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Edition 11/2019

SITOP Power Supply

Top integration. Top efficiency.
Top reliability.
SITOP power supplies
bring production plants
to life.

An efficient power supply is a basic requirement for operating any plant, no matter
the industry or need. Critical production processes can only be maintained if a con-
stant power supply of the necessary quality is available for the automation system.
For decades, SITOP – the heart of automation – has been bringing production plants
to life. The complete, precisely coordinated range of products guarantees a reliable
power supply, and is especially suited to the growing demands of our time.
SITOP PSU6200 – the all-around power supply for a wide
range of applications, now also for 3-phase networks
The new SITOP PSU6200 product line offers high-perfor-
mance, standard power supplies with comprehensive diag-
nostics options, connection technology, and high operational
reliability. Find out for yourself what the new all-arounder
has in store – see pages 8/9.

Three SITOP categories for the different demands on an
industrial power supply
SITOP means top reliability
SITOP has proven its reliability in nearly all networks around the feeder ensures continued operation, because the supply Advanced power supplies
the world. With a flexible, wide-range input, outstanding load to other loads is maintained. For highly critical applications,
characteristics, and all the relevant certifications, SITOP power redundant power supply solutions are also an option. If a The switched-mode power supply units in the Advanced
supply units safeguard the availability of your plant. Add-on replacement is ever needed, our global customer service performance class are the optimal choice for maximum
modules prevent problems on the line or DC side. And when ensures the fastest possible delivery: All SITOP products can reliability and functionality as required in the process and
upgraded to an uninterruptible power supply, the 24-V power be supplied from stock. automotive industries, in special-purpose machine manufac-
supply units bridge power failures for a period of seconds, turing, and in harsh environments. The SITOP PSU8200
minutes, or hours. In the event of a fault-specific overload or product line meets these extreme requirements thanks, for
short circuit in the output circuit, selective disconnection of example, to their overload behavior, efficiency, and compact-
ness. SITOP PSU8600 also offers a power supply system with
open communication for optimal integration into the digital
SITOP means top efficiency
Reduced energy costs are a valuable competitive advantage. Efficiency also characterizes the product lifecycle. With the
SITOP makes an important contribution, because the primary TIA Selection Tool, we offer you special tools to make it easy Standard power supplies
switched-mode power supply units operate highly efficiently. to select a power supply and DC UPS. We provide you with Our standard portfolio was designed for industrial applica-
For example, SITOP PSU8200 and 6200 have an efficiency of all the design data for all common CAE systems as well as tions like those in special-purpose machine manufacturing.
up to 96 percent. Losses are low throughout the entire load the corresponding product documentation. Development of the new SITOP PSU6200 all-around power
range, even in no-load operation. This is because a power supply was based on our experience with the proven SITOP
supply is rarely operated at full load. SITOP PSU8600, on the smart product line. This new SITOP standard power supply
other hand, records power data from all outputs, which is features even higher efficiency, comprehensive diagnostic
then further processed in energy management systems. And options, and greater ruggedness.
via PROFIenergy, power supply outputs can be switched off
selectively: for example, during breaks.

SITOP is top in integration

SITOP sets a benchmark in terms of integration: Complete enables a transparent 24-V supply in the process control Basic power supplies
integration of the SITOP PSU8600 power supply system and system during ongoing operation.
SITOP UPS1600 DC UPS in Totally Integrated Automation, From flat power supplies for distribution boards to costeffec-
the TIA Portal, and the new SITOP Manager saves time and tive basic power supplies and slim power supply units for
also communicate via OPC UA. With the OPC UA server,
money and facilitates fail-safe engineering. For the selec- control boxes – even in the low-performance range, SITOP
it’s also possible to directly integrate units such as control-
tivity modules and the SITOP PSU6200 product line, S7 leaves nothing to be desired. LOGO!Power offers you minia-
lers or PCs into automation applications with OPC UA
function blocks evaluate important diagnostic information. ture power supply units in the LOGO!8 module design. And
clients from different vendors.
The SITOP UPS1600 can easily be integrated via USB or SITOP lite meets the most mportant requirements for reliable
Ethernet to protect PC-based automation systems from primary switched-mode regulators at an affordable price.
power failures. And the SITOP library for SIMATIC PCS 7

What an optimal power supply looks like depends on numerous factors –

Overview of size, performance range, and functions, to name but a few. The extensive
range of SITOP products ensures that your power supply will always match
SITOP product lines your requirements.

Advanced power supplies Standard power supplies

New! Now also 1-phase New! Now also 3-phase

The technology power supply for
The power supply system for digitaliza- The all-around power supply for a wide The powerful standard
demanding solutions
tion and Industry 4.0 range of applications power supply
SITOP PSU8200 is ideal for complex
The innovative SITOP PSU8600 power SITOP PSU6200 is the new, extremely SITOP smart is the optimal power supply
plants and machines. The wide-range
supply system is fully integrated into high-performance power supply for for many 24-V and 12-V applications,
input allows it to be connected to any
Totally Integrated Automation and the 24-V and 12-V standard applications. featuring compact design, powerful
supply system and also to withstand large
TIA Portal. It’s integrated directly into The single-phase and brand-new 3-phase performance, and low price. Despite its
voltage fluctuations. The power boost
networked automation applications via power supply units offer comprehensive compact size, it offers outstanding over-
briefly delivers up to three times the
its Ethernet/PROFINET interface or functions and features for focused diag- load characteristics thanks to the extra
rated current. And in the event of an
OPC UA. SITOP PSU8600 not only offers nostics, fast installation, and dependable power feature that provides 1.5 times the
overload, you can choose between
brand-new functions and diagnostics operation. Whether it’s LED status indica- rated current for five seconds: Even large
constant current with automatic restart
options, it also supports the energy tors, integration into preventive mainte- loads can be easily switched on. And with
or latching shutdown. The high degree of
management of a plant or machine. nance, push-in terminals, or rugged a rated capacity of 120 percent, these
efficiency reduces energy consumption,
The 4 x 5 A basic unit is now also avail- AC input – SITOP PSU6200 has it all. slim power supplies are among the most
while the compact metal enclosure saves
able for single-phase. reliable of their kind.
space. Pages 26–27
Pages 20–23 Pages 28–29
Pages 24–25

Basic power supplies SITOP DC/DC converters SIMATIC Design

The optimal supply

for SIMATIC S7 and more
Page 33

Special designs

Equipped for special functions

SITOP lite LOGO!Power SITOP DC/DC converter and conditions

The cost-effective The flat power supply Stable power supply despite fluctuat- Pages 36–37
basic power supply for distribution boards ing DC voltage
SITOP lite is the power supply series Small. Clever. LOGO!Power. The fourth SITOP DC/DC converters provide a stable
for basic requirements in the industrial generation of the globally proven control voltage: in battery-powered
environment, offering all the important miniature power supply units with a flat, vehicles, as a “refresher” on long lines,
functions at a low cost – without compro- stepped profile features high perfor- in power plants, and at the DC link
mising quality and reliability. The wide- mance in a small space. The comprehen- converter of wind energy plants and
range input with manual switchover sive functionality with flexible installa- machine tools.
supports connection to a wide range of tion, current monitoring, and high energy
Page 34–35
single-phase supply systems. efficiency permits universal use in appli-
cations with 5 V, 12 V, 15 V, and 24 V.
Page 32
Pages 30–31

SITOP PSU8600 – Complex systems place highest demands on their components in terms of efficien-
cy, flexibility, and reliability. The innovative power supply system SITOP PSU8600

the power supply system for meets them all – thanks to a unique functionality, diagnostic capability, modular
expandability, and complete integration in TIA or via OPC UA server in many other
digitalization and Industry 4.0 systems.

Advanced power supplies

Did you know that… even in buffer operation, the outputs exactly hold their set voltage and do not vary with
battery voltage, as is common in other DC UPS systems?

Top efficiency –
from engineering through to operation
When machines and systems have to be configured and
commissioned even more quickly and easily, and operated
even more economically, SITOP PSU8600 is the ideal tool.
Even compact base units of up to 94 percent efficiency
have one or four outputs that can be selectively monitored
for excess current, saving both space and wiring effort.
Top Integration – with complete TIA integration and
open communication up to the cloud Every output can be set to 4–28 V, even dynamically during
The innovative SITOP PSU8600 power supply system is
Free SIMATIC Panels or WinCC faceplates are available for
completely integrated into Totally Integrated Automation Expansions from the modular system toolbox – to monitor
operation and monitoring. The power supply system can
(TIA) and is integrated directly into networked machines additional outputs or to buffer brief power failures – are avail-
also be integrated into automation applications with
and systems via its Ethernet/PROFINET interface. able to meet the highest requirements. Plus, the System
controllers or PCs from other vendors via the OPC UA open
Clip Link eliminates the need for additional wiring.
Engineering in the TIA Portal is convenient – whether in communication interface. Parameterization and the neces-
terms of product selection, network connection, or device sary operation and monitoring can be performed via the The continuous measurement of current and voltage from
parameterization. Furthermore, the evaluation of extensive user-friendly SITOP Manager engineering and diagnostics all outputs supports the energy management, and targeted
operational and diagnostic data is supported by ready-to- software. Remote access is enabled by the integrated Web shutdown, e.g., via PROFIenergy, provides for even greater
use function modules for SIMATIC S7 user programs. server. efficiency.

The modular
system toolbox

Base unit Expansion modules Buffer modules DC UPS and battery modules
New: 1-phase
basic unit Power supply 24 V/20 A or Expansion to up to 36 Bridging short power failures Bridging long power failures
20 A/4 x 5 A 40 A with one or four selectively
selectively monitored monitored outputs

Top reliability – thanks to selectivity and buffering

in the event of power failure
The comprehensive diagnostic options offered by the SITOP
PSU8600 power supply system provide the basis for preventive
maintenance. This means faults can be identified, traced, and
analyzed in the shortest possible time. This makes it possible to prevent a plant shutdown. For power
failures in the range of seconds to minutes, system-specific
To prevent a short circuit or overload on a single load from
buffer modules with electrolytic or double-layer capacitors
causing an outage in the entire plant, all outputs, whose volt-
(Ultracaps) are used.
age and current threshold can be individually adjusted, are
selectively monitored and individually switched off in the The DC UPS module buffers up to the hours range to protect
event of failure. Because the power from every output can against longer power failures. Processes can be kept running
be continuously recorded and transmitted via PROFINET, it is or PCs shut down safely using battery modules with lead or
possible to detect overload conditions at an early stage. lithium iron phosphate technology.

A new benchmark in the area of standard power supplies: With its award-winning

SITOP PSU6200 – the all-around power industrial design, space-saving width, optimized terminals, comprehensive diagnos-
tics options, and high operational reliability, SITOP PSU6200 offers attractive
supply for a wide range of applications prospects for a variety of different applications and areas of operations.

Standard power supplies

Did you know that ... … only one digital input is required on the PLC for transferring comprehensive diagnoses?

Diagnostics monitor/Diagnostics interface

SITOP PSU6200 power supply units as of 24 V/10 A and The diagnostics interface outputs a serial code to a digital input
12 V/12 A have a diagnostics monitor and a diagnostics of a PLC that is evaluated by a function block. A WinCC faceplate
interface. The diagnostics monitor indicates their operating makes visualization easy:
status, current utilization, and end of service life via 5 LEDs.

Focused diagnostics. Top integration.

With SITOP PSU6200, you benefit from a high degree of transpar- Output
ency in operation. Thanks to an integrated diagnos-tics monitor, voltage o.k.
devices as of 10 A signal the load on the power supply unit and
show whether the device is nearing the end of its service life via
LEDs on the front of the enclosure. This enables you to respond to
critical states early on in order to prevent unscheduled plant shut- Utilization < 30% > 30% > 60% > 90%

Via the power supply unit’s diagnostics interface, additional

important operating parameters and statuses such as current, Output
voltage, overload, operating hours, temperature, and device/type voltage o.k.
can be transferred to the controller and incorporated in condition
monitoring. The signal is evaluated by means of a free S7 func-
tion block. In addition, a faceplate for visualizing the data on an
HMI is available for download.
Service life < 10%

New: 3-phase power supply units
24 V/5 A, 10 A, and 20 A

The all-around
power supply

Dependable operation. Top reliability.

