Processing of PTFE need not be a matter of “Shock and Awe” for a board fabricator if a few simple but critical
process parameters are defined and controlled. In this article, the various critical process steps are discussed and
starting point recommendation made. Critical areas include drilling, surface and PTH treatment, and lamination, and
are covered in detail along with the starting point suggestions for most other process steps. These process
recommendations should help the fabricator to design and optimize his process for PTFE fabrication.
The production of Teflon® (PTFE) circuits and mixed dielectric printed This sequentially laminated board
printed circuits for wireless circuits will increasingly penetrate was made using Arlon’s thermally
assemblies, such as antennas and the traditional FR4 board shops. stable CLTE laminate and a variety
base stations, is on the increase. That being said, PTFE laminates of bonding media. No doubt this
PTFE laminates, as double sided pose challenges to the conventional is an exceptional instance, and it is
printed circuits (PCB’s) or as FR4 printed circuit shop. likely that every shop does not have
composite subassemblies on an the technical resources to undertake
There is a widespread belief,
FR-4 multilayer base board, have such a complex project, but is
especially among PWB shops
become commonplace. PCB shops simply shown as a dramatic example
who do not presently work with
specializing in PTFE, have typically of what can be done.
microwave and RF circuits,
supplied this market segment, but as
that there is something “magic” This article is a simplified attempt to
the demand for wireless integration
associated with processing PTFE look at the steps involved in making
continues, the increase in PTFE
materials and that of necessity a PWB, with special emphasis on
making PTFE boards is going to those areas where PTFE differs
cause unendurable pain and result in from traditional materials due to its
unacceptable process yields. That unique properties and chemistry. As
translates into reluctance to take much as possible, without disclosing
on PTFE jobs or into “fear-based” any proprietary information,
pricing that drives away perfectly this information derives from
good customers. And these days, actual hands-on experience with
how many of us want to frighten making PTFE boards at numerous
away paying customers? locations. While dedicated or
specific equipment and conditions
The photograph at left (courtesy
have been noted to provide as
of Tyco Printed Circuit Group and
much detail regarding technique as
Space Systems Loral) is a section
possible, there is endless variation
of a 64 layer ceramic-filled PTFE
in technologies and procedures
board that is part of the beam
employed by the various printed
forming antenna array for the
circuit shops, and so there are no
space-based Globalstar system.
hard and fast rules for fabrication.
Where applicable, advantages of or storage conditions should be printed circuit shops. The primary
one approach over another are managed to minimize this. sump is typically utilized as a soap/
identified, but these are starting degreasing bath to remove the
PTFE laminates need to be stored
point guidelines and each fabricator potential organics while a second
flat with support. If they are stored
should fine-tune their own process. sump will microetch the copper
in such a way that they can sag or
followed by a warm deionized
The Bottom Line droop, they will almost certainly take
water rinse. Chemical cleaning
a “set” over time that will result in
There are three specific areas that and surface prep will save untold
their being much more difficult to
the PWB shop needs to master to problems with registration after etch.
successfully process PTFE boards
and if we can get these three right, Surface Preparation/Preclean
everything else will be essentially like A few hard fast rules apply here.
All copper foils are treated to reduce
processing rigid double sided FR-4. Employ new tools at all times when
the likelihood of oxidation of the
hole plating will be required. As a
1. Copper Surface Preparation copper surface. This anti-tarnish
general guide, start at 2.5 to 3 mil
must be chemically removed to
2. Drilling PTFE Materials chipload and use a spindle speed
ensure adequate adhesion for photo
3. Plated Through Hole and PTFE that will give 350-450 sfm (surface
resist. Several good proprietary
Surface Preparation feet per minute) for your particular
chemistries exist on the market
drill diameter. PTFE tailing, or
All of these will be discussed in today, and if you are a home-made
spurious laminate fibers can be
detail below, and we believe that chemistry junkie, sodium persulfate,
eliminated with slower infeed and
with some up-front engineering and nitric and/or sulfuric acid mixtures
higher chiploads. Ceramic-filled
a little experience, PTFE should be with warm deionized rinses will
laminates, chosen by PCB designers
no “harder” to process than any adequately remove the protective
because of their modified dielectric
other material. treatment. Removal of 40 millionths
constant, coefficient of thermal
of an inch is typical and adequate to
Storage and Handling expansion and other properties,
remove the surface treatment while
offer an additional benefit to the
Store materials in a cool dry promoting photoresist adhesion.
fabricator – easier drilling and
environment away from direct NOTE: The copper surface of cleaner holes. However, ceramics
sunlight, avoiding surface oxidation PTFE laminates should not be in the laminate can increase drill
and contaminants. PTFE laminates mechanically prepared. Composite wear by 25% to 50%, and 350-500
are softer than, and laminate brushes, pumice scrubbers or bristle hits is typical compared with 1000
surfaces will dent, wrinkle, and style surface preparation equipment hits for non-filled PTFE products.
