists and other community members at his side,
Bob Bailey held a triumphant and successful political rally, but he did
not, in the end, win the election for city commissioner.
This political rally at the Moulin Rouge for Bob Bailey was
significant for the black community because leaders and black activists
were beginning to find their collective political voices, by running for
public office. In 1979, for instance, blacks made up 5.7 percent of the
Thirteen — The End of an Era
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
time, casino and restaurant equipment was removed and the doors were
locked.”28 Columnist Dick Odessky described this as “a sad day for Las
Vegas.”29 It became even sadder when “vandals started breaking up the
place as it stood vacant and inviting.”30
Ultimately, the Moulin Rouge was bought from the Fry brothers
on November 1, 1977, by Leonard Roy, a Denver, Colorado, business-
man and former coal mine owner, and his son Leonard, Jr., who worked
for the Ford Motor Company in Los Angeles for 17 years.31 The Roys
initially did not say how much they would pay for the Moulin Rouge,
but the 8.5 acre site was appraised by the Clark County assessor’s office
for a little more than $800,000 at that time.32 The Roys, no doubt, were
enthusiastic about acquiring the famous place, but much had to be done
to reopen the Moulin Rouge — again.
Chapter Fourteen
When Leonard Roy and his son took over the ailing Moulin Rouge
in 1977, it was based on a lease-purchase arrangement.1 However, nei-
ther of the two men had any experience in operating such a large and
complex hotel, or a casino operation. Therefore, the Roys opted “to lease
out the casino,” since they only felt “content to run the hotel.”2 It seemed
appropriate that the Moulin Rouge continue operation, as the place had
had several delicious years. The obvious question was whether the Roys
could make a go of it. Indeed, what could the Roys possibly do in the
short term to make the place a success again?
At one time, the hotel rooms at the fabulous Moulin Rouge were
considered luxurious accommodations, as the place was once considered
one of the plushest hotel-casinos in Las Vegas. Now the Moulin Rouge
was in a state of serious disrepair. Yet “below a few layers of dirt, and
grime,” the Roys “uncovered one of the soundest buildings ever con-
structed” in the city, “complete with all copper plumbing and a gener-
ally super plant.”3 In fact, with a little paint, soap and water, and hard
work, the Roys did a masterful, Herculean job of cleaning up the filthy
place for its next reincarnation. For some the reopening of the Moulin
Rouge was hardly news. Still, many in the black community were eager
to see the place reopen, which they thought would stop its complete
Not everyone was convinced that the Roys could revive the dilap-
idated Moulin Rouge. Cynical observers even stated that the place had
been kept open longer than it should have been. Yet many blacks in Las
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Vegas liked the idea of reopening the Moulin Rouge. In fact, it seemed
no one in the black community was worried about the new direction the
white operators wanted to take. Of course, the late 1970s and early 1980s
were still uncomfortable times for blacks in the city of Las Vegas. Black
Las Vegans still lived in an almost separate world where there were few
opportunities for real advancement, dead-end jobs and low-wage work,
especially on the Strip.
Nevertheless, some blacks in the Las Vegas community seemed more
willing to accept the Roys’ big ideas. But the new owners of the Moulin
Rouge never reached out to blacks in the city. Such a considerate move
would have put the new white owners in good standing with the black
community. Was it because they didn’t particularly care? More impor-
tantly, was the oversight on their part a mistake, because they needed
black support? For a while the new white owner/operators really did
think that they could run the Moulin Rouge successfully. They may have
believed that the place could endure with harder work — or a bit of luck.
Or perhaps the new white owners had unrealistic expectations for the
Moulin Rouge.
Needless to say, both men were pragmatic, and under no illusion
about their expensive purchase, because they recognized that they were
“gambling some pretty heavy money” on a place that had totally beaten
others.4 Indeed, should Leonard Roy and his reliable son have had lower
expectations? After all, there was no hard evidence that the Moulin Rouge
could ever be a true success. In any case, an opportunity existed for a
new revival of the hotel-casino resort. But before the new white owners
could reopen, they had to get a liquor license. Indeed, Roy and his son
had planned to open the Moulin Rouge on April 1, 1977, but their appli-
cation for a liquor license had not been approved by the city by then.5
Meanwhile, the Roys continued to make “necessary improvements to
the Moulin Rouge” so that it could again be “habitable for tourists.”6
For some Las Vegas residents it seemed incredible that the place was able
to open again at all, it was in such bad shape.
Leonard Roy and his able son said that the new Moulin Rouge facil-
ities would be revamped to include a coffee shop in the hotel, and at
least “150 slot machines, in addition to all the other games of chance for
Fourteen — The Power Brokers and a Raw Deal
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Fourteen — The Power Brokers and a Raw Deal
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
assumption at this time was that blacks in Las Vegas had always owned
the Moulin Rouge, but nothing was further from the truth. Indeed, it
was not until “six years later, despite opposition,” that Sarann Knight-
Preddy was able to take over the struggling Moulin Rouge as the first
true black owner in 1989.22
Chapter Fifteen
Economic Discrimination
and Education
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
businesses that remained opened in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s strug-
gled mightily to stay afloat.
Clearly, many black businesses were unable to take advantage of the
opportunities that resulted from the civil rights movement and desegre-
gation. Or did blacks in Las Vegas no longer care about supporting black
businesses and commercial operations, as suggested earlier, once racial
barriers had been broken? Some scholars blame the success of the black
revolution and civil rights movement for dispersing black residents in
Las Vegas.3 The late black civil rights leader, James B. McMillan
explained it this way: “Integration was necessary. But if you were [a
black] American, you didn’t have to live in West Las Vegas now. You
didn’t have to gamble or dine there [the Westside]. It didn’t eliminate all
the money or people, but it did damage the economy of that area.”4
Let us consider this issue more closely. Blacks in Las Vegas fought
hard and aggressively argued for racial equality and fairness. Many were
able to overcome the odds, but desegregation did some absolutely no
good. Indeed, a large number of blacks in Las Vegas were unable “to rise
above economic disparities and improve their lives.”5 Unfortunately,
because of a confluence of negative activities and unexpected events,
blacks in Las Vegas were unable to capitalize on the changes made in the
city, to level the playing field for all ethnic groups. Also, it seemed that
the white power structure, in many ways, could have cared less about
whether things were fair and just for blacks in Las Vegas. Was it because
whites always wanted the advantage and upper hand? Probably.
It was certainly a deep insult to the black community, after being
ignored for so long, to be suddenly given the opportunity to shop and go
anywhere in the city, like the Strip and other downtown properties, yet
still be discriminated against in covert ways. Indeed, many blacks were
looked upon with contempt and suspicion. Some black residents, never-
theless, had a sense of optimism with all the sudden changes taking place
in Las Vegas because of integration. Yet integration was, without a doubt,
a terrible thing for some blacks who lost their livelihoods and businesses
on the Westside. The black businesses hardest hit were on Jackson Avenue,
which was known as the “black Las Vegas Strip” during the 1940s early
1950s in West Las Vegas, where many of the black nightclubs operated.
Fifteen — Economic Discrimination and Education
These small, specialized black clubs and casinos included the Club
Alabama, the Cotton Club, and the Green Lantern, which “was sup-
planted by Club Ebony in 1948.”6 Some other notable black clubs and
operations on the Westside included the Brown Derby; the El Morocco,
which opened its doors in 1945 on E Street; and the long-defunct Cove
Hotel, which was located on D and Jackson Streets, and where many
black entertainers ended up staying during the city’s segregation years.
The late Joe Louis, the former heavy-weight boxing champion,
owned the Cove, “making it one of the few black-owned hotels in Las
Vegas” during the 1940s through the 1950s.7 Unfortunately, the Cove
Hotel mysteriously burned down on July 26, 1989. The Moulin Rouge
was not immune to what was happening all around. Many black busi-
nesses had to close their doors during the 1960s and 1970s because of a
lack of serious black patronage and gaming revenues. And it seemed that
the Roys were deliberately not paying attention to these developments
during their operation of the Moulin Rouge. Did the Roys honestly
believe that the Moulin Rouge wouldn’t be affected by the drastic and
debilitating changes occurring in West Las Vegas because of integration?
Or did they know something others did not? Probably not.
Furthermore, many critics believed now what skeptics thought in the
past, that the area around the Moulin Rouge hotel and casino was in no
position to support such an establishment.8 Or was the black community
being held hostage psychologically by the Roys, as some academicians
believe some Moulin Rouge owners did.9 In the ultimate analysis, Leonard
Roy and his son were unprepared or unable to weather the tempestuous
storm of change taking place in the Las Vegas community. Perhaps, in
the end, the Roys relished the idea of getting out and handing over the
reins of the Moulin Rouge to Sarann Knight-Preddy and her family.
According to journalist Clarence Page, “the past teaches us that gov-
ernment can help open up opportunities for the poor to receive jobs,
education and training.”10 In Las Vegas, it was important that the black
population, the poorest of ethnic groups at that time, get its due, given
the city’s record of past discrimination. Education was the key to black
progress in Las Vegas, but unfortunately, things did not always work out
exactly as hoped for the black community, especially regarding educa-
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
tion. The biggest challenge that faced blacks in the city during the twen-
tieth century was how to eliminate poverty through education. Indeed,
many blacks in Las Vegas began “to direct their efforts towards problems
of black poverty rather than towards the lack of legal equality.”11 The
late and celebrated economist James K. Galbraith put it this way: “Access
to education is a gateway to opportunity in [black] America, and few
doubt (in public) that additional years in the classroom are socially use-
ful. Distributing such access across ethnicities and genders [in] a way to
achieve some diversity in the higher professions and in political and
social elites [is what mattered].”12
Galbraith’s remarks are especially important when considering the
state of blacks in Las Vegas during the 1960s and beyond. Indeed, the
participation of blacks in the field of education in Las Vegas has been
enormously important. As many black scholars have observed, ensuring
that blacks were in total ignorance (even during slavery in America) was
just another way of keeping the entire black community under control,
as education is a direct link to economic and political power. The pow-
ers-that-be wanted blacks to continue to work in terrible, low-paying
service jobs. Educating blacks in Las Vegas endangered a system devoted
to the preservation of the “backwardness” of blacks, and perpetuation of
the dominant white status quo. However, according to professor James
W. Hulse, “Nevada had no official statewide policy of segregated schools,”
even in Las Vegas.13
But de facto segregation did exist in the school system in Las Vegas.
Indeed, one might be struck by the depth of polarization that existed in
the city. But blacks were not necessarily denied an education. Many in
the black population educated themselves, overcoming the political odds,
even in the midst of several local school crises. For example, in the 1970s:
Fifteen — Economic Discrimination and Education
Race relations in the city of Las Vegas, especially in the local high
school system, deteriorated for an extended period. However, few whites
spoke out against such a sorry state of affairs. Predominantly black schools
in Las Vegas during the late 1960s and 1970s were sorely inadequate.
And because of the poverty and blight that existed in these isolated sec-
tions of the black community in Las Vegas, many black students were
less prepared for an increasingly competitive and complex world. More-
over, the parents of these black students became disillusioned with the
white city leaders in educating their children.
In an effort to rectify the inadequate school systems (K-12) and
education problems of blacks, the Keller and 6th grade centers were cre-
ated in the early 1980s. The idea was that black children could achieve
at high levels when they were taught at high levels.15 The Keller and 6th
grade centers later disbanded because they simply did not eliminate Las
Vegas’s worst schools, or the education problems. The Clark County
School District later experimented with Edison, at one time the nation’s
largest for-profit education corporation, especially in the at-risk neigh-
borhoods and minority-dominated communities, but that effort didn’t
gain any traction.
Black parents in Las Vegas, moreover, protested the move, because
they saw Edison as a profit-driven company that wasn’t really interested
in educating low-income, black kids. To say the least, the endeavor with
Edison failed. On the other hand, the Andre Agassi College Preparatory
Academy, a $4.1 million charter school, opened in 2001 in West Las
Vegas. It was initially established for grades 3 through 5, and expanded
through grade 12 in 2008. The purpose of the Agassi Charter School,
which is considered a public institution with an open enrollment, is to
send all of its students (mostly blacks and other minorities) to college,
and “to give them the tools needed to make a better life.”16 Agassi should
be commended for his efforts in educating black students in Las Vegas.
For many blacks in Las Vegas, education was and still is a priority,
as many realize that education is a long-term investment and commit-
ment to self-improvement and knowledge, as well as a way out of poverty.