Dependable overload behavior, robust input, and a metal
enclosure for optimal heat dissipation – with SITOP PSU6200,
you’re on the safe side. Their extra power means that the
high-performance power supply units provide a 50 percent
higher rated current for up to five seconds in the event of an
Fast installation. Top efficiency. overload. If the overload is extremely high, they keep the cur-
rent constant and change to hiccup mode for self-protection
Space savings, front labeling, push-in terminals – with
only when the output voltage drops to 15 volts. Once the
SITOP PSU6200, you make no compromises when installing
overload has been corrected, they continue in normal
and wiring. Inside the control cabinet, space is a valuable
commodity. You can make even better use of this space,
thanks to the extremely narrow width of the new power You’re also well-equipped to handle inferior line quality.
supply units. And thanks to optimized heat dissipation and an Thanks to a robust wide-range input for AC and DC voltage,
efficiency rate up to 96 percent, the units require no lateral the all-around power supplies are well-protected from under-
clearance between components, which also saves space on voltages and overvoltages from the grid. The brand-new 400
the DIN rail. V units even permit continuous operation in two phases in
the event of a phase failure. Power supply units as of 10 A
The all-around power supplies also facilitate and speed up
also have active power factor correction (PFC) that keeps the
fail-safe wiring. Unique terminal labeling makes correct wire
reactive current and inrush current low.
connection easier, and push-in terminals make wiring fast.
An additional, uniquely identified minus terminal also makes New redundancy and selectivity modules in the attractive
it easier to ground PELV (protective extra-low voltage) circuits SITOP PSU6200 design ensure even higher availability.
according to the Machinery Directive. See pages 12 and 13.

Power outages can bring a plant to a standstill, with high costs in terms of both

SITOP ensures reliable 24-V supply – time and money. The SITOP DC UPS systems with different types of energy
storage devices and communication interfaces offer solutions for all buffering
even when the power fails time and plant integration requirements.

Uninterruptible power supply

DC UPS module DC UPS module

For expansion to an uninterruptible For expansion to an uninterruptible
24-V power supply 24-V power supply

SITOP DC UPS with battery modules

Compact DC UPS modules ensure continued operation,
even over a period of hours, depending on battery capacity
and power requirements.
High system availability thanks to battery management
Sophisticated battery management ensures optimal battery
For use both inside and outside the control cabinet charging. The charging process is temperature-controlled
SITOP DC UPS with capacitors thanks to the innovative SITOP UPS1600, which also
The buffering time of the UPS500S for DIN rail mounting
These high-capacitance double-layer capacitors (Ultracaps) increases the service life of the UPS1100 battery module.
can be extended by adding UPS501S expansion modules.
store sufficient energy to shut down PC-based systems safely. • DC PSU module SITOP UPS1600 with 24 V and up to 40 A as
• Variant expandable up to 20 kWs for longer buffering
Totally maintenance-free well as battery module UPS1100 up to 12 Ah (total 72 Ah)
• SITOP UPS1100 5-Ah lithium battery module (LiFePo)
The capacitors have an extremely long life even at high • Capacitors eliminate replacement of batteries
with a constant power output and voltage throughout the
ambient temperatures. No maintenance or replacement of • Long life even at high temperatures discharging range as well as a long service life even with
the energy buffer is required, which means that the DC UPS
• No ventilation of the installation site required high ambient temperatures
pays for itself within a short time. And because the capacitors
do not emit any gas, no ventilation of the control cabinet is • Communication via contacts or USB • Monitoring of operational readiness, battery feeder,
required. Short recharging times quickly restore buffering • Easy engineering via SITOP Manager (as of V1.1, and charging status
capability following a power failure. see page 16 for more details) • Extended battery life thanks to battery management

Did you know that … y ou can connect the uninterruptible power SITOP module for 24-V buffering Buffer module UPS500 UPS1600
supply SITOP UPS1600 to various different Energy storage device
systems via OPC UA? 24-V buffering max. 10 s Minutes Hours
Electrolytic Double-layer Lead Lithium
Storage medium
capacitors capacitors batteries batteries
Service life (also temperature-dependent) ++ ++ • +
Application area (temperature, degree of protection, ventilation) + ++ • +
UPS module/electronics
max. rated output current 40 A 15 A 40 A
Overload capacity ++ + ++
Interfaces I/O, serial, USB
Operating and diagnostic information via
– Signaling contacts • •
– OPC UA server, Web server, S7 FBs, WinCC faceplate •
Shutting down multiple PCs/PLCs •
Start from battery without mains voltage (island operation) •
Engineering via SITOP Manager • •
Engineering via TIA Portal, STEP 7, WinCC, or OPC UA •
SITOP library for SIMATIC PCS 7 •

Extremely communicative
SITOP DC UPS configuration with capacitors SITOP DC UPS configuration with battery modules
Optional communication via USB or Industrial Ethernet/
PROFINET. With open communication via Ethernet, configura- SITOP SITOP SITOP Industrial PC Power SITOP SITOP PLC Con- Switch
power supply UPS500 UPS501S USB supply UPS1600 UPS1100 verter
tion and diagnostics are conveniently performed by the SITOP
Manager. This PC software with a user interface based on a
Web browser permits simple parameterization: for example,
for safely shutting down multiple PCs.
The UPS1600 can even be fully integrated into TIA via
PROFINET. Remote monitoring is possible with support
from the integrated web server. 24 V DC unbuffered 24 V DC buffered 24 V DC
unbuffered 24 V DC buffered

• Communication via contacts, USB, or two Ethernet/

• Easy engineering and extensive diagnostics in the Actuators
(e.g., motor Actuators Motor with
TIA Portal drives and valves) HMI
(e.g., motor drives
and valves)
• OPC UA server for the flexible integration of a wide Signal light
variety of automation, operating, and monitoring systems Distributed peripherals (e.g., temperature,
with sensors proximity switch)
• User-friendly SITOP Manager engineering and diagnostics
tool for simple integration into open systems (more 24-V buffering for saving process data 24-V buffering for maintaining communications, signaling,
details on page 16) and for correct PC shutdown sensor-measured values, and position values

SITOP add-on modules – Processes and plants that are critical for a company’s business generally require
additional protection measures. SITOP add-on modules individually protect your
all-round protection à la carte production against many sources of risk.




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Selection matrix of the

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SITOP add-on modules




for protection from...

Failure of a power
supply unit

Overload in the
24-V circuit

Power failure in the
Add-on modules • • •
seconds range
For increasing system availability Power failure in the
to all-round protection seconds range
• •
Power failure up to the

Selective disconnection of faulty 24-V feeders hours range

The SITOP selectivity modules are specifically tailored to

switched-mode power supplies. The modules permit brief
current peaks and switch off the electricity for longer over-
loads, even on long, thin cables and with creeping short
circuits in which the current is limited by the high ohmic
resistance. In this case the circuit-breakers do not trip, or
they trip too late, even if the power supply could deliver
Safeguarding against failure through redundancy
the current. The selectivity modules reliably disconnect the
Buffer module bridges brief power failures
Two power supply units can be connected via the SITOP faulty load circuits, and the supply to the other loads con-
redundancy module for additional failure safety. If one unit tinues with absolutely no interruption so that total failure Power failures usually last only for a fraction of a second –
fails, the other automatically takes over the power supply of the plant can be avoided. The affected feeder is indi- but they can cause time- and cost-intensive damage. Used
function. Even in the event of a short circuit inside a power cated by an LED. The option with single-channel signaling in combination with the 24-V DC power supply units from
supply unit, the power supply remains reliable. Thanks to also allows remote output-specific fault location. The new the SITOP smart, PSU6200, and PSU8200 product lines, the
its high dielectric strength, the new RED1200 redundancy SEL1200 and SEL1400 eight-channel modules also have an buffer module bridges short-duration voltage dips with its
module also decouples power supplies without output interface with comprehensive diagnostics options for each electrolytic capacitors and reliably preserves interruption-
voltages up to 48 V. output. free operation.

Did you know that … our customers use SITOP power supply units in manufacturing,
process, and building automation in over 190 countries worldwide?

Configuration with redundancy module Configuration with selectivity module Configuration with buffer module
Actuators/ PSU8200,
Power supply Redundancy Power supply Power supply Selectivity PLC HMI Sensors PSU6200 Buffer module
unit module unit unit module or smart power

24 V DC
24 V DC
24 V DC

Your benefits with the redundancy module: Your benefits with the selectivity module: Your benefits with the buffer module:
• Highly secure DC supply thanks to a redundant • Protection against overloads and short circuits in the 24-V circuit • Inexpensive protection against power
design • Reliable tripping, regardless of the line resistance failure up to max. 10 seconds
• Reliable supply even when one power supply fails • SEL1200: switch-off characteristic for standard protection and • Support of power supply unit for
• Compact redundancy modules for power supply high starting currents temporarily increased power
units up to 48 V and 40 A • SEL1400/PSE200U: power limiting to meet high protection requirements
• 24-V/NEC Class 2 redundancy module limited requirements by stabilizing the 24 V • High load current up to 40 A
to 100 VA • Sequential connection reduces total inrush current • Connection to the power supply unit
• Decoupling of parallel-connected power supply units • Common signaling contact or evaluation of individual channels only via two lines
to enhance performance or of series-connected • SEL1200/1400: 8 outputs, each with diagnostics of voltage,
power supply units to increase voltage current, set threshold, reason for disconnection (if applicable)
• PSE200U: 4 outputs with voltage measuring point for current
(1 V ≙ 1 A)

Comprehensive support CAD and CAE data in
the image database for

from planning to operation

simple configuration

All product information is available per download

via the CAx download manager.

No matter how many requirements a power supply must meet, SITOP always optimally
supports your planning process – from product selection and mechanical and electrical
design to project-specific plant documentation and engineering. With the TIA Selection
Tool, you can select your power supply, add-on modules, and DC UPS faster and order it directly.
In addition, you will automatically receive the required CAD data and circuit diagram macros.
And using the TIA portal, you can even simply and reliably parameterize and diagnose the modular
SITOP UPS8600 power supply system and the SITOP UPS1600 DC uninterruptible power supply.

TIA Selection Tool: In the 24-V DC power consumer view,

the necessary SITOP power supply can be easily selected for
the chosen automation products.
Efficiency starts with selection
With just a few mouse clicks, the TIA Selection Tool guides
you to the optimal power supply for your requirements.
Simply enter the relevant parameters. If there are multiple
solutions, an overview offers a comparison table containing
Everything you need for planning
several devices. Once you’ve opted for a power supply, you
can easily select the appropriate redundancy, selectivity, and Additional information – including 3D data, circuit diagram
DC UPS modules. You can then export the resulting product macros according to IEC or ANSI, certificates, and operating
configuration to various CAD, CAE, and engineering systems instructions – are available at the click of a mouse. With the
(like the TIA Portal) and continue to use it. With a single aid of the CAx Manager, you can download engineering
mouse click, you can transfer the selected products to the data in the DXF, STEP, EPLAN, and eCl@ss advanced formats
Industry Mall shopping cart and conveniently order them and apply it directly to your project engineering. Not only
from there. The 24-V consumer view in the TIA Selection Tool does this save you a significant amount of valuable engi-
helps you easily select the power supply for your project by neering time, but you also benefit from the configurable
automatically calculating the power requirements of the manuals when creating custom project documentation TIA Selection Tool: Power supply selection based on
automation products to be supplied. using My Documentation Manager. technical specifications

Did you know that … SITOP PSU8600 and SITOP UPS1600 (version with IE/PN interface) have integrated Web servers
that they can use for commissioning and remote diagnostics?

Convenient engineering in the TIA Portal

You can easily perform the engineering tasks for the SITOP
PSU8600 power supply system and the SITOP UPS1600
uninterruptible power supply via the TIA Portal. Device selec-
tion and network connection are a simple matter of drag-
and-drop or copy-and-paste. In addition, function blocks for
SIMATIC S7-300, 400, 1200, and 1500 are available for inte-
grating the power supply system and DC UPS into STEP 7 user
programs. There are also tailor-made faceplates to visualize
the operational and diagnostic data using SIMATIC operating
and monitoring systems. All of this helps reduce engineering
effort and saves costs.

Your advantages through system integration Integrating the SITOP UPS1600 DC UPS into PROFINET is easy Configuring and setting parameters for the PSU8600 power supply
and fail-safe via the TIA Portal. system in the TIA Portal is both intuitive and convenient.
of SITOP UPS1600 and SITOP PSU8600
• Time and cost savings during configuration and operation
• Convenient engineering in the TIA portal
• Quick product selection and network integration
• Comprehensive parameterization of devices
• Comprehensive diagnostic options
• Simple integration into STEP 7 user programs with function
blocks for S7-300/400/1200/1500
• Fast integration into operation and monitoring with
faceplates for SIMATIC panels and SIMATIC WinCC tia-selection-tool

SITOP Manager – the software
for easy integration of SITOP PSU8600,
UPS500, and UPS1600 in open systems

Did you know that … with the new SITOP Manager V1.1, you can configure and diagnose uninterruptible
SITOP power supplies with a USB interface, which also includes SITOP UPS500 and
predecessors of UPS1600?

Optimal interoperability with different control systems: SITOP Manager –

the Windows software for the SITOP PSU8600 power supply system and
SITOP uninterruptible power supplies – is available free of charge.