bend significantly more readily than suitable for rigid materials should Secondary tooling holes and/or
their FR4 counterparts. Surface be avoided as soft substrates will NPTH (non plated through holes)
imperfections that might prove stretch and absorb stresses that will can be drilled with resharpened tools
insignificant in consumer electronic lead to unpredictable dimensional as long as they are inspected and
circuits can affect functional results post etch. This should
performance in RF circuitry. Lesser extend as well to grit blast sanding,
defects such as nicks, pinholes and even with finely divided aluminum
etch outs may contribute to passive oxide abrasive. Layer to layer
intermodulation (PIM) distortion. registration of multilayers or post-
Higher dielectric constants mean etch registration of soldermask,
smaller packages and finer lines, secondary drill (NPTH) and/
demanding tighter controls and or legend applications will be
superior handling practices. Once problematic if this simple precaution
etched, ceramic-filled high Dk is not adhered to.
laminates can be susceptible to
moisture uptake and hold times Horizontal or vertical multi-sump
.020 1/1 DiClad 880 .024 +/-.002 FINISHED
equipment is in use in nearly all
copper plating will not be required. Metalization present sodium etch providers.
Hole quality will suffer with use of Acton Technologies designs inline
Sodium etchants or Plasma gas
resharpened tools. processing equipment and higher
cycling are the standards within the
flashpoint chemistry to allow for safe
The entry material most often used PCB industry. Stripping /removal of
processing of PTFE laminates in
is .007-.010” aluminum so you need the fluorine from the Teflon surface is
standard dip chemistry processing
to watch for aluminum debris in the critical to the metallization, marking
tanks, with minor modification,
flutes and adjust feed rate if buildup and multilayering of PTFE laminates.
and they offer treatment of spent
occurs. Ensure that pressure feet Plasma: Plasma gasses and cycles chemistry. Processing guidelines
are of high quality and operating vary within the PWB industry. for sodium etchants are provided
properly and inspect the bottoms of The ideal plasma gas for PTFE is by suppliers, and should be studied
pressure feet for debris, as PTFE is probably hydrogen because of its carefully prior to application. Shelf
extremely soft and crud under the small atomic radius and the fact that life of Sodium etched products,
pressure feet will dent or scratch it can react with fluorine and remove if protected from excessive
the laminate. Back up material is some of it from the PTFE surface as temperature, humidity and ultra-
less critical when drilling PTFE. It HF gas. It is well understood that violet light can be several months.
should be 0.062- 0.093” (2.3mm) the hydrogen plasma treatment lasts Studies have shown bond strengths
thick rigid phenolic or tech board longer than other plasma treatments. continue to increase for the first 24
to accommodate the angle of the Other fabricators prefer not to hours after etching.
drill point and should be sufficiently handle hydrogen, and prefer the use
rigid so that it does not deflect (as of an inert gas plasma such as a 30
sometimes happens with vented minute nitrogen treatment, although
material) due to pressure of the at least one of our major customers
pressure foot. PTFE will tear leaving has had unfailingly good success
tails or streamers if the backup with a conventional 30 minute
material flexes. Retraction rate treatment with an 80/10/10 mixture
should never exceed 500 ipm as of Oxygen, CF4 and Nitrogen.
excessive retraction speed may also Ceramic-Filled PTFE Board over
smear PTFE vertically in the hole. Note: Plasma is a surface FR-4 Core with PTH
micromechanical treatment (you
Combinations of drill type, tool Metalization
can think of it as atomic level sand
supplier, entry/backup materials and blasting) and does not remove Electroless copper and direct
drill room conditions are endless. fluorine atoms entirely from the metallization requires no additional
Adjust a single variable at a time PTFE, which can “heal” itself over considerations provided an
or employ well-designed DOE time. As a result hold times post adequate surface has been achieved
techniques when maximizing the plasma should be restricted to in thru hole preparation. Several PCB
drill operation and evaluate results less 12 hours unless you are using shops double Dep thru electroless
via cross section and quality of hole hydrogen, in which case it may be copper and more than half of the
metallization. stretched longer.. PTFE processors that utilize plasma
Deburr as hole preparation elect to double
Sodium Etchants: provide
Dep. Glass etch is not required if
If deburr is required use light orbital increased post processing hold
drill quality is acceptable. Sodium
hand sanding, wet, with 600 grit times, reduced cycle time and
etchants and Plasma gasses only
wet/dry paper. Use compressed air complete stripping of the fluorine
affect the surface of the PTFE and
to remove debris from holes. Do atoms from the PTFE surface. As
do not result in a positive etchback,
not utilize mechanical scrubbing a result of this stripping action the
as is the case with thermoset resins.