Indeed, blacks in Las Vegas continue to pressure for improvements in the
at-risk neighborhoods where blacks predominately reside. Unfortunately,
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
some inferior educational facilities remain in West Las Vegas. And as far
as Las Vegas is concerned, according to Professor Roth Sidel, “The atti-
tudes of policymakers, educators, and students about who [is] worthy of
being educated, and about economic entitlement, and the deep-seated
attitude about race, class, and gender, also constitute real barriers to edu-
cating all the varied groups and individuals within American society.”17
Unfortunately, for several decades, blacks in Las Vegas had very lit-
tle influence regarding certain fundamental patterns of education. But
there was always a thirst and thrust for education in the black commu-
nity of Las Vegas. And despite the fact that more schools were being built
on the Westside, black parents grew discouraged by the increasing dis-
parities they perceived in trying to educate their children. And when the
primary and secondary school system became a target of racial scape-
goating and subject to bias, black activists and leaders took immediate
action. For example, Dr. James B. McMillan was able to skillfully “nego-
tiate the placement of black teachers in white schools,”18 while pressing
the Clark County School District “to spend more money on assessing
the needs of [black] children and on training teachers in proven reading
and math methods to increase student achievement.”19
Moreover, as a member of the Clark County School Board for four
years, McMillan “was responsible for ensuring that three new schools were
acquired for his district.”20 McMillan once said that he always voted as
a school board member, “to get the things [the black population]
need[ed] in ... at-risk schools.” Ultimately, he went on to insist that the
black community must have “good teachers, small classrooms and good
buildings,”21 in order to be successful. Quite understandably, black Las
Vegans’ path to education has been long and arduous, but black students
today do not just attend schools in West Las Vegas; they also attend edu-
cational institutions throughout the city. Nevertheless, as the city of Las
Vegas has grown, construction of new homes has often resulted in new
schools that cater solely to white students. Perhaps this can be consid-
ered unintentional discrimination, as fewer blacks in Las Vegas are able
to afford or live in these new and predominantly white communities.
Chapter Sixteen
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Sixteen — A Dream Deferred Forever
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Sixteen — A Dream Deferred Forever
deal with the riff-raff and homeless that frequented the place. And the
black community didn’t provide a groundswell of support, even with the
newly minted middle-class and wealthy black residents in Las Vegas. All
these things exacerbated the situation at the Moulin Rouge. Indeed, at
that moment in time, things did not look good for Sarann Knight-Preddy
and the Walker family.
The much-ballyhooed reopening of the Moulin Rouge hotel and
casino was now a thing of the past. At various times, the place seemed
to have been doing okay. But the lack of funds made the strapped Moulin
Rouge “financially debilitating.”18 Nonetheless, for eleven years, Sarann
Knight-Preddy, her husband Joe and James Walker, who was president
of the place, tried to keep the Moulin Rouge “open while trying to find
money to restore it to its former glory.”19 Indeed, for several years, James
Walker and his bold and unflappable mother did as well as could be
expected under the tough circumstances.
Sarann Knight-Preddy helped to organize a nonprofit group called
the Moulin Rouge Preservation Association to raise funds for the reno-
vation and restoration project.20 This certainly was a plus, but it, too,
fell short. The support of the Moulin Rouge Preservation Association
was not enough to restore the place to its former prominence. Of course,
white casino moguls did not give any support to the Moulin Rouge, as
they still might have thought of the place as a celebrated nuisance.
Knight-Preddy and James Walker, however, were of the mind that
they could get local support and national philanthropic donations if the
Moulin Rouge met national historic criteria. The immediate drawback
was that the famous hotel-casino was only forty-plus years old, less than
the 50-year benchmark for historic designation. With “state landmark
status,” the Moulin Rouge would have been eligible for state and fed-
eral grants.21 In the end, the Las Vegas City Council designated the
Moulin Rouge as a historic landmark, because of the diligence and hard
work of Knight-Preddy James Walker, and it was finally placed on the
National Register of Historic Places in 1992.22
Furthermore, in 1996, the Las Vegas City Council unanimously
voted to give the Moulin Rouge “a $3 million loan of federal Housing and
Urban Development funds,” subject to certain unspecified prerequisites
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
and conditions. This was “the linchpin to getting $2 million more from
local banks.”23 Many city residents, however, thought that using taxpay-
ers’ money to fund “the 900 West Bonanza Road project” was a bad idea,
because the Moulin Rouge was a private business, no matter the com-
munity benefits or the “significant historical weight” of the place, or the
pressing need from the black owners. The loan was to be temporary with
no discretionary use of the funds. In other words, it was not supposed
to be a gift to the black owners. In fact, the Las Vegas City Council stip-
ulated the following conditions in approving the $3 million loan guar-
• Disclosing all limited partners and how much they would invest
in the casino.
• Getting letters of intent from tour companies showing how many
people they planned to bring to the hotel each week.
• Capping the salaries of Moulin Rouge operators, James Walker
and Joe and Sarann Knight-Preddy for three years.
• Hiring a management firm to oversee the operations of the casino
until the $3 million loan was repaid.
• Getting an unlimited gaming license; and
• Getting a $1 million grant from the city’s redevelopment agency.24
Chapter Seventeen
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Seventeen — The Beginning of the End
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Seventeen — The Beginning of the End
efforts were for a lost cause. But she didn’t grow embittered by the lack
of support from the Las Vegas community. Maybe it was Knight-Preddy’s
zest for living and working in the tough casino business that drove her
on to the bitter end? Or perhaps the pressure and enormous stress of the
job at the Moulin Rouge became a grind for Knight-Preddy, James
Walker, and the rest of her family. Yet they continued to work hard at
the place because they ultimately knew what it would mean to fail.
Regrettably, the black owners could not sustain the operation at the
Moulin Rouge. It meant that the family would have to give up on its
mega resort-casino dream. The turnaround had finally faltered. Some
began to blame the owners, saying that Knight-Preddy, husband Joe,
and son James Walker failed to take appropriate corrective actions before
they finally had to give up on the place. It was also rumored that the
owners had a willful disregard for the property and were equally unforth-
coming about the real financial problems of the Moulin Rouge. To say
the least, many in the black community were disappointed. As one
observer stated: “The Moulin Rouge is a magical place.... [And] we need
that place for the community, for the black community.”14 But some-
times dreams die softly.
It is hard to say whether the incredible changes Knight-Preddy, Joe,
and James Walker had envisioned were possible, even if they miracu-
lously had been able to get financial support. But there was an inevitabil-
ity about the black owners losing the hard-won place. Some might say
that it was inescapable. So what would happen next, as the curtains
finally closed for the first black owners?
In the end, there wasn’t a lot of fanfare when Knight-Preddy and
company eventually sold the financially strapped Moulin Rouge to white
businessman Bart Maybie for $3 million in May 1997.15 Then everything
changed — again. It was an amazing reversal of fortune, because the own-
ership had come full circle with the new white management of the
Moulin Rouge. Aware of the financial problems, Maybie liked the loca-
tion and synchronicity of the Moulin Rouge, nonetheless. Therefore, he
bought the 8.5-acre property with the idea of improving it and making
money, not necessarily because he cared about the historical significance
of the place.
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Chapter Eighteen
Sarann Knight-Preddy and her family, the first black owners of the
Moulin Rouge, had put together several viable proposals for financing
and using city funds, private donations and/or federal grants. But despite
all their efforts, they were unsuccessful in getting any public funds for
the rebuilding project, even though the place was recognized as a national
landmark, and placed on the National Register of Historic Places. There-
fore, the Moulin Rouge remained in dire straits.
Some have argued that the Moulin Rouge was a private venture,
which sealed its fate in terms of financing. It certainly failed and dashed
the hopes and dreams of Sarann Knight-Preddy.
It was an exacting time for the entire black community in Las Vegas,
and misconceptions and rumors about what was going to happen to the
Moulin Rouge remained rampart. Black ownership of hotel-casinos in
Las Vegas was still considered a little bit unusual. It was, no doubt, a
sad commentary on where the city of Las Vegas stood on race-relations.
As we have seen, “racial protest and racial laws begat more protest and
more laws,”1 especially in the city of Las Vegas. But non-violent black
protest and racial laws, as political scientist Joseph N. Crowley writes,
“were healthy developments if for no other reason than that they forced
society and government,” as well as the city of Las Vegas, “to face up
increasingly to the American dilemma of the harsh reality of bigotry and
persistent, pervasive discrimination.”2
One must question whether Las Vegas had learned anything. It was
hard for the city to rectify some of the inequalities, which to a large
extent, white city leaders and officials created in the black community.
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
But the City of Las Vegas had an obligation to fix things for the black
population, no matter the cost. Indeed, as we have seen, the city was
once notorious for its lack of services to blacks. And this is still the case
today with the homeless in Las Vegas. Nevertheless, blacks in the city
continued to face persistent stereotyping, even while many made
significant gains, professionally and politically.
The equal and civil rights movements supposedly provided equal-
ity of opportunity and integration displaced Jim Crow racism and the
terrible era of segregation in the city of Las Vegas. But blacks in the city
continue to tackle discrimination. The late Nevada historian James W.
Hulse wrote that, “although substantial progress” was made in terms of
race relations in the state, “many remnants of the backward policy of the
1950s” remain, which has resulted in blacks having poor educational
opportunities, “chronically higher” unemployment rates, limited
“employment opportunities and incomes below the average level for Cau-
casian workers.”3 It is still a very unfortunate situation for some blacks
residing in Las Vegas and in the state.
When the hard-charging Canadian Bart Maybie, president of CBC
Financial Corporation, bought the Moulin Rouge, he saw obvious finan-
cial advantages. Curiosity about the historic Moulin Rouge had always
overshadowed the harsh reality for Maybie. The hotel-casino offered him
the opportunity to develop good relationships with the local black res-
idents, providing a sort of seamless integration with the black popula-
tion. It was not Maybie’s intent to segregate his new business along racial
lines. He certainly didn’t want to ruffle any feathers in the black com-
Maybie’s robust willingness to take on the place at all was a small
miracle. Maybie believed that the revamped hotel-casino could be suc-
cessful and a thing of beauty. It certainly needed some updating which
he would provide. Of course, maintenance of the old place over the years
had been extremely spotty, and neglect had taken its ugly toll. Maybie
wanted an upscaled place which would look more substantial. Bart May-
bie also wanted the Moulin Rouge to be an exciting stomping ground
for black high rollers. But perhaps refurbishing the old place was not the
answer, given that the old, 40,000-square-foot hotel-casino was, by then,
Eighteen — The Walls Come Tumbling Down
The Desert Breeze Apartments on West Bonanza, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2007.
Purchased by Bart Maybie as part of the Moulin Rouge Hotel (Earnest N.
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
funds to rebuild the place, but owning the surrounding land and build-
ings in the neighborhood was critical to sustaining any growth, barring
any other problems or setbacks. Maybie later bought “the adjacent Desert
Breeze Apartments and a business complex next to the casino”5 for fur-
ther development. He also explored other possibilities to restructure the
historic place. For example, Maybie “submitted an offer to the City of
Las Vegas and the federal Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment to buy boarded-up apartments behind the Moulin Rouge.”6
Bart Maybie certainly had a comprehensive plan for salvaging the
site. But the Moulin Rouge was in an awkward place to begin with. The
property is too far removed from the high-end hotel-casinos and impor-
tant tourist areas on the Strip. Maybie was always asking what could be
done to attract investors and businesses to the depressed black area. How
could he create profitability at the Moulin Rouge? Indeed, what exactly
could be the magic formula for a complete recovery? Revenue contin-
ued to decline.
As Maybie was energetically trying to expand the historic hotel-
casino, many said that they didn’t think there would be a lot of interest
in the Moulin Rouge again. Maybie also embraced Sarann Knight-
Preddy’s plan to develop a condo-like complex on the grounds, as high-
rise hotel-casinos were becoming increasingly in vogue in the city, and
not just on the Las Vegas Strip. Maybie also felt that landscaping
enhancements could provide needed aesthetic improvements to the land
and property. Such changes made absolute sense. Still, the Moulin Rouge
suffered economically, which was the more immediate problem.
The black community wondered about Maybie’s vision for the
Moulin Rouge, and his impact on the black community. Some thought
that Maybie had questionable expertise as a property manager-devel-
oper, but with outright enthusiasm, Maybie and John Edmond (his busi-
ness partner), really wanted to turn the Moulin Rouge “back into a [sort
of jazz-flavor] casino that would house eight to 10 gaming tables and 165
to 170 slot machines.”7 Bart Maybie instinctively knew that there was
more money to be gained if the place was in prime condition. John
Edmond was even willing to spend over $2 million in refurbishing and
furnishing the various buildings with modern equipment.8
Eighteen — The Walls Come Tumbling Down
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Eighteen — The Walls Come Tumbling Down
The gutted Moulin Rouge after the May 29, 2003, fire (Earnest N. Bracey).