With the user-friendly SITOP Manager software, it’s easy to

parameterize the SITOP PSU8600 power supply system and
the SITOP uninterruptible power supplies – for example, to
High performance for configuration
define output voltages and current thresholds or to safely
With the SITOP Manager software, all the power supplies in shut down PCs in the event of a power failure.
a network can be parameterized and diagnosed by a PC
Uncompromising when it comes to security
with the Windows 7 or 10 operating system. This is ideal,
especially if plant configuration and programming isn’t Communication between SITOP Manager and the con-
performed via the TIA Portal or SIMATIC Step 7. Thanks to a nected power supplies is via the open, multi-vendor, The status of the communication-capable SITOP devices
user interface based on a Web browser, the application can Ethernet-based OPC UA communication standard. can be conveniently obtained via online diagnostics
in the SITOP Manager. Here is the operating data for the
also run on mobile terminals and automatically adapts the This standard meets extremely high security requirements
SITOP UPS1600/UPS1100.
display size. for secure data transmission.

SITOP – the right power supply for every application
Advanced power supplies Standard power supplies Basic power supplies
Our answers to your require-
SITOP PSU8600 – SITOP PSU8200 – SITOP PSU6200 SITOP smart – SITOP lite – LOGO!Power – ments with regard to a high-
power supply system The technology – the all-around The powerful The costeffec- The flat power supply for
with PROFINET and power supply power supply for standard power tive basic power distribution boards performance power supply:
OPC UA for demanding a wide range of supply supply
solutions applications
The selection of the power sup-
ply unit is based on the input and
Selection matrix of the SITOP DIN rail power output data. On the following
supply units according to performance data two pages (pages 18 and 19), you
and range of functions will find a selection table with
the available SITOP power supply
Input/output Input AC/DC 1.3 1,2,3 = 1.3 = 1,3 1 1 =
units and the product lines to
Rated power up which they belong. The technical
to approx. P 960 W 960 W 480 W 960 W 480 W 100 W

Rated output
data is located on the subse-
voltages U 4–28 V DC 24/36/48 V DC 12/24 V DC 12/24 V DC 24 V DC 5/12/15/24 V DC quent pages under the corre-
Rated output sponding product line.
currents (24 V) I 20–40 A 5–40 A 1.3–20 A 2.5–40 A 2.5–20 A 0.6–4.0 A
But which product line is the
Properties Overload right one for my
behavior Pmax Extra power
Extra Power Extra Power Power Boost Extra Power Extra Power on startup application?
Energy As a decision-making aid, you
+++ +++ +++ ++ + ++
can refer to the selection matrix
Automation DC o.k. DC o.k.
DC o.k. containing the most important
integration Remote on/off Diagnostics interface
data, properties, functions,
Safety, Explosion certificates, and expansion
environment protection:
● ● ● ● options for increasing 24-V
or FM availability.
approval: ● ● in preparation ● ●
temperature –25 ... +60 °C –25 ... +70 °C –25...+70 °C –25 ... +70 °C 0 ... +60 °C –25 ... +70 °C
24-V power Redundancy ● ● ● ● ● ●
supply units module
with … Selectivity
I> integrated ● ● ● ● ●

Buffer module integrated ● ● ●

DC UPS with
integrated ● ● ● ● ●
Ultracaps min
DC UPS with
integrated ● ● ● ● ●
batteries h
Selection table SITOP power supplies
Input voltage Output Advanced power supplies Standard power supplies Basic power supplies SIMATIC design SITOP DC/DC converter
current SITOP PSU8600 SITOP PSU8200 SITOP PSU6200 SITOP smart SITOP lite LOGO!Power SITOP compact
DC 24-V output voltage
1-phase 0.6 A 6EP3330-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1331-5BA00
120 V, 230 V AC 1.3 A 6EP3331-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3331-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1331-5BA10
2A 6ES7307-1BA01-0AA0
2.5 A 6EP3332-7SB00-0AX0 6EP1332-2BA20 6EP1332-1LB00 6EP3332-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1332-5BA00 6EP1332-1SH71
3A 6EP1332-4BA00
3.5 A 6EP1332-1SH31
3.7 A 6EP3333-7LB00-0AX0 6EP1332-5BA20
4A 6EP3333-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1332-5BA10
5A 6EP1333-3BA10 6EP3333-7SB00-0AX0 6EP1333-2BA20 6EP1333-1LB00 6ES7307-1EA01-0AA0
6EP3333-8SB00-0AY0 6ES7307-1EA80-0AA0
6.2 A
8A 6EP1333-4BA00
10 A 6EP1334-3BA10 6EP3334-7SB00-3AX0 6EP1334-2BA20 6EP1334-1LB00 6ES7307-1KA02-0AA0
6EP3334-8SB00-0AY0 6EP1334-2AA01-0AB0 6EP7133-6AE00-0BN0
12.5 A
20 A 6EP1336-3BA10 6EP3336-7SB00-3AX0 6EP1336-2BA10 6EP1336-1LB00
20 A/4 x 5 A 6EP3336-8MB00-2CY0
40 A 6EP3337-8SB00-0AY0
3-phase 5A 6EP1333-3BA101) 6EP3433-7SB00-0AX0 6EP1433-2BA20
400–500 V AC 8A 6ES7148-4PC00-0HA0
10 A 6EP1334-3BA101) 6EP3434-7SB00-3AX0 6EP1434-2BA20
20 A 6EP3436-8SB00-0AY0 6EP3436-7SB00-3AX0 6EP1436-2BA10
20 A/
30 A
40 A 6EP3437-8SB00-0AY0 6EP1437-2BA20
40 A/
4 x 10 A
12 V DC 4A 6EP3133-0TA10-0AY0
24–110 V DC 2A 6ES7305-1BA80-0AA0
24 V DC 5A 6EP3133-0TA00-0AY0
10 A 6EP3134-0TA00-0AY0
3,5 A 6EP3233-0TA10-0AY0
48 V DC 5A 6EP3233-0TA00-0AY0
10 A 6EP3234-0TA00-0AY0
0.6 A 6EP3330-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1331-5BA00
1.3 A 6EP3331-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3331-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1331-5BA10
2.5 A 6EP3332-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3332-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1332-5BA00
110–300 V DC 3.7 A 6EP3333-7LB00-0AX0 6EP1332-5BA20
120–240 V DC 4A 6EP3333-6SB00-0AY0 6EP1332-5BA10
5A 6EP3333-7SB00-0AX0
10 A 6EP3334-7SB00-3AX0
20 A 6EP3336-7SB00-3AX0
110–220 V DC 20 A/4 x 5 A 6EP3336-8MB00-2CY0
88–350 V DC 20 A 6EP1336-3BA10 6EP1336-1LB00
600 V DC 20 A 6EP1536-3AA00
18 1)
Connection to two phases 230–500 V AC – sheet 24/25, SITOP PSU200M 1-/2-phase
Gray: more information in the Industry Mall
Special designs Input voltage Output SITOP DC/DC Special designs
Advanced power supplies Standard power supplies Basic power supplies
current converter and applications
SITOP PSU8600 SITOP PSU8200 SITOP PSU6200 SITOP smart LOGO!Power SITOP compact
Output voltage
5, 12, 15, 48, etc., V DC
6EP1331-1LD00 1-phase 4–28 V/
120 V, 230 V AC 4 x 5 A
6EP1332-1LD00 5 V/3 A 6EP3310-6SB00-0AY0
5 V/6.3 A 6EP3311-6SB00-0AY0
12 V/0.9 A 6EP3320-6SB00-0AY0
6EP1332-1LD10 12 V/1.9 A 6EP3321-6SB00-0AY0
6EP1333-1AL12 12 V/2.0 A 6EP3321-7SB00-0AX0 6EP1321-5BA00
6EP1333-7CA00 12 V/3.0 A 6EP1321-1LD00
12 V/4.5 A 6EP3322-6SB00-0AY0
6EP1333-1LD00 12 V/6.5 A 6EP1322-5BA10
6EP1334-7CA00 12 V/7 A 6EP3323-7SB00-0AX0 6EP1322-2BA00
6EP1334-1AL12 12 V/8.3 A 6EP1322-1LD00
6EP3343-0SA00-0AY0 12 V/12 A 6EP3324-7SB00-3AX0
6EP1334-1LD00 12 V/14 A 6EP1323-2BA00
15 V/1.9 A 6EP3321-6SB10-0AY0
15 V/4 A 6EP3322-6SB10-0AY0
48 V/5 A 6EP3344-0SB00-0AY0
6EP1433-0AA00 3–52 V/
6ES7148-4PC00-0HA0 2–10 A
2 x 15 V/
3.5 A
24 V DC 12 V/2.5 A 6EP1621-2BA00
12 V/8 A 6EP3123-0TA00-0AY0
12 V/15 A 6EP3124-0TA00-0AY0
3-phase 4–28 V/20 A 6EP3436-8SB00-2CY0
400–500 V AC 4–28 V/ 6EP3436-8MB00-2CY0
4–28 V/ 6EP3437-8SB00-2CY0
40 A
4–28 V/ 6EP3437-8MB00-2CY0
4 x 10 A
12 V/20 A 6EP3424-8UB00-0AY0
6EP1732-0AA0 (as of 48 V DC)
36 V/13 A 6EP3446-8SB10-0AY0
48 V/10 A 6EP3446-8SB00-0AY0
48 V/20 A 6EP3447-8SB00-0AY0

SITOP PSU8600 advanced power supplies – the first power supply system
with complete TIA integration and open communication up to the cloud

SITOP PSU8600 1-phase basic unit, SITOP PSU8600 3-phase basic unit, SITOP PSU8600 3-phase basic SITOP PSU8600 3-phase basic
Technical data
4 outputs 1 output unit, 4 outputs unit, 4 outputs
Output voltage/current, type 24 V/20 A/4x5 A, PSU8600 24 V/20 A, PSU8600 24 V/40 A, PSU8600 24 V/20 A/4x5 A, PSU8600 24 V/40 A/4x10 A, PSU8600
Article No. 6EP3336-8MB00-2CY0 6EP3436-8SB00-2AY0 6EP3437-8SB00-2AY0 6EP3436-8MB00-2CY0 6EP3437-8MB00-2CY0
Rated input voltage 100-240 V AC, 110-220 V DC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC
–– Range 85...275 V AC, 93...275 V DC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC
Mains buffering > 20 ms (at 100 V), extendable via buffer mod- > 15 ms (at 400 V), extendable via buffer modules and UPS module
ule or UPS module
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 5.4–2.4 A, 4.8–2.4 A 1.4–1.1 A 2.75–2.2 A 1.4–1.1 A 2.75–2.2 A
–– Inrush current < 15 A < 14 A < 14 A < 14 A < 14 A
–– Recommended protection 10–32 A character C or time-lag fuses 6–16 A charact. C 3-ph. coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10 (setting 3 A) or 3RV2711-1DD10
Rated output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
–– Tolerance ± 3% ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
–– Setting range 4…28 V DC 4…28 V DC 4…28 V DC 4…28 V DC 4…28 V DC
–– Rated output current 20 A, 4 outputs at 5 A each, number can be in- 20 A, one output, number can be 40 A, one output, number can 20 A, four outputs at 5 A each, num- 40 A, four outputs at 10 A each, number
creased via CNX8600 expansion module increased via CNX module be increased via CNX module ber can be increased via CNX module can be increased via CNX module
–– Overload behavior (Extra Power) 30 A for 5 s/min 30 A for 5 s/min 60 A for 5 s/min 30 A for 5 s/min 60 A for 5 s/min
–– Derating - From +50 °C (2.5%/K); no derating in connection with expansion module and total load of basic devices’ ouput up to 240 W (20-A devices) or
up to 480 W (40-A devices)
Switching threshold adjustment range 0.5…5 A 2…20 A 4…40 A 0.5…5 A 0.5…10 A
Shutdown behavior per output Load current 101...149 % of the setting: shutdown after 5 s; load current >150 % of the setting: Current limitation and shutdown after 200 ms
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 92% 93 % 94 % 93 % 94 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interface Industrial Ethernet/PROFINET with two ports
Parallel switching Yes Yes Yes Parallel connection output 1 with 2 or 3 with 4 selectable via DIP switch
Radio interference suppression (EN 55022) Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B
Line harmonics limitation (EN 61000-3-2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP 20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 125 x 125 x 150 80 x 125 x 150 125 x 125 x 150 100 x 125 x 150 125 x 125 x 150
Weight approx. 2.65 kg 1.8 kg 2.65 kg 2.0 kg 2.65 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB CE, cULus, CB, cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div 2, SEMI F47, DNV GL, ABS
System expandability Up to 4 expansion modules (CNX8600) and up to 2 buffer components (BUF8600, UPS8600)

Technical data Expansion module
Output current, typ 4 x 5 A, CNX8600 4 x 10 A, CNX8600 8 x 2.5 A, CNX8600
Article No. 6EP4436-8XB00-0CY0 6EP4437-8XB00-0CY0 6EP4436-8XB00-0DY0
Product/function description Expansion module for PSU8600 basic devices for distribution of the direct current to other load circuits
and monitoring for overload; selective switch-off of defective circuits, switching threshold individually
configurable; a total of four modules can be used in a group of systems; data and power are transmitted
via the System Clip Link connector
Rated output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
–– Tolerance ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
–– Setting range 4…28 V DC 4…28 V DC 4…28 V DC
Rated output current 20 A/4 outputs of 5 A each 40 A/4 outputs of 10 A each 20 A/8 outputs of 2.5 A each
Comment: The max. output capacity of the overall PSU8600 system cannot be increased via expansion
–– Switching threshold adjustment range 0.5…5 A 0.5…10 A 0.5...2.5 A
–– Shutdown behavior per output Load current 101...149 % of the setting: shutdown after 5 s; load current >150 % of the setting:
Current limitation and shutdown after 200 ms
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Ambient temperature –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 60 x 125 x 150 60 x 125 x 150 100 x 125 x 150
Weight approx. 1.15 kg 1.15 kg 1.29 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV GL; ABS, 6EP4436-8XB00-0DY0: NEC Class 2

Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature at +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

SITOP PSU8600 advanced power supplies – the first power supply system with complete
TIA integration and open communication up to the cloud

Technical data Buffer module

Buffer time, type 100 ms/40 A, BUF8600 300 ms/40 A, BUF8600 4 s/40 A, BUF8600 10 s/40 A, BUF8600
Article No. 6EP4297-8HB00-0XY0 6EP4297-8HB10-0XY0 6EP4293-8HB00-0XY0 6EP4295-8HB00-0XY0
Product/function Expansion module for PSU8600 basic devices to extend buffering time during power failures. A total of two buffer components (BUF8600, UPS8600)
description can be used in a group of systems. Data and power are transmitted via the System Clip Link connector.