equipment. Stresses introduced bond lap shear values increase
will, as mentioned earlier, result in over those achieved by Plasma.
unpredictable material movement. W.L.Gore, thru distributors, and
Acton Technologies Inc. are the
Hole Preparation prior to
Copper Plating Lamination b. Bonding films of lower melting
range fluoropolymers may be
Copper plating of PTFE and ceramic Other than for FR-4 hybrids, oxide
used for reduced temperature
loaded high Dk laminates requires pretreatment is not recommended
processing (250˚F or 425˚F
some special considerations. or necessary for multilayering of
temperatures are currently
The higher Z-axis CTE’s of “pure” PTFE laminates. Press temperatures
available) while still maintaining
PTFE laminates necessitates use 0f 700+˚F (fusion bonding) exceed
low dielectric constant and loss
of high tensile and elongation oxide limitations. Adequate prep
properties for minimal interference
of plated copper. A 12-15% can be achieved by microetching
with the electrical design of the
minimum elongation copper plate copper circuitry 30 seconds in
at a minimum plating thickness of ambient 5% sodium persulfate
0.0015” will minimize the tendency followed by warm deionized water c. FR4/PTFE hybrids: typically
to crack in high aspect ratio holes. rinse prior to lamination. Bake employ FR-4 prepregs and
CTE’s of FR-4 start near 50 ppm all ceramic loaded laminates a lamination cycles. Oxide treatment
in the Z-axis when tested at 180 minimum of 1 hour @ 225–250˚F of the PTFE layer to be bonded
degrees F, while PTFE laminates prior to lamination to drive off to FR-4 is required. Plasma cycle
vary widely, from 40 ppm for CLTE (a moisture as ceramic loaded the PTFE layer prior to oxide
ceramic filled Arlon PTFE laminate) laminates tend to have increased treatment. Laminate within 12
to over 250 ppm for some pure moisture uptake during chemical hours of circuit etch if plasma/
PTFE-glass laminates such as processing. Uncontrolled laminate sodium etch is not employed or
DiClad 880. While PTFE has an storage after etch may also require unavailable.
inherently low modulus and does baking to remove absorbed
d. Ceramic Filled Bonding Plies
not create the force generated by water when thermal excursions
– ceramic-filled fluoropolymer
more rigid materials such as epoxies in operations such as HASL are
woven glass reinforced prepreg,
during expansion, barrel cracks, pad employed.
such as Arlon’s CLTE-P, may
lift, and blistering will nonetheless
a. Fusion bonding of PTFE also used as bonding plies for
be minimized and/or eliminated by
laminates, lamination without MLB lamination. This is a higher
using high ductility copper.
the use of bonding films and/ temperature bonding material
Note: If tin-lead plating is required or prepregs, is achieved utilizing that requires temperatures
with high resin content materials 710 degrees F minimum press over 550˚F but closely matches
(very low dielectric constant for temperature with a minimum the mechanical and electrical
instance) it will be necessary to plate at-temperature time of 50 properties of ceramic-filled CLTE
at least 2 mils of copper in the holes minutes. Pure PTFE has a laminates.
or they will to enable them to survive high melt viscosity and flows
Ceramic loaded laminates usually
thermal stress at reflow! slowly, so do not shortcut the at
need to be baked prior to the
temperature dwell without careful
lamination process. Bake racked
experimentation. Because of the
or interleafed panels @225-250
high viscosity and reesistance to
degrees F, (110-120˚C) for 60
flow of PTFE, lamination pressure
minutes minimum. Longer cycles
of 450-475 psi is required and
are required if panels are stacked. A
should be used as a starting
thermocouple at the center of stack
guideline for any development.
will ensure that the package sees a
Note: Use caution during proper drying cycle when stacking is
lamination as the temperatures deemed necessary.
required are above the flashpoint
of many commonly used thermal
lagging materials.
Prior to HASL all laminates require
a bake cycle. This cycle minimum
is 1 hour @ 225-250˚F. Repeating
for emphasis -- This is a minimum
cycle. Interleaf or rack laminates,
and do not stack, since stacking
laminates will require longer bake
cycles that can in turn degrade
copper bonds (i.e. reduce peel
strength values) in reduced oxides
on circuit patterns.
Rout and Final Fabrication
As in drilling, a few hard fast rules
will optimize successful fabrication.
Designer’s Note: When designing If required, bake ceramic loaded Rigid entry and backup materials
multilayer PTFE boards, a major PTFE laminates prior to application are required and intimate contact
consideration should be total of mask @ 225-250˚F (110-120˚C) between pressure foot and entry
thickness vs. Z-direction CTE. for one hour to drive off residual will minimize tailing of the PTFE.