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
to, and because his CBC Financial Corporation would make an enor-
mous profit. It was again a historic moment. The blunt reality was that
Maybie might have done anything to get back almost all the money his
corporation invested in the place to keep it afloat. But was it a losing
Chapter Nineteen
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Nineteen — The New Black Entrepreneurs
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Nineteen — The New Black Entrepreneurs
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Nineteen — The New Black Entrepreneurs
ing, the likes of which the Westside has never seen. But the depressed
property, unfortunately, suffers from almost intractable problems. A
recent setback was the death of James Crook, a 67-year-old man, from
pneumonia in January 2007 in one of the low-rent hotel rooms.26
According to journalist Timothy Pratt, “Crook’s death was the out-
come of a rock-and-a-hard-place scenario common to poor people seek-
ing a place to live in the Las Vegas Valley.”27 In fairness, many of the
evicted Moulin Rouge tenants refused to leave the hotel after being asked
to vacate the premises. Prior to Crook’s death, Stanton Wilkerson, an
administrator at the historic place, stated that, “he issued 30-day evic-
tion notices to about 70 of the hotel’s 101 rooms”28 in August 2006.
Many went unheeded, even when the heat and hot water was eventually
turned off. About this matter, Pratt wrote: “The situation at the [Moulin
Rouge] hotel involved tenants living month to month and paying half
the valley’s average rent; county health officials discovering bedbugs,
backed-up toilets and broken sinks; owners attempting to evict tenants
to bring the hotel up to code; and tenants refusing to leave.”29
It seems that hardly anyone in Las Vegas cares much about poor
black people and the homeless. Is this because racial inequality still exist
in the city, but in more subtle and persistent ways? Or is it that blacks,
generally, are still at the economic bottom, even in the twenty-first cen-
tury? The real question, ultimately, is why haven’t some blacks been able
to climb the steps of economic opportunity? Indeed, it seems no matter
how hard black residents have tried to fit in and make things work in
Las Vegas, they probably will never be really rich or prosper in the city.
Is this because some social problems are also being ignored? Or will the
rich and powerful in Las Vegas hinder such efforts? Blacks are not top
casino executives or leaders of wealthy businesses on the Strip. Although
some dispute that blacks in the city lack equality of opportunity, blacks
should rise in greater numbers professionally in the casino business. In
the final analysis, many blacks in the city don’t believe that there is any-
thing noble about Las Vegas.
Many of the poor blacks in Las Vegas today seem unaware of the
historical importance of the Moulin Rouge — nor do they care. In fact,
many don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the place as being the first
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
integrated hotel and casino. Therefore, keeping the place operating and
in the mind of the black community and Las Vegas is becoming more
of an issue every day. The black owners know that rebuilding the Moulin
Rouge will be a hugely complex and difficult endeavor. If ever com-
pleted, however, it could be a prototype for new kinds of business devel-
opments that could be brought to the blighted Westside, perhaps
triggering a rebirth of a vibrant black community.
Many have suggested that rebuilding the Moulin Rouge should start
from scratch. What will provide the momentum to start the new Moulin
Rouge? The black owners acknowledge that many people would appre-
ciate a specific time frame. Moulin Rouge administrator Wilkerson has
rightly and continuously pointed out that “the underlying goal ... has
long been to reopen the Moulin Rouge’s casino,” which “is part of the
Another view of the Desert Breeze Apartments on West Bonanza, Las Vegas,
Nevada, 2007 (Earnest N. Bracey).
Nineteen — The New Black Entrepreneurs
massive overhaul planned ... of the sprawling Bonanza Road site, which
includes the Moulin Rouge and the Desert Breeze, another 160 or so
affordable apartments.”30
Given the complexities of rebuilding the place, it would be fair to
rely more on reason than on hope and prayer that things will one day
get better at the Moulin Rouge. At some point, a financial commitment
must be made for the revitalization efforts. Perhaps this is one of the
biggest impediments to rebuilding. And constructing a new building is
also subject to approval by the city government. Both of these factors
have profound implications for the uncertain prospect of rebuilding. But
at some point, a firm decision must be made about the revitalization of
the Moulin Rouge. The final question is whether a new Moulin Rouge
is what the city needs, and what people visiting Las Vegas actually want.
It will take a minor miracle for the Moulin Rouge to be revived to
its former glory, no matter who owns it. Furthermore, keeping the
Moulin Rouge afloat may be beyond the control of the new black own-
ers right now. Meanwhile, they continue their hard work. The black
principals believe that the Moulin Rouge will be rebuilt one day, and
they are sure that nothing will prevent them from eventually realizing
their dreams.
Not surprisingly, it is going to take some time to rebuild the his-
toric place and get it back on track. It is hard to imagine something that
isn’t fully there yet. Such a place may never have the intimacy of the past
Moulin Rouge. And it may never really represent the black community
again, or have a significant impact on the city of Las Vegas. Ultimately,
however, it might be up to members of the black community to voice
their approval of a new Moulin Rouge, something for them to enjoy and
to be proud of.
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Chapter Twenty
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Twenty — Reflection on a Place and Time
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Twenty — Reflection on a Place and Time
would have lasting effects on blacks and their recreation and leisure.”7
Holland goes on to write that “since travel itself is often viewed as a form
of recreation and as a means of access to other leisure pursuits [like gam-
bling in Las Vegas], black opportunity was very much affected by seg-
But after the Moulin Rouge was built with much protest and fan-
fare, it had an uncertain future, even with its early success. At first it was
“assumed that the Moulin Rouge was going to attract blacks only,” but
later white gamblers came out in droves to the popular hotel-casino,
much to the chagrin and surprise of almost everyone.9 Therefore, white
casino bosses did almost everything to undermine the new place — from
threats of violence to individuals that supported the place, to outright
sabotage by cutting off food and liquor supplies.
To fully understand, blacks in Las Vegas at one time were not seen
as human beings with fundamental rights, which reflected a maddening
hypocrisy of those whites who talked about equal justice and the rule of
law. Further, black Las Vegans knew that the many promises made by
the government to address racial injustices were mostly empty. More-
over, “during the Jim Crow years there was a definite caste system under
which blacks were expected to conduct themselves as the lowest caste.”10
But blacks refused to accept their destiny as the lowest of the low.
What started as political protest in the city quickly turned into a
protracted battle, a continuous civil rights movement. Black Las Veg-
ans’ displeasure grew more vocal and demanding, while whites were
afraid of desegregation like most of the nation. The voice of the black
community in Las Vegas fell on deaf ears, which inflamed the feelings
of racial hatred in the state of Nevada, not just in the segregated South
during the 1950s. In point of fact, blacks in Las Vegas vigorously rebelled.
Many blacks in Las Vegas warned the white citizens in the city that
stopping the civil rights movement was fruitless. It was not until the
propitious meeting at the Moulin Rouge hotel and casino in 1960 that
white city leaders, who lacked a coherent notion of what they should do,
finally got involved in changing the Jim Crow racism that existed in the
city. The powerful racial tensions in Las Vegas could not be ignored, but
it was understandable that some black people could not have cared less
The Moulin Rouge and Black Rights in Las Vegas
Twenty — Reflection on a Place and Time
cher, “all the dealers at the Rouge were white.”14 Fischer goes on to note
that before the Moulin Rouge was established, most blacks in Las Vegas
“couldn’t deal or be involved in any casino games.”15
Fischer explains that “there were no experienced dealers to draw
from.”16 But this was patently untrue. To the contrary, you only had to
look as far as the many gaming and licensed all-black clubs and
nightspots on the Westside to find some talented black dealers. Some
might say that this slight was a blatant violation of the black commu-
nity’s rights, and a setback to their ongoing fight for higher paying hotel-
casino jobs.
Be that as it may, even the Moulin Rouge would eventually have
black ownership, and blacks successfully filling every position at the
place. “Given the country’s history of race relations and black minority
status,” the Moulin Rouge was a minor miracle that positively affected
the entire black community. Indeed, “developments [inside] and outside
the black community have always had major consequences for [black]
Americans.”17 The beginning efforts were certainly profound.
Everyone wanted to see the great shows at the Moulin Rouge when
the curtains came up at night. All in all, the development of the first
integrated casino hotel in Las Vegas was a well thought-out initiative.
Today, the Moulin Rouge is a very different place, because of years of
neglect. But many in the black community would like once again to
embrace the initial excitement of the Moulin Rouge during the 1950s.
The story of the Moulin Rouge is a remarkable tale, an ongoing
episode in the life of Las Vegas, which must never be ignored. It seems
almost everyone from that time-honored era of the 1950s has an amaz-
ing story to tell about what happened at the place, and somehow these
stories must be recorded. For the Moulin Rouge to have existed at all
was one of those great, unexplained “mysteries of history”18 in Las Vegas,
an example of frequently unknown places that really matter in the city.
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overlooked by visitors to the city. Right now, the rundown place doesn’t
get much attention from the local Las Vegas population, either. Many
tourists and mega-high-rollers have a tendency to bypass the Westside,
staying clear of the Moulin Rouge because of its adverse location, and
the fact that it was literally destroyed by a catastrophic fire. The current
look of the Moulin Rouge is that of a place ravaged by time on the sad
fringes of Las Vegas. Despite all its former charm and individuality, the
place is certainly an egregious eyesore today. But for a while the historic
place put its wonderful stamp on the city.
The Moulin Rouge now looks like an abandoned, burnt-out build-
ing site, like a bombed-out shelter gone to seed in times of war, per-
haps, instead of a sparkling new casino of the Bugsy Siegel era. Nowadays,
the most impressive thing about the place is its still-standing tower and
curvy marquee sign that reminds one of the skeletal remains of an evis-
cerated dinosaur, or prehistoric beast. Indeed, the metal scaffolding that
now surrounds the Moulin Rouge and holds up the famous neon sign is
an embarrassment to its former self, hardly a throwback to another, excit-
ing time. For some, the Moulin Rouge is still a work in progress, but
not a hotel-casino like the mega properties on the Strip today. But you
cannot study the complete history of Las Vegas without discussing the
erstwhile Moulin Rouge hotel and casino.
Furthermore, there is more to the Moulin Rouge story than meets
the historical eye. As discussed in this work, it was truly astonishing that
the place was even built. Having said this, the Moulin Rouge is perhaps
the number one endangered historical landmark in Las Vegas, that is, if
it is not rebuilt immediately. After all, the Moulin Rouge has always
been unlike any other hotel-casino in Las Vegas because of its role in the
black civil rights movement and racial integration efforts. In a nonde-
script meeting room at the place, black and white community leaders
decided to totally desegregate Las Vegas.
Discriminatory practices made life extremely hard for blacks in Las
Vegas. There was a tendency for whites to turn a blind eye to racial
parochialism. Black entertainers were poorly treated, which was more dis-
turbing than anything else. The Moulin Rouge provided solidarity in
the black community, as the place gave blacks in Las Vegas a focal point
a sense of hopelessness, and a lack of high-wage jobs and new black busi-
nesses. Who should give to build the place back up? The area has had
to deal with rigid building codes imposed by the City of Las Vegas,
which may stand in the way of building a several-storied new structure.
According to business writer Kim Clark, “brick-and-mortar casinos” are
highly regulated.4 But a new Moulin Rouge could indeed change the
entire Westside area, prompting another renaissance through a new kind
of urban development.
Indeed, a new Moulin Rouge could very well make a difference to
the entire black community, as it might generate significant income for
black businesses in the neighborhood. Rebuilding might also add a sort
of connectiveness to the past, while allowing for accessibility and needed
jobs. Perhaps revitalization of the Moulin Rouge could also contribute
significantly to the stability of the Westside neighborhood, while build-
ing connections and networks across economic and racial lines, broad-
ening opportunities to the local black residents. As president and chief
executive officer of the Moulin Rouge Development Corporation, Dale
Scott has firmly stated that rebuilding the historic site “would become
the catalyst for redevelopment of the low-income neighborhood, which
sits just north of downtown Las Vegas.”5
Preserving the historic Moulin Rouge site will definitely provide a
rare opportunity for the new black owners, as it could dominate the
social fabric on the Westside in Las Vegas, and go a long way toward
repairing the ailing black community. A live entertainment area would
also be a boost to the residents of the Westside. The Moulin Rouge
potentially could be a premiere destination for upwardly mobile tourists,
given its historical importance, especially for those who want to learn
about the city of Las Vegas. But that day may still be a long way away,
given the tragic history and circumstances of the place. It is quite pos-
sible, however, that a whole new generation can learn about the infa-
mous hotel and casino. And the niche possibilities for a new Moulin
Rouge are endless.