Internal energy storage Electrolytic capacitors Double-layer capacitors (Ultracaps)

Buffer time with 24 V DC
and load current
5A 800 ms 2.4 s 40 s 80 s
10 A 400 ms 1.2 s 20 s 40 s
20 A 200 ms 600 ms 10 s 20 s
40 A 100 ms 300 ms 4s 10 s
Typical charging time 19 s 54 s 5 min 10 min
Max. power during buffer operation 60 A for 5 s/min 60 A for 5 s/min 40 A 60 A for 5 s/min
Status messages via 3-color LED Normal operation, state of charge, buffer operation, error Normal operation, state of charge, buffer operation, error
Status messages via signal - State of charge > x %, buffer operation
Status messages via PROFINET (basic unit) Normal operation, state of charge, buffer operation, error Normal operation, state of charge, buffer operation, error
Additional functions Remote on/off contact for deactivating buffering, e.g., when shutting down the
plant to prevent unnecessary discharge

Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20

Ambient temperature –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 60 x 125 x 150 125 x 125 x 150 60 x 125 x 150 125 x 125 x 150
Weight approx. 1.33 kg 2.26 kg 1.25 kg 1.95 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div 2, SEMI F47, DNV GL, ABS CE, cULus, CB, cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div 2, SEMI F47, DNV GL, ABs

Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature at +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

BAT8600 Pb BAT8600 LiFePO4
Technical data UPS module Technical data Battery module System output
Buffer times1)
Type UPS8600 Type BAT8600 Pb BAT8600 LiFePO4 capacity
Article No. 6EP4197-8AB00-0XY0 Article No. 6EP4145-8GB00-0XY0 6EP4143-8JB00-0XY0
120 W 2 h 4 min 1 h 56 min
Product/function Expansion module for PSU8600 basic Product/function External energy storage device for UPS module UPS8600.
description devices to bridge power failures with description Connection to the UPS module via plus and minus lines for 240 W 57 min 60 min
BAT8600 external battery modules. A to- power transmission as well as via the “Energy Storage Link” for
tal of two buffer components (BUF8600, data transmission. The Energy Storage Link enables diagnosis 480 W 25 min 29 min
UPS8600) can be used in a group of sys- and temperature-controlled charging for maximum battery
tems. Data and power are transmitted service life. Up to five identical battery modules can be con- 720 W 19 min 22 min
via the System Clip Link connector. nected to one UPS module.
External energy Battery module BAT8600 Battery/storage Lead (Pb) Lithium iron phosphate 960 W 10 min 14 min
storage technology (LiFePO4)
Buffer output 960 W Energy content 380 Wh 264 Wh Charging times
Charge power 120 W, 60 W (switchable) Rated voltage 48 V DC 48 V DC
Status messages via Normal operation, battery status, buffer Voltage range 42–58 V 42–58 V 120 W/60 W 2 h 45 min 2 h 40 min
3-color LED operation, error (switchable) (120 W) (120 W)
Status messages via State of charge > x%, buffer operation, Status messages via State of charge, battery test/capacity test, battery Ambient
Service life2)
signal contact battery circuit error 3-color LED replacement, overtemperature, error temperature
Status messages Normal operation, battery status, buffer Overload and short- Blade fuse 40 A/58 V Blade fuse 40 A/58 V + 20 °C 4 years 15 years
vie IE/PROFINET operation, error circuit protection
(basic unit) + 30 °C 2 years 10 years
Additional functions Maximum buffer time, remote ON/OFF, Parallel switching yes, up to five (identical) yes, up to five (identical)
start from battery units units + 40 °C 1 year 9 years
Degree of protection IP 20 Degree of protection IP 20 IP 20
(EN 60529) (EN 60529) + 50 °C 0.5 years 2 years
Ambient –25…+60 °C Ambient –10…+50 °C –10…+50 °C 1) 
Typical buffer times for a new fully-charged battery module
temperature temperature
at 25° C
Installation DIN rail Installation Wall mounting Wall mounting 2) 
Typical end of service life according to EUROBAT: reduction to
Dimensions 60 x 125 x 150 Dimensions 322 x 187 x 110 322 x 187 x 110 80% of original capacity
(W x H x D) in mm (W x H x D) in mm
Weight approx. 0.9 kg Weight approx. 13 kg 6.5 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, cCSAus, IECEx, ATEX, Certification CE, UR, CB, cCSAus, IECEx, CE, CB, cCSAus, DNV GL, in
cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV GL, in ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div 2, preparation: ABS
preparation: ABS DNV GL, in preparation: ABS

Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

SITOP PSU8200 advanced power supplies
Technology power supply for demanding applications

Technical data SITOP PSU8200 1-phase SITOP PSU200M 1-phase/2-phase2)

Output voltage/current, type 24 V/5 A, PSU8200 24 V/10 A, PSU8200 24 V/20 A, PSU8200 24 V/40 A, PSU8200 24 V/5 A, PSU200M
Article No. 6EP3333-8SB00-0AY0 6EP3334-8SB00-0AY0 6EP1336-3BA10 6EP3337-8SB00-0AY0 6EP1333-3BA10
Rated input voltage 120–230 V AC 120–230 V AC 120/230 V AC 120–230/230–500 V AC
–– Range 85…132/170…264 V AC, automatic range switching 85…275 V AC or 88…350 V DC 85...132/170...264 V AC, 85…264/176…550 V AC
automatic range switching
Mains buffering > 35 ms (at 120/230 V) > 35 ms (at 120/230 V) > 20 ms (at 120/230 V) > 25 ms (at 230 V) > 25 ms (at 120/230 V)
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 2.1/1.2 A 4.0/1.9 A 4.6–2.5 A 15.0/8.0 A 2.2–1.2/1.2–0.61 A
–– Inrush current1) < 10 A < 10 A < 20 A < 35 A < 35 A
–– Recommended miniature circuit 6 A charact. C 10 A charact. C 10 A charact. C 20 A charact. C 6 A charact. C
breaker or 3RV1021-1xA10 or 3RV1021-1xA10 or 3RV1021-1xA10 or 3RV2411-xxA10 or 3RV2011 -1xA10

Rated output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC

–– Tolerance ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
–– Setting range 24…28.8 V DC 24…28.8 V DC 24…28.8 V DC 24…28.8 V DC 24…28.8 V DC
Rated output current 5A 10 A 20 A 40 A 5A
–– Overload behavior 15 A 30 A 60 A 120 A 15 A
(power boost for 25 ms)
–– Overload behavior 7.5 A 15 A 30 A 60 A No
(extra power for 5 s/min)
–– Derating - from +60 °C (2 %/K) from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +60 °C (2.5 %/K) from +60 °C (2 %/K)
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 93 % 94 % 93 % 92 % 88 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote On/Off Yes Yes No No No
Parallel switching Yes, output characteristic can be switched to parallel operation
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes, constant current or latching shutdown selectable; constant current: approx. 1.15 x rated output current
Radio interference suppression Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B
(EN 55022)
Supply harmonics limitation yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 125 x 125 55 x 125 x 125 90 x 125 x 125 145 x 145 x 150 70 x 125 x 121
Weight approx. 0.8 kg 1 kg 1.5 kg 3.1 kg 0.6 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus Class I Div 2, SEMI F473), DNV GL, CE, cULus, ATEX, IECEx, UL Class I CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, UL Class I
ABS Div 2, DNV GL, ABS Class I Div 2, SEMI F474), DNV GL, ABS Div 2, SEMI F473), DNV GL, ABS

Inrush current can be limited by using a SITOP inrush current limiter: 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC) or 6EP1967-2AA00 (max. 10 A, 100–480 V AC, 1 unit per phase required). 2) Connection to two phases
of a three-phase supply network 3) At an input voltage of 208–230 V AC 4) In combination with two buffer modules. Technical data applies at rated input voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (unless otherwise specified).
SITOP PSU200M 1-phase/2-phase2) SITOP PSU8200 3-phase SITOP PSU8200 3-phase, 36 V SITOP PSU8200 3-phase, 48 V
24 V/10 A, PSU200M 24 V/20 A, PSU8200 24 V/40 A, PSU8200 36 V/13 A, PSU8200 48 V/10 A, PSU8200 48 V/20 A, PSU8200
6EP1334-3BA10 6EP3436-8SB00-0AY0 6EP3437-8SB00-0AY0 6EP3446-8SB10-0AY0 6EP3446-8SB00-0AY0 6EP3447-8SB00-0AY04)
120–230/230–500 V AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC
85…264/176…550 V AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320...575 V 3 AC

> 25 ms (at 120/230 V) > 15 ms (at 400 V) > 10 ms (at 400 V) > 15 ms (at 400 V) > 15 ms (at 400 V) > 10 ms (at 400 V)
50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60  Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
4.4–2.4/2.4–1.1 A 1.2–1.0 A 2.1–1.7 A 1.2–1.0 A 1.2–1.0 A 2–1.7 A
< 35 A < 18 A < 13 A < 18 A < 18 A < 13 A
6 A charact. C 6–16 A charact. C 3-ph. 10–16 A charact. C 3-ph. 6–16 A charact. C 3-ph. 6 –16 A charact. C 3-ph. 10 –16 A charact. C 3-ph.
or 3RV2011-1xA10 coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10 coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10 coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10 or coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10 coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10
or 3RV2711-1DD10 or 3RV2711-1DD10 3RV2711-1DD10 or 3RV2711-1DD10 or 3RV2711-1DD10
24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 36 V DC 48 V DC 48 V DC
± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
24…28.8 V DC 24...28.8 V DC 24...28 V DC 32...40 V DC 42…56 V DC 46…56 V DC
10 A 20 A 40 A 13 A 10 A 20 A
30 A 60 A 120 A 39 A 23 A 60 A

No 30 A 60 A 19.5 A 15 A 30 A

from +60 °C (2 %/K) from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +60 °C (4 %/K) from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +60 °C (4 %/K)
91 % 94 % 94 % 94 % 93 % 94 %
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes, output characteristic can be switched to parallel operation
Yes, constant current or latching shutdown selectable; constant current: approx. 1.15 x rated output current
Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B

yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2) yes (EN 61000-3-2)
IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
–25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –10…+70 °C –25...+70 °C –25...+70 °C
70 x 125 x 121 70 x 125 x 125 135 x 145 x 150 70 x 125 x 125 70 x 125 x 125 135 x 145 x 150
1.4 kg 1.2 kg 3.3 kg 1.2 kg 1.2 kg 3.3 kg
CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, UL Class CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, UL Class CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus Class I CE, cULus, CB, cCSAus Class I CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cC- CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx,
I Div 2, SEMI F473), DNV GL, ABS I Div 2, SEMI F47, DNV GL, ABS Div 2, SEMI F47, in preparation: DNV GL, ABS Div 2 SAus Class I Div 2, DNV GL, ABS cCSAus Class I Div 2, SEMI F47

New: SITOP PSU6200 standard power supplies
The all-around power supply for a wide range of applications