As you can see in the attached moisture. It is important to exert sufficient
chart, a pure PTFE product such clamping pressure to the material
Note: Sodium etchants will discolor
as DiClad 880 (pictured) can have stack. As in the case of drilling,
PTFE laminate surfaces (they will
a Z-expansion of as much as inspect the bottom of the pressure
turn light to medium brown) due to
5% (room temperature to 250˚C) foot for debris, burrs etc. prior to
the removal of surface fluorine. This
compared with a little over 2% for use to eliminate potential damage to
should be considered normal and
multifunctional epoxy. One of the soft substrates. Use commercially
is not cause for concern. In some
benefits of certain ceramic filled available two flute, slow spiral,
cases it will be necessary to explain
products is low Z direction CTE -- up-cut end mills to depanelize
this to an OEM source inspector if
and since there is no Tg in the range, finished circuits. For an .062 cutting
he/she is not certain what is causing
there is no CTE rate increase above tool, a spindle speed of 15,000 rpm
the color to occur.
the Tg as is seen with epoxy. and a table speed of 15 linear inches
In our experience a large percentage per minute are considered standard.
of soldermask applied over PTFE
It is recommended that soldermask products is used to change the Water jet routing has also proven
be applied within 12 hours of circuit electrical characteristics, such as extremely successful. This
etching. To enhance SMOBC impedance of copper traces, or to methodology eliminates the need
(soldermask over bare copper) isolate or protect circuits, especially for entry material and cutting tools
adhesion to large surface board during hand soldering. This means and eliminates tailing of the PTFE.
areas it is recommended to process that adhesion to the copper (which Several companies offer small
thru a standard PTFE plasma has already been prepped) is critical orifice high pressure cutting of PTFE
cycle or sodium etch process prior and additional surface preparation laminates. Small orifice (0.010”) is
to soldermask application. You is not normally desirable as it may available and stack heights to 1”
can microetch copper circuitry, interfere with bond to the copper. make this alternative very attractive
to promote adhesion prior to in the case of small part fabrication.
If solder mask needs to cover a The limitation is the single cutting
soldermask application.
broad area of the PTFE surface, head. Mechanical routing
then surface preparation is definitely equipment employs 4 –6 cutting
necessary and can be done either spindles while water jet employs
with sodium etch or with plasma. only 1.
Passive Intermodulation (PIM) moisture uptake. Higher tensile and Mark Hodgson was Arlon’s Sales
Distortion elongation of plated acid copper Engineer for the Southeast Region
eliminate pad lift and barrel cracking for many years and had extensive
Intermodulation affects products
associated with higher Z-axis CTE’s experience in fabrication and
in finished assemblies. PIM
of high PTFE to glass ratio products, front-end design of both
values of finished antennas have
typical of the lower Dk laminates. conventional and PTFE PWB’s.
been evaluated by construction
Ceramic loaded products require the Mark passed away early in 2012.
methodology. Panel plated circuitry
most consideration. Drill and rout, He will be missed.
coated with immersion tin have
moisture uptake, and sodium or Chet Guiles is CTO of C&N
performed 10-20 dBc greater than
plasma gas hole preparation are the
those with electro-plated tin. The Consultants. Prior to forming
areas that will require consideration.
“top hat” effect of etching beneath C&N in 2004, Chet was Director
the plated tin can result in the (This is the “fine print”: materials and of New Business Development
rounding over of the tin edges that processes should be evaluated in for Arlon, Materials for Electronics
become in effect resonant cavities detail to ensure their suitability for Division. Chet joined Arlon in 1979
that aggravate intermodulation. the manufacture of in-specification and prior to assuming technical
Immersion tin/panel plated products production parts from individual marketing responsibilities held
totally encapsulate the etched designs. The information in this positions as Technical Director
features and the resulting trapezoidal article is presented in good faith and Product Manager as well as
cross-section minimizes this and based on extensive experience, various assignments in process
potential effect. however its applicability to any engineering, technical service, cost
specific product or process is accounting and quality assurance.
Conclusion: Processing of PTFE/
entirely the responsibility of the user.) Chet is the author of “Everything
PTFE Ceramic loaded Laminates
You Ever Wanted to Know About
require only a few changes or
Laminates…But Were Afraid to
modifications to the standard FR-4 Teflon® is a tradename of E. I. Dupont de
Nemours Company, WIlmington, DE Ask” and numerous articles and
techniques. Drill, hole preparation,
DiClad® and CLTE® are registered tradenames papers on the subject of high
copper plate and final route require of Arlon.
performance laminate materials.
only slight changes from those of
standard FR-4 processing. Entry Additional information about Arlon,
and back-up materials, new drills, including the text of “Everything
higher spindle speeds matched to You Ever Wanted to Know…” can
slower entry feeds will resolve all drill be found at
considerations. Bake cycles prior
to thermal excursions will eliminate
blistering and pad lift as a result of