Nonetheless, a revitalized Moulin Rouge might also have a nega-
tive effect on the local black residents, because some might worry about
increased crime and traffic congestion in the area. A parking garage could
Although the Moulin Rouge is certainly not what it used to be, the
whole idea of renewing the historic site shouldn’t be derailed in any way.
But in its current, sad configuration, is the Moulin Rouge worthy of
saving? Indeed, the place should not be maintained in its current con-
dition without immediate improvements. Why haven’t the new black
owners moved to quickly bulldoze the old remnants of the place, mak-
ing room for a new hotel-casino right away? Building a beautiful new
hotel-casino is the key. It should fit in nicely with the rest of Las Vegas’s
mega-buildings. It seems hard to believe that the Moulin Rouge will
ever be rebuilt, however, because of the cost. But a new hotel-casino in
the black neighborhood will revive the poor area.
Indeed, rebuilding the Moulin Rouge is perhaps the most antici-
pated development on the Westside, as many see it as a means of renewal
and hope for the black residents. The rebuilding will take the commit-
ment of the entire Las Vegas community. A serious project like rebuild-
ing the Moulin Rouge cannot be done in isolation. The city government
and the people of the neighborhood must play a significant role. Indeed,
fervent community support is sorely needed. But the truth is, it may
never happen. Although the Moulin Rouge Development Corporation
purchased 2.3 acres near the historic site at 920 West Bonanza Road for
$4.3 million in March 20066 for further redevelopment, it may not be
enough to save the celebrated Moulin Rouge.
The pressure ostensibly is on. But it remains to be seen if the his-
tory of the Moulin Rouge can repeat itself. The sincere effort to make
the hotel-casino first rate is something we should take away from this
discussion. On the other hand, there is the unmistakable suspicion that
the place will never be resuscitated. When it is all said and done, the key
to the redevelopment and restoration of the Moulin Rouge and the sur-
rounding area lies with the new black owners and their ultimate goals.
It definitely will be a preservation challenge. As of this writing, work is
still being done to rebuild the place. But the site has a long way to go.
Perhaps the community will long remember the Moulin Rouge as
a shining light of integration and diversity among hotels and casinos.
But no matter what we might think about the remarkable place, some
long-time residents believe that the Moulin Rouge is a national treasure,
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After the first draft of this full history of the Moulin Rouge was
completed, the black owners announced on October 5, 2007, that the
remaining dilapidated buildings at the 900 West Bonanza site would be
demolished, “within 60 days.”1 This revelation was good news, as it will
be the next major evolution at the famous place. The Moulin Rouge and
its contribution to the racial history and harmony of Las Vegas cannot
be overstated. Indeed, as we have discussed, the “agreement between civic
leaders and representatives of the National Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People that ended segregation” in the city was made at
the interracial Moulin Rouge hotel and casino.2
The current effort to tear down the vacant 1950s buildings on the
sad, 52-year-old property is only one piece of a larger puzzle — to build
a new hotel-casino. Journalist Benjamin Spillman tells us that it would
“mark the reversal of a run of unstable ownership, bankruptcy, deterio-
ration, and vacancy that’s plagued the former Moulin Rouge site for
more than 50 years.”3 It appears that a reshaping, redesign, or redefinition
of the first integrated hotel-casino is imminent. A rehabilitation of the
historic site will come sooner now, it seems, than later.
The new black owners of the Moulin Rouge and their dreams of
reviving the property will be finally realized. Without a doubt, such a
re-imagination of the Moulin Rouge will be a hard challenge. It will cer-
tainly be a highly innovative undertaking. Press accounts indicate that
a $300 million initial phase might break ground by mid–2009, “with
completion in late 2010.” The last phase would bring the property’s size
to 2 million square feet.4 Apparently the black owners believe that their
problems are surmountable. Nor are they embarrassed that the project
has taken such a frustratingly long time. Matters at the place have never
been easy.
The black owners may have experienced financial stress after acquir-
ing the 15-acre site, but now it’s been reported that they have the nec-
essary financial backing from a source “outside Las Vegas” to complete
the project.5 The black owners have barely scratched the surface in
reshaping a new Moulin Rouge, but now they envision “a 750-room
hotel, more than 100,000 square feet of gaming and upscale amenities”
that might possibly “attract local[s] and tourist traffic.”6 A new Moulin
Rouge would provide a catalyzing business effect, as already mentioned,
which would be tremendously important to black people in the city of
Las Vegas.
While the black owners believe that things at the historic site are
on solid ground, and that they are progressing in the right direction, some
might say that the Moulin Rouge is still in sad state. Indeed, some see
the restoration of the Moulin Rouge as a dicey proposition, and the loca-
tion of the hotel-casino as a liability. Spillman, for example, writes that
“the site’s distance from other downtown casinos and the overall condi-
tion of the neighborhood work against any revival of the property.”7 The
new black owners, however, are determined to revive the Moulin Rouge
project, even in light of recent lawsuits.
There is no denying the spirit of the black owners as they continue
to get their act together. They have now completed realistic plans for a
totally new and improved hotel-casino resort, “incorporating the origi-
nal structure’s most recognizable features”8 at the controversial location,
such as the looming, trademark tower, paying reverence to a sterling,
yesteryear past. Eventually they will submit firmer plans to the Las Vegas
Planning Commission for approval.9 Any speculation about not build-
ing on the expansive property because it is in a depressed area is prepos-
terous. Many believe that the Moulin Rouge, historically “plagued with
false starts and setbacks,” is due for a long-planned makeover, given its
“several failed rebirths.”10
It is likely that the black owners feel an obligation to complete the
endeavor no matter what, as they see the Moulin Rouge, “shuttered for
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Chapter Notes
1. Gary Dretzka, “Gambling on Tradition,” Chicago Tribune (February 6, 1996),
p. 3. See also Christel Wheeler, “Don’t Look Back: History, Which Never Was a Big
Money-Maker Anyway, Faces the Wrecking Ball,” Las Vegas City Life (August 29, 1996),
p. 13–14.
2. M.L. Miranda, A History of Hispanics in Southern Nevada (Reno, Nevada: Uni-
versity of Nevada Press, 1997), p. 147.
3. Geoff Schumacher, Sun, Sin & Suburbia: An Essential History of Modern Las
Vegas (Las Vegas, Nevada: Stephen Press, 2004), p. 42.
1. Kenneth Minogue, Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p.
2. Katherine Best and Katherine Hillyer, Las Vegas: Play Town U.S.A. (New
York: David McKay, 1955), p. 139.
3. Elmer Rusco, “Letter to the Editor,” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly (Sep-
tember 21, 1991), p. 1. Original copy of letter in author’s possession.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid. Sadly, it was the unjust policies of the state that created racial segrega-
tion in the first place in Nevada, despite what has been written to the contrary.
6. Erik C. Huey, “Fitzgeralds owner upbeat on downtown,” Las Vegas Review-
Journal (February 20, 2004), p. 2D. Many of the past discrimination problems were
blamed on black Las Vegans themselves, which was indeed outrageous.
7. Ed Koch, “Blaze is latest chapter in hotel’s storied history,” Las Vegas Sun (May
29, 2003), p. 9A.
8. Eugene P. Moehring and Michael S. Green, Las Vegas: A Centennial History
(Reno and Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 2005), p. 215.
9. Michael Squires, “Group buys historic site,” Las Vegas Review-Journal ( Jan-
uary 29, 2004), p. 1B. We should marvel at the complexity and size of the proposed
new Moulin Rouge project. Perhaps the idea of rebuilding the place isn’t as far-fetched
as one might imagine.
10. Ibid., p. 6B. The black owners never believed that they were plunging into
Notes — Chapter One
something blindly by purchasing the Moulin Rouge. But the important project will
require all of their effort and sacrifice.
11. Ibid. Another off-the-Strip property, the Red Rock Resort on West Charleston
Boulevard, has become a successful hotel-casino and “a popular destination for many
who live near it.” See Joe Schoenmann, “Tower plan met with ‘oohs,’ casino with
‘ews,’” Las Vegas Sun (September 23, 2007), p. 9.
12. Ibid.
Chapter One
1. “Moulin Rouge Hotel,” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Moulin_Rouge_Hotel, p. 1.
2. Haya El Nasser, “Las Vegas moving from a circus act to a regular city,” USA
Today (February 28, 2006), p. 1A.
3. “Hotel History: Moulin Rouge Hotel & Casino,” Las Vegas Now (Las Vegas
Centennial, 2005), p. 71.
4. Leon F. Litwack, Trouble in Mind: Black Southerners in the Age of Jim Crow
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998), p. 229.
5. “Hotel History: Moulin Rouge Hotel & Casino.” According to Professor
William J. Wilson, racism in the public school system was more subtle and indirect.
See William J. Wilson, “The Significance of Social and Racial Prisms,” in Through Dif-
ferent Eyes: Black and White Perspectives on American Race Relations, edited by Peter
Rose, Stanley Rothman, and William J. Wilson (New York: Oxford University Press,
1973), p. 407.
6. Earnest N. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique: Blacks and Equal Rights
in Las Vegas,” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Winter 1996), p.
7. “We Shall Overcome — Moulin Rouge,” http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/civil
rights/nv1.htm, 12/16/2006, p. 1. Whites living in the general location underwent much
angst at the building of the Moulin Rouge. According to historian Eugene P. Moehring,
when the Moulin Rouge “was being considered by city commissioners in March 1954,
Bonanza-area residents, who were mostly white, vehemently opposed its construction.”
See Eugene P. Moehring, Resort City in the Sunbelt, Las Vegas, 1930–2000 (Reno and
Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 2000), p. 183.
8. Litwack, Trouble in Mind, p. 231.
9. Eugene P. Moehring. Resort City in the Sunbelt, p. 182.
10. William J. Wilson, “The Significance of Social and Racial Prisms,” Through
Different Eyes: Black and White Perspectives on American Race Relations, edited by Peter
I. Rose, Stanley Rothman, and William J. Wilson (New York: Oxford University Press,
1973), p. 207.
11. Ibid., p. 397.
12. Ibid., pp. 396–397.
13. Katharine Best and Katharine Hillyer. Las Vegas: Playtown U.S.A. (New York:
David McKay, 1955), p. 136.
14. Annelise Orleck. Storming Caesars Palace: How Black Mothers Fought Their
Own War on Poverty (Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 2005), p. 63.
Notes — Chapter Two
Chapter Two
1. Benjamin Spillman, “Moulin Rouge taps Epic Gaming,” Las Vegas Review-
Journal (March 6, 2008), p. 3D.
2. Matt Keleman, “Hidden Histories,” City Life (December 9–15, 2004), p. 18
(pp. 16–19).
3. Spillman, “Moulin Rouge taps Epic Gaming,” p. 3D.
4. Keleman, “Hidden Histories,” p. 17. Dr. Bob Bailey was later able to inves-
tigate discrimination in the areas of employment and education when he became, in
1961, the chairman of Nevada’s Equal Rights Commission. Bailey also became the
emcee of the Moulin Rouge when it first opened.
5. Ibid., p. 18. Additionally, blacks “were systematically evicted from Down-
town, and directed across the railroad tracks to the derelict streets of West Las Vegas,”
especially when black Las Vegans tried to buy land or open businesses on the Strip.
See Nefretti Makenta, “A View from West Las Vegas,” in David Littlejohn, editor, The
Real Las Vegas: Life Beyond the Strip (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 110.
6. James Goodrich, “Negroes Can’t Win in Las Vegas,” Ebony, Vol. 1 (1954), p.
7. Robert A. Goldwin, “The U.S. Constitution Guarantees Social Justice,” in
Carol Wekesser and Karin Swisher, editors, Social Justice: Opposing Viewpoints (San
Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press, 1990), p. 24.
8. Keleman, “Hidden Histories,” p. 18.
9. Earnest N. Bracey, “The Migration of Blacks to Las Vegas,” in Steven A.
Reich, editor, Encyclopedia of the Great Black Migration, Volume 1: A-L (Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2006), p. 485. Perhaps at one time in Las Vegas, all blacks
knew each other because of the small size of the black population, and perhaps this
made the various linkages possible, especially in the fight against discriminatory poli-
cies by the white community and local government.
10. Keleman, “Hidden Histories,” p. 18. According to the late University of
Nevada professor, Elmer R. Rusco, “It [seemed] highly likely that the high concen-
Notes — Chapter Three
tration of blacks in West Las Vegas, as well as the malapportionment of the Legisla-
ture, and the interaction of partisanship with malapportionment [perhaps helped] to
explain why Nevada [and Las Vegas] came so late to the civil rights fold.” Some black
scholars, however, would disagree with the simplicity of Rusco’s argument, calling it
another excuse for persistent discrimination against blacks in Las Vegas. See Elmer R.