Technical data SITOP PSU6200 1-phase

Output voltage/current, type 24 V/1.3 A, PSU6200 12 V/2 A, PSU6200 24 V/2.5 A, PSU6200 24 V/3,7 A, PSU6200
Article No. 6EP3331-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3321-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3332-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3333-7LB00-0AX0
Rated input voltage 120–230 V AC/120–240 V DC 120–230 V AC/120–240 V DC
–– Range 85–264 V AC/110–275 V DC 85–264 V AC/99–275 V DC
Mains buffering 150 ms at Uin = 230 V 150 ms at Uin = 230 V 150 ms at Uin = 230 V 90 ms at Uin = 230 V
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 0.6/0.3 A 0.5/0.3 A 1.1/0.6 A 1.5/0.9 A
–– Inrush current1) < 32 A < 32 A < 32 A < 29 A
–– Recom. miniature circuit breaker from 6 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic C

Rated output voltage 24 V 12 V 24 V 24 V

–– Tolerance ± 3% ± 3% ± 3% ± 3%
–– Setting range 22.2–26.4 V 10.5–12.9 V 22.2–26.4 V 24–28 V
Rated output current 1.3 A 2A 2.5 A 3.7 A
–– Permanently up to +45 °C 1.3 A 2A 2.5 A 3.7 A
–– Overload behavior – – – –
(extra power for 5 s/min)
–– Derating from +60 °C (2.5%/K) – from +60 °C (1.5%/K) –
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 86.3% 83.3% 89% 89.3%
Signaling contact No No No DC o.k.
Parallel switching No No No No
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, constant current
(< 15 V hiccup)
Radio interfer. suppression (EN 55022) Class B Class B Class B Class B
Supply harmonics limitation Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Yes
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Ambient temperature Operation –25...+70 °C, startup from –40 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 25 x 100 x 88 25 x 100 x 88 40 x 100 x 88 35 x 135 x 125
Weight approx. 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.25 kg 0.7 kg
Certification CE, cULus, cCSAus, CB, SEMI F47, 24 V/3,7 A: NEC Class 2; in preparation: DNV GL, ABS

Inrush current can be limited by means of a SITOP inrush current limiter: Article no. 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC) or 6EP1967-2AA00 (max. 10 A, 100–480 V AC) 1 unit per phase required
Planned delivery start date: 1st quarter, 2020 3)or 3RV2011-1EA10 or 3RV2711-1ED10
Technical data applies at rated input voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (unless otherwise specified)

SITOP PSU6200 1-phase SITOP PSU6200 3-phase

24 V/5 A, PSU6200 12 V/7 A, PSU6200 24 V/10 A, PSU6200 12 V/12 A, PSU6200 24 V/20 A, PSU6200 24 V/5 A 24 V/10 A 24 V/20 A
6EP3333-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3323-7SB00-0AX0 6EP3334-7SB00-3AX0 6EP3324-7SB00-3AX0 6EP3336-7SB00-3AX0 6EP3433-7SB00-0AX02) 6EP3434-7SB00-3AX02) 6EP3436-7SB00-3AX02)
120–230 V AC/120–240 V DC 120–230 V AC/110–240 V DC 400–500 V 3 AC
85–264 V AC/99–275 V DC 85–264 V AC/85–275 V DC 323 ... 576 V 3 AC
80 ms at Uin = 230 V 90 ms at Uin = 230 V 45 ms at Uin = 230 V 70 ms at Uin = 230 V 25 ms at Uin = 230 V 20 ms at Uin = 400 V 30 ms at Uin = 400 V 25 ms at Uin = 400 V
50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
1.9/1.1 A 1.4/0.8 A 2.2/1.2 A 1.4/0.8 A 4.3/2.3 A 0.33/0.28 A 0.39/0.32 A 0.77/0.62 A
< 29 A < 29 A <6A <6A < 12 A < 22 A < 13 A < 17 A
from 6 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic C from 10 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic C from 10 A 4...10 A char. C 3-ph. 4...16 A characteristic C 3-ph. coupled3)
characteristic C coupled3)
24 V 12 V 24 V 12 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V
± 3% ± 3% ± 3% ± 3% ± 3% ± 3% ± 3% ± 3%
24–28 V 12–15.5 V 24–28 V 12–15,5 V 24–28 V 24–28 V 24–28 V 24–28 V
5A 7A 10 A 12 A 20 A 5A 10 A 20 A
6A 8.4 A 12 A 14.4 A 24 A 6A 12 A 24 A
150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150% 150%

from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (1%/K) from +60 °C (3%/K) from +60 °C (3%/K) from +60 °C (3%/K)
90.2% 87.1% 92.8% 89.3% 95.5% 91.2% 95.4% 95.9%
DC o.k. DC o.k. DC o.k./Diagnose DC o.k./Diagnose DC o.k./Diagnose DC o.k. DC o.k./Diagnose DC o.k./Diagnose
No No Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units No Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units
Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current
(< 15 V hiccup) (< 9 V hiccup) (< 15 V hiccup) (< 9 V hiccup) (< 15 V hiccup) (< 15 V hiccup) (< 15 V hiccup) (< 15 V hiccup)
Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Operation –25...+70 °C, startup from –40 °C
35 x 135 x 125 35 x 135 x 125 45 x 135 x 125 45 x 135 x 125 70 x 135 x 155 35 x 135 x 125 45 x 135 x 155 70 x 135 x 155
0.7 kg 0.7 kg 0.9 kg 0.9 kg 1.5 kg 0.7 kg 0.9 kg 1.5 kg
CE, cULus, cCSAus, CB, SEMI F47, in preparation: DNV GL, ABS CE, cULus, in preparation: cCSAus, DNV GL, ABS, SEMI F47

SITOP smart standard power supplies
The high-performance standard power supply

Technical data SITOP smart 1-phase

Output voltage/current, type 24 V/2.5 A, PSU100S 24 V/5 A, PSU100S 12 V/7 A, PSU100S 24 V/10 A, PSU100S 12 V/14 A, PSU100S 24 V/20 A, PSU100S
Article No. 6EP1332-2BA20 6EP1333-2BA20 6EP1322-2BA00 6EP1334-2BA20 6EP1323-2BA00 6EP1336-2BA10
Rated input voltage 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC
–– Range 85...132/170...264 V AC, automatic range switching
Mains buffering > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 120/230 V)
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 1.25 A/0.74 A 2.34 A/1.36 A 1.73 A/0.99 A 4.49 A/1.91 A 3.24 A/1.41 A 7.5/3.5 A
–– Inrush current1) < 33 A < 40 A < 45 A < 60 A < 60 A < 11 A
–– Recommended miniature from 3 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic C from 10 A characteristic C from 10 A characteristic C from 10 A characteristic C
circuit breaker
Rated output current 24 V DC 24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC
–– Tolerance ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
–– Setting range 22.8...28 V DC 22.8...28 V DC 11.5…15.5 V DC 22.8...28 V DC 11.5…15.5 V DC 24...28 V DC
Rated output current 2.5 A 5A 7A 10 A 14 A 20 A
–– Permanently up to +45 °C 3A 6A 7A 12 A 14 A 24 A
–– Overload behavior 3.75 A 7.5 A 10.5 A 15 A 21 A 30 A
(extra power for 5 s/min)
–– Derating from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +55 °C (5 %/K) from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +55 °C (5 %/K) from + 60 °C (5 %/K)
Efficiency at rated values, 85 % 88 % 84 % 90 % 87 % 90 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Parallel switching Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Elec. short-circuit protection Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, restart
Radio int. sup. (EN 55022) Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B
Supply harmonics limitation Not applicable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
(EN 60529)
Ambient temperature –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25...+70 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 32.5 x 125 x 120 50 x 125 x 120 50 x 125 x 120 70 x 125 x 120 70 x 125 x 120 115 x 145 x 150
Weight approx. 0.32 kg 0.5 kg 0.5 kg 0.8 kg 0.8 kg 2.4 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus
cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV cCSAus Class l Div 2, DNV cCSAus Class l Div 2, DNV cCSAus Class l Div 2, DNV Class I Div 2, DNV GL

Inrush current can be limited by a SITOP inrush current limiter: 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC) or 6EP1967-2AA00 (max. 10 A, 100–480 V AC, 3 units required for 3 phases)
Technical data applies at rated input voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (unless otherwise specified).
SITOP smart 3-phase
24 V/5 A, PSU300S 24 V/10 A, PSU300S 24 V/20 A, PSU300S 24 V/40 A, PSU300S
6EP1433-2BA20 6EP1434-2BA20 6EP1436-2BA10 6EP1437-2BA20
400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC
340…550 V 3 AC 340…550 V 3 AC 340…550 V 3 AC 340…550 V 3 AC
> 6 ms (at 400 V) > 6 ms (at 400 V) > 6 ms (at 400 V) > 6 ms (at 400 V)
50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
0.45–0.4 A 0.7–0.6 A 1.2–1.0 A 2.0–1.5 A
< 40 A < 50 A < 36 A < 60 A
6–16 A charact. C 3-ph. coupled or 6–16 A charact. C 3-ph. coupled or 6–16 A charact. C 3-ph. coupled or 10–16 A charact. C 3-ph. coupled or
3RV2011-1DA10 or 3RV2711-1DD10 3 RV2011-1DA10 or 3 RV2711-1DD10 3 RV2011-1DA10 or 3 RV2711-1DD10 3 RV2011-1DA10 or 3 RV2711-1DD10

24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
24...28 V DC 24...28 V DC 24...28 V DC 24...28 V DC
5A 10 A 20 A 40 A
6A 12 A 24 A 48 A
7.5 A 15 A 30 A 60 A

from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +60 °C (3 %/K) from +60 °C (5 %/K) from +60 °C (2.5 %/K)
89 % 91 % 91 % 91.5 %

Yes Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, restart Yes, restart
Class B Class B Class B Class B
Yes Yes Yes Yes

IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20

–25...+70 °C –25...+70 °C 0…+70 °C 0...+70 °C

50 x 125 x 120 70 x 125 x 120 90 x 145 x 150 150 x 145 x 150
0.43 kg 0.67 kg 1.6 kg 3.7 kg
CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, UL Class I Div 2, IECEx, DNV CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, UL Class I Div 2, IECEx, DNV CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, UL Class I Div 2, IECEx, DNV CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div 2, IECEx, DNV GL,

LOGO!Power basic power supplies
Flat power supply for distribution boards

Technical data 18-mm design 36-mm design

Output voltage/current 12 V/0.9 A 24 V/0.6 A 5 V/3 A 12 V/1.9 A 15 V/1.9 A 24 V/1.3 A
NEC Class 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Article No. 6EP3320-6SB00-0AY0 6EP3330-6SB00-0AY0 6EP3310-6SB00-0AY0 6EP3321-6SB00-0AY0 6EP3321-6SB10-0AY0 6EP3331-6SB00-0AY0
Rated input voltage 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC
–– Range 85...264 V AC/110…300 V DC 85...264 V AC/110…300 V DC
Mains buffering > 40 ms (at 187 V) > 40 ms (at 187 V) > 40 ms (at 187 V)
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 0.3–0.2 A 0.3–0.2 A 0.36–0.22 A 0.53–0.30 A 0.63–0.33 A 0.70–0.35 A
–– Inrush current1) < 20 A < 20 A < 26 A < 25 A < 25 A < 25 A
–– Recommended miniature circuit from 6 A characteristic B or from 2 A characteristic C from 6 A characteristic B or from 2 A characteristic C
Rated output voltage 12 V DC 24 V DC 5 V DC 12 V DC 15 V DC 24 V DC
–– Tolerance ± 3 % ± 3 %
–– Setting range None 4.6...5.4 V DC 10.5...16.1 V DC 10.5...16.1 V DC 22.2...26.4 V DC
Rated output current 0.9 A 0.6 A 3.0 A 1.9 A 1.9 A 1.3 A
–– Overload behavior on startup 1.35 A (for 200 ms) 0.9 A (for 200 ms) 4.5 A (for 200 ms) 2.85 A (for 200 ms) 2.85 A (for 200 ms) 1.95 A (for 200 ms)
–– Derating from +55 °C (2 %/K) from +55 °C (2 %/K) from +55 °C (2 %/K) from +55 °C (2 %/K)
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 78 % 81 % 76 % 81 % 83 % 86 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” No No No No No
Parallel switching No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
No-load loss < 0.3 W < 0.3 W
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes, constant current Yes, constant current
Radio interference suppression Class B Class B
(EN 55022)
Supply harmonics limitation Not applicable Not applicable
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature –25… +70 °C –25… +70 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 18 x 90 x 53 36 x 90 x 53
Weight approx. 0.07 kg 0.07 kg 0.12 kg
Certification CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, NEC Class 2, ATEX, IECEx, CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, NEC Class 2, CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, NEC
Class 1 Div 2, FM, SEMI F47, DNV GL, ABS, EAC ATEX, IECEx, Class 1 Div 2, FM, SEMI F47, NEC Class 2, ATEX, IECEx, Class Class 2, ATEX, IECEx, Class 1 Div 2,