Rusco, “The Civil Rights Movement in Nevada,” Nevada Public Affairs Review (1987),
p. 81.
11. Ibid.
12. Roosevelt Fitzgerald, “Black Entertainers in Las Vegas: 1940–1960.” Unpub-
lished paper in author’s possession, p. 19.
13. John M. Findlay. People of Chance: Gambling in American Society from
Jamestown to Las Vegas (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 189.
14. Shaun McKinnon, “Boundaries of Race Tumble,” Las Vegas Review-Journal
(April 26, 1993), pp. 1A and 4A.
15. Keleman, “Hidden Histories,” p. 18.
16. Larry Werner, “Black Pride : Rich Culture, History, Legacy of Southern
Nevada Black Community,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (February 7, 1983), P. 2B.
Chapter Three
1. Gary E. Elliott, “The Moulin Rouge Hotel: A Critical Appraisal of a Las
Vegas Legend,” unpublished paper, p. 1.
2. Geran, Beyond the Glimmering Light, p. 121.
3. Elliott, “The Moulin Rouge Hotel,” p. 6.
4. Kristi Goodwin, “Putting a New Face on the Past,” Las Vegas Style (Novem-
ber 1992), p. 16.
5. Tom Flagg, “The Joint Jumped All Night: The Moulin Rouge: Harbinger of
Integration in Las Vegas,” Oasis: The Magazine of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(Autumn 1991), p. 9. See also Bracey, “Moulin Rouge Mystique,” p. 272.
6. Mary M. Gafford, “Las Vegas’ First Integrated Casino,” Las Vegas Centennial
1905–2005: Tell Your Best Vegas Story, (posted Sept. 21, 2005), http://www.lasvegas
2005.org/interactive/lvstory77.html, p. 1.
7. “We Shall Overcome — Moulin Rouge,” http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/civil
rights/ nv1.htm, 12/16/2006, p. 1.
8. Ibid.
9. Goodwin, “Putting a New Face on the Past,” p. 16.
10. Ibid.
11. Claytee D. White, “African American History in the West Vignette: The
Moulin Rouge,” Vignette: The Moulin Rouge, http://faculty.washington.edu/9taylor/aa_
vignettes/org_moulin_rouge, 12/16/2006, p. 1.
12. Ibid. According to the collection edition of the Moulin Rouge 38th Year
Birthday Celebration brochure, “No expense had been spared to make the hotel a lav-
ish showplace. The owners-operators contracted with the late Pat Patterson, Califor-
nia’s famed black maitre d,’ who, in advance of the opening, had scoured the country
recruiting waiters and waitresses to provide the meticulous service that Patterson
demanded of those who worked under his supervision.” (May 21–23, 1993), p. 2. For-
Notes — Chapter Four
mer black owner Sarann Knight-Preddy also recalled that the food was excellent because
some of the cooks were brought from Paris, France. See Jerry Fink, “Not Forgotten,”
Las Vegas Sun (October 22, 2000), p. 6E.
13. Ibid. See also “Moulin Rouge: A Stroll Down Memory Lane,” videocassette,
with emcee Bob Bailey. Moulin Rouge Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, October
30, 1992.
14. Ibid.
15. Orleck, Storming Caesars Palace, pp. 64–65.
16. Flagg, “The Joint Jumped All Night: The Moulin Rouge: Harbinger of Inte-
gration in Las Vegas,” p. 10.
17. Ibid.
18. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” pp. 279–280.
19. Ibid., p. 280.
20. Larry Werner, “Black Pride: Rich culture, history, legacy of Southern Nevada
black community,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (February 7, 1983), p. 1B.
21. Goodwin, “Putting a New Face,” p. 16.
22. Werner, “Black Pride,” p. 1B.
23. “We Shall Overcome — Moulin Rouge Hotel,” p. 1.
24. “Moulin Rouge Hotel,” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, p. 1.
25. Geran, Beyond the Glimmering Light, p. 121.
Chapter Four
1. Jerry Fink, “Not Forgotten,” Las Vegas Sun (October 22, 2000), p. 6E.
2. Russell R. Elliot, with William D. Rowley, History of Nevada, 2nd ed. (Lin-
coln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1987), p. 393. It didn’t matter to those in
power that black citizens represented 10 percent of the Las Vegas population at the
time. Blacks were still discriminated against in various white businesses and casino-
hotels. See Janice R. Brooks, “The Proud Sounds of the Past Ring into the Future,”
Las Vegas Magazine (Spring 1996), p. 25.
3. Ibid. Prior to total segregation, some black stars and headliners were able to
congregate, eat, sleep and gamble at the various hotel-casinos in Las Vegas where they
performed. But with the onset of exclusionary Jim Crow policies, blacks were denied
service in hotel-casinos and “a growing number of restaurants and stores as well.” See
Brooks, “Proud Sounds of the Past Ring into the Future,” p. 25.
4. J.M. Kalil and Frank Curreri, “ATF agents will investigate blaze at Moulin
Rouge,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (May 30, 2003).
5. According to historian Steve Fischer, the Moulin Rouge would eventually
have “a total of eight owners.” Two majority owners were Louis Rubin and Al Bisno.
The other owners included Tom Foley, Walter Zick, Larry Ouseley, Will Schwartz, Al
Childs, and the hotel’s casino boss, George Altman. In addition, there were seventeen
unnamed investors in the Moulin Rouge, who were limited partners. See Steve Fis-
cher. When the Mob Ran Vegas: Stories of Money, Mayhem and Murder (Boys Town,
Neb.: Berkline Press, 2007), pp. 102–103.
6. Richard Todd, “Las Vegas, ’Tis of Thee,” The Atlantic Monthly (February
2001), p. 102.
Notes — Chapter Five
Chapter Five
1. Gary Dretzka, “Gambling on tradition,” Chicago Tribune (February 6, 1996),
p. 1.
2. William J. Wilson, “The Significance of Social and Racial Prisms,” p. 401.
3. Shelby Steel, White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Prom-
ise of the Civil Rights Era (New York: HarperCollins, 2006), p. 139.
4. Wilson, “The Significance of Social and Racial Prisms,” p. 400.
5. Tom Flagg, “The Joint Jumped All Night,” p. 11.
6. Wilson, “The Significance of Social and Racial Prisms,” p. 396.
7. “History of the Moulin Rouge — Then and Now,” 38th Year Birthday Cele-
bration, collectors’ edition (May 21–23, 1993), p. 1.
8. “We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement — Moulin
Rouge,” p. 1.
Notes — Chapter Six
9. Chuck Baker, “Moulin Rouge: Are the Lights Brighter on the Other Side of
the Street?” Las Vegas Magazine (Spring, 1996), p. 27.
10. Mary M. Gafford, “Las Vegas’ First Integrated Casino,” p. 1.
11. Ibid., p. 1.
12. Michael Green, “Moulin Rouge Hotel,” Nevada Online Encyclopedia, http://
www.onlinenevada.org/moulin_rouge, 12/16/2006, p. 1.
13. Moehring, Resort City, p. 184.
14. Gafford, “Las Vegas’ First Integrated Casino,” p. 1. According to Fischer, Foley
was “licensed by the state of Nevada to operate the bar/tavern at the [Moulin] Rouge.”
See Steve Fischer. When the Mob Ran Vegas, p. 102.
15. Moehring, Resort City, p. 184.
16. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” p. 280. White residents near the
hotel-casino also had serious concerns about the place and believed it would reduce
their property values.
17. Moehring, Resort City, p. 184.
18. Elliot, “Moulin Rouge Hotel,” p. 9.
19. “History of the Moulin Rouge — Then and Now,” 38th Year Birthday Cele-
bration, p. 1.
20. Moehring, Resort City, p. 184.
21. Elliot, “Moulin Rouge Hotel,” p. 9.
22. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” p. 281. During Leo Fry’s ownership,
the Moulin Rouge continued to run afoul of local laws.
23. Moehring, Resort City, p. 184.
24. Claytee D. White, “African American History in the West Vignette: The
Moulin Rouge,” http://faculty.washington.edu/qtaylor/aa_vignettes/org_moulin_rou,
12/16/2006, p. 2 (pp. 1–2).
Chapter Six
1. Earnest N. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” pp. 272–288.
2. Hal Rothman, Neon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First Cen-
tury (New York: Routledge, 2002), p. 130.
3. Barbara Land and Myrick Land, A Short History of Las Vegas, 2nd ed. (Reno,
Nev.: University of Nevada Press, 2004), p. 147.
4. Timothy Pratt, “Again, a Plan for Renewal,” Las Vegas Sun (February 25,
2008), p. 2.
5. Ibid.
6. Constance Baker Motley. Equal Justice under Law, an Autobiography (New
York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1998), p. 246.
7. Ibid.
8. Mildred M. Wilson, “Entertain Them… But,” in Stanley W. Paher, editor,
Nevada Towns & Tales, Volume II — South (Las Vegas: Nevada Publications, 1982), p.
9. Roosevelt Fitzgerald, “The Demographic Impact of Basic Magnesium Cor-
poration on Southern Nevada,” Nevada Public Affairs Review, 2 (1987), p. 33.
10. Janice R. Brooks, “The Proud Sounds of the Past Ring into the Future,” p. 25.
Notes — Chapter Seven
11. Roy L. Brooks. Integration or Separation? A Strateg y for Racial Equality (Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996), pp. 2–3.
12. Rothman, Neon Metropolis, p. 130.
13. Eugene P. Moerhing, Resort City, p. 175.
14. Gary E. Elliott, “James B. McMillan: The Pursuit of Equality,” in Richard
O. Davies, editor, The Maverick Spirit: Building the New Nevada (Reno and Las Vegas:
University of Nevada Press, 1999), p. 51.
15. Mary Frances Berry and John W. Blassingame, p. 105.
16. Ibid., pp. 105–106.
17. Ibid., pp. 106–107.
18. Dorraine A. Hooks, “Contributions of Black Theology,” in James L. Cony-
ers, Jr., and Alva P. Barnett, editors, African American Sociolog y (Chicago: Nelson-Hall
Publishers, 1999), p. 98.
19. Ibid.
20. Larry Werner, “Black Pride: Rich Culture, History Legacy of Southern Nevada
Black Community,” pp. 1B-2B.
21. Ibid., p. 2B.
22. Earnest N. Bracey, “The African Americans,” in Jerry L. Simich and Thomas
C. Wright, editors, The Peoples of Las Vegas: One City, Many Faces (Reno and Las Vegas:
University of Nevada Press, 2005), p. 89.
23. Earnest N. Bracey, “Anatomy of Second Baptist Church: The First Black Bap-
tist Church in Las Vegas,” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, Volume 43, Number 3
(Fall, 2000), pp. 201–213.
24. Ibid.
25. Motley, “Equal Justice under Law,” p. 246.
Chapter Seven
1. Jos C. N. Raadschelders, Government: A Public Administration Perspective
(Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2003), p. 129.
2. Mary Frances Berry, Black Resistance/White Law: A History of Constitutional
Racism in America (New York: Penguin Books, 1994), p. 166.
3. Clarence Ray, Black Politics and Gaming in Las Vegas, 1920s–1980s, as told to
Helen M. Blue and Jamie Coughtry (Reno, Nev.: University of Nevada Oral History
Program, 1991), p. 86.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid., pp. 86–87.
6. Gary Dretzka, “Gambling on tradition,” Chicago Tribune, sec 5 (February 6,
1996), p. 2.
7. William J. Wilson, “The Significance of Social and Racial Prisms,” p. 403.
8. Raadschelders, Government: A Public Administration Perspective, p. 129.
9. Berry, Black Resistance/White Law, p. 240.
10. Grant Sawyer, Hang Tough! Grant Sawyer: an activist in the governor’s man-
sion. A narrative composed by R.T. King from interviews conducted by Gary E. Elliott
(Reno, Nev.: University of Nevada Oral History Program, 1993), p. 99.
11. Ibid.
Notes — Chapter Eight
12. Dr. James B. McMillan. Fighting Back: A Life in the Struggle for Civil Rights.
From oral history interviews conducted by Gary E. Elliott. A narrative interpretation
by R.T. King (Reno, Nev.: University of Nevada Oral History Program, 1997), pp.
13. Liz Benston, “Echelon Vegas blazes ahead toward 5,000 new rooms,” Las
Vegas Sun ( July 7, 2007), p. 3.
14. McMillan, Fighting Back, pp. 94–95.
15. Ibid., pp. 92–93. McMillan and other black activists read the riot act to city
government officials, threatening marching and demonstrations on the Strip if inte-
gration didn’t take place posthaste.
16. Ibid., p. 92.
17. Woodrow Wilson. Race, Community and Politics in Las Vegas, 1940–1980s. An
oral history conducted by Jamie Coughtry, edited by Jamie Coughtry and R.T. King
(Reno, Nev.: University of Nevada Oral History Program, 1990), p. 85.
18. Ibid.
19. Sawyer, Hang Tough! p. 100.
20. McMillan, Fighting Back, pp. 97–98.
21. Wilson, Race, Community and Politics in Las Vegas, p. 85.
22. Lubertha Johnson, Civil Rights Efforts in Las Vegas: 1940s–1960s. An oral his-
tory conducted by Jamie Coughtry, edited by Jamie Coughtry and R. T. King (Reno,
Nev.: University of Nevada Oral History Program, 1988), p. 64.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. McMillan, Fighting Back, pp. 98.
26. Ibid.
Chapter Eight
1. ”Moulin Rouge Hotel & Casino” flier dated 1990, p. 1.
2. Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton, Black Power: The Politics of Lib-
eration in America (New York: Vintage Books, 1967), p. 5.
3. Woodrow Wilson. Race, Community and Politics in Las Vegas, 1940s-1980s, p.
86. Note that Binion’s Horseshoe was the only other hotel-casino that continued to
close its biased doors, and discriminate against blacks in Las Vegas.
4. James B. McMillan. Fighting Back, p. 98.
5. David Brooks, “Despite promise of integration, self-imposed segregation per-
sists,” Las Vegas Sun ( July 8, 2007), p. 5.
6. Langston Hughes, Milton Meltzer, C. Eric Lincoln, and Jon Michael Spencer.
A Pictorial History of African Americans, 6th revised edition (New York: Crown Pub-
lishers, 1995), p. 363.
7. Ibid., p. 405.
8. Norman Kelley, The Head Negro in Charge Syndrome: The Dead End of Black
Politics (New York: Nation Books, 2004), p. 18.
9. Terry H. Anderson. The Pursuit of Fairness: A History of Affirmative Action
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), p. 111.
10. Annelise Orleck. Storming Caesars Palace, p. 67.
Notes — Chapters Nine, Ten
Chapter Nine
1. Gary Dretzka, “Gambling on tradition,” Sec. 5, p. 3.
2. Langston Hughes, Milton Meltzer, C. Eric Lincoln, and Jon Michael Spencer.
A Pictorial History of African Americans, p. 405.
3. Gunnar Myrdal. An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern
Democracy, Volume 11 (New York: Pantheon Books, 1972), p. 624.
4. Ibid.
5. Ed Koch, “Breaking the rules when needed, he taught against prejudice,” Las
Vegas Sun ( July 11, 2007), p. 2.
6. Larry Werner, “Black Pride: Rich culture, history legacy of Southern Nevada
black community,” p. 1B.
7. Ibid. See also Earnest N. Bracey, “Anatomy of Second Baptist Church,” p.
8. Harold Hyman and Bob Palm, “Black Las Vegans Forge Ahead Only to Fall
Behind,” Las Vegas Sun (1979), page number unknown.
9. Ibid.
10. Andrew L. Barlow. Between Fear and Hope: Globalization and Race in the
United States (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003), p. 38.
11. Ibid.
12. Werner, “Black Pride,” p. 1B.
13. Harold Hyman and Bob Palm, “Many Black Hotel Workers Charge Loss of
Jobs Due to the Color of Their Skin,” Las Vegas Sun (1979), page number unknown.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid. See also M.L. Miranda, A History of Hispanics in Southern Nevada (Reno
and Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 1997), pp. 102–109.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. “How Racism Affects the Mind — and Body,” The Wall Street Journal ( July
16, 2007), p. B5.
Chapter Ten
1. Perry Bruce Kaufman, “The Best City of Them All: A History of Las Vegas,
1930–1960,” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1974), p. 21.
2. Sanford Wexler, The Civil Rights Movement: An Eyewitness History, Introduc-
tion by Julian Bond (New York: Facts On File, Inc., 1993), p. ix.
Notes — Chapter Ten
Notes — Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven
1. “Welcome to West Las Vegas,” Official Ethnic Destination and Visitors Guide
(Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, 2000 edition), p. 35.
2. Ibid.
3. Robert Laxalt. Nevada: A Bicentennial History (Reno and Las Vegas: Univer-
sity of Nevada, 1977), p. 87.
4. Jamie Coughtry and R.T. King, editors, Lubertha Johnson: Civil Rights Efforts
in Las Vegas: 1940s-1960, an oral history conducted by Jamie Coughtry (Reno, Nev.:
University of Nevada Oral History Program, 1988), p. 39.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Jill Nelson, Straight, No Chaser: How I became a Grown-Up Black Woman
(New York: Penguin Books, 1997), p. 16.
8. Annelise Orleck. Storming Caesars Palace, p. 2.
9. F. Chris Garcia, Christine Marie Sierra and Margaret Maier Murdock, “The
Politics of Women and Ethnic Minorities,” in Clive S. Thomas, editor, Politics and
Public Policy in Contemporary American West (Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New
Mexico Press, 1991), p. 212.
10. Jerry Fink, “Not Forgotten,” Las Vegas Sun (October 22, 2000), p. 6E.
11. Chuck Barker, “Moulin Rouge: Are the Lights Brighter on the Other Side
of the Street?,” p. 26.
12. Jeff Simpson, “On how one troubled business was turned around — and why
some might not be saved,” Las Vegas Sun (March 9, 2008), p. 2. Note that $700 mil-
lion is the estimated amount that the new developers are saying it will take to rebuild
the Moulin Rouge hotel and casino. It is important to ask if the black neighborhood
will also be revived.
13. Katherine Tate, From Protest to Politics, p. 15.
14. Garcia, Sierra, and Murdock, “The Politics of Women and Ethnic Minori-
ties,” p. 105.
15. Julianne Malveaux, “The ‘lucky’ world of black men?” USA Today (March
15, 2008), p. 13A.
16. Ibid.
17. Tate, “From Protest to Politics,” p. 20.
18. “Welcome to West Las Vegas,” p. 35.
Notes — Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve
1. Dennis McBride, “Dam Days,” Nevada, Vol. 55, No. 5 (September/October
1995), p. 13.
2. Albert Cameron Johns, Nevada Politics, p. 1.
3. Ibid., p. 4.
4. Roosevelt Fitzgerald, “The Demographic Impact of Basic Magnesium Cor-
poration on Southern Nevada,” p. 33.
5. Thomas Moore, “Vegas is getting smarter, older,” Prime (November 1996),
p. 6.
6. Mickey Kaus. The End of Equality (New York: Basic Books, 1992), p. 116.
7. Joe William Trotter, Jr., ed., The Great Migration in Historical Perspective:
New Dimensions of Race, Class, and Gender (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,
1991), p. xii.
8. Larry Werner, “Black Pride: Rich Culture, History,” p. 2B.
9. James W. Hulse, Forty Years in the Wilderness: Impressions of Nevada, 1940–1980
(Reno, Nev.: University of Nevada Press, 1986), p. 91.
10. John M. Findlay. People of Chance, p. 189.
11. Ibid., p. 191.
12. Ibid.
13. Fitzgerald, “The Demographic Impact of Basic Magnesium Corporation on
Southern Nevada,” p. 34.
14. Findlay, People of Chance, p. 190. A 1996 article in the Las Vegas Review-Jour-
nal said that according to past government statistics, home loans for minorities in
Nevada increased by more than 80 percent. See “Minority Home Loans Up Sharply
Across U.S.,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (October 31, 1996), p. 31.
15. Findlay, “People of Chance,” p. 31. Today, black people “reside in all areas of
the [Las Vegas] valley and within all social strata of Las Vegas, making the black Dias-
pora as diverse as Las Vegas itself.” See “Welcome to West Las Vegas,” p. 35.
16. Werner, “Black Pride,” p. 2B.
17. Eugene P. Moehring. Resort City, p. 189.
18. Elmer Rusco, “The Civil Rights Movement in Nevada,” Nevada Public Affairs
Review, No. 2 (1987), p. 75.
19. Werner, “Black Pride,” p. 2B.
20. Fitzgerald, “The Demographic Impact of Basic Magnesium Corporation on
Southern Nevada,” p. 33.
21. Michael W. Bowers, The Sagebrush State: Nevada’s History, Government and
Politics (Reno and Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 1996), p. 34.
22. Russell R. Elliott, History of Nevada, p. 393.
23. Findlay, People of Chance, p. 191.
24. Woodrow Wilson, Race, Community and Politics in Las Vegas, 1940s–1980s,
p. 100.
25. Findlay, People of Chance, p. 191.
26. Werner, “Black Pride,” p. 2B. There was also the short-lived Enterprise Com-
munity Federal Credit Union, which boasted that it was “eligible to receive as much
as $1.5 million in non-member deposits from banks, casinos and other businesses
Notes — Chapter Thirteen
under federal law.” But it too was unable to survive in the struggling financial mar-
ket. See John G. Edwards, “Credit Union Created to Serve Poor Areas,” Las Vegas
Review-Journal and Las Vegas Sun ( January 12, 1997), p. 1F.
27. “In This Era of Megamergers, Community Banks Thrive,” Las Vegas Review-
Journal (October 4, 1996), p. 3D. Large banks, however, “complain that credit unions
don’t pay income taxes, like commercial banks,” which they considered unfair. See Jen-
nifer Brown, “Credit Union Seeking Federal Help,” Las Vegas Review-Journal and Las
Vegas Sun (November 2, 1996), p. 1.
28. Lubertha Johnson, Civil Rights Efforts in Las Vegas: 1940–1960s, p. 52.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid. Unfortunately, the million dollars that Johnson claimed was in the West-
side Credit Union from her business cannot be verified.
31. Woodrow Wilson, Race, Community and Politics in Las Vegas, 1940s-1980s pp.
98–99. Members of the Westside Federal Credit Union shared a common bond with
all of the other members by being members of the NAACP.
32. Ibid., p. 100.
Chapter Thirteen
1. Earnest N. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” p. 283.
2. Langston Hughes, Milton Meltzer, C. Eric Lincoln, and Jon Michael Spencer.
A Pictorial History of African Americans, p. 405.
3. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” p. 283.
4. Ibid.
5. “Hotel Gets Drop In Property Tax,” Las Vegas Sun ( January 15, 1976), page
number unknown.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. John Crowe, “Blaze at Moulin Rouge: Screaming Teens Flee Hotel Fire,” Las
Vegas Review-Journal ( July 14, 1966), page number unknown.
9. “Moulin Rouge Offered to County as Hospital,” Las Vegas Sun ( January 10,
1968), page number unknown.
10. Ibid. According to Harry Miller, once the receiver for the Moulin Rouge, the
Atomic Energy Commission considered taking over the hotel-casino for office space,
but that never materialized. See “AEC May Lease Rouge,” Las Vegas Sun (September
26, 1956), page number unknown.
11. “Writ Re-Opens License Fight on Hideaway,” Las Vegas Sun (November 13,
1968), page number unknown.
12. Ibid.
13. “Race Spat to Board,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (October 13, 1963), p. 2.
14. Ibid.
15. “Racial Bias Meeting Held,” Las Vegas Sun (October 14, 1963), page number
16. Donald Warman, “Commission Hears Moulin Rouge Issue,” Las Vegas
Review-Journal (October 17, 1963), pp. 1–2.
17. Crowe, “Blaze at Moulin Rouge,” p. 1.
Notes — Chapter Fourteen
18. Ibid. One hysterical teenage girl, “climbed through a ground floor window,
[and] was cut by broken glass.” See “Fire Chases Guests from Moulin Rouge,” Las
Vegas Sun ( June 15, 1956), page number unknown.
19. Ibid.
20. “$775,000 Damage Suit Filed Against LV Hotel,” Las Vegas Sun (February
7, 1968), page number unknown.
21. “City Files Suit Against Hotel,” Las Vegas Sun (May 4, 1976), page number
22. Ibid. The Moulin Rouge also had to correct city fire code violations in 1977,
stemming from injuries suffered by Shirley Roy, 58, a resident who was struck “when
part of a ceiling fell on her, due to leakage from recent rains.” She was later treated at
Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital, and released. City fire inspectors told managers
at the Moulin Rouge “to correct the problems or face closure.” See “Hotel has cor-
rected violations,” Las Vegas Sun (October 3, 1977), page number unknown.
23. “Bob Bailey rally set at hotel,” Las Vegas Sun (April 15, 1971), page number
24. Ibid.
25. Harold Hyman and Bob Palm, “Many Black Hotel Workers Charge Loss of
Jobs Due to the Color of Their Skin,” Las Vegas Sun (1979), page number unknown.
26. Earnest N. Bracey, “Ruby Duncan, Operation Life, and Welfare Rights in
Nevada,” Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, Volume 44, No. 2 (Summer 2001), p.