Inrush current can be limited by the SITOP LOGO! ICL 230 inrush current limiter: 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC)
Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)
Technical data 72-mm design 72-mm design
Output voltage/current 5 V/6.3 A 12 V/4.5 A 15 V/4 A 24 V/2.5 A 24 V/4 A
NEC Class 2 no no yes yes no
Article No. 6EP3311-6SB00-0AY0 6EP3322-6SB00-0AY0 6EP3322-6SB10-0AY0 6EP3332-6SB00-0AY0 6EP3333-6SB00-0AY0
Rated input voltage 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC
–– Range 85...264 V AC/110…300 V DC 85...264 V AC/110…300 V DC
Mains buffering > 40 ms (at 187 V) > 40 ms (at 187 V)
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 0.71–0.37 A 1.13–0.61 A 1.24–0.68 A 1.22–0.66 A 1.95–0.97 A
–– Inrush current 1) < 50 A < 50 A < 55 A < 52 A < 31 A
–– Recommended miniature circuit from 10 A characteristic B or from 6 A characteristic C from 10 A characteristic B or
breaker from 6 A characteristic C
Rated output voltage 5 V DC 12 V DC 15 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
–– Tolerance ± 3 % ± 3 %
–– Setting range 4.6...5.4 V DC 10.5...16.1 V DC 10.5...16.1 V DC 22.2...26.4 V DC 22.2...26.4 V DC
Rated output current 6.3 A 4.5 A 4.0 A 2.5 A 4.0 A
–– Overload behavior on startup 9.45 A (for 200 ms) 6.75 A (for 200 ms) 6.0 A (for 200 ms) 3.75 A (for 200 ms) 6.0 A (for 200 ms)
–– Derating from +55 °C (2 %/K) from +55 °C (2 %/K) from +55 °C (2 %/K) from +55 °C (2 %/K) from +55 °C (2 %/K)
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 80 % 87 % 88 % 90 % 89 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” No No No No No
Parallel switching Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
No-load loss < 0.3 W < 0.3 W
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes, constant current Yes, constant current
Radio interference suppression Class B Class B
(EN 55022)
Supply harmonics limitation Not applicable Yes
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature –25… +70 °C –25… +70 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 54 x 90 x 53 72 x 90 x 53
Weight approx. 0.2 kg 0.29 kg
Certification CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, CE, CB Scheme, cULus, cURus, ATEX, IECEx,
ATEX, IECEx, Class 1 Div 2, FM, NEC Class 2, ATEX, IECEx, NEC Class 2, ATEX, IECEx, NEC Class 2, ATEX, IECEx, Class Class 1 Div 2, FM, DNV GL, ABS, SEMI F47, BV,
SEMI F47, DNV GL, ABS, EAC Class 1 Div 2, FM, SEMI F47, Class 1 Div 2, FM, SEMI F47, 1 Div 2, FM, SEMI F47, DNV GL, LRS, EAC

SITOP lite basic power supplies
The cost-effective basic power supply

Technical data SITOP lite

Output voltage / current, type 24 V/2.5 A, PSU100L 24 V/5 A, PSU100L 24 V/10 A, PSU100L 24 V/20 A, PSU100L
Article No. 6EP1332-1LB00 6EP1333-1LB00 6EP1334-1LB00 6EP1336-1LB00
Rated input voltage 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC 120/230 V AC 100–240 V AC
–– Range 93...132/187...264 V AC 93...132/187...264 V AC 93...132/187...264 V AC 85…264 V AC/88…370 V DC
Mains buffering > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V)
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 1.0/0.65 A 2.1/1.15 A 4.3/2.0 A 5.55 / 2.35 A
–– Inrush current1) < 27 A < 32 A < 65 A < 45 A
–– Recommended miniature circuit 3  A characteristic C 6  A characteristic C 10 A characteristic C 10 A characteristic C
Rated output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
–– Tolerance ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
–– Setting range 22.8...26.4 V DC 22.8...26.4 V DC 22.8...26.4 V DC 22.8...28  V DC
Rated output current 2.5 A 5A 10 A 20 A
–– Derating from +45 °C (1.5 %/K) from +45 °C (1.5 %/K) from +45 °C (2 %/K) from +45 °C (2.5 %/K)
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 85 % 86 % 89 % 92 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” No No No No
Parallel switching Yes Yes Yes Yes
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current Yes, constant current
Radio int. sup. (EN 55022) Class A Class A Class A Class B
Supply harmonics limitation Not applicable No No Yes
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature 0… +60 °C 0… +60 °C 0… +60 °C –25… +70 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 32.5 x 125 x 120 50 x 125 x 120 70 x 125 x 120 110 x 125 x 125
Weight approx. 0.4 kg 0.5 kg 0.75 kg 1.8 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB-Scheme CE, cULus, CB-Scheme CE, cULus, CB-Scheme CE, cULus, CB-Scheme

Inrush current can be limited by a SITOP inrush current limiter: 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC) or 6EP1967-2AA00 (max. 10 A, 100–480 V AC)
Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

in SIMATIC design


Technical data SIMATIC S7-300 design SIMATIC S7-1500 design SIMATIC ET 200SP PS
design design
Output voltage/current, type 24 V/2.5 A, PM1207 24 V/2 A, PS307 24 V/5 A, PS307 24 V/10 A, PS307 24 V/3 A, PM1507 24 V/8 A, PM1507 24 V/5 A, PS 24 V/10 A, PS 24 V/8 A, ET 200pro PS
Article No. 6EP1332-1SH71 6ES7307-1BA01-0AA0 6ES7307-1EA01-0AA0 6ES7307-1KA02-0AA0 6EP1332-4BA00 6EP1333-4BA00 6EP7133-6AB00- 6EP7133-6AE00- 6ES7148-4PC00-0HA0
0BN0 0BN0
Rated input voltage 120/230 V AC, automatic range selection 380–480 V 3 AC
––Range 85...132/176...264 V AC 85…132/170…264 V AC 85…132/176...264 V AC 85...132/170...264 V AC 340…550 V 3 AC
Mains buffering > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) 3 ms (at 400 V)
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 1.2/0.67 A 0.9/0.5 A 2.3/1.2 A 4.2/1.9 A 1.4 A/0.8 A 3.7 A/1.7 A 2.3/ 1.4 A 4.5/1.9 A 1A
––Inrush current 1) < 13 A < 22 A < 20 A < 55 A < 23 A < 67 A < 40 A < 60 A < 40 A
––Recommended miniature 16 A charact. B, 3 A charact. C 6 A charact. C 10 A charact. C from 6 A charact. C, from 10 A charact. C, 6 A charact. C 10 A charact. C 3RV2021-4NA10
circuit breaker 10 A charact. C from 10 A charact. B from 16 A charact. B
Rated output voltage 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC

––Tolerance ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3% ± 3% – 5 %/+3 %

––Setting range – – – – – – 22.8...28 V DC 22.8...28 V DC –
––On/off switch No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Rated output current 2.5 A 2A 5A 10 A 3A 8A 5A 10 A 8A
– Overload behavior – – – – 4.5 A 12 A 7.5 A 15 A –
(Extra Power for 5 s/min)
Efficiency at rated values, 83 % 84 % 87 % 90 % 87 % 90 % 88% 90% 88 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes, and for overtemperature
Parallel switching Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Electronic short-circuit Yes, constant current Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, constant current characteristic Yes, restart
protection characteristic
Radio interference suppression Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B EN 61000-6-4 (Class A)
(EN 55022)
Supply harmonics limitation Not applicable Not applicable Yes Yes Not applicable Yes Yes Yes No
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP67, UL: encl. type 5 indoor
(EN 60529)
Ambient temperature 0…+60 °C 0…+60 °C 0…+60 °C 0…+60 °C 0…+60 °C 0…+60 °C –30…+70 °C –30…+70 °C –25...+55 °C
Installation DIN rail or wall Can be mounted on S7 rail; mounting adapter for DIN rail 35 x15 mm: on S7-1500 system on S7-1500 system DIN rail Screw mounting, e.g., on
mounting 6EP1971-1BA00 carrier carrier ET 200pro system rail
Dimensions (W xH x D) in mm 70 x 100 x 75 40 x 125 x 120 60 x 125 x 120 80 x 125 x 120 50 x 147 x 135 75 x 147 x 135 160 x 117 x 75 310 x 135.5  x 90 
Weight approx. 0.3 kg 0.4 kg 0.6 kg 0.8 kg 0.45 kg 0.74 kg 0.5 kg 0.8 kg 2.8 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, FM, CE, cULus, ATEX, cULus Class I Div 2, DNV GL, ABS CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cULus Class l Div 2, CE, cULus, CSA/UL, ABS, DNV GL, FM CE, cULus508
Div 2, DNV GL, ABS

Inrush current can be limited by a SITOP inrush current limiter: 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC) or 6EP1967-2AA00 (max. 10 A, 100–480 V AC, 1 unit per phase required).
Technical data applies at rated input voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (unless otherwise specified
DC/DC converter
Areas of application for DC/DC converters
Typical voltage 12 – 60 V DC 110 – 220 V DC 600 – 900 V DC
Battery power, DC refreshing,
Applications Supply voltage DC link converter
galvanic isolation
Industries, areas of application Automated guided vehicles, ships Power plants Machine tools, wind energy plants

Suiting product line SITOP: PSU3400 PSU3600 PSU6200 PSU8600 LOGO!Power PSU8200 Lite PSU400M

Summary table of SITOP DC/DC converters and power supply units with DC input
SITOP PSU3400 PSU3600 PSU6200 PSU8600 LOGO!Power PSU8200 Lite PSU400M
DC input 9…18 V 14…32 V 28…60 V 88...250 V 85...275 V 99...275 V 110...275 V 93…275 V 110...300 V 88...350 V 88...370 V 300...900 V
voltage range

Rated output

5V 3 A, 6.3 A
12 V 8 A, 15 A 12 A 7A 2A 0.9 A, 1.9 A, 4.5 A
15 V dual 1.9 A, 4 A
3.5 A
(2x12…28 V) 0.6 A, 1.3 A,
24 V 4A 5 A, 10 A 3.5 A, 5 A, 10 A 10 A, 20 A 3.7 A, 5 A 1.3 A, 2,5 A 20 A 20 A 20 A
2.5 A, 4 A
4…28 V 4x5A
0…52 V flexi 10 A

DC/DC converter

Technical data DC/DC converter

12 V/15 A, 24 V/10 A, 24 V/3,5 A
Output voltage / current, type 24 V/4 A, PSU3400 12 V/8 A, PSU3400 24 V/5 A, PSU3400 24 V/5 A, PSU3400 24 V/10 A, PSU3400 24 V/20 A, PSU400M
PSU3400 PSU3400 NEC Class 2, PSU3400
Article No. 6EP3133-0TA10- 6EP3123-0TA00- 6EP3133-0TA00- 6EP3124-0TA00- 6EP3134-0TA00- 6EP3233-0TA10-0AY0 6EP3233-0TA00- 6EP3234-0TA00-0AY0 6EP1536-3AA00
0AY0 0AY0 0AY0 0AY0 0AY0 0AY0
Rated input voltage 12 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 48 V DC 48 V DC 48 V DC 600  V DC1)
––Range 9…18 V DC 18...32 V DC, 14...18 V DC, short-term 14… 32 V DC, derating for 14…18 V DC 28… 60 V DC, startup from 36 V, derating for 28–36 V 300...900 V DC, startup from
with derating possible approx. 340 V
Mains buffering > 2 ms > 5 ms > 5 ms > 5 ms > 5 ms > 5 ms > 5 ms > 5 ms –
Rated input current 9.0 A 4.5 A 5.5 A 8.4 A 10.8 A 1.9 A 2.7 A 5.4 A 0.85 A
––Inrush current <15 A <15 A <15 A < 15 A < 15 A <15 A <15 A < 15 A <8A
––Recommended miniature 16 A characteristic 10 A characteristic B or C 16 A characteristic B or C 10 A characteristic B or C 16 A characteristic B or C –
circuit breaker (not necessary B or C
in case of feed-in by SITOP)
Rated output voltage 24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
––Tolerance ± 3% ± 3% ± 3% ± 2% ± 1% ± 3% ± 3% ± 1% ± 3 %
––Setting range 24…28 V DC 12…15.5 V DC 24…28 V DC 12…15.5 V DC 24…28 V DC 24…28 V DC 24…28 V DC 24…28 V DC 24…28.8 V DC
Rated output current 4A 8A 5A 15 A 10 A 3.5 A 5A 10 A 20 A
––Overload behavior – – 6 A up to 40 °C – 12 A up to 40 °C - 6 A up to 40 °C 12 A up to 40 °C 30 A
––Derating from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) - from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (2%/K) from +60 °C (5.5 %/K),
300...400 V DC , 824…900 V DC 
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 89% 89.4% 92.5% 91% 93% 90.4% 91.6% 93.5% 95 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
Parallel switching Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units - Yes, 2 units Yes, 2 units Yes, output line switchable
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes, restart Yes, constant current or latching
shutdown selectable
Radio suppression level Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class A (emission)
(EN 55022)
Line harmonics limitation Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable No
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C
Installation DIN rail
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 32 x 100 x 100 32 x 100 x 100 32 x 100 x 100 42 x 125 x 120 42 x 125 x 120 32 x 100 x 100 32 x 100 x 100 42 x 125 x 120 90 x 125 x 125
Weight approx. 0.4kg 0.4kg 0.4kg 0.6 kg 0.6 kg 0.4kg 0.4kg 0.6kg 1.2 kg
Certification CE, cULus,DNV GL, in preparation: ABS, 6EP3233-0TA10-0AY0: NEC Class 2 CE, cULus, CB, DNV GL