27. Ibid.
28. Dick Odessky, “New lease on life for Moulin Rouge,” Las Vegas Sun ( Janu-
ary 5, 1977), page number unknown.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Dick Odessky, “New lease on life for Moulin Rouge.” Also see “Moulin Rouge
Hotel Awaits Reopening,” Las Vegas Sun (March 8, 1977), page number unknown.
32. “Moulin Rouge Hotel Awaits Reopening.”
Chapter Fourteen
1. Dick Odessky, “New lease on life for Moulin Rouge,” Las Vegas Sun ( Janu-
ary 5, 1977), page number unknown. Odessky also pointed out that the Roys had
come to Las Vegas in “hopes of buying Echo Bay at Lake Mead, from Argent Corp.
But the deal fell through.”
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. “Moulin Rouge Hotel Awaits Reopening,” Las Vegas Sun (February 8, 1977),
page number unknown.
6. Odessky, “New lease on life for Moulin Rouge.”
7. “Moulin Rouge Hotel Awaits Reopening.”
8. Ibid. By that time the showroom had remained closed for more than 22 years.
See also Gary E. Elliott, “Moulin Rouge Hotel,” p. 8 and p. 13.
Notes — Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen
1. Timothy Pratt, “Again, a Plan for Renewal,” Las Vegas Sun (February 25,
2008), p. 2.
2. Gary E. Elliott, “James B. McMillan: The Pursuit of Equality,” p. 55.
3. Alan Choate, “West Las Vegas ready for economic revival,” Las Vegas Review-
Journal (February 24, 2008), p. 9B. The Moulin Rouge is east of Martin Luther King
Boulevard, and the area that surrounds the 19-acre site is still dotted by burned-out
and vacant buildings and “a United Parcel Service distribution center and a homeless
shelter.” See Benjamin Spillman, “Moulin Rouge taps Epic Gaming,” Las Vegas Review
Journal (March 6, 2008), p. 3D.
4. Ibid.
5. Sonya Padgett, “Next step for civil rights,” Las Vegas Review-Journal ( Janu-
ary 20, 2008), p. J4.
6. Choate, “West Las Vegas ready for economic revival,” p. 9B.
7. Ibid.
8. Benjamin Spillman, “Backers pitch redevelopment of neglected Moulin
Rouge,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (February 26, 2008), p. 1D.
9. Pratt, “Again, a Plan for Renewal,” p. 2.
10. Clarence Page, “Blacks left behind despite changes in nation since the civil
rights era,” Las Vegas Sun ( July 29, 2007), p. 6.
11. Harold L. Wolman and Norman C. Thomas, “Black Interests, Black Groups,
and Black Influence in the Federal Policy Process: The Cases of Housing and Educa-
tion,” The Journal of Politics, Vol. 32 (1970), p. 894.
12. James K. Galbraith, Created Unequal: The Crisis in American Pay (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2000), p. 7.
13. James W. Hulse, The Silver State: Nevada’s Heritage Reinterpreted (Reno and
Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 1991), p. 308.
Notes — Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen
1. 38th Year Birthday Celebration Bulletin, p. 2.
2. John Hope Franklin, “History of Racial Segregation in the United States,”
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 34 (March 1956),
p. 1.
3. Kristi Goodwin, “Putting A New Face On The Past,” p. 24.
4. Earnest N. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” p. 283.
5. 38th Year Birthday Celebration Bulletin, p. 2.
6. Joanne Goodwin, “Sarann Knight-Preddy,” Nevada Online Encyclopedia,
http://www.onlinenevada.org/sarann_knight_preddy,_entrepreneur, p. 2.
7. Ibid. Sarann Knight-Preddy was the first black person to own a gaming license
in Nevada. When she bought the Lincoln Bar for blacks in Hawthorne, it was renamed
the Tonga Club.
8. Helen M. Blue and Jamie Coughtry. Clarence Ray: Black Politics and Gam-
ing in Las Vegas, 1920s–1980s (Reno, Nev.: University of Nevada Oral History Pro-
gram, 1991), p. 87.
9. Goodwin, “Putting a New Face on the Past,” p. 24.
10. Ibid.
11. Bracey, “The Moulin Rouge Mystique,” p. 283.
12. Goodwin, “Sarann Knight-Preddy,” pp. 1–2.
13. Gary Dretzka, “Gambling on tradition,” Chicago Tribune (February 6, 1996),
sec 5, p. 3.
14. Joan Shepard, “City Council Approves W.L.V. Economic Development
Plans,” Las Vegas Sentinel Voice, Volume 13, Issue 20 (September 10, 1992), p. 1.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Marian Green, “Moulin Rouge denied grant,” Las Vegas Review-Journal
(November 16, 1995), p. 1B.
18. Caren Benjamin, “Historic Moulin Rouge’s luck may have run out for good,”
Las Vegas Review-Journal (November 26, 1996), p. 1B.
Notes — Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Seventeen
1. Lerone Bennett, Jr. The Shaping of Black America, p. 292.
2. 38th Year Birthday Celebration, p. 2. The Black Chamber of Commerce of
Las Vegas is now called The Las Vegas Urban Chamber of Commerce.
3. Caren Benjamin, “Historic Moulin Rouge’s luck may have run out for good,”
Las Vegas Review-Journal (November 26, 1996), p. 2B.
4. Ibid. More than ever, Sarann Knight-Preddy and her family lobbied the city
of Las Vegas for grants and loans to reinvent the Moulin Rouge. But alas, their seem-
ingly solid plan failed to gain traction.
5. Interview by author with Sarann Knight-Preddy, October 15, 1996, at the
offices of the Moulin Rouge.
6. Marian Green, “Moulin Rouge denied grant,” Las Vegas Review-Journal
(November 16, 1995), p. 1B.
7. Ibid., p. 2B.
8. Ibid.
9. David McGrath Schwartz, “Historic building unwrapped,” Las Vegas Review-
Journal ( July 3, 2007), p. 2B. Note that $3.6 million has already been spent on the
post office’s renovation. According to journalist Schwartz, the money ($3.6 million)
for the project, which will eventually “cost upward of $30 million,” was provided “by
the state Historic Preservation Office … the National Park Service, the State Commis-
sion for Cultural Affairs and the Las Vegas Centennial Commission.”
10. Marian Green, “Pequots eye Las Vegas,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (April 19,
1996), p. 1A. See also Caren Benjamin, “Historic Moulin Rouge’s luck may have run
out for good,” p. 2B).
11. Ibid., p. 3A. Some have claimed that the Pequot tribe members were disin-
genuous in wanting to invest in the Moulin Rouge at this time, but that still remains
to be seen.
12. Clarence Page, “Blacks left behind despite changes in nation since the civil
rights era,” Las Vegas Sun ( July 29, 2007), p. 6.
13. Green, “Pequots eye Las Vegas,” p. 3A.
14. Green, “Moulin Rouge denied grant,” p. 2B.
15. Tanya Flanagan, “Return of the Rouge,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (February
13, 1998), p. 6B.
16. Ibid.
Notes — Chapter Eighteen
17. Kevin Boyle, “Urban crisis still smoldering,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (August
1, 2007), p. 9B.
18. Flanagan, “Return of the Rouge,” p. 1B.
Chapter Eighteen
1. Joseph N. Browley, “Race and Residence: The Politics of Open Housing in
Nevada,” Sagebrush and Neon: Studies in Nevada Politics, Eleanore Bushnell, editor
(Reno, Nev.: University of Nevada Bureau of Governmental Research, 1973), p. 73.
2. Ibid.
3. James W. Hulse. The Silver State, p. 310.
4. Tanya Flanagan, “Return of the Rouge,” p. 6B.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid. Bart Maybie bought all the properties around the Moulin Rouge, to get
“control of the illegal activities … and make people feel safer going to the casino.” See
Michael Squires, “Restoration planned for Moulin Rouge,” Las Vegas Review-Journal
(March 21, 2001), p. 10B.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid. Flamboyant gaming entrepreneur Bob Stupak also tried to make a deal
with Bart Maybie for revamping the Moulin Rouge, but the transaction was never final-
ized between the two businessmen. See Gary Thompson, “Stupak looks at Moulin
Rouge makeover,” Las Vegas Sun (May 26, 1999), pp. 3C-4C.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Informational and donation flier, “The Historic Moulin Rouge Preservation
Association, Inc.,” 1996, p. 1.
12. Ibid. Eventually, Sarann Knight-Preddy, who owned the Moulin Rouge from
1985 to 1997, wanted “to put the story of the Moulin Rouge on stage, as a musical,
and then to turn the production into a movie.” Sarann Knight-Preddy collaborated
with playwright Dianna Saffold on this venture, with a goal “to take the show on the
road and ultimately to Broadway and Hollywood.” See Jerry Fink, “Not Forgotten,”
Las Vegas Sun (October 22, 2000), p. 6E.
13. Jen Lawson, “Some features of Moulin Rouge salvageable,” Las Vegas Sun
( June 5, 2003), p. 1B. Duncan applied for a $1 million America’s Treasures grant in
May 2003, but lost eligibility because of the later destruction of the Moulin Rouge
by fire.
14. Tiffannie Bond, “Losing a bit of history,” Summerlin View ( June 11, 2003),
p. 3AA. Duncan, originally from Arkansas and born on a former slave plantation, also
wholeheartedly believed in preserving the legacy of the Moulin Rouge, so that, as she
put it, a “history of achievement can be told.” Some reports mistakenly spell Kather-
ine Duncan’s name as Katherine Dunn.
15. Ed Koch, “Blaze is latest chapter in hotel’s storied history,” Las Vegas Sun (May
29, 2003), p. 94.
16. Lawson, “Some features of Moulin Rouge salvageable,” p. 1B.
17. Ibid.
18. Koch, “Blaze is latest chapter in hotel’s storied history,” p. 9A. The Moulin
Notes — Chapter Nineteen
Rouge hotel and casino, fortunately, “had been closed and undergoing renovation
when the fire occurred.” It was claimed that Fred Lewis Ball, a black man called
“Bubba,” was responsible for starting the fire. See “Moulin Rouge Casino Fire in Las
Vegas Was Arson, Authorities Say,” Las Vegas Now, 2003, http://www.lasvegasnow.
com/Global/story.asp?5=1299079 (1/15/2008 2:17PM), p. 4.
19. Ed Koch, “Historic casino faces challenges,” Las Vegas Sun (May 28, 2005),
p. 16B.
20. Hubble Smith, “Moulin Rouge renovation in Limbo,” Las Vegas Review-Jour-
nal ( July 10, 2004), p. 1D.
Chapter Nineteen
1. Hubble Smith, “Moulin Rouge renovation in limbo,” p. 1D.
2. John L. Smith, “Moulin Rouge finally succumbs to slow burn of felonious
neglect,” Las Vegas Review-Journal ( June 1, 2003), p. B1.
3. Jace Radke and Jen Lawson, “Fire ravages historic Moulin Rouge casino,” Las
Vegas Sun (May 29, 2003), p. 9A.
4. Ed Koch, “Historic casino faces challenges,” Las Vegas Sun (May 28, 2005),
p. 16B.
5. John L. Smith, “Moulin Rouge finally succumbs to slow burn of felonious
neglect,” p. B1.
6. Tiffannie Bond, “Losing a bit of history,” Summerlin View ( June 11, 2003),
p. 4AA.
7. Ibid., p. 3AA.
8. Hubble Smith, “Moulin Rouge renovation in limbo,” p. 1D. The appeal of
the place was always deep, especially for blacks living in Las Vegas.
9. Ibid., pp. 1D and 6D.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid. The new black owners have the intensity and drive to realize their dream
of building a totally new Moulin Rouge. The black owners also know that they have
to exceed expectations.
13. Jim Myers. Afraid of the Dark: What Whites and Blacks Need to Know About
Each Other (Chicago, Ill.: Lawrence Hill Books, 2000), p. 345.
14. Ibid., p. 324.
15. Charles W. Mills. Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race (Ithaca, N.Y.
and London: Cornell University Press, 1998), p. 165.
16. Michael W. Bowers. The Sagebrush State, p. 35.
17. Earnest N. Bracey, “The African Americans,” The Peoples of Las Vegas: One
City, Many Faces, edited by Terry L. Simich and Thomas C. Wright (Reno and Las
Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 2005), p. 92.
18. Ibid., p. 93.
19. “New $2.5 billion mega-resort planned,” Nevada Contractor ( June 2007), p.
20. Ibid. According to black developer Donahue Peeble, the initial hotel tower
will open by 2009.
Notes — Chapter Twenty
21. Sean Whaley, “Group lists endangered sites,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (May
15, 2004), p. 2B. The Moulin Rouge’s landmark status did not save it from burning,
but the place “could still be preserved.”
22. Timothy Pratt, “Story changes, squalor doesn’t,” Las Vegas Sun (April 6, 2007),
p. 3.
23. Ibid. The plan should be to raze the old hotel-apartments at the place, to
make room for a new Moulin Rouge.
24. “Palms Casino Resort,” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Palms_Casino_Resort, p. 1. Many neighborhood casinos point to the Palms
Casino and its phenomenal success. The Maloof family ( Joe, George, Gavin and Phil)
currently owns the Palms.
25. Geoff Schumacher, “North Las Vegas can’t escape Sin City,” Las Vegas Review-
Journal (September 24, 2006), p. 3D. Many strip bosses may believe that off-Strip casi-
nos are still bad for their business, because of their quaint competitiveness and
26. Timothy Pratt, “January cold snap claimed squatter,” Las Vegas Sun (March
6, 2007), p. 1.
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
Chapter Twenty
1. Steve Fischer. When the Mob Ran Vegas, p. 102.
2. Tony Illia, “Moulin Rouge makeover moves forward,” Business Press (Decem-
ber 3, 2007), p. 3.
3. Ibid. See also Dick Taylor, Moulin Rouge — Hotel History (Beehive Press, 1995).
4. Jearold Winston Holland, Black Recreation: A Historical Perspective (Chicago:
Burnham Inc., Publishers, 2002), p. 156.
5. Ibid.
6. Fischer, When the Mob Ran Vegas, p. 102.
7. Holland, Black Recreation, p. 157.
8. Ibid.
9. Fischer, When the Mob Ran Vegas, p. 107. According to Fischer, “the place
was coming apart at the seams with business,” p. 109.
10. Holland, Black Recreation, p. 157
11. Ibid., p . 198.
12. Fischer, When the Mob Ran Vegas, p. 109. Compared with some of the fabu-
lous specialty and exclusive showrooms at the now-defunct Sands, the Dunes, and the
New Frontier, as Fischer tells us, the former Café Rouge “was the only showroom in
Las Vegas that was continuously selling out,” p. 109. At any rate, is there any way to
definitively find out if the original owners stealthily and criminally took money and
pocketed it from “the soft count room at the Moulin Rouge?” Probably not. So we can
only speculate. Unfortunately, as professor of history Michael Green tells us, “the
Moulin Rouge was a victim of its own [limited] success,” because it was never seen as
Notes — Conclusion, Postscript
profitable. See Michael Green, “Backstory: Requiem for the Rouge,” Las Vegas Mer-
cury ( June 5, 2003), page number unknown.
13. Ollie A. Johnson III and Karin L. Stanford, editors, Black Political Organi-
zations in the Post-Civil Rights Era (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press,
2002), p. 4.
14. Fischer, When the Mob Ran Vegas, p. 103.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17. Johnson and Stanford, Black Political Organizations, p. 7.
18. Fischer, When the Mob Ran Vegas, p. 110.
1. “The New Vegas,” Cigar Aficionado (March/April 2006), p. 64.
2. Kim Clark, “Against the Odds,” U.S. News & World Report (May 23, 2006),
p. 47. Some Las Vegans are getting more and more cynical about the building boom
taking place in Las Vegas. Is the city over-saturated with hotels and casinos already
with future potential for a hotel glut?
3. “The New Vegas,” p. 64. According to journalist Tony Illia, it takes an expe-
rienced, well-financed development team to enter the market in Las Vegas. And this
would certainly be needed if a new high-rise Moulin Rouge hotel and casino is finally
built at the old site. It would also mean that the black owners would have to line up
financing for a fast-paced venture, in a volatile market. See Tony Illia, “Pinnacle Las
Vegas again changes contractors,” in the Business Press (September 10, 2007), p. 2.
4. Clark, “Against the Odds,” p. 47.
5. Carri Geer Thevenot, “Ex-wife claims Moulin Rouge executive owes child
support,” Las Vegas Review-Journal (April 9, 2007), p. 9B. The new black principals
truly believe that a new Moulin Rouge could become a symbol of revitalization on
6. Ibid., p. 9B.
1. Benjamin Spillman, “Moulin Rouge gets another go,” Las Vegas Review-Jour-
nal (October 5, 2007), p. 1D.
2. Michael Squires, “Group buys historic site,” Las Vegas Review-Journal ( Jan-
uary 29, 2004), pp. 1B and 6B.
3. Spillman, “Moulin Rouge gets another go,” p. 1D.
4. Tony Illia, “Moulin Rouge makeover moves forward,” Business Press (Decem-
ber 3, 2007), p. 3.
5. Spillman, “Moulin Rouge gets another go,” p. 1D.
6. Ibid. Despite skepticism by casino industry experts and academic researchers,
it remains to be seen if the Moulin Rouge will be a financial success, when the place
is finally rebuilt. Some other features planned for the redeveloped Moulin Rouge will
include “40,000 square feet of meeting and convention space, a 1,500-seat showroom
and a bar,” as well as “a botanical atrium, a cultural center, four restaurants and a beauty
Notes — Postscript
salon.” See Tony Illia, “Moulin Rouge makeover moves forward,” Business Press (Decem-
ber 3, 2007), p. 3.
7. Ibid. As already pointed out in this story, the mundane activities, or the day-
to-day operations of the Moulin Rouge are not explored or investigated in this work.
8. Squires, “Group buys historic site,” p. 1B.
9. Spillman, “Moulin Rouge gets another go,” p. 1D. Construction is set to
begin at the Moulin Rouge site after all the old buildings are leveled.
10. Tony Illia, “Moulin Rouge makeover moves forward,” p. 3. The Moulin
Rouge, as Illia tells us, “may get a breath of new life now that a development is in place
between its current owner[s] and a Fairfax, Virginia-based [finance] company.”
11. Ibid.
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businesses, white 17, 29, 31, 32, 34, 37, 95, 103, 115, 132, 138, 169, 171–172; in
40, 42, 44, 48, 57, 59, 60, 69, 75, 79, Southern Nevada 56
90, 105, 119, 123, 143, 170 Clark, Donald 72
businessmen, black 20, 131, 155 Clark, Kim 178
businesswomen 131 Clark County 98
Clark County assessor’s office 124
Cahlan, Al 94 Clark County Board of Commissioners
Cahlan, John 94 99
California 51, 96 Clark County Commission 120
Camelot 40 Clark County School Board 136
Cameron, Albert 111 Clark County School District 135–136
Canada 150–151 Club Alabama 133
cancan dance 41, 43 Club Ebony 133
Carmichael, Stokely 80 Club Rouge and Cocktail Bar 129, 137
Carver Park in Henderson, Nevada 33 clubs and bars, black 27, 34
casino history 20, 21, 53 codes of honor 177
casino industry 14, 18, 25, 36, 81, 95, coffee shop 126
111, 112, 137, 141, 160, 163, 168 Cole, Nat King 43
casinos 47, 52, 85, 178 College of Southern Nevada 8
Caucasian 128 Collins, Gene 98
CBC Financial Corporation 150, 156 color barrier 15
celebrities 16, 41 communities 35, 64, 70–72, 81–94, 93,
census 2000 97 129, 143, 153, 167, 175
Chaney, Lonie 98 Community Development Block grant
chaperones 121 loan application 145
Checkmates and the Treniers 122 community leaders 33, 64
chorus-line routines 40 community programs 122
Christian denominations 66, 68 Connecticut, Ledyard 146
churches 67 conservatives 81, 89
churches, black 26–27, 66–68, 89, 104; Constitution 33
clergy 66–67 constitutional government 71
citizens, black 13, 44, 50, 55 constitutional rights 32, 33, 44, 68, 71,
citizens and tourists, black 44, 51, 73 103
city commission 59, 122 construction projects 21
city council 145 copper plumbing 125
city councilman for Ward 5 99 Cotton Club 27, 133, 138
city fathers 60, 70–71, 73, 160 Cove Hotel on the Westside 123, 133
city government 15, 44, 47, 60, 83, 90, Crawford, Cranford 98
97, 165, 180 Crear, Cedric 98
city government-enforced racial segrega- creditors 58
tion 72 Creighton, Lorenzo 159
City of Lights 23, 179 crime 13, 178
city planning commission 31, 59 Crips and Bloods 96
civil disobedience 67 Crook, James 163
civil liberties 13, 45 Crow, John 122
civil rights 13, 39, 44, 58, 60, 66, 71, Crowley, Joseph N. 149
74, 81, 83, 84, 94, 104, 106, 109, Crozier, Helen Lamb 100
113, 139, 168; leaders 132; 32, 83, 84, Crozier, Oscar 77
Civil Rights Act 88 D and Jackson Streets 133
civil rights movement 17, 67, 72, 93, dancing entertainment 50
Second Baptist Church 67–68, 74 bosses 66, 127; casinos 23, 35, 40, 43,
segregation 13, 18, 23, 24, 26, 35, 47, 47, 50, 53; hotel-casinos 91; hotels 19,
55, 59–60, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 82, 87, 25, 27, 35, 40, 95; off-Strip end of
112, 150, 167, 169, 170, 172, 177; de town 179; off-Strip property 162;
facto 17, 60, 134; de jure 60; elimina- periphery 27; see also Las Vegas Strip
tion of 44, 48, 64, 65, 75, 169; in students, in Las Vegas 95
hotels and casinos 17; in Las Vegas 26, Stump and Stumpy at the Moulin
27, 33, 34, 43; laws 88; memories of Rouge 49
159; neighborhoods 84; in public Sullivan, Dan 122
accommodations 17, 27, 59–60, 74,
169–170, 183; in the schools 134; in Tallulah, Louisiana 111
the South 171; state sanctioned 83 Tate, Katherine 100–101
service jobs 65 Taylor, Richard B. 43
Shamrock Hotel 27 Thompson, Judge 134
Shangri-la 13 Thunderbird Hotel 121
Shepard, Joan 140 Todd, Richard 50, 52
showgirls from the Strip casinos 44 Tolson, Jay 51
Sierra Nevada Arms housing project 116 Toure, Kwame 80
Simi Valley 96 tourism 35, 49, 184, 185; black 40
Sinatra, Frank 23, 42 Treniers 122
sit-ins and demonstration on the Strip
76 unemployment 172
slot machines 126 U.S. Civil Right Act in 1964 104
social and economic change 59, 71 United States Commission on civil
social interaction 179 rights 121
social justice 52 urban development 178
social problems 60 urban environment 112
society 136; race in 29 urban sprawl 179
South 65
South Valley View Boulevard 7 Vaughan, Sarah 27
southern California 96 victim 57
Southern Nevada 29, 101, 168 violence, racial 85
Southern Nevada Human Relations
Commission 121 Walker, Glen 138
Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital Walker, James 128, 138, 141–144, 147
120 Walker, Richard 138
Southern states 24, 112 Walker family 139–141, 144
Southerners 81 Ward 5 99
Spillman, Benjamin 183–184 Washington 76
Springs Preserve 7 Washington, D.C. 116
stage show, all-black 40 Watusi dancers 40
Stanford, Karin L. 172 Ways and Means Committee 98
State Senate District 4 98 Weekly, Lawrence 99
statues 79 Weeks, Gwen 121
Steel, Shelby 55 welfare 95, 96
stereotyping 150 welfare mothers 95–96, 123
Stevens, Bobby 122 Werner, Larry 88–89
Stevens, Lucretia 103 Wesley, Mary 103
Stewart Avenue 145 West, Charles Dr. 72, 90
The Strip 32, 44, 57, 59–60, 80, 81–82, West Bonanza 151, 164, 183
84, 127, 152, 163, 167, 176–177, 179; West Bonanza Road property 11
West Las Vegas 35, 47, 65, 67, 73, 89, Williams, Aaron 99
96–97, 106–107, 109, 131–132, 136, Williams, Wendell 98
170 Wilson, William J. 25, 55–56
West Madison Avenue 115 Wilson, Woodrow 24, 43, 72, 74–76,
Westside 18, 25–27, 31, 33–35, 42, 48, 80, 97, 106, 115–118
55, 60, 61, 70, 74, 84–85, 87, 89, women and ethnic minorities 108
104, 107, 109, 111–116, 119, 123, 128– Women and Infant Children Nutrition
129, 131–132, 134, 136, 139, 161, 163– Program 105
164, 173, 176, 177, 178; business devel- women leaders 104, 106–109
opment 128; housing 115; nightlife 34 Women’s Democratic Club West 120–
Westside Federal Credit Union 115–117 121
White, Earle, Jr. 100 World War II 33, 66
Whitley, June 99 Wynn Las Vegas Golf Course 160
Wilkerson, Stanton 163–164
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