The SITOP PSU400M power supply is designed for connection to a DC link power system, which means that the input voltage rises and falls successively while charging the DC link.
Hot plug-in and hot plug-out of the input voltage above 450 V is not allowed. The 6EP1566-3AA00 ballast device for limiting the voltage rise must be used for this purpose.
Technical data applies at rated input voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (unless otherwise specified). 35
in special designs and applications

Technical data Wall mounting

Output voltage/current, type 12 V/3 A, PSU100D 24 V/2,1 A, PSU100D 24 V/3,1 A, PSU100D 24 V/4,1 A, PSU100D 12 V/8,3 A, PSU100D 24 V/6,2 A, PSU100D 24 V/12,5 A, PSU100D
Article No. 6EP1321-1LD00 6EP1331-1LD00 6EP1332-1LD00 6EP1332-1LD10 6EP1322-1LD00 6EP1333-1LD00 6EP1334-1LD00
Rated input voltage 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC 100–240 V AC
––Range 85...264 V AC 85...264 V AC 85...264 V AC 85...264 V AC 85...264 V AC 85...264 V AC 85...264 V AC
Mains buffering > 15 ms > 15 ms > 15 ms > 15 ms > 15 ms > 15 ms > 15 ms
(at 115/230 V) (at 115/230 V) (at 115/230 V) (at 115/230 V) (at 115/230 V) (at 115/230 V) (at 115/230 V)
Rated line frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Rated input current 0.75–0.5 A 1.1–0.7 A 1.5–1.0 A 2.0–1.1 A 2.0–1.1 A 3.1–2.0 A 4.0–2.0 A
––Inrush current 1) < 60 A < 60 A < 60 A < 75 A < 75 A < 75 A < 60 A
––Recommended miniature 10 A characteristic C, 16 A characteristic B
circuit breaker

Rated output voltage 12 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC

––Tolerance ± 2 % ± 2 % ± 2 % ± 2 % ± 2 % ± 2 % ± 2 %
––Setting range 11…14 V DC 22...28 V DC 22...28 V DC 22...28 V DC 11…14 V DC 22...28 V DC 22...28 V DC
Rated output current 3A 2.1 A 3.1 A 4.1 A 8.3 A 6.2 A 12.5 A
– Derating from +50 °C (2.5 %/K) from +50 °C (2.5 %/K) from +50 °C (2.5 %/K) from +50 °C (2.5 %/K) from +50 °C (2.5 %/K) from +50 °C (2.5 %/K) from +50 °C (2.5 %/K)
Efficiency at rated values, 84 % 86 % 86 % 86 % 84 % 86 % 86 %
Signaling contact “DC o. k.” No No No No No No No

Remote On/Off No No No No No No No
Parallel switching Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart
Radio interference suppression Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B
(EN 55022)
Supply harmonics limitation Not applicable Not applicable Yes Yes Yes No Yes
(EN 61000-3-2)
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
(EN 60529)
Ambient temperature –10...+70 °C –10...+70 °C –10...+70 °C –10...+70 °C –10...+70 °C –10...+70 °C –10...+70 °C
Installation Wall mounting, variable installation position
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 97 x 98 x 38 97 x 128 x 38 97 x 128 x 38 97 x 158 x 38 97 x 158 x 38 97 x 178 x 38 105 x 199 x 41
Weight approx. 0.37 kg 0.35 kg 0.37 kg 0.50 kg 0.57 kg 0.55 kg 0.81 kg
Certification CE, cULu, cURus CE, cULus, cURus CE, cULus, cURus CE, cULus, cURus CE, cULus, cURus CE, cULus, cURus CE, cULus, cURus

Inrush current can be limited by a SITOP inrush current limiter: 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC).
Technical data applies at rated input voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (unless otherwise specified).

new! new!

Two outputs Flexible output 0–52 V High degree of protection Slim design Flat design Slim design Power supplies for charging batteries
2 x 15 V/3,5 A, SITOP PSU3600 3…52 V/10A, SITOP PSU3600 24 V/5 A, PSU100P 24 V/8 A, PSU100P1) 24 V/5 A, PSU300E 48 V/5 A, PSU100E 12 V/20 A, PSU3800 24 V/17 A, PSU3800 24 V/30 A, 40 A, PSU3800
6EP3323-0SA00-0BY0 6EP3343-0SA00-0AY0 6EP1333-7CA00 6EP1334-7CA00 6EP1433-0AA00 6EP3344-0SB00-0AY0 6EP3424-8UB00-0AY0 6EP3436-8UB00-0AY0 6EP3437-8UB00-0AY01)
120–230 V AC, 110-220 V DC 120–230 V AC, 110–220 V DC 120/230 V AC, automatic range switching 400 V 3 AC 120/230 V AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC 400–500 V 3 AC
85...264 V AC, 88...250 V DC 85...264 V AC, 88...250 V DC 85… 132/170… 264 V AC 320…480 V 3 AC 85...132/170...264 V AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC 320…575 V 3 AC
> 10/40 ms (at 120/187 V) > 80 ms (at 230 V AC) > 40 ms (at IOut rated) > 40 ms (at IOut rated) > 50 ms (at 400 V) > 20 ms (at 93/187 V) > 15 ms (at 400 V) > 15 ms (at 400 V) > 10 ms (at 400 V)

50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz

2.2-1.3 A 2.6-1.3 A 2.25 A/1.24 A 3.5 A/1.52 A 0.36 A 4.4–2 A 0.7–0.6 A 1.2–1.0 A 2.1–1.7 A
< 35 A < 35 A < 15 A < 15 A < 15 A < 58 A < 18 A < 18 A < 13 A
6–10 A characteristic C 6–10 A characteristic C from 6 A charact. C/B from 6 A charact. C/B 6–10 A charact. C 10 A charact. C 6–16 A charact. C 3-ph. coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10 10 –16 A charact. C 3-ph.
or 3RV2711-1DD10 coupled or 3RV2011-1DA10 or
2 x 15 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 48 V DC 12 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
± 1% ± 1 % ± 3% ± 3% ±3% ± 3% ± 3 % ± 3 % ± 3 %
12…28 V DC 0…52 V DC2) – – 24…29 V DC 48...54 V DC 12…14 V DC 24...28.8 V DC 24...28.8 V DC
2 x 3.5 A (max. 60 W per output) 2–10 A (max. 120 W) 5A 8A 5A 5A 20 A 17 A 30 A/40 A switchable
– – – – – from +60 °C – from +60 °C (1.7%/K) from +60 °C (5%/K)
88% 88 % 90 % 93 % 90 % 92 % 94 % 94 % 94 %

No Yes, and current monitor Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes, two units Yes, two units No Yes, two units Yes Yes Yes
Yes, restart Yes, constant current Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, restart Yes, constant current or latching shutdown selectable
Class B Class B Class B Class B Class A Class A Class B Class B Class B

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

IP20 IP20 IP67, UL: enclosure type 4 indoor IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20

–25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25...+60 °C –25...+60 °C 0…+60 °C –25…+70 °C –25...+70 °C –25…+70 °C –25...+70 °C

DIN rail DIN rail Screw mounting Screw mounting DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail
42 x 125 x 125 42 x 125 x 135 120 x 181x 60,5 42 x 125 x 125 42 x 125 x 125 70 x 125 x 125 70 x 125 x 125 135 x 145 x 150
0.55 kg 0.55 kg 1.1 kg 1.3 kg 0.6 kg 0.5 kg 1.2 kg 1.2 kg 3.3 kg
CE, cULus, NEC Class 2 CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULus CE, cULus, ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div. 2, DNV GL, ABS CE; cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx,
cCSAus Class I Div 2, SEMI F47,

Inrush current can be limited by a SITOP inrush current limiter: 6EP4683-6LB00-0AY0 (max. 5 A, 100–240 V AC) or 6EP1967-2AA00 (max. 10 A, 100–480 V AC, 1 unit per phase required).
Via analog voltage signal 0....2.5 V
Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

SITOP expansion modules
to increase system availability
new! new!

Technical data Redundancy

SITOP SITOP RED1200 redundancy module SITOP PSE202U redundancy module
Article No. 6EP4346-7RB00-0AX0 6EP4347-7RB00-0AX0 6EP1964-2BA00 6EP1962-2BA00 6EP1961-3BA21
Rated input voltage 12 V, 24 V, 48 V DC 12 V, 24 V, 48 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC 24 V DC
–– Range 10…58 V DC 10…58 V DC 19…29 V DC 19…29 V DC 24…28.8 V DC
Brief description of product/function Module for redundancy mode and for decoupling power supplies with Module for redundancy mode; floating relay contact and green LED for signaling “Infeed 1 and 2 o.k.”,
output voltages from 12 to 48 V, e.g. for series connection to increase switching threshold adjustable between 20 and 25 V DC
voltage to up to 96 V or parallel connection of more than 2 power
supplies to enhance performance.
Possible combinations Decoupling of two 12 V to Decoupling of two 12 V to Decoupling of two 24-V power Decoupling and limitation of the Decoupling of two 24-V power
48 V power supplies with output 48 V power supplies with output supplies up to 5 A or one 10-A output to Class-2 limit (100 VA) supplies 5 A to 20 A or one 40-A
currents up to 10 A or one 20-A currents up to 20 A or one 40-A power supply per redundancy of two 24-V power supplies power supply per redundancy
power supply per redundancy power supply per redundancy module 5 to 40 A module
module module
Rated output current 20 A (total output current) 40 A (total output current) 10 A (total output current) 3.5 A1) 40 A (total output current)
Reverse voltage protection 200 V DC 200 V DC 52 V DC 52 V DC 52 V DC
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 97.5 % 97.5 % 97 % 95 % 97 %
Radio interference suppression (EN Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Terminals Push-in Push-in Screw terminals Screw terminals Screw terminals
Ambient temperature –25…+70 °C –25…+70 °C –20…+70 °C –20…+70 °C –25…+60 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 35 x 135 x 125 45 x 135 x 125 30 x 80 x 100 30 x 80 x 100 70 x 125 x 125
Weight approx. 0.35 kg 0.35 kg 0.125 kg 0.125 kg 0.5 kg
Certification CE, cULus, DNV GL, ABS CE, cULus, DNV GL, ABS CE, cULus CE, cULus, NEC Class 2 CE, cULus, cCSAus Class I Div 2,

Max. 8 A summation current in fault case in accordance with NEC Class 2
Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

new! new!

Technical data Monitoring Mains buffering

SITOP SITOP SEL1200 selectivity SITOP SEL1400 selectivity SITOP PSE200U selectivity module SITOP PSE200U selectivity module SITOP select diagnostics Buffer module1)
module with switching module with current limit- with current limiting characteristic and with current limiting characteristic module with current limiting SITOP PSE201U
characteristic ing characteristic common signaling contact and single-channel signaling characteristic
Article No. 6EP4438-7FB00-3DX0 6EP4438-7EB00-3DX0 6EP1961-2BA11 6EP1961-2BA21 6EP1961-2BA31 6EP1961-2BA41 6EP1961-2BA00 6EP1961-3BA01
Article No. with NEC Class 2 6EP1961-2BA51 6EP1961-2BA61
Rated input voltage/range 24 V DC/22…30 V DC 24 V DC/22…30 V DC 24 V DC/22…30 V DC 24 V DC /22…30 V DC 24 V DC/22…30 V DC 24 V DC/24…28.8 V DC
Brief product description Module for distributing the 24-V supply over up to four or eight load circuits and their monitoring for overload; selective shutdown of faulty load circuits, rated current individually Module for buffering during
adjustable; universal use for all power supplies short power failures; parallel
Switch-off characteristic Switching – for standard Current limiting – for increased protection requirements. Current limited to 150% of set threshold value, then disconnection. connection at output of 24-V
protection. Release time Voltage dip below 20 V not possible, i.e. also suitable for consumers that don’t comply with PLC standard. power supplies1). Buffering time
depending on overcurrent 200 ms at 40 A up to 1.6 s at 5
A load current; multiplication
Status indication per output 3-color LED: green – connected, yellow – manually disconnected, red – disconnected due to overcurrent 2-color LED: connected, discon-
possible through parallel con-
nected due to overcurrent
nection; maximum buffering
time 10 s
Signal outputs Diagnostics interface for common signaling or single-channel Common signaling contact. Voltage Single-channel signaling for channel- Common signaling contact
diagnostics. Analysis of single-channel diagnostics via SIMATIC measuring points for current value per specific analysis via SIMATIC S7-function
S7 function block: current, set current threshold value, status output (1 V ≙ 1 A) block. Voltage measuring points for cur-
(on/off), reason for disconnection (if applicable) rent value per output (1 V ≙ 1 A)
Reset, outputs switched on/off Remote reset with 24-V signal. Reset and each output switched on/off via push button Common reset via push button.
Plug-in fuses
Individual load circuits switched on Load-optimized (previous output less than set rated value) 0 ms (simultaneously), 25 ms,100 ms or load-optimized (previous output less that 0 ms (simultaneously),
sequentially + 25 ms, + 200 ms, or + 500 ms set rated value) 24 ms or 100 ms
Rated output current 8 x 10 A 8 x 10 A 4x3A 4 x 10 A 4x3A 4 x 10 A 4 x 10 A 40 A
––Setting range 2…10 A 2…10 A 0.5…3 A 3…10 A 0.5…3 A 3…10 A 2…10 A
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 97 % 97 % 97 % 99 % 97 % 99 % 97 % Not applicable
Parallel switching of 2 outputs Yes (max. 15 A) Yes (max. 15 A) No No No No No Yes
Electronic short-circuit protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Radio interference suppression Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B Class B
(EN 55022)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Terminals Push-in Push-in Screw terminals Screw terminals Screw terminals Screw terminals Screw terminals Screw terminals
Ambient temperature –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C –25…+60 °C 0…+60 °C –25…+70 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 45 x 135 x 125 45 x 135 x 125 72 x 80 x 72 72 x 80 x 72 72 x 80 x 72 72 x 80 x 72 72 x 90 x 90 70 x 125 x 125
Weight approx. 0.3 kg 0.4 kg 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.2 kg 0.4 kg 1.2 kg
Certification CE, UL, cURus, CB, cCSAus Class I Div 2, IECEx, GL, ABS CE, UR, cULus, CB, cCSAus Class I Div 2, ATEX, IECEx, DNV GL, ABS, CE, cULus, UR, cCSAus Class I CE, cULus, ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus
6EP1961-2BA51/6EP1961-2BA61: NEC Class 2 Div 2, ATEX Class I Div 2, DNV GL, ABS

Can be combined with SITOP PSU8200, PSU6200, and SITOP smart 24-V power supplies (except 6EP1 336-2BA10)
Technical data applies at rated input voltage and ambient temperature of +25°C (unless otherwise specified) 39
Uninterruptible power supplies –
SITOP UPS500 maintenance-free DC UPS with capacitor technology

Technical data Maintenance-free DC UPS

SITOP UPS500S–basic unit 15 A UPS501S – expansion module
Energy 2.5 kWs 5 kWs 5 kWs
Article No. 6EP1933-2EC41 6EP1933-2EC51 6EP1935-5PG01
Input voltage 24 V DC, 22…29 V, infeed from SITOP 24 V Infeed from basic unit
Rated input current 15.2 A + approx. 2.3 A in charging mode Description: expansion module for extending the buffering time, up to three units can be
switched in parallel with one UPS500S basic unit
Rated output voltage In buffer and normal mode 24 V DC ± 3 %
Rated output current 15 A, charging current 1 A (factory setting)
or 2 A selectable
Efficiency at rated values, approx. 97.5 %
Overload and short-circuit protection Electronic, automatic restart
Parallel switching No Yes, up to three units
Radio interference suppression Class B Class B Class B
(EN 55022)
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature 0…+60 °C 0…+60 °C 0…+60 °C
Installation DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 120 x 125 x 125 120 x 125 x 125 70 x 125 x 125
Weight approx. 1.0 kg 1.0 kg 0.7 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV GL, ABS

Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

Buffering times and charging times

SITOP UPS500S/501S configurations

Basic unit 2.5 kWs 5 kWs 2.5 kWs 5 kWs 2.5 kWs 5 kWs 2.5 kWs 5 kWs
Expansion modules – – 1 x 5 kWs 1 x 5 kWs 2 x 5 kWs 2 x 5 kWs 3 x 5 kWs 3 x 5 kWs
Total energy 2.5 kWs 5 kWs 7.5 kWs 10 kWs 12.5 kWs 15 kWs 17.5 kWs 20 kWs

Buffering times
Load current
0.5 A 134 s 236 s 390 s 478 s 632 s 748 s 851 s 1,007 s
0.8 A 90 s 167 s 266 s 346 s 440 s 527 s 580 s 706 s
1A 75 s 138 s 219 s 296 s 365 s 414 s 490 s 572 s
2A 38 s 76 s 122 s 156 s 203 s 230 s 265 s 306 s
3A 26 s 52 s 82 s 106 s 136 s 159 s 186 s 213 s
4A 19 s 39 s 61 s 81 s 101 s 120 s 139 s 160 s
5A 15 s 31 s 49 s 65 s 81 s 95 s 111 s 130 s
6A 12 s 26 s 40 s 55 s 67 s 80 s 94 s 106 s
7A 10 s 21 s 34 s 47 s 58 s 69 s 81 s 82 s
8A 8s 18 s 29 s 40 s 50 s 59 s 69 s 79 s
10 A 6s 15 s 23 s 32 s 39 s 47 s 54 s 62 s
12 A 4s 12 s 19 s 26 s 32 s 38 s 44 s 52 s
15 A 3s 9s 14 s 20 s 25 s 30 s 35 s 40 s

Charging times
Charging current
2A 54 s 120 s 158 s 223 s 263 s 318 s 355 s 417 s
1A 110 s 205 s 311 s 425 s 503 s 625 s 695 s 816 s
Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)

Uninterruptible power supplies
SITOP DC UPS with battery modules for bridging longer power failures

Technical data SITOP DC UPS for longer power failures

SITOP UPS1600 UPS1600 UPS1600 Battery module UPS1100 Battery module UPS1100

Energy storage Lead storage batteries Lead storage batteries

Output voltage/current or charge 24 V/10 A 24 V/20 A 24 V/40 A 24 V/1.2 Ah 24 V/3.2 Ah
for UPS1600 10 A for UPS1600 10 A and 20 A

Article No. 6EP4134-3AB00-0AY0 6EP4136-3AB00-0AY0 6EP4137-3AB00-0AY0 6EP4131-0GB00-0AY0 6EP4133-0GB00-0AY0

– with USB interface 6EP4134-3AB00-1AY0 6EP4136-3AB00-1AY0 6EP4137-3AB00-1AY0
– with Ethernet/PROFINET interface 6EP4134-3AB00-2AY0 6EP4136-3AB00-2AY0 6EP4137-3AB00-2AY0
Input voltage 24 V DC, 22...29 V, infeed from 24-V SITOP power supply Recommended end-of-charge voltage
(set automatically by SITOP UPS1600)
Rated input current approx. 14 A at max. approx. 25 A at max. approx. 46 A at max. charging (5 A) Charging current max. 0.3 A Charging current max. 0.9 A
charging current (3 A) charging (4 A)
Rated output voltage 24 V DC (upstream SITOP device or battery), charging voltage: 27.0 V 24 V DC, 22...27.0 V DC (no-load operation)

Rated output current 10 A, charging current 20 A, charging current 40 A, charging current max. 5 A 10 A 20 A
– Overload behavior (power boost for 30 ms) 30 A 60 A 120 A
– Overload behavior (extra power for 5 s/min) 15 A 30 A 60 A
Efficiency at rated values, approx. > 97.7 % > 98.2 % > 98.8 % Not applicable Not applicable
Overload and shortcircuit protection Yes, restart in normal mode Installed battery fuse: 15 A/32 V Installed battery fuse: 25 A/32 V

Parallel switching No No No Yes, up to six units Yes, up to six units

Radio interference suppression Class B (EN 55022) Class B (EN 55022) Class B (EN 55022) – –
Degree of protection (EN 60529) IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Ambient temperature (derating from +60 °C) –25...+70 °C –25...+70 °C –25...+70 °C –15...+50 °C –15...+50 °C
Installation DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail or wall mounting DIN rail or wall mounting
Dimensions (W x H x D) in mm 50 x 125 x 125 50 x 125 x 125 70 x 125 x 150 89 x 130 x 107 190 x 169 x 79
Weight approx. 0.38/0.4/0.44 kg 0.39/0.41/0.45 kg 0.65/0.65/0.7 kg 1.9 kg 3.8 kg
Certification CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV CE, cULus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, DNV GL, ABS, CE, cURus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus CE, cURus, CB, ATEX, IECEx,
GL, ABS cCSAus Class I Div 2 Class I Div 2, DNV GL, ABS cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV GL, ABS

Specifications at rated input voltage and ambient temperature +25 °C (unless otherwise specified)
Battery module selection table:
buffer times and service life

UPS1100 1.2 Ah 3.2 Ah 7 Ah 12 Ah 2.5 Ah 5 Ah

battery module
SITOP DC UPS, for longer power failures Load current Buffering times 1)
UPS1100 battery module UPS1100 battery module UPS1100 battery module with UPS1100 battery module, 1A 27 min 2h 5h 8h 1h 4h
extended temperature range lithium technology 30 min 30 min
2A 14 min 1h 2h 4h 50 min 2h
Lead batteries Lead batteries Pure-lead batteries LiFePo4 batteries
40 min 30 min 10 min
24 V/7 Ah 24 V/12 Ah 24 V/2.5 Ah 24 V/5 Ah 3A 10 min 45 min 1h 3h 36 min 1h
for UPS1600 10 A, 20 A, for UPS1600 10 A, 20 A, for UPS1600 10 A and 20 A for UPS1600 10 A and 20 A 50 min 10 min 30 min
and 40 A and 40 A 4A 7 min 34 min 1h 2h 26 min 1h
6EP4134-0GB00-0AY0 6EP4135-0GB00-0AY0 6EP4132-0GB00-0AY0 6EP4133-0JB00-0AY0 50 s 20 min 30 min 10 min
6A 4 min 21 min 48 min 1h 15 min 48 min
40 s 30 min
8A 3 min 15 min 34 min 1h 11 min 37 min
Recommend end-of-charge voltage: set automatically by SITOP UPS1600
10 A 1 min 9 min 21 min 42 min 6 min 26 min
Charging current max. Charging current max. Charging current max. 0.7 A Charging current max. 2.1 A 30 s 30 s 40 s
2.1 A 3.6 A
12 A – 8 min 19 min 37 min 5 min 23 min
24 V DC, 22...27.0 V DC (no-load operation) 24 V DC, 22...28.8 V DC 10 s 40 s
(no-load operation)
14 A – 6 min 16 min 32 min 4 min 21 min
40 A 40 A 20 A 20 A 50 s 40 s
16 A – 5 min 13 min 27 min 3 min 18 min
30 s 40 s
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable 20 A – 2 min 7 min 17 min 1 min 13 min
50 s 50 s 40 s
Installed battery fuse: 2 x Installed battery fuse: 2 x Installed battery fuse: Installed battery fuse:
30 A – – 3 min 10 min 3 min 17 min,
25 A/32 V 25 A/32 V 25 A/32 V 25 A/32 V
50 s 20 s, 2x 2) 2x2)
Yes, up to six units Yes, up to six units Yes, up to six units Yes, up to six units 40 A – – 1 min 5 min 1 min 13 min,
– – – – 40 s 30 s 40 s, 2x2) 2x2)
IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20 Ambient Approximate service life (drop to 80% of the original capacity),
temperature depending on battery temperature
–15...+50 °C –15...+50 °C –40…+60 °C –20…+50 °C
Wall mounting Wall mounting DIN rail or wall mounting DIN rail or wall mounting
+20 °C 4 years 4 years 4 years 4 years 10 years 15 years
186 x 186 x 110 253 x 186 x 110 265 x 115 x 76 189 x 186 x 113
+30 °C 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 7 years 10 years
6.1 kg 9.3 kg 3.7 kg 3.4 kg
CE, cURus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cURus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cURus, CB, ATEX, IECEx, CE, cURus, CB, DNV GL, ABS +40 °C 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 3 years 9 years
cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV cCSAus Class I Div 2, DNV GL, ABS +50 °C 0.5 years 0.5 years 0.5 years 0.5 years 1.5 years 2 years
+60 °C 1 year
Buffer time determination is based on the discharging time of new and completely charged battery modules with a minimum battery temperature of +25 °C until DC UPS (19 V) turns off.
The SITOP Selection Tool can be used to determine buffer times for additional temperatures and buffer voltages: 2) With two parallel connected UPS1100 battery modules and UPS1600 40 A 43